Boys of Eternity

By TriadSync

Published on Sep 12, 2023


AUTHOR: Ezra Vaughan

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NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Welcome to my innermost world of love, sex and fantasy! All my stories are fictional, with hints of realism from my youth and beyond. If you find that my stories touch your Soul or help stimulate you in any way, please find me on Patreon and get to know me better ^_^

MY PATREON: . . . BOYS OF ETERNITY (Part 2: The First Move)

The band trip was a success for the entire band, as we placed in the top three in the state. As for getting away with Alex at the hotel, there wasn't really a chance to have any privacy with each other, since we were always surrounded by other students at every time of the day. And much to my surprise, Alex and I DID have one more hot jack off session with each other on the bus ride home.

It began in a similar fashion to the first one. We weren't even sure if we would sit next to each other, but we somehow subconsciously planned it. Alex wouldn't allow anyone to sit next to him, and when I was very slowly passing by, he happened to scoot over in his seat to allow room for me. It was during the evening, when we rolled out on the road, and we didn't actually start doing anything sexual until it was full-on dark on the bus. Thinking back to those two times on the bus never gets old.

The next few weeks in school, after that band trip, Alex and I were friendly to each other, but we didn't talk much at all. We saw each other every day in Band, and we also had English together later in the day. When we did see the other, it was more of a silent hello or nod when we passed, and sometimes we would smile. It isn't that I didn't want to talk with him. I just didn't know what to say or how to act. I didn't know how to make the next move, or if there should be or could be a next move.

And so, I dove right back into my music studies. I had already made All-State Band the previous year, and I had made a 1+ on my solo at State Contest my Freshmen year. My Sophomore and Junior years, I was awarded a 1-Rating on my solos at State Contest. For my Senior year, I had to prepare for college, which meant I needed to know how to improvise. I needed to know how to create my own music, instead of always reading the music on the pages.

Besides Alex, music was all I heard inside my mind. I saw the scales and all the fingerings in my head, even when I was sitting in other classes or at home by myself. I could hear passages of music very clearly, and I could see all the patterns and how they resolved to the final ending of a passage or music piece.

And thankfully, last year, a teacher from another school heard me at All-State tryouts, and she recommended me to an amazing jazz educator who happened to be living in the next city over. Little did I know at that time, this teacher had traveled the world and performed with some of the biggest names in today's modern jazz. I jumped at the chance to study with this teacher, and he helped me to learn things I never knew existed in music.

If I could just get better at the sax and music in general, I could move on to bigger and better things. Meaning, I could FINALLY get out of this small and bigoted town. I could do something with my life in a big city and get paid to do what I love. Music was my ticket out of town. It would get me to college, and it would take me to stages all over the country and elsewhere. That was my dream. It HAD to happen.

Along with my goal to get better at music, I soon realized that I was also doing all this practicing simply to keep my mind busy. Being engaged in music, listening to music, studying it. It helped me to get through the days when it hurt too much to think about Alex. Some nights, after practicing for three hours, I'd lie in bed with music running through my head, while thoughts of Alex would penetrate into my being from out of nowhere.

Sometimes, when I really needed to vent, I went to school an hour early so I could practice, since I couldn't practice at home in the morning. My band director was gracious enough to open up the room for me in the mornings. I suppose he saw me as a work in progress, and he really took me under his wings. One day, when I went in early, as I approached the door to the band room, I heard the loud banging of a drum set. For a few minutes, I stood outside in the hall just listening. It was amazing! Whoever was playing sounded like a professional.

I cracked the door and peaked in. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. Sitting behind the drums was Alex, playing like it was his last moment on Earth. I had no idea he was THAT good. He could easily be in a band. Not knowing what to do, I silently shut the door and sat down in the hall. There was no way I was going inside, just me and him alone in the room. There was so much emotion and confusion in me in that moment while I waited for class to start.

Once it started, I acted as if I had just gotten to school. I walked into the band room and sat down, not daring to look around. Class began, and everything settled in, just like all the other days.

