Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 30, 2023


Chapter 16. One Week Later: Kinky Romance.

Since Conor had never read "The Alex Chronicles," Stephen decided that it would be nice if they all got together and had a group reading of the novel. It took place over the course of three nights during the week, with each of them except Conor taking turns reading the novel out loud. Not only did it lead to some wild shenanigans in the bedrooms but by the end of the novel they were all moved to tears (as you would be, dear reader, if you ever read it the way you were encouraged to do at the opening of this novel) and it caused them all to reflect on the emotional aspects of their own relationships rather than merely on the kinky things that were the main feature of their sex lives together.

Not everyone in the lifestyle believes that romance has a place in the dungeon; some say it destroys the possibility for subjugation, humiliation, punishment and discipline, but this is fiction, after all, and as such it defies the usual conventions just as much as so much paranormal porn requires the reader to suspend disbelief again and again.

So bear with me.

After they had finished reading the novel, it was as if Alex and Billy had come and spread some pixie dust over our heroes. Interesting conversations followed and gave rise to some rather intense activities which resulted in the three subs weeping and sobbing and entering even more deeply into the subjugation they all sought so desperately. Let's take a look at what happened.

Gary and Brandon had bonded together when they were in second grade. They were clearly in love even though it wasn't named as such for most of their short lives, since it was so unusual for boys to talk that way or even to think that way.

But it was there. Brandon worshipped Gary as his hero, and as the years went by, as his protector as well. Being naturally submissive, it wasn't long before a pattern had been established: Gary called the shots; Brandon went along with whatever Gary wanted. Very simple. They often played games like "Cowboys and Indians," where Brandon was the cowboy conquered by g-, tied up, and mock tortured. Brandon's Mom made them some homemade "ropes" out of torn sheets because she once caught them using real rope and it took over a week for the marks to disappear from Brandon's wrists and ankles.

Brandon started getting hard from all this about the time he was 10 years old, and although Gary could see what was happening, he conveniently chose to just ignore it. Eventually, however, he ended up stripping Brandon to his underpants and he hung him from a tree branch one time and kept him there for most of the afternoon while shooting at him with his water pistol and soon the sub's underpants were soaked through and nothing was left to the imagination. Gary even stated smacking him around from time to time, and so Brandon stayed hard all the time they were playing together.

Once they discovered the joys of masturbation they didn't need the games any longer. They frequently spent nights together, usually at Brandon's house because Gary's parents didn't respect their privacy at all. When they were at Brandon's, it was always Brandon who got naked first—Gary insisted—but Brandon wasn't allowed to touch his pecker until Gary gave the okay. Eventually they got the idea of rubbing up against each other and Gary actually achieved his first wet orgasm that way and then made Brandon sleep that night without washing it off his own crotch.

Brandon loved being naked when Gary still had his clothes on and it got to the point that as soon as the two of them were alone together, Gary would tell him to strip and they'd even watch television like that with Gary clothed and Brandon naked. They started off jerking off together, but one night Gary told Brandon he wanted a hand job and Brandon eagerly agreed, but again Gary wouldn't let him touch himself until Gary had spilled his load, then Gary would use his cum as lube while he jerked Brandon off. Other variations ensued, but the pattern was pretty clear that Gary was the Dom and Brandon the sub before the boys even knew the words.

Then came that awful time when Brandon's Daddy perished in a car accident and before long the two boys were sleeping together with Brandon crying in Gary's arms night after night while Gary held him tight. This established another protocol which would be important later one: that Brandon got comfortable openly crying in Gary's presence. This would be important later on.

Brandon came out to Gary at the beginning of their junior year of high school, and so the hand jobs turned to blow jobs with Brandon eagerly swallowing what came from Gary's boyish cock. Gary continued to insist he was not gay, and even refused to touch Brandon again after that. A pattern was set. Brandon naked as usual, then rubbing Gary through his clothes and finally, once Gary had given permission, Brandon would take out his cock and suck it to completion. Brandon would often reach down and try to jerk himself at the same time, but this got Gary very angry and even caused him to smack Brandon around for being so "selfish," he called it. it was clear that Gary's cock was more important.

Once Gary was finished and Brandon had swallowed down what he deposited in the sub's mouth, Brandon was allowed to j/o while Gary watched and would tease him or make other sexy talk until Brandon reached his climax.

This was the pattern for 11th and 12th grades. Meanwhile, outside of the bedroom, Gary was clearly in charge and there was never any dispute about that. Brandon loved following Gary's lead in all things, and at the same time Gary was constantly protecting Brandon from bullies since Brandon was slight and relatively undeveloped with respect to the other boys. Brandon wanted to stop taking showers after gym but they had a discussion about it and Gary insisted that it continued. He told Brandon it was good the other guys teased him, even though Gary himself didn't even realize why he felt that way.

