Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 8, 2006


The erotic adventures of the Ward twins continue.....Enjoy....

Jason led Michael to his assigned dorm room. It was an amazing layout. Thick shag carpet, a queen size bed, two huge oak dressers, a full length mirror on the door to his walk-in closet, the list of amenities would rival a five-star hotel. The only thing that seemed odd to Michael was that it had no entry door, just an arched opening in the hallway, and another to the bathroom. The bed sat against the wall away from the entry, it wasn't like people could see him sleeping if they walked by, but his gaze kept coming back to that open doorway.

"You'll get used to it," said Jason, noticing Michael's interest in the entryway. "It won't last forever, but this is a basic room, a starter room. Once you have some seniority, you'll get a nicer place. My room has a hot tub, an over sized shower, king-size bed, all kinds of neat stuff." He grinned at Michael. "Even a door. But I almost never shut it. Maybe once or twice a year, if I'm sick or something."

Michael nodded. The whole day had been overwhelming, mental overload. He didn't think anything could surprise him. His arms were loaded with clothing, and he set his stack of uniforms on the bed. Jason began to help hang them in the closet. Michael turned to him, looking at the older boy, question after question racing through his mind. He didn't know where to start. His mouth hung open for a moment, then shut. Jason smiled.

"I know, it's all a bit much. I've been here since I was five. It's different when you're young. All this seems so normal to me, I'm so used to it. I've been going to school here for over ten years now. Let me break it down for ya. There are about 200 students here total, an even mix of boys and girls. The younger kids are on the second floor, we don't see much of them during the week. There are about 50 of them. The boys and girls room together down there. It's a trip to see it. They almost never wear clothes in the dorm, and they have four person rooms, two boys and two girls in each. After you get settled in, you will chaperon twice a week. It's easy, you just kinda babysit, make sure they don't fight too much, that kind of thing." Jason's smile grew broader.

"I have enough seniority that I could get out of chaperon duty if I wanted, but.... Oh, you'll find I said, it's a a fun way. Anyway, right now, you are on orientation. It lasts for four weeks. Mark and I have been assigned to you, so just do what we tell ya to do and everything else will work itself out." As if on cue, Mark walked through the doorway, carrying what looked like a large leather belt in his hand.

"How ya doin', Michael? Are you settling in O.K.?" Michael nodded, and Mark continued. "Alright, bud, are you ready for your orientation pep talk?"

"Um..sure, I think Jason already started it." Jason shook his head.

"Nope," he replied, "that was just the basics... gettin' to know ya, welcome to the dorm kinda talk. Mark's gonna tell you what your orientation entails." He nodded and Mark took over.

"We have a set way of doing things when someone like you or your sister enters the academy...someone older, someone that hasn't been here since they were in grade school. Alot of this stuff is gonna sound weird to you, but trust me, it's the easiest way we've found to get your program here rollin'. Any questions so far?"

"Umm...bunches. I don't even know where to start! I mean, don't get me wrong, but this is a really weird school...." He blushed as he trailed off.

"Yeah. I know how ya feel. How 'bout we make a deal? Trust us. Trust us for a week. Just do what we tell ya to do, watch and learn how things work around here. You will have more fun at this place then you ever thought possible. Do you trust me, Michael?" Mark looked at him, his big shoulders square, a sincere expression on his face. Michael nodded, looking back at him, lost for a moment in Mark's blue eyes. He wondered what Mark's cock looked like, what it would be like to feel it, to....

"O.K. We are gonna put your belt on now. Take your pants off." Michael snapped back to reality, then began to strip out of his pants. "Oh, and your underwear, too. Sorry, it's just that not very many of us wear it here." Michael shucked off his underwear. His large penis began to fill with blood as he stood exposing it to the older boys for the second time today. Mark knelt before him and began cinching the belt around his waist. It had a large cloth piece hanging down in front that looked like a cross between a jock strap and a cup. Mark snugged it up against Michael's crotch, covering his growing cock, and passed a strap between his legs. Jason took it and Michael heard a snap as it locked into place on the back of the belt. Mark tugged on it, testing the fit.

