Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 11, 2023


Chapter 6. Monday's hi jinks

Michael to Brandon: "have to work as naked houseboy at Oscar`s after work today. Grrr. And Master will be there with a riding crop."

Brandon to Michael: "wow! What a slave you have really become!"

Michael to Brandon: "hard to wrap my mind around. I just keep taking what comes."

Brandon to Conor: "you're the Master's houseboy, right?"

Conor to Brandon: "yes, I am. 24/7 when not wanted for scenes. Why you ask?"

Brandon to Conor: "because Michael` will be serving as houseboy at its Master's house, but only one night a week."

Conor to Brandon: interesting.

Steven to Conor and Michael: what are you guys texting about now?

Conor to Steven: just about how hard our lives are as slaves, Master.

Steven to Conor: "So who is it this time that got told to do something he didn't want to do?"

Conor to Steven: "please drop it, Sir."

Steven to Conor: 5 lashes, later.

Conor to Brandon: just got in trouble again.

Brandon to Steven: don't be so hard on the cute little blond."

Meanwhile, Conor can't text any longer because he is bent over the arm of Steven`s sofa waiting to receive the first of the 5 lashes he had "earned." As usual, the wait is the hardest part. And the inevitable lecture.

"The next time you refuse to answer a question I've asked you, I'll book you for a weekend at a ranch up north. It's a punishment weekend for slaves. Ask Brandon about it. He's been there."

"I'm sorry, Master. It was just something that didn't make any sense to me."

"Well, you can tell me about that after I've finished whipping you."

"Yes, Master."

Steven looks down on the body displayed over the end of his sofa and just stands there admiring how it looks and how it so readily submits to punishment or mistreatment. That could be dangerous for the boy, but Steven can trust himself not to do any damage.

Wanting to get this over with, Steven delivers all 5 lashes, full out, one right after the other and the slave hardly had time to recoil before being lashed again. So much, so soon. Even more painful this way and the slave's outcry proved that to be true. Steven left him there until he finished crying it all out.

"come over here and kneel," he commands the slave a bit later, and conor quickly responds. "So now, tell me what that was all about earlier."

"Master Oscar made arrangements for Michael to serve as a naked houseboy tomorrow night after work. It just seemed stupid to me that Michael doesn't want to do it."

"It seems stupid to you because in your mind, that's what slaves do."

"Yes, Master. Isn't a slave always the Master's houseboy, Sir?

"Not always. And I suspect that Michael isn't very excited about the assignment, to put it mildly."

"Right, Sir."

"But think of what you said earlier, that a slave is always a Master's houseboy. Maybe you're right. Maybe this is why Oscar is making him do it. So he'll know that he's a real slave."

"Brilliant deduction, Master. But it will be interesting to see if it has any effect on Michael.

"Indeed. And, as a fact, I've been thinking of renting you out to people I know as a labor slave—not for sex. Getting you shifts in warehouses or places like that. but then you'd have to be dressed. I'd prefer you working naked just to please me. maybe as a houseboy."

"this talk is pushing buttons, Master. just the thought of it, that you could do that with your slave if you wanted to and I realized I'm that slave.

"that you are, my boy. Now please go fix me a cup of tea. I'll be in my office."

"yes, Master." Conor goes to make the tea.

Steven goes into his office and calls the owner of the bdsm club to find out if he ever needs someone to do cleaning after hours.

When Conor comes in with the tea, Steven instructs it to into the playroom and get out the iron manacles and chains and wait there for him, groveling on the floor.

About 30 minutes later, Steven comes in and has a nice time locking his slave into the iron collar and manacles, connecting everything with heavy chains, then he binds the slave's ankles to its wrists which were bound to the wall, so the slave is now hanging from the wall with its ass exposed. Steven takes a vibrating plug, lubes it up and shoves it up the slave's ass and turns it on.