In 12th grade Gary got the idea to have Brandon give blow jobs to a couple of his friends, but he always blindfolded Brandon so he didn't know who he was servicing.

Meanwhile both boys were doing their own internet searches. Brandon realize that he was not only a sub but a slave, and wished he could be Gary's slave but there was always the problem that Gary insisted he was not gay. The usual pattern continued until they both left for college, with Gary being sent to a different school as Brandon by his parent's own deliberate decision. Enough was enough as far as they were concerned, especially when Brandon's reputation as the class faggot was spreading around town.

By the end of the first week of school Brandon had already made contact with Justin and soon became his slave and boyfriend. No more needs to be said about this because it was covered in the earlier novels. What matters is that eventually Gary was disowned by his parents and ended up living with Brandon and things quickly escalated from there because Gary finally admitted he was gay and you know the rest.

SO: The night they finished reading the Chronicles, they all sat there in silence for a while. Conor and Michael were weeping.

Steven was the first to speak. "This was a good thing for us to do. Not only does it ground us but it stimulates our imaginations as well. I'm especially glad that my boy here got to hear the entire story for the very first time."

Gary took a look at Brandon and said, "downstairs right now, slave, and grovel until I'm ready for you," and Brandon goes down right away.

When Gary gets downstairs, he takes off his pants and goes to sit the couch. Brandon obediently crawls to him. Gary opens his legs. "I want you to start licking my inner thighs. Get them nice and wet then suck your spit off them. Make me feel good that way."

While Brandon does this, Gary speaks to him softly. "Baby, you know that I love you and I know that you love me, and I suspect that you love me even more now that I'm your Master."

Brandon nods his head but keeps on doing what the Master told him to do.

"It was very different for me to hear that story now that I'm actually your Master. I heard it like a Master. I heard about how much I need to step up my game with you. I've been too easy on you. That's gonna stop now."

Gary leans down and takes his belt out of his pants. "Stand up and go bend over the arm of this couch. I'm going to thrash you."

Brandon gets into position. "The reason I'm thrashing you, boy, is simply because I can. Just in case you had any doubt. This is me meeting your needs. This is me taking care of my slave. This is my right as your Master. It is not punishment. It is simply maintenance. I am about to maintain your condition as my slave."

He kisses Brandon on the back of his neck, then stands up and beats the slave's butt with pretty severe lashes. After about a dozen, the slave starts crying and writhing around and Gary has to hold him down more forcibly as he lays on another half-dozen lashes, then walks away and helps Brandon down onto the floor.

"I've got to piss," he says, and there is no question about how that will happen. Brandon kneels before him and opens his mouth to receive Gary's cock and soon he is swallowing and gulping yet another load, thinking to himself that this is the best way to recover from a whipping, showing his Master that he hasn't been scared away or discouraged by the showing of severity. Brandon was also stimulated by the reading of the Chronicles, more eager to emulate alex, more focused on showing his total devotion to Gary, more devotion than he ever had before despite all the years of agreeability and submission he has shown to his dear friend. This new dimension of their relationship is simply the logical continuation of everything that has happened over the years.

Friends, lovers, Master and slave. Just the way it's always meant to turn out.

Conor, on the other hand, isn't sure what to think and needs Steven to help him sort things out. Never ever having what alex and Billy had, it all seems somewhat foreign to him. He's not stupid. He knows that love exists. He's relatively well-read despite not going to college. He's surprised that he responded so emotionally to the ending of the story.

"Usually, whenever I've read a good story I'm sad after it's over because it's time to say goodbye to the characters," he says to Steven. "But this story ends in such a way that we don't have to say good-bye. It's almost as if they're still with us. Not like ghosts or anything, but simply like a very vivid idea that isn't going to go away."

"That's a wonderful way of describing your reaction, boy," says Steven fondly. "You got the point. That's what the author intended by ending the story that way, I believe. And I think it is adorable that you ended up with tears in your eyes, my child. Happy tears, I hope."

"I'm not sure, Sir," says Conor. I feel a great emptiness inside. All that space inside that should have been taken up by love is just . . . `empty' isn't a good word, but I don't know what is. It's just that I never ever thought that I was worthy to be loved, I guess. Do you think that's why I need to be a slave?"

"do you mean, be a slave because that's all you're worthy of? That you don' t deserve to be an ordinary human being, a free man?"