"This is technically called a 'freedom belt'. As in, "free your mind". We call it a 'cock-lock'. We've only got two of these with a codpiece this large, if you were any bigger, we would have to get one custom made. The material is stretchable, so if you get a woody, don't worry, the cloth will expand.'s layered and padded. You can rub all you want, but it's almost impossible to orgasm while you are wearing one. And you will be wearing one, at all times when you are alone. Oh, but don't worry, you can play with yourself anytime you want." Mark paused and waited for the questions to start. It was always the same. A look of confusion, then...

"What about if I have to pee? Or take a shower? What if I have an itch in the middle of the night?" Michael did not understand this place, not at all. First, another boy gives him a blow-job in front of the Headmistress, then they lock up his penis... It made no sense. Jason answered him.

"Michael, everyone that has completed orientation has a key to that lock. At this point in the school year, that means...every student in the dorm has one, except for the young kids. The idea is that you get comfortable about letting other people around you while you are naked, to ask if you need sexual release instead of handling it yourself. It's extreme, but like I said, you have 10 years of catching up to do. I'll give you an example...a reason why this belt will help you. Go sit on your bed." Michael wordlessly perched on the bed. The strap between his legs rode into his asscrack. It felt odd, but in a good way. Jason stood next to Mark.

"See that slight bulge in Mark's pants?" Michael nodded. It wasn't noticeable unless you were looking for it, but now that Jason had pointed it out, Michael locked his gaze on Mark's crouch, and saw that the 'slight bulge' was quickly turning into a tent. Jason knelt down beside Mark, and continued.

"Mark wants you. He is a little jealous that I got to give you a blow-job earlier. Seeing you change into your cock-lock was enough to turn him on. Now, what would you do if something like that turned you on, gave you a woody? Would you tell us about it? Or would you be embarrassed, like earlier today? Would you just wait until you were alone and start touching yourself? Hmm..I bet if we left right now, and took that cock-lock off, you would be beating your meat in no time."

Jason began to run his fingers over Mark's growing erection, then unzipped his friend's pants, and slipped his hand inside. His hand moved up and down, and Mark groaned a little.

"You can play with yourself, if you like. But you will have to ask someone to unlock you, and they are required to wait until you are finished and lock you back up. And that is why masturbation is so rare here. After all, why not just ask them to help you?" With that, Jason pulled Mark's hard penis through the open fly of his pants.

He let go of it, and began to playfully bat at it, gently pushing it to and fro, looking up at Mark, then at Michael.

"Doesn't this look like a lot more fun? I'm not just talking about the three of us. There are 75 boys and 75 girls in this part of the dorm. You will have a chance to do stuff like this all the time, every day, as much as you want. have to be able to ask. You have to tell us what you want to do." Mark unbuttoned his fly, and his pants fell to his ankles. Jason caught Mark's bobbing penis in his hand and kissed it's pink head. "So...Michael..that is everything you need to know for can mingle all you want, the other kids want to meet you. They have heard about you, how big you are, and they really want to see it. All you have to do is...ask...." Jason wrapped his hand around Mark's shaft. It was thin, but long, almost as long as Michael's nine-inch monster. Jason's hand moved up and down, slowly jacking off Mark's hard penis as Michael looked on, trying to muster the courage to ask out loud to touch it.

He knew they were waiting for him to make a move, to say something, anything. He wanted to touch it, he hadn't touched another boy's cock since grade school. It was fun back then, but this was more than just fun, it was hot lust. Still undecided, as his loins began to pound and his cock began to push against the material of the codpiece, straining to be free, he hesitantly reached a hand toward Mark.

"Not so fast, bud. You have to ask. Even when two older boys like us are shamelessly teasing you, ask first. Never assume that just because someone is naked and horny that they want you. Maybe you're wrong...maybe I want to go jerk won't know unless you ask...." Both boys waited for Michael.

"umm...mark, can i touch" Michael cringed as he spoke, looking down. The words came out all wrong. He wanted to sound like an adult, he wanted to fit in, he wanted these boys to like him. Instead, he sounded like a stuttering imbecile. Mark's voice was warm as he replied.

