Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 1, 2023


Chapter 17. A New Pairing

One day the next week, Steven and Kelton went for coffee together and got on the subject of their subs. Conor and Abel aren't that much alike in some ways but very much alike in others. Both are totally obedient but Kelton shares his concern about Abel's sad attitude about himself. Steven gets an idea. "This might be one of those situations where the best way to work things out is to throw them together with their peers, and we've got the perfect situation." Kelton is happily surprised and wants to set something up as soon as possible before they got cold feet. So they do it. It will happen Friday evening. Guests at a comfortable back-yard barbecue, good simple, friendly folk. Amazing how easily things work out when they happen to be the right idea!

Steven chuckles and tells Kelton that he has his slave with him. Conor is in his office reading or napping. He often brings the boy to work with him now. It does the boy good to be around regular people. Steven invites Kelton to come and see and Kelton eagerly agrees. When they enter, Kelton is surprised to see the naked Conor collared and chained and Conor immediately gets on his knees and bows to the ground. "Wow," says Kelton. "There are two rooms here and a little bathroom and a computer inside. Enough to keep a bright boy like Conor comfortable and occupied with interesting things. He's never had an opportunity like that before. It's making up for lost time for him. I learned that from you, Kel. A good Master has to be interested in making sure the slave is being supported as it grows. So that's what I'm going here. Kind of what we wanted to have happen with brandon is taking place now between me and Conor," explains Steven. "Conor, kneel up and present." Conor quickly gets into position, hands locked behind his head, therefore having everything exposed, even the slave's shaved armpits.

"So anyway I keep the slave here whenever I'm in the office or even just in the building. Obviously, he can only nude in here, and I never let anyone come in here unless I know they will be able to deal with seeing a naked slaveboy in my chambers." Kelton laughs. "Are you thinking of bringing the new one you have with you?"

"Honestly, I hadn't given it any thought. That could be a great way to have them get to know one another, both naked in our offices. We can switch from week to week," plans Steven. And so, with that decided, there will be a lot of time for them to be together before the events on Friday night.

"I may need to have Abel see a therapist," shares Kelton. "Something happened recently that he keeps blaming himself for and he's convinced that he needs to be punished for it and that's why he ended up becoming a slave. I know that by getting him help he may no longer want a Master, but that's fine. I want to do this for him. That's why I'm enthused about the two meeting. They may each be able to help the other." "Or," interrupts Steven, "it might turn out that they hate each other's guts." And both of them crack up. They check their calendars for work days together and set a few dates. Kelton knows how strict Steven is. After all, it was he who arranged for the two times Brandon was punished by the Team. And there was obvious evidence on Conor `s body that he's regularly punished, probably recently.. And yet, Kelton also noticed how Conor smiled when he saw Steven again after a long time alone. It wasn't just relief. He was genuinely happy to see his Master, to be with him again.

Steven doesn't introduce the slave to Kelton. Protocol. Kelton isn't shy about inspecting the slave's body either. Steven told Kelton about the way they had their slaves get to meet each other at Brandon's house. "It's too bad you have to get home," Steven tells Kelton, "or I'd offer the slave's throat to you, but I promise you'll have its service another time." They walk out together, hug, and Kelton leaves Steven alone with Conor.

"I have to piss," says Steven , and Conor immediately gets Steven`s dick out and puts his mouth on it, waiting. "Yeah, boy. I'm glad you're ready to be a urinal. All on your own, too. All for my benefit," he says, as he messes up Conor's hair after he's pissed his load down the boy's throat. "So, while you've got my cock out, why don't you just blow me now, slave," he says and then helps Conor get settled sucking his cock. A good, long suck, too, and Steven has never had to punish Conor for losing interest when sucking cock for long periods of time. This one goes quickly, though. Steven really hsd to get to his office so he fucks the slave's face furiously.

Afterwards, Steven held the slave's head in his lap again to tell him that Master Kelton had just acquired a new boy and that the two of them are going to meet soon and maybe be able to hang out here together when we're both at work. "Won't be so lonely," he says. "Never lonely, Master. Plenty here for me, Sir. And it's safe. And I'm yours and can smell you everywhere." (Steven always wore a certain scent.)

