Break Me

By Ibtow

Published on Dec 25, 2013


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Copyright 2013 -- Feedback welcome Twitter @ibtow

Break Me

It started one evening, I was searching my normal gay hook up sights, you know the ones the bondage and BDSM sites none of that vanilla stuff. Well this profile caught my attention. It was someones profile name "Can you break me", that sounds interesting and a challenge. So I click on his profile and my my what a first picture. Just his body but bloody hell I wanted to break it just from that. His profile said he was 25 years old, works out every day and is straight but he wants to be interrogated and broken by a hard gay top. He had only one limit and that was no mercy was to be shown. He then put his ideal scenario on his profile.

"I am either picked up or "kidnapped" from your nearest train station. Nothing is said to me you just drive off, I do not know where to. In fact I do not even need to know who you are or what you set up is. All you need to know if you have 48 hours from the collection to get out of me two words "Yes Sir" how you do that is up to you. I can not stop you until the 48 hours is up. If you don't then you have two options either we part and never meet again or you agree to submit to me for 48 hours, no limits not stopping. I have done this numerous times and never been beaten."

I click on his other profile pictures they show him in various forms of bondage but none that look that difficult. Perhaps that is why he has never been broken perhaps he had not had someone brave or sadistic enough to push him all the way. He body looks stunning all tied up though, he had a firm chest and smooth 6 pack stomach, he had that V that so gets me but most of all he has arms to die for. He's not shaved and has a covering of body hair fine but enough to add to the sex appeal. My cock is hard at the sight of this guy, I flick on the cameras to the playroom/dungeon its been a while since anyone has been in there. I click the message button and send off the first message.

"Sounds like a challenge are you interested?"

Within an hour I notice he has clicked on my profile. I am guessing he has looked at my photos it show a body shot of me on my main profile picture and the other photos are of various guys in my play room, mostly just rope work as I like to keep most the equipment I have a surprise for guys that come over. My body shot pic shows people I have a smooth defended body, well you have to show off the gym membership somehow. I have two tattoos on my arms one that curls round my bicep. I often get messages from guys 10 years younger than me asking to be bound up and used most never come though the odd ones that do rarely see the full playroom, it takes a special meet for me to open up that room.

I get a message back a few minutes later it's from him.

"Hi, yes I'm interested I do not need to know any more details about you, the less I know the better. Here is a picture of me full body one clothed one naked. Please reply with date time and location and I will be there.

My only stipulation is that you agree now that if you can not break me after 48 hours then you agree that you are mine for the 48 hours and it starts there and then. If you do break me you have me for a further 48 hours."

That message through me a bit he didn't want any information on how or where I was, just a time and date to meet. His pictures where even better than those on his profile. His first clothed picture was actually him dressed in only shorts on a beach. He looked hot as hell and had a tattoo on his left chest which I hadn't noticed before. His naked shot was stunning his fully erect cock must be a good 8 inches and thick. I just replied yes I agree to the stipulation thinking I would easily break him in 48 hours so what do I have to worry about. I checked my diary and my work shifts fell just right I had a long weekend in a couple of weeks so told him the time and date for a Friday in a few weeks.

He replied almost right away, just saying he would catch the train and would arrive at 17:54 on the Friday so I had until 17:54 on the Sunday to get him to utter the words "Yes Sir". He asked what vehicle I would be driving.

I sent him a quick message back saying I would be in a white transit van and the number plate. I would be stood outside the door of the train station and would tap him on the shoulder and he was follow me to the van. I'm also said it would like this to start before the session and would he wear a chastity device I could send him without the key. This is normally the part most people back out but he replied that was acceptable and gave me an address, he said he would take a picture once a day of him wearing it to prove he was wearing it.

I packaged up the metal chastity device which even had a piss tube that went into the cock it's a hard thing to wear for a dew hours let alone over two weeks this would be a real test to see if he was genuine. I messages him to say it was being sent recorded delivery tomorrow and to send me a picture as soon as it arrives.