"Michael, I would love for you to touch my cock." Jason released it, and Michael's hand's trembled as he reached forward again, this time with both hands. Mark's shaft was so long that his hands barely overlapped as he wrapped his fingers around a penis, a real cock, a man's dick, not a kid's. It was hot and pulsing in his hands, hard and soft at the same time. Suddenly, he realized that he had no idea how to please another man, how to make a man come. He wanted to rub it all over his body, to feel it all over him. He wanted to hold it in his mouth while it spewed hot sperm.

Mark moved a little closer, his long cock almost touching Michael's lips.

"Have you ever wanted to put one in your mouth, Michael?" Jason's voice was soft, and he moved to the bed. Michael nodded, staring at Mark's swollen cock-head. It was so much longer than his own, a slim, pink banana instead of a wide, red mushroom.

"go ahead, gentle....use your tongue, not your teeth...just slowly slide it in..." Jason's voice breathed into his ear, husky and low.

Michael leaned forward, opening his mouth, and touched his tongue to the tip of Mark's velvet soft cock-head, still gripping the shaft in both hands. He felt a thrill of excitement, the joy of leaving behind all his inhibitions, of being able to explore another boy without fear or embarrassment. Remembering the trick that Jason had used, he slid his wet tongue down Mark's pee hole to the sensitive foreskin under it. He massaged the bottom of the Mark's cockhead, sucking gently as he worked a circular pattern with the tip of his tongue.

He felt Jason's hands on the small of his back, and heard a click as the tension on his codpiece released. More blood rushed to his throbbing penis, filling it with every beat of his heart. Jason's hands moved to Michael's crotch, pulling the thick, restrictive cloth off of the young teen's monstrous cock. Michael felt the thin leather strap slowly snake through his asscheeks as Jason pulled the 'freedom belt' off, setting it to the side. It distracted Michael only for a brief moment, and he went back to work on Mark's pretty, pink cock-head with twice the fervor, swirling his tounge around the pee-hole and rim, taking it a little deeper in his mouth as he gained confidence.

He felt Jason move again, and watched as the slim boy slid off his pants and free his own aching, stiff cock. In terms of length, it was small by Academy standards, just under six inches, but it's girth was amazing. Michael wasn't sure that he could even wrap his hand all the way around it. Jason's testicles were also huge, held in a bag of wrinkled, pinkish skin bigger than Michael's fist. Fine, light blonde pubic hair sat at the base, neatly trimmed into a small patch, a beautiful mustache over Jason's cock. Michael stared down at Jason's thick meat, greedy for more cock as he sucked and licked on Mark's penis. Jason snuggled back up against him, thier bare thighs touching.

"Michael, would you like me to touch your penis again?" Jason's hand was already moving toward it as Michael nodded, still staring at Jason's meaty cock.

"Would you like to touch mine? You don't have to ask...if your mouth is full...." Jason smiled and took one of Michael's hands from Mark's shaft. He wrapped it around his shaft and covered it with his own, larger hand. Michael's hand wasn't big enough to fit all the way around it, after all.

"Now, I want you to concentrate on sucking on Mark's gorgeous cock, O.K.? Don't worry about me, I'll take care of everything..." Jason gripped harder, his hand still overlapping Michael's, and then harder still, trapping Michael's fingers around his thick, hot meat. He moved Michael's hand up and down, slowly at first, then speeding up, gripping tighter as he did so.

Even though Jason had asked Michael not to be distracted, it was impossible. Michael had never felt anything like this. He could feel every pounding heartbeat pulsing blood through Jason's huge shaft, skin sliding over hard meat.

Just as he got back into a rhythm sucking on Mark's penis, Michael

felt Jason's free hand gripping his cock, moving up and down on his shaft. He reveled in the feeling for a moment, then went back to swirling his tongue over the cockhead he held in his mouth. Mark spoke up, his voice low.

"michael, that feels..wonderful....i'm going to come now...i won't come in your mouth if you don't want me to, just pull it out slowly if you don't want me to come..."

Micheal looked up at Mark, meeting his eyes and sucking harder, wanting to taste and feel every bit of Mark's orgasm, eager to have hot sperm jet into his mouth. Jason began to pump harder, fueled by Mark's words.

"I'm gonna come with you, Mark, oh, jesus, his hands are so hot, grip it hard, Michael, I want you to squeeze my meat as hard as you can....ungh...yeah, oh, yeah, Oh....OH....FUCKIN' YEAH....OHHH...." Jason's grip tightened on Michael's cock and began to flail it around as he worked his hands faster and faster.