"You can smell me plenty real soon, Conor. I've got about an hour's work and then you can give me a total tongue bath the way I trained you."

"Yes, Master."

"I'll want you showered and smelling the way you always do with that soap. Be on your knees by my bed when I get there. And no piss on your breath."

"Yes, Master."

Conor waits about 20 minutes and then goes to get ready for the Master. He's wondering about this new boy he's got to meet, being so shy. Maybe he'll have to tell the Master. Well, that's stupid—of course, he'll tell the Master.

Later on that night, after Steven has let him rest, Conor decides this would be a good time, Master so satisfied. "Master? . . . um . . . . Master your slave is worrying about meeting someone like it."

"I'm not surprised. I knew that would have you worrying. Would a good whipping help? Or two?"

"No, please, Master. Yes there are worries. What if? " Steven cuts him off. "don't start with the `what if?'s or I'll beat you right now. One of two things will happen: You'll like each other, and that would be cool for you besides just your brothers, or you won't like each other and that's that."

"Understand, Sir. Thank you."

Meanwhile, over at Kelton's house, Abel has his wrists and ankles bound together on a wall while Kelton is ramming his cock in and out of the slave's body and Abel is grunting. Kelton finishes, goes to clean himself while leaving the slave hanging there with its Master's cum starting to drip from its asshole.

When he gets back, he tells the slave that sometimes that's the way it's gonna be, with him acting like a wild animal using it hard and fast. "I don't care whether you like it or not, and don't want to hear a word about it. You're my slave. You get treated like that from time to time. Sometimes I want to fuck my slave fast and furiously. Just like I just did. No choice. No safeword. It will be your mouth or your asshole. Just like that. But I want to ask you: You hanging there okay, boy? Any cramping?"

"No, Master. That was hot! Everything is okay."

"I like watching my cum drip from your asshole onto the floor. When I take you down later, you're gonna lick all that up. Start psyching yourself for it, slave. It will be gross and demeaning. Just what you need to help you understand what you are now, for real."

He leans over and presses a warm kiss in the slave's lips and the slave groans. Kelton reaches down to take hold of its balls and squeezes while kissing the slave, and then does the same thing with its nipples, one nipple at a time. Abel screams from the nipple pain so Kelton backs off a bit. Finally it's time to get him down. Legs first then wrists and the slave falls on the floor. "Now lick up the mess you made on my floor, faggot. Make sure you get it all up. Filthy Pig."

Kelton goes to sit in his chair and after the slave is finished he orders it to crawl over to him and start kissing and sucking his feet. He can tell that Abel is getting tired, but keeps pushing him on and uses his belt on the slave's ass again to punish it before he lets it use the bathroom. He gives it water in a bowl on the floor to drink if needed and orders it to get in its bed on the floor, something like a dog bed but with a blanket. He tells the slave that if it has anything to say or ask that this is the time for that.

"Master, the worst part was licking up the floor. Almost got sick. And your slave is sorry you had to punish it and will do better next time."

As he's trying to get to sleep, Kelton is thinking to himself, "This kid seems a bit unreal, getting fucked like that and saying it was hot. None of what this kid is saying to me is real. It's like the script from a movie. I sure hope getting the boys together will help. I hope they don't just develop jealousy issues."

Meanwhile, back at the house . . .

Gary discovers, much to his surprise, that he really likes giving Brandon his enemas rather than making the slave do it to itself. Another way to play out his powerful dominance over this boy who loves him so much. Gary doesn't do the "l" word so much himself. It wasn't the way he learned how to live. But Brandon's Mom softened him up a bit and he's still making progress.

"That's a good boy. Now hold it all in for as long as you can, slave, so you can get yourself nice and clean for my cock. . . . . . Okay Now one more time should do it." Brandon groans. "Don't resist me on this, Brandon, unless you're ready to promise me you'll clean my dick off with your mouth after I'm done fucking you. Because that's what's gonna happen when I want you clean, boy. Hey, do you remember those times when you would lay on the ground in the tub and I'd take a shower over you and all you got was my dirty water to wash in? Damn, that was hot. Shit! We were only about ten-eleven at the time too.

