
By Art Penman

Published on Mar 31, 2020



This story involves teenagers dominating an older man; small penis humiliation (gay SPH); and elements of 'magical realism' to heighten the dick size disparity. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you to everyone who wrote in after chapter three, with ideas or just to say they'd enjoyed the story - it's a great motivator to write more.

Thank you also to the many Nifty authors I've enjoyed for over half my lifetime (and many of whose tropes I have shamelessly pilfered!). Thanks also to Nifty itself, to which you should consider donating.


"Just when did you know you were a clitty little pussyboy?" Xavier asked.

It was morning. We were squeezed into the rickety single bed in his dorm room, the blanket much more austere than the plush duvet in his room. When we awoke, Xav had put his hand down the back of the knickers he'd made me wear last night in which I'd slept. He began to caress my tender hole and - tenderly still - had kissed my neck 'til I awoke.

When I roused, I felt his other arm reach around me, pulling me in closer to his taut compact torso. The intense heat radiating from his body contrasting with the draughty coolness of the ancient school's boarding house. And that cock. The Fuckclub. It was no surprise to feel it pressed up against me, it felt like it stretched halfway up my spine.

Noticing I had awoken, Xav niftily pulled the knickers from my body and shucked them to the floor. I turned around to his seraphim boyish face beaming at me. A shock of gold and pink - his dirty blond hair and naturally flushed high-rise cheekbones. The darkness of his eyes offsetting his golden hair. His boyish face made all the more alluring and unbelievable by that smooth but manly adonis body and that man-sized mammoth cock.

He ripped the blanket away and around us poured the cold air. My boyclit had been soft. I'd long lost the propensity for morning horn - my little dicklet used to decades of being ignored, including recently by me. The sudden coolness made it shrink further. He stared down at it - haughty yet fascinated.

"I told you yesterday how I found out about my cock's size and power. I want to know your story," he went on, almost sympathetically, "I want to know when you first found out about that little thing's tininess and impotence."

I felt the hot chest flash of embarrassment, the sudden dryness of mouth, of stories buried deep but which sometimes welled up as shocking awkward memories on the cusp of sleep.

"Well," I said, "I also found out when I was fourteen."

My captor and prince charming smiled knowingly, knowing the comparisons would end there...

"I was playing Truth or Dare with some friends. Boys and girls. We were at Dominic's house; he was having a party when his parents were away. We'd already had a bit to drink, so a lot of dares were being taken and they got pretty raucous pretty quickly. A girl called Leanne dared Dominic to show us his dick. He said he'd only do it if the other guys did too."

"Well, I was pretty taken up in the moment, and didn't know then what I know now," I explained to Xav, feeling my little dick twinge in rare acknowledgement.

"So, I said I was fine with it. The other three boys there, and Dom, were fine with it too. I was pretty excited about it in fact. I got a stiffy - and assumed the other boys would have one too. Anyway, the five of us lined up opposite the girls and got ready to pull down our trousers and boxers. One of the girls counted down. Three, two one...

"There was silence. I stole a glance to my right where the other four boys were standing. They did weren't hard at all, but every single one of them was bigger soft than my hard-on was. Then one of the girls started giggling and pointing. Then the boys turned around and started laughing too. Pretty soon the room was just full of people sniggering at my dick: taunting me because of its size, because I was hard. I was known as pindick at school for the rest of the year. It was awful," I finished.

"I bet. I can't even imagine," Xav said with rapt attention, his hand idly stroking his nine-and-a-half inch cock. "How did you know you weren't just a late bloomer?"

"I knew," I replied ruefully, "I already had my fair share of pubes. Judging by that, if anything a couple of the other boys looked a little earlier on in puberty than I was. Their cocks were still bigger, though. Even soft."

"How did it make you feel?" Xavier asked.


"Well, you are," Xav stated matter-of-factly. Seeing the hurt look on my face, he backtracked a little, "As a man, I mean. You can't expect to be anyone's man if you're packing not just less than Slipper, but less than three inches, Art. Come on. But it's a good thing."

I looked at him, wondering what he could mean. He stopped stroking his cock, bringing his fingers to my nose for me to inhale his scent. He began stroking my face.