Michael gripped both boys with all his might as he felt their cocks pulsate with his, and a moment later, hot jizz began to fly.

Michael felt Jason stop pumping their interlocked hands over his thick shaft and looked down just in time to see Jason's meaty cock let loose a spurt of thick, white goo.

Jason angled his penis toward Micheal as he came. Michael's shaft was suddenly wet with warm sperm.

Michael felt his testes tighten, ready to release a load, just as his mouth filled with tangy liquid, his first taste of a man's come, Mark's balls pumping their load over his tongue, then again, filling his mouth.

An instant later, Michael released. Jason felt the younger boy's penis tense and expertly aimed it towards his own cock, and then rolled his body towards Michael, touching his enormous cockhead to Micheal's, pressing them together. The effect was electrifying - as their meaty cock-heads mashed together, both boys began to shoot sperm, coating each others cocks in hot fluid, feeling the other spurt again and again.

Mark pulled his penis out of Michael's mouth , dripping sperm on Michael's lips and chin. His knees were trembling a little. He moved toward the bed and lay down next to Michael. Michael still held Mark's hard, long shaft in one hand, and Jason's in the other, a warm satisfied glow settling over him. He closed his eyes and felt Mark's hand on his balls, warm and heavy, just holding them, enjoying the way the soft, loose sack felt in his hand. The three boys lay there for a moment, covered in each others jizz.

Michael spoke, softly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Have you guys ever done that before? Together, at the same time, three guys?"

Jason answered.

"Mmmm...kiddo, you are going to shit when you see what's'll love tantric meditation classes...imagine what we just did, but with thirty guys instead of three.."

Michael was sure Jason was teasing.

"No way...everybody coming at the same time?" Mark spoke up.

"Yeah. Everyone. And you'll learn to orgasm without spurting, like a dry orgasm, it's fun, but I personally like it better when it's wet and sticky."

"Are you guys teasing me? Is all that really possible?" Michael couldn't picture how thirty guys could all come at the same time.

"Hold our cocks a little harder, grip them tight again and pump a few times, we'll show ya." Michael tightened his grip. Jason's thick cock had begun to soften a little, but in a heartbeat it was once again throbbing with hot blood. Mark had never softened, his long tool was still rock hard. Michael loved the feeling, two cocks in his hands, one so thick his hand could barely fit around it, and the other a long, pink missile. He moved both hands up, then down. Up, then down. Up...and both boys were oozing sperm, grunting in pleasure as come dribbled onto Michael's hands. He stared in amazement, as Mark and Jason smiled triumphantly. Questions, so many questions, Michael wanted to know how he could do that, when classes started, he wanted to know everything.... He opened his mouth to speak, and a knock at the door interrupted him.

Michael looked over to see three girls entering. It took a moment for his brain to process that the one in the middle was his sister. His eyes widened as he realized that he was covered in sperm and had a cock in each hand. His face reddened, and his eyes dropped. Anne's white oxford was unbuttoned halfway to her waist. Her cleavage was showing. The shirt was thin, almost see-thru, he could make out the dark color of her areolae and the outline of her nipples. He tore his eyes away from his sister's rack, and forced himself to look at her face, trying to think of something to say and coming up empty.

Anne didn't look at all surprised, she was smiling and gave him a wink.

The busty gal on her right spoke up, looking at Michael.

"I love to see you boys making new friends...Hi, Michael, I'm Gretchen..."

Michael began to slide his hands off of Jason and Mark, trying not to be too obvious.

"... and don't you dare let go of those beautiful cocks. There is nothing sexier than watching guys play with each other. You don't even know how hot you look, all covered in jizz, with that big horse cock of yours..mmm...I can't wait till I have a little spare time to spend in here." Michael's hands froze, and he lay there, speechless. His cock was slowly deflating as blood rushed to his face.

"That's better. Michael, honey, I know it's been a freaky day for ya, but you gotta get used having people walk in's one of the funnest parts of going to school here. And normally, I wouldn't interrupt, but the Headmistress just paged me. I'm sorry, Jason, but I'm gonna have to break this up. She wants you, too. I'm bettin' she wants to hear all about how Michael and Anne are settling in."

