Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 31, 2023


The hot shower felt good on Brice's body. Now that he wasn't tied up, he moved his joints under the hot water until they relaxed. He hadn't realized how much he smelled of sex, until he smelled his favorite soap and shampoo.

What could he do? Jay had photos Could he get Jay's phone? Unlikely. Jay had his car keys and wallet somewhere. Could he take Jay in a fight if he surprised him? And how could he surprise him? Should he confront him face to face? Brice had a feeling that Jay didn't need ropes to control him, and that he just liked seeing him tied up. Apart from the obvious work Jay had done in the gym, Brice had to admit: he had gotten into Brice's head.

Being fucked was not something Brice had ever considered was going to happen to him. But DAMN, that sex was hot, and it felt good. Jay had stimulated him in ways no woman ever had, and way more than the kisses from that one guy.

Jay's kisses. Oh geeez. Brice began to get hard as he thought about those kisses: the way Jay had brought Brice close to climax, then back down, then back up again. Of course, there WAS Brice's secret wish to be dominated, except Jay seemed to know about that too. What was he going to do?

A bang on the bathroom door brought him back to earth. "Studmuffin, I gotta get cleaned up too. And even Maisie's diner closes at some point. So if I gotta come in there and shower with you - which I'm considering - remember that soap is the lube they use in prison movies.

Jay heard the water turn off, and he began to laugh. So Brice wasn't ready to shower together. That was fine. Couple showering was not one of Jay's favorite things at all.

Brice came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. He saw Jay standing there, licking his lips. "Gimme that towel, studmuffin, I'm gonna dry you off myself. Brice made a face, shrugged his shoulders, and took off the towel. He was hard, and embarrassed. He threw the towel and Jay, and made a dash to the door. He got about 30 feet away before Jay reeled him back in, grabbing him on the back of the neck like a kitten. "You think I didn't expect you to try that? I think you're just trying to MAKE me punish you. Believe me, Brice, I don't need much encouragement. " He began to drag Brice back.

"No, please. You fucked me already, now let me go." Jay threw him down on the bed and pinned Brice's wrists. "Fucked you? You think this is only about fucking you? You've got a lot to learn. A LOT. And I guess I have to step up the level of teaching. If this were about fucking, would I do THIS?" He bent down, and shoved his tongue past Brice's lips. It felt so good! Brice wondered why he was resisting. But he wasn't ready to give up. He didn't want to be pinned down. At that moment, he wanted to hug Jay. To wrap his legs around him and beg for more cock.

"I don't trust what you're gonna do when I'm showering, so you're going back in the chair for now. But it's cold in here. So put these on." He handed Brice a pair of worn jeans. Brice winced "These are too tight. They're about 15 years old"

"Did you hear me, Bricebottom?" Jay saw the look on Brice's face when he called him bottom, and resigned, he squeezed into the jeans.

"Holy moly stud. " Jay walked around Brice, and cupped his ass. "If I let you wear these out in public without me there, some big strong top man - or woman - may just kidnap you off the street."

"Sort of like YOU did, fucker," Brice whined, and Jay just laughed. "Sit in the chair. Put your hands behind your back. BOTTOM

The word still stung, but Brice obeyed. As his wrists were tied, Jay said "just remember, fucktoi. You called ME. I've already figured out what THAT's all about. You better do some thinking. Open your mouth." Jay shoved a rolled up sock into Brice's mouth. "Just for the hell of it," he sneered.

Jay came around front and admired his bound toy. "Damn, I may need a shower jerk off" He pinched Brice's nips. "But nah. I wanna save my juice for later." He continued to play with Brice's nips, until he moaned.

"Now, from this point forward, when I have you tied in a chair, you spread your legs, you pull in your gut and you point out those nips. I want easy access. ALWAYS." Brice noticed that Jay had his kitchen spatula in his hand. He smacked it against his other hand a few times. Brice knew what that meant. He did what he was told.

"Perfect" was all Jay said as he worked Brice's nips some more. Brice began to regret what he had missed, by not knowing how sensitive his nips were. "I'm gonna go get clean and studly, and then I'm treating you to dinner partner. " Jay bent down and kissed Brice through the gag. "If you had any idea how much you turn me on, stud."

In the shower, Jay gave some thought to what he would do next. So far, Brice had been much more malleable than he had thought he would be. Sex with him, had been amazing. Usually, Jay avoided virgins: too much work. But Brice: Jay smiled. He was worth the time. He fought it, he resisted, but he gave in. Jay's wicked mind began to churn up ideas. When he began to swell up in the shower, he knew it was time to stop. There was an ass he planned to fuck tonight.