"I have nothing for you to do this afternoon and I'll be quite busy, so you can spend the rest of the afternoon in here just like this. I know this is your first time bound up like this, but it's something you'll have to get used to. If you get desperate to be released I'll come in and whip that ass of yours with a cane before I take you down. Just keep saying to yourself `I am Master Steven's slave and this is where he wants me to be' over and over to keep your mind in the right state."

He leaves the door to the playroom open just in case, and goes back to his office to do the work he needs to get done.

Two hours go by and still there is silence from the playroom. Steven is impressed. The doorbell rings and when he goes to answer, he is delighted to see his dear friend JohnMarie at the door, back from a long trip to some bdsm sites in Paris and Germany. He offers his friend coffee and they sit and have a nice chat. JohnMarie asks if he has a slave under his care and Steven is happy to bring him into the playroom to view his latest acquisition. The slave whimpers as JM spreads its legs to get better access to its balls, and he is happy to see that it is locked into chastity. Not more can be seen considering the position it's in. Steven looks at his watch and says to JM, "the boy's been trussed up like this for over three hours. It's first time in bondage, so I'm quite pleased with its endurance. Nonetheless, help me unclip its ankles and we can allow it remain upright for a while and that will give you greater access. But first, let me remove the plug." He does that and wipes the slave's ass with a rag, then they unclip its legs and slowly, working together, allows them to come down to the ground. Perfect planning: the slave can actually stand. This gives JM a better look at the slave's face which is currently bathed in sweat. Steven wipes away some of the sweat and JM remarks how cute it is and sticks his thumb in its mouth to feel around inside, not because of curiosity but simply to impress upon the slave that it is nothing more than an object, a piece of property, when its Master chooses to consider it that way. The investigation continues. The nipples get some attention as does the torso. JM asks Steven if he has a very thin whip and Steven hands one to him. "If you don't mind," he says. "Be my guest," says Steven. JM uses the thin implement to lay lashes across the slave's chest and stomach and savors the sound of its cries and whimpers. This whip does little damage other than the sharp sting it provides which gets most slaves to come alive and begin to dance before its onslaught.

While standing there, Steven gives JM a brief history of the slave's prior experience and how it ended up here as Steven`s property. "I'm sure the slave is much better off with you than it would have been with that fool," says JM. "Tell me its age." "It claims to be 19, but in arranging new identification for it I had its age changed to 21 so I'll be able to display and use and share it at the clubs. It's a completely new identity so no one will be able to trace it or try to recover it, but from what the slave tells me, there is no danger of anyone doing that. Nonetheless, it always pays to be circumspect." They turn from the slave and leave the room and the slave remains in the position it had been put into when its legs were released.

Conor does not have much trouble "shutting down," so to speak, because it also had learned to do that to survive with its mother and her horny boyfriends who, he believes, used her to get to him. Bleak memories, they are, truly treated like an object. One of those men actually was making plans to have it kidnapped and trafficked, but Conor was fortunate enough to make his escape before that could come to pass. But here it is safe. Here it can shut down and not have to worry about its safety.

It isn't until 7 pm that Steven takes it from the wall and removes all the iron binding it. The slave can put these things away in the morning. Now it's dinner time. Steven thinks the slave deserves a treat, so he orders a well-loaded pizza and allows the slave to eat its part squatting on the floor at the Master's feet. After that, they go into the living room and Steven decides so show the slave a few of his favorite bdsm clips, all things that might some day become a reality should Steven decide to keep the slave for himself. There is one branding scene and Steven reassures the slave that it will not be branded but rather tattooed when and if Steven decides he wants proof of ownership.

They watch a short documentary about a M/s couple who have been together for over 30 years and hear them tell their story. This gives Conor hope. Maybe this isn't the right Master—he has no way of telling, but the idea of being a slave for that long, so much part of the undergrowth of society, has a nice lure for him.

