
By josh tribalboy

Published on Jun 28, 2011


Disclaimer: This is an imaginative piece of pure fiction. The author does not advocate any such activities. Please don't think it actually happened or ever would in this day and age. Even if you wish it did. But maybe our ancestors had more sense.

It contains adult content including graphic (but tasteful!) sexual contact between a teenager and minors, and graphic language. No violence or compulsion.

Obviously do not read it if it is not legal to read stuff like this where you live.

If you like it you could write to (who holds the copyright) and tell me what was the best, and where you would like it to go further.


This is about when Ethan and me decided to form our own boytribe, a few summers back. Ethan was only nine then. I guess we're lucky to be so close. A bunch of guys I know don't like their bratty little bros, specially when there's a big age difference, but me and him, we get along just fine. I guess we owe that to a messy divorce and me having to look after him so much. He use to cling to me a lot back then, climb in my bed night after night, crying and stuff -- but we got through all that and it gave us a bond, and we came out of it just fine.

We were comfortable around each other. When he got in bed with me he would hug me, and even when he was very little he liked the way my penis went hard when he touched it. When I started shooting it was natural I showed him. He thought that was really cool and he loved to help me out. So by the time of that summer, when I was 15, we were doing real big guy stuff and had been for years. He loved it and as my cock had grown so his ass had stretched with it. It was a perfect fit -- it just felt so good and right to share those feelings.

I could tell you all about those days but I want to share that summer, because it was the best time. It was Ethan's idea, kinda. We were having so much fun and he wanted his little buds to get in on it. He had already told them about the joys of jacking, and the highs you get from a boygasm. They would gather in his room after school and have a session. I would hear them and their little gasps and moans, and that had made me horny as -- usually I had to get him on my cock as soon as they went.

But I was a bit worried about them blabbing, if I got them involved. He was so proud of my cock and wanted to show it off. So we developed a plan to make them swear to secrecy.

One weekend just before school was out for the summer, I went back up into the forest and found the old wigwam I built the previous summer. To my amazement it was still in pretty good shape. I was pretty close to my granma round about the divorce, and she use to tell me all about the old times in the forest, stories she heard from her granddaddy and had been passed down the line. His daddy had been half native American, and I guess we got our good looks there -- both skinny but firm bods, pretty dark, tanned well and with deep brown eyes. I got into wearing my hair long, shoulder length, because for me everything about the original peoples was awesome about then, and anyway I liked the look on me. Ethan followed me for a while but now it's more messy and kinda Bieber-like, like most of the kids his age round here.

I had taken him up for a night the summer before, after I had built the wigwam over a few weeks. I had hauled up the willow saplings from near our house, the laborious part, stuck them in the ground -- partly the way my granma told me it was done (wickawam she called it), partly I googled it -- and then I built it mostly just from stuff I found lying around and some old ropes and tarpaulin. It was in the lee of some big old trees and surrounded by a dense bunch of younger maples, so you couldn't see it from more than a couple feet away. I made a clearing in front of the entrance, just big enough for a fire with a circle of stones and enough room to sit around it. He loved it when he saw it and wanted to stay all the rest of the summer, but I thought it was best just the one night at first. We sang and screamed out loud -- no-one around for miles. We are lucky enough to live right on the edge of the largest national forest in the whole region, and an hour's trail hike gets you well away from the real world.

He clung to me all night, sometimes scared when an owl hooted close, or there was some mysterious rustling in the trees -- but mostly for joy -- the sheer pleasure of our warm bodies naked and sweating together. I loved the feel of his smooth skin, his body fitted neatly in mine as I hugged him from behind. Inevitably my cock would get hard as soon as we lay like this, sliding on its own between his smooth thighs. This is how we had slept most nights for years, familiar, comforting, but still always exciting. But of course, once hard, there was no way we could sleep until we had both got off! By then he could take it just with spit, and sometimes we would hardly move from that position and I would slowly slide it into his hot little hole, and taking our time, we would gently rock in the dark until I felt his ass clench and spasm, milking my dick, making me shoot right off into him. Other times it would be wild and animal like and I would be throwing him around, his little body a sex toy for me as I lifted him up and fucked him hard. But that night was a slow night and somehow it was very special, up there in the forest, in our wigwam made from willow and leaves and moss. That time, for the first time, it occurred to me that Ethan was much more than a brother, more than a fuck bud -- he was everything that mattered to me.

So next summer, the summer I wanted to tell you about but I keep getting distracted, we both wanted to stay up there longer, and have a wonderful time. That's when he started talking about his friends, his jack off buddies. There was three of them, all in his class. I knew them, they kinda liked me cos I wasn't off hand with them when they were around, not like most guys with little kids, and my bro was always saying how awesome I was and stuff. But I kept my distance. I knew the risks of messing with a bunch of fourth graders.

So we decided we would take them up to the wigwam for a few nights: the boytribe plan was hatched. Granma told me how, when the braves reached a certain age, they had to go off on their own in the forest and prove themselves. They lived together and though she didn't say it, I was sure they got up to no good when they were all on their own. Well, we would see.

The guys were all thrilled to be going and about 2 weeks later I picked them up in the pickup and we drove up to the car park, which is as far as you are allowed into the wilderness area. Then we followed the trail. At first it's well used, but then we reached the branch that goes past the lake, where sometimes you maybe see a couple fishermen, then up and over the ridge and about half an hour to our clearing. The boys were knocked out to see the wigwam for the first time, and when I got out the `Injun' outfits they went crazy. Soon we were all in loincloths and headbands with feathers. OK, corny and not very authentic -- but cute! They were soon whooping and yelling and running around. Danny, the youngest kid there, said, where's the totem pole? We need to all go round the totem pole. Don't worry, goes Ethan, you soon will get to see it.

