Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 10, 2023


Chapter 22. Two weeks later: Matty's visit; brothers' reactions.

The day before Matty is to arrive, Kelton decides it's time to sit down with him to tell him the news. NoName knows something is up because Kelton has been very easy on him the past week or so. For the first time since he met Kelton, his nipples aren't sore and his balls aren't aching. And spankings have been lackluster. He hasn't sobbed in a week, which is also rare. And if the truth be told, NoName isn't really happy with the way things are changing and hopes it isn't permanent. But how could he manage to find a way to say any of this to Kelton? Kelton doesn't allow much time for discussion.

Anyway, Kelton calls the slave, and NoName comes crawling in and kneels at his feet. Kelton pats the seat next to him. "Up here," he says. Now NoName is really confused over what's going on. This is a first!

"Relax, boy, this is good news," Kelton says to him. "Matty has been in touch with me in response to your letter and we've had several deep conversations about it and also about things that have been changing in Matty's life. Matty told me that just a few weeks after you left, his dominant traits and desires came back up to the surface like a volcano shooting off, and after talking to a few people in the scene, he realized that he had made a terrible mistake by switching everything off the way he had even though he knew it was making you very unhappy, but now he sees that he had never discussed anything with you so there was no hope of any solution to be found or understanding to be reached. He had just about decided it was time for the two of you to talk when he came home from work that one day and you were gone. Completely gone. And it was impossible to trace you. You'd turned off your phone and cancelled your social media accounts." NoName is getting really distressed by hearing all of this.

"Just be patient, boy, and let me get to the rest of the story." NoName now has tears flowing down his cheeks.

Kelton throws all his story-telling skills right out the window. "Oh shit!" he says. "NoName, Matty is coming here tomorrow and he's going to take you back with him! That's what he wants. So I decided that Matty can have you back, but under slightly different conditions."

"What different conditions?" Now NoName is smiling away. "That you are his slave. No more nonsense. And the two of you will work out how that's going to happen. NoName, just so you can stay turned on, I want you to realize that as your Master, I have made the decision to give you away because I found somewhere better for you to be, boy. And I know you will be the happiest ever because of it."

NoName throws himself on the floor in front of Kelton and kisses his feet and then tries to get up to hug him. Kelton laughs and starts to tickle the boy and next thing they're both lying on the floor smiling and laughing.

"He's coming here??? When tomorrow?" NoName has a thousand questions, like a little boy being told he's going to Disneyland.

Finally Kelton puts his fingers to NoName's mouth and says, "Quiet for now. Go take a shower and then put on the clothes I'll lay out for you on the bed. I'm taking you out to dinner tonight so celebrate, because this is a good thing."

NoName runs into the bathroom and emerges drying himself with a towel and surprised at seeing the clothing on the bed. Underpants, even!

As NoName is getting dressed, Kelton comes in and says, "Also, I'm giving your name back to you now. I'll leave it your new Master if he wants to change it. So now I'll call you Abel again." Abel risks weeping again from happiness. Then he thinks he shouldn't be looking so happy because that's not fair to Kelton.

"I'm sorry I'm so happy, Master, without even thinking of what it must be like to be losing you and you losing me."

"Boy, I'm happy for you, too. And for me this could only be temporary because I really prefer to be unconnected to anyone the way I was connected for you. So for me, this is a well-deserved vacation. So don't you give a word of worry about that."

They go out to a diner. Kelton wisely doesn't take the boy anywhere nicer because it would make the boy very uncomfortable. Diners were about as far as it ever got. During dinner, Abel asks Kelton all about the letters and emails they exchanged and Kelton tells him honestly about all that happened and how difficult it had been for Matty to actually admit he had made a mistake with Abel and how much he wished he could take the boy back. It is clear that he had been meeting with people and having experiences in scenes and done all the reading that everyone suggested and that he even had few scenes on his own and that he was hoping he could work things out with Abel, whom he never stopped loving. Kelton also tells Abel that he was very blunt with Matty: if he softens up or changes his mind again, he'll send Abel right back down to him and not turn him over to any creep up where they live.

Later that night, Kelton fills Steven in about what is going to happen and Steven is very happy for the slave about the way things are turning out. He also admires the way Kelton handled it, including taking the slave out to celebrate. He doesn't think it necessary for Abel to come say good-bye to the brothers, and that Conor will have to learn to accept it as well, especially since they were trying to bond. He also knows that Conor never had anything good to say about the time the two of them had been together. He wishes he could be there, when Matty and Abel both set eyes on each other for the first time.

So none of the slave brothers had any idea what was going to happen tomorrow, and to tell the truth, that's just fine because that little episode with Kelton really didn't impinge on the way they were with each other. Eventually they might finally find out, especially if Matty decides to stay in touch with Kelton. (And, by the way, Kelton asked Matty to cut off all communication between Abel and him. That chapter has come to an end.)