I logged off at this point my cock was throbbing and my mind was racing as to what I could do to him during those 48 hours in order to break him, he said no limits, no stopping. I had so much stuff to use, abuse and even torture him with. I opened up a browser window and logged onto the my favourites and started reading one of my favourite stories, Gym-Lad a story of someone who kidnaps and abuses a gym goer. It's a hot as hell story and the punishment he put that lad though gets me going every time. It's not long before I am reading the story and jerking off it's giving me lots of ideas. I shot a massive load reading that story and putting this guy in his place.

The following day I unlock the door to the playroom and look at all the equipment I have, some of it is home made some has been brought. My favourite pieces are the full size cross and the two punishment table I have one is just an old garden table with a wire mesh top, the other Is a wooden table I built which has eye rings at each corner and along the sides and a electric winch at one end which acts as a rack. I will look forward to getting him on that. I also have other winches which can be used for lifting people off the ground. I also have plenty of whips, hoods, gags, plugs' cock and ball torture devices plenty of rubber, leather including a few sleep sacks and body bags lots to get someone screaming for release.

This is going to be a long few weeks until I can get him in this room. 48 hours will be easy.

The next two weeks drag like hell. I make the playroom ready for his arrival and get my plans in place for collecting him from the train station it's only a short drive so I will only loose 30 minutes of the 48 hours. He messages the day after I posted the charity device over to him, he included several pictures of him putting the device on and locking the padlock, he even included a daily paper to prove the date. He had no way of removing it other than to get some very sturdy cutters on it. He sent me two messages every day one in the morning with a morning paper and one at night with an evening paper in the picture to prove he was actually wearing it. I would imagine him cock would be screaming to cum by the end of the two weeks.

Finally the day had arrived I was off the Friday so made final arrangements in the playroom and made sure everything was working and in place. The day dragged but finally it was time to leave for the train station. I arrived with about 10 minutes to spare, I parked up and got out looking at the train arrivals his train was on time. I made my way to a spot where you could see the trains pulling up at the platform. At 17:53 his train arrived, I scanned the people getting off and spotted him right away he looked even more hot in the flesh, I waited for him to get to the top of the stairs and then walked up behind him, he was wearing tight fitting jeans which showed off his arse in perfect details, he had on a tight fitting t-shirt which made his back stand out, I even spotted a few woman eye his arse up when he was walking up the stairs if only they knew what he was into. He had nothing else with him no bags or other clothing, I walked up behind him and tapped him on shoulder and the just carried on walking to the van, I glanced round to make sure he was following and he was his eyes on the ground.

When I got to the van I opened the side door and stood there and motioned with my head for him to get in. Without question he stepped inside the van. I closed the door and walked to the drivers seat, I got in and just said strip, put the cuffs on behind your back tight and kneel on the mat. He followed the instructions without saying anything I could see him in the review mirror. I took off his shirt first as he was pulling it over his head I could see his body in detail, he had no fat on him and was so defined and muscular , "fucking hell that body is going to be fun to work over" he had quite fine but dark body hair it suited him well actually but it had to go. He undid his jeans and I noticed he had no underwear on he pulled his jeans down and I could see my chastity device still on him, it fitted him well but I could tell he was getting hard under it as it was straining over his cock.

"Leave your trainers on" I told him.

He did as instructed he folded his cloths up kneeled and put the police issue handcuffs on. I turned round, started the engine and drove off.

It took about 20 minutes to drive back home traffic was on my side for once. When we arrived I opened the garage door and drove the van in. I switched the engine off and got out. I collected a few belongings from the work bench and opened the door to the van. He was still kneeling head down on the mat in the back the police handcuffs tight on his wrists. I got into the van and stepped behind him. Before doing anything else I put a large penis gag in his mouth and strapped it on tight then out came the hoods, the first was a think rubber hood with mouth and nose holes but no eye holes, I slipped this on him followed by a seconded thinner rubber hood, that will get him swearing. The last part of the hoods was the old style Russian gas mask, he was now gagged and had three layers of rubber on his head,he would struggle to hear anything I said. I wasn't going to allow him to talk for at least the next 12 hours.

I pulled him up and guided him out the van, he stood still and I admired him, he stood about 6ft tall and was pure muscle all over, every muscle showed he had what most would class as the perfect body, think muscular legs, tight waist, flat six (almost 8) pack stomach, nice sized chest and wonderful looking arms, I could just look at him all day, my cock seemed to agree as it had been at full attention since he got in the van.

