Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 28, 2023


Jay had been at his new position for just about 6 months. He had to admit, Mel Miller had "done right" by him. The new job came with a 20% salary increase and, while Jay thought Miller was underwriting the increase, he couldn't say for sure.

His work was interesting, and his co-workers were extremely nice. The one issue for Jay, was the lack of erotic stimulation he had gotten at his old job. No stunners here, not even anyone even marginally hot. He missed those walks around the office, followed by a short reverie, or a detour to the men's room for some "self care" as he thought of what he would do to Vince, or Drew, or Peter, or Al, but mostly Brice. Yeah, Brice showed up in those fantasies the most.

The extra money had allowed Jay to buy a house in the country. A member of the D/s community was moving to the West Coast, and he had put his place up for sale. Jay and his friend had laughed at the closing. Rather than buying a house with a "finished basement", Jay had bought one with a "finished dungeon." State of the art. All the toys you could ask for, and even three cages. Jay had taken "guests" to his country house for the weekend a few times, and had enjoyed himself immensely. Two hours away, but worth it. Every now and then, he fell asleep thinking of Brice in one of those cages.

"Hmmm," Jay thought one day. Didn't Brice live about 1.5 hours from the office. That would mean that he was closer to the dungeon house, as Jay called it, than the office. A quick check confirmed it. More fantasy material for Jay.

The ring of his phone brought Jay out of his day dream. "Jay speaking. How can I help you?"

"You can let me buy you a drink, that's how." Jay heard the deep, familiar voice of Brice. Immediately, Jay was on his guard.

"Brice, I have to admit, this is a very big surprise. I hope you're doing well."

"You recognized my voice. Well, I'm glad. I thought you had forgotten all of us. None of us hear from you anymore."

Jay laughed to himself. In fact, he kept in touch with about a half dozen people at his old office, and every now and then, Mr. Miller called to check up on him. Brice wanted something. That was for sure.

"Well, you know we lowly paralegals simply need to know our place around you attorneys, don't we. It would probably be unseemly for us to call an attorney. It might very well be regarded as..., oh, I don't know, unwanted flirting or harassment. Know what I mean, Brice? I mean, it could even lose me my job here."

Anyone who passed Jay's office -- because now he had a small office rather than a cubicle -- would have seen the smug smile on his face. And anyone who had listened in on the call would have "heard" the silence from Brice's end. Jay broke the silence for him.

"Not that YOU'D ever do that, now would you?" More silence. "Brice, are you still on the line? Because if you are, sure , a drink might be fun. But not today though. Tuesdays are busy for me. Maybe tomorrow, after work?"

Brice began to recover "Uh, sure, yeah. Great. Where should we meet?"

Jay couldn't quite believe how much fun this was. "How about Brady's? You know Brady's , don't you? It's the bar you went running from when you saw me."

Again, silence from Brice. Jay filled it in again. "you know, as I think about it, my bad. Brady's might be tough after work. Every homosexual in downtown heads there. There's a place near my apartment called `peek a boo'. Mixed crowd: boys, girls, gay, straight. You'll probably be more comfortable there. 6 o'clock tomorrow?"

"Guys AND girls?"

"Yes Brice, both. I promise. You can google the bar. You'll see."

"Ok, Jay, I trust you. 6 o'clock. I'll meet you there."

"I look forward to it," Jay answered. He couldn't resist one more jab. "Oh, this is probably inappropriate flirting, but if you wear that black leather jacket I've seen you wear, I may not be able to control myself. " When there was more silence, Jay just added "see you manana," and hung up.

Jay began laughing so hard after the call, he had to close his door. Brice might be attractive, but he was a real meathead. Now, what to do? There were so many different approaches he could take, which one was the right one? Which one would get Brice in his control?

As he savored the possibilities, Jay realized he was harder than he had been in weeks.

As 6pm got closer, Jay found himself getting more and more excited. Brice drove everywhere, so he'd have a car. Jay had requested, and had received, the next two days off. It was, essentially, a 4 day weekend. It had never taken him 4 days to break even the most reluctant straight guy, and Brice was far from reluctant.

Jay had spoken to his friends at the old firm, and with one all, he learned that Brice had been promoted to partner just a few weeks ago, and that he still lived in that house, 90 minutes away. Still single. He also learned that, after a closed door chat with Mr. Miller, right after Jay had left, Brice had come out looking , as Jay's friend put it "like he had gotten a spanking." Jay remembered that, because while spanking hadn't been on the menu for the weekend, it could be added.

Jay got to Peek a Boo a half hour early. He wanted to make sure that he had as private a booth as possible. Then he spoke to the bartender, Sean. He and Sean had played together in the past, and Sean still wore one of Jay's cock rings. It had taken him less than an evening to get Sean to submit. Now, he had a big, ginger boy who took his orders. Tonight, those orders included putting "something special" in Brice's second round drink.

