Boys Next Door


Published on Feb 18, 2023

Gay ICQ: 45862060

If you're not an adult, not gay or not interested: don't read this.

This story is based upon the Australian TV series "Neighbours". For more information about the series and the characters mentioned in this story, try a web search at Yahoo or one of the other search engines.

Please note, this story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the characters or actors who play them. It is based on pure fantasy.

It's probably also worth mentioning that time has moved on since I wrote the last instalment of BND, characters have come and gone - none of the main characters in these stories have left however - so there may be slight differences in the overall plot. I don't think it will make too much of a difference though. Enjoy!

The programme and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Grundy International Operations BV.

Boys Next Door (Pt. 6): Water Boys

Living in the same house as Paul was becoming like torture for Tad. Being so close to the guy and yet not being able to be with him in the way he wanted. Sure, he enjoyed being friends with the guy, it was the best he could do under the circumstances. It had got even better after Madge and Harold took him in, he and Paul became closer, almost like brothers.

Still, it wasn't exactly how Tad wanted it. His morning hardon under the bedsheets told him that. Another hot steamy day ahead, sitting by the pool with Paul. Watching him with only his swimmers on. Having to lay on his front to disguise the hardon that seemed to be almost constant from the moment they started splashing in the water until it was time to go inside again. Tad grasped his hard dick and stroked it a couple of times.

'Not yet' he thought to himself, 'that's going to have to wait until I take another cold shower'. With that the 16 year old got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Tad's best friend Paul was in the next door bedroom. He heard his mate moving around, out of his room and the bathroom door being closed. Paul was sitting on the edge of his bed. His chest bare after discarding his T-shirt last night when it became too warm to sleep with it on, and his hands plunged down inside his old boxers. Just stroking his hard shaft with one hand and rolling his balls around with his other. The top of his dick poked up a little over the waistband of his shorts.

This was just too much. Tad was fun to be around. He liked being the guy's friend. But being so close to him all the time. When all he really wanted to do was take a grip of the boy and rip all his clothes off. Spending the day together just about naked by the pool all summer long wasn't helping. There were loads of times Paul had sat in his bedroom late at night after everyone had gone to sleep and listened to Tad, just breathing. A couple of times he'd heard his friend's breathing becoming shallower and faster, like he was working out or something. Paul liked to imagine exactly what it was that Tad was working out, and plenty of times he'd had to pull down his boxer shorts and join in too.

Paul heard the shower stop and the bathroom door being opened. Tad called his name, asking if he was awake. Quickly Paul pulled his hands back out of his shorts and dived back into his bed, covering the lower part of his body with the sheet. Tad knocked at the door of his bedroom.

"Pauly, mate, you up yet?" Tad asked through the closed door.

"Yeah, sure come on in." Paul replied, trying to sound as if he'd just woken up.

Tad walked into the room. It was impossible for Paul not to notice that his best friend was covered only with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked him over for a moment. His hair was dark and slicked back, with little water droplets running all over him, down his neck, onto his flat chest. His nipples looked ready for a good going over with his tongue. Paul shifted his eyes down quickly, only to be stopped by that towel covering the rest of him.

"Have you got a spare pair of swimmers you can lend me?" Tad asked, "All mine are in the laundry and I forgot to dry the pair I was wearing yesterday." The boy asked. Tad stood as he asked the question. He was sure that Paul's mind wasn't totally on what he'd just asked him. He thought he could see his eyes wandering all over his body. Nah, that couldn't be right. Paul had just broken up with Hannah after she'd moved to Darwin and he was now trying to get into the knickers of one of the new girls that moved in across the street. Paul was straight. Wasn't he?

"Yeah, yeah, sure, go ahead" Paul replied, his mind being brought quickly back to earth by Tad's voice stopping. "There should be a pair in the top drawer over there." He added, pointing to his chest of drawers on the other side of the room. Even Tad's back looked perfect to Paul as his friend turned around to get the swimmers out of his drawer.

