Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Mar 24, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 1

Nathan finished his cello lesson at 8pm with the rest of the school closed up, even the cleaners were finished. Mrs Baxter let him out of the side door and locked up, waving good night to him as she headed for her car and reminding him to practice for their lesson on Monday.

Nathan turned and walked in the opposite direction, headed for the school gym. His friend Claire had left her bag in her locker and would not be in school tomorrow, so he had agreed to pick it up for her and drop it off first thing in the morning so she could finish her homework due by Monday. She was head of the girl's soccer team and had told him where to find the spare key to get into the changing rooms.

Nathan was still amazed at the size of the facilities here. Although he would turn 19 in two December due to the pandemic and the disruption of moving to New York State from Scotland 18 months ago he was only in his final year of high school. Before his mum got a fancy new job in the US he had always gone relatively small schools in Scotland. When he started here he had been determined to change - to that end he had come out as gay in his first week, thanks to the friends he quickly made the handful of homophobes who tried to make an issue of it didn't bother him much. Always more academically inclined and with what he would describe as an average/chubby build he had also joined the wrestling team - or at least started training with them, he was nowhere near the level of competing yet.

As he reached the door into the gym annex Nathan noticed a light on inside, tentatively he tried the door and was surprised to find it open. Not wanting to be accused of being up to no good he carefully opened the door and crept down the hall.

His stomach tightened a bit when he saw another light on, this one in Coach Jenson's office. Jenson was every girl's favourite coach in the school; he was 30 years old, mixed race and gorgeous, 6ft tall and with the perfect muscular body. Nathan had enjoyed more than a few wet dreams about Coach Jenson, and that fact always made him nervous around him.

Thankfully he was not in his office. Nathan crept on, turned down the hall and slipped into the girls' changing rooms, he was just about to start checking the lockers for Claire bag when a strange sound made him stop. It took him a second to recognise faint voices from a video of some kind which seemed to be coming from one of the other rows of lockers further from the door. Now that he was paying attention he was pretty sure he heard heavy breathing too. Very carefully he snuck to the end of the row of lockers he was in peaked out and confirmed it was clear. He inched around the corner and along to the next row, empty. He moved on the the next and stifled a joyous gasp as he peeked round.

Sitting on the benches between the lockers, T-shirt off and shorts and briefs around his knees was Coach Jenson. He was angled towards the door, obviously in a failed effort to keep an eye out for anyone coming into the changing room.

The one aspect of his body Nathan had always been proud of was his cock, the handful of sexual experiences he'd had all confirmed that his thick 8" cock was a definite asset. But as in every other aspect of his body Coach Jenson far outclassed Nathan with his glorious 10 inches of cock. Jenson had his phone in his left hand, playing the video that had first drawn Nathan's attention, while his right had was pumping up and down in a mesmerising rhythm.

Without even thinking about it Nathan had his own phone out filming this dream. Lust drowned out the small voice in his head that pointed out how inappropriate it was for a coach to be doing this in the girls' locker room. His own free hand squeezed his raging hard on through his trousers.

Suddenly a voice from the video drew his attention, it sounded just like his friend Tanya...dragging his gaze away from Jenson's monster cock he looked properly at the coach's phone.

His stomach clenched again - a usb connected the phone to a small cylindrical device. Leaning forward and squinting Nathan recognised the location on the screen - it was this locker room. And the girls drying off from the showers was the football (soccer) team, including Claire and Tanya.

He pulled back round the corner, heart pounding, anger at the violation of his friends' privacy burning his gut. He managed to keep his breathing under control as lust and anger battled it out within him, with fear shouting up a warning that Jenson was nearly twice his size and had competed at national wrestling competitions.

Slowly a smirk spread across Nathan's face as a plan formed; a way to satisfy both his lust and his anger, a way that, if all went well, would never require his friends to know what Jenson had done.

He sent his dad a text, explaining that he had run into Coach Jenson and was helping him with some preparations for the upcoming track meet so would be a bit later home. Then he carefully leant round, after making sure his phone was on silent, and filmed Jenson some more, this time he made sure to zoom in on the recording playing on Jenson's phone and the spy camera connected to it. Once he felt he had enough he slowly stepped out inched closer behind Jenson, getting a better view both of the hunk's body and of the video he was playing.

