Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 8, 2023


This is the 4th book in the "Alex Series." There are things in it which refer back to things which happened in the first three books. For the best effect, I suggest you read them all in order, but you won't get lost if you begin here. You just won't have a lot of back story. All of the characters who have sex are over 18.

Here are the books in order. All are on Nifty.

  1. The Alex Chronicles 2. Sweet Subjugation 3. Brandon's Bosses

  2. Brandon's Brothers

Enjoy. And drop me a note sometime:

Chapter 2. Let's peek into their heads a bit.

"I'm drinking Gary's piss!" Brandon is saying to himself. "Gary! Remember when we used to cross streams when we were kids? Well now look what we're doing. He just ordered me to do it—no discussion, no fuss, just do it! Oh, shit, I've needed this!"

And meanwhile, Gary is thinking. "Damn! I feel like I just became a real man! Yeah. And here we are, and I just laid a big claim on this boy I love so much, and proved it to him. I'm the man. He's the boy. Or maybe even the slave . . . . . "

Oscar is astonished that he's proud of Gary and not even a little grossed out. "Shit! You know what I think? I think it's something to think about, that's for sure!

Michael knows he's next. not sure how long it will take, but it's gonna happen. " afraid? no, resigned."

Conor doesn't really see it as a big thing because of his own experience of getting used worse than that. And Steven doesn't hesitate to make use of him when he wants. Conor is happy that it's real now.

Steven feels proud that he's in a position where he can help these guys find their ways. "They're all so good. All so sincere."

Brandon wakes up in the morning in Gary's arms. This is the first time they made it through the night without automatically separating and each turning over, just the way they've been doing all their lives before now. He loves it when Gary hangs on to him so often, like he's keeping him away from kidnappers or something like that. He likes it. He snuggles himself deeper into his best friend's armpit. Or is it his Master's? Whatever . . . . . .

Gary opens his eyes and sees how cute Brandon looks and is so happy that he's finally with him completely. No one is gonna pull him away. He's gonna give Brandon everything he wants. Sure. He'll be Brandon`s Master when he needs it. Gonna keep this boy home now! He pulls a little on Brandon bedhead hair. "Coffee, Brandon."

Brandon shakes himself awake and stumbles out of bed on his way up to the kitchen to make coffee, and he sees that Michael is already at it. They snuggle each other quickly and get the cups ready. Michael is making a whole pot, not the pods. Michael doesn't like the pods. Oscar brought over this coffee maker for the kitchen. "A gift from a frequent guest," he said it was. So now Michael loves making pots. They're not awake enough for conversation. They just do what they have to do and bring the cups to their Masters. That's how it feels, Brandon thinks, but easier because it's always the way things have been, but a little better this time, that's for sure. Because now he's home for good. With the best guy he's even known.

Gary thinks of the crap he had to go through with those freaky parents and their right-wing cultish friends. It's over with now. The fact he turned out gay was really like God's way of thumbing up his nose at them. Yeah, and now Gary has his boy right where he wants him. That semester away from each other at those colleges? Complete hell. And Brandon falls in love then has his heart broken once he'd given it away. But their nightmares are over. They made it here together.

"Stevens such an wonderful guy," Gary thinks to himself. "this could have gotten ugly but there was none of that. it's like he knew he would give Brandon back and he was just getting him ready for me" he thinks. "and Oscars fun to compare notes with. He chuckles. And once again the two subbie friends are always naked for their Masters.

Conor really enjoyed that party last night, or whatever they want to call it. He's always shied away from parties and gatherings, but this was different and they treat him okay, and he loved it when Steven used him to show Gary something on his body with some toy that pulled on my balls. wow. hot. And his Master is respected by all of them. "All of us, like brothers, look up to him." And he likes sleeping here in this cage, safe and no one can get to me, locked up for my Master, comfy so happy Master is letting the cage be in his room with him so Conor can still feel connected.

Steven is also glad he agreed to move the cage to be near him. Today's going to be special: this afternoon, Steven is going to take his belt to Conor for the first time. He's been slapping him around quite a bit and he likes the way Conor responds and reacts, and sometimes even says, "thank You, Master." He'll start by whipping the boy's ass. But not until the lawyers leave. Last time today for them to have to have Conor fill out forms and he gets very nervous having to do that. Yeah. Good day to thrash him. It will help him settle down from all that stress.

"Oscar, please let me be professional with you. Please get what I'm saying: there is something off with those books. I'm still only a one year accounting student, but that's how basic the problem is. Call in an auditor. Please? I really think someone might be embezzling."

"Okay, and if I do that, what do I get?"

"You can already get anything you want from me, Master. I have nothing left to give. Whatever you want, Master. Go for it.

"hmmmm...Okay. I've got it."


"You'll find out when it's time for you to find out," says Oscar.

"there you go, doing zen on me," remarks Michael as he runs out of the room.