Paul's mind wandered again. He thought about Tad slipping into a pair of his swimming shorts. He imagined all the jack-off sessions he was going to have as he rubbed his own cock and balls against the material that Tad was about to slide onto himself.

Tad opened the drawer and picked out a pair of swimming shorts from the pile of shorts and undies that Paul kept in that drawer. Out of the corner of his eye, Tad noticed a pile of clothes that Paul had been wearing last night. He'd often wondered about sneaking into his friends room to see if he could find a pair of Paul's used undies that he could 'borrow' for one of his late night sessions. His friend was usually really tidy though and had all his dirty stuff in the laundry before Tad had a chance of getting anywhere near. And, although he'd tried, beating his meat with a clean pair of Paul's boxers just wasn't the same as being able to smell his scent on a used pair. This might be Tad's only chance, he had to get Paul out of the room so that he could get hold of the shorts he was sure must be in that pile.

"These okay?" Tad asked, turning back around and holding up the pair of swimmers he'd got from the drawer. Paul was looking at him kind of funny. Like he was just stirring at his semi- naked body. Tad quickly rejected this thought, he decided that he'd been after his best friend for too long and it was making him a little unstable!

"Huh? Yeah, fine." Paul said, like he'd totally forgotten why Tad was standing without any clothes on in his bedroom for a moment.

"So, you going to get up today or what?" asked Tad, desperate to get Paul out of the room.

"Yeah, yeah, in a minute." Paul replied, not exactly keen to get out of bed with Tad still in the room. His cock hadn't gone down. In fact it had been made ten times harder by Tad coming into his room first thing in the morning, wet and with just a towel to hide his modesty.

"Awww, come on man, I want to get out to the pool before it goes dark." Tad said, as he walked over to Paul's bed. "Maybe we could invite that chick from over the street, that should get you up." He added, taking hold of the top of Paul's sheet and yanking it off from over his mate.

"Hey!" Paul shouted, trying to grab hold of the sheet before everything was revealed. But it was took late. Tad had practically pulled the thin sheet right off the bed.

Tad looked down at his friend and realised exactly why Paul hadn't been so keen to get out of bed with him in the room. He could see the outline of Paul's throbbingly hard prick in the tight cotton of his shorts with the front a little damp around the tip. "Oh, shit, sorry man, I didn't no^Å^Å err^Å." Tad tried to find the words to put his friend at ease, whilst secretly trying to take in as much of this sight as possible.

"Don't worry about it." Paul said, a little sarcastically, as he tried to cover his crotch with his hands. He could feel himself going more and more flushed all the time. He did notice that Tad was really taking an interest in him though.

"Well, hey, mate, it's not like I've never seen a hard dick before!" Tad joked, trying to lighten the situation. All the time his mind was working faster than ever before. This could be the ideal situation for him to find out if Paul would only ever be a friend. But how to do it.

"Yeah, but you've never seen mine before." Paul remarked, sounding a little pissed off, but secretly glad that Tad had seen him in that state. "Nah. But it looked pretty impressive." Tad heard the words coming out of his mouth, but couldn't believe that it was him saying it. He prepared himself for the worst. This would be the end. He just knew it. Paul wouldn't want anything to do with him and his reputation around the neighbourhood would be ruined. He'd have to leave, go back to the country and live with his parents.

"What did you say?" Paul asked. He knew what he thought he'd heard. He thought that Tad had said, in a round about way, that he liked his cock. That's what he'd heard, surely?

Tad gulped hard. He knew that Paul had heard him. There was a serious look that had crossed his face. That's how he knew he'd heard him. There was no way he was going to be able to shift himself from this particular hole. "You know what I said." Tad replied sharply before turning around and walking out of the room.

Paul couldn't believe what had just happened. For months and months he'd dreamt about being with Tad. All the time he'd been fooling around with Hannah, it was only to make him seem 'normal' to everyone else. Tad was always going on about trying to get further and further with just about every girl in school. There was no way that Tad would ever be interested in maybe fooling around with him. But this changed everything. Paul did know what Tad had said. He knew what it could mean. But he also knew that Tad clearly had no idea that Paul was interested too. If he didn't do something quickly, he might not get the opportunity to do anything at all. Tad was bound to try and paper over what had happened between the two of them. He only had a couple of minutes to decide what to do. In the end, it didn't take him that long.

