Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 4, 2023


In bed with his bottom spooned into him, Jay's mind wandered. Making Brice clean up his cum had been hot, for sure. He hadn't done anything really severe like making him lick it up, but the sight of that stud , naked, on all fours, cleaning the mess, had given him a serious hard on - less than 15 minutes after Brice had given him a damn good blow job! Thinking about both of those things was making him even more aroused, and he idly played with Brice's nipple.

He had decided they should leave early. Brice had broken so easily, there was no reason to stay. And his "city training" had to begin soon too. How was this closet case going to adapt to being a sub, after all those years of being a womanizer? A challenge, for sure. Was he up for it. He certainly was "up."

Brice found his thoughts all over the place as well. That fox! Jay had never locked the cock cage. He could have taken it off any time he wanted to. He went back to the beginning: he never tried to take it off. Why not? Was he afraid of Jay? He had the photos, for sure, but was it fear? He didn't think so. Had he enjoyed it? THAT was a harder question. The actual trapping was no fun, but being controlled, well... now it was Brice's turn to get aroused. He didn't push Jay's fingers away from his nip: he liked that too. He had to confess to himself that he pretty much liked everything Jay had done to him. He even got excited when he thought about that little scene where he was cleaning the floor, and Jay kept on threatening to fuck him. Hot. Very hot. What was he going to do when they got back? He didn't have a clue. "

"I'm horny, studmuffin," he heard Jay whisper into his ear. He felt Jay's fingers at his mouth. "Lick them. You're gonna need some lube."

Brice moaned "Please Sir. I'm sore. And I'm tired." Jay's response was "open your mouth bottom." Brice obeyed. "Now lick those fingers. Get them nice and wet. " Brice slobbered all over them for a good 3 minutes. "Good boy, stud." Jay slid his hand down between Brice's legs. When Brice resisted, he tugged his balls, and Brice yielded. Jay began to push the fingers up Brice's hole. "You've been such a good student Brice. You should be very proud. Time to promote you. We're gonna start your education back in NYC. But for now..." Jay pushed his fingers up into Brice, and Brice moaned. The fingers were big, but not as big as Jay's cock.

"Roll over big boy. I want that ass." Brice sighed, and did what he was told. Two days ago, he had never been fucked in his life. Now, he was about to get fucked for the second time in a night.

There was moonlight coming in from the bedroom window, and he saw Jay's face, grinning, as he pulled Brice's legs in the air. "Think of it as one for the road. Unless of course we pull over for a quick blow job."

Brice didn't notice Jay get the condom on his cock, but he could feel the plastic - he was used to it now - as Jay entered him. He was sore, but DAMN. That cock felt so good. Another thought went through his head: he had waited 45 years for this. Why?

FOCUS STUD. Relax." Jay brought Brice back to earth. "We'll have plenty of time to dissect this time on the way home. For now, focus on how you feel." Brice felt good. He began contracting his butt around Jay's cock. Jay smiled widely. "Did you look that up on the internet, stud? I'm impressed." Indeed, Brice had spent some time "working" on the computer that afternoon. Instead of working though, he had googled "tips for new bottoms." So much to learn.

Jay began thrusting. Seemed that even Jay wasn't inexhaustible, just voracious. OH DAMN YOUR ASS IS HOT Brice." the jizz started spilling out.

There was no cage on Brice's cock. He looked at Jay.. "Sir. May I?" "Yes, of course. That little contraction won you a prize handsome. "

Brice jerked himself slowly. His cock was sore from that massive orgasm earlier. But he needed this. He let his mind float, and he thought back to waking up, tied up and gagged , in the back of his car. He had seen the picture. He DID look hot...

OH SHIT. That was what did it. What little spume Brice had, flew out of him. Jay smiled, and picked up a cloth to clean things. "Now let's get some sleep handsome. We've got a full day tomorrow."

Jay had always worked out things when he was asleep, and this was no exception. The "off time" let his mind put pieces together, for what to do with Brice going forward. There was no question: Brice was going to have to live with him, whether he liked it or not. With a LOCKED cock cage. He'd need training, every night. Weekends at Jay's country house, using the playroom/dungeon, with Brice alone, until he had filled the cages. He had plans for that , too. His understanding was that the old eye candy Al and Vince, had left the old law firm after Brice made partner. That would make it easier to snatch them and start their training. But that was in the future. For now, he had to focus on Brice.

'WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD' Jay was taunting Brice as he lay there. Brice was never a good morning person. Grumpy, slow out of bed, and in need of coffee. Jay had the coffee, but he also had a surprise: "C'mon stud, we're gonna do a run before we pack up and head back."

