

Published on Jun 16, 2001



Disclaimer: I do not know *Nsync. This is just fiction. I do not know if anybody in *Nsync is gay.

I LIKE FEEDBACK! Don't steal my story either. Or I'll come and get you. =)


Work of Art

Muscular arms. Rigid torso. Flawless smile. Perfect.

JC stood back and admired his finished project. A sculpture of a young man stood before him, smooth and ivory white. Everything about this sculpture seemed so real; from the curly hair right down to the small, pale toes. There was only one thing missing from this beautiful work of art.


It was always JC's dream to have someone to love. Every night he would anxiously wait for sleep to overtake his body so he could dream of his perfect boy. He had only started getting interested in art a few months ago, but was well on his way of becoming famous. Every painting he did, every sculpture, mural, and portrait was of this boy that haunted his dreams.

Some nights JC couldn't visit his dream boy. He would try everything to fall asleep, but nothing would work. That's when he began on this sculpture to try and make his dream boy come alive.

He had worked restlessly for three days straight, making sure every part of this body was absolutely flawless. JC would run his hands over the cool surface, to make sure everything was smooth and even.

JC slowly stepped up to his masterpiece, slipping his arms around it.

"I wish you were real. Nobody knows how much I would give up just to have someone just like you." JC whispered. He lingered in his half embrace for a few more minutes and turned in for the night.

The sculpture stood tall in the dark. Only someone with sharp eyes would have noticed it's different change in position.

There was something peculiar about JC. He had bags under his eyes and came out of his house rarely. Neighbors would see him go out of his house, lock the door and look around suspiciously. He would then walk quickly away and see him shortly come back with an armful of bags. He wouldn't come out again until a few days later, repeating what he had done before. They all thought he was doing some kind of drugs and didn't bother him. But they were wrong.

JC was not on drugs. He was in love. He was so infatuated with his creation that he bought it clothes and jewlery like it was real. JC was getting poor. He sold all of his other paintings and sculptures just to buy his dream boy everything.

"I've never loved anyone before." JC whispers. He sits in a paint splattered chair, staring intently at his creation.

"I just wish that one day you will be real. I want to hold you, kiss you, make love to you. But you're nothing but a slab of rock. You don't even have a life." JC sighs and gets up.

"I got you something else today. I know you think that I spoil you, but I can't help it. I love you." JC takes out a shopping bag and reaches in to bring out a red silk shirt.

"This should fit you perfectly. Here." He thrusts the shirt out towards the silent figure and then frowns.

"Oh, I forgot again. You're not real." JC says sadly. He unbuttons a shirt already on the sculpture and dresses it with the new one.

"I didn't think red would fit you so perfectly! But then again, everything is perfect when it's on you." He runs his hands over the silk cloth, feeling the hard stone under it.

JC sits back down in his chair and returns to staring longingly at his creation.

JC ran through the hallways, searching for his sculpture. He couldn't find it anywhere.

"Where are you?!" JC's frantic screams echoed through out the whole house. Suddenly the ground turned upside down and JC was tangled in a huge spider web. As he struggled to get loose, he spied his sculpture around the corner. He finally disentagled himself and ran to his artwork.

"I found you! Don't you ever leave me again!" JC reached out to touch the flawless statue when it crumbled into pieces and shattered onto the floor.

"No!" JC screamed and woke up with a jerk. He ran into the other room and found his sculpture standing, unmoved, in the middle of his living room.

"It was just a dream. Only a dream." He said to himself. JC hesitantly touched his dream boy and breathed a sigh of relief to find it didn't crumble.

"I can't ever lose you. You know that don't you?" The figure said nothing.

"Do you love me as much as I love you?" The figure said nothing.

"Will I ever be able to hold you without feeling you're coldness?" The figure said nothing. JC frowned.

JC slowly settled himself to the floor and curled up in a fetal position. Sobs wracked his body as he lay crying.

"You're not real. You're not real. You're not real." He cried.

"I'll never love anybody more than you. How could I?" The figure said nothing.

"I want you so bad, but you're not real! I can't live with the fact that you're not real." JC stayed on the floor, crying to himself, for a few more minutes. He slowly got up, rubbing his drying tears away.

"If I can't have you, I might as well die. I can't live without you."

"I've never done this before, but I want to do it before I die." JC says to his dream boy. He leans into his sculpture and kisses those cool, lifeless lips. With tears spilling from his blue-gray eyes and on to his cheeks, he turns away from his beloved.

"I love you." JC says and raises his gun to his heart...

Warm red blood sprays all over the sculpture, staining it from white to red. The flawless smile on it's hard face slowly turns into a frown. Red tears streak down from the emotionless eyes, making the sculpture come to life. The hard limbs become soft and supple. The sculpture has come alive.

Standing in a pool of blood, it kneels down to caress it's master's face.

"Thank you."


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