Before bed, the slave empties out the Master's balls and his bladder and then is made to crawl into its cage and is locked in for the night. Tomorrow is a heavy work day for Steven who has already made arrangements for the slave to be working as a temporary stock boy in a local big box store whose owner is a friend of Steven. It's always who you know. The slave is instructed to be quiet and shy as much as possible and to give brief answers to any questions. The other workers will realize he is unsociable and keep away from him.

And with that, the slave settles down to sleep in the cage alongside its Master's bed.

Brandon is really enjoying himself today at work. For one thing, Steven was surprised to see him naked again. Brandon explained that Gary has made it a house rule again for subs. He told him to get dressed nicely. He would be picked up in 20 minutes and brought to the home of a certain elderly lady who has a story to tell. She does not wish to be recorded so he has to do it all from his notes.

Fascinating assignment and fascinating woman. He spends two hours with her; that's about all she can tolerate, and it's already given him a lot to write about. Once brought home, he spends the rest of the day working on his transcript until Michelle arrives at 3 to continue working on his own story of the semester up at the U and his affair with Justin (now he's downgraded it to an "affair"). (The entire story is told in "Sweet Subjugations" so look for it there.)

Brandon is excited to tell Michelle about his assignment, but then they get down to work. She shouldn't need to be coming much any longer, she says. Just a couple of notes about other fellows in their dorm and that should be the end of it. He also gives her the phone numbers of the few guys he got to know well (Jonny, Austin, Sammy, the guys at the table). She could get further information from them. At that point, Michelle tells him that she'd like to take a break from meeting with him so that she can pursue other leads into the story, but that she would be in touch if she has further questions or needs opinions about other matters in the story. They thank each other. Michelle lets him know that they will continue working together, especially when she finally begins writing.

Once she leaves, the day is over!

He goes upstairs to make coffee and sees Gary sitting there, looking miserable. "My parents called me, well, my ex-parents after they disowned me for dropping out of that creepy school, to let me know that they are getting divorced (with hints that it's all my fault) and their lawyers want to meet with me."

"Oh, that's horrible! What did you say? or do?" Brandon goes right over to massage Gary`s shoulders.

"I just said that I needed to think about it and then I just hung up the phone. Baby, what am I going to do?"

Brandon has a simple answer: "Call my stepfather. He'll be a big help. Want me to try to reach him? I can usually get through more easily than others."

"Yeah, dude, because you're his pet!" says Gary recovering a bit of humor anyway.

"Well, you're my mother's pet!" Brandon retorts and the both of them crack up. (And it's all true.)

Sure enough, Brandon gets through. "Hi, Dad. Look, we have a problem here. Not us, but rather Gary. His parents just informed him they're getting a divorce and their lawyers want to meet with him."

"Son, I'm a bit strapped right now, but tell him to say nothing or do nothing until I get a chance to call him later on tonight, maybe late."

"Will do, Dad. Sorry to disturb you."

"Never a problem, bran. Love to you." and the call is disconnected.

He turns to Gary. "Barry is very busy at the moment. He will get back to you tonight, maybe late, but in the meantime, he says, say or do nothing at all."

"Thanks, bran. I didn't think of Barry. I just panicked. I'm glad you showed up when you did or I might have caved to something. But for now, I'm just turning my phone off for a while."

They go back downstairs and end up doing what 19 year old boys almost always end up doing when under stress . . .-

Well, anyway, Brandon is doing it to Gary while on his knees with Gary flipping some kind of shoelace whip over his back.

Gary starts acting like a brute Master: "Come on, faggot, get that fucking throat around my big dick or I"ll fucking crawl in there and tear that throat open with my bare hands. Deeper. Deeper." And Gary is holding Brandon` head and slamming it up and down on himself as if it's a fleshlight. Brandon is gagging and choking and throwing up phlegm and Gary keeps on pumping then suddenly raises his foot and kicks Brandon almost all the way across the room.

