
By Bruce Turner / Charles Turner

Published on Feb 25, 2020




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Pan begged to go with Yondi and Logan when they told the rescued beings that they would be leaving. Yondi had spoken with his grandmother to learn that he actually didn't need to do anything more with, to or for the beasts. She had arranged to have them removed from the island and spread across the planet. Pan had been listening to what they said, he requested that Yondi allow him to make his own choice about where he would spread his magic. Yondi had hoped the old faun would want to travel to space on the star-ship to spread green life to some of the planets that were little more than desert spheres.

It took the concierge an extra day to get permission from the governments owning the land where they intended to travel. The faun insisted that he preferred human females over any other sexual partner but Yondi and Logan watched him fucking other fauns and bend over for all of the satyrs when he wasn't sucking Logan's cock. From the time Yondi asked for the permission until the helio arrived the island was one huge orgy. Once on the helio Logan admitted to Yondi that he was sexually depleted as well as satiated.

"And here I was hoping that you would sit on my lap while we're headed to Vancouver Island. The way this helio is bouncing you would have really had a ride." Yondi was only half joking. Logan wasn't sure Yondi would want to have sex with him when there was a female human in the front of the helio and four guards watching them. The last night he had spoken with his Grandmother she had warned him that the island would be as close to the ancient glades and homes of the wood nymphs and minor goddesses and gods as was still present on Earth. He was slightly worried about meeting gods although he had met some of the minor gods already. Most of the major gods had sent their representatives but that was not like the real thing..

"Yondi, the island is loaded with nymphs, naiads and temples to the gods." Pan had been excited at seeing the first nymphs but an hour later obviously having been taken advantage of by the females he dragged back through the brush to tell Yondi and Logan about his discoveries. Yondi and Logan had enjoyed having him with them to suck their cocks but now that he had found females they expected him too return to the woods.

Pan showed them to an opening in the woods around a granite and marble temple to Bacchus were they decided to "build"their hut. Fifteen minutes after locating the spot they had a hut to protect them from an unexpected rain shower. If it had been a warm rain they would have continued exploring but unfortunately it was a cold rain that had a mix of hail and sleet that had soaked their clothes while the hut inflated itself. They each wrapped themselves in a blanket trying to get warm.

"Sorry you are tired of sex. I would be happy to have my cock in your asshole warming you from the inside."Logan had often made comments about how hot he felt the cock was while it was inside him. Yondi was really too cold to have sex, too, but he wanted Logan to know he was willing to help him through anything.

"Why don't you hold me and we'll wrap both blankets around us." Logan hadn't been warming up and hoped that being against Yondi would do more than just the blanket. He knew there was a chance that rubbing against Yondi that his man would get an erection and want more than cuddling so he found a tube of lube before he crawled onto Yondi's lap and stuck his head in an armpit to breath the warm stench.

As soon as the men began "building' the hut Pan had disappeared into the temple. It was only seconds after Logan felt the heat of his lover that Pan reappeared with wine and glasses. The cold and rain hadn't seemed to bother him. He didn't try getting under the blankets with the men but held out nearly quart sized glasses full of a sweet smelling wine to them.

"It doesn't look like we are going to get to do much exploring, why not get drunk? Pan, where did you get the wine?" He knew that Pan had a connection to Bacchus but he doubted the faun could make wine from water.

"There is always wine in all of Bacchus's temples. As long as you are willing to have sex with the attendant the wine flows freely. This is a men's temple, your ass is the only barter the attendants accept."

"The way you are sitting I'd say the attendant was a large male."

"Always. Like Bacchus they are always looking for a new ass to fuck. You two get to get the next pouch of wine." He had finished his first glassful while Yondi and Logan had barely taken two sips. Five minutes later Pan was emptying the pouch and holding it out to the men under the blankets. Yondi knew that Logan was still not fully warmed up so he took the pouch from Pan and carefully crawled out from the blankets keeping the warmth in for Logan. He intended to run to the temple, allow whoever was there fuck him and get back before he was cold.

"Yondi, once you enter the temple fall to your hands and knees. Wait at the entrance until you hear a voice beckoning to you. Then you must crawl across the floor to the altar and remain in front of the altar with your head to the floor until approached. A satyr was attending the altar when I was there, you know about them.

"There are also some of the minor gods ling on the island that might be attending to the altar. A few of the naiads married minor gods and the gods are being punished by making them serve in the temples of Bacchus. I have never met one of them, but from what I hear part of their punishment is that they must provide sex for any that enter the temple." Pan stopped giving Yondi the warning. He had taken the man's wine and was guzzling the half full glass.