"Yes, indeed," Oscar thinks to himself. "Gary did it. That doesn't mean I have to. I have to think of my slave."

They get ready for bed. Michael goes to use the bathroom. Shortly after, Oscar comes in..

"Michael, get in the tub and kneel.." Michael obeys.

His`s heart starts thudding. Is it time? He is so frightened. "What if I can't last? What if I can't do it? I don't want to embarrass him in front of all these people. Oscar take out his cock and looks at Michael trembling there on his knees. What do you want to be, Michael?

"I want to be your slave, Sir. Your good boy."

"You are my good boy, Michael. I am very pleased with you. And we all have limitations that need to be respected. Just because Brandon did it doesn't mean that you have to do it. You aren't ready, Michael. I can see that just by looking at you. I am the one who makes the decisions about what you will do and what you will not do. Is that not correct, slave?"

"Yes, it is correct, Master. I want to do it for you, Master."

"Did you hear what I just said, slave?"

"That you make the decisions?"

"About what, Michael?"

"About what I can and can't do, Master."

"And I just got finished telling you that you are not ready."

"But if I want to, doesn't that man that I'm ready, Master?"

"Again I ask you, Michael, who makes those decisions?"

"You do, Master."

"Just remember that. And know that you are going to get five lashes with that strap for being so pig-headed, slave. Now close your eyes and open your mouth. You do not have permission to swallow whatever lands in your mouth, slave. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Oscar starts pissing on him, up and down his torso and all over, and just a little bit landing in his mouth. Michael keeps his mouth open and lets it wash into his mouth and out again.

Once Oscar is finished, he says, "Open your eyes and put my dick in your mouth, slave."

Michael does as told. "Suck out anything that remains in it and clean my slit, slave."

Michael does as told.

"Now take a shower and get all the piss off you, dry and crawl inside so I can beat your naughty ass."

"yes, Master."

When Michael gets to him, Oscar has placed two pillows in the center of the bed and gestures for Michael to lie over them with his ass in the air.

Michael begins to weep even before it all begins. Oscar takes his place. He leans over and says to the fearful, tearful, slave, "Do you realize now how much power I have over you when I want it?" Michael quickly nods his head and waits for the punishment to begin.

THWACK! Oscar isn't fooling around. That made a sharp crack right across the center of the slave's ass and he cries out.

THWACK! a little lower, where the sting is greater. "I'm sorry, Master," the slave cries out.

THWACK! The third hurts even more and reaches around to the side and Michael cries out again.

THWACK! Lowest of all and it gets the loudest outcry.

THWACK! The last is the hardest of all and Michael goes into fetal position, trying to absorb the pain.

"Don't argue with me again, dear boy. Don't take advantage of my kindness. I am your Master. I will train you to be the type of slave I want. My strap will be my main training tool. I may be a bit green, but the truth is that You.have.a.Master, boy."

Oscar pulls the pillows out from underneath the slave and puts them at the top of the bed again. He gets in and allows Michael go sidle up to him, still weepy. "Thank You, Master." he says, and Oscar leans over and kisses his wet cheek. They sleep until Friday morning and as soon as Michael tries to get up to make the coffee, he remembers that he was thrashed last night, and that Oscar is indeed becoming the Master he needs, and his sore ass indicates that Oscar is not going to "spare the rod." Uh-oh!

Friday is the day Michael is returning to work and he is a bit nervous when he enters the building and finds his way to his office. One of his friends greets him with the words "Martin is gone!" and pats him on the back. "You know, you weren't the only ones that Martin was putting the moves on and even threatening the same way he had done to you. You're not alone, dude, but you're the only one who was smart enough to entrap the bastard and bring the information to HR, so you're kind of a hero her now!" Three other coworkers come by right away to greet him and thank him for what he had done. Mack, Rick, Stanley invite him out for beers and burgers at a local place after work. "Let me check home and see what's going on," Michael says, and when he gets back to his office he calls Oscar to ask for permission.

"Do these guys know you're a faggot?" asks his Master. "Yes, Sir. Everyone here knows, especially after what happened this week. No one seems to make a fuss over it. They're just happy that finally someone spoke up. Apparently, that guy had been playing the same game with other workers as well."

"Interesting. That would suggest to me that some were open to his advances. There's a good chance you're not the only faggot in that office."

Michael is irritated. "Oscar, why do you insist on using that word all the time with me?"

"Because that is what you are, Michael, and because I know you hear it as something demeaning, so it's good to keep reminding you of the fact that I usually think of you as groveling naked before me or sucking my dick. For me, it's a term of gentle affection for my boy, a reminder that I was the one who was using that strap on your ass last night, and will keep on using it. So this is just a gentle invitation for you to let go of that residual pride you have within you and accept the fact that you are my faggot. My faggot slaveboy, sure, but just the one word should help guide you into mental submission to me as well as physical submission."

"But you're gay too, Sir."