It's a nice night out. When Steven gets off the phone with Kelton, he puts a leash on Conor and leads it out of the house so they could walk around the property. The naked slave has footwear for this. He tells Conor what is going to happen tomorrow and Conor is really happy for the kid. He insists that this news does not upset him because he didn't think they would ever click together. Nonetheless, he's happy about the good thing that is about to happen in the sad runaway's life.

They all gather in the living room of the residence, the Masters in comfortable seats and the slaves groveling on the ground in front of them. Steven prepares to give one of his endless "talks" to the slaveboys.

"The three of you have become our slaves willingly, and you have each promised us that you surrender everything to us. And we are going to live this way not as occasional roleplay but as an absolute lifestyle that you need. You have to understand, that now you have little or no control over the circumstances of your lives. All matters concerning your lives are dictated by the men who currently own you. It is important for you to understand at this point that you have no rights other than the rights we choose to give you, and those are very limited indeed. Forget all about love for a minute and forget about the bonds that each of you has with each of us. Consider for a moment that those bonds do not exist and your only value to us is as the slaves, you are whose lives are dedicated to serving us in all things. And possibly with a resale value. Only kidding!"

So, in this sense, imagine with all your strength that you have absolutely no rights. Your Master has the right to lend you to another Master for any period of time, even to sell you to another Master who has made us an offer to purchase you as the piece of property that you are. I have had an extremely generous offer from someone who wants to own Conor. This is not a fiction. This is reality. At the moment, I have chosen to turn that offer down. However none of this is necessarily permanent. You have to realize this. You are our property and we can dispose of our property as we wish.

"The fact of the matter is that we do not wish to any of this to happen, but you never know what the future may bring. It could possibly be in the future that the emotional bonds we now enjoy may be weakened or broken. Brandon has already had that experience once, so you know how this is possible. He wasn't given away, but once his former Master broke that emotional bond, he escaped and came back here as a single boy until a group of Masters arranged for joint ownership. However, even that came to an end and those Masters gave their property to another Master. This has proven most fortunate for Brandon, but things could have worked out differently.

"I am telling you all this so that you can understand what is happening to the slave who was known as NoName. Its former Master had been in touch with Kelton—it's a long story you don't need to know—and they both agreed that the slave would be happiest and have more of a chance for future happiness if it were given back to Matty—that's the Master's name. And so, that is what will happen tomorrow night: Abel is being returned to Matty not as a boyfriend but rather as his slave. The rest they will work out. And now Conor, crawl over here and do my feet." And, of course, Conor obeys.

Gary wants Brandon to taste some deep humiliation after hearing everything. "Brandon," he says to his slave, "crawl over there and lick Conor's asshole while it's serving its Master's feet. Brandon gets red in the face and goes to do what it was ordered to do. Oscar orders Michael to go up to their room and wait for him while kneeling by the bed. Once Michael leaves, he says goodnight to the other Masters and thanks Steven for his interesting tale.

When Oscar gets upstairs he strips off and sits on the bed and orders Michael up to lie between his legs and lick his inner thighs the way he likes.

"I find that I'm not really comfortable with some of the language Steven was using tonight. All this talk about giving away, or lending out, or even running away from an intolerable situation. Sometimes it's really like they're talking about pieces of property."

"Well, they are."

"they are what?"

"Pieces of property. And don't forget, it turns them on to be thought of like that. Of course, it's all just a big fantasy, but they take it very seriously."

"and you?" Oscar asks Michael. "What are you?"

"your slave, Master Oscar."

"Just like the way Steven was talking? Property?"

"could we please hold off on all that stuff, Sir? Ultimately it's all up to you, but realistically, we have to work out the details of what that means."

"Perhaps. Or I will lead things the way I want to and you have safewords if needed. But for now, enough talk. Come suck your Master's cock, Mikey. Show me how much you appreciate how nice I am to you at times."

"Gladly, Master," and Michael begins to make sweet gentle love to his Master's cock and makes it last a good long time before milking him of his seed and then of his piss. Michael loves serving Oscar this way, and considers himself fortunate to be the slave of such a wonderful Master.

Oscar runs his hand through the slave's hair as it satisfies him the way it was trained to do. He has discovered, much to his surprise, how his fondness for this black-haired boy has grown even deeper as they've continued their evolution into becoming Master and slave. He's happy for the boy they've been calling NoName, and that once his leash has been turned over to his former lover and Master, his life will be filled with love and joy, for he is being returned to what it is that he has always hoped for.

Michael is sent to brush its teeth and use mouthwash before returning to its Master's bed. He and Brandon are truly fortunate, because they sleep in their Masters' arms every night and not in a dog bed on the floor, not in Steven's cage, but rather in the arms of the men they love so dearly.

Conor's fate is not as fortunate, but the truth is that this slave has never slept with another person and probably would have found it freakishly uncomfortable. Conor gets from its Master what it truly needs, and Steven makes it a practice to discover the depth of this new slave's cravings and needs and then delivers all that to him.

