Brads Story

By Trix Night

Published on Apr 26, 2008


This story was written by me, Trix, and Brad's Story should only be posted here on If you are younger than 18 years old, please leave now. This story is completely fiction, hope you like it.

This is the third chapter of Brad's story, and many more are on the way. Please read the previous chapters before reading this, for each chapter holds some significance to understanding the story.

Please wait patiently for the next chapter, I will be continuing; Brad's Story, but it'll just take time to write each chapter.

In the mean time, I would love to hear any of your views or comments so please email me at:


Brad's Story

Chapter 3

I'd always wondered why I and my mother moved to Australia. What caused the break up between my parents?

I did, once, ask my mother just out of curiosity, how she and dad (Matt) divorced. I regret asking her for the result of my single question left her in a fountain of tears.

I never asked her about the past again, and so we'd always look to the present and future when we lived in Australia.

I missed my mother so much, just thinking of her in my memories made me feel empty and lonely without her. I realized my eyes were watering, and tears were trickling down my cheek.

Before I knew it, from behind me, arms enveloped me into a tight embrace. What? Is this a dream?

It took a lot of blinking to see where I was, and to see whose warm body was holding me close.

I saw I was in the small nude male steam room of Nixon's Gym. Everything flooded back to me now; I'd just finished a long exasperating day of babysitting little children in the swimming pool, and I decided to finish up by taking a nice, relaxing few minutes in the steam room. How long had I been in here for?

I realized that the arms around pulled me closer to this unknown person's chest; my guess was a man's, whilst his fingers stroked my arm up and down in a gentle, soothing motion.

I turned my head around peering at the face above me, trying to see through the steam.

As I began to recognize the figure, I finally found words, "Scott? What? What are you doing here?"

I almost gasped at seeing his eyes for the first time, soft, kind brown eyes, looking at me, full of sympathy and warmth.

"I've been here since you first walked in, and I figured my new friend needed a hug," Scott said, kindly.

Nodding, and lost for words, I croaked, "Thank you."

"Anything you want to talk about?" asked Scott.

I shook my head, and backed closer into Scott's inviting warm chest. I was shocked to realize that Scott's huge dick was prodding my backside; I instantly stopped, realizing I was rubbing myself against his erecting dick. I flustered tomato red, unsure of what to say, unsure of what to do. I'd blown it now, for sure, I'd stepped over the line.

Behind me, Scott chuckled, "Don't worry about it, Brad, everyone digs my hugs. Next time though, I'll make you pay £2 per hug, okay?"

"Are you sure?" I asked anxiously, "I have £2 in the changing room."

"Nah, this hug is for free. But don't tell anyone I gave you a freebie all they'll all be on my case," Scott whispered in my ear. His breath was deliciously hot, and I wondered if the steam had got to him, "Besides I'm the one who's nearly erected, and poking you from behind. Sorry about that, I've not gotten off in a while, been too busy."

"Oh!" I answered.

I couldn't believe Scott's dick felt so huge behind me, like a monster, begging for some attention. May be this was my cue to help him out. Should I?

Without pondering any longer, I swirled round, still keeping close body contact, and without looking at him, I grasped his dick with my hand.

Scott groaned in happiness. It was clearly true; he hadn't gotten off in a while.

I wrapped my hand around his dick and gave a slow admiring stroke. The weight of his dick bombarded my mind with dirty thoughts as I tightened my grasp and pulled the hard flesh, my fingertips skimmed over his thick head. As I began to make slow stroking movements, his dick grew bigger, thicker, and longer. I was fascinated by how much his dick grew, until finally it stopped, I estimated Scott's dick to be about 7 and a half inches long, and pretty thick too.

I was so engulfed by Scott's dick; I jerked him faster, desperate to see this hot hunk shoot his load. I wanted to watch his expression, taste his cum, and hear his cry of pleasure.

Suddenly hands pushed me backwards, my hand released Scott's dick in surprise, for it was Scott who was pushing me away from him.

For a few moments, we both looked at each, catching our breath. I turned a way, unable to focus on Scott's eyes any longer. Had I done wrong? Instead my eyes were drawn upon Scott's incredibly, sexy hairy legs, sweating from the steam room.

