Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 13, 2023


Chapter 8. Conor's week, partly

Steven gets the slave up at 6 to shower and then make its Master's breakfast as ordered, then its own while Steven takes his own shower. Conor is just setting the plate on the table with bacon and eggs, coffee and toast. Steven is still naked and when he sits down to eat he orders Conor to crawl under the table and suck his cock for a while as he eats breakfast. Once he is finished, Steven orders Conor to crawl to the corner when it set its own breakfast bowl and to eat from the bowl as it has been taught. Steven gets up from the table and goes to get dressed, then goes into this office to check his email. He has a message from Gary telling him that Brandon will not be working today because he needs his slave for his own purposes. Steven chuckles to himself because he realizes that Gary is stepping more fully into his new role as Brandon`s Master more quickly than he thought would happen. So much for the better.

Conor comes to him after cleaning the kitchen from breakfast and grovels until it receives further instructions. "Put on a jock and dark blue scrub pants, a long-sleeved shirt, socks and workboots. Pack two bottles of water and two cartons of Muscle Milk in the lunch pail I bought you. That will be your lunch. Remember: be shy and silent and do whatever they tell you. My friend knows you're my slave and will deal you with accordingly. One of the other workmen named Clark will pick you up at 7:30. Be outside waiting for him. Either he or your boss will drive you home after they've gotten enough work out of you. You know the code to get in the door so come right in when you're dropped off. If I'm not here, clean the house as needed, then take a shower and watch the videos I've loaded to an iPad for you so you can learn more about the real bdsm world. Here's a phone to take with you. My number is in it. Do not use it for any other purpose other than texts with me. I'm not sure how you'll deal with being out without me. Ring me or talk to the boss if you feel any panic coming on. I probably shouldn't need to say this, but I will: If I receive any bad reports or complaints about you, the punishment will be much worse than anything you could imagine. There is a solitary confinement cell in my basement and I'll simply throw you in there and leave you there for a week. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master. I promise to work hard, Master. Thank you for finding work for your slave, Master."

Steven goes to him and caresses his cheek. "I know you will do well. You're my good boy, Conor. I know you'll be happier working than hanging around the house here. You will work there from now until Friday—just 4 days. I just wish I could find somewhere for you to be able to work naked. I'm looking into that possibility. It would be much better for you, but at the same time, I'm interested in finding out how you manage as an ordinary workman knowing all the while that you are inferior to them because you're an owned slave." Then he gives the boy a hug and holds him for a while before swatting him on his ass and sending him out the door.

Clark is just a little older than Conor and he drives an older car which is immaculately clean on the inside. He introduces himself to Conor and they shake hands and Conor thanks him for picking him up. "My pleasure, guy. So, have you ever worked a job like this before?"

"Yes, I have, but in another state. I just came here a couple weeks ago."

"that's a nice house you're living in."

"Yes, it is. I don't pay rent but work as a houseboy in exchange for living there." Conor thinks that already he is probably talking too much, but he can't just be impolite and say nothing.

"How'd you find a sweet arrangement like that? I have 3 roommates where I live and it's just a two bedroom apartment. I have to share a room with another guy and he's a pain in the ass. Always talking about pussy but never getting any if you know what I mean."

Conor just shakes his head and thinks to himself, "little do you know, but I AM pussy!"

Clark just goes on talking. "the boss here is a nice guy but expects us to work sometimes without breaks depending on the shipments coming in. I think he knows the man you're living with."

"yes, he does," Conor says. "My M.. um...they do know each other. That's how I got the job. But it's only temporary, I was told."

"Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tell you to stop by the office as soon as we get in. there's paperwork you need to fill out." Again, Conor nods.

When they arrive at the store, security lets them in and Clark leads Conor directly to the boss's office and pats him on the back to say goodbye.

"Close the door," the boss says. "You can call me Mike, but Sir when we're alone. got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

Mike hands him some forms. "We have to keep this `official'—can't just have you come here to work without actually being part of the staff, so that's why you need to full this stuff out. It's already been arranged that whatever you're paid will be automatically deposited in your Master's account. Full salary, too, but no benefits. Can't have you working just for slave wages," he says with a grin. Conor deems it polite to chuckle a bit. "Just in case you're wondering, I'm aware of your scene but don't get involved with that stuff. I have a partner but we're equals and only go to the club you guys go to to blow off some steam. Maybe some day your Master will let you come home with me for the night and me and Jake—that's my guy—we'll spit-roast you! and put you away wet!" He laughs and Conor just lowers his head and eyes in a typical slave response. "Only teasing," Mike says. Conor smiles at him.

Mike grabs a microphone and pages Walter to the office. There's soon a knock on the door and when Mike opens it, this big guy is standing there with some tools hanging from his belt. "This here is a new boy. Conor is his name. Show him the ropes, will you, Wally, and we'll have to see how good a worker he is. And show him where to leave his lunch pail, too, please."

