Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 16, 2023


Chapter 10. Thursday. Caning in the morning; All the brothers gather.

When he gets up in the morning, Steven has texts from both Oscar and Gary asking if they could all get together tonight either for dinner or after dinner. Oscar suggests they order chicken tenders and French fries from a local place that has fantastic food, also pointing it out that it's something they could feed the boys from their fingers. It's all settled and Gary says he'll order the food and have it delivered into the hands of one of the naked boys. Great plans.

He goes to use the bathroom and shower, then unlocks Conor`s cage and has the slave crawl out and directly into the bathroom. "Take care of your needs and shower before I whip you. You won't want to be standing under a shower after you're marked with my cane." Needless to say, this puts the slave into a nervous state, but it knows that Steven has been very kind to it and is willing to accept whatever the Master has decided it needs to help it stay focused at work and not suddenly start acting like an ordinary guy, just like the others it works with. Fatal mistake yesterday, but the damage was done and is being corrected the way Steven like to correct most things—with humiliation and punishment.

When the slave has finished in the bathroom it goes to the kitchen to prepare Master's breakfast. Cheese omelet and toast. Conor also makes its own food and puts it on the floor in a bowl as usual. Steven usually requires the slave to be under the table while he is eating, either licking his genitals or his feet. Today he orders the slave to suck his cock as a way of staying focused. As soon as Steven finishes eating he pushes the slave away and sends it to eat its own breakfast from the bowl, noting that the slave is getting better at doing it with less of a mess, a good sign that its training is meeting with some success at least. As usual, Steven gets another cup of coffee and tells the slave to clean the kitchen and then go to grovel in the playroom awaiting the caning it was promised last night.

Feeling kindhearted, Steven doesn't keep the slave waiting long. He has it stand and then offer its hands to be locked into a harness and then the harness connects to the slave's feet so it is bent over and at a good angle for its first taste of the cane.

First Steven speaks. "I am caning you this morning to complete your punishment for forgetting your manners last night. The pain of the caning will last all day so it should help you remember at all times what you are and how different you are than the free men you work with. If you need a reminder during the day, simply reach back and slap your butt and all the memories will be right there for you. Work will be difficult today as well, but that is what happens when a slave is disciplined the morning it has to go to work as well.

Steven gets the cane out of the closet. It isn't his thickest cane but is rather whippy. It will do the trick well enough and will most likely leave three nice throbbing welts across the slave's ass.

Before he begins to whip the slave, he has the usual questions to ask.

"What is your name?"

"Conor Day, Master."

"What are you?"

"a slave, Master."

"Who owns you, slave?"

"You do, Master Steven."

"And so I have the right to punish you any way I see fit, slave?"

`yes, Master, you have the right to punish me as you see fit."

"I am going to give you three strokes of the cane, each separated by two minutes. You will count each one and thank me, slave."

`yes, Master."

"One more question: do you deserve to be punished this morning, slave?"

"yes, Master, your slave deserves this punishment."

AS soon as he says this, Steven taps the cane to the slave's upturned butt a couple times and then hauls off and lashes the slave with a cutting stroke and the slave immediately cries out loudly.

"One," it says through gritted teeth. "thank you, Master."

It breathes heavily, trying to absorb the pain which is indeed so much worse than the usual implements.

When the time has passes, the Master touches the slave's ass to line up the next shot and quickly swings back and sends it crashing into the slave's flesh neatly below the first stroke. Conor screams out again, and through its tears barely mumbles Two, thank you, Master. It beings breathing heavily as if it had just been given a severe strapping. The pain it suffers has doubled and the slave's legs are beginning to tremble.

Steven waits a longer time than after the first stroke. He waits for the slave's breathing to calm down a bit. Same deal as before. Touch the ass, line up the shot and let it rip down burning itself into the slave's tender flesh and the slaves screams and begins to wail pitifully.

"I don't hear the "number three." Maybe I should simply repeat myself. "No, no, please no, Master. Three. thank you, Master. thank you for punishing your slave, Master. and Conor cries quietly, understanding for sure that its Master truly controls its life.

In order to drive the point home, Steven walks around to the slave's head, takes out his cock and orders the slave to take it into its mouth. "you are my slave and I own you. As my slave, you are my urinal. Swallow everything I give you and let it drive home the message that you are not an ordinary man in any sense of the word."

After the slave has finished drinking all its Master's piss, Steven removes the bonds so the slave can stand upright.

It tries to touch its ass, but that only makes things worse so it just stops and stands there weeping. Steven watches the slave as it cries out the pain it has suffered, knowing for sure that the slave will do almost anything in the future to avoid being beaten with the cane again. Those three strokes will most likely save it many others in the future. Finally, Steven takes the slave into his arms and lets it finish crying in his arms. "You are my good slave," he whispers to Conor. "You will not be able to forget that today while you are at work. Now go into the bathroom, do what you have to do; wash and dry your face. Soon I will have to take you to work and you don't want everyone to see that you've been crying like a baby, do you, Conor?"