The hail had stopped but the cold rain was still falling heavily. They had set the hut about a hundred feet from the temple steps. Yondi threw his wet uniform over his head to stay a little warm and protected from the rain, he ran for the wine. The temple had looked rather small from the outside so he was shocked that once he went through the doorway the altar was even further than his run to the temple had been. He thought he should walk the length of the temple but chose to follow the warning Pan had given and knelt with his head to the floor and waited, the water ran off his body and puddled under his face.

Yondi was cold and getting tired waiting when he heard whispering. He was tempted to look up to see who was whispering but decided he should follow the instructions he had been given. The breeze with the rain was hitting him from behind, he was glad he was far enough into the temple that he wasn't getting any wetter but the cold wind blowing on his butt was making him shiver uncontrollably.

"Xavian, crawl to the altar. Keep your eyes to the floor."The voice was deeper than any he had heard since on Earth. He didn't know what kind of being spoke that way. He wanted to look up to see who was giving him orders but kept his eyes down. Although the toga he could see didn't cover much below the beings' crotches Yondi would have been pleased to be wearing one.

"When Pan told us that you would be here we didn't believe him. Bacchus himself had predicted your arrival two days ago." The young god to the far right was the first to speak, Yondi thought he was the least attractive of the gods and wasn't even certain he was a god judging by his appearance.

"We were delayed helping the centaurs escape their jail. I hadn't set an itinerary that demanded my arrival on X or Y day." Yondi wanted to tell him to mind his own business but they did want more wine..

"You did not and our grievance will be with Bacchus if he arrives. Thetus would you start a small fire for our guest?" In a few minutes the temple was starting to warm up and Yondi had stopped shivering. He was able to look around more than while shivering and saw that a mattress had appeared to his left and that the young gods were shedding their togas. The magnificent bodies that were starting to appear had his cock erect quickly. Pan had warned him that the gods would most likely want to fuck him, a real shame since he was seeing butts that made his cock start leaking pre-cum.

The best looking of the gods walked towards him. Yondi didn't know what to do, should he go to his knees and suck the cock pressing out in front of the god or wait for him to express what he wanted. He didn't have time to do anything. The young god had reached out to touch his cock simultaneously with another god that stepped in behind him and spread his butt cheeks with his large, warm hands. A thumb slipped into his asshole and the god in front of him pushed his head down until his mouth was being fucked with a god cock that pushed deep into his throat. Speared between the two young gods Yondi allowed himself to be used giving the pair as much pleasure as he could.

That was the only god to use his mouth. The other four all fucked him, barely allowing one cock to exit before the next was being forced into him. They weren't fast, after at least an hour Pan came to the temple and the ugly god told him to take another pouch of wine and leave them be. Yondi was getting tired but the gods gave him another drink of what he later learned was a drink made from their cum, sweat and piss; they told him it was ambrosia and laying there with a god's cock in his asshole it was.

Unlike anyone that had ever fucked him the gods knew exactly what Yondi needed and when he was ready for them to slap his ball sac. Each of the young gods had made him cum twice before they began to slow down. He couldn't tell how much cum was in his ass but he knew he was bloated. He had never been fucked so much, not even when he was with Bacchus himself. He didn't know whether he wanted to crawl back to the hut into Logan's arms or whether he wanted to drain the last of the cum from the five gods that were hung even longer and thicker than he was.

It turned out not being his decision, the fifth god had pulled out for the third time when Bacchus and friends arrived.

"Yondi, sit up over this charger." Bacchus had extended his hand out to Yondi and held him up as the cum flowed from his asshole into the charger.

"Give him another helping of Ambrosia." Bacchus watched as Yondi swallowed the entire bowl of god cum before saying anything about what made it Ambrosia.

"The gods' fluids not only tastes great but it gives you sexual energy. You are going to want to be fucked for the rest of the evening and night. If not longer." The young gods laughed along with Bacchus and raised a glass of wine in his honor.

Yondi couldn't count how many times he was fucked. He woke the following morning unable to rise from the mattress, his legs were little more than quivering water. Two of the gods carried him to the hut and wrapped him with the blankets and dried the uniforms so when he was able to walk he would stay warm. The second pouch of wine had been drugged by the gods, Logan and Pan were still asleep when Yondi was returned to the bed, Logan didn't wake as Yondi was returned to his arms.

Sprites and nymphs poked their heads through the door of the hut to see the being that had attracted so many of the minor gods to the temple for the entire night. There had been few males visit the island since the last of the vacationers had been run off by a trio of angry nymphs. After the nymphs had satisfied themselves spying on Yondi, a string of naiads that had heard from mermaid gossip on the shore, that Poseidon thought Yondi was special, struggled to get away from the streams and see the honored being.

Yondi and Logan struggled to wake that night when the full moon was reflecting light through the door of the hut. Neither of them was too alert but they tried speaking to the other needing to piss. Yondi would have been happy if Logan had agreed to allow him to fill his ass but he didn't offer.

