Boybands Family

By n.j.scott

Published on Feb 23, 2002


Disclaimer I don't know Nsync or any of the celebrities mentioned this is no way based on the actual Sexuality of any person. This story is a complete work off Fiction

Thanks to all of you that sent feedback it is much appreciated, sorry I haven't had time to rely but work has been a little hectic

Last time

I had to stop there because I was crying to hard, "believe me I've wait all my life for someone like you I love you" I turn to nick and held him then I moved back looked in his eyes moved forward to his lips and kissed him passionately. I was physically exhausted so I lay down beside nick and fell asleep Justin got up and left. nick stroked my hair held me tight and to feel asleep

4hrs later Justin knocked at the door and I awoke

"come in"

"hay bro dad just left for the airport to get mum thought I'd let you know."

"ok just I'll be out in a few mins can you get all the guys together in the lounge for me thanks"


Justin left I turned to my baby and said "baby it's time to get up, dad just left to get mum and were going to sort out this big mess ok."


We got up made ourselves presentable and made our way to the lounge.

When we got there all the guys where waiting for us,

I made my way to one of the armchairs and took a seat; I was surprised to see the backstreet boys there and I said so, Kevin spoke up at this and said, that knowing where nick was going they made reservations at a hotel downtown and flew down here last night.

It didn't surprise me Kevin likes to be one step ahead of trouble or where trouble is likely to be for one of his boys.

I just shock my head and smiled at Kevin.

We had been sitting in the lounge for about 30 minutes just talking crap when dad returned with mum, I saw Justin visibly tense when she came in and I hope what I found out would heal their relationship.

I sat up looked around and said "well lets get this party started shall we. Moat of you know the story behind who I am and why it has been secret for so long but I have some questions that I need answers to ok?"

They all nodded their heads "right where to start"

I looked around and my eyes settled on my mother and I realised that that was the best place to start.

"ok mum lets start with you shall we" she nodded here head

"ok when did you discover that paul was only after Justin's money" she looked shocked

"during the lawsuit against Transcon, I was just checking over justin's finances when I came across some very odd transfers out of his account, so I asked paul if he would look into it for me he just turned to me and said that I should forget about them, when I said that I couldn't that someone was taking my sons money, he turn to me and said if you don't want the fact that you son is a fag to become public knowledge you will forget you ever found out about this. I didn't know what to do so I just kept a check on his account to see just how much he was taking and how often."

All the guys just sat there stunned no one spoke.

"ok then mother what about me why the legal struggle to keep me away from Justin?"

"this is the question you really want answered isn't it?"


"back when randall first had you come here and you asked to see Justin paul convinced me that you where only after justin's money, so I took out the court order making sure you could not contacted Justin."

she then took a deep breath and looked down

"then when paul found out what you do for a living he was sure if you ever meet Justin that you would find out what he was doing, so using the same threat he used on me for the transfers he made me take out successive court orders and injunctions against you which would make it impossible for you to ever meet Justin and find out what he was doing."

silence filled the room.

I got up out off my seat and made my way over to my mother knelt down beside her wrapped my arms around here kissed here and said," I love you mother"

She began to sob uncontrollably; Justin got up made his way round to the other side of mother and repeated exactly what I did.

We remained that way for several minutes

Then mum spoke up

"how can you forgive me? I've kept you and Justin apart since he was thirteen years old."

"It's pretty easy actually mother you did what you thought was best for Justin you tried to protect him in the only way you new how, I can't fault you or be angry at you for taking care of my baby brother."

"thank you."

" I have a question" said Kevin

"yes" I said

"how did Justin find out about you where did he get the information from if it was so well hidden?"

"it was posted to him"

"by who"

"nick" all there heads spun to look at nick all at once and he just stared at me open mouthed.

I looked at nick and he said "how did you know it was me?"

"oh that was easy Justin had copies of the foster records and I know that there are only 4 copies of that, one in the social services register,

one that mum has,

one that dad has and one that I have, but when I got here I found that my copy was missing from my rucksack and you where the only person likely to go in my bag q.e.d."

nick was looking down at the table when he looked up he looked straight into my eyes and I mouthed the words thanks you.

I let go of my mother and I addressed everyone again,

"but now we have a bigger problem"

"and just what are we going to do about that" said Kevin

"well" I said "nick has decided to actually come out and admit he is gay"

"ok, we new he was going to do that eventually" said howie

"yes but I have decide that I will stand with him as his boyfriend, that leads me to some questions that I have to ask Justin. When this comes out would you prefer that I use the name scott or timberlake?"

"What's the difference?" said Justin

"the difference is if I use scott that will formally end any relationship as brothers that we have, everything about me ever being a timberlake will be buried where no one can find it"

"why are you asking me this anyway?"

"because he's worried what having a gay brother will do to you career" said lance


"well?" I said

"well there really is no contest, we have been apart for over 20 years I will not lose you again, my career could be over tomorrow and it should never come in the way of family, so when you come out you will be a timberlake and proud of it"

"ok, now that's sorted time to sort out our last problem paul."

"why do I get the feeling that you already have a plan and your just going to tell us what it is and hope we go along with it?" said aj

"maybe because you know me to well alex?"


hope you enjoyed this instalment let me know what you think and if anyone wants to proofread this for me I would be much appreciated as I know my spelling and

grammar stinks very badly.


Next: Chapter 6

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