Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Chapter 14. Twinknight: the second attempt is a hit.

This time the changes they made to the policy, allowing only Members to attend and giving free admission to guys between the ages of 18 and 23 turned out to be a great hit. For sure, there were Member Doms who weren't even 23 yet, but they still fell within the "twink" category. And so did Brandon, Michael, Conor and Gary. And for sure, they looked "twinky," although Gary carried himself with a lot more confidence than the three subs. Nonetheless, Brandon's house was definitely a "twinkhouse," if I dare make up that word. Oscar and Steven were the other side of the generation gap in ages, and they were still in their twenties.

Anyway, the new policy for Twinknight was effective. They had a nice-sized and manageable crowd, many new twink faces looking a little nervous, and others tried to help them feel more comfortable. The Dom/sub ratio was just about even.

The brother subs' Doms had agreed to take separate cars. Good idea. First to arrive were Oscar and Michael. On a hunch, Oscar decided to remove Michael's cage, and its dick was clearly seen flopping around in its black boxer-briefs. A leash was applied to its collar. Oscar had ordered it to keep its eyes down, and for him, that proved to be a really trippy scene, just seeing bodies with the tops cut off for the most part, and lots of flesh, and lots of leather. As the evening went on, all the twinks lost their t-shirts and a couple of them were moaning about their after a couple of interested Doms decided to give them some attention.

Michael wasn't the only one on a leash, he noticed. Conor was already here and Michael could see that it had had its ass whipped not too long ago. There was another couple where the twink was totally naked, its hands bound behind its back. Collar and ball gag but no leash. Michael figured the Dom was keeping a close eye on it.

A man walked up to Michael and then looked for its Master. Oscar nodded towards him with a smile and so the men got right in front of m-, one hand on a nipple, the other hand down below gently slapping its balls. He was being very gentle. He said to the slave, "you see, it is possible to give a boy pleasure with not much pain mixed in." Michael started to say something but Oscar suddenly yanked the leash and put his hand over the slave's neck. "Should have fucking gagged you," Oscar said to him. "Just listen to what the men tell you. We'll talk about it later when we're alone again." "Yes, Master," Michael answered obediently smiled.

"Okay, Mikey, walk around. Keep those eyes down like a good slave." And Michael did what he was told. He got groped several times, squeezed a couple times as well, someone was running a pin-wheel up and down its back. One Dom ordered him to kneel, but Oscar yanked the leash, so the Dom walked away. Martin was there! Michael looked up to make sure then hurried over to Oscar and told him. "Don't worry. I won't even let him speak to you. I've got you, boy," Oscar reassured him softly, and then decided he would lead the slave on the leash rather than the other way around. He'd stop periodically to make the slave's body more available to others and then enjoy watching what would happen.

Steven had Conor naked but wearing a leather hood with only its eyes visible and a penis gag in its mouth. Steven, of course, was well-known around here and he wanted others to be guessing the slave's identity. This was also a way to protect the slave that someone wanted to buy from him. Other than that, however, he directed the slave to stand a while with its hands behind its head, and it was an invitation for him to get pawed and groped and its balls were handled roughly be a couple of guys who probably didn't ever get to do that for real with someone, and they were soon very sore, especially since touching them sets off the fire from the stuff its Master had rubbed into its balls before they led the house.

Then they moved on. Conor spent time bent over, which made it feel more naked then ever when men were spreading its cheeks to view its hole. One man offered $500 to fuck it. Steven refused it and said, "Hey, I let my friends fuck this slave for free. But you're not one of my friends." But it just goes to show that there are men who use money to get what they can't get any other way. After a while, Steven brought it to a low pedestal and had it get on it and grovel for a while. This gave it a chance to relax, even though again it was feeling so exposed despite the fact that no one could see its face. And Steven closed over the eye holes while the slave was on display that way.

And Brandon? Gary wasted no time in humiliating his boy. Already the slave was on its hands and knees on a display pedestal like the one Conor is on. The Doms were continually there working at its body somehow, and Gary was letting it all happen. This was a great night. Everyone was getting into it. The Doms were really doing it up. Some Members were chatting up an unknown young fellow and there were pairings in other places and more than one boy on its knees learning how to suck cock better. Good Doms are good teachers. A fresh young boy with some hidden kinks was learning a lot tonight. Brandon could hear the sounds of a couple of otk spankings, and soon Brandon was over Gary's lap. He's not letting just anyone spank his slave. Besides, Gary fully intended to take the slave to its limit tonight and then maybe even a little farther than that. He's off to a good start. Soft, lots of caresses, yeah, he's playing this slut slave like musical instrument. Soon the drum beats begin. Brandon loses himself inside the experience as it continues to grow in its severity. And soon he is crying out, and that is a wonderful release so he keeps doing it every time Gary hits him, and then he is dancing on Gary's lap trying to avoid the next blow, and he is crying, and begins to sob before its Master finally lets up and starts rubbing the sore red flesh.