"I never want any of the temple wine again." Logan didn't know he had been drugged, he just thought he was suffering a violent hangover. He had walked ten feet away from the hut to relief himself only to have Pan and a naiad scold him for aiming the stream of piss into a slow moving stream.

Yondi had crawled to his side on his hands and knees, his legs still quaking and unable to hold him erect. "If I'm not to piss in the water where should I relieve myself?"

"Logan, I'd guess you might want to piss on a tree."

'Or on me.' The creature that walked out of the woods was not like anything they had seen. Yondi thought it might be a griffon but he had always thought they were the size of lions or larger.

'Who are you' Yondi was not happy to be back communicating mind to mind, like Logan he had a horrible hangover that made him want silence.

"I am a Caldo that has been sent by Mother Earth to be your spirit reservoir while you visit the cold portion of her lands.' While Yondi took a good look at the Caldo he saw that it was no longer a solid being, it had turned transparent. That he was able to see a thick coat of white fur, small wings, a tail with what he thought was a scorpion's stinger, feet that resembled those of a lizard and reflective fangs was not reassuring.

'Fear not. Mother Earth has made me pledge to not harm you or your lover. It is a pledge that I will honor whenever you are on the planet.' He may have pledged not to harm the pair but he turned to look at Pan and showed his fangs.

Yondi wasn't sure of anything the creature said but he thought he should find out if his first words to them were honest. He pulled himself up using a few year old tree that he could wrap his hand around. Up right he spoke to the creature having it stand in front of him. As Yondi started to relieve himself of the piss that was pulsating to get out of his bladder the Caldo turned so he faced Yondi and drank every drop of the man's morning waste.

"Where did it go? Did you see that? When you pissed in his mouth it flowed into the Caldo and disappeared."

"Logan, you're surprised to see a magical being? I think you should get used to having this spirit with us." Not having to search for a place to relieve himself in this strange land was a blessing.

'Does your lover need to piss more?' The Caldo had heard the naiad and Pan talking with Logan. He thought they may have interrupted what he needed.

"Logan, he is offering himself to you, also."

"I'm finished for now." He had been the recipient of Yondi's waste various times, the thought of giving his to another being was exciting but he had emptied his bladder enough that he was unable to start again.

"Yondi, is there a reason we are going to be staying on the island?"

"I think my ordeal last night in the temple is probably the reason we were directed to the island although the Caldo could be it, too." The thought of his grandmother being concerned where he pissed was disturbing.

'The moon will not be giving you enough light, but your are to walk around the island tonight. I will help you with light and Pan will help explain what you are seeing.'

Pan glared at the Caldo, he hated being instructed to do anything. That the Caldo was relaying Mother Earth's wishes instead of giving them to him directly was insulting to him. The Caldo didn't care, seeing the glare he returned a growl and another flash of his fangs. He and Logan were dragging themselves along behind the Caldo and the faun, there was not much that Yondi was interested in seeing until they arrived at a small town where the pixies lived.

Watching the pixies flying around and dancing in the air with different partners was more interesting than Yondi had thought it would be when he had first heard that there were still pixies alive on Earth. The unnamed beings at the Bacchanal had spoken of many creatures that they considered magical, the pixies were the one none of them had ever seen but believed were still alive. The rumors of what the pixies were able to do were so many that Yondi chose to thinking everything he had heard was a rumor. That was until he saw them flicking around lighting up the area better than any lanterns.

The Caldo finally convinced them to move along, Yondi hadn't known that they had stood there watching the pixies for two hours without moving. When the Caldo was able to get them moving he explained that the beings enthralled others that would stand watching them until they died. They were lucky to have the Caldo that was not affected by their air magic. He led them to the shore where they saw mermaids and mermen splashing in and out of the water. Yondi heard the many blessings from the mermaids as a friend of Poseidon.

He was invited by both the mermen and mermaids to join them for an orgy. One of the mermen let it be known that any one that traveled with a Caldo would be expected to be highly sexual and a willing follower of Bacchus. He thought he should correct that impression, turning to the Caldo he saw that Logan was covering the being in piss. Whatever he might say about not being a follower of Bacchus with the Caldo attending him would be rejected if not a subject of laughter.

"Have you noticed that the Caldo has grown since you first gave him a drink?" Logan was correct. The Caldo had been no longer the size of a house cat, now he was closer to the size of a forty pound dog. Yondi didn't know why he had grown but hoped his growth spurt didn't continue too long.

"Would you like to share our bodies with the mermen?" Yondi had no desire for sex with a mermaid but the possibility of fucking another finned being much like the Pink Dolphin had him getting erect.

"I would have liked to get a blow job, but when they opened their mouths and showed their teeth I shrank. They look vicious. I thought mermaids and mermen were supposed to be loving."

"From what I can recall of the stories I have heard there were contradictions told about them. Some of the stories were of mermaids drawing sailors into their arms with loving gazes, others were of them wrecking ships and devouring the men aboard. From what you said I would say stay away from their mouths."