"Of course. But I get to cum in your mouth and up your ass whenever I want to, and you don't generally get to have much cock pleasure any more. And I have to remind you, Michael, that this is the way you want it. This is the way you want to be mine. And so, you are my faggot. Close your eyes and listen to me a little bit more, baby. You are a faggot. You are my faggot. You are not just a gay man, you are less than a real gay man such as me. I am your Master. You are my faggot. Now repeat that after me, please?"

"You are my Master. I am your faggot." Michael begins to breathe a little more deeply."

"that is good. you are also my good boy, Michael. Now say it again, baby."

"You are my Master. I am your faggot."

"Good boy. Now find out where you guys will be going tonight and text me the name of the place. If it's not close, come home first and I'll drive you there. I think it's about time that you can have them meet your boyfriend. I want to get to know the men who like you. And as far as the alcohol is concerned, go ahead and have a few beers. Just remember that I'm going to take advantage of that fact when we get home. Understand?" (Author's note: The drinking age in this state is 18.)

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy. Now go find out where you're going."

Michael goes to ask Rick the name of the place. It's called Skelters. The three of them live in apartments nearby. That's why they go there, so they can walk and not have to worry about driving. "If you have too much to drink, you can always stay over one of our places, Michael. No problem. We do this all the time."

"Thanks, Rick, but I think I'll stop home first and maybe my boyfriend will join us. He can drive because he doesn't usually like to drink."

"Oh that would be great. We'll enjoy meeting him."

And so it's all set. As is usual for him, Michael gets a little nervous about this. But he remembers what Oscar keeps telling him: "Don't anticipate."

Later that afternoon, Sandra gives a call to find out how he's doing. That makes him feel really good. Not only that, but she has wonderful news for him: because they are reshuffling positions due to Martin's departure, it is not possible for them to convert his internship into a full-time position as a member of the staff. This means that he will also be earning a regular salary in place of just a stipend. She asks him to stop up to complete some paperwork. Needless to say, he is delighted. He texts Oscar with the news, not wanting to bother him with an addition phone call. He sends back a "thumbs up! A lot to celebrate tonight!"

Oscar is already home when Michael arrives and he greets him with a big hug and helps him strip so he can take a look at the slave's ass. "Hmm, still pink," he says as he pats it. "Still sore, Sir," Michael reminds him. "That's good. I think your ass should always be a little sore, baby. It helps you remind you that there is someone taking care of you the way you need to be taken care of."

"Wow. Oscar, you seem to be getting a sense of the psychological aspects of all this, not only the physical parts."

"that's for the best. It's what will keep you understanding that you're my faggot, even when you're off on your own. I want that for you. I want you to be very conscious of what is happening between the two of us, because it's only the beginning, boy."

Oscar opens his pants and takes out his cock. Michael immediately drops to his knees and begins licking it the way Oscar enjoys.

"that's it, faggot. Treat my cock the way it wants to be treated. There you go, nice licks until it gets hard, then pop the tip in your mouth like a good cocksucker. . . . . .yes, don't gag. Just jerk it off with your mouth, faggot. I want you to have the taste of my cum in your mouth when we go to meet your friends.

Michael serves his Master's cock, losing himself as he enjoys the feel of it in his mouth and tastes his pre-cum. It doesn't take long before Oscar says, "Here it cums, boy. Hold it in your mouth so the taste really settles in well and don't drop my cock out of that faggot mouth. . . . . Michael kneels there holding Oscars cum in his mouth and really getting into how it tastes, when suddenly another shoot of liquid blasts its way through Oscars semen, and Michael realizes that Oscar has just added some of his piss to the mixture. "Swallow, slave. Swallow my cum and piss mixed together like a good faggot." Michael swallows and then, overcome with emotion, bends to the ground and kisses Oscars boots, wishing his feet were bare.

"that will have to be enough for now, babe. I want to dress you so we can go meet up with your buddies." Oscar looks through the hamper and tosses Michael a pair of his soiled underpants to wear. "No need for a faggot to wear clean underpants all the time," he says, and once again Michael realizes just how much Oscar is getting into forms of humiliation. Oscar then gives him a button-down shirt but tells him not to button it yet, and a pair of jeans. Once the boy is dressed, Oscar opens his shirt and takes hold of his nipples and starts to work them, rolling them between his fingers and paying attention to his breathing patterns. He keeps at them until Michael starts to whimper a bit, but before his eyes tear up. "That will do. Faggots should always have a sore ass and sore nipples, if you ask me," he says.

"I'd kiss you, but your mouth is kind of foul right now and I want it to be that way at the bar. Let the beer wash out the taste, faggot."

"As you wish, Master," says Michael, happy at the way Oscar`s idea keep hitting him. "I belong to you, Sir. I am your faggot." Oscar smiles at him and swats him in the ass.

"Put on socks and sneakers and let's go to Skelters. I've never been there before. Looking forward to it."

Next: Chapter 3

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