Kelton looks on what is happening to brandon and feels very happy for the boy. Letting Gary have it back when he came back down from school was a great idea. Win win win. Kelton loses himself in simply admiring Gary's skill at what he's doing, thrashing his slaveboy just because he wants to let people see him do it. Yes, Steven was right. He is a natural. And he's already got that boy right where it needs to be. Right where it's always needed to be. Owned by Gary.

Gary remembers the time they were in fifth grade and Brandon was acting like a baby and Gary went and got a wooden spoon from his mother's kitchen and brandished it at Brandon and Brandon got the point and just shut up. Now he just thrashes the slave whenever he wants. And maybe he'll go and buy a wooden spoon one of these days. Brandon told him about when Justin took a wooden spoon to his inner thighs. Maybe Gary will do the same and see how he'd react.

Kelton knows Martin is there and has been keeping an eye on him. Martin is occupied with a young ginger who looks like he should still be in middle school, a little hypnotized by Martin's eyes as Martin is stoking the fellow's pale flanks. While Kelton watches, the ginger slowly raises his arms and locks them behind his head while it is still looking into Martin's eyes. He wonders if he should do something to make sure the ginger is looked after, and so heads over to the office to speak with someone, but on the way he spots exactly what he wants standing by itself in a corner. Just what Kelton needs tonight. A waif. Adorable brown-haired perky-nippled waif. Alone. By itself. Kelton starts feeling very protective, and when some man goes to the boy and starts pushing him into the wall, Kelton springs forward and taps the guy on the back and tells the guy to back off and the guy slinks off. Typical bully. The kid smiles at Kelton and says, "Thank you, Sir." Kelton lightly taps the boy's face and the boy says to him, "you can do that harder, Sir," and Kelton answers, "later tonight, but not here," and the boy nods and kisses Kelton's wrist. Kelton takes hold of the boy's nipples and before long, the boy suddenly tries to stand on his toes with the pain and Kelton lightens up so the boy can come back down to earth. "A boy like you should always have sore nipples," Kelton says to him. "So could I come to you if they aren't sore some day?" Kelton answers, "Yes, every day. Even if they are sore." Kelton opens the boy's jeans and is happy to see a bright white band. He sticks a hand between the kid's jeans and his briefs, but not inside them. Nonetheless the boy's face shows forth pleasure and then pain, and then back and forth. "I'll unveil this part of you later. But before I decide I want to take you, I want to feel how you suck." Without any hesitation, the boy drops to his knees and tries to open Kelton's pants. Soon Kelton is almost all the way into the boy's mouth. This boy is no beginner, that's for sure.

"Did somebody once own you?" Kelton asks the boy. The boy freezes, Kelton's cock still buried in its mouth, and then takes his mouth off Kelton's dick and looks up at him. "Yes, Sir."

"Are you free now? Are you okay?" Kelton asks, concerned.

"Now free, Sir, but you have me if you want me. My name is Abel," he says, and goes back to sucking Kelton's cock.

Kelton tries to decide if he really will be able to put up with the drama. "What the fuck?" he says to himself. "Abel, put my cock away. Then stand."

Once Abel stands, Kelton asks him, "we can continue to fool around here or I would bring you home for the night. Your choice."

Abel answers, "Home. But please let me tell my friend where I'm going."

"Sure, says Kelton. "Here's a card you can give him with my info on it." Abel takes it and goes looking for his buddy. Kelton is pleased that the kid knows how to make sure it will be safe.

Abel comes back. "Do you have a car with you?" "No. I came with my friend." Kelton takes him to his car and opens the door to help him get in. Then he goes to his side, starts the car and backs out of the lot. As he starts to drive down the road he says to Abel, "this would be a good time for you to strip yourself naked, boy,' and Abel does. Kelton notes that the boy is already hard. "Your body is naked for me, now I want your mind naked for me as well. How long were you owned?"

"Two years. College senior year and one year after."

"When did it end?"

"3 months ago."


"He stopped wanting bdsm. Wanted us to be equals."

"You could never have an equal. You would always be the lowest one. It's how you were made."

"I wish I could believe that, Sir."

"I understand. Keep your legs spread, please, Abel. I want easy access." Abel moves.