"Let's just stay away from them completely. I don't really need to get off." Logan had started to pull off his uniform but with that decision made was fastening it over his chest and smoothing it over his crotch.

"Caldo, do you do anything other than take our piss?"

"Yondi, you may fuck either my mouth or ass, I will do my best to satisfy you." He was being modest, any partner from the past would have told Yondi that a Caldo was as close to perfect as they had ever experienced. Yondi was glad to hear that the Caldo had progressed fro speaking mind to mind to being verbal, he had never heard of a being that learned to speak that quickly but, Jamboree!

"I haven't heard anything about them from my Grandmother, Caldo have you heard that mer sperm is part of what I am to carry home?"

"She hasn't told me either. I think it is up to you to make the decision, they are good looking but they do have that down side."

The trio sat watching the colony play. Neither the males or females seemed that interested in having sex. Yondi didn't see either grope the other or kiss in a sexual way. After a half hour he decided to leave without trying to breed them or be bred by them. Pan joined them as they were returning to the open space the helio had used to bring them to the island. As if a taxi called to take them to work the helio landed just as they made their way through the brush into the opening.

"I miss having Gord and Kevin to talk with, I hope they join us when we start the trip north. Kevin is trying to blend into the city, that should leave Gord free and totally on his own. I'm sure he is finding plenty of whatever he wants, I feel out of sorts being the only Xavian." The fact that Kevin and Gord were not lovers but psychic partners didn't strike Yondi, he was still too greedy when I came to Gord. His need for psychic feeding didn't strike Yondi since he ha only heard about it in passing.

"You have me."

"That is true, but Xavians are very social and grow up never being on their own. If the guards were more willing to socialize with us I would be feeling better. You and Caldo have helped some, but I think I still need a Xavian around."

"Miss those huge cocks?"

"No, I think it is just the touch of my fellow Xavians. Even before having sex we did a lot of touching, I don't know what it is but it is like we feed off of each other's energy. Not physical energy as much as psychic." One of the guards had been eavesdropping, he had totally understood what Yondi was feeling. The man was the youngest of the guards, until he proved his worth to the other guards he had missed the touch of the Xavians he grew up with, he was surprised the man did not know what he was missing..

"Sir, we should help the student." Urion had trouble addressing the head of the guards but decided he should for the Xavian's health.

"How?"The Captain was cold and terse.

"Like you did when you finally welcomed me into the troop." Urion fondly remembered the night he was initiated into the guards' circle.

"He isn't one of us." The Captain had no desire to extend their circle.

"No, but he is a sexually active Xavian that is without his circle. We should think of it as part of our duty to the Grandmother."

"If neither of the friends are waiting when we land we will take him into our family, we will have to be his guards until he dies in that case." The young guard felt his balls bounce at his superior's agreement to take Yondi into their family. He knew that psychic feeding wasn't all the boy needed. He had watched the boy having sex from the first day and knew that even though the young gods had fucked him, Yondi hadn't been properly breed since the last night he had been with Gord and Kevin. If he had been the recipient of the many gods he might have thought otherwise.

Yondi had said he wasn't missing the huge Xavian cocks but the guard knew the boy had become dependent on the cum his friends were willing to share. Xavians had developed on their own for so long that the need to share cum was like a curse. Xavians would lose more than their looks if they didn't share, they would start to lose their mental capacity if they did not mate with another Xavian regularly. Gord had explained that to Yondi the first time they had fucked but because they were having sex regularly never thought to bring it up again. Visitors to Xavia were shocked that there were so few elderly looking Xavians on the planet compared to the total population.

Urion hoped that Yondi's circle would be completed once they returned to the continent although there was a part of him that wished the boy could be made part of his family. It would be reasonable to bring Yondi into the guard's family, they could be with him without any questions no matter where he would go. Even though there was already seven in the 'family circle' Urion didn't doubt that Yondi would be able to accept all seven cocks in one night. He had heard Yondi say he stopped counting the number of times the gods had fucked him at fifteen.

"Yondi, did the concierge say we would have to attend another of those ceremonies, tonight?" Logan hadn't felt comfortable at the last event and hoped he had mistaken what he had overheard the concierge telling Yondi. He really hoped that Bacchus wouldn't be attending.

"Not tonight, Logan. Tomorrow for dinner, he thought it should be much smaller and calmer than the last one we attended."The dinner was being hosted by an indigenous tribe of North Americans that wanted to know more about the people living on the distant planets. It was going to be more of a chance for them to ask questions than for him to meet any of the North American gods. He still hoped that he would had the time to ask them about any of the gods he might meet traveling North.

