Breaking Ethan

By Bus Pender

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Breaking Ethan 2 : Lock down by Bus Pender


This is a work of gay fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional. This text deals with sexual relations between two men. If you find this offensive, if you are underage or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, please leave now. This story is not intended to promote any action on the part of the reader. It is merely a fantasy and I hope you appreciate it as such.

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I arrived at Ethan's place precisely at 7 and rang the bell. As usual, Mrs Dremel answered the door. "Eeetan, your friend is here," she called.

Ethan emerged from his flat. He didn't look so good, kind of like he hadn't slept well. His hair was even more disheveled than the day before and he hadn't changed his clothes.

"Hey Ethe, how ya hangin'?" I quipped.

"Very funny" he said dryly. We entered his apartment and sat at the kitchen table.

"Okay, so what's goin' on?" he asked. He looked all serious .. so cute.

"What do you mean Ethe?"

"These arrived for me today," he said, holding up a set of handcuffs.

"Ethan, first a cock cage, now restraints, I'm not sure I know you anymore."

"Cut the crap Mark, what's going on, why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend."

"I am your friend Ethan, and I .. "

"Friends don't lock up their friend's privates and keep the key," he said.

"You got me there, although technically you locked yourself up .. I just kept the key."

"So, you gonna unlock me?" he asked.

"Perhaps, but first we gotta have a little talk."

He glared at me, said nothing.

"We need to talk about how to get you out of that contraption."

"I already know how to get out of it. You give me the key, I unlock myself and I go my merry way."

"Not so fast, Ethe, and not so simple. You have to EARN the right to freedom."

"What do you mean EARN the right? You've got my penis locked in a cage and I want it back, plain and simple. You have no right to do this."

"Correction .. seeing as it's locked up, and you don't have the key, it's technically not YOUR dick anymore. Your ownership was compromised the minute you locked yourself into that device. I'm in charge of it now. And I'm willing to plan a way to give you back control over it."


"Ethe, how do you suppose you've found yourself in this situation?"

"Easy, you got me drunk and tricked me."

"You can blame it on me, but shit happens and you let it. I didn't force you into that cage, Ethan, you did it of your own free will. Fuck, you even closed the lock yourself. You're so fucking naive, and now you're experiencing the consequences of your stupidity."

Ethan's face was turning red.

"I want the key and I want it NOW. You can't do this to me," he said.

I smiled faintly and shrugged.

"Give - me - the key," he said evenly, emphatically.

I produced a small key from my pocket and held it aloft in front of him. "Is this what you're after?"

He snatched the key from my hand and marched into the washroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. I could hear him fumbling with his pants, the soft scrape of metal against metal. Then silence, followed by a groan of exasperation and more fumbling.

Thirty seconds later I heard the bathroom door unlock. Ethan stomped out of the washroom and threw the key onto the table.

"That's not the right key, you prick!"

"I didn't say that it was, Ethan."

"Quit playin' games Mark, what do you want? If you want to see me beg, then I'm begging. I want this thing off. It's heavy, it's tight .. my balls are sore. I have to pee sitting down, you don't know what's it's like. What do you want?" He was ranting; I let him finish. A heavy silence followed.

"Are you quite finished Ethan?" I said in a measured tone.


"I said `are you quite finished Ethan'?"

A pause. He looked up at me.

"Yes," he said quietly.

"Good. Then I'll tell you how it's going to be." Now I paused, for effect.

"For the next month, I'm going to keep you locked up."

His eyes widened in disbelief.

"I'll meet you from time to time, whenever I choose, to unlock you. You'll have to be restrained when I do this, but I will remove the cage and give you a degree of freedom. But during that time, you will do whatever I tell you. You cannot question my orders, and if you do, I will keep you locked in that contraption for even longer."

I paused again.

"Some of the things that I will tell you to do may seem, at first, a bit, um .. disagreeable, but I assure you that you will enjoy everything I tell you to do. Think of it as a series of tasks that you will be required to complete in order to earn your freedom."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm serious Ethan."

"This is ludicrous. What kind of things would I have to do? I can't do your laundry or your cooking, or even your homework if I'm restrained."

"You know Ethan, for someone as smart as you, you can be dumb as a fucking doornail."

"Thank you very much," he said sarcastically. "I repeat, `what kind of things are you talking about'? What do I have to do to get the key?"

"Sexual things, Ethan," I said matter of factly.

More silence.

"You're nuts," he said.

"It's your choice." I said.

"I want this thing off," he said.

"Yeah, I heard. And you have to wait the month, Ethe. If you don't agree to my terms, you'll be locked up for one month and I won't come by to unlock you at all. It'll be on 24/7, you'll just have to get used to it. At the end of the month, I'll unlock you for good. Your choice."

"That's hardly a choice," he said.

"Oh, and if you continue to have childish outbursts like the one you just had, you'll be locked up for even longer," I added.

"I'm not gonna do this," he said.

"Have it your way Ethe," I said. "I'll see you in a month."

I got up and headed for the door. Ethan looked up at me.

"I'm gonna call the authorities, the police," he said.

"Go ahead Ethan, call them. In fact, why don't you do it right now." I took a couple of steps towards him, pulled out my phone and extended it to him. "C'mon, make the call. I really want to hear you explain how you've got this cage on your dick, and how your friend tricked you into putting it on, and how your friend kept the key and how he wants you to do sexual things. I'm sure they'll take it real serious .. after they've finished laughing hysterically, that is. Oh, and when the police finally come to interview you, I want to see how Mrs Dremel reacts. I can't wait to see her face when I tell her why you called the cops. Do you think she'd still want you living here?"

I thrust the phone closer to him, urging him to take it, but he wouldn't. He just sat there glaring at me. I put the phone back in my pocket and started to make my way out. I opened the door, only to find Mrs Dremel hovering in the hallway, pretending to dust.

"Ethan doesn't seem to like his cage, Mrs Dremel," I said. "I don't know what to do."

She looked up at me quizzically, and then at Ethan who was staring incredulously. She looked back at me and I winked at her as I exited the building.

Next: Chapter 3

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