I undid one of the cuffs and re-cuffed his hands in front of him making sure his hands were facing each other, I then attached a clip to the cuffs and attached that to the winch in roof of the garage, he wasn't quite ready for my playroom yet. I started the winch lifting his cuffed hands high above his head until he was on his tip toes. I think tied his feet together very tightly with old course rope I then tied his knees together with the same rope, he was going no where. I could see the cuffs digging into his wrists his hands will be numb before long. I wanted him to know I meant business.

He was struggling to keep his balance I I could see his leg muscles tensing and flexing very hot indeed, a bit like the garage I had turned up the heating as I wanted it to be hot and to get him sweating, I walked over to him and started to run my hands over his body. He flinched slightly I rubbed my hands over his tight arse, then moved over his stomach slowly making my ways to his chest then up over his arms and back down to his nipples. I stopped over these and slowly pinched them harder and harder until i got a reaction then kept pinching even more, he tried to pull back but he couldn't get his feet to move him much though and I just kept squeezing them harder, I wanted them a bit tender before I really started work on them. As was rubbing him all over I could feel his body hair, i made the most of it as it wasn't going to be there long.

I left him for a few minutes whilst I got the razor ready he was about to be shaved all over, I like my guys with as little hair as possible except on the legs those stay as they are. I got the shaving foam and started to rub it all over his body, over his stomach, chest and arm pits. I started to shave him starting with his stomach and moving upwards. He didn't really react until I got to his arm pits, he started to moan and try to pull away I just held him still and shaved them bare. I grabbed a bottle of what looked like water but it was nothing like water this was pure alcohol. I stepped back and just started spraying it took a second for the reaction to happen but when it did he started to moan though the gag louder and louder then he started to buck back and forth putting pressure on his cuffed hands, he seemed to be screaming but it was hard to tell under the 3 layers of rubber and gag. Once he had settled down a bit I moved to his chastity device, I got the key to padlock out of my pocket, he had been in this for two weeks, it would be sore removing it but I wasn't bothered all part of the plan. I unlocked the padlock and quickly pulled out the cock cover and moaned loudly over this.

It did surprise me that as soon as the device was off he would be rock hard and he was. His cock was even better in real life. He must of been 8 1/2 inches when erect and it was pointing straight up. I didn't touch him until i got the shaving foam on his cock and balls he moaned as I rubbed it in and I could hear a soft grown as I started to shave all his cock and ball hair off him. Once I was done I think he might of known what was coming I got the bottle and sprayed the alcohol over his nice and freshly shaved balls he screamed again and started to twist on the winch all over the place. He looked amazing fitting his bounds but loosing. His cock however was still rock hard. I looked at my watch 30 minutes had passed it was time to get his hornyness out of the way. I wanted him to be not enjoying this!

I stood behind him and put one arm around his neck and my other over the breathing hole of the gas mask he soon realised that he had no air and stopped moving his chest was heaving up and down and the gas mask was sucking into his face. He was trying everything he could to get some breath of air. Eventually when he really started to struggle I released my hand from the gas mask. I took in a deep long breath he cock was still rock hard and bobbing up and down, it was leaking pre cum leaving a little pool on the floor. Very nice indeed. He must be ready to burst. I moved my hand down to his cock and started to jerk him off, slowly at first but as I started to speed up I increased the pressure around his neck putting him in a standing sleeper hold. He was stretched already being on tiptoes and now me putting my arm around his neck he was even more stretched. I carried on stroking his cock faster and faster all the while increasing the pressure. He started to go all stiff and arch his back even more as he let out a massive moan and a massive shot of cum shot out from his cock, followed by another and another, then he went limp, I realised my arm and he just hung there. Knocked out by the sleeper hold I would think he have had a most amazing orgasm the last one he will be having for the next 47 hours. i left him slumped in his bondage. He wouldn't be like that for long.