"Can't get a decent blowjob out of your lazy cunt, faggot, so I'll fuck the shit out of you instead!"

Since this is actually choreographed, Brandon immediately slips into a good getting-fucked position and Gary plows right into him. "Yeah, faggot. I'm gonna breed you with my big cock. You feel so damn good, slave. holy crap I'm gonna bloooooooooooooooooo!"

And that takes care of round one. Gary goes to get what they need to clean up a bit then Brandon goes into the bathroom to take care of things. A fun session in the shower after that, and they dry off and put on some nice clothes to go to dinner in one of their favorite places (has been for years). Another good way to blow off steam.

When they walk in the door, there's the proprietor standing there with a wide smile on his face. "Brandon. Gary. It's so good to see you boys. I thought you were both away at school." He hugs the both of them. "Circumstances brought us back here after my mother's wedding. We're pursuing other paths at the moment and things are going really well for us. We both had a stressful day and thought there would be no better place than here to come and relax for a while."

"So good news and not-so-good news, and you both look happy and healthy so that's a real good sign," Mr. Orsini says. He promises to stop by their table when he has a chance to sit down. The he calls over a host and gives instructions as to where they should be seated. It turns out that their table is in a completely private alcove. It pays to know people.

Their waiter is someone they know from high school. Sven is his name and he was actually more Brandons friend than Garys since they both are from the same team. Right away, Brandon tells Sven that he and Gary are a couple now, and all Sven says in response is, "It's about time! I knew it was going to happen. Everyone doubted me but I kept my mind set on it happening and I'm happy to see it finally did. So what are you guys doing in town?" And they have that conversation before Gary orders their meals. Gary has a glass of wine but doesn't let Brandon have alcohol after last night(!). After getting everything down, Sven chuckles at them. "Same as usual. Gary makes all the decisions. Still a boss!" "You have no idea!" says brandon, and Sven goes to put in their order.

It wasn't a big deal for Gary to order their food here because he knows exactly what Brandon would want to have.

"What do you think your father will do about my situation?"

"My guess is that he's going to assign you a lawyer to represent you. So you can tell those rotten parents of yours that `my people will speak to your people!' . . . and they both crack up again.

"I wonder what they're after?"

"Even though you're the Master and I'm the slave, I'm gonna kind of take over here for a minute because your mind is all messed up just from speaking to them. So my advice is something you tell me all the time, in fact something that you've actually punished me for not obeying. Don't anticipate. And to that I'll add one more rule. "You'll never figure out what they're trying to do." Life should have told you that."

"When we get home, I'm going to spank your balls so hard that you'll be out of your mind," answers Gary, and so Brandon knows he got through. "And you're completely right, sweet boy."

Brandon gives him a funny look. "Oh shit, Gary. please never call me sweet anything. That's Justin's word for me."

"Shit. I didn't know. sorry, sourpuss!" "Sour puss or sour pussy?" "I don't' know." "didn't you wash it?"

And they're off on one of their joke marathons that have been built up over the years. So sweet.

So anyway, the meal is great. They have a nice chat with Mr. Orsini and with the waiter. No sooner are they back home when Gary says I want you naked on the ground in less than three minutes!" And so now we get to it.

Gary puts a slave collar on Brandon and the manacles and clips the slave's wrists to its collar. He orders it on the bed and the he uses straps from the side of the bed to spread the slave's legs wide and bind them down tightly. He goes and stands over Brandon`s head. Brandon looks up at him. "Open your mouth." Brandon does. Gary lands several globs of spit in it and Brandon thanks him. He gets clothespins for the slave's nipples which are already sore from the weekend (good thing) and with his fingernails, scratches his way down the slave's torso and down to its hard cock, which, he says, will never be touched.

