Breaking Ethan

By Bus Pender

Published on Jan 17, 2018


Breaking Ethan 1 : An unexpected delivery by Bus Pender


This is a work of gay fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional. This text deals with sexual relations between two men. If you find this offensive, if you are underage or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, please leave now. This story is not intended to promote any action on the part of the reader. It is merely a fantasy and I hope you appreciate it as such.

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It arrived on the Friday morning. Ethan was scrambling to get out the door, late for class, when the doorbell rang unexpectedly. Unusual for this time of day. It was probably for his landlady, Mrs Dremel. He heard her answer the door, and then there was a knock at his. He opened the door to find a UPS guy standing there with a parcel in his hand; the figure of Mrs Dremel was hovering behind him, all eyes and interest.

"Ethan Elliott?"

"Um, yeah"

"Sign here"

Ethan signed and received the parcel. A veritable cube, light, which fit easily into his open hands. The UPS guy left.

"Oooh, maybe a gift from a girl friend Eeetan," Mrs Dremel sang.

"Yeah, maybe," said Ethan, embarrassed, as he went back inside. He stared quizzically at the parcel; he hadn't been expecting anything. Maybe a care package from home? He put the package on the kitchen table, grabbed his knapsack and dashed out the door.

That evening, I called Ethan.

"Hey Ethe, Mark, what's up bro?"

"Not much, just chillin'."

"In the mood for some company? I'm goin' stir crazy, I gotta get out of the house."

"Um, sure, come on over."

Ethan lived in a small set of rooms which he rented from his landlady and next-door neighbor. It was a great set-up .. private inside entrance, cheap rent, not far from the university. But Mrs Dremel was nosy as all get-out, and insistent on library-level quiet at all times.

I arrived with a 12-pack tucked under my arm. I rang the bell, but before Ethan could answer, Mrs Dremel appeared.

"Eeetan, you have a visitor," she chimed.

Ethan emerged from his place wearing a grey t-shirt, navy sweats, white socks. His hair was rumpled, as if he'd just rolled out of bed. He looked dreamy.

Ethan was naturally good looking, in a boyish way. A mop of unkempt brown hair, deep-set, icy blue eyes, wide mouth, full lips. And a slight asymmetry to his face that caused you to look twice. But Ethan was unusual in that he seemed to be entirely unaware of his physical allure. In fact, he carried himself rather awkwardly, and had a serious, uncertain countenance, as if life, in general, perplexed him.

We went in and installed ourselves at the kitchen table.

"Thought we could knock back a few," I said, pulling a couple of cans off their rings and putting the rest in the fridge. I passed one to Ethan.

"So, what's doin' Ethe, how're classes goin'"?

"School's okay, I'm kinda tired, lots of assignments coming up. You?"

"Man, I think I'm in the wrong program .. by the end of the week my head is fuckin' spinning with numbers, formulas, calculations, fuck me. I may end up switching next semester."

We shot the breeze for a while, but Ethan wasn't his usual self. He seemed subdued, distracted. I asked him what was up.

"Um, nothing, everything's fine," he said flatly.

"Ethan, I've known you long enough to tell when something's bothering you, what is it?"

He hesitated, looking down at his feet, not saying anything. Finally, he looked up and met my gaze.

"Ok, so somethin's goin' on and I don't get it."

He got up from the table and went into his room, came back with a package in his hands.

"This arrived for me today."

He opened the box and withdrew a black velvet bag. He carefully undid the draw string, slid his hand in and pulled out a smallish metal cage-like contraption, which fit neatly in the palm of his hand. It looked to be made of steel, all polished and shiny. There was a large ring on one end, attached to a ribbed spiral tube, kind of in the shape of a droopy penis. A miniature lock with two keys sat atop the tube, like a tiny hardware bow. He held the apparatus aloft and looked at me, expressionless.

"Did you .. did you order that?" I was grinning.

"NO, I didn't order it," he said.

"What the fuck? Who sent it to you?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know what it is?"

"I didn't when I opened the package, but I do now .. the instruction sheet that came with it explained everything."