Scott was first to break the silence, "I'm sorry, Brad."

"What... What do you have you be sorry about?" My eyes looked downwards; I was ashamed to make eye contact.

"I felt like I was taking advantage of you," Scott voice was very sincere, "I... I'm straight, Brad, and you're my friend."

"Who would want a gay friend though?" I mumbled.

"I do, besides I've always wanted a cute gay friend, like you." Scott said, playfully.

I looked up, and Scott winked at me, in such a flirtatious way, I giggled.

As a last hope at seeing him shoot, I said, "As a friend, I could take care of that hard on you have there."

"And have you day dreaming about me shooting, I'll pass." He laughed, cheerfully.

Oh crap! How had he known? I blushed in humiliation. He must think I was a real whore for dick now.

"Anyway, I've got to go; I have a paper due tomorrow." Scott said, briskly as though appearing not to notice the heat in my cheeks.

I nodded, too embarrassed to watch him leave. To my utter astonishment, Scott planted a soft, chaste kiss on my lips, before leaving the nude male steam room.

I sat there gawking. Did Scott just kiss me?

After leaving, showering, and trying to ignore the desperate need to jerk off, I departed from Nixon's Gym. The weather wasn't looking so great; rain poured down, like there was no tomorrow. I stood shivering, under the bus shelter for the bus to come. A shiny yellow BMW Mini pulled up in front of me, and the window rolled down. Jake's head popped into view, "Come on in, Brad. I'll give you a lift."

Without even thinking, I jumped in, and the car drove forward.

I glanced sideways at Jake taking in his appearance. His short brown hair was drenched from the rain, his blue sweater, and three quarter white pants clung to his skin. I could actually make out his black briefs, and my eyes glued to his budge.

"Can't wait to get in my pants again, can you?" Jake asked. His bright blue eyes glanced at me mischievously whilst still driving.

I blushed. Why couldn't I control myself better?

I wanted Jake so much; I've never wanted a guy so much in my life. I couldn't help myself, I needed to be sure I wasn't being played on; I cursed myself for doing this, "Jake? Are you honestly gay? I'll... I'll understand if your not."

Shocked, Jake answered, "What brought this on?"

"I guess... Ashley," Stupid, stupid, stupid, why did I have to ask?

"Oh," Jake replied in a flat tone, "I and girls are just a game; it's just to cover up the fact that I'm gay. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a player, I only date girls when I'm not dating any guys."

Oh my god. Did he say he was with other guys? Is he that experienced? But he must be. I imagined guys lining up just to have a piece of him. He was of course one sexy guy.

Jake grinned, "Don't worry about it. I won't be dating anyone soon since I've already got my eye on someone already." He winked at me.

"Me?" I blurted out.

Jake nodded, "You," His hand crossed the gear stick and squeezed my leg.

The car ended to a halt. The rain was still pouring down, I looked through the window, expecting the see my home, but surprise shook me, there was a huge house before me. Did Jake get lost?

"This isn't my house, Jake."

"I know," Jake smiled, "It's mine."

"But... but you said you'd give me a lift home,"

"No... What I said was, I'll give you a lift, but I didn't say where." His lips twitched into a smile, "Come hang out with me for a while, I promise to take you home afterwards."

"Sure," I couldn't even resist saying, no, to him. I followed Jake inside his home, trying to inhale more of his addicting scent.

Inside, his house looked huge; I followed Jake like a dog on a leash. Finally, he opened an upstairs bedroom; which I realized was his room.

I couldn't believe it; I was inside Jake's bedroom. It was huge; at least twice the size of mine. The only thing that was remotely the same as my room, was the fact he had a king sized bed too. I noticed there were all kinds of clothes lying about his room; I caught a few boxers and briefs peeking out from the pile of clothes. But best of all about his room, was that it smelt like Jake, which made me feel at home.

To my surprise Jake had begun to strip his wet clothing off, tossing them on the floor, "Come on. If you stay in those wet clothes you'll get a cold. Come have a shower with me. You'll feel better afterwards."

He turned without even waiting for my response, and walked into the shower room, I heard the gush of water, as Jake turned the tap on. As fast as I could I peeled my clothing, placing them close to the door, and went into the bathroom too.