Then one day, out of the blue and in the middle of the day, while I was talking with a friend of mine, Cassie, I noticed that Alex had walked up behind her. He was leaning against the wall with one foot propped up on the wall, and he waited patiently for me to finish my conversation and say bye to her. That was miraculous, because Cassie is loud and could go on for hours and hours.

"For reals!" Cassie was wide-eyed and very animated. "I totally thought Mr. Abrams would lose it after Jacob threw that eraser at the board then punched the desk. It smacked it so hard, but Teach was all calm and cool. I think Jacob was unnerved by him."

"Uh huh. Uh huh." I was nodding my head and staring at Alex out of the corner of my eye. I like Cassie, but honestly, all I wanted was for this conversation to end so I could talk with him.

She continued. "And then, Mr. Abrams picked up the eraser. He was totally silent. Didn't even say a word. He just COMPLETELY ignored Jacob, like he wasn't even there. And then, he continued lecturing like nothing happened. And the whole time, Jacob was pissed. He wasn't sure if he should start shouting or what, but he was looking around at everyone for support I guess."

"Uh huh. Oh, yeah. I heard about that." I wasn't even sure what Cassie had just said.

Before she could move on to her next thought, I focused my attention on Alex. "Hey, you. What`s up?"

Cassie looked at me, then at Alex, then at her phone. "Oh shit, I gotta run. I forgot my book in my locker." She took off in haste toward her locker.

Alex then pulled me to the side of the hall. He was extremely nervous, and he looked down at the floor, then back up at me. I simply waited for him to speak.

"I... ummm... I'm really sorry." He look as if he was on the verge of tears.

I frowned, and my forehead creased. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

He shook his head up and down. "I did, and I didn't. I didn't do anything to you, but I did ignore you. I didn't mean to. It just happened, and I wanted to talk, but I couldn't bring myself to."

My heart was racing. I wanted to hug him right there, but I couldn't. Not in front of everyone at school. I realized I was holding my breath, and I audibly let it out. "You know, I could have talked to you also, but I didn't. I wanted to. There were times when all I could think of was you. And I still couldn't make myself approach you. So, I'm sorry."

He sniffled. "Then... then, ummm... if it's not too weird for you, I'd like to hang out." His head was hanging, and he was staring at the floor again.

I gently lifted his head up so that he could see my face and eyes. "No, it's not weird at all. Thank you for making the first move again." I touched his hand with my finger and quickly withdrew it. "I was trying to find a way to talk with you, and I didn't really know what I was gonna say. But just like you made the first move on the bus, you came to my rescue just now and made the first move again. So yeah. I'd LOVE to hang out with you."

It took a few seconds, but he was beaming from ear to ear. He raised his arms, almost to hug me, but slowly put them down and into his pockets. "You know... that day you came to school early and I was playing the drums, you could've come in. I thought you would, but you shut the door and didn't come in til Band started."

For a moment, I was speechless. "I... I didn't even know you saw me. For one, I was surprised that you were that good on the drums. I was seriously impressed. And two, I didn't know what I'd say if DID walk in. When I shut the door, I didn't go anywhere. I was just sitting on the floor in the hall just listening to you play. It was amazing."

He was quiet, and I saw that his eyes were a bit watery. "When would you like to hang out with me?"

Before I could think, I blurted out, "Any time. The sooner, the better." I bit my bottom lip and took a breath. "I'll ask my parents if you can come over. I don't live far from here." I then glanced at my phone and took a step back. "We really have to get to our classes. We're both late now." We exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.

After a string of texts and getting permission from both our parents, we set up a day to hang out. I didn't live far from school, and I just walked every day. And because of that, we eventually got into the habit of walking together to my place after school let out. Alex had his license, but he didn't have his own car, and his mother would pick him up at my place at 6:00 after she was off work at 5:30.