"No, it's not that, Sir. You keep telling me that I'm a good boy, that I'm a good slave, and that makes me very happy and even proud of myself in a funny sort of way."

"You should be proud to be a good slave. You wear it well. It becomes you. And very few guys in this world have what it takes to do what you're doing so well. It's your calling in life, I would venture to say, based on what I know of you. Conor, there's been a big change come over you since that night we first met. You seem more settled. You seem happier. You seem at peace."

"I am all of those things, Sir. But there's more."

"Really? What else is there?"

"For the first time I can ever remember, I feel safe. I know where I belong---even if it's just at your feet, Sir. I'm not afraid. I've had more real pleasure these past few weeks than ever in my life. Before it was always a struggle just to survive. how to find food. How to steal money when my mother was passed out so I could eat. How to stay away from certain men who were very cruel to me. How to avoid being raped. How to try to hold it together enough in school that everyone else didn't realize I was practically an orphan."

"How did you get clothes to wear, Conor?"

"Church poor boxes. A couple of nice ladies down the street. Even a couple of my mother's guys took me to buy things some times—although sometimes I had to pay for it with my body. At least I had clothes. But now? I have none of those worries, thanks to you, Sir. I swear, I would do anything you ever told me to do to show you how grateful I am to you. I'm lucky you're my Master. I'm happy to go to work when you tell me to. I'm happy to just be your houseboy. I'm happy to have you give me away to other men when you want."

"now hold on, boy. I haven't done anything like that yet."

"I know, Sir, but you get what I mean. If you want to share me, I'll do it, just for you, Sir. Just to make you happy. I love it that sometimes I can tell you are pleased and happy. I'm beginning to wonder, is this love?"

"Part of it, Conor, but there's a lot more besides. I'm just happy to hear you speak the way you are. I'm happy to realize that the quality of your life has improved for the better. And I get a lot out of it myself. I own a wonderful, smart and obedient slaveboy. Best ever for me, to tell you the truth."

"Oh wow, that sounds so neat, Master. I hope things just stay this way."

"They're going to get even better, Conor, I promise you. But at the same time, there are a lot of deprivations you have as my slaveboy, to say nothing of the fact that I can do anything I want to you anytime I want for any reason. But look at how you're living. You sleep locked into a cage. You eat either from my fingers or from a bowl on the floor. You need permission for just about anything. You own nothing. You have no money because I took all of yours away from you. You can't just pick up and go where you want anytime you want."

"So what? I don't care about those things. But there is something I'd like to ask for permission for."

"What's that, boy?"

"Master, could I cum?"


"Sorry for asking, Master."

"You don't need to be sorry. You asked. I denied your request. You will live with it. You are my slave. Slaves don't usually get to cum often. That's just the way it is. That's just the way it will be for you. Get used to it."

"Yes, Master." And now the conversation gets away from all the philosophical meandering and down to basics all over again.

"I need to piss, slave. Get over here and put my cock in your mouth. Don't spill any of it or you'll be punished."

"Yes, Master."

And Conor goes to take up his "station" before the Master, and even in this he feels so lucky. It's so much better to be drinking his Master's piss than to have to drink his own out of a glass for some creep on the other side of the computer screen. And for some reason that he can't fully understand, this feels like the right thing for him to be doing for this wonderful man he is so happy to be serving. This is what he wanted ever since he started exploring these things on the Internet. He just never thought it could be as good as it is. Although, if he could be honest about things, he might wish that he had more pain in his life. Steven has been treating him with kid gloves a lot of the time. Oh shit! Maybe that's something to ask for?

After Steven is finished filling the slave's belly with piss, the slave ventures another request. "Master, may I ask for something else, something different?"

"You can try, boy. Go ahead."

"Embarassing to ask for this, Sir, but I was wondering why you've been so gentle with me lately."

"Oh, you poor baby. Do you crave more pain? Are you truly a masochist?"

"I think I am, Master."

"Follow me."

Steven goes into the playroom. He gets the short thick strap.

"Come stand before me." Conor obeys.

"Hold out your hand." Conor obeys.

Steven takes the strap and uses it to adjust the height of Conor's hand held before him and then quickly brings the strap down crashing on his hand. Conor yelps and pulls away, shaking his hand to cool it off.

"Now the other hand." Same thing happens. Now Conor is shaking both of his hands.

"The first hand again." Conor has to struggle to get back into position and actually closes his eyes not wanting to see what would happen.

"Oh no, slave. Open your eyes. I want you to watch me give you the pain you asked for."