Finally he reaches his prize. The balls. He plays with the sac and rolls them around for a bit, then clips them in his fingers and starts to pull. Brandon is moaning from the pain/pleasure. Soon, however, it's mostly pain as Gary begins slapping the tightened balls with his hand, over and over again, faster and faster, until Brandon cries out. Gary drops them and gives them a break while he goes up and makes out with Brandon. "That was hot!" Brandon says. "I've only just gotten started, boy. don't think you're getting off that easy just because you milked my dick."

Soon enough, he's back down there, but this time he has a little strap not only for the balls, but for most of the flesh in that area until his boyfriend slave is whimpering in pain. He stops hitting and kisses his victim all over the area he just beat and Brandon moans like the slut he is.

Third time down, a wooden ruler thwacking away and brandon howling in pain and once Gary can tell that there is some panic sneaking into those cries, he drops the ruler and starts kissing and smoothing things over.

"What are you, faggot?"

"a slave, Master."

"what kind of slave, boy?"

"a total slave for whatever Master wants,"

"are you owned? can you get away?"

"Yes, I am owned by my Master and don't want to get away at all."

"I'll lock you up so tight that you'll never get free. Real chains and manacles."

"That would be hot. Knowing I am your prisoner for life, Gary."

"You are, Brandon. You know that."

"Yes, I do. Just the way it's always meant to become."

"I can just see, when we go to our 5 year class reunion, I'll walk in with you on a leash and in chains."

"I suspect not many people would be surprised if you did that."

"Shit! Sweet heart! Now you made me want to spank your ass." Gary unties his ankles and rolls the slave over on its tummy. Just some hand spanks to get the boy hollering again, then something unexpected happens. Gary gives Brandon a choice. "Either I jerk you off now but then cage your cock for a week, or I'll leave it alone for a while longer.

"Please, please, please jerk me off, Gary, Master, please!!!!!!" Brandon begs.

"Okay, says Gary," but I want you to reveal your deepest darkest fantasies while I'm doing it."

"Deal Master, deal."

Gary gently takes him in hand.

Brandon closes his eyes and imagines . . . . "you bring me up to the ranch again and put me in the stocks and then let all of the guys there either fuck my face of my ass, and there are so many of them that it gets dark and they light some candles while I'm still giving blow jobs and suddenly all the guys in our homeroom are there looking for a sample of the slave's mouth and they start pissing on me until you come over and tell them that I only drink your piss and you put your dick in my mouth and the piss starts to flow and O SHIT, I'M CUMMING!!!!!!!

It's a big one. It's been quite a long time. It lasts for a good long while and Gary is smiling at Brandon while he milks it all out. "There's a hell of a lot for you to lick up here, dude. Weeks' worth, I reckon." Gary starts feeding it all to Brandon from his hand and then his fingers and there's so much that Brandon almost gags. Finally Gary decides that rest will just have to be wiped away. He goes inside to get a wet cloth, but comes back not only with the cloth but with the cage as well, and as soon as he can manage it, Brandon is once more a caged slaveboy, but lying there so very happy.

Gary gets up. "I hate to disturb your beauty rest, slave, but I've got to take a wicked piss." He snaps his fingers and Brandon practically throws himself on the floor to get at his Master's cock and then stays still while waiting for it to flow, and soon he is drinking and gulping his best friend's piss down like the toilet Gary told him he wanted him to become. By now this gets Brandon so hot that he now has no resistance to what has become pretty common in his life since high school. At least now, it's Gary`s piss he's drinking. Hot, hot, Gary. the best guy ever.

Oscar picks up Michael, dressed in scrubs but barefoot, and brings him to his house. They talk about neutral subjects, and about the fact that Oscar has brought in an auditor to look things over, and other odd assorted things such as the fact that the regular club is planning another TWINK NIGHT on Saturday but this time it will be for members only and anyone not a member under the age of 23 gets in free. Much better planning this time. It should work out well. Oscar lets Michael know that his attendance will be required, as if he'd want to be anywhere else that night.