"It's a good thing because," he went on, "now you can focus on what you were meant to do. Who you were meant to be. A pussyboy. Nature's given you that tiny little pindick for a reason. To help you realise you were never meant to fuck anyone - that you need a man like me to train that mouth and that boypussy of yours to be the best holes they can be."

His hands came down once more to give my buttcheeks a reassuring squeeze.

"So that was it, then? After that you never even tried to lose your virginity because you were afraid of being found out for being a pindick?"

I winced at the cruel playground moniker.

"Well, I did try once. I was twenty-three. Some friends encouraged me to download Grindr, which I did. I got chatting to a hipster guy. His profile said he was nineteen and vers. He was telling me he had a bit of a chav fetish. After a couple of days, he kept pestering me for a meet, and the nudes he'd sent had got me quite horny, so I accepted and went over to his house.

"We made out for a bit. He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, but maybe that's just the pace of these hook-ups and I was just nervous.

"He said 'Can I ask you something?' and I said 'Okay.' Then he said 'Do you mind if we change into grey trackies? Both of us? I think it's really hot.' And I agreed.

"A few minutes later, he'd procured two pairs from his chest of drawers and we were undressing ourselves. I saw he'd taken off his boxers. He was hard as rock.

"I steeled myself to follow suit, waiting until a moment when I thought he wasn't looking. I pulled down my jeans and boxers, and was fumbling to get the trackies on as quickly as possible when I heard him say 'Oh my god!'

"I awkwardly stepped into and pulled up the trackies as quickly as possible, now trying extra hard to shield his view of my dick-"

"Your clit, baby," Xavier reminded me, still stroking my face-

"My clit," I corrected myself. "Anyway, I asked him 'What? What is it?' He said 'Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry.'

"So we started making out some more. He looked pretty good in the trackies, although it all felt a bit inauthentic as I'd seen him in his hipster gear minutes earlier. As we kissed, I felt his cock hard up against my hip. It wasn't even that big. Well, it was big compared me, but not compared to your friends and especially you, Xav. Anyway, he pulled away and I looked down, seeing his package in the grey trackies.'

"'Are you okay?' he asked me, looking down too, 'why aren't you hard?' 'Yeah, I'm fine. I - uhh - I am hard,' I told him.

"He surveyed my grey trackies and the distinct lack of dickprint, he bit his lip, shaking his head, and said 'Look, I'm sorry, I can't do this. You can't even tell you're a guy!'"

Xavier's eyes were alight as my sore anecdote reached its bitter end.

"'You can't even tell you're a guy'", Xav repeated, "That's brilliant. Well he got that right. The trouble is, Arthur, you met up with a "vers" boy. They don't know what they want. An adorable pussyboy like you needs a man who's all top. The reason I don't care how tiny your dicklet is - the reason I in fact like it - is because I've no interest in ever doing anything with it. I've never been fucked, I've never sucked cock, I have no interest in it at all. And soon I'll get you to a place where you never have any interest in it at all either."

Suddenly he jumped up from bed. His massive morning wood had not subsided at all, and bounced up and down, jutting out from his slip waist and hips - longer from the side view than his torso. He rummaged around his rucksack and pulled something out.

"I wasn't sure they made them small enough, so I had to get a website to make this especially. Sit up."

I stirred and sat upright in the bed. To my surprise, he got down on one knee! (I was usually the one on my knees around him.)

I knew Xavier was making efforts to make me feel more girly, and I have to say having this extraordinarily gorgeous boy on one knee before me made me feel giddier and girlier than I ever had before.

"Here," he said, handing me a small metallic ring. "Squeeze your little balls and your clit into that."

It was a bit of a squeeze, and the metal was cold, but I managed it.

"Rotate it a bit, so that bit of metal with the hole is at the top. Good, now take this."

He handed me what looked like a little metal cage.

"Make sure you stay soft now. Okay, now put your clit into the cage, so that bit there fits over the metal bit on the ring."

The cold metal was thankfully doing a good job of keep my soft little dicklet small and soft. I complied with his instructions, under his close supervision.

Next up, in his hand, he showed me a little padlock.

