Breaking-In a Young Black Trick

By Evan Williams

Published on Aug 18, 2008



This short story is a work of erotic fiction. It contains a graphic scene of man-teenager sexuality as well as racial humiliation. It is for erotic entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be read by minors. Anyone who thinks they might be offended by this story should find something else to read.

I stood in my condo, staring at the young man that I had picked up earlier this evening. He shifted nervously, not knowing what to do next -- not really sure what would be expected of him. He looked about 16 or 18 years old; it was hard to tell his exact age. Black boys tend to age well; but they also grow sexually mature and adventurous early. I figured I would have to make the next move; this was the first time any white man had called his bluff and demanded more from him than he was usually able to bargain for.

"Strip naked and lie on my bed on your belly," I said.

The boy reluctantly complied, slowly unfastening his belt and allowing his over-sized clothes fall off his black body. I ran my hand over his back, his shoulders and his buttocks -- admiring the smoothness of his black skin. He looked like one of those ebony carvings out of Africa, polished to a shine. His dark body made a nice contrast against my white sheets.

I was going to enjoy this little hood rat. I remember when I first picked him up. He was standing on a corner downtown, trying to sell himself to suburbanites. For a young boy with a smooth face he developed a defiant sneer. He would use that sneer to try to intimidate white men and other black boys who might otherwise take advantage of him. He said that for $50 he would allow horny middle-aged white men give him a blow job. I said to him "No way; I've got other plans for what I should get that much money."

I told him I wanted to fuck his black ass. He frowned. I have known many young black men who appear to be reluctant when you demand such things from them, but they eventually give in once you get them alone and they have time to think about it. I had no reason to believe he would be any different.

As I drove him to my condo I asked him to tell me his story. It was fairly typical. He was born to single mom. He father abandoned him when he was young. I could read between the lines that he longed for the attention of older men since he had never had this from his father. His super-machismo street persona was just his way of imitating what he thought a man should be.

Since he couldn't be proud of the older black men who came and went in his life -- most of them uneducated, unemployed, and former convicts; most of them also were abusive to his mother -- he longed for the attention of white men instead.

I listened intently and nodded with mock sympathy. He was just another black boy in need of a white cock in his behind.

While I continued driving I gave him lines to rehearse. I told him I wanted to hear these lines coming out of his mouth while I was fucking him. He nodded and carefully learned his lines; silently repeating over and over until it was time for him to deliver them during his "performance" in my bedroom.

Now, here he was; lying face-down on my bed -- naked as the day he was born. I climbed on top of his warm black body. He grunted under my weight. My hairy body pressed down on his smooth, naked back. I steered my stiffening dick into his firm, young black ass. The heat and moisture inside of his ass enveloped my thickening cock. It felt better than any pussy I had ever had. I began to hump inside of him; using him.

He grunted in pain as my white cock pushed deeper and deeper inside. "Talk to me, boy," I whispered. "Tell me what I taught you to say."

I pushed my cock inside the black boy's ass; building up to a steady rhythm. "Talk to me. Talk to me." The boy grunted with every thrust I made.

"F-Fuck me," the boy said awkwardly -- his face was a portrait in shame and embarrassment. "Fuck my black ass," he continued, his voice quivering. "I'm nothing but a nasty n-nigger. I was b-born to fucked by white men."

I grinned with satisfaction. The boy buried his face in the mattress. His words gave me new energy and increased my sexual appetite. "Say it again, boy."

The black boy lifted his nappy head. His voice was stronger this time, but still filled with shame. "Fuck me. Fuck my black ass. I'm nothing but a nasty nigger."

"Oh yes, you are," I interrupted, whispering in his ear. "You're just a nasty nigger boy. Tell me more." I pumped harder in his ass -- pushing my cock deeper and deeper inside of him.

"I was born to fucked by white men."

"Yes. Yes." I said out loud in his ear. "You were born to be fucked by white men." My humping got ferocious. I moved my hips all over his buttocks. My cock dug deep inside the helpless boy. I held his hips and used his ass as a living fuck-cushion.

I grabbed his arms and pushed deeper inside of him; losing myself in the enjoyment of his defenseless body. "What else are you? What else did we talk about in the car?"

"I-I-I'm nothing but a nasty nigger fuck toy."

"Yeah," I giggled with delight, "That's right; you're a nasty nigger fuck toy."

I grabbed a fistful of his short nappy hair, yanking his head back. My body quivered in orgasmic passion. I shot several loads of hot, sticky cum inside of the boy, emptying my body.

"Oh yeah. Oh yeahhhhh. Take my seed you dumb, nasty thing."

I drained my cock inside the boy. Then I relaxed and collapsed on top of him. I felt the boy's smooth, warm back rise and fall underneath my belly, like he was a living mattress. He was breathing heavily after having given me what I needed.

My softening cock remained lodged deep in his bowels as I drifted off to sleep.

Now, whenever I see him on the streets I know that he has been broken. For just a few dollars I can get the boy to drop his baggy pants and I can probe every inch of naked body. And he, in turn, can enjoy the reassurance of surrendering his black ass to his white "daddy," allowing him to experience the closeness to manhood that has eluded him for so much of his young life.

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