It only took him a minute or two to start to come round it was just enough time for me to grab the flogger I had brought up earlier. With no warning I lifted my arm and brought the flogger down on his hard stomach, the shock and pain of the flogger hitting him caused him to jump about a foot off the ground, not an easy feet with your legs tied together like his were. I carried on hitting him with the flogger again and again, all over his stomach, chest, back arse and legs. Each hit was as hard as the last, I didn't give him any time to recover, I could hear his muffled screams thought the hoods the breathing tube of the gas mask was getting sucked at more and more as I continued to rain down the flogger, his whole body was starting to turn red and marks were showing all over his body where the tails of the flogger had connected. He had a film of sweat over his whole body and it started to run down his arms and over his chest, making him look like he had been covered in baby oil. After 10 minutes of continues flogging he start to fight less and his breathing was long deep gasps of air. I stopped the flogging and he again slumped in him bounds. His head and in turn gas mask touching his upper chest.

He was ready now to enter playroom, the first hour was just the beginning, I had no plans to let him even talk to say those words until 24 hours had passed.

Part 2

I lowered him down, he put up not resistance as I lowered him just sort of crumpling to the floor, I left his handcuff on and let his legs tied up I didn't want him to try and struggle or run for the door. I unlocked the door to the garage, I walked back to him, his breath was slower now and steady, I put my hands under his armpits and lifted him up, I could feel the sweat in his armpits. As I lifted him up he moans and to my shock his cock started to get hard, this guy most really get off on this sort of stuff, I leaned him against my chest and then bent my knees and lifted him onto my shoulders. I stood up and started to walk to the playroom, he would not be seeing daylight or anything other than the playroom for the next two days.

As I walked out the garage, I made my way to the door to the playroom, when is brought the house I looked for somewhere that would have a suitable room for something like a playroom and just stumbled on this house with its old style cellar, it was a good size and over the years I have built of the playroom to what most consider to be one of the best. It's warm if I want it to be but get cold and it's open plan so everything is within reach but it also has some small alcoves that make good storage spaces as he will find out.

I walk down the stairs with him on my shoulders. As we get to the bottom of the stairs I flick the switch and the lights flicker on, I have set up the lights so they all come on or some will act as spot lights, lighting up just one are and keeps the rest in darkness so the person can only see that one part of the room.

I lowered him onto the old garden metal table and which had a told that had small holes all over it, I positioned him so his head was almost at the top. I then collected the heavy metal collier from the shelf and placed it round his neck, it was a tight fit but not to tight to cut off his air. I positioned it so that the rings attached to the collier were close to the table I then got some plastic zip ties and fed them though the rings and the table pulling them tight, he could not not lift his head up at all. I then brought his arms up and placed plastic zip ties around his wrists to the table nice and tight so his hands were flat on the table, I then undid the handcuffs. I then placed zip ties at his elbows pulling then away from his arms so he was flexing his biceps and pulled the zips tight again, he groined and seemed to be getting more with it now, good good. I then placed two more zip ties just about his bicep muscle towards his shoulders so it really showed off his stunning arms, this is one guy that spends a lot of time working his arms and they look stunning flexed and tied tight. Next I untied his legs quickly securing them to the legs of the with zip ties to his ankles and shins. He was now tied tight to the table the plastic ties digging into his body but the position he was in showed off his body really well his stomach and abs were nice and tight his arms were flexed and his legs were straining. His cock were hard again, this guys is loving this will have to change that. I turned off the lights accept the ones shinning on the table. I walked behind his head and started to remove the gas mask and hoods as well as the gag. He took a few seconds to open his eyes and he tried to bring his head up but couldn't due to the collier and ties.

I stepped back into the darkness as he tried to move his head round to look at his surroundings, all he could really see was darkness and his body strapped down to a table, he tried to move his body and pulled against the ties, he was flexing and straining his arms and legs showing off his muscles and freshly shaved body.

I walked behind him and quickly put a blindfold over his eyes, he tried to move his away but had no where to go because of the collier. He moaned as he realised he was about to go into a world of darkness again. His still hard cock twitched as the blindfold went on.

"Enjoying this boy?" I asked.

"Is this all you have?" Was his response, that surprised me.

"Oh no far from it, that was just the start."

Next: Chapter 2

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