There was a message waiting for Yondi at the hotel, Gord had decided to stay with Kevin until they were to meet the shuttle in Washington. He was having a good time with some of the people that had been at the bacchanal. Yondi read the message aloud. When Urion heard that Yondi would be left without his circle for the next two weeks he approached the one they were to protect with the proposition that he join the guard's circle for sex and psychic feeding. The reminder that he needed to have regular contact with his own people had Yondi dropping his clothes to the floor of the hotel suite and inviting the handsome young guard to his bed.

"Yondi, to join our circle you will need to allow all seven of us to fuck you within the first twenty-four hours." Urion had unfastened his uniform and pulled his cock out the opening, Yondi thought back to the night the young gods had repeatedly fucked him, could he allow seven Xavians fuck him in one night? Remembering that Gord had told him he would start to lose his looks if he was not part of a circle the youth thought he had no choice but to be fucked all night, his natural narcissism ruled. Thinking about his guards it didn't seem that it would be that rough to mate any of them especially the youth with his cock hanging from his uniform. Unless the guards were much rougher than the gods he thought seven times would be nothing compared to the more than fifteen times he had been on the receiving end of god cock in the temple.

"Logan, Urion will explain this all to you later while I am am with some of the other guards. I'm going to take on all of the guards, the three that are headed off to sleep, first."He knew if Urion did not explain what was happening properly that the boy would be ready to leave him even if his Grandmother had told him that Logan would be standing beside him in the future. He was hoping that Urion would be the first of the guards and had started to grease the guard's cock and his asshole. He would have sucked the cock first but he genuinely hoped that Logan would take the initiative and force his mouth open once he was being fucked.

Little more than thirty six hours had passed since the last of the gods on the island had used him. He had slept off most of the soreness, the little he still had made him gasp loudly when Urion forced the head of his cock into him. For the first five minutes he was regretting that he had been willing to start the initiation into the guards circle without waiting another day and fully recuperating. Although Urion was no older than Yondi the guard had experience fucking, Yondi was enjoying the fuck by the time Urion's balls were slapping against his. Yondi did everything that Kevin and Gord had taught him about pleasing the man fucking him, Urion was extremely vocal in his appreciation.

Over the course of the next hour four more of the guards splashed his heart with their Xavian cum. Yondi was ready to pass out from the sheer pleasure. If any of them had been Gord he would have asked them to piss on his heart, too. With these men he felt he should be more reserved until at least the second time they fucked him. Twice while he was being fucked one or more of the guards crawled under him and heartily sucked the cum out him, only lightly needing to slap his sac to get the juice flowing. His head was held in such a way that he was unable to tell which of the guards was sucking his cock, he wished he could see so that he might find them to suck him later. He knew he could ask the Caldo or Logan but a new mouth was interesting.

With five loads of Xavian cum inside him Yondi felt the joy of life that he had been missing on Vancouver Island return. He and the fifth Guard were cumming when Logan returned to the room and stated that it was time for Yondi to take a shower before their dinner. Although he would have been wiling to take the rest of the guards right then he chose to listen to Logan, not wanting to anger him.

"Yondi, I don't really understand this psychic feeding that Urion was attempting to explain but if it really does keep you young looking and mentally sharp I will agree to allow it as long as I am the one you will be coming to to sleep with at night. I know I don't have the cock any of your guards do, hopefully we can arrange something so that I'm getting off, too." Logan had already told Yondi that he enjoyed being sucked so Yondi understood what he was subtly saying. While they dressed Yondi showed Logan that he understood by taking his cock and draining his balls, he had to admit to himself that Logan's cum made a good appetizer. He thought it was exponentially better than Xavian cum.

Dinner was with the concierge and two of the guards, two other handsome guards stood by the entryway to the dining room. It was the first time since the night of the Bacchanal that either Logan or Yondi had been surrounded by humans. Until he was eating the entree Yondi felt out of place among them, He couldn't feel the presence of any gods or their children, a feeling he missed. There were details to finalize about the trip along the coast and over the pole, most of which he had no part in deciding.

Yondi was to meet the guide that would take them over the ice covered roads and mountains the following morning at breakfast. If final permission was granted by the government they would leave the hotel the following day, if not they would have to wait until it was granted. A tour of the area and a few minor meetings had been set that the concierge hoped would not tire either of the men too much as the major dinner that night would require him to be alert and friendly.

"Logan did you take a look at the indoor pool? We could take a swim after we leave the dinner table. There was steam coming off the water, I think that should mean it is warmed." It would need to be warmed, the temperature outside was at least thirty degrees lower than the boys had enjoyed on the island during the day-time.

"Will you be bringing the guards with us?" Unlike the Xavian. Logan often wished for solitude.

"Not into the pool, they will be doing their job of guarding us." He wondered if this was a sign that Logan was getting jealous, he didn't understand the boy's desire to spend time alone with him.

"What a shame. I was hoping I would get a chance to feel up Urion's butt." Logan was right in thinking it was a butt to be coveted.