"Okay. hold the water again for as long as you can. . . . . . . by now tears are coming out of brandon's eyes and he was sweating all over his face and he's squeezing as much as he can.. . . . . . .

That does the trick. Nice and clean.

This time Gary makes love to Brandon and doesn't just fuck him. These are special times for both of them and Brandon always talks to him about how much he's loved him all these years without realizing it, and how he would think about those showers when he first started masturbating . . . "Shit!" says Gary suddenly. "Dude, we can still do that now! there's no age limit on it! Later, slave, you're gonna wash in my dirty water."

"I'm yours, Master. Do with me what you want."

"Oh, I intend to, boy. But first you're getting the strap for all your whining while I was cleaning you out. So bend over the side of the couch so I can whip your ass." Brandon knows he'd better not say anything now. This is one of those situations where Gary has all the control now and it turns brandon on to no end that he has no say in how hard he's gonna get punished. It's Gary's choice.

Gary's feeling soft towards Brandon tonight and he only hits him about a dozen times and none of them were that hard. Brandon is both relieved and disappointed, but knows he could always ask Gary to thrash him good and hard and Gary would do it. It's happened before. It's sure to happen again. And Gary was great about it. He just got right into it and made it seem as if he were punishing the slave for something.

One of the reasons that Brandon is loving Gary more and more.

Michael is in his room alone. Oscar had to go to a meeting an hour from here and wasn't sure where he'd crash for the night. He offered to take off Michael's cage, but Michael said it was okay, he was getting used to it. "Well if you get horny," says Oscar, "Just write me a real dirty letter or make up some story to turn me on."

"Yes, Master. I get a night away from you and you want me to end up spending all that time thinking about you! Narcissist, maybe?"

Oscar slaps him lightly across the face as they both laugh, but then looks serious at the boy and starts slapping for real, and good and hard. over and over and back and forth and all the while he's spitting into Michael`s face and calling him a filthy faggot slut. Michael doesn't understand why, but it seems that whenever Oscar calls him a faggot he gets really turned on by it, almost pretending that he's the faggot slave for a straight Master.

Michael is near tears. "Yes, Master, I'm your dirty faggot slaveboy just here because I'm hot for your big cock." And with that, Oscar has to leave to get to his event.

And Michael does spend the bulk of his time thinking about Oscar and about what's been happening between them. And he realizes that both of them had had their lives changed since they met one another. Both of them have discovered things about themselves that the chemistry between them has brought to the surface.

And he sees this more clearly than ever before because he's been watching the first season of Heartstoppers and sees how the budding romance between the two decent high school boys begins to work its magic on both of them.

And, just as he is almost through the last episode, there is a knock on his door. "Come in," he says, and there stands Oscar in his business suit looking kind of sheepish. Michael is overjoyed but confused. It's not even 8:30. "What? How? Why?"

Oscar puts up his hand to stop Michael from blabbering. "I got there and put in an appearance. There was a very large crowd. No assigned seating. And I missed my dirty faggot slaveboy so much that I figured if I slipped away no one would probably notice." Michael is about to throw himself into Oscar's arms, but Oscar stops him. "Let me get out of these clothes and hang them up. Or rather you get my clothes off and you hang them up, boy, because I want several pieces of you, sweetheart."

It doesn't take long before Oscar is just in his boxer briefs and Michael is down on the floor where he belongs kissing his feet and filled with joy. He won't have to sleep alone tonight.

Not only that! But!!!!! Oscar gets his keys and takes off Michael's cage and tells him to take a shower. While he's in the shower, Oscar barges in and gets on his knees and gives Michael a skull-collapsing blow job and he must have cum in quarts and finally falls to the ground with Oscar and the two of them embrace as the cascading water is pouring over them.

A little while later they are both dry. Michael sits at the edge of the bed and Oscar locks it into a new cage, a cage with is just a little bit smaller than the first one. Less wiggle room and Michael quickly realizes what has happened. "You must surrender your dick to me," says Oscar looking deeply into the slave's eyes. "It is yours, Master. Thank you for the surprise." Oscar winks at him. "So show me what you were watching so intently when I got here."