Second lash to the right hand and Conor cries out again. then the left hand. Then back and forth several times until Conor simply doesn't have the guts to hold out his hands again. so then Steven bends him over the nearest chair and takes the strap to the slave's ass, and doesn't let up until Conor is sobbing. Mind you, he was only just beginning to get over being caned on the ass. Now the pain is tripled and Conor has no more needs to ask for any more pain at the moment.

But as he manages to stand up straight again, the first thing out of his mouth is "thank you, Master."

Because of his mother's nefarious acquaintances, Conor is no stranger to beatings. But there is something different about this. Yes, like a true slave, he got beaten. But he didn't get harmed. There's a big difference. He remembers days he couldn't go to school because he was recovering from a brutal attack by one of the men who hung around the house. This is different. There's something controlled about the pain---again, pain he lusts after. But it is safe pain. And there's that word again: safe. One of Conor's favorite words these days. Damn! Not too long ago his Master actually caned him right before he had to go to work. It hurt for days afterwards. But it didn't mean that Conor couldn't put in a full day's work despite the pain.

This is all very curious. Very strange. But so what? It is what it is, as they say.

Michael knew he was falling in love with Oscar, and hearing the Chronicles read again really helped put his mind at ease about the whole thing. What LuAnne had said to him in the diner still bothered him, how Oscar was turning his entire way of being upside down because of Michael. He didn't know what to do with that, and it was increasingly becoming a source of toxic guilt, especially when Michael surmised that he was disappointing Oscar in some way by not being humble enough, or obedient enough, or didn't satisfy him sexually as much as he really wanted.

Hearing the story of alex and Billy again reminded Michael that both partners in a M/s relationship go through changes of their own and that for the most part, these were free choices. Nonetheless, when Oscar and Michael went back upstairs to their room, Oscar could immediately sense that something was disturbing Michael and that he was reluctant to speak about it.

"Sit here," he said to his slave, patting the seat next to him. "Baby, your body is naked for me but your mind isn't. Something is oppressing you and I can't do anything about it unless you tell me what it is. "I don't think you can do anything about it anyway, Master, says Michael. It's all on me. It's all my fault.

"What is your fault, boy? If there something I need to punish you for that you've kept hidden from me? Have you broken any of the directives I've given you or deliberately gone against my will about something?"

"No, Master, it's not that. It's just that . . . " tears fall from Michael's eyes.

"come on, slave. reveal yourself to your Master or he might need to get the hairbrush to break through your stubbornness."

"You probably should get the hairbrush anyway, Master, because I'm too much of a disappointment to you."

"How so?"

"Master, like LuAnne told me, you have turned your entire life upside down for me, and I'm afraid that if I fail you'll have done it all for nothing."

"I see. Now let me think for a moment." They sit in silence for a while. Then Oscar asks Michael to kneel on the floor before him and rest its head in his lap.

"I see one serious problem developing, and it is not anything you are aware of, slave," Oscar says to the boy. "It's mainly a way of thinking that isn't allowed for a true slave. And it's very simple. You are young, boy, and because you are young you are thinking like most men and boys your age, that the world revolves around you. That is fine for a free man, but it is poisonous if it remains in the mind of a slave undectected. And, I'm afraid that I am going to need to punish you rather severely to help root this out of your system."

"Please, Master, please punish your slave as you see fit."

"Of course I'm going to punish you as I see fit. But first, I have to make you realize the error of your ways. What are you, Michael?"

"a slave, Master."

"do you truly want to be a slave, boy?"

"Yes, Master. I never realized it until I met you but it is very true. This is how I am meant to live. As a slave. As your slave, Master."

"and so who owns you, boy?"

"You do, Master. Please, Master, please take over my life the same way Billy took over alex's life."

"Okay. We're making progress now. So tell me, slave, in a Master/slave relationship, who is the most important person?"

"The Master, of course, Sir. The slave is nothing. The slave exists for the Master's pleasure. The slave is stripped of rights and privileges and possessions and of its will. Everything is from the Master and about the Master."

"So follow that through to its logical conclusion and consider it in light of the way you've been thinking."

"Pardon my stupidity, Master, but I'm not sure I see."

"Aha. That is why I am the Master and you are the slave, why I am the man and you are the boy. It is my duty to help you see, even if that might be a painful lesson for you. Now follow me closely: You said that you are concerned because I have turned my entire life upside down for you. As if you are in the center. As if you are the important one in this dynamic."

"I'm still struggling to understand, Master."

"Okay, then I will spell it out for you. But I assure you, it is going to be a very painful lesson once you realize what is wrong with the way you've been thinking. Not only that, but the way you've been thinking has caused you a lot of concern and has upset you tremendously. Remember the conversations between Billy and his slave at the beginning of the book. How the slave's way of thinking was the reason the slave as in pain. You are doing the same thing."