Nerves twisting his stomach Nathan suddenly cleared his throat and spoke, "please coach, don't let me interrupt."

The reaction was very satisfying. Jenson jumped to his feet at the same time as he spun to see who was behind him, resulting in his legs getting twisted in his shorts and him collapsing to the floor against the lockers.

Jenson froze against the lockers. His eyes fixed on the phone in Nathan's hands. Nathan deliberately turned it round to show the video he had taken, with a Jenson's own phone screen clearly visible, then locked it and put it in his pocket.

Nathan decided he needed to capitalise on his advantage, keep Jenson off balance.

"I'm pretty sure that just wanking in here would be enough to get you fired. But that camera and the video you're watching? That's a prison sentence, not to mention your name on a sex offenders list."

"Look, Nathan, I don't know what you think-"

Nathan cut in, voice cold and firm. "Don't try to bullshit me, we both know what I saw and how serious it is. Luckily for you my horniness is stronger than my integrity, so you have a chance to avoid the police becoming involved. Isn't that great?"

Jenson started struggling to his feet, pulling his shorts up as he went. "Yeah yeah, very funny, look I'll let you keep the video of me for your lonely nights but -" Nathan interrupted again, this time by stepping forward suddenly and stamping his foot down on Jenson's shorts, still stuck at his knees, then shoving him in the chest. The Adonis tumbled back against the locker again and Nathan followed, crouching over him, foot still on his shorts. He reached out and wrapped his hand around Jenson's big juicy balls. Jenson immediately tried to grab Nathan's hand away, but Nathan just squeezed, hard. He covered Jenson's mouth with his free hand, muffling the shouts of pain. After a moment he let go and stepped back. Jenson gasped for breath and tried to compose himself.

"Here is the deal. You have two options. Option 1. I take the video of you and your illicit video of young girls to the police, they arrest you, you are disgraced and sent to prison where your pretty muscle pussy gets passed round as the plaything of whichever gang wants you.

Option 2. I own you." Nathan paused to let that sink in, and took to opportunity to eat up the sight of Jenson naked on the floor, cock still semi hard despite everything. "I have to find Claire's bag. So while I do that go to your office and think it over. If you are ready to be my property wait for me naked on your knees, ready to put those full luscious lips to use. If you've decided you want to go to prison then get dressed, I'll leave and head straight over to the police station on 2nd street. Oh and just in case you get any ideas, I've texted my dad that I am helping you out and have sent myself the videos already." With that Nathan turned and walked back to the first row of lockers. It took him a couple of minutes to find Claire's bag, once he had it he immediately headed for Jenson's office, he had already heard the coach leaving.

At the open door of Jenson's office he was greeted by the sight of the coach fully dressed zipping up his coat.

"Ok Nathan, I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear any of that, because you could get into a lot of trouble ok kid? Now about the video you took of me, that is not something a student should do so I need you to hand your phone over and I will delete it, then we will say no more of it." Jenson was clearly trying to be the mature authoritative coach, keeping his voice low and calm. But Nathan heard the quaver of fear.

He sighed dramatically.

"Well, that is disappointing. But that's what you've chosen. I'll go to the police station now." He turned and walked towards the door, calling back over his shoulder, "Come to think of it Tanya's dad is a cop, if he is on duty you may not live to see prison. Oh well, guess we will find out." He walked in silence for a couple of seconds then...

"Nathan! Come back here." He could hear Jenson following behind.

"Nathan! Nathan stop!" Panic was starting to creep into his voice now. "Nathan don't you dare! Come back!"

His footsteps quickened.

"Nathan please you can't! Please!" All self control was gone now, Jenson's voice was desperate. Nathan opened the door and walked out into the cool night. Jenson rushed through the doors behind him and stepped in front of him, he stopped the young man by grabbing his shoulders.

"Please Nathan, you cannot tell anyone, please I will do anything." There were tears of panic in his eyes.

Nathan instinctively knew this was an important moment, he kept his voice level and cold.

"Get your hands off me, pervert."

He dropped his hands to his sides.

"Please Nathan, don't."

"Strip." Jenson's face froze, he looked around.

"Let's go inside and we can talk."