"WHAT? A run? I haven't run in years." "Well, no better time than the present stud. I'm gonna give you a ten minute head start. Then I'm gonna try to catch you. And when I do..... heh heh. I'll treat you like a prisoner of war. How's that?" Jay had an evil glint in his eye, and the fact was, the idea made Brice kind of excited too. He slipped into the running clothes they had brought with them. Jay was already dressed. "Ok, stud. You pick the direction. OFF YA GO." Brice took off west, the part of the area he knew best.

Jay was a fair games man, so he didn't start for ten minutes. Then he took off in Jay's direction. His years as a Boy Scout helped here, because it was fairly easy to find Brice's trail, from the broken branches. He knew Brice was a faster runner, but he didn't have terrific endurance. It took a while before he could find fresh tracks, but they were clear. He'd have Brice in about ten minutes.

Brice thought he could hear Jay coming. His ambivalence about what was happening had come back, and he was trying to find his way back to his own house. Maybe if he could make a call, or something. He was catching his breath, sweat coming down his white hair, all over his face. That's when Jay attacked, from behind.

'GOTCHA' Brice felt the arm around his middle. "No, no. Come on! Gimme a few more minutes. " "Nope. You had a chance. You lost, stud. " Jay had superior strength, and he had Brice face down on the ground. Ropes were going around his wrists. "No calling for help either stud." Jay pulled the sweatband from Brice's hair, and tied it around his mouth. "THERE we go. The perfect prisoner of war. Gonna get you home, have my way with you, and then we're gonna talk about the future.

As they walked along, Jay was grinning "you know, Brice, this was kinda fun. You struggle, but you're so easy to figure out. It's gonna make keeping you much much easier. "

"MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH was all Brice could get out of the sweaty bandana. He didn't know what Jay meant by "keeping " him, or the future. What was he gonna do?

They got back to the house, and Jay put his hand right on Brice's ass. "I realized on the way back, Brice, that you're already lubed from the sweat. Now, how can I pass up that opportunity? " Brice was still sore from last night, and the day before, and the night before, and struggled as hard as he could, screaming through the gag. "MMMMMMMPH. PLSSSSS. NO." Jay just tossed him onto the bed, face down. "I think I may have missed a hot spot Brice. I'm gonna find out." He grabbed Brice's feet, and tied his ankles tight. He didn't use a hogtie, but pushed Brice's legs down, horizontally. "Back of those knees. I bet they're REAL sensitive."

"They were, and Brice struggled and moaned even more. It just got Jay more excited , as he ran his fingertips over that tender skin. It was agony for Brice. Every time he thought there wasn't another way to torture him, Jay found a new one. He slipped his hand under Brice, and after he ran his finger along the waistband of his running shorts, pulled them down. "Time to untie those ankles stud. Better hope you sweated enough. "

"Jay pulled Brice's legs apart. Brice knew not to struggle. He remembered the belt whipping. He heard Jay drop his own shorts, and then he felt the cock at his ass. Again. He had lost count of how many times he had been fucked , but it still felt good. OH DAMN did it feel good. Jay pounding him was one of the hottest things he had ever experienced.

Apparently, even Jay ran out of jizz, so after a few minutes, he stopped. "No more oil in the can stud. SO tell you what? I'm gonna get cleaned up, then it's your turn. We're gonna pack up and head back to NYC." Jay pulled Brice into a hogtie, and left him on the bed. "That may very well be how you travel home, stud, so get used to it. "

Brice heard Jay in the shower and he struggled harder than he had. The weekend had been hot, beyond anything he could have imagined. But now, moving into Jay's apartment? He wasn't ready for that. He fought against the ropes. He didn't scream because he knew that was pointless. Soon, he realized that struggling against the ropes was pointless too. The only thing it had done.... was give him another hard on.

He heard the water turn off, and then Jay was in the room, drying off. "Oh, Briceman. I can see you tried to get loose , didn't you?" Jay stroked Brice's hair, played with his ear. Brice, totally broken, tried to shake his head yes. "I thought you might, stud. Listen. It's not happening. You surrendered. You belong to me now. " He rolled Brice on his side and began playing with his nip. "Haven't done that in a while, guess I gotta remind you how much you like it. "

Sounds came out of the gag, but they were moans, not screams. That felt so good...

"Briceman, I don't live up here, I live in the city. And I can't let my property live alone, now, can I? Hmmmm? Who's gonna discipline you? Give you the cock you need? Hmmmm? No, stud, you're coming home with me. Now, I REALLY wanna kiss you, so if I take off the gag, you gonna let me?"