The arrangement was perfect with the schedules of both of our parents. My parents always got home around 5:30, since they closed up their private medical office at 5:00. They were happy that I had a friend to accompany me, as they felt it was safer for me. Not that anything was gonna happen in a small town in Missouri anyway.

The first time we decided to hang out, the entire time seemed like we were in a far-off magical kingdom. Nobody existed but us. We were so engrossed with each other, that time seemed to stand still. On our walk home from school, Alex told me that he really wanted to give me a proper kiss, since the kiss that he gave me on the bus wasn't proper or long enough.

The way he brought it up was very cute. "So uhhh... you know how I kinda pecked you on the lips when we were on the bus?" He fidgeted a bit while we walked. "I thought about this a lot, and I wanna give you a proper kiss. That time on the bus was so fast, and it was literally all I could do in the moment. I feel bad, cause I didn't want you to not feel special. Does that make sense?"

My heart melted when I heard him say that. He wanted me to feel special! "That does make sense." I let out a giggle. "Alex, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me." I was staring at the ground. "When we get to my place, you can give me that kiss." I twisted my lip, and a frown appeared on my face. "You know, we'd be fucked if anyone saw us kissing out in the open." There was a hint of sadness in my voice, as I knew we just couldn't be free like everyone else.

"I know." He too put his head down and stared at the ground while walking. But as quickly as he frowned, he looked up, and a smile appeared on his face. "But... I really like you. Like... a lot. Nobody has to find out, right?"

His words immediately made me feel better. His smile and his words were so infectious, I found myself smiling as well. "No. Nobody has to find out. As long as we can hang out together and do whatever we wanna do, I'm good as gold."

We were almost to my house. The feeling it gave me was pure excitement, as I knew we would soon be alone together. We walked up the stairs to the front porch, and I unlocked the front door. Alex looked around in all directions as if nervous. "We're okay," I reassured him. "We're almost home free."

The moment we walked in, and once I shut and locked the door, Alex spun me around and locked our lips together. His lips were already wet from licking them, and his tongue soon found its way into my mouth. I lashed my tongue out at his, and we stayed that way, sucking on each other's tongues for what seemed like an eternity. After we finally pulled slowly apart, Alex was panting. He pressed into me very close, and the thick package that he was sporting pressed into my own raging hard-on.

"THAT was the proper kiss I wanted to give you." He pressed his nose up against mine.

"That was so amazing," I whispered.

"I agree." There was a playful smile on his face. "There's more where that came from. At least I hope so?" His eyebrows raised.

"Of course!" I tugged on his sleeve and pulled him toward the hallway leading to my bedroom. "Are you okay hanging out with me in my room?"

"I mean... yessss. I'll hang out with you anywhere." Alex gently bit his bottom lip and stared at me with a longing face.

"Oh. My. God." I shook my head and stared back at him. "You are so so adorable." "No. YOU are." He leaned forward and kissed me again, then we both sat on the bed. We were silent for a few seconds, and he fidgeted a bit. "When did you know that you liked boys?"

I curled my lip and looked upward, contemplating his question. "I don't really know. For as long as I can remember, I've always liked boys. Cute boys. Sporty boys. Skinny boys. Femme boys. I don't think there was a time that I didn't like boys."

He nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah. I think that's the way it was with me too. But when I first saw you on the first day of school? You were different than all the other boys I've ever jacked off to. I knew I wanted you, but like... I also REALLY WANTED you. If you know what I mean?"

I was so turned on by his words, I had to shift, because my dick was pointing through my jeans, and it was really kind of uncomfortable. "You make me feel really good. And for the record, the first time I saw you, you shattered my entire world, and I knew I had to do whatever it took to get close to you."

For nearly a minute, he didn't respond. My heart almost skipped a beat. Did I say something wrong?! "Alex? You okay?"

"I'm sorry," he responded. "I was trying to ask you something, but I couldn't find the right words, and I just choked up."

"Awwww." I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around him. "Take your time if you need to, k?"