Getting up out of his bed, Paul looked across at himself in the mirror. He noticed his expression showed that he was terrified of what he was about to do. He tried to pull himself together and smiled. His white teeth glisened and his brown eyes opened wide. Today was going to be the day. Now or never. He took a deep breath and walked out of his room. Cock, although a little softer now, was still clearly outlined in his shorts. That wet patch wasn't going to go away. This was how he wanted Tad to see him again.

Paul knocked on the door, but got no reply. He opened the door to Tad's bedroom anyway and walked in closing the door behind him. Still Tad said nothing. He didn't even look up. He was just sitting on the end of his bed stirring blankly at the wall straight in front of him. Paul took another breath and walked up to him.

I gently stroked Tad's head for a moment, lightly running his fingers through his friends dark blond hair. That got Tad's attention. The 16 year old looked up at his friend for a moment. He had a puzzled expression on his face, and Paul knew instantly that Tad hadn't been messing around with him, he genuinely didn't expect Paul to react to what had just happened like this. Paul smiled again, and he noticed Tad visibly relax. Like a great pressure had just been lifted off his shoulders. Paul knew that he wanted to lift another type of pressure from his best friend.

Without a word between them, Paul dropped to his knees. Instinctively, Tad opened his legs out a little, allowing more room for Paul to get in between them. He shivered a little has Paul's hands took hold of his waist and moved gently down to the towel that was still wrapped around him. Tad just looked on as he saw Paul's fingers moving to the soft cotton material and began to pull the two sides apart. He pushed the towel from around his friend's waist and leaned back a little to see exactly what he'd just revealed.

Tad's dick responded to being revealed in this way. It started to swell up as his balls hung loosely underneath, all framed by his slight mound of black pubes. He looked into Paul's face and watched him smile as he saw Tad's dick and balls for the first time. Tad couldn't help but gasp a little as he felt Paul's hand running inside his thigh, eventually his finger tips coming into contact with the soft skin of his ball sac and moving up along his prick. All the time Tad's cock got harder and harder. Paul wrapped his fist all the way around his friend's meat, and felt it as it grew and grew.

It just seemed to get harder and harder in Paul's hand. He watched, fascinated as Tad's dick grew beyond the six and a half inches that he had in his own shorts. It felt like it was getting thicker and thicker too, Paul had to loosen his grip a little. Eventually, Tad's prick stopped getting harder at seven and a half inches and just throbbed in Paul's hand. This was the first time that another hand, apart from his own, Tad realised, that had touched him there in this way.

Paul released Tad's prick from his hand. It slapped up against Tad's belly, smearing his tanned skin with a little precum that had started to bubble up out of his shaft. The two boys smiled at each other as Paul pushed his friend back onto his unmade bed. Tad lifted his head slightly to watch what his mate was doing. Paul reached his hands to his shorts and hooked his thumbs inside the waistband before pulling them right the way down over his cock, now at full mast again, before throwing them onto the piles of Tad's dirty clothes that covered the floor.

He moved forward and started to lay down on top of Tad. Their nipples rubbed together a little as their hard dicks mashed together, both boys rubbing themselves up against the other a little. Their arms wrapped around each other, roaming up and down each other's bodies. Tad was amazed at the way Paul's slightly bulky chest rubbed against his own flatter one. Their belly's smooth, smeared with a little of each other's precum slid from side to side. Their pubes tangled together whilst their balls bashed lightly against each other's. Paul leaned over and whispered into Tad's ear, "I think that you might be a little more impressive!".

Then their lips, like the rest of them, joined together. They pressed hard against each other's mouths. Both of them had kissed girls before, but this was something entirely different. They enjoyed the way their slightly stubbley faces rubbed and scratched against one another. The way they played rough with each other, their tongues fighting against each other in the centre of their open locked mouths. They exchanged juices from each other's mouths as their tongues swirled around inside Paul's mouth before being pushed back into Tad's. Backward' and forwards. In and out. Over and over again. It felt like they had been kissing each other for hours and hours. Making up for the months and months they had spent together, but not being completely together.