"Last chance, strip right here and right now or I go to the police." Jenson gulped, looking around at the empty school grounds. He hesitated and Nathan stepped past him. Jenson jumped back in front of the student, tearing his coat off and the T-shirt under it. In seconds he was standing in front of Nathan in nothing but his shoes and socks, hands clasped over his crotch.

Nathan silently eyed him up.

Jenson fidgeted under that cold appraisal.

"Hands at your sides, bitch." Glancing around nervously he complied. Slowly Nathan placed his hands on the coach's huge chest and ran them over his muscular body. He ran one hand down over Jenson's smooth abs to his soft cock, gently caressing the flaccid member then cupping the heavy balls. After a full minute of stroking and caressing his coach's body, cock and balls Nathan suddenly tightened his grip on Jenson's testicles.

"Get on your knees," instinctively Jenson grabbed at Nathan's hand and wrist trying to pull him off. "Let go!" The last was said in a low growl, and Jenson reluctantly complied, returning his hands to his sides, face twitching at the pain.

"Good. Now, get on your knees, tell me you are my bitch, beg me to use you and promise that you will do what I want, when I want from not on. Do that and I won't need to go to the police...for now." Finally he released Jenson's now tender balls, and Jenson immediately dropped to his knees, partly in relief and partly in obedience.

"I am your bitch Nathan, please use me however you want and I promise to always do whatever you want without question. Just, please don't tell anyone about the videos and the cameras."

A triumphant smirk spread across Nathan's face.

"Hand me your clothes and then crawl back in to your office, crawl all the way bitch."

Nathan watched his gorgeous masculine wrestling coach crawl naked through the door and along the corridor to his office. As they went Nathan reached down and slapped Jenson's bubble butt hard, Jenson gasped and looked back, clearly fighting down anger.

"Get used to it bitch, from now on I own you. Keep going." He slapped his ass a few more times on the slow crawl down the hall.

When they reached Jenson's office Nathan had him stand with his hands on his head as he took pictures of him. Even fully flaccid Jenson's cock was an impressive size and Nathan wanted to wrap his lips around it. But not now, tonight he needed to make sure Jenson understood the new hierarchy, and get him used to being punished and abused now, while he was still shaken and panicked so that it would be harder for him to resist later.

He sat in Jenson's comfy desk chair and ordered the muscle god to lie across his lap, ass up and exposed.

Nathan placed his hands on Jenson's fat, shapely ass, squeezing and stroking, kneading the cheeks apart and scraping his fingernails against the virgin hole.

"Here's what is going to happen tonight, first I'm going to explain some ground rules for us going forward, then you are going to lick my balls, I'll fuck your face and you'll swallow my cum. Then we will exchange numbers and you'll drop me home. Understood, bitch?" He emphasised the question with a firm smack to Jenson's ass.

"I don't suck cock. You can touch me up as much as you want but I don't suck cock and no anal." Nathan's hands froze on the pert ass cheeks, he sat there for a few seconds then went back to stroking Jenson's ass in silence. He ran one hand down the coach's leg, round to his inner thigh, then wrapped his fingers around the base of Jenson's ballsack. Slowly, delicately he pulled Jenson's balls out between his legs, tugging the no longer fully flaccid cock out with it. Once he had the balls exposed he tightened his grip on them squeezing and stretching them back as far as they could go, which was much further than was comfortable.

"The first rule is I OWN YOU." He emphasised the last 3 words with sharp slaps to Jenson's exposed balls. Jenson thrashed and shouted in pain, but with his balls held in Nathan's firm grip there was nowhere for him to go as Nathan continued still driving his words in with firm smacks to the increasingly red ballsack. "I will use you how I want when I want, you will not only swallow my cum tonight, you will do it regularly and you will learn to service me like a professional cock sucker, and when I want to I will fuck your muscle pussy and dump my load deep inside you." At the last he stopped punishing Jenson's balls, quickly sucked his own index finger and then forced it into Jenson's tight hole, all the way up to the knuckle. He fingered the warm man pussy, wriggling his finger around inside while still tugging on Jenson's balls. Face pressed to the ground Jenson whimpered and moaned, begging for mercy between sobs. "Do you understand, bitch?"