There was a toilet, a basement, a bath, and a shower cubicle. I watched as Jake stretched, the water gushing down on his fabulously body. Catching my eye, Jake indicated me to come inside with him. My heart accelerated as I entered the shower cubicle, and closed the door firmly shut behind me.

The hot water sprayed powerfully above us, and steam rose to the ceiling. I noticed my dick was fully erected and so was Jake's.

Wordlessly, Jake took a bar of soap and started scrubbing me down from head to foot, "Hey," I cried out, "I'm perfectly capable of cleaning myself."

"Are you?" Jake asked. His eyes gleamed wickedly.

Before I knew it, Jake had shoved me against the wall of the shower, pressing his hard muscles into me, whilst grinding his dick into mine. His soapy hands roamed up and down my body, pinching my nipples briefly, and rubbing his body against mine was turning me on so much. The water on our chests made it slightly slippery and added to the arousal of our dicks. His warm cheek pushed against mine for a moment, and his mouth came down on mine, firm and warm, his arms encircled my waist. I suddenly felt safe, happy and extremely horny, I wanted more. I wrapped my arms around him and held him hard against me. Our months opened, and I kissed him as deeply as, I could feel his heart speed up and his breathing quicken.

Finally we broke our kiss and Jake's hot and sweaty hands continued feeling me up, his nose skimmed my jaw in little circles before coming down to my shoulder, "Are you still perfectly capable of cleaning up for yourself?"

I could hear the twinkle of amusement in his voice, and I gasped to answer, "Not when you're around."

"It's because your hot for me," Jake smiled, "Turn around, I'll soap your back for you."

I turned, and Jake pressed his body against mine again, I could feel his hard dick brushing my asshole once or twice. His hands rubbed my back as though cleaning me thoroughly, as the water washed the soap away from his hands. His hands slowly moved to my chest.

I moaned, resting my full weight on Jake's. He pulled my head back, and started to kiss the length of my throat, pausing now and again to flick his tongue on my skin. He teased my nipples between his fingers, tugging them gently, so they'd harden underneath his touch.

I licked my lips, well aware of the growing hunger, and the eagerness to have him.

A thought sliced through my mind. Should I let him have his way? Will he get bored of me once he's toyed with me? Maybe I should see if he really is interested in me with or without sex.

I turned to Jake who was roaming his hands towards my throbbing dick. I pushed my palms to his chest, realizing I was shivering with adrenaline rushing to my head.

Jake, at once stopped, and looked at me questionably.

I took a deep breath, and prayed he'd understand, "May be, we should take things slow."

Jake smiled, "Of course."

Thank god, he understood, but I could see in his eyes he was hurting a little.

I turned the tap off, grabbed his still erected dick and pulled him along with me as I entered Jake's bedroom.

"Hey," Jake teased.

I dropped his dick, grinning, "Do you have a towel?"

After we'd dried each other off which took some time, because Jake insisted we dried each other off. Jake turned to his draw and started flinging clothes out, "I'll let you lend some of my clothes, since yours are all soaked."

He handed me a bright orange t. shirt and a pair of torn jeans, "Do you have any boxers?"

Jake shook his head, "Not clean ones, but I do have this." He sniggered, as he waved a small, pink, thin laced thong on his fingers.

I laughed, "No way. No way! I am not wearing that."

"But, what will you wear?" Jake's eyes flashed with amusement.

"I'll put my own boxers back on."

"Please. Will you put it on? You'll look completely sexy!" His eyes turned into puppy dog eyes, cute and adorable, "If you put this thong on, I'll put one on too." And he pointed to a leopard thong in his draw.

"Alright, alright, just don't think you can always have your way when you give me that look."

"What look?" His tone was playful.

I took the silky, pinked laced thong, and pulled it on. The feel of the thong against my still erected dick made me feel excited. My dick shot up against the thong, and I almost thought the thong was about to snap. Thank god, it didn't.

Jake had already put on the leopard thong; he looked like a tiger ready to pounce, ready for sex. His dick too shot up, but it seemed the leopard thong was tighter, making Jake have a massive budge between his legs.

After getting changed, pulling on other clothes whilst still wearing our thongs we walked down to the kitchen. I couldn't help but notice that the clothes I was wearing had Jake's scent all over them, and I kept constantly inhaling them.