Finally, it was Paul who broke off. His cock was so hard it almost hurt. He could physically feel his prick splurging out more and more precum between their two bodies pressed so tightly together. For a moment he actually thought he'd cum with the intensity of their kiss. But this 16 year old could go the whole distance, and he was going to do it for the first time on this bright summer morning, with the only person he really wanted to be with.

Paul moved down Tad's neck, sucking, nipping and kissing as he went. He made sure that he left his mark on Tad's neck before he moved down to his chest. His mate would have a lot of fun with his friends about where that one came from. Paul's hands stroked up and down Tad's sides, as he felt his mate's dick sliming him with more and more his cream. Soon Paul placed his mouth on one of Tad's nipples and started swirling his tongue around it. He flicked his tongue over and over it a couple of times. Each time Paul put a bit of pressure on it, he could hear Tad moan and feel his body writhe underneath him. With his hand, Paul took hold of Tad's other nipple and started pinching, squeezing, rubbing and pulling a little. This just made his friend gasp louder and louder, moaning deeper than ever before. He switched and gave Tad's other nipple a bathing with his saliva, whilst getting his hand to work on the now hard one.

He continued down, further and further. Trailing his tongue over Tad's body. Leave a line of saliva everywhere he went. Paul ran his hands over his friend's chest as he moved his tongue onto Tad's belly. He played a little with his belly button. Again flicking in and out, slapping it with his tongue, before swirling his damp organ around it. Paul could feel his chin now rubbing into Tad's pubes. His nostrils began to fill with the scent of Tad's horny crotch

Lifting his head up again, Paul looked firstly up at Tad's face. Completely blank expression. Eyes shut tight with his mouth parted slightly as he continued to moan softly. Then down to his crotch. Shit, Tad was huge. Definitely the biggest dick he'd seen. Sure, Paul had seen Tad naked plenty of times after PE or swimming in school, but he had no idea that his dick would rise to the length that it did when the lad was turned on. His cock was angled up slightly, his foreskin rolled right the way back. His dick head bright red, covered in precum, shining in the light and throbbing widely. Paul brushed a hand down to his own prick and rubbed it back and forth a couple of times before running a hand under his weight balls, and deciding not to put it off any longer.

Paul went back down again. He tongued around the side of Tad's shaft. Running it up inside his thighs. He continued to run his hands over Tad's chest, and rub his nipples, keeping them hard and very sensitive to each and every touch that Paul gave. Tad's pubes tickled at Paul's nose a little. His nostrils full of the smell of precum, sweat and sex. He moved a hand down to his own organ and started wanking himself gently, as he continued licking at his mate's bollocks. His tongue ran underneath Tad's balls a little. Lapping up the sweat that had started to build behind his big nut sac.

He took one of Tad's balls into his mouth. This made his friend almost shout out with the pleasure of it. Before this morning, Tad hadn't even had a hand job off anyone else other than himself and he certainly never imagined that he would have anyone, let alone another guy, and definitely not his best friend Paul, with their mouth wrapped around his dick and balls. Paul rolled it in his mouth, before letting it drop out and taking the next one. Rolling his tongue around it, like it was the most delicate thing in the world. Like before, Paul let Tad's ball drop out of his mouth, before wrapping his lips around the entire sac. He filled his mouth with Tad's bollocks, swirling his tongue around the thin, very sensitive skin. He heard Tad moaning louder than before. At that moment, neither of them seemed to care if anyone heard or not. There was more important work to be getting on with.

Paul moved his mouth of Tad's balls, and trailed his tongue up the thick vein, now throbbing wildly, on the underside of his friend's enormously stiff cock. Paul looked up at Tad who had opened his eyes slightly to watch what was going on. Paul winked at his friend and kept looked at him as he brought his hand to lift Tad's prick up slightly and wrap his lips around the head of it. Tad just groaned louder than ever as his head collapsed back onto the bed. Paul's mind just went wild. The first time he'd ever had a cock in his mouth. The first time he'd been this intermit with another person. The smell and the taste of Tad's hard, warm prick just overloaded his senses and nature seemed to take over.

