Brandons Bosses

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Mar 29, 2023


THE ALEX SERIES, BOOK 3: "Brandon's Bosses"

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Chapter 51. Steven visits Gary

That same evening, while Conor's bus was drawing near to Lipton, Steven was sitting at Brandon`s kitchen table with him and Gary had joined them. Brandon was dressed in clothing that Gary had chosen for him to wear. Brandon was torn between his customary obedience to Gary's wishes and the training he had received from the Masters which required him to be naked in their presence. Gary had wisely suggested he take a sedative before Steven arrived, and that helped Brandon cope with the confusion he was dealing with. When he answered the door, he was more embarrassed than he would have been if he were bare-ass naked, but Steven reassured him by telling him how nice he looked and suggested they meet with Gary because he had something important to tell them. "Yes, Master," Brandon answered and Steven was saddened, because he realized that Brandon had just addressed him as Master for the last time.

For a while they made small talk until Brandon started to speak about his session with Dr. Sue and how she had helped him understand why it was that he had been so confused and depressed the past couple days, how confusion about roles was making things intolerable for him, and how much Gary was helping him make some sense out of what was going on. This, of course gave Steven the opportunity to explain the reason for his visit, a visit which was far different than the slaveboy could have expected.

"Brandon, before I say anything else I want you to realize how pleased we all are with you, most especially with your excellent work on the documents we have given you to reconstruct. You are truly gifted and we hope you will have a long and successful career as a writer. Over the next few weeks we are going to give you opportunities to expand your skill set with more challenging work. We are sure you will do a wonderful job. We have great confidence in you, Brandon.

"As you have written yourself, sometimes there are what we might call "pivotal moments" in a person's life that change the direction in which he was moving. In fact, we believe that you have had four over the past two years. The first was that night you met Justin in the bathroom of the library and your Master/slave relationship began. The second was when Justin turned cruel which caused you to end the relationship and come back to Lipton seeking a new beginning. The third was that day we first interviewed you, requiring you to be naked and on display for use, and so you became not only our employee but also our slave. The fourth was when Gary came back to Lipton. What has happened since then is the beginning of a wonderful love story between the two of you and that is something we recognize and celebrate for you because we believe it is the best possible situation for you to be in." At this point, Gary reaches out and takes Brandon`s hand and smiles at him.

"These pivotal moments change what has gone before and this is true of what has happened between you and Gary. For a brief time, things have gotten very confused and we know that has oppressed you quite a bit. As a result of this, last night we met and consulted and it is our decision that we are setting you free from your role as our slave so that you can devote all your energies to Gary. And so from here on, you are one of our treasured employees, and as far as we are concerned, free from any obligations to serve or obey us as our slave. In short, we are giving you to Gary exclusively so that the two of you can explore your futures without any interference from former relationships or bonds. We wish you both all the best. In addition, Gary, please know that I am available to you at any time if you need advice or practical training to assume the role we suspect you will be playing in Brandon`s life as time goes on."

"Brandon, as far as work is concerned, from now on I will be the only one who will represent our team. You will receive assignments and other necessary information from me via email or phone calls from now on. There is no longer a need for our morning meetings unless there is something you wish we can discuss via our Internet connections. At the moment, you have plenty of work to keep you busy. You will send your completed work directly to me and you will receive any and all future assignments directly from me as well. We all wish you all the best and congratulate you on your deepening relationship with your life-long friend and now boyfriend and lover and perhaps, in the future, your Master."

After hugs all around, Steven takes his leave and on the way home he gets a phone call from Frank giving him information about the appearance of a new potential slaveboy named Conor and a brief description of what has happened to the boy over the last few months. Needless to say, Steven is looking forward to meeting the boy in the morning and is filled with hope and joy.

Sometimes things move along quite quickly, as you can see.

Tuesday morning at Frank's

Conor slept well in Frank's arms. Between the travail of the long bus trip and the sleepless night before he left home, he was exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. As soon as he wakes up, the reality of his situation hits him hard. This man who "trained" him over the past few months, this man who manipulated him into torturing and humiliating himself with the promise of a future life together, this man who conveniently disappeared from the scene after luring Conor to a strange and unknown city, was not going to be his Master as he had promised and Conor is left with no hope, no future, no promise of becoming an owned slave as he had hoped and as he had been promised.

He wakes up alone in the bed and stretches his arms, then moans, realizing how sore he still is from the beatings he had been ordered to give himself. He falls back on the bed, simply wanting to sleep and let his miserable life dissolve into oblivion again. But suddenly he sees an awesome sight:

Frank comes out of the bathroom, fresh from his shower and naked as is his custom. Conor can't believe his eyes. Frank is so well put together, and despite the fact that he is so much older than the boy, Conor is immediately transfixed by him. More by instinct than by anything else, Conor slides out of the bed onto the floor and begins crawling towards Frank, wishing to kiss his feet and perhaps suck his cock like the sub he was hoping to become.

Frank stops him and helps him stand up on his feet. "No, dear boy, I am not the one you will be serving. I should have worn a robe so I wouldn't give you the wrong idea." Conor, of course is naked, since Frank took his worn and dirty clothes from him last night so he could wash them. He hands the boy a fluffy white robe and tells him to put it on, then leads him to the kitchen and puts on coffee and starts to make omelets for breakfast. Conor is dying of hunger and is grateful to be fed.

Once they sit down to eat, Frank calls Steven and tells him that "the boy is ready for viewing," which sends a submissive thrill through the would-be slave. He feels like a commodity who fell off a truck but was luckily picked up by another traveler and apparently is being placed back on the open market. "Ready for viewing." Wow! Just like a slave market.

"Master Steven has just recently given his slave to another person who had a great interest in him. He was planning to begin searching for a replacement, when suddenly it seems as if you had fallen from the sky into our midst. He is coming here now to look you over to see if he would be interested in taking you himself. If he is not interested for any reason, I assure you that you can stay here until we find someone else to take you. I suspect, however, that Master Steven will be interested in giving you a try and I urge you to be on your best behavior when he comes. You would be very fortunate if he accepts you. Few Masters can provide the training you need and the discipline as well as Master Steven."

Once the yfinish eating, Frank asks the boy to take care of putting things away and cleaning up the kitchen, which the boy does willingly. A nice way to show his gratitude.

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Next: Chapter 52

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