He saw Brice walk in. DAMN he looked good. Blue oxford shirt, tight. One of his skinny ties, the gray corduroy's that always made Jay think of what he could do to the ass wearing them. And the black leather jacket. "Well played Brice. You DO want something," Jay thought to himself. This was going to be easy.

Brice walked over to the booth, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Relax Brice. This isn't Brady's. No one's gonna jump you. And there's a booth of single women on the other side of the room." Jay had absolutely NO intention of making Brice feel relaxed, and he could tell that Brice was far from at ease.

"Can I sit here?" Brice pointed to the bench opposite Jay. "Brice, you can sit on the table , you can sit on my lap, you can sit at the bar alone if you want. But you look so good in that jacket, I hope you'd sit here." Brice managed a weak smile.

"You always liked this jacket, didn't you Jay?"

"I like it when you wear it, Brice. The man makes the outfit." Jay was smirking inside, because Brice's discomfort was evident. Making Brice squirm was TOO easy. "Now, in case you didn't know, THAT'S flirting Brice" The color went out of Brice's face. Jay went on . "Yeah, I know what you said. Miller told me. I don't know why you did, and I won't ask why. You need to know that I do know." If there were ANY color left in Brice's face, it drained after Jay told him that.

"Can we talk about that over our drinks?" Brice asked "I need some fortification." Jay nodded "Of course." He signaled to the waiter. Brice ordered an IPA -- no surprise there -- Jay had some white wine. When the drinks came, Jay said "So, I think we probably should toast you, but why don't you tell me your news."

Brice tried a smile "Well, I got a promotion. I'm a partner now."

"Brice, that's terrific. You worked hard for it. Congratulations." He held out his hand. Brice looked at Jay "A handshake? All I get is a handshake? I've seen you hug people for passing exams."

Jay tried to process this. Brice was asking for a hug. The man who got him fired... was asking for a hug. Ok, in the interest of his plans, he got up. "Well, as long as you promise not to complain about harassment." He got hold of Brice's necktie, and pulled it gently. "Get up stud. Hug it out."

Brice looked relieved, and they hugged. During the embrace, Jay moved his hand down to the ass he admired so much, and gently pushed his knee into Brice's crotch. Yup. Hard. And not a flinch when his hand touched. This was getting more and more interesting. Maybe he didn't need that "special drink?" NAH. Let's stick with the plan, he thought.

After they sat down again, Jay asked "So, Brice, what's this all about. Why the drink? You can tell me why you lied to Miller later, but I think it's time you started talking, partner."

Brice hesitated, then began "Well, remember when you saw me at that bar"

"Yeah, Brady's. You ran out before I could say hello."

"Well, I've been back a few times. And the last time, I guess I was a little drunk, and I began making out with another guy."

"And? If you think you're surprising me, you're not. I just assumed you were sleeping with guys AND girls."

Brice ignored the comment, and continued "The guy kissed me the way I kiss women, Jay"

Jay started to laugh "You mean he wasn't very good at it?" Brice looked hurt, and Jay added "Sorry, stud. Secretaries talk. But if you mean he stuck his tongue down your throat, what's the problem? You didn't like it?"

"No, the problem is , I DID like it."

"How is that a problem, Brice?"

"Well, that's something GAY guys do."

Brice was beginning to make Jay want to torture him more. "Well, no, it's something folks who like being passive do. It's not a gay thing. "

"Jay, aren't you listening? I don't know what this means."

"What it means is that you like being kissed by guys, and you like being passive. It's not hard to understand. "

Brice almost looked sick. "I DON'T like guys. And I sure don't like being called passive. I know what top and bottom means, and I'm always on top."

It was like a chess match for Jay. He could see three or four moves ahead. "Tell you what, Brice? I like you. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, whatever. You're a dope, and you're a calculating son of a bitch, but I like you. Stay for another round. I'll buy."

Being called a calculating son of a bitch seemed to raise Brice's spirits "Sure. One more before home."

Jay signaled Sean with a thumbs up. "OK, Brice. Now, let me be honest. I've been through this game with other straight guys before. So before you ask, do you want me to point out who I know is gay and who I know isn't? Just say so."

The drinks arrived. "No Jay, I don't really care. I just really want to spend more time with you. I miss you at the office. I know you were checking me out every day, and I liked it. You were more popular than me. In fact, you still are. Seeing you walk by every day made me feel good. It let me brag to the other guys that you were cruising me."

It almost made Jay regret what he was about to do, but didn't. "Oh, you're gonna be spending more time with me Brice. Lots more time." Brice tried to ask a question, but he began to feel woozy. "Jay, did you spike my drink?" was the last thing he said before he blacked out

When Brice woke up, he couldn't move his arms. He realized his wrists were tied behind his back, and his ankles were tied as well. When he tried to speak, he couldn't. He felt his necktie wrapped around his mouth. He could tell he was lying on his side on the backseat of his car, and the car was moving.

Next: Chapter 3

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