"no, Master," the slave responds as it calms down and goes into the bathroom as the Master has ordered it to. Several minutes later it comes out and Steven applies some ointment to the welts on its ass that will slightly assuage the pain of the caning. He helps it into a loose pair of boxers and then into scrub pants again and dresses it in a long-sleeved shirt. He brings it into the living room and he sits on the couch and has the slave kneel between his legs and rest its head in his crotch. "We have a bit of time before we have to leave. Rest here with me now so you can recover from your whipping a bit more."

Steven caresses the back of the slave's head affectionately, knowing that a bit of affection at a time like this will do much to undo the harmful effects of the beating the slave has received. It is very important for it to realize that it is cherished by its Master, even when he must take drastic steps to advance its training.

As for Conor, he tells himself that this is what it means to be a slave owned by a wise yet strict Master. This is what he'd been seeking. This is what he asked for. This current pain is part of the total picture and, to a great extent, is what he deserved. The feel of the Master's hand on the back of his head is a great comfort and for the first time in its life, it realizes that there is someone in its life who truly cares for it, even if that caring is sometimes shown by means of punishment. The feeling of being cared for far outweighs the reality of being a slave subject to punishment when the Master feels it is needed.

When it is time to leave for work, Steven helps the boy out to the car and puts a pillow on the front seat for it to sit on. As they ride to work, Steven tells the slave that all the brothers will be getting together tonight for supper and companionship, and this greatly lifts Conor`s spirits and also has it looking forward to being able to show the other boys the marks of its caning—almost a badge of courage. But courage doesn't really feel all that good as it struggles to get itself out of the car and the walk into work without bursting into tears all over again.

Clark, of all people, is hanging outside the back door vaping, and so he sees Conor struggle to leave the car and then limp to the back door with a grimace on its face. "What the fuck happened to you, dude?"

he asks. "don't ask," replies Conor. "it's complicated."

"I've got time for complicated. We're not due in for another 7 minutes. Spill, Conor."

"Let's just put it this way. I lost a bet to one of my cousins and I had to pay the price last night and got my ass kicked."

"What was the bet about?"

"Never mind," says Conor and then walks inside before he has get himself deeper and deeper into a tall tale.

He goes to Mike's office to store his lunch pail. Mike looks intently into the slave's face and sees signs of distress in its still reddened eyes. "Your Master called and asked me to put you on light duty today. Nice of the guy to think of you like that."

"Yes it is, Sir, but after all, he's the one who made it necessary."

"Tanned your ass last night, boy?"

"More than that, Sir. Caned my ass. Just a little while ago."


"yes indeed, Sir."

"So show me, boy."

Conor turns his back to Mike and slowly, carefully, pulls his pants out from his backside and lets them down to reveal his striped ass.

"wow. What did you do to deserve that?" he asks.

"Forgot that I'm not an ordinary man and went running into the house jabbering to Master without even stripping or kneeling or anything. He decided that a little caning this morning would make sure that the pain all day will remind me what I am, Sir"

"Good. And what are you, boy?"

"A Faggot cocksucking slaveboy, Sir."

"Kind of hard to forget under the circumstances."

"yes, Sir. May I have permission to ask something, Sir?"

"Go ahead."

"Could you please, if possible, keep Clark away from me? He's becoming far too inquisitive and nosy about my life, the homophobe."

"Understand. In fact, boy, I'm working on having Clark moved to another location. But that won't completely solve the problem. He's not the only homophobe working here."

"I know, Sir, but he's the one getting too damn curious. He saw me get out of the car before in a lot of pain. I had to tell him I lost a bet to my cousin and got my ass kicked."

Mike chuckles. "Good quick response."

"Yeah, but then he wanted more details. Too nosy, like I said."

"I'll do what I can. Besides, today I've got you doing a mailing for about 500 of our customers. You'll be in your own room to work at it, and you can stand all day if you want. Just folding and stuffing envelopes and sticking on address labels. Boring work but will make it easier for you, considering the way you were punished. And please note that I just used the word `punished.' I'm not on any way suggesting that your Master was too hard on you. I would never interfere that way. If he felt it necessary to beat you that badly, you obviously deserved it."

Conor trembles in bit inside by the way Mike just spoke to him.

"yes, Sir. He is the one who determines how to train this slave."

"Tell me something honestly, If you can, Conor: did you get a little angry or resentful?"

"No, Sir. Not at all. I'm the one who wanted to become some man's slave. it's my choice. And as Master Steven's slave, I am subject to his discipline. I am a boy who often gets punished when the Master says it is necessary. I did wrong. I got punished. Simple."