"Do you know what is?"

"A padlock?" I said dumbly.

"Not this," he laughed, patient, "the thing you just put around your boyclit!"

"Ah!" I said naively, "no."

"It's a chastity cage. If I put this padlock on it, it means no one can get near your dicklette. Not even you. Only I can, as I'll have the key. It will also stop your little clit getting hard, not that it does compared a normal guy anyway. And over time it will stop getting hard altogether even when it's not in the cage. It might even get even smaller too. Not that we seem to need much help there.

"Now, I've not put the lock on yet, because I need to know this is what you want too. What I want is to turn you into a true pussyboy. Someone who never thinks of his own dick. Someone who needs my dick to get off. Someone who only ever gets pleasure from using his lips and his pussy to get me off. Someone whose dicklet is so tiny, people laugh and point instead of wanting it inside them. Someone whose boyclit is so soft and small it could never be inside someone even if you tried. That's the level of pussyboy I'm into Art. If you think you could be that pussyboy for me, I think we could be together for a long time."

My heart was racing - I was swooning. "Yes!" I said, right away. I didn't need to think about it. Sure, Xavier was tough and firm with me; sure, he could get rough and sadistic. Sure, he had a humiliating streak about him where he liked to point out my tiny clit - to me and the whole world. But when a boy as gorgeous and hung and accomplished as Xavier Lynch says he wants to mould you into someone with whom he can be together for a long time, there is only one answer. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Xavier's face lit up. His hand moved forward as he hooped the padlock into place.

"Look at me," he said. My thirsty eyes drank in his hungry predatory gaze, as I heard him click the padlock shut, locking away my clit just as he'd wanted. The quick sharp click gave me my first small surge of apprehension - but it was small, and melted away as I saw the shudder of pleasure and control the sound gave him.

He bit his lip. "Get on your hands and knees on the bed and face the other way," he said.

I turned around to do as he told me.

"It really is a beautiful pussy," he told me, manhandling my buttcheeks. "That's what this is. That's what you have - a pussy," he reiterated.

"My little pussyboy princess has as a pussy and clit, not a dick. You say it. What are you?"

"I'm your pussyboy princess," I moaned, - anyone who saw us would not be able to believe how much this cocksure teenager made me, a man over ten years older than him, swoon.

"And what do you have?"

"I have a pussy," I repeated.

"And not a dick," he pressed.

"I have a pussy and not a dick," I agreed.

"Yesss," Xavier hissed. Fucking a girl's pussy was one thing, Xav thought. But having a male before him on his hands and knees, willingly presenting; a male who was anatomically (if perhaps not socially) capable of fucking, but never had and never would - the power was unreal. Xavier felt his nine-and-a-half inches chub up unfathomably nearer to ten.

"Show me that pussy, baby," he said.

I reached behind me and spread my buttcheeks.

"Yesss," Xav said again.

Still on all fours on the bed facing the wall, I felt his hot breath against my inner thigh. And then the other. He began kissing, kissing my thighs, then upward, nearer and nearer my hole.

Fuck, Xav thought. Eating someone out what not something he did often. He preferred the pleasure to be all his. But if he was going to shape Art into a perfect pussyboy princess, he thought, he'd have to have him genuinely believe his hole was a pussy - his one true sex organ.

I heard and then felt Xav hawk and spit once. Twice. The warm viscous gob splattering my hole. Then I felt him dive in. It was only the second time I'd been eaten out, the first being Teddy on the journey to their boarding school the previous day. I heard Xavier moan contentedly, his tongue running slowly and sensually around my hole. It was incredible. I could hardly believe and yet wasn't at all surprised at how deftly Xavier caressed my recently-minted boypussy with his lips and tongue. I felt wave upon preternatural wave of pleasure pulsing from my sphincter up my spine. His tongue moved with both surgical precision and animalesque instinct. Then the licking and kissing became more frantic. Xavier was eating my hole like a starving man. The whole thing went on for ten minutes, then twenty. I looked down. Through the small metal cage encasing my clit, I was leaking precum like crazy.