"Yes, yes you own me! You can use me however you want, I'll swallow your cum, please please have mercy!"

He drove his finger in an extra couple of millimetres then yanked it out, keeping hold of his balls he leant down and pressed his finger against Jenson's lips.

"Clean it bitch." Reluctantly Jenson opened his mouth and sucked the ass juices off the student's finger. When Nathan was satisfied he finally released Jenson's balls. And went back to kneading his big ass.

"Second rule - you call me Sir." Again he spanked his ass hard. "When other people are around you can call me Nathan, but when it is just us and in texts you call me Sir at all times. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir" the tough masculine stud was clearly defeated and dejected.

"Third rule - when I message or call, you reply in a timely and respectful manner. Understood, bitch"

"Yes Sir," he sobbed lightly as he saw his future laid out before him, a future as this kid's sex slave.

"Fourth rule - you will make no effort to escape my ownership, if you do you will be punished and I will go to the police. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir,"

With that Nathan pushed him off his lap, leaving him lying in a heap at his feet for a moment before ordering him to kneel. Once he was kneeling between Nathan's legs Nathan undid his fly and pulled his trousers and underwear down to his ankles, releasing his rock hard 8 inches, precum streaming from the head. He placed a hand on Jenson's head and gently but firmly pulled him in, his other hand pushed down his cock, directing the head to Jenson's lips. At first Jenson kept his mouth closed and Nathan rubbed precum over his coach's mouth. Once he had coated Jenson's lips and cheeks in precum he said simply "open" and finally slid his cock into Jenson's mouth. He held it there, with just the head inside for a moment.

"Lick it, bitch"

Nathan groaned at the feeling of Jenson's tongue running over the head of his cock inside his mouth, slowly he started pushed his head lower, sliding more of his cock inside. Before he even got half way down he reached the back of Jenson's throat, causing him to gag. Lust took him over, he gripped Jenson's head with both hands and began fucking his face roughly. Spit mixed with precum streamed out of his mouth as he gagged violently.

Nathan was 18, inexperienced, wound up and fucking the face of a man he had fantasised about for over a year, although it felt like hours to Jenson, all too quickly Nathan's balls tightened and he shot his load. The first spurt went directly down Jenson's throat, causing renewed gagging which forced his cock out. He grabbed hold of his cock with one hand and held Jenson's head still with the other shooting streams of cum across the older man's face.

When he finished he slumped back, breathing heavily, and holding Jenson in position. After a minute or so Jenson had recovers from his coughing and reached up to wiped his face, Nathan roughly smacked his hand out of the way. He picked his phone up from the desk and order Jenson to take his cock back into his mouth then took a picture of Jenson, who could easily have been a model with his handsome looks, covered in his cum and sucking his cock.

"You are not to clean your face until you get home. Give me your phone. Unlock it."

He added his number with the contact name Sir, and sent himself a text. "Get dressed, don't clean your face. When you get home you will send me a selfie to prove you have not cleaned up until home." When they were both dressed they walked together to Jenson's truck. On the way Nathan had him give his full address. They drove to Nathan's house in relative silence, Jenson too shocked by how his life had turned out and Nathan revelling in his food fortune, which he absentmindedly groped Jenson as he drove. As they turned into Nathan's street he ordered the coach to stop.

"Where is your wallet, bitch?" Jenson pointed to the glove box. Nathan got it out opened it, and pocketed the $45 inside, without a word. Glancing around he confirmed the street was empty then put his hand behind Jenson's head and pulled him in to a rough, possessive kiss while groping his cock.

"Good night bitch, remember two things; to send me that selfie of your cum covered face when you get home. And that I fucking own you!" Grinning from ear to ear he got out of the car and walked the rest of the way home. He made idle small talk with his parents, slipping away as quickly as possible to his bedroom where he lay in bed searching online for ideas of what he could do with his new sex toy.

Half an hour after getting home a picture from Jenson of him standing in front of a mirror, dejected, with dry cum covering his face.

Nathan replied - Good job, bitch, see you tomorrow.

The last think he thought before falling asleep was that he had forgotten to drop off Claire's bag, but he would do that in the morning and then he would have some more fun with Coach Jenson.

Next: Chapter 2

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