As soon as they go in, Oscar brings Michael to his bedroom and has him strip. He bends the slave down over the edge of the bed and takes the thick strap usually used for punishments and lays one loud crisp lash right across the center of the slave's buttocks. Michael cries out and begins trembling, waiting for another lash.

"Just the one, babe, just so you remember what it is like getting whipped with that thing. That should help you behave yourself and do a good job tonight, slave. Start in here by remaking the bed. No need to strip it. Unless the others have given you instructions, strip their beds and put on fresh linens. If you see one of the Masters here (they are all your Masters when you're laboring here), do what they tell you to do. Make sure you keep your head bowed and eyes down when you speak with them. NEVER look into their eyes unless ordered to. Now get to work."

When the slave leaves Oscar`s room, Roman calls it over and tells it to make his bed but not strip it, but also to clean the bathroom well. He likes tugging on its balls a bit, which he does before he sends the slave off with a slap on the ass, which really hurts after its Master had lashed it with the strap a little while ago. Stanley comes by and notices the big welt across the slave's ass. "Why were you beaten with one lash?" he asks the slave. "Master gave this slave a single lash with the strap to remind it how much it hurts. If the slave doesn't do a good job, there will be more lashes later. Master, what would you like done with your bed?" "Just make it and put my dirty clothes in the laundry." "yes, Master."

The contact with the other men is somewhat empowering. It serves to impress upon the slave that it is here as a real houseboy, naked in the presence of these four men, and that appeals so much to its inner slave that there is no longer an issue about the amount of work to be done or the type of work.

Mitch is actually lying on his bed. Monday is a day off for him. When the slave enters in the room and sees him there, its instinct is simply to back away, but Mitch calls out to him. "houseboy, get your ass in here." Michael enters the room. "I don't bite. Come right up to me, face to face." Michael approaches, keeping its eyes down. "Oh, I get it. You've been ordered to keep eyes down." "Yes, Master Mitch." Good practice. "I'm just hanging out here. Nothing planned. But since you don't have to make my bed, why don't you be a good slaveboy and give me a foot massage." "Yes, Master."

Oscar is indeed checking in on him and when he comes into Mitch's room and sees what the slave is doing, he tells it to use its mouth on the man's feet in addition to his hands. Michael starts in slowly and Oscar cracks the crop over its back. "Do it as eagerly as you suck his feet, bitch. don't slack off or that strap will be waiting for you."

Michael gets into the action, again thrust more deeply into utter humiliation. "Five minutes," Oscar says to Mitch, then sends it to do the bathroom. "That bathroom is clean. No bother." "well then, send it out to do the kitchen. There's a real mess in there." "Will do, Oscar."

Michael slows down a bit and immediately Mitch yells at him. "get that fucking mouth moving again, slave, or I'll beat you with MY strap!" He kicks at the slave's head and then settles his feet down for a good, eager job. Michael doesn't dare slow down again.

It finally reaches the kitchen, and it seems that since the guys knew it would be here tonight to clean, they jus left everything lying around. the slave has its work cut out for it, but bit by bit, order is brought to the chaos. Nothing new here. Michael has experience from his family home, but doing these chores right now causes him to start missing what he once had and he does his work with tears coming out of his eyes.

Oscar walks in and sees this. "What are the tears for, boy? Feeling sorry for yourself?"

"No, Master, not that. Cleaning the kitchen just reminded me of when I used to do it at home. I was always responsible for dishes after a meal. Just got kind of homesick, even though that's not home any longer." Oscar has pity on the boy and holds it in his arms for a while and lets it cry itself out on his shoulder. "Okay, boy. It's time to get back to work again. Once you're done in here we'll call it a night."

"Yes, Master. thank you for holding me."

"You're welcome. do a good job in here, boy and I'll bring you back home and maybe even stop for ice cream on the way home. A drive in. I know you have no shoes with you."

Michael finishes up quickly. Oscar approves. He tells the guys they're leaving and he'll spend the night at Michael`s.