Walter salutes him and tells Conor to follow him. And so the work day begins. It's really not much different than what Conor was doing at home, so it's easy to adjust to the tasks and the rhythm and Conor finds the old muscles sore from the last time he did this kind of work. He also finds that his back hurts quite a bit after he was trussed up to the wall for several hours yesterday. Basically mindless, and there's a low level of sound everywhere which makes conversation difficult. So much the better.

Lunch time comes and the guys all go to get their lunch pails. Conor sneaks off a bit and sticks to himself because he doesn't want to the others to see that he doesn't have any solid food to eat. He drinks down the stuff his Master gave him, takes a water bottle and puts his pail back, planning to walk around and get a bit more familiar with the layout.

Mike sees him and calls him over. "Didn't your Master give you any lunch?" "had it already, Sir." "Well, you've still got 20 minutes left on the break so why don't you come with me, boy," Mike says, and leads him back to the office and locks the door. Conor knows what to expect. Right! He sees Mike take his dick out of his pants and wave it at him.

"this is part of your job description, in case your Master didn't tell you. On your knees, boy. Let me see what you can do with this." Conor gets on his knees and takes Mikes' cock into his mouth and feels it grow to a full seven inches. Conor chokes on it a bit and Mike says, "take it easy, boy. Just suck as much as you can handle and that will be fine. After a few minutes, Mike takes his cock out of the slave's mouth and starts jerking it. "Gonna cum, take it!" and Conor gets his mouth on it in time to take and swallow the man's load.

Mike puts himself back away and helps Conor stand. "Back to work now, boy," he says, without a word of thanks. "From now on, just leave your pail here when you come in. You can take your lunch here and suck me off for desert." Conor figured this would end up being part of his lunch every day. He has no complaint other than the discomfort he feels in his cage when he starts to get hard from the humiliation.

Back to work. Towards the end of the day, Clark comes over to him and says, "I'm stopping off with a couple of guys for some beers right after work. You can join us and I'll take you home after that. Otherwise, go see Mike."

"thanks for the offer, Clark, but I have to get back. I still have work to do at home as well."

"Oh. that guy you live with must be an awful slave-driver!" he jokes. "If you only knew," Conor thinks to himself.

When Mike gets back to the house, Steven`s car isn't there. Conor gets out of the car and Mike does as well. "Gonna stop in for a minute. Want to see you naked, boy," he says. "Yes, Sir," says Conor. When they get inside, Conor strips right away and Mike checks out the slave's body and marvels that his dick is caged. "Never saw one of those before. Let me get a picture to show my guy." He takes out his phone and snaps a couple pics of the slave, front and back, and also notes the remains of a few welts on the slave's back.

As they're standing there, Steven comes in the door. "Ah, checking out the goods, I see, Mike," he says. "Nice specimen, Steven. Gonna keep it?"

"Pretty sure. Easy to handle. Obedient. Never owned before, so there's a lot of things to teach it and I enjoy that. did it do a good job for you today?"

"Just fine," answers Mike, "and I got to fuck its face a little during lunch period. Gonna make it a regular routine."

"Good. This slave needs to learn that its main purpose with superior men is to offer its holes whenever possible. So you think this will work out?"

"Don't see why not," answers Mike. "Jake has the day off tomorrow. Maybe he'll stop by for lunch and we'll tag-team the cocksucker. Had some trouble taking my seven inches, though, and Jake is bigger."

"Just break in its throat. Fine by me. In fact, I'll probably have it do more practice tonight so maybe you'll get all the way in next time," says Steven.

Mike says goodbye and leaves.

"Fuck, boy, I keep forgetting that you never had any real practice sucking cock. I'm gonna hook you up with an 8" dildo so you can practice. In fact, right now. Follow me, boy."

Steven takes him into the play room, goes into the closet and comes out with a 8" replica. "Get up on the table," he orders and once Conor is on place he says, "on your knees then sit back."

Steven takes the dildo, sticks it up through a hole in at the head of the table and locks it into place.

"Okay, get yourself set so you can dive right down onto this cock."

Conor adjusts himself and tentatively puts it into his mouth. Steven grabs the back of its head and pushes it all the way down. Conor chokes, but Steven doesn't let go for a bit.

He lets the slave up. "So, you go down as far as you can, count to 10 then come up again." Try it.

Conor takes it into his mouth and has trouble getting all the way down. comes up again.

"Not good enough," says Steven. "You need some motivation." He goes to the closet and gets out a leather paddle.

"Here's how we'll work it. You bend down almost all the way. I'll crack the paddle across your ass and as soon as I do, down you go and stay there for 10. Up again, and we repeat. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be able to get all the way down on that cock like a slave should go. Now bend over, get your mouth ready to dive down on that cock."

Conor bends down, Steven swats his ass, not too hard at first because there will be many swats in store for the slave, Conor dives down, gags and chokes and Steven holds its head again. "Stay the fuck down there for the entire count of 10, slave, or you'll get ten on your fucking ass!"

They do it again. and again, and by the time tears are pouring out of Conor`s eyes, he'll be taking the entire cock all the way down with only a little bit of gagging.

finally, Steven decides it's had enough. "Soon I'll rig this up so you can do it by yourself without me standing there. I'll put a counter on the table and you can hit it with your head while on the way down. Do 50 at a time and you'll be ready to satisfy both Mike and Jake when they want your throat. Now get off the table and go do your chores, slave. And you stink! so wash good in the shower, bitch."