"We could ask him to get in the water with us but I don't think it falls within what they are allowed to do as guards." He noticed the two guards that were at the table were smirking at the way they were talking about Urion.

"Don't worry, we'll get around to the two of you, too." Yondi thought it was funny watching two men ten years his senior blushing at the warning he would be fucking them, neither of them contested the idea. Yanni couldn't have said he wouldn't let the young man fuck him, they had sex the first night after Yondi emerged from the forest, hearing the experience with the elk had gotten him so ready to be fucked he had sought out the boy although he was guarding the concierge.

"Who stayed in the room?" Earlier there had been an agreement reached that one guard would stay in the rooms to protect against anyone getting in and waiting to harm them. The authorities from the Academy were starting to worry about Yondi more the further from the other students he was taken.

"Urion stayed behind to be sure the room is ready for you tonight." Urion was the youngest of the guards, Yondi had thought he should be a student at the Academy but the guard never spoke about his future.

"Could you have him send down two or our bathing suits? I would rather change down here than walk through .the hotel in the suit. That wasn't quite true, he would have not been in the least bothered walking through the hotel in just a bathing suit, he was feeling full and just didn't want to walk back to the room and down to the pool. Plus he would find it interesting to see which of the suits Urion picked, he had caught the guard looking at him more than was necessary while he changed or bathed.

"After being fucked all afternoon don't you feel like being the one fucking someone?" They were leaving the dining room. The guards had stepped in front of them far enough that they wouldn't hear if Yondi whispered his answer.

"Did you see that boy dining with his grandparents? The one in sheer white pants and gold coat. I would like to fuck him."Yondi had hold of Logan;s hand so he couldn't hit him when he heard him say that. He needed to squeeze it tighter as Logan made a move to pull away from him. The boy had been a good looking human, that pure white hair and tan skin was nice, He didn't get more than a side glance at his butt.

"Maybe, tomorrow after I've fucked you a couple times."

"You're an asshole."He wasn't really angry, but he never could keep up with Yondi's sexual needs and desires.

"It seems that is all the guards think I am, anyway."Yondi pulled Logan to his side, "You know better, I have a mouth, too."

When they reached the pool the only one in the closed-in area was Urion. Yondi was ready to be out of the clothes the concierge had demanded they wear to dinner and seeing no one to offend had the tops and the pants off before he was across the floor to where Urion stood waiting. The length and girth of his cock made it uncomfortable to wear underwear so he was only wearing his socks when he stood in front of Urion to see which suit he had brought him to wear.

"Yondi, do we have to wear our suits?" Logan was completely naked and standing on the side of the pool ready to jump in.

"You better. Look at all that glass, if you don't you are going to have hundreds of people here ogling Yondi's cock and your butt." Neither of them had known that Urion felt that way about Logan's butt. Logan turned to put on a suit rather sad but still in a rush to get in the water.

"Urion, did you bring a suit for yourself?"Yondi was pleased that Urion had brought the suit that showed off the crown over his cock. He took his time pulling the suit into place, barely far enough way from Urion that his cock didn't hit him.

As his body guard stripped off his uniform Yondi wondered why he hadn't taken the time when they had fucked to learn more about the hard, lean body, When Urion turned to the side to pull up his suit Yondi took the opportunity to run his fingers between the boy's butt cheeks and press it against his hairy hole.

"You can feel my cock, Urion. Tomorrow you will be feeling it inside of you. Tonight it belongs to Logan, I'll be sure to save you a full load. If you want, you can be the one to wake me in the morning." He didn't give Urion a chance to say no after tapping his lips with his middle finger. The guard had told him that none of the guards were coupled so he doubted there was going to be a problem although he didn't know if Urion enjoyed sucking cock or possibly drinking piss.

The guard took the opportunity and as they jumped into the water slid his hand into the V-shaped suit. He only held onto the cock for a moment before sliding his hand deeper and cupping Yondi's balls. "I want these in my mouth."

"If Logan let's you."Yondi wondered what Logan was thinking, it hadn't been that long previous to him allowing the guards fuck him that he had asked thee boy to make their lives together permanent. It was true that he gave him many different options to how they might agree to that. He had been thinking they might include the Joorlon cook as a third but the feelings he was having rush through him as Urion held his balls was stronger than any he felt other than for Logan. Was it just that he was becoming a member of Urion's circle?

They played with a volleyball and some hoops the hotel supplied for a while. Before they left the water Logan pulled himself into Yondi's arms. He rested his head on his lover's shoulder and pulled his cock from the bathing suit. Yondi didn't stay soft long as Logan stroked him. Urion swam up to them and without asking cupped Yondi's balls again, with his other hand he groped inside Logan's suit feeling both the boy's cock and balls.