"How, Master, please be patient with me."

"I'll spell it out for you. There is a fatal error in the way you are thinking. You think that I have turned my whole life upside down for you. Therein is your terrible pride, your thinking that you are the center of the universe. Hear this, slave, and hear it good: I have not turned my entire life upside down for you, Michael. I have turned my entire life upside down for me! Since we've met, I've come to understand that my true identity is as a Master. Sure I have a lot to learn, but that is beside the point. I am a Master. I am your Master. And if you were to decide tomorrow that you didn't want to surrender to me as your Master, do you know what I would do?"

"No, Sir, what?"

"I would turn away from you, as painful as that might be, because I could not abide being the Master to a slave who didn't appreciate or understand it or who was not willing to surrender itself totally to me as Master. And then, I would go off and in time I would find a boy who could become the type of slave I would want to own. It's not all about you, slave. It's about me. Do you see the difference?"

"yes, Master, and now I realize how much I need to be punished for thinking that way."

"But wait, boy. There's more: I am the Master here. And what has been happening to you as we've explored this dynamic? What have you discovered?"

"I've discovered that I'm much more of a sub than I thought I was. I've discovered that I am meant to be a slave! Oh my goodness! I've been turning my life upside down for YOU, Master, not the other way around."

"That is correct, and you will continue to have to make changes and adjustments in your way of thinking if you are to please me as my slave, especially as I come more and more confident in my ability to rule the life of someone such as you. What LuAnne said to you was cruel and insensitive, but if you had been truly thinking like a slave, you would have realized that she didn't know what she was talking about. Yes, my life has been changing. Yes, part of it is because I met you. But the truth is that my life is changing because I'm discovering who it is that I'm meant to be. Can you say the same thing about yourself, boy? Truly?"

"Yes, Master, especially after what we've read the past few days. I am meant to be a slave. I am meant to be your slave if you will have me, Master."

"And as my slave, when necessary, I will not hesitate to punish you as severely as you deserve so that I can form you into the type of slave I want you to be: physically, mentally, emotionally. All of it. And this is a very significant issue, and calls for some significant steps to be taken as far as punishment is concerned."

"I am yours, Master. Do with me what you will. I regret my proud way of thinking and beg you to correct me as you see fit."

"I intend to. But first, go inside and take a warm shower. Meanwhile, I will get ready for your punishment. Crawl away, boy, and when you are finished, crawl back here to me. I'll be ready then."

When the slave crawls back, Oscar has it get up on the bed on all fours and lower it's chest to the blankets with its ass held high.

"I'm going to cane you tonight, slave. 6 strokes. They will be very painful and I want you to accept the pain all the way into your spirit so that it can cauterize those prideful thoughts you have had lately.

If necessary, I will repeat this punishment in a couple days, but I'm hoping it will do the trick the first time. Now get into position. Count out load and thank me after each stroke."

Little does Michael know, but Oscar has had a lot of practice wielding a cane lately from someone who has been in the scene for a long time, so he really knows that he is doing. He also knows from experience how severe this type of bite can be.

The first lands and Michael howls out loud. One. Thank you, Master, and dances around on the bed whimpering and having trouble catching his breath.

Two. The slave can hardly get the words out. Oscar patiently waits for composure to set back in, but now the slave is terrified since there are still four more to go.

Three practically drives the slave right off the bed and it scampers and writhes while crying and sobbing. The only thing going through the slave's mind is how much it deserves this correction and it hopes it will drive away the bulk of its pride for the rest of its life.

Four. Same dance again, same music, and the slave actually feels grateful the its Master is taking this so seriously.

Five. The slave collapses flat onto the bed and pounds the bed with its hands while crying into the pillow. "Pick yourself up, slave, or I will add additional strokes." With that threat voiced, the slave quickly gets back into position, trembling from head to foot.

Oscar waits a bit for more composure to return, realizing of course that the wait is making the punishment all the more distressing. Finally he lets it land and there are fix nicely formed stripes across the slave's ass, stripes that will be remembered for days to come.

A great while later, Oscar is lying in bed and Michael chooses to lie on top of the covers but still in Oscar`s arms and for some reason decides to reveal more of what is on its mind. "Master, this slave is finding that it is falling in love with you."

"That is good, my child. They say that the best slaves of all are by necessity in love with their Masters. But that is also why I need to always be on my guard as your Master and make sure that things are corrected quickly and definitively when they arise. This is my way of making sure you are happy and loved. The deeper your surrender to your Master, the greater your pleasure and your inner peace. Now think about that as you fall asleep."


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Next: Chapter 17

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