He gave me a cute smile. "I wanted to know if you'd like to see me, like regularly. Like... all the time." He rolled his eyes. "Oh my god! I keep choking up!"

"Can I try?" He nodded, and I continued. "Can we be boyfriends?"

"YES! That's what I was trying to ask you!"

"Then it's official!" My arms were already wrapped around him. I kissed his neck, then kissed him on the lips. He giggled, then he licked my lips.

That made me giggle. "Do it again." I snickered when I said that.

His tongue came out and slowly licked every part of my lips. My breathing was erratic and loud. He was even drooling all over my mouth, and I was okay with that. From out of nowhere, I felt sparks of electricity shooting up my spine, and my head was tingly. "Gods, you make me feel really special. I looooove your tongue."

"Do you?" Alex climbed on top of me and gently pushed me down on my back. "You want more of it?" I could only nod and whimper. He leaned forward and stuck his tongue deep into my mouth. "Is this okay with you?" I whimpered again while quickly bobbing my head up and down.

Both our tongues were wrestling, and I could feel the pressure of him sucking on my tongue. Without warning, I felt a bunch of liquid seep into my mouth. OMG! His saliva! It's sooo hot!

"Unnnnggh." It was all I could manage to say.

For a moment, he looked worried. "Was that okay what I just did?!"

A smile spread across my face. "That was more than okay. I've never had that done to me. I LOVE your spit. You can do that to me any time you want. You don't even have to ask. Just surprise me, okay? It's soooo hot."

He bit his bottom lip while staring at me, and the right side of his mouth creased upward. I heard him take a long breath in. "God, Emmett. You're one cute boy." The wheels in his mind were turning. "What are you thinking?" I asked him.

"Can I... can I take my shirt off? I mean... can WE take our shirts off?"

I grinned. "You're so polite." I started lifting his shirt up. "I'd love to see you naked."

We both quickly pulled our shirts off. I was still on my back, and he was staring down at me. And in that moment, I realized that this was the scenario I had always dreamt about. I was so horny, and so hard. Any movement could make me shoot my wad. Alex slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

"Please," I whispered. "Please give me your tongue again."

His tongue quickly darted into my mouth, and with that, the onslaught of his saliva came flooding in. I was ecstatic. I wanted more. The feeling of his wetness was sending me over the top. He lifted his head and stared at me. While he was staring at me, I gently pushed him back and made him sit up. He was unsure of what I was doing, until my hands went to his pants. I started undoing his button and zipper. Once I had it undone, he did the same to me.

We were both exposed. It was the first time for us both, seeing each other's dicks in full view. And just like my fantasy, he kissed me on the lips, then the neck. And he worked his way down to my nipples, licking them both. My body jolted each time his tongue ran over my nipples. He then worked his way down to my belly button and kissed every inch of my stomach, before trailing his tongue down to my swollen cock. Before taking my cock into his mouth, he looked into my eyes and licked his lips. I nodded and gently thrust it forward, touching his lips. He then closed his eyes and swallowed me whole.

"Aaaaahhh... oh my god! That feels so good!" It was less than a minute, and I couldn't hold it in. "Alex! Alex! I'm gonna cum!" Instead of pulling away, he sucked on me harder while jacking me off at the base. My hips thrust, and I shot six streams of milky fluid into his mouth. He swallowed the first few loads, but he kept the last few in his mouth so he could swirl it around.

His eyes were still closed, and I could see his tongue moving around inside his mouth. He slowly opened his eyes. "It tastes soooo good."

Some of my cum spilled out of his mouth and ran down his chin. I pulled him close and licked my fluid from his chin. It drove me nuts. I too love the taste of cum. My own cum. His cum. I pulled his head toward me and pressed our lips together. He spit my cum into my mouth, then licked my lips and my cheeks.

I pushed him back a little. "Your turn." He nodded. I wanted it so bad. "Make me suck it."

He knew what I wanted. And just like my fantasy, he got right over my face and pointed his dick at my lips. "Suck it."