The tit play and the thought of that tongue. Brice quieted down, and shook his head yes." Smiling, Jay pulled off the gag, and kissed him, the way he had been kissing him the whole weekend. When he was done, Brice spoke.

"Please Jay. I mean, please Sir. I know, I know I surrendered. But I guess I didn't know what that meant. Please, can we just do something like , oh, I don't know, see each other on the weekends.?"

Brice saw Jay's face darken, and for the first time, he saw him scowl. He reached in and grabbed Brice's cock and squeezed.

FUCK NO BITCH. LET ME EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU . AGAIN. YOU DID REAL DAMAGE TO ME AT THE OFFICE. I WAS LUCKY THAT MILLER KNEW WHAT A SHIT YOU WERE. AND MIGHT STILL BE. SO, NO, WE'RE DOING IT MY WAY. EITHER EASY, OR HARD. " He began to untie Brice. "Now, you can get in that shower and get cleaned up, and come out here and behave, or I can just start sending the pictures I've been taking to a few people. It's up to you."

The pictures! Brice forgot about those. SHIT. And now he pissed off Jay. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He wanted Jay's cock - OH, did he want that cock. He wanted the kisses more. He wasn't keen about being tied up, but he did like it a little. But being owned. Being treated as Jay's property. He just didn't know.

"Ok, Sir. You win. I'll get cleaned up. "

"And bring your dirty stuff out here. I have a cleaning person who'll be by tomorrow. She'll have everything ready for next week."

"Yes sir."

While Brice was showering, Jay collected all the dirty linens and laundry for the weekend. He put in a call to Paula, who came over on an "as needed basis." He checked to make sure that Brice was very much involved in the shower - and he was - trying desperately to jerk off with an empty tank. He chuckled to himself, and took his phone, Brice's wallet, and all of the other paraphernalia in a safe place. Then he took out the chastity cage. It was going back on. And he took out some clothes for Brice to wear. One of his favorite outfits, if not his absolute favorite: very tight, think khakis, and a tight short sleeve button down. In fact, he remembered that the rumor was that Mel Miller had asked Brice not to wear that outfit to work. His words, as Jay had heard them, were "we'd send a woman whom for being too revealing. I'll give YOU one chance."

Jay didn't want a tussle over the cage, so he hid it, waiting for when Brice came out of the shower.

Meanwhile, in the shower, the thoughts of the morning had gotten Brice aroused. He was trying, desperately, to get off one last time. It wasn't happening. Just like with Jay, he was milked. Empty. Nothing to give right now. He finished up, shaved, wrapped himself in a towel, and came out... to a headlock from Jay.

"I COULD choke you out and dump you in the car trunk Briceman. You want that to happen? "

"Gagging, Brice spat out "No sir. "

"I didn't think so. Then you're gonna take this cage, and lock it on your own cock. NOW." Jay tightened the hold. Brice was fighting for air, and losing.

"Ok, ok Sir. I'll do it. " He took the cage from Jay, and locked it on his penis. He handed Jay the key. "Why are you doing this to me, Jay? Why are you treating me this way?"

Jay laughed. "Oh, let's not get into that again, studmuffin. Get dressed. " Brice saw the clothes. SHIT. He could barely fit into those clothes a year ago. Wearing them to work was a mistake. With the cage? HOW?

"MOVE. Remember the car trunk."

Brice took a deep breath, and squeezed into everything. "Damn, you look hot, stud," Jay whistled. "Check yourself out" He brought Brice over to the mirror. Brice thought he looked good, if he were impersonating a male hooker. And the cage outline was visible through the pants. But Jay seemed pleased. Brice could feel his hard on pressed against him. "OH man. I get to ride with you for 2 hours. I'll be ready to shoot again when we get home. And I will. One last thing for your ensemble." He pulled out the collar, and dropped it over Brice's neck. "Yeah, you wear this now. "

Defeated, Brice dropped his head. Instinctively, he put his hands behind his back.

"Nah, nah. Not for this. I decided I want you in front with me. Where I can keep my eye on you, and my hands all over you. So instead..." Jay produced a pair of handcuffs. "In front of you. " In seconds, he had Brice locked up good and tight. "Now let's go. We'll miss the traffic if we leave now."

As they got out the door, and Jay locked it, Brice looked around. He was heading to a new life, whether he liked it or not. The thing was, he didn't know if he liked it, or didn't. Time was going to tell. He felt the kiss on his ear. "You are going to be a GREAT sub slave, Brice. You already are." Jay pushed him into the car, got in the driver's seat, and the trip back to NYC, began.

Next: Chapter 8

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