Brents Life

By Bret

Published on Feb 28, 2023


This story is a work of erotic fiction involving teenage boys partially based on real people and events. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. This work may not be duplicated in any form, physical, electronic, audio or otherwise without the authors expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. All the usual shit goes, if you're ass shouldn't be sitting here reading this crap, then get the fuck out.

Reminder: Send your thoughts to or ping me one on AIM: bkwriter1978.

Flash Back He was talking pretty low the whole time; I was leaning down a little looking directly at him so I could hear everything he was saying.

"Nic, just forget about all that man, it's over the past is the past and I'm just happy with... I was cut off mid sentence, he had reached up and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down the rest of the way into a vice grip of a lip lock..

Brent's Life - Chapter3

....."oh my god he kissed me" that was the first thing that went through my head, the next was the absolute most stupid thing, "oh my god I can't let him know I'm gay." I jumped up sending Nic to the floor, I started to panic I started to shake and I started to walk towards the door, at that moment the only thing I could think of to do was to get out of there, but at that moment I don't know what stopped me but I turned around and what I saw made my heart break. There was Nic sitting on the floor with his leg drawn up to his chest, his arms holding his legs tight his face totally flushed, tears streaming down his face and his lips were quivering with each inhale of breath he took. I couldn't move one step, I just stood there looking at him, finally he noticed I was still there and he looked me in my eyes.

"Brrrent.I..I..I'm...soooo sorry." He said through his sobs.

"Please don't hate me." He said this almost so low I was just barely able to hear him. He pulled his arms away from his legs and brought his hands to his eyes his legs went out in a "V" shape in front and he started sobbing so hard his whole body started to shake.

"What the fuck am I doing," I thought to myself, "here sits the absolute most adorable boy I had ever laid eyes on, so sweet and caring, so gentile and loving, in the past 3 months I have grown closer to him then any of my other friends, and I'm going to be stupid and walk away, oh fuck no." It took all I hade to let down my defenses but I slowly walked over to him. I had to tell him how I felt, no matter what the cost.

"Nic please stop crying."

"Go away. Please just go." He said almost breathlessly.

"No Nic, not until you look at me and hear what I have to say." I tried to pull his hands away from his face, but he just held on tighter and started sobbing harder.

"Just go Brent, I don't want to hear it, I can't handle feeling any worse, just please promise not to tell any one, please!" He begged through his sobs.

I didn't know what to do, he wouldn't listen he was pushing me away, only one thing to do I guess and that's get right in his face. I stepped over him, one foot on each side of his body and sat down right in between his legs; I wrapped my hands around his body and pulled him in close. This must have startled him because he stopped shacking and he stopped crying. But he still wouldn't pull his hands away from his face.

"Nic you have to listen to me, Nic please I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel this way, please listen to me Nic I'm sorry I was just scared, I didn't know what to do." I said, as tears started to flow slowly down my face.

He still wouldn't look at me or remove his hands, so I leaned in and kissed him, but he didn't kiss back, so I stopped. I just sat there waiting for him to do something to say something, he pulled his hands away from his face and he looked at the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, and then he did something totally unexpected, a wide grin spread across his face. At that moment I didn't know if he was smiling at me because I was sad and it was like some sort of sick payback or if he was smiling because he was happy. Then he leaned in again reaching behind my back pulling me closer this time and he kissed me hard. It wasn't what I expected to feel, I didn't feel a bolt of electricity and I didn't see fireworks like I had expected, like I had read about, but what I did feel I will never forget: It felt as though we were the only two people on the planet, or like I was being lifted to a higher level of existence all my senses heightened but the only thing I could hear feel or see was Nic, his breath his touch his heart beat, it was like the closer we pulled one another the more we melted almost feeling like one person. If this is what the "fireworks" were supposed to imply, I was not disappointed with the show! Finally after about 10 minutes of tonguing the life out of each other we broke apart, he was just staring at me with little tears building up in his eyes, and he was breathing very shallow and again that smile spread across his face, this time I knew it was a smile of happiness.

"We better get cleaned up; my mother should be home in about ten minutes."

"Yeah." Was about all I could say, I was still way too deep in my pleasure zone to get anything else out.

Nic just looked at me and giggled, and then I giggled a little too, we both started to stand up and get ourselves together, when we were both on our feet we kind of stood there for a few moments just looking at each other, then he grabbed me by my hand and walked us up his stairs to the bathroom, he got us both a wash cloth and I started to run some warm water. As we cleaned up we were both looking at each other out of the corner of our eyes giggling every time we caught the other looking, then we heard the door open down stairs.

"Mom is that you." Nic yelled.

"Yes Nic, what are you doing home so early, is Josh with you?" How the fuck did she know who was who, just by his voice!

"No mom, he's still down at the field, Brent's up here with me, where getting cleaned up!"

"Ok honey; when you boys are done, come down and help me get the groceries out of the van!"

"OK mom!"

We kind of went silent for a few seconds looking at each other.

"Hey Nic, I know its Thanksgiving eve and all, but um.. do you think if we got you home early enough tomorrow you could stay the night at my house." His face lit up like the first day I saw him.

"No harm in asking." He said. "Let's get down stairs and help my mom out."

"OK, but can I use your phone first, I want to call my mom and OK everything, before your mom talks to her."

"OK, my bedroom is right there." He pointed. "My phones next to my bed, I'll go start helping mom, you come down when your done." He said leaning in planting another kiss on me, he let go pretty quick and jetted down the steps.

After two rings my mom picked up.

"Hi mom!"

"Hi honey, everything ok?" Just like mom, always worrying.

"Yeah mom, I just wanted to ask you something, I know its Thanksgiving eve and all but I wanted to know if Nic could spend the night tonight, and maybe have some one drop him off around 11 tomorrow?"

"Well what does Meg say?" My mom said asking about Nic's mom.

"She doesn't know, we weren't even going to ask her until I talked to you first, I wanted to know if you were alright with it before we said anything!"

"OK honey, that sounds find, he can come over, call me back and let me know what's going on and ill come over and get you."

"Wicked, thanks mom, I love you, you're the best."

"I love you too honey, talk to you soon."

"Bye mom."


I was down the stairs in a flash and out the door to help bring in what was left, Nic was passing me and he stopped and looked at me kind of with a questioning look, I just gave him a smile a wink and a double thumbs up, and kept waking to the van, grabbed the rest of the groceries slammed the sliding door closed and headed back to the house. When I went in Nic was already talking to his mom about tonight.

"Well Nic I don't want Ann to feel put out by having extra people there while trying to get ready for a holiday."

I Spoke up. "Mrs. Matthews, I already asked my mom, she said it would be ok, and she even said she could drop Nic back off by 11, as far as getting ready for the holiday its not even at our house, so my moms not even making pies this year!"

Nic just beamed at me with his cute smile.

"Well I don't know boys, let me call and talk to Ann and then I'll let you guys know, but for now, let me get all this put away, you guys go up to Nic's room and play, I'll call you down after I have had a chance to call your mother." She said looking at me. She didn't have to tell us twice either, we were up the stairs and lying on Nic's bed with the door closed and locked in a flash.

With our lips locked our hand started to roam over each others bodies, my hands were up his shirt touching all over his smooth back, every now an then I would rub my fingers under the waist band of his underwear brushing just the top of his little bubble butt. He moves away a little bit so he could get his hand in-between us, his went under the front of my shirt and rubbed my stomach then my ribs and finally finding its way to my nipples. The moment his hand brushed over my nipple, I moaned deep in his mouth, that feeling sent waives of pleasure through my body that I didn't even know I could feel. Then his