Two of them ran down to the lake nearby and jumped right in and then ran back shivering a little. I rubbed their little arms and chests and they giggled in my arms.

OK, said Ethan, now we have the boytribe council. He got them all to sit cross legged, two each side of me, in a horseshoe round the fire stones.

Do you really want to be members of the boytribe? he said.

They all screamed Yes!

Really really?

Yes! Even louder.

Do you know what it means to be really a member of the tribe?

Now the other three boys looked at each other and mumbled and shrugged. Danny piped up: Do we like have to cut ourselves and share the blood?

Yes, said Danny, that's what makes us blood brothers for life. And he took out a bowie knife that he had strapped to his waist. It glinted in the sunlight slanting across the clearing. He went on: But more than that. You get to know the secrets of the boytribe -- but you must never tell! And he held up the knife way above his head. On pain of death!

The boys shuddered. And Ethan went around the group making some kind of chant like he thought was a native American chant, and held the knife to their throats, one by one. He was good at this stuff, always leading in the class play acting and stuff, but I was so impressed I was just sitting there. The kids were mock-scared. Little kids love being scared a little. If you go Boo! real loud they jump right out of their skins and the next second they are giggling like crazy.

So do you swear? he said to Will, the cute blond kid whose parents own the gas station.

Will said, Yes, I swear.

What do you swear, goes Ethan.

Umm, that I w-will never tell, and keep the secrets of the boytribe.

Good boy, says Ethan. Now raise your palm and say, I so swear.

And as the boy did it, Ethan just nicked the palm of his hand, and a little blood drop appeared bright as a button. The boy didn't flinch a bit. And bro did the same with Breaker and Danny. Then he stood opposite me and raised his own palm to face me. We all swear, O wise chieftain of the boytribe, to serve you and the sacred mysteries of the tribe! And he nicked his own palm and sat cross legged before me.

I knew what to do next because we had planned it all before. On pain of death, I said, in my best elder of the tribe voice.

And Ethan made them all repeat, On pain of death!

Now, I said, you will find out the secrets of the boytribe, the sacred mysteries handed down from boy to boy since they were given to the tribe by the Great God of the Totem.

I took three blindfolds I had made and tied them around the eyes of Ethan's buds; and then I went into the wigwam. Ethan started up his fake chanting again as I got ready in the dark interior. Then he led them inside, one after the other. He made them kneel and took their cut hand. Behold, the Totem of the boytribe! Each in turn laid hold of the totem, feeling it to try to understand what it was, until all three hands were on it. Then Ethan placed his own hand on it. Four little hands, slowly stroking and moving over the object.

Now take off your blindfolds with your other hand, Ethan commanded.

I will never forget the look on the boys' faces, gleaming in the dim light. The eyes widening, the mouths dropping, as they gazed at my eight inch rigid cock in their hands.

From there it was easy. Initial shock, then amazement, then delight. None of them had seen a big guys' cock before, and mine was bigger than any in my grade that I knew. That's why Ethan was so proud of it and eager to show it off. Now all smeared in their blood in the middle of the wigwam, it really did seem tribal, and Ethan got them all to work on it. They crowded round and got a rhythm going, the four hands moving together up and down the shaft, then Ethan would run his across the head, making me moan out in ecstasy. All lubed up with blood, it was just an amazing feeling. They kept it up, Ethan chanting faster and faster and the others starting to join in as they moved over it in unison picking up pace. It was hard to hold back but I tried as long as possible, until suddenly I yelled out loud and started to shoot, a great fountain of white spurts in the dark, maybe ten or twelve of them -- I had deliberately held off shooting for a couple days. The boys couldn't believe it. None of them had seen a guy shoot -- Danny didn't even know it happened, I found out later. They thought it was almost magical. They were really hooked on my cock from that moment.

And so it was that after that moment, Ethan and I were able to introduce them all to the `mysteries'. The joys of sucking and fucking. Ethan showed them how he would lick the jizz off my cock in such a way that I got hard again right off, and how he would keep on going until I was almost ready again; and then he would put his arms round my neck and sit astride me, slowly lowering himself onto my shaft, slowly moving, until my cock took control and I started to grip him tightly, thrusting hard from the hips, then lifting him up and, holding him tight, on my knees I started fucking deep and hard, shooting deep inside him again and again.

He was so proud to show off how he served my gorgeous cock, and the boys huddled round in amazement, bending to watch as my shaft slid into him, touching Ethan's to see that he was rock hard, eventually joining in a little, jacking him and each other, until we all fell in a sweaty heap.

I reached for a little pot of red clay and put a tribal mark on Ethan's forehead. The first. I said. Who is next for the boytribe's totem?

Danny put up his hand in an instant, high above his head. Me, me me!

I smiled and pulled him across to me. Ethan took some cream we had brought and gently started to finger the boy's hole.

Take it easy, I said to the kid as he winced a little. Relax. Each of you gets a tribal mark each time you try.

Ethan held him in his lap with legs spread wide and lsowly pushed him on to me. The others watched in anticipation.

By the end of the three days in the forest, they each had four marks on their cute little faces.

Of course we did other stuff over those days -- woodcraft and native stuff -- but you don't want to hear about that, just the juicy stuff, right? We built a sweat lodge and on the last day -- of course they weren't allowed to wash until then -- we all got in it -- it was just about big enough -- and we all got sweaty and were tumbling in a heap of slippery, smooth bodies, like frogs in a spring pool.

Well, that's another story, and there are many more. Now this is the fourth summer of the boytribe. We come up here every year and the boys love it. Over the years we got more boys that we can trust to take the oath, and join the mysteries. Ethan shoots now and fucks the younger boys. Well, that's enough writing -- the boys are calling for their totem again.

The boytribe goes on.

Next: Chapter 2

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