"Stop sniffing up my t. shirt, Brad." Jake teased.

I blushed at being caught.

I'd never worn a thong before so the idea of walking with it on was rather odd, but definitely arousing.

"I'm starved." Jake said, opening the fridge, "But there's nothing to eat here, unless you can cook."

It wasn't a question, but I answered, "Sure I'll cook."

Jake expression turned to bewilderment, "You can cook?"

"Yep, ever since I was 12."

Jake hugged me, nuzzling his face upon mine, "I'm glad. This means I get my own personal chef to cook whenever I want."

Laughing I replied, "You'll have to help to."

"Yes sir!" Jake shouted, "I'm yours to use in any way." His eyes gleamed, "Perhaps a massage? Or do you wish for some release?"

"You can start my digging out the ingredients you have so I see what I'm working with." I said, winking at him.

There were mountains of food everywhere, every kind of ingredient there was. Jake explained that they always stocked up on food for his mother always had people round.

To my delight, I decided to cook my favourite dish: Pasta with porcini. Which was porcini sizzled with garlic and bay, then swirled with cream and egg pasta.

Thirty minutes later.

I and Jake watched the dish go into the oven, our eyes were hungry for food, and watching the gorgeous, tasty pasta in the oven was causing our stomachs to rumble. We were starved.

Behind me, Jake crept up to me, wrapping his arms around me. I could feel the solid length of his dick, the feel of his size and strength even through the constricting barrier of his clothes.

It felt good when Jake held me.

"Tell me something about yourself." I asked, desperate to know him.

"What do you want to know?" His sweet breath caressed my ear.

"Tell me about your family."

"Well, my dad pasted away when I was younger, my mother remarried a nice guy, and I now have an older step brother." Jake replied.

"I'm sorry about your father." I said, wishing I'd never asked.

I could feel him shrug, "It was a long time ago. Besides your mother passed away only recently, that must hurt."

I nodded unable to trust myself to speak. I could feel a swelling sensation building up.

"I'm here if you want to talk." Jake whispered.

I looked at him; my eyes were beginning to moist, for I saw that his eyes were full of loving affection for me. His fingertips reached up and brushed a trickling tear away.

A banging of the front door made me and Jake jump apart.

A tall and skinny tanned boy walked into the room. He had shaggy black hair, golden honey eyes. He was only wearing a pair of small shorts. He was panting, sweat dripped down his half naked body. He had budging muscles, yet he didn't have a six pack, but he was skinny, the skinny part made his looks; handsome and sexy. My, my, my, what a hot guy?

"Brad, this is my older brother, Adam." Jake introduced us, "Adam, my friend Brad."

We greeted each other with smiles.

"Umm... What smells so good, bro?" Adam asked Jake.

Jake laughed. "It's pasta. Brad cooked it. Come eat with us."

We all sat down. None of us spoke for a while, as we consumed the pasta before us. I think we would have been happy even to have a bowl of baked beans, although a bowl of baked beans wouldn't be so good in the aftermath; smelly.

"This is delicious. Did you really cook this?" Adam said, surprised.

I nodded. "Jake helped too."

"You're too modest. Jake can't cook, the last time he tried; we ended up having to call the fire brigade." Adam said cheerfully.

Jake punched him. "Well you're the one who ran around the kitchen screaming your head off." They laughed in memory.

"So Adam, how old are you?" I asked conversationally.

"I'm 19 years old." Adam replied.

"And, which university do you go to?"

"I don't," Adam's voice was slightly uneasy, and he shifted awkwardly on his chair, "I've had to repeat a year of A Levels again."

Crap. Had I done wrong in asking? May be I shouldn't haven't been preyed in his life. Had I opened a wound?

Thank god, Jake came to both our rescues. He clapped Adam's back and answered, "Yep, Adam's repeating a year, but he studies twice as hard. Plus he goes to school an hour early to study, and the teachers can already see the results." Adam flushed red as though embarrassed to be talked about as a nerd by his younger brother.