"So,stud, miss me?" Jay grinned when he came back in fresh clothes and with clean hair. "Now, we need to get a few things ready for the weekend. We're gonna spend the rest of it at my country dungeon." Brice's eyes widened at the word dungeon, and Jay laughed. "Oh yeah, you got a whole lot more to learn newbie." Anyhow, what we need to do is get some clothes for you for the next four days, including work clothes for Monday. I picked some of my favorites, and now..." He led Brice out of the chair to the bedroom, and pulled off the gag. Brice was still bound, and it was making him hard. "Pick out your three favorite shirts, and show me your three tightest ones."

"I'm not helping you make me look like a slut, " Brice bellowed. Instead of smacking him, Jay slid his hands under Brice's armpits and began tickling. "Yeah, you are. Sooner rather than later. Although the thought of tickling you for an hour is really appealling."

A date had tickled Brice once, and he had bucked so strongly that he had broken a lamp. No change of that now, but if Jay kept it up, he was gonna wet himself. "Ok, ok. You win. The yellow button down. The short sleeve plaid. And the pinpoint white. Those are the tightest. I like the gray one . The white on white. And the dusty rose."

Jay smiled. "I might have picked all of those myself. I've seen you in the dusty rose and , well... more later. " Jay untied Brice, and then pulled out the yellow one. "Put it on. Two buttons open. Easy access remember? From now on, two buttons opened, always. No need to tuck it in. Maisie's is informal.

Jay put his hand on the back of Brice's neck as they walked to the car. When Brice flinched, Jay tightened the grip, just a bit "get used to it , handsome. It shows you belong to me." "I DON'T belong to you just because you fucked me," Brice spat out. Jay stopped them from walking and stared at Brice. "You belong to me, because I captured you, I've claimed you, and I've marked you. You know, as well as I do, that the only one enjoying this more than me, is you. Stop playing the tough guy. Bottom."

They walked in silence to the car, Brice beginning to realize that Jay was right. He didn't even realize he did it, but as they got in the car, he snuggled up next to Jay. "Hmmm. Just like a cat. A cat who likes his nipples played with." Jay put a free hand over Brice's shoulder, and found a nip. "Why don't you feel what snuggling is doing to me, stud? Put your hand on my crotch." Brice did. He felt the erection. There were two in the car.

At the restaurant, Brice was surprised that Jay knew all of the staff. "I've lived here for over 15 years, and I don't know them," Bette, one of the waitresses, sniffed as she heard Brice say that. "Well, you probably aren't a good tipper, Brice. No one's gonna remember you if you're a cheap bastard." Bette walked by again "you got that right, Jay. Are you enjoying the food?" "I am Bette, but I'm enjoying you more. Come sit next to me, " Jay flirted with the lady. Bette began to giggle. "Oh, Jay, now now. You know I'm a married woman." He smiled "Sure I do. And you know I'm gay. That don't mean we can't cuddle, does it?" Bette laughed and gave him a kiss. "Now, I gotta get to work. Dessert is on the house for you, boyfriend." Jay smiled. "how about for MYboyfriend?" He pointed to Brice, who blushed deep red. Bette wasn't sure. She looked at Brice "you hurt him, I kill you."

WHY DID YOU TELL HER I'M YOUR BOYFRIEND?" Brice sounded horrified. "Well, you want me to tell her you're my fuckbottom? Look, stud, I may be the only person who REALLY likes you. Try to learn something. Try to stop thinking about getting away. You won't."

"Yeah, I know. You positioned yourself between me and the door just to make sure, didn't you?" Jay smiled. "you're figuring me out a little. Look, let's get back on the road. My place is 15 minutes from here."

On the rest of the drive, Brice stayed as far away from Jay as possible. Jay sighed "Fine. Be that way. You'll change your mind."

They pulled up in front of a small , three story house. "Here's the palace Brice, or the dungeon. We'll see." Jay put his hand on Brice's neck again, and this time, Brice didn't flinch. "Good boy," was all Jay said. They got inside the house, and Jay turned on the light.

The house was pretty much a standard house: living room, kitchen, bathroom. "AH. You're wondering where the dungeon is. Let's go downstairs."

Jay led Brice down a flight of stairs to the basement. Brice's eyes widened when he saw the sling, the bondage table, the tray of sex toys, and the three cages at the side. "Yup. We're gonna be playing in here most of the rest of the weekend. OH. Don't worry about missing work. My friend's sister is going to call in sick for you tomorrow. It's all taken care of. " Jay stepped behind Brice and put his arms around his middle. "All taken care of" as he whispered in Brice's ear. "The bedroom is all the way upstairs. It's much more comfortable than sleeping in the cage.