The redhead on Anne's other side spoke up.

"Anne, sweetie, can you wet a few towels down with hot water? We need to clean these boys up a little." Anne went into the bathroom as Jason stood, easing off the bed, his thick cock softening a little. The cute redhead took his place, laying down next to Michael on the bed, propping herself up on one elbow and facing him. Her loose shirt fell open, and Micheal could see one of her pert little breasts clearly.

"Heya, handsome...I'm Maggie. I've got a question for ya, stud...Do you think it's fair to play with just boys? ....'cause I was kinda thinking that me and your sister might want to play, wouldn't want to leave us out, would ya?"

She lowered her voice to a husky whisper and leaned closer to him as she spoke. Michael smelled strawberries in her hair, and he stared down her shirt, able to see both perfect little breasts now, her small, brown nipples distended. Maggie leaned even closer he could feel her lips brush his earlobe as she spoke, her warm sweet breath blowing softly in his ear.

"your sister...has the have ever.....licked...i mean...that i...have ever...seen..."

Michael's libido kicked into overdrive. Anne walked out of the bathroom just as her brother's cock began to harden. It swayed at half-mast for a moment, then twitched as Maggie exhaled into Micheal's ear again, and came slapping down on his tummy. Megan whispered again, so low that only Michael could hear it.

"baby..i love that you're staring at my little titties...would you like to see me rub them all over your sister's big that what you want?" Micheal's penis flooded with heat as he glanced up at Anne. She was staring at his throbbing, meaty dick and blushed a little as she looked over at Jason and handed him a steaming towel.

"close your eyes, for me, michael, close your eyes and trust me...." Michael took one last look at her pale breasts, then slowly closed his eyes. He felt her shift off the bed.

"Keep 'em closed, lover. You, too, Mark. We are going to sponge all that boy jizz off of you...and then...if you're real nice...we'll cover you in girl jizz instead..."

Maggie and Gretchen had gotten Anne settled in her room. They explained that she would have to wear a 'freedom belt' (or as they called it, a 'pussy protector') , and some of the basic details of the school. They chatted as Anne took a quick shower, and helped her dress. Anne stood naked as they fitted her new pussy protector around her waist.

"Hey, does Michael have to wear one of these? Er..not like this, I know, but one made for guys?"

"Oh, sure," Gretchen said, patting Anne's full buttock as she locked the belt and stepped back to admire it. "The boys call 'em 'cock-locks'. Same rules apply. But...well...girls have a different state of mind. We could probably just tell you not to touch yourself for a month, and you wouldn't. Guys...they have to touch themselves. And a guy your brother's age...I dunno, hon. I hope he is just as fast to adapt to life here as you seem to be. For some reason, girls that come into the Academy late seem to adjust alot faster than the guys. The Headmistress says...." Gretchen trailed off.

"What? What does she say?" Anne flushed, thinking of how beautiful the Headmistress looked, how she wanted to see the woman's full, heavy breasts, to explore her everywhere. Maggie spoke up.

"Uh-oh, someone has a crrrruushhh....oh, Anne, baby, don't worry. With that body, trust'll get your share of time alone with Headmistress Welch. She never, I mean NEVER, passes up a chance to play with a new girl. The boys...well, she has her favorites....but she's a dyke at heart. I should know...I am, too." Maggie giggled. Anne smiled, but her voice was a just the tiniest bit urgent as she redirected the conversation.

"O.K., maybe I do have a crush on the dyke Headmistress, but no one has ever made me come like she did. So...tell me what you were about to say, Gretchen, about the Headmistress?" Gretchen had picked a skirt out of the uniforms they had brought to Anne's room. She knelt and motioned for Anne to step into it as she spoke.

"Well, she says girls like you are better at adapting here than boys because you've been taught to submit, to let go, to have someone lead you...." Gretchen zipped up the skirt. "And, off the subject, you look so...incredible. Did I tell how much I love your tits?" Anne thrust her chest out a little and looked down at her hard nipples.