"I will try to change places with the guard that is to stand inside your suite, tonight. Then we could see if the three of us could become a throuple. I will not be able to be with the pair of you more than two-thirds of the time. Will that be enough for you?"Urion must have been feeling the same as Yondi.

"Logan and I haven't decided on what our life will look like going forward. I want him to be a part of it. We might learn that we want you there, too, but I can't say that yet. I loved having your cock in me and would enjoy having it regularly but the way the circle works I will be having so much Xavian cock that I may not have time for both of you."

"We could stop the initiation into the guards' circle. I don't think Logan can give you what you need psychically so we would need to make arrangements for either the guards or your friends to feed you." Yondi hated having his need for psychic energy referred to as being fed even though that really was what was happening. The psychic energy only flowed while another Xavian was shooting cum into his ass, when he tried remembering his sexual biology classes he thought he had read that Xavian males absorbed the sperm of other Xavian males giving them a boost of life n one else could.

"If Gord arrives tomorrow we could make a circle with the four of us." Logan had never expressed more than a mild desire to have Gord fuck him, then Yondi remembered that he had said that Gord was the best cocksucker he had ever met. He didn't understand the Caldo but thought he would have to be included in some way for at least the rest of the journey north.

How they were going to proceed without any jealousy among them he didn't know but sex was on his mind more than anyone's feelings. Until he had Urion approach him he had thought being with Logan would be enough for him emotionally and had no ideas how to fill the gap he felt. He did have strong feelings for Gord but they were not the romantic feelings he expected of love, This was not something that he wanted to see developing further, for some reason he needed to feel like his life was set and the three in his heart did that.

"Don't you have time that you need to spend back at the Academy?"Logan had been unsure of when the trip would end and if he would be left behind.

"I will need to attend classes for three more months. You can spend those months with my parents creating the ceremony and deciding on what type of arrangement you want for our future. I can communicate with you there better than anywhere, Urion is the only one that will be with me."

"What about Gord and Kevin?"Was h be shuttled off to no man's land?

"I am in a secluded part of the Academy where they cannot visit me. I'm hoping Urion will go with me as stud/guard."

"You know I will. I have already been assigned permanent duty as your guard. We have been debating who would get to attend you at the academy. Only one of us will be allowed by your side, the others will be forced to stand guard at the entrances."

"Is the communication between the Academy and Xavia audio or video?" Logan was already feeling alone.

"You want to watch us fuck? Video is possible twice a week, the rest of the time it will only be audio." Yondi throbbed at the thought of he and Urion performing for Logan, although he knew the video time would be too short for a good hard fuck for either of them it was unlikely that anyone he knew would trade him for more video time and his parents would be sure to ask questions he didn't want to answer..

"Urion, I hadn't thought about it before, once we pass the most populated part of this country only one guard will be following along. The others will be meeting us on the Eastern side of the continent before we reach populated areas. We will be traveling through the extreme cold areas of the continent, are you willing to go through that?"There would be guards to protect them from wolves but not his personal guards.

"I have already been selected as the guard that is to follow you,. I should let you know that I volunteered so I could stay close to you."He and Yondi had Logan's swim suit down to his knees by that time. If they had lube by the pool both of them would have liked to fuck Logan, he was pushing back on their fingers hard so they knew he wouldn't object.

"Logan, are you ready for us to take you to bed?"

"Please. Urion, I hope you can make that switch." Yondi was happy that Logan was willing to give having Urion join them a try. Yondi felt Logan tighten his ass muscles on his fingers and then give him a kiss. It was the first time the boy had initiated a kiss and Yondi was more than pleased that Logan felt it appropriate. Urion left the pool to get his posting switched, Yondi played with Logan's asshole until they decided that Urion had enough time to prepare. There were a few teenagers, all boys in shorts, standing by the windows watching them when they climbed out of the water. The kids were able to see Logan completely naked and Yondi's cock sticking out straight from his body. The couple gave the teenagers a few minutes to look before wrapping themselves in the hotel towels and picking up their clothing. Yondi saw that the boy from the dining hall was among the teenagers and before tying his towel made sure the boy got a good look at his cock bouncing.

"You really would fuck that boy wouldn't you?"

"Don't worry, Logan. I fucked one human that wasn't used to taking at least a fist and tore his ass up. That boy looks like he is a virgin. I wouldn't attempt fucking him. Now if he says he wants to suck my cock, that would be different."


"You think I should let him fuck me?"

"Don't even think about it, Urion and I are going to fuck you until you can't stand." Yondi doubted they could do that but he was glad to hear that Logan thought he should fuck him along with the guard. He wondered if he would be able to take both of their cocks at one time, he hadn't tried that although he had been told about it by Kevin.

They had pressed the elevator buttons when the boy stuck his arm between the doors to block it. He was alone, none of the other teenagers had followed him.

"My name is Billy. I saw you looking at me in the dining room." He was standing in the center of the elevator looking Yondi in the eyes.