"You're gonna fuck me again, aren't you?" Brice asked. "Yes," was Jay's reply "whether you ask me to or not. I'm gonna tie you up again too. Get upstairs."

When they got to the main floor, Brice tried to escape again. He ran to the door, and pulled. SHIT. He couldn't get it opened. "Not a good move Brice." Brice turned around and threw a punch. Jay moved out of the way and grinned "Is that the best you can do?" "YOU BASTARD. YOU'RE NOT GONNA FUCK ME AGAIN." Brice ran at him. Jay was ready. He stepped out of the way at the last minute, and wrapped Brice in a bear hug. "You sir, are gonna get fucked so hard, you'll never try this again. "

"NO. NO. PLEASE. I'M NOT GAY. I'M NOT A BOTTOM" He kicked, and squirmed and Jay just dropped Brice on the floor, face down. He grabbed his arms and began pulling them behind his back. "I REALLY wanted to fuck you in bed, Brice. But this is hot too." After he got Brice tied up, he yanked off his sneakers. "Payback is a bitch, and so are you." He grabbed Brice's feet, and began tickling. Brice was in a frenzy. What had he gotten himself into. "STOP. PLEASE. PLEASE. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY. I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT."

"No, studmuffin, you shouldn't have. Ten minutes. " And indeed, Jay tickled his feet for ten minutes. Brice could hardly breathe. "Remember when you laughed at me because I went to the gym everyday, studmuffin? Bet you wish you had come. " Jay kneeled down near Brice's head and whispered. "But then, I probably would have had to fuck you in the showers." He reached under Brice and undid his jeans. They were tight, but Jay slipped them down. He yanked Brice up so he was on his knees. Brice couldn't see what was happening, but he heard Jay pulling his own belt off. Then he felt the smack. And another. Over and over. "SHIT. PLEASE STOP JAY. PLEASE." Jay kept it up. "Know what it's gonna take for me to stop, stud. Ask SIR to stop it."

The whipping continued. How many? 20? He couldn't take it. "Please Sir. Please stop the whipping." And Jay did, pulling back Brice's head. "I should FIST you for this. But no. Humiliating you is more fun than hurting you. From now on, I'm SIR, not Jay. GOT IT?"

Defeated, Brice mumbled "yes sir," and got another ass whip. LOUDER. "YES SIR." Much better. Now, I was gonna lube you up, but that little stunt is gonna cost you. "

Brice heard the paper tear, as Jay slipped on a condom. Unlike the first time, Jay rammed in HARD. All the way, at once. Brice bit his lip to try not to scream, but bleats escaped.

"Yeah, bitch. This is how you get it when you misbehave. TAKE IT." If they had made love the first time, this time, Brice was getting fucked. Reamed. All the words he had learned, always as things you did to a woman. A bitch. He was the bitch. But... why was he getting hard again?

Jay pumped, harder and harder, and then exploded in his bottom's ass. FUCK YEAH STUDMUFFIN." He pulled out and yanked Brice to his feet. "I oughtta lead you to the bedroom by your cock, you fucking dope." He pushed Brice up the stairs. Weak from the beating, Brice thought back to the tender kissing, the gentle nibbling of his ears. Would he ever get that again.

In the bedroom, he saw the permanent restraints at all corners. 'Know what, Brice? I hadn't planned to do this yet, but you're gonna submit TONIGHT." Jay untied him, and ordered Brice to the bed. He locked the restraints. Brice wondered "what's he gonna do? He already fucked me. It can't get worse. "

From his position, Brice could make out a whole group of objects on the night table. He recognized a dildo, but nothing else. Jay came out of the bathroom, naked again.

"So, Briceman, you're in a lotta shit again, huh? " Brice pulled, but these restraints gave even less than the neckties did. Jay began stroking his belly, like the first time. "So I fucked you downstairs , didn't I?" Brice grimaced "Yes sir." Jay chuckled. "That hurt. I know it did. And I'm gonna probably fuck you again before the morning, but right now..... hee hee. " He bent down and licked Brice's nip, then the other one. "Remember how I told you I was gonna make you my sub bottom?" Again, Brice's answer was "yes sir." Jay had a big smile. "Well, it's gonna happen now." "What do you mean?" Brice asked. Jay stared at him. "What do you mean, Sir?" Jay's tongue moved up to Brice's neck. "I mean, now, you're gonna surrender. You're gonna agree to be my submissive " Brice pulled at the restraints. "Sir, that's not happening." Jay laughed. "We'll see. We'll see." Jay put his hand around Brice's balls. "Ever hear the word edging, Brice?"

"No sir."

"Good. Edging is when someone starts playing with your cock. Bringing you closer and closer to cumming - right to the edge. Without letting it happen. Now, look how hard you are."