My lips wrapped around his cock, and I moved up and down and ran my tongue along his head. While sucking, I was using my left hand to jack him off, and my right index finger made its way to his cute little hole. I swirled it around the outside of his ass, and I could hear him moaning and breathing hard. Without warning, I pushed my finger in. The moment I entered his ass, he screamed and began pumping my mouth full of his boy juice. Seven streams of cum entered my mouth. It was so much that it was leaking out of both corners of my mouth.

He looked down and saw all the jizz coming out. Not wanting to waste it, he leaned forward and licked it up. We locked lips again and kissed until we had both swallowed every drop of his cum. Slowly, our lips parted, and he gently kissed my nose, cheeks and lips, before rolling off to my left side, his back facing me. We stayed in that position, my arms wrapped around him for what seemed like eons.

Finally, we both began to stir. He turned and faced me. "Emmett?"


"You're a dream come true for me."

I froze. I was stunned just from the mere words he used. "Wait. You mean that?!"

Alex twirled some of my hair between his thumb and index finger. "Of course I do. I wouldn't just say things for no reason. Who does that?"

I gave him a sarcastic look. "Every person on every sitcom or movie, and pretty much anyone else in high school or college." I paused. "And also most adults."

His forehead creased, and he had a serious look on his face. "Well, I'm not like them. I'm me. And if I tell you something, it's cause I actually feel it and mean it."

"Oh." I felt kind of bad. "I didn't mean anything by it. I was just surprised that you'd say something like that. You have to remember, all of this is super new to me. And well, I don't know. It's just new to me. But for what it's worth, you're a literal dream come true for me too."

He had a sad look on his face. "I don't want to go home."

"I feel the same way. I don't want you to go home either."

He kissed me and snuggled closer. "We have this coming week after school."

"And the next week," I told him.

He sat up. "As much as I don't want to, we both have to clean up. Your parents will be home soon. We have to make it look like we're just chilling out."

"I know. You're right." I looked around for my phone. "What time is it?"

He glanced at his phone. "It's 5:19."

"Ohhhh." I was sad. "We only have a few more minutes together."

Sensing my sadness, Alex kissed my nose and my lips. "That's not true." He kissed me again. "Like we said, we have the next couple of weeks to look forward to. And then some."

I nodded and forced a smile.

"I take that back." He pulled me close and held me tight. "We have all of eternity together."

I didn't know what to say. I was feeling choked up in that moment. "I... I..."

"It's okay. I love you, Emmett." He looked deeply into my eyes and said it again. "I love you so much. I knew I had these strong feelings for you when I saw you for the very first time in the band room."

A tear rolled down my cheek. "Just like on the bus, and afterward at school... you made the first move. I love you too."

He took the back of his hand and wiped the tear away from my face. "I made the first move, cause I was scared."

"What do you mean?"

He continued. "I was scared that if I didn't do something, I'd never have a moment with you. That the days would just pass, and we'd always just be friends in passing, just acquaintances. So I took a chance. I figured, the worst that could happen was that I'd be outed. But since I'm a Senior, I'd be out of this town soon enough and it wouldn't matter anyway."

I felt like full-on crying. My heart was thumping. He was like a clear lake, telling me his secrets, and telling me `I love you'. And I was speechless. He was clearly stronger than me in every way. It was all I could do but wrap my arms around him, and maybe some of his inner strength would rub off on me.

As I moved to put my arms around him, he gently took my arms and placed them at my sides. And with a gleam in his eye, he wrapped both his arms around me. A few tears had already streamed down my face, and he kissed my eyes and rubbed our faces together.

We sat quietly like that for the next three minutes, until he broke the silence. "Come on, babe. Your parents will be home any minute."

He stood up and offered me his hand. As I took his hand in mine, a certain comfort washed over me, knowing that I was no longer alone. I let that settle in me as we walked to the front room.

I was no longer alone.

Next: Chapter 3

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