"We saw you watching us in the pool."Yondi was not one to allow a stranger the advantage in a conversation part of his training to be an ambassador.

"Was that why you put on the show of getting out without your clothes?" Unlike the Earthlings the aliens didn't think it was a big deal for anyone to see them naked.

"Not really but it looks like it hasn't hurt. Did you enjoy what you saw?" Yondi's cock hadn't softened, he grabbed it and wagged it at Billy.

"I liked every thing I saw. That includes both of your butts. That isn't the reason I followed you.

"May I touch the red crown?" He was shier than his words would lead you to believe, his head was down and he was backing to the wall opposite Yondi.

"Is that really all you want?" Gord and Kevin had told him the purpose of the dye job was to attract the young native's attention but they wanted more than to have the young to look at them as did was.

The elevator was already to the fortieth floor by that time. They were able to look through the three glass walls at the center of the hotel and many floors of rooms. Logan had learned how to stop the elevator and with more than twenty floors before they were to get to their room, did.

"Billy, if you are going to touch my lover's crown you are going to be on your knees showing the other guests what you are doing."As Logan spoke he slipped off his swim suit giving Billy a close look at his butt. The boy was stunned to look at Logan so close, Yondi knew what Logan was doing and slowly pressed Billy to his knees.

His shyness disappeared. Looking at Logan's cock so closely he opened his mouth and first licked at the head of the cock. Logan sprang an erection as soon as Billy started to lick his shaft. Yondi moved to his side and returned to Logan the kiss he had given him in the hotel pool.

"Billy, you said you were watching our butts."

"That;s right." He had pulled off the head of Logan's cock to answer Yondi.

"Logan, turn around and spread your cheeks for Billy. He wants to eat your ass. Right, Billy" Yondi had no doubt in his mind that Billy was going to treat their asses to a thorough rimming. That it was likely that other people would see them if they glanced at the elevator did not mean anything to him.

"Aaaah!" Logan let them both know that Billy was no novice at licking ass. Logan had his butt sticking out and holding his cheeks apart as Billy burrowed into the asshole with his tongue.

"Time to work my ass, Billy." He slapped Billy in the face with his cock as he turned around. When he made contact he thought about letting the boy lick him before spreading his butt. The smile Billy had from licking Logan made Yondi finish turning and getting his butt into position for the hungry boy. He and Logan had not done much ass eating but the moans and groans made Logan ask Yondi if he wanted him to eat his ass more.

"Billy, can try sucking my cock while you eat me." Yondi was surprised how much he was enjoying having a tongue in his ass and didn't even think what it would be like for Logan to work his tongue in him exposed to five other glass elevators and multiple floors of the hotel that way.

The boy was not that experienced at sucking cock. At first he tried to force all of the humongous cock into his mouth only to choke and gag. Yondi told him to lick his way down the cock around his balls and back up the other side. For the next fifteen minutes the trio was lost in sex. It was only when the elevator started to move that they pulled away from each other. Urion was waiting when the door opened. Billy was still on the floor, Logan had his swimsuit wrapped in a towel and Yondi had a hotel towel draped down from his shoulders to cover his cock, not hiding Billy.

"So you're that anxious to get fucked?"Yondi was relieved it was Urion.

"No. This boy has been treating Logan and I to a good ass rimming. If you are ready to fuck me maybe he could please me for another ten minutes."

"Let's get you to the room. The hotel manager has been getting outraged calls for the last half hour." Urion didn't seem outraged or bothered, in fact he might have been humored at the thought of what they had been showing the hotel guests. If he hadn't been on duty he might have closed the door and joined them.

"Billy, want fucked?"With one last look at Yondi the boy ran down the hall to another bank of elevators and disappeared.

"You weren't really going to fuck the human?"

"No, but if he wanted fucked Logan is not too big for a human asshole He knew he couldn't take me, he had tried to swallow my cock and gagged. He was willing to try, though, he licked my cock and balls while Logan ate my ass." Logan slapped him on the arm.

"What was that?"

"For telling Urion that I was eating your ass."

"If he was watching the elevator he saw you doing it. Maybe you want his ass, too?" Logan was blushing like Yondi had never seen, but his cock was still hard.

"Don't worry, Logan, I'm not that crazy about having a tongue in my ass, I much prefer a Xavian cock."Yondi wondered how the throuple would work if Urion was not willing to give up his ass to Logan. He watched Urion check out the room and then stop in front of Logan and grope him.

"That doesn't mean I won't enjoy having you fuck me, too." Logan had been hard from the moment his tongue had touched the rim of Yondi's asshole and leaked pre-cum in Urion's hand. The guard gave him a big smile and put his hand to his mouth to lick the boy's pre-cum off of it.

"Now, that was good. I'll be wanting a lot more of it."

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