Xav's hand, until then placed firmly on mine on my cheeks, moved mine to where my precum was drooling onto his bed - so it began to gather in my hand. Another ten minutes later my palm was greased with a slick healthy film of it.

"Okay, lube yourself up, princess," he instructed.

I reached back and smeared the precum, which he'd so nimbly procured from me with his incredible new-found hole-eating skills, around and in my hole. I wanted it. I wanted to feel the thing which had led us both here - I needed the Fuckclub inside me, so I would know what a real man's dick felt like.

Lubed up as I'd been told, he moved me around on the bed so I was on my back. He pulled my legs towards him and up onto his shoulders. And - with his feet still planted on his dormitory floor - Xavier thrust his cock forward. Not to my hole at first, but between my legs, so I could see the Fuckclub up close next to my tiny caged clit.

"Measure it for me," he whispered in earnest. "Quickly, I need to fuck you."

I loosened the tape measure I still dutifully wore as a tie for him. I brought it down to his cock and carried out the task with which I was now so familiar.

"Oh fuck," I breathed. "It's nine-point-eight inches long." I continued. "And seven- point-two inches thick."

That arrogant cocky smirk I knew so well spread across his face. This kid was Hung. As. Fuck. And by gods he knew it.

His flush erection tensed, leaking some of its precum onto my cage.

"Now you. No, wait. I want to do it."

He took the tape measure from me. Confident that he wouldn't need to touch my clit to do it now, as it was now safely ensconced in the bizarre chastity contraption. He squinted down.

My boyclit strained against its cage to no avail. It was smooshed to capacity in the tiny cage, with no room in which to get hard despite the hotness of the situation. "Fuck, it's two inches long by - hmm, I can't get the girth. If the cage is a still over two inches round, it means that little clit of yours must be less than two inches in girth."

I nodded my assent, feeling possibly cheated of even a fraction of an inch despite the dick size disparity.

While some might think it unfair, to compare Xav's monstrous erection with my flaccid little clit, I was starting to learn better. It was the natural order of things. The Fuckclub had its name for a reason. It was a cock. A famously enormous man's cock, built to be hard hard hard, for Xavier to use to pound away at pliant holes 'til he'd got his nut. My clit meanwhile was none of those things - its tininess and, now, its soft soft softness served only as reminders: for me, for Xav, for anyone he cared to tell - reminders that I was a pussyboy, his pussyboy, born not to fuck but to be fucked.

"So, tell me," he said, "tell me what that means."

"You are eighty-seven times the man I'll ever be," I said, daringly reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck. I saw his muscles flex as he could take it no more. His inner beast raring to go. He reached down, aimed his cock for my little pussyhole, and slid it in - slowly but determinedly to the hilt.

This was a strong but slow and sensual fuck. He left my arms wrapped around his neck. He even at one point leant forward and pecked me on the lips. After the warming up his tongue had given my hole, and the tender mood he was evidently in, the usual pain from having so many inches stretch me was minimal - rather, those waves of toe-curling starry-spangled pleasure started up anew. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't just this young alpha's sex toy, amusement, bitch boy, but also his lover. And I hoped he felt it too.

"I'm gonna cum inside you, baby," he said, after six minutes of heaven, leaning forwards so I could feel his warm firm muscles clammy with teen sweat rub against my torso. "I'm gonna knock you up and make you my little pussyboy wifey."

The sliding of his firm abs against my tummy was well lubed too, by the gallon of precum he'd made me leak from my clit. The sliding of his cock became more determined than ever. Suddenly he leant back and looked at my caged clit in all its tininess - I could see the power that the contrast with his monster cock splitting me in two made him feel. Then I felt it, I felt that legendary thick long cock tense like fire geyser five, ten, fifteen times - my hole tightening around it, needing his seed inside me so he'd know I was his, not wanting his monstercock to leave despite the gut-rearranging size. He collapsed panting on top of me.

"That was hot. And kinda sweet," he said, as I stroked his dirty blond hair. "You know I'm not always gonna be so sweet with you though ... right pindick?"


I hope you are enjoying this story. Any feedback and suggestions, from any Arts and especially any Xavs out there, would be much appreciated at

Next: Chapter 8

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