"It's a fucking cock cage!"

"I know."

"What the fuck?"

"I know."

"Was there a note?", I asked.

"Nope, nothing".

I went to the fridge, grabbed a couple more beers and handed one to Ethan.

"So let me get this straight. You get a package, inside is this fucking cock cage, you don't know who sent it to you or why, and you're kind of freaked out."


"Drink up my friend, this calls for a celebration. It means someone out there likes you."

"Really? They sure have a strange way of showing it."

"Listen," I said, "Flattery comes in many forms, best to take it however it comes. I wouldn't worry about it. Whoever sent it will probably make themselves known to you at some point. In the meantime, just kick back and enjoy knowing that some mystery person has the hots for you."

"Yeah, I guess. But why send me something like this? What am I supposed to do with it? It's really weird."

We got onto other topics, leaving the cage at the side of the table and far from our conversation. Several beers later, our talk was becoming a bit looser, and Ethan had to shush me every now and then before Mrs Dremel complained. He wasn't much of a drinker so the beers I was plying him with were hitting him hard. But unlike me, Ethan doesn't get loud when he drinks; he just becomes stupid.

Finally I asked him conspiratorially .. "So, Ethe, did you try it on?"


"The cage, did you try it on?"

"Of course not, why would I try it on?"

"Aren't you a bit curious .. you know, see what it feels like?"


"Just as well. I think it's too big for you anyway. Whoever sent it obviously hasn't seen you naked."

"What's THAT supposed to mean?", he said indignantly.

"Nothing, it's just that .. okay, don't take this the wrong way, but, well, I've seen you plenty of times after swimming and you're kind of, um, not large?"

"It's a POOL, there's SHRINKAGE. You ought to know that."


"I'm not that small," he said matter of factly.


"Really," he insisted.

"Methinks he doth protest too much. All I'm sayin' is if you locked yourself into that thing, you could easily pull a Houdini and slip out of it .. it's too big, you'd need a smaller size."

"Why are we even having this conversation?"

"Because deep down you know I'm right. But here's your chance to prove me wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

I pulled $20 from my wallet and laid it on the table. "Twenty bucks says you could get yourself out of that thing even with the lock on `cause it's bigger than you are."

"Don't be ridiculous, it's way too small. I probably couldn't even fit into it."

"Then take the challenge, my friend."

"I'm not doing it. I wouldn't even know how to put it on let alone take it off."

"I think it's fairly straight forward." I picked up the cage, opened and removed the lock and separated the two components. Glancing at the instruction sheet, I outlined the apparent procedure. "I think your balls go through this big ring, then your cock," I said, poking three fingers through the ring. "Cock goes into cage, cage attaches to ring and away you go. Houdini. Twenty bucks. Aren't you glad you have a friend who's an engineering major!"

"I'm not going to do this."

"I'm not surprised, it'd be really embarrassing if it fell right off. But I know you'll try it when you're alone."

"I'm not going to try it."

"I understand, I wouldn't want to draw attention to it either if it were me."

"Will you stop!"

"Ethan, if you're so sure, you got nothing to lose and $20 to gain .. unless, of course, you're NOT sure."

Ethan didn't say anything. He just looked at me, blinking, a dull expression on his handsome face. In his intoxicated state, he was actually considering it.

"Ya know what, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, it's not a big deal, there are more important things in life. It's probably genetic anyway."

Ethan took a long swig of beer and placed the empty can on the table. Glaring at me, he stood up and dropped his sweats and boxers, exposing his lovely little pecker, small and pink in the low light of the kitchen. His nuts looked full, and hung heavily like a tiny sack of gold. He was weaving slightly. I couldn't believe he was going to do this.

"I'm only doin' this to shut you up," he said. He was starting to slur. "Okay, so whad'ja say, balls first?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said.

He eased one testicle through the steel ring, contemplated it for a second, then pulled the other one through. He gave them a little tug and shot me a smirk of satisfaction. "Balls to the wall," he giggled.