The next day (Wednesday) Conor is called to the office at 11:30 am "for a special assignment."

When he walks into the office, another man is there, 30's, very good looking and well built, with a shaggy beard and a bald head. "Meet Jake," says Mike. Conor politely says "Hello, Sir."

"So this is the new slave Steven found," says Jake. "Cute little twink." He runs his hands through the boy's hair and then slides around its face and pushes his large thumb into the slave's mouth and forces its way in. "suck it like it's a cock, slave," he says, and Conor immediately responds, wondering what this hot man's cock is really like. He takes out his thumb and dries in Conor`s hair. "Good boy," he says, lightly slapping the boy's face.

"Let's take it downstairs," suggests Mike, and the three leave the office and go to the service elevator, taking it to the lower level. "Strip in here," orders Mike, and c' obeys. When they reach the lower level and the doors open, Mike and Jake walk out and order the slave to crawl after them. Mike opens a door to an empty store room with a key and they walk in and shut the door. "Stand up and let's get a good look at you now," says Mike. The two of them "inspect" the slave's sweet body, slapping lightly here and there, noticing the marks on its ass from the paddling it received the previous evening. Jake is disappointed that the slave is caged, just like Mike was, but they can still play with its balls a bit.

"Let me go first and then it can work up to you," Mike says to Jake, as he takes out his cock and strokes it. Conor gets on his knees again and takes the cock in his mouth once again. He likes the feeling of the way it gets hard while it is in his mouth, and actually finds it easier to handle than it was yesterday. Last night's "exercises" did it a lot of good, apparently.

"Yeah, faggot, take it all the way down your throat now, so much better than yesterday," moans Mike, and Jake goes over to make out with him while Conor services his boyfriend's cock to completion. Then it's Jake's turn, and as he takes out his hard monster dick, Conor trembles, sure he won't be able to handle it. "Lick it first, slave. Get a good feel for it. Find out where its veins are. Lick the head too. Get to know it well. Sniff it, faggot and get ready to suck it down your fucking throat." He plays with the slave's nipples at the same time and one hard pinch causes the slave to try to cry out, which actually opens its throat farther and Jakes cock slides in more deeply. Jake starts to fuck the slave's face, never really going all the way in but holding its head and working it hard and fast until finally he shoots his load down the slave's throat with a triumphant cheer.

When they get back into the elevator, Mike orders Conor to wipe its face with its underpants before putting them on, and then to quickly get dressed. By the time the elevator has reached the top, the three are ready to go back to Mike's office. Mike points to Conor's lunch pail and tells him to finish his lunch. He takes out the two cartons of Muscle Milk and drinks them down. "That's all he gives you for lunch?" asks Jake. "Damn. You're thin enough. Is he fucking trying to starve you to death?" Conor just shrugs, not knowing what to say. "Mike, let's pack something extra with your lunch so the kid can get something else to eat while he's working here. I wouldn't want him to pass out on the job," says Jake. Conor is grateful for the thought, but of course they don't know that he'd gone many times with a meal when he was supposedly a "free man." This is heaven, now. Okay, the breakfast is kind of creepy, but they always have a nice dinner and Conor is more than satisfied. Plus, the Master is pretty generous with treats from time to time, and there's always fresh fruit in the house that he's allowed to eat when he's free.

Mike sends the slave back to work, and this afternoon he gets to work with Clark. "So what was that special project they called you out for?" he asks.

"Just some help the two of them needed with something personal. They both had me unload stuff," he replies, thinking himself very clever to think up such a truthful answer without giving anything away at all.

"Mike seems to have taken a liking to you," Clark continues. "that's because I suck his cock every day," answers Conor, realizing that Clark will never believe he's actually telling the truth. "Sure," says Clark. "You don't look the type." "What type," asks Conor. "You don't look like a faggot," he answers. "Oh. I didn't know there was a special faggot look," remarks Conor. "Stick with me, kid. I can pick out a faggot within ten or twenty feet of me." "Oh," answers Conor, "then I'll have to ask you if I'm in doubt about anyone."

"Don't worry about it," says Clark. "No faggots working back here. Maybe out on the sales floor, but I never go there." "Well, that's a relief," answers Conor, enjoying the hell out of Clark's abysmal ignorance. "I'd hate to get cornered and have some guy fuck me up the ass," he says. "Don't worry, dude, I'll keep an eye out for you." "that's cool. thanks," answers Conor, and tries to go about loading and unloading stuff far enough away from Clark to get into any more of a conversation about faggots. He can't wait to tell his Master about this conversation.

In fact, Steven is home when Clark drops him off, and Conor enters the house all excited to tell Steven about what happened that he forgets to strip by the doorway and just runs right into Master's office and starts jabbering all about it. At that very moment, all time stands still while the Master has to choose between two alternative reactions to Conor's excited jabbering.


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Next: Chapter 9

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