Michael tells him all about Heartstoppers and also about his theory of how partners in a relationship often tend to bring about changes in each other. Oscar watches the last episode with Michael and says that now he wants to watch the entire 8 episodes to see how the story develops. "We'll watch it together, he says and then I'll have you serve me like a good boy. Just like you will now. I want you to use your ass to give pleasure to my hard cock. Right here like this. You do all the work and show me how hungry you are for my cock. Go get the lube and get started, slaveboy. Show your Master how happy you are that He left the party to come back to you."

Michael has never been told to do this before and he works hard at it, turned on by the fact that he is being forced to use his ass to bring pleasure to the Master without the Master having to do anything on his own. When the Master fucks him the Master is doing the work. But now, the slave has to surrender the most personal part of it body to the Master, over and over and over again. The sounds Oscar makes and the way he speaks to the slave while this is happening is extraordinary.

"Once again," he says quietly to the slave, "you demonstrate to me that the main purpose of your body is to give me pleasure in as many ways as possible, even to the point where I have you acting like a cock-obsessed faggot slut as you impale yourself on my hard cock the only way you can get sexual satisfaction. Your sex organs now, slave, are your face and your asshole. Start to realize that this is the only pleasure you are allowed as my slave, and it is completely up to me when, where and how it will happen. Okay, boy, push a little harder and you're gonna milk me dry. Do it, slave. Milk your Master's cock. Get all of it up your ass. I'll plug you so it can stay in all night. That's the way I want you tonight. Filled with my cum."

Oscar can see that his slaveboy is very tired. He gets them into bed together and he tells Michael a story while he starts to fall asleep. The story was about a man named Marvin who only realized that he was gay until he was 23 years old and all of a sudden he lost any taste he ever had for women. He posted a question about what had happened to him on a Message Board site and three men responded in a short time, all of whom claim they had the same thing happen to them. But by that time, Michael had fallen asleep is his Master's arms, so the story wasn't developed any further. Perhaps some other time.

Kelton is trying to decide what Abel's slave name is going to be. He doesn't like the name it has. It's new name has to mean something and it has to humble the slaveboy in some way as well. He finally came to a conclusion that makes a lot of sense to him. He called the slave to come grovel before him, a position he often wants the slave to take when he has something important to say to it. And so, this is what he tells the boy:

"I have decided that I am stripping your name from you. You will no longer be called Abel and over time you will stop thinking of yourself as having that name. I have given considerable thought to a slave name for you because I wanted to make sure the name I gave you would continually remind you of what you are: an owned slave stripped of any trappings of freedom. I have decided what I and others will call you from now on. Your name will be NoName. That is right. In order to humble you as intensely as possible, I have decided that you will be stripped of the right to even have a name. When necessary to speak of you or to you, you will be referred to as NoName.

Do you understand what I am saying to you, NoName?"

"Yes, Master. thank You for stripping me of even the dignity of having a name."

"Now come lick my feet the way I like you to. And, by the way, tonight I am bringing you to my friend's home and you will have an opportunity to meet and play with another new slave. Its name is Conor. It will be good for you to have a brother slave. And I can assure you that Conor's Master and I will have some fun with the both of you."

"One further thing. I've given some thought to how much you feel you need to be punished for what you did to your former boyfriend and Master. I can understand that what you did was wrong and is certainly deserving of severe punishment. Therefore, tomorrow afternoon I am going to punish you more severely than you would ever imagine, and that will be the end of things. You will know that you have been suitably punished for what you did, and I am ordering you to put all of that guilt aside after you are whipped tomorrow. In addition to that, you will write a letter of apology to the fellow you abandoned and also provide a picture showing the results of the punishment you will receive because of what you did. And that will be the end of that story. Take your mouth off my feet and tell me that you understand.

"Your slave understands, Master. thank you for making this decision. I hope it will bring closure to the issue so I don't have to carry around that guilt any further."

"that guilt will be whipped out of you tomorrow, I assure you, NoName. Now back down on my feet, show me you will surrender to my lash, slave." NoName kisses and sucks every inch of both the Master's feet, thoroughly turned on by the way Kelton speaks to him and the way Kelton is going to deal with his trauma.


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Next: Chapter 18

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