"Umm...I think so...but thanks again.'re wonderful, both of you." Gretchen slid her arms around Anne's bare stomach from behind, pressing her heavy breasts against Anne's back. Anne could feel Gretchen's nipples pressing her skin, two hard nubs of flesh surrounded by softness. Maggie stepped forward, throwing her arms around both girls and kissing Anne softly on the lips.

"Sweetie," she said, "we are gonna let you choose. You can either stay here and play with us...." Maggie rested her head against Anne's shoulder and began to plant little kisses softly on her neck.

"...and we would love that..." Gretchen chimed in softly, snuggling her thinly covered breasts into Anne's back.

"...or, we can go see how Michael is fitting in." She paused as Anne thought it over. Her mind drifted back to those questions the Headmistress asked her, about whether she had ever wanted to see her brother's penis, if she wanted to touch it.

"Um...Wow...I'm not sure. I mean, he's this..." She trailed off, not knowing how to ask if her brother was getting the same treatment as she was, if he was with two boys, playing with them, touching them like she she was touching the girls with her.

Gretchen finished her thought for her. " You want to know if the guys are getting each other off? Oh, my god, honey, all day long. He's with Mark and Jason, and I'll bet you anything that all three of them are naked, sucking each other off and jizzing all over the place. That's what the guys here do when they hang out."

Anne's body reacted to the words before she could even fully process them. She felt that warmness as blood flowed to her pussy lips, and her large clit, already cramped in the pussy-protector, began to rise as she imagined her brother giving some hot guy a blow-job. Gretchen's hands worked their way up Anne's midriff and cupped her breasts from behind.

"Sweetie, trust me, we will have plenty of time to play. I am going to spend every free minute I have with least for the next month while you get settled.'s important that you and Michael get used to...being natural around each other, comfortable about sex. No one can force you, but think about it...what would you do if he walked in while you were playing with my pussy? Could you invite him with a smile on your face? Wouldn't you rather visit him first..?"

Anne considered for a moment. The two older girls embracing her half naked body were so warm and soft, she wanted to stay like this forever....but...she didn't want to distance herself from her brother, either.

"Mmm...when you put it that've never licked a girl...the way much time do we have?"

Maggie breathed words into Anne's ear.

"i know what you want, baby. you want some pussy before you go, don't ya..? just nod for me, you want to taste a girl before we go see the boys, hmmm, is that it, lover?"

Anne nodded.

"ask us, then, sweetie...that's the way it works...ask if you can fluff Gretchen's pussy so it looks all wet and shiny for the boys...if you do a good job, i'll let you suck on mine, too...come on, baby, just say the words..." Gretchen's hands were squeezing now, ever so slightly putting more pressure under Anne's breasts, and she began to move them over Anne's tits, resting a fingertip against each of the younger girl's big, red nipples, rotating them slowly.

"oh, that feels... so good..." Anne closed her eyes and said the words. "Please, Gretchen, can I fluff your pussy and make it all wet before we go?" She felt sinfully delicious saying the words out loud. Her clit was throbbing now, locked in its tight cage.

Gretchen rolled Anne's nipples in her fingertips and then slowly withdrew her arms from Anne's chest.

"Honey, you said the magic words...I would love for you to fluff me up. I want to look sexy for the boys...get me wet, baby, get me soooo wet..." She put her hands on Anne's shoulder's and gently turned her around, then pushed down, guiding Anne to the floor. She unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall open. Maggie cuddled up against Gretchen, running her hands over Gretchen's large pink nipples.

"Unzip me, hon," Gretchen said, and Anne reached back, leaning forward to rest her cheek on Gretchen's stomach as she undid the zipper on Gretchen's skirt. It fell to the floor, and Gretchen widened her stance a little, giving Anne room to reach her pretty pink folds of skin.

"This is your first time, isn't it, lover? You've never put your mouth on a pussy before, have you, baby? Isn't it sexy, a woman's bald pussy, tell me how beautiful my pussy looks, sweetie, then kiss it and lick it..." Anne looked up at Gretchen. Maggie was suckling at her friend's breast, and Gretchen cupped her other one and began to lick her own huge nipple, staring down at Anne with lust in her eyes.