"Good boy." Kelton feels that the boy is shaved. "Who shaved you?" "I did, Sir. For tonight. First time I've been out since."

"Wow. A true virgin slave. Hey, you sure you want to get back in so quickly?"

"Yes, Sir. Please, Sir. Just take me, Sir. Need it so much." Abel is on fire, it seems.

Kelton pulls up to the house and helps Abel out the door. He picks up his backpack and they enter the house.

He directs Abel into the living room and has it lie on the couch on it back.

"Now we'll begin by having you jerk off then eat your load. Then we'll see how submissive you can really be." Kelton does this almost all the time with a new sub. Saves a lot of trouble when the sub has to stop after having an orgasm.

Abel almost laughs as he starts working his cock. Kelton speaks quietly to him. "I want you groveling before me while your cum is still in your mouth. Then you'll put your mouth and your tongue on every inch of my body. I'll give you some incentive, boy. I have a nice riding crop which hurts almost like a whip lash. Yeah. I'm gonna like whipping you, slave. You're gonna drink from my mouth and drink form my dick. I'm gonna hear you cry, and I'm gonna hear you gulp, faggot. You're gonna be my slave now and I'll rule your fucking faggot life. And...and abel shoots his load, loud moaning and groaning. Abel eats it all off his hand and then immediately gets down on the ground and grovels before Kelton. Kelton spits on him. "Remove my footgear and then you know what to do."

Abel struggles to pull Kelton's boot off. "Kneel up, slave." "Now hold on to my boot and pull it towards you." Awkward success The second one goes faster. Then Abel lovingly removes Kelton's socks and begins to kiss each one of his toes. Kelton enjoys every second of Abel worshipping his smelly feet.

This is too good to be true.

Back to the club. Of to the other side there are three twinks gathered around c-, who is still blinded by the hood it's wearing. Steven takes off its mouthpiece so it can adequately blow each of the twinks around it, and the twinks decide to just take a couple of strokes at a time then switch to the other, and so at this rate it would take Conor most of the night to milk three loads of cum out of these twinks, two of whom were definitely older than it was. In order to better motivate his slave, Steven puts a pair of moderately tight clamps on the slave's nipples and the slave calls out, "they're yours, Master," like a good boy. Steven shows the twinks how to toy with the clamps in a way that increases the painfulness and they have a good time making the slave cry out as they keep changing from one cock to another in its mouth.

Brandon is kneeling on the ground on all 4's. Gary is letting a couple of Doms have fun kicking its balls from behind and there's another one fucking the slave's face and whenever it opens its mouth to cry out from a strong kick, the Dom it is blowing drives his cock farther down the slave's throat. At the final moment he pulls his cock out of the slave's mouth and cums all over its face. Oscar happens to be passing by with Michael in tow and when he sees this, he sends Michael over to Brandon with orders to lick all the cum off his face while he cracks both boys in sensitive places with his riding crop. Gary is curious about using the crop so Oscar shows him a couple things he has learned, using Brandon`s back as a target. After a few tries, Gary gets pretty good at it, but he doesn't continue whipping his slave because it's clearly had enough for the evening.

So much more was happening around them, and it is noted that a couple of the twinks who arrived alone are being taken home by slightly older men dressed at least partly in leather. This in itself makes the night a success, and many Members are telling Uncle Starnick that they hope he holds more nights like this in the future now that they've got the right formula. In addition to that, two of the older twinks asked for copies of the Membership application.

Things have quieted down considerably by midnight, especially since the demonstrations are over. The most notable demonstration was quite a surprise to Brandon because he was the slave victim. The guest presenter, of all people, was Archy, who gives a fine demonstration for men with large dicks how to get this sub (Brandon) to open its throat for them. Archy managed to get all the way in this time, and then with Gary`s permission, he turns the slave's mouth and throat over to a dude with a 10 inch dick to see how far he can get. Brandon however, is quite exhausted. He does manage to break past where Archy got with the slave but then he decided that the slave had had enough and turned it back over to its Master.

A little while later, Gary is sitting down and Brandon is kneeling between his legs resting his head in the Master's lap while Gary is stroking his head. "I think my baby boy needs to be taken home and put to bed," Gary says and Brandon throws its arms around g-`s chest and begs, "Please, Daddy. we go home? Please."