He kept sliding more and more of Tad's organ into his mouth. His tongue moved up and down on the bar of flesh, slicking it up good and proper as it started to disappear down his throat. He could feel Tad's hips bucking slightly, trying to cram as much of himself as possible down Paul's throat. Paul just held Tad's dick down his throat for a moment, letting Tad calm down a little before feeding a little more of the fleshy tube into him. Paul was a little surprised as he felt his nose cushioned by Tad's pubes and his chin come into contact with his wet ball sac. He couldn't quite believe that he'd managed to get all seven and a half inches of his best mate inside him. And now he knew he could fit all of Tad up him, he knew that having him in at one end wasn't going to be enough.

Paul pushed Tad's dick in and out of his mouth a couple of times. Trying to slick his dick up as much as possible. He went slower and started building himself up. Tad just writhed on his bed. His whole body overtaken by what Paul was doing to his prick. He couldn't think of anything. His mind was just a whirl of the smell and feelings coming off both their bodies. Everything centred around his prick. He could feel his organ stretching Paul's mouth wide open and it ploughed in and out. Never before had he felt this helpless, and yet never before had he felt so at ease with himself.

Finally, Paul stopped. Tad couldn't believe it. He had felt himself so close to being tipped over the edge, and his friend had stopped. He was about to say something, trying to find the words as he watched Paul move up over him again. Paul's hand scooped up his hard member as he began to lay down on top of him again. This time, Paul's hand brought his own cock too and he held both of their dicks together. The sensitive cock heads of the two boys pressed together, their precum mixed straight out of their slits. Their chests came together once more.

Leaning forward, Paul kissed Tad hard on the lips. Tad's mouth opened, allowing Paul's tongue to invade him once again. This time Tad could taste his cock on Paul's tongue. He swirled around again inside Paul's mouth, taking a little of his own precum from all around. Probing around his best friend's mouth, stroking the sides, running his tongue around those bright white teeth. Again their kiss broke and Paul lifted his head up a little. Both boys looked at each other straight in the eyes. Paul's big wide brown eye's stirring intently into Tad's sparkling, mischievous, blue ones.

"Put this in my ass" Paul said, tugging on Tad's cock.

Tad had to think for a moment about what had just been said. There was no mistaking that he'd heard correctly though. Paul, who had just spent the last half an hour working his mouth up and down Tad's body, now wanted him to plunge his prick up inside him. This was it. Both of them wanted to be virgin's no more. And Tad was only too pleased to help his friend out. He just nodded his head. His head still too full with everything that had gone on to speak.

It was a bit of a surprise for young Tad, when Paul stopped him from getting up from his position laying on the bed. 'He's just told me to fuck him up the ass' Tad thought to himself. Paul soon revealed what was going on. His voice sounding a little horse and strained told him, "Nah, mate, I'll do the work." Tad knew exactly what he meant.

Paul lifted himself up off Tad once again and squatted down over his friend's dick. With one hand Paul took hold of Tad's throbbing member and gently lowered himself down. Tad's eyes were just fixed straight ahead his best friend. Holding his own prick in one hand whilst he lowered himself down on top of it. Tad could feel himself tingle all over as finally, he felt his cock head come into contact with Paul's ass crack. A couple of soft hairs gently tickled around the ultra sensitive tip, his foreskin still rolled all the way back. Paul moved Tad's cock slightly, aiming it up with his puckered hole. Finding the spot, Paul began to sink slowly on to his friend's stiff pole.

Paul had always wanted his first time to be like this. Ever since he found out how much pleasure he could get from sticking a couple of fingers inside himself as he wanked his dick in the shower early in the morning before school, he knew he wanted his first time with a man to be just like this. He wanted to be doing all the work. More importantly, he wanted it raw. And he was getting it. Although it hurt a little as Tad's cock travelled up inside him, pushing past all the resistance his ass was giving him to start with, stretching his hole open wider than he ever imagined possible, he kept going. Paul knew what he wanted, and he was going to do this, no matter what he had to go through.