"OH SHIT." Brice put it together. "No sir. Please, please don't do that."

"Well, maybe I won't have to. Do you surrender? Are you going to be my sub?"

"No Sir. Not me."

"Well, ok then." Jay began to stroke Brice's shaft, slowly moving his hand up and down. "How much you got here Briceman? 7? 8? 9?

"I think 8 Sir"

Jay laughed "I think 7. Maybe even 6." However long it was, it was growing, and getting harder. Brice's hips began to push up into Jay's hand. Jay let go.

Brice moaned. He got the gist of edging. "Now, let's start again. Just let me know if you surrender." Jay began stroking. This time, he added a horizontal stroke of Brice's cockhead at the end of each stroke. Brice was biting his lip again, trying not to let Jay know it was getting to him. He couldn't control his hips though, which bucked wildly. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE. LET ME CUM." Jay grinned maliciously. NO. And let go again.

"Maybe it's time for a little nip torture. You like that Brice, don't you?" Jay straddled Brice and began pinching his nips. The pinching wasn't even close to being hard, but Brice's nips were so sensitive by now, it didn't matter. Tissue paper would excite him. He began to pant, and thrust his hips again. This time, though, there was no hand, no friction. Then Jay stopped. "Ok... now I've told you how much I like your lips.." He ran his finger over them, lingering, licking his own lips, pushing out the tongue that had been past those lips so many times already. "Ok. Time for another round."

FUCK. Brice thought. Could he get any harder? In the middle of the stroking, Jay stopped, and ran his beard scruff up the front, and then the back of Brice's cock. "you know what we COULD do Brice? We could milk you. And then come back to this after you've spent an hour in the cages."

"Milking Sir? Is that what I think it is? Jerking me off, and then doing it again?"

"Ah. You're not just pretty, you're smart. Nah. I like edging better. Don't you, stud?" The hand motions began. Jay added a finger pointing right on Brice's hole. "OH MY GOD" blurted out of Brice. "OH MY GOD. "

"Hey, that just gave me an idea, stud. There's a dildo right there. " Jay grabbed it, covered it with lube, and slowly pushed it into Brice. "Now, one hand on the toy, one hand on the other toy." He manipulated the dildo, and stroked Brice's cock.

"Please, please Sir. Please . No more. Please. I can't take it. Please Sir."

"I'm sorry Brice, I don't think I heard something. Can you repeat it?"

"I submit sir. I SUBMIT. I surrender. I give up. I'm yours. Please, please please. "

Jay grinned. "you sure about that. " "Yes sir. Yes sir. Please. Please let me cum.

Jay pushed the dildo in hard. He began stroking Brice, changing the rhythms. "I'm gonna fuck you every day, handsome. You're gonna be the studliest sub bottom in New York. And who do you belong to?

"You Sir. I belong to you." Brice suddenly thought that being Jay's property, was very hot. Jay was a good looking man. He was good at being in charge. And he wanted Brice. No one else. Just Brice. Then..., it happened. Brice lost control, and shot a wad so high in the air, it caught Jay in the face.

"Sorry Sir. So sorry. So sorry." Jay just laughed, and smacked Brice's sensitive balls a few times. "No reason to be sorry, studmuffin. I'm glad to know my bottom is fertile. "

Jay got up and left Brice to squirm for a few minutes. He came back with warm water, and a cloth, and he began rinsing off Brice's balls and cock. "Like that feeling Brice? Feel good."

"Yes sir, so soothing. I'm sorry I hit you with my jizz."

Jay laughed. "No worries. It's the last chance you'll get to do that"

"I don't understand Sir."

"Jay pulled out what looked like a slinky coil. "Know what this is? This is a cock cage. A chastity belt. Now that you've surrendered, I control when you cum. Once I lock this.... the only way you'll cum, is if I let you."

"WHAT?" Brice yelled. "FUCK. If I knew that was part of surrender...." Jay laughed. "shhhhh. I would've done it anyway. Now..." He put the cage on Brice's cock, and turned the key in the lock." THERE we go. Now, I'll give you another choice. If you're that angry, you can sleep in the cage tonight." Jay came closer to Brice "But I'd rather we slept together, spooning. How about it handsome." Jay began to tease Brice's nips again.

The surrender began to hit Brice. He was a bottom. Jay's bottom. He loved what Jay was doing to him. Could he handle being locked up? He didn't know. But he didn't want the cell. All he wanted right now, was to be held.

"Please Sir. Can I sleep in your bed tonight? With you?"

Jay kissed him. "You can sleep in my bed every night, handsome. As long as I'm there too."

Next: Chapter 5

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