Before being locked in its cage to sleep, Conor at this moment is standing at Steven's whipping post, hands bound in leather manacles, and waiting for its Master to begin delivering the flogging he told the slave it was going to receive before being locked up for the night.

"Do you understand why I am going to whip you?"

"Yes, Master. Because I lost control when finding out that NoName is being taken away."

"That is not correct, slave. I understand how much that upset you. No punishment for that."

"then, Master, your slave doesn't understand why it is being whipped.

"I am your Master. I own you. I decide the details of your life. There is a very simple reason why I am whipping you tonight: it's because I can. Just that. Just because I can. I want to whip you tonight because I can. I figure that since you're feeling so hurt on the inside, I'm going to make sure that you also hurt on the outside. Again, because you are my slave and I can do what I want to you."

Conor tries to makes sense out of all this. It is far too complex for him. All he really heard was hurting in the inside and the outside all at once. And, of course, realizing that he is an owned slave and being reminded of it again is a source of pleasure, deep down inside underneath all the pain. With a big sigh, he indicates that he is surrendering to the Master's wishes.

Steven is using a moderately light flogger that might not leave serious welts.

One lash at a time. Then wait. Lash. Wait. And Oscar went to get some help with technique and now he's able to keep one lash away from the previous one, at least for a while.

By #10, Conor starts crying out a bit. It gets worse with every additional lash until the slave begins to sob, Steven lays down his flogger.

Now he walks away, leaving the slave alone to continue its private suffering, and returns only after the slave has calmed down, no matter how long it takes. (this is a standard practice that all the Doms in my stories have agreed to adopt).

Steven returns and takes one arm down from the whipping post and immediately begins to massage it. Good aftercare. Then he wraps his arm around the slave's waist while freeing up the second one and helping the slave down to the floor. Then he kneels alongside and begins to massage the second arm.

"You're my good boy," he whispers into the slave's ear. "My whipping-boy when I want you to be. Come now, slave. Crawl into your cage so I can lock you in, so I know where you'll be when I wake up in the morning. Keeping my property safe. Right next to me."

"thank you, Master. Please keep me, Master." Once he's locked the slave's cage, Steven leans over the top and spits on him. "There. I marked you. No one can take you away."

Conor sighs while Stephen goes to turn off the light and go to bed himself.

. . .

Gary and his slave are lying on the bed together, after the slave got cleaned up after being fucked. Now they're just cuddling a bit, or rather Gary was doing the most of it-- touching here and there, a bit of kissing or nibbling or swatting, then making Brandon put its hands behind its neck so Gary can really play a little rough when he wants. "“I'm really glad you didn't get taken over by Kelton when you were with those guys." "I don't think he was interested in any of that responsibility involved. He got to come over and fuck me two or three times a week with me bent over and waiting so he didn't have to have any kind of conversation at all. I was just a hole for him."

"Well the whole of you is for me now," Gary says, and Brandon giggles at his little joke, then quickly shouts out "ouch!" "Let me hear you do that again," says Gary, and once again he takes that nipple in his fingers the same way, and, surely enough, Brandon cries out again.

"You know something that really bothers me about it?" asks Brandon. "No. what?" "Talk of being given away or sent back or even bought sometimes." "Well you know nothing like that will ever happen to you." "Yes, Sir," says Brandon, submissively, and Gary puts his thumb in Brandon's mouth. "Suck on this," he says. And when Brandon begins to suck, Gary reached down with his other hand and starts squeezing the slave's balls at the same time. Brandon opens his mouth to scream and Gary shoves more fingers into the slave's mouth until it begins to gag. Good distraction.

Finally Gary lets go, but wipes his fingers in the slave's hair. Brandon goes to protest but then remembers that he is Gary's slave now and has to submit to almost everything. And so he does, even to being used like a finger towel. And after all, he grew his hair back in because Gary wanted it that way. So Gary can do whatever he wants with it. Just like all the other parts of the slave's body. But of course, the only hair on the slave's body is on its head, its eyebrows, and a little bit in each of its armpits. All the rest is regularly stripped off it again and Gary likes to make a big deal out of it, and that's like a refresher course in humiliation for the slave. And probably the most humiliating part of all of it is that Gary really likes to see bits of hair in the slave's armpits and Gary frequently wants to see them. It is much more embarrassing than having no hair there at all like a ten-year-old.

"Oh by the way," whispers Gary to Brandon, "Archy asked to fuck your face, so he's coming by tomorrow after lunch. Don't eat much." Another step down the slave rabbit-hole. "Yes, Master." And with that he falls asleep—a good way to deal with what it's just been told. Archy really gets into breaking through the slave's throat with his very long tool.


PLEASE WRITE ME, dammit. Let me know you're still interested in this story so I'll keep posting it.

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Next: Chapter 23

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