Tad was feeling pretty much the same. He could do nothing except look on as he watched his cock disappearing up his best friend's ass. He'd always thought Paul was good looking. Only now he looked even better. Those big brown eyes were still wide open, his face clenched a little at the feeling of having this big prick of his moving deeper inside him. For Tad it was a feeling like nothing other. Not for the first time in the past hour, he felt like the universe was rotating around his cock. There was nothing else that mattered. Just him and Paul. He could feel the way his dick was stretching his best mate open wide. He might have slowed down, only he wasn't in charge of how fast or how slow he was going. Literally, he could do nothing except lay back and enjoy the sensation of his prick sliding deeper and deeper inside another person for the very first time.

Inch by inch, Paul was getting more and more used to the sensation of Tad's cock invading up his ass. He could actually feel for the first time the slippy walls of his ass as his friend's shaft travelled up further inside him. The tip of Tad's prick felt blunt and sharp all at the same time. As a burning sensation overcame him, before dying down again. Finally, he could feel Tad's pubes against his own balls, and Tad's balls against his ass crack. At last, he'd done it. He had Tad exactly where he wanted him. Deep inside his ass.

Paul just sighed, as Tad let out a huge groan. Realising that Paul was sitting down on top of him, with his cock buried deep inside the guy's ass. Tad grabbed hold of Paul's dick and started yanking it backwards and forwards. Bringing his foreskin right over the top of his dick, covering both his shaft and his hand in Paul's precum, each time making the whole thing feel wetter and more slippy with each thrust.

In no time, Paul responded to the feeling of Tad wanking him. Actually touching his prick for the first time with his hand. The first hand other than his own to touch him there. To give him those feelings. And Paul had to try and give a little of that back to Tad. He began to lift himself up off Tad's prick. He could feel it sliding out of his ass, all the way he went, whilst Tad still furiously held on to Paul's cock, wanking it backwards and forwards, nothing more for him to do as the precum dripped down off Paul's shaft and hit him on the belly, mixing with the mixture of the pair of them gathered in a small pool from just a few moments ago.

Tad's dick was nearly all the way out of Paul's chute. Just the head of his swollen organ left inside. Paul responded again by ploughing himself back down, feeding all of Tad's dick back up him in just a couple of seconds. Both boys moaned loudly, with the sensation. Once more Paul lifted himself up. He needed more of this. All the way out. Tad's prick head the only thing left him, before Paul rammed himself down again, he heard his ass crack slapping against Tad's balls.

Paul's dick suddenly exploded, shooting jet after jet. Hitting Tad on the face, before trailing down his neck, onto his chest, before pooling with the precum on his belly. His dick just kept cumming and cumming. Spraying more and more juice from his heavy balls out. Paul tried to lift himself up off Tad's dick again, but before he had the chance, his friend screamed with the intensity of his orgasm. His balls emptying their load deep inside Paul's ass. He took hold of Paul's thighs and just held himself up there. Not wanting to move his cock. Too sensitive to move. Too much cum to spray.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, both boys' orgasms subsided. Paul's cock seemed to go limp almost immediately in Tad's hand. But he didn't let go. He just held onto his friend's dick. The last few remaining drips of cum running onto his hand and down the length of his arm. With that, Paul just collapsed on top of Tad once again. Tad's dick slipped out his ass, and he could feel some of his friend's cum dripping out of him and running down his balls, mixing with his pubes.

The two lay there. Paul on top of Tad. Their dick's spent. Their mind's still reeling with what they had just done. The realisation that no matter what they had talked about doing and with whom in the past, they had both been with the one person they truly wanted all along.

Well, we got there in the end then. Part six done, and the first major part of the Boys Next Door series complete. There might be more to come in the future if enough people want it! Write to me at or use ICQ. My number is 45862060. Whatever way you choose, I look forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 7

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