Wait. Something hit me. Something I didn't realize before. Something I couldn't place, until now. The memories in my head went crazy. Adam had shaggy black hair. He was repeating a year of school. It was Adam. Adam was the one visiting Coach Shaw in the morning. It was Adam who was Coach Shaw's slut. I couldn't believe it, Adam? He looked so... straight. Should I tell Jake this? What would he do though? For now, I'll keep silent, maybe in school there were other guys repeating a year and had shaggy black hair. Yep, that's right; it couldn't be Adam, could it?

After late lunch, Jake took me home, the rain had stopped, but it was freezing, thankfully Jake turned the heater up in his car; toasting my body up within a few minutes. Finally we pulled up at the drive to my house, and I thanked Jake for the lift and the food.

As I reached for the car door, Jake grabbed me, "Aren't you going to say goodnight to your boyfriend?" His face lit up angelically.

Did he say boyfriend? My heart accelerated, with the way he'd said, boyfriend. "Is that what we are?" I said, shyly.

"Yep," His mouth came down on mine, and we kissed briefly, his warm kiss melted my soul, and I ached for his body, I resisted the urge to pull him to me.

Opening the car door, I whispered back to Jake, "Night boyfriend."

My father was in the sitting room watching the news when I walked in. He was wearing a loose sweater, and silky sporty shorts. I noticed Matt always seemed to wear shorts which were handy since he owned a gym. I also noticed Matt had hairy legs, hairier than Scott's, but Matt was older, so of course he had hair. I sat on the sofa, and greeted my father.

"So what did you do today?" He asked, curiously.

I realized he'd expected me to come home after the gym. "I went over to Jake's house." I answered.

Matt looked up, "You did? Oh. Is that why you're wearing Jake's clothes?" His eye brows were raised, as he eyed me.

I blushed. I hadn't realized he would know. How did he know? I've only been here less than 2 weeks, he couldn't have memorized all the clothing I wore. May be he recognized Jake's clothes? That would be slightly odd, yet I didn't press him for answers.

"Yeah, the rain was chucking it down and I was soaked through so I borrow some of his clothes." I kept my voice steady, it was the truth, and I did manage to avoid the fact I had a shower at his house too.

Matt nodded, satisfied with my answer, and although his mouth was twitching into a crooked smile which he seemed unable to contain.

"Matt?" That one word made Matt turn to look at me. Had I put more emphasis then I needed in the word? "I always wondered why you and mum broke up. I... I was wondering if could tell me why you guys did." I prayed that he wouldn't cry as well for I so badly needed to know. When I was small, I always thought I was the one who caused my parents divorce; even now I still believed it was my entire fault.

I'd obviously caught Matt off guard, and his expression turned to shock. Finally he spoke, "Did your mother never say?"

"No." I said. I didn't tell him, the first time I asked, she cried, for it would hurt him.

"I... guess, you have a right to know. It was never your mother's fault that caused our divorce. It was..." Matt took a deep breath.

I spoke, low and softly, "Was it my fault?"

"What? No, no, it had nothing to do with you," Matt answered. "It was me; I was the reason why we divorced. I had... you could call it an affair. I'm sorry. But two years after you were born, I came to realize something about myself, something I didn't realize before, that I was never in love with your mother as I thought I was."

I should be feeling angry at Matt now, but I couldn't, my anger crumbled at seeing his tearful expression, his eyes full of sadness and honesty.

"I'm... I'm bisexual, Brad. I'm sorry, you probably don't want a bisexual father, but it's who I am, I was born bisexual." His tone was pleading for me to understand.

"I don't mind." I replied honestly, "Is that why you broke up? Did you have an affair with a man?"

Matt nodded, "But the very first night I bedded him, I told your mother the next day."

"Are you still with him?"

"No, it was more like a fling. I'm not really with anyone at the moment." Matt said. "Do you really not mind about me being bisexual?"

"Of course not," I didn't say it was because I was gay, therefore understanding how he felt.

"Thanks. Brad." Matt swooped down at me in a bear like hug. "Thank you for accepting me."

What will Brad do about Adam? Will he attempt to confront him? Will Brad tell Matt he's gay? What did Matt mean when he said, I'm not really with anyone at the moment'? Will Jake be able to resist the temptation to take it slow' with Brad? Who was the other shaggy black haired guy was the last chapter?

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