"Oh, Gretchen, it is...wonderful....I love the way your pussy looks, I want you to shave mine and make it all smooth and pretty like yours..." Gretchen nodded, and Anne kissed the wrinkled, pink female skin, her lips touching another girls labia for the first time. She couldn't believe how soft they were, and she kissed harder, then stuck her tongue out and burrowed it into those folds of skin, eager to taste the moist dampness of Gretchen's pussy.

"That's it, honey, now suck on it, suck my pussy, make all puffy and big, make so pretty for the boys..."

Anne opened her mouth and engulfed the bald twat, slobbering as her hot tongue washed over it. She sucked in, pulling Gretchen's tender, pink labia into her mouth, licking them all over.

"Oh, sweetheart, that feels so, kiss my little clittie, and give Maggie some love, too."

Anne ran her tongue up Gretchen's slit, looking for her nub. She felt a hard button, and washed her tongue over it, then sucked on it, kissed it, she didn't want to stop, but Gretchen's hands were on her head, pushing her towards Maggie's waiting pussy.

"C'mon now, lover, give Maggie a good fluff, too, her pussy is so pretty when she gets excited...."

Maggie's pussy was pretty, with deep red lips that were already seeping moisture. Anne greedily engulfed it, her hormones pumping fire through her veins, her pussy-protector soaked in her juices. Maggie's pussy had a slightly different taste, a sweetness to it that was delicious. Anne worked her tongue as deep into Maggie's honeypot as she could... wiggling it around, tasting the ambrosia-like juices.

"Oh, sweetie, that feels so good, but remember to get my lips, too. I want to look pretty so that your brother will put his big cock in me...if you want, sugar, you can even hold it, you can grab that big dick and put in my pussy..."

Anne sucked Maggie's labia into her mouth and let them slide out, then again, and one more time before she searched for the hard nub of a clitoris hiding between them. She pressed it between her lips as hard as she could and flicked it with her tongue.

"Oh, honey, you are a natural, you are making me so wet...let's get you out of that little pussy protector so we can go see your brother and his big peter..." Anne felt Gretchen's hands on her arm, lifting her away from Maggie. She resisted, just for a moment, long enough to kiss that yummy, slick, red flesh one last time. Then, she got to her feet.

Gretchen unlocked the belt, and cool air washed over Anne's hot, damp flesh, her huge, throbbing clit free at last.

"Well, you didn't have to wear that for long, now did ya? Hmm, Maggs, we better give her a once over...ya know, freshen her up....." Maggie nodded.

"Good idea...oh, Anne, sugar, we are just teasin' look fresh as a daisy down there...but you don't mind if kiss that big clittie of yours, do ya, baby? I have been dying' to see it up close..." Anne nodded, reached down and pressed two fingers against her slit, popping her clit out all the way, a red finger of flesh nearly two inches long. The two older girls got on their knees, peering at it. Maggie licked her finger, then rubbed the tip of Anne's little girl-cock with it, cooing her delight.

"Oh, that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Gretchen, we are so dumb...we could have spent all night sucking on Anne's pussy, watching her squirt and playing with her big clittie....why did we ever even mention boys?" Maggie leaned her head towards Anne's throbbing clit, her mouth open, her pink tongue poking out....

....and a girl's high-pitched voice sounded from the doorway,

interrupting the moment.

"Hello? Maggie? Gretchen? Are you in here?"

Maggie sighed. She stared at Anne's pussy and continued rubbing it as she answered.

"In here...and oh, my god, this better be know that we are orientating the new girl."

A young girl turned the corner. She looked to be about 10 or 11 years old, with long blond hair. She smiled at Anne, and her eyes moved down, studying Anne's breath-taking body as she spoke.

"Hi. You must be Anne. I'm Noel." Anne nodded, surprised to find that she wasn't the least bit self-consciousness about her nudity. In fact, she felt a warm flush as the younger girl eyed her naked, full breasts. She wondered briefly if this little angel would be joining in, stripping down and pleasuring her, ...then Anne remembered her manners, and smiled back at her.

"Hi,'s nice to meet you..." Maggie interrupted her, edging in as Anne paused.

" to be rude...but get to the point, please. Anne just fluffed me, sweetie, and I feel all warm and wet. Please tell me that someone else can help ya out...we're busy, baby..."