Michael is quiet on the way back home in the car until after they have their ice cream. Maybe the sugar woke him up a bit. The first thing he had to say was, "I am really and truly your slave. You are really and truly my Master."

"I'm pleased to hear you say that, Mikey. It never stops, even if we're being silly with one another at times. I'm glad you understand us that way. It's all happened rather quickly, I know, and there is still a lot to be learned, but it really happened, babe. In all ways, you are my slave. I lead the way and, more often than not, you crawl behind me and lick up anything that drips along the way."

"uh, that's gross!"

"Yes, it was, but I couldn't stop it from coming out of my mouth. It was ready to burst out!"

The both laugh.

"When we get home, strip off the scrubs and put them in the wash then go into the bathroom and clean yourself out. I want to fuck the houseboy just to remind him that I own him too."

"Yes, Master."

Oscar puts his hand on Michael`s leg and the slave immediately spreads its legs as it's been taught over and over again. He lightly punches the slave in the balls a few times and the slave whispers, "Yours, Master." He raises his hand to the slave's mouth and the slave takes it in hand and kisses it all over, as much as he could reach.

By the time Oscar has closed up the car and made his way upstairs, the slave is already in the bathroom doing what he ordered. Oscar selects a crop and sits in a chair. When Michael has finished and comes crawling out of the bathroom, Oscar tells it to stand in front of him. He uses the crop to make sure it reaches. Michael stands and waits. "Put your hands behind your back," he orders and Michael obeys. "Make sure you keep them there. I want to toy around with my slave's body. Stay still and keep your mouth shut. Kneel."

Oscar takes the crop and uses it to smack the slave's balls and cage until the boy is fighting not to cry out. Then he moves to the nipples and does the same thing, only much harder. Then the boy's neck above the collar. And even a couple lighter blows to the face. "I own all of this," he says. "Get on your back. Use your arms to hold your legs up so I can fuck you good. Fuck my slave's meat."

Michael does his best, but Oscar realizes he needs to put a pillow under the boy to make it easier for it to position itself correctly.

"this has been a hassle finding the right position. Remember this position. It is a good one when I want you to offer your hole to me. Some Masters like to call it a pussy, but I don't. It's your hole, the one I can use to get inside your gut. I fuck your hole. A slaveboy's hole. My slaveboy's hole." And with that he inserts himself about halfway in and gives the slave a moment to adjust before the complete onslaught, and it seems as if Oscar has never been as long or as hard as he is right now. And he has his way with his property and enjoys it with loud moans of his own, knowing that he owns something really valuable here.

And as for Michael, it is always a mixture of pain and pleasure when the Master takes him this way, but the pleasure far outpaces the pain as Oscar continues to fuck him. And in addition to that, the realization that he is Oscar`s slave and that Oscar can take his pleasure from his slave whenever he wants and however he wants and the slave's greatest pleasure is in understanding how possessed and humiliated he has been by this Alpha man. It's like in the ancient world when a soldier took a captive, he would often fuck the captive to make the humiliation all the more intense and to mark it as his slave from then on. Tonight, it's just the Master taking what is his, and the slave is happy the Master is having such a good time fucking him, fucking his property.

Michael goes into the bathroom for a warm cloth so he can clean off his Master's body and when he brings it out, the Master is sitting on the side of the bed with his legs spread for the slave. Michael is so tired, that as he kneels before his Master and begins to clean him well, he suddenly just crashes and falls asleep, right there right like that, his head up against the Master's thigh.

When Oscar realizes what has happened, he very slowly and carefully extricates himself from the slave without waking it up. He goes to lie on the other side of the bed and his slave sleeps in the same position all night, half kneeling-half sitting with his chest and head resting on the side of the bed. Oscar spends some time just lying there on his side and looking at what is displayed before him and he is hit with the sense of the overwhelming responsibility he has just undertaken.


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