"So you've never been tempted to seek out life as a free man?"

"No, Sir. Never. I need to be what I am. It's the only way for this slave."

Mike was about to ask him why he says that, but there was a knock on the door and when Mike opens it, of all people but Clark is standing there.

Mike says to Conor, "You know where to go. I'll check up on your work later. Bring your lunch with you because you'll stay there for the entire day."

"yes, Sir," says Conor, taking his pail, nodding to Clark and making his escape.

"Come on in, Clark," says Mike. "I've got something to discuss with you."

And we may never know what it might be.

Conor, of course, spends the entire day on his feet doing the assigned work. When really tired from standing, he goes and kneels for a while, and then even finds it more restful to just grovel. No one is there to see him, so he can do it at will. At one point, Mike comes in and sees him on the floor like that and is turned on by the sight.

"Practicing now to appease your Master?" he asks Conor.

"No, Sir, it's just that this is the most relaxing way to get off my feet for a while. Been standing all day."

Mike throws the lock on the door. "Well, while you're down there, why don't you get back up on those knees of yours, slave, and show me how good a cocksucker you are after being flogged like that."

Conor immediately responds, grateful that at least today he isn't getting confused about his role in the hierarchy around here. He's the lowest. No argument.

At the end of the day, Steven picks him up and they drive to Brandon`s house where the others welcome them with smiles and hugs. Conor immediately strips off his work clothes and asks Brandon if he could use the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit since he's still in no shape to stand underneath a shower. Brandon asks Gary for permission, and Gary sends all three slaves downstairs to tend to each other for a while. But Brandon and Michael make a fuss over Conor and want to know the whole story. Of course, Conor has no objection to letting his brothers know everything that happened.

Michael has never been caned. Brandon did get it, but it was an extremely thin whippy cane and only stung. It certainly didn't leave any welts like the ones Conor was sporting. The two show Conor only a small degree of sympathy because they all understand that it is wise not to slip into having some kind of pity party about the way their superiors choose to keep them in line. Conor changes the subject and tells them about that weird conversation he had with a coworker yesterday and the three of them get a good laugh out of it.

While they're visiting with each other, the doorbell rings and Brandon leaves to answer. It's the food delivery, and the delivery man is a bit taken aback by the sight of the naked college boy answering the door. Figures it must be some kind of fraternity initiation or something like that and so doesn't make anything of it. Brandon collects the food and brings it to the table. Michael helps set the three places at the table and it is assumed that all three slave will be fed by their Masters as they kneel alongside them. From here on in, this is the way they will take their meals unless ordered to eat in some other way. Conor has never eaten at the table but always from a bowl on the floor or from his Master's hands.

Oscar and Gary are still working out what seems to make the most sense to each of them, although they both enjoy this meal very much as the three Masters feed their boys the same way. Steven, however, requires his slave to drink directly from his mouth when thirsty. Michael is given a bottle of water to handle himself. Brandon is given a sippy cup since Gary got that idea from reading The Alex chronicles. it seems that Gary is beginning to enjoy seeing Brandon as so much younger than him even though they are the same age. He's also begun calling Brandon "little boy" from time to time and notices no sign of resistance from his friend about this kind of treatment. Once again, however, he wants to discuss it with Brandon, because he is always wary of the fact that Brandon will go along with anything he wants to do, just because that's the way Brandon has always been with him. Now it's more important than ever to keep the communication lines open or the two of them might not be able to successfully make the transition to Master/slave that they feel they want to make.

As they're eating, the Masters talk about the coming TWINK NIGHT again at the club on Saturday night. They're all going; the boys will be able to strip in the subs' locker room once they get there. Steven says he hopes that word gets out about how much better organized this event will be and that twinks and subs will not stay away because of what they'd heard about the last fiasco. (For more information about that, see, "Brandon's Bosses.")

After supper the slaves clean up. The "men" are seated in the living room and are viewing a series of filmclips taken from the playrooms of three different Masters who are well-known in California. Brandon is excited to see that one of the Masters is Kurt and points that out to Michael. Oscar and Gary are especially interested in the bondage scenes since they both have a lot to learn about these matters. Brandon doesn't get to watch much of it because Gary immediately puts him to work, and soon the two other Masters follow suit, and so what is heard in the room is the soundtrack to the clips they're watching and the sounds of the slaves licking, sucking and even gagging a bit. Oscar was particularly interested in how much slapping takes place in the things they're viewing, and decides to put it into practice himself later this evening.

Conor, of course, has had quite a bit of experience being slapped by his new Master, and accepts it, just as it accepts just about everything else that Steven does to him. After all, he submitted to a caning. Slapping is child's play next to that.


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Next: Chapter 11

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