"Well, then you are the lucky one. The Headmistress says she wants to see Gretchen and Jason in her office. Do you know what room Anne's brother is in? She said Jason would be with him."

"Yeah, sugar, we sure do, but don't worry about it. We were just about to head down there anyway." Gretchen sighed. "Oh, me, oh, my. See, Mags, sometimes things work out for ya, after all. You and Mark are gonna have Anne and Michael all to yourselves. Lucky girl..." She turned to Noel. "Can you tell the Headmistress that we will be right there? I want to make sure Anne gets settled, and you know boys when they messy, especially Jason. It seems like every time I walk into his room, he is covered in jism."

Noel nodded, and turned to leave. She hesitated, then turned back, looking up at Anne. She piped up again, her high pitched voice making her sound so young.

"Anne, I just want to tell you how pretty you are. If I come by tomorrow morning before class, will you let me play with your pussy?" She locked her big, brown eyes on Anne's bright green orbs, staring at the older girl. Anne couldn't help but smile at the innocent demeanor of this little blond girl.

"Um...sure, Noel, that sounds...great...I...I would like that." Noel smiled back, and and nodded her head sharply.

"Cool, I'll see ya then." She tromped off with a little swish of her plaid skirt.

Gretchen stood up, her jaw wide open.

"Oh, my god. Anne, you've got it, girl, you are a sex magnet. Noel never plays with girls. Mags, are ya jealous?"

Maggie nuzzled Anne's clit with her pouted lips and slowly stood, cupping Anne's mound. She nodded as she toyed with Anne's clit.

"Fully. Entirely. Jealous. I have asked Noel like, a hundred times. Have you seen her in the shower, her pubes are almost white...."

Gretchen sighed, and interrupted.

"I shouldn't have said anything. Honey, if you are lucky, Anne will turn Noel into a lesbo and you will have your shot. Come on, Mags, get a move on. Annie, don't let her distract you...she will have you the rest of the night, and I only have a few minutes. Let's go, throw a skirt on, and an oxford. No bra, no underwear, babe, they will only get in the way. Hurry, up you two, let's get down there and see what the boys are up to while we still have a few minutes to spare."

The girls got ready with a quickness and Anne's heart pounded a little faster with every step she took as Maggie held her hand, leading her

through the halls of the dorm. Heads turned as she walked, she could feel boys and girls looking at her, and overheard a comment here and there.

"holy shit...check out the new girl.."

" ....beautiful, look at her tits..."

"...oh, my god...can't wait to see her naked..."

Anne flushed with embarrassment and pride as she strode along between her two new friends. Maggie held Anne's hand tighter, pulling her close, as she told her what to expect when they entered the room.

"O.K., it's just down this hall. Anne, just kick back and follow my lead. When we walk in, trust me, it will be awkward for a second. I promise you, your brother will be butt naked. He will either have a cock in his hand, or one in his mouth, if not both. He will probably be a little embarrassed to see you, but you look smokin' hot and he is a guy...he'll get over it. And sweetie, Gretchen teases me about being a total lezbo, but I am soooo good at wrapping a boy around my finger ... he will be gaa-gaa over me in seconds flat. If I had tits like you two have, I could rule the world. Watch and learn..."

Gretchen stopped in front of a door way. She knocked and, without waiting for a response, walked in. Maggie stepped in too, pulling Anne with her. Anne could hardly believe her eyes. The scene was almost exactly as Maggie said it would be, three young men sprawled out on a bed, covered in puddles of white goo. Her brother was holding a penis in each hand, and Anne could see that fresh sperm was still leaking out of them. She noted with a bit of pride that her brother's young cock was big, bigger than both of the older boys he lay next to.

Michael looked up, his eyes squinted and glazed with lust. He peered at her for half a moment before his eyes opened wide. His eyes dropped down, and Anne knew he was looking at her cleavage, checking out the way her red areolea and hard nipples showed through the thin cloth of her oxford. His eyes came back up, and he had a guilty look on his face. Anne almost laughed. She winked at him instead. Her nervousness melted away. Everything Maggie had told her was true, and Anne had full confidence that her new red-haired friend would get her through this just fine.

Dedicated to my real life best fan, my muse and the frequent object of my lust...

Next: Chapter 3

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