Steven didn't know whether or not there would be any contact with the person interested in buying Conor, and it seems that nothing is going to happen. Conor has had quite a workout and Steven chained it up in a cage so it could rest without being molested by anyone else at this point. He stood beside the cage and enjoyed the looks of admiration from a couple of the younger twinks who have watching him handle his slave all evening. One asks if he could give the slave some water and Steven tells him to put it in a low bowl and place it at the slave's face inside the cage, and as soon as he does, Conor eagerly laps up the water it has been given. Steven makes note the he hasn't hydrated the slave enough, and gets another bottle of water to pour into the slave's bowl. But that's it for Conor. He'll let it have a little rest then take it out of the cage and bring it home. He thought he'd have the slave take a load of piss so the others could watch but then decides to save that for when they get home. And he reminds himself to let Conor know it has permission to ask for water whenever it's feeling a need for hydration.

He's leading the slave back to his car at the same time Oscar is bringing Michael back to his car. Of the three brothers, Michael has had the easiest time of it tonight, but Oscar invites a couple of single guys over to watch him feed his piss to the slave. He makes Michael hold its mouth open and he pisses with his dick a couple of inches away from its mouth so that the witnesses can see the piss going from his dick into the slave's mouth and then the slave being ordered to "swallow." It can only do so for a while before it simply cannot swallow and spills some down its chest. And so the evening ends with Michael being subjected to yet a lower level of humiliation and subjugation. After all that, Oscar knows it is time to stop. Picking up the leash he says it's time to leave, and gets to say goodbye to Steven. The slaves are too exhausted to great each other at this point. As it turns out, both of them are sound asleep by the time their Masters get them home.

While these slaves are being tucked into bed after their Masters use them one last time, Abel's night is just about over as well, and it's marked up quite a bit by several of Kelton's favorite implements and has licked, sucked and nibbled on just about every inch of Kelton's body and its nipples are two points of fire by now. All Kelton has to do is touch one with the end of his finger and the slave almost begins to cry again as it forces out the words, "it is yours, Master. I am yours."

Kelton ends the evening by fucking the slave pretty roughly and once again is quite pleasantly surprised by the little resistance the slave shows to being treated by him in an almost brutal fashion. He makes Abel a nest on the floor next to his bed to sleep in and before he turns off the lights he lets Abel know that he's been a very good boy. "Tomorrow you are going to tell me everything there is to know about your previous training and ownership." Either that or you and I will say goodbye tomorrow." He doesn't wait for a response. In fact, he's not even sure the slave heard what he has to say. it will all be revealed in the morning.

up north

Austin and dan(Jonny) spent a good part of the day looking at apartments. It was frustrating because their main priority was to find something private enough that they didn't have to worry about noises being heard, things like the lash of a strap or crop or the slam of a paddle, or by the slave's subsequent responses. dan had been made to understand how this would be a regular part of its life every day and evening. After just a little bit of time dan said that he was willing to surrender to whatever Austin wanted from his slave. Finally they found the perfect place and would soon hear about Austin's credit check. One of the things that makes this arrangement so good is that the apartment is attached to the small home of a man in the lifestyle although a sub, and he promises them that they will sometimes hear things coming from his home as well, if he gets lucky. They also agree right from the beginning that there will not be any contact of that matter between them all and dan is very relieved at that because he would much rather serve Austin alone and not have to serve anyone else.

Austin was originally planning to stick out the semester before locating a place to stay, but the situation was getting intolerable for dan as the rest of their dorm mates learned of his "transformation," and were constantly giving a hard time about it. For some reason, there is something about dan that really makes slightly homophobic guys want to take out some of their anger on him. dan keeps insisting to Austin that the climate at the U isn't nearly as open and affirming as it had been when Michael and Brandon were here. Austin isn't surprised. The same thing is happening in the country right now in some areas. And so, that is why they're looking now. If Austin's application goes through, they'll be all set and will move out next weekend. Then, he says, dan will be collared and it will be permanent. He knows what he wants. He just has to take the slave to be measured for it and also for a matching cock ring which Austin wants the slave to wear. Permanently. dan is grateful to Austin for arranging for alternative housing for them. He experiences this as one of the ways that Austin is taking care of him and protecting him. After all of that, dan realizes that there is very little he wouldn't do to please his Master. dan has finally begun to embrace his new identity as Austin's slave. The old pride has been set aside. dan understands that now that they have their own place together, Austin owns him completely. dan isn't looking forward to the first time Austin makes the slave drink his piss, but knows that it is inevitable. Now the slave is no better than what Brandon used to be. It wonders if Brandon has found a new Master and begs Austin for permission to send Brandon an email. Austin tells the slave that he'll take care of it himself and maybe even plan a trip down to Lipton some time soon, maybe even during Spring Break.


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