"Now, for Ethan junior," he said fondly as he folded his dick down and pushed it clumsily through the ring. "Voila!"

"How does that feel?" I asked.

"S'okay. Mebbe a bit tight but I think s'alright. I mean, the whole thing's gonna fall off anyway, right?", he said sarcastically.

"Okay, now your dick goes into the cage. Got any lube?"

"Medicine cabinet, bathroom." He twisted his body and thrust his right arm out pointing the way.

I retrieved the lube as it would have been difficult for him to make his way there with his pants at his ankles. I handed him the lube and told him it might be good to apply a bit to the inside of the cage, so he could slide in more easily. He squirted way too much onto his fingers and smeared some into the cage. The excess confounded him for a second before he came up with the novel idea of putting it on his dick. He wiped the rest on the side of his leg, then maneuvered the cage onto his cock.

"Wow, easy-peasy. Docking mission complete, captain, what next?"

"Ok, now I think you connect the cage to the ring."

He pulled up on the cage, trying to guide the hoop onto the ring pin. It took him several attempts before it slid into place. I picked up the lock and handed it to Ethan; he tried to thread the lock shackle through the hole on the pin. As with the hoop, it took him some time to get the shackle through. He finally succeeded and managed to close the lock soundly. The resulting `click' was a portentous sound. It spoke of a changing world, where old ways were left behind and a new order beckoned, one where anything was possible.

"So Ethe, how does it feel to be locked in?"

"I feel like robo-cop!", he said, shaking his pelvis so the cage dangled wildly. "Or robo-cock!" He laughed out loud at his joke.

"Why don't you make like Houdini and get yourself out of that contraption."

"Gotta be kidding, no way I can get outta this." He fumbled with the cage, pulled on the ring, tried to work his balls through. It was impossible.

"See, told ya, no way out. You satisfied?"

"Okay, I was wrong, you win. Keep the 20 bucks, you earned it. I gotta go."

"Oh, okay, gimme the keys."

I dangled the keys over his outstretched hand and pretended to drop them to him, but I snatched them back before they made contact, his fingers closing on air.

"No, I don't think so, I'm going to keep them for a while," I said, rising from the table and moving towards the door. He sobered up instantly as he reached out to stop me.

"Hey, quit kidding around, gimme the keys so I can get outta this thing!." He tried to grab my arm as he lurched forward, but the pants around his ankles seriously hindered his movement. I made it to the front door, opened it and shouted loudly, "Mrs Dremel, Ethan has something he wants to show you."

"What are you doing?!" he hissed as he fumbled to get his pants up. And just in time, as Mrs Dremel's face appeared in the doorway.

"Vat is it Eeetan?"

"Ethan's got a new cage and he wants to show it to you," I said.

"Cage, vat cage, I don't see a cage. Eeetan, vat is your friend talking about?"

"Nothing Mrs Dremel, he's just joking."

"I have to go, see you Ethe, Mrs Dremel."

"Mark, you're not leaving me here like this, get back here." It was a command; he was pissed.

"You know Ethan, you really need to learn some manners. Ever heard of please' and sir'?" I was grinning as I headed out the door.

I hadn't gone a block when my phone rang. I answered it.

"Okay, you've had your fun, now get back here and give me the key."

"Ethan, I don't think you're in any position to be telling me what to do. You'll get the key in due time; but really, you do need to work on your manners. I didn't hear please', I didn't hear sir'.

"How about this, PLEASE, SIR, get back here NOW and give me the DAMN KEY, is that .. ?" I hung up on him. He called again.

"Look, you can't leave me like this, PLEASE, I gotta get this thing off."

"I like it when you say please', but that tone of voice, not good. We'll work on that. And I didn't hear sir'."

"Please, SIR, could you bring me the key NOW." His voice was dripping with sarcasm, tinged with fear, enveloped by anger.

"I'll drop by tomorrow with the key. But if you call me again or bug me in any way, you'll have to wait till next week. I'll be over at 7 tomorrow evening. Good night Ethan."


"I said `good night Ethan'," I said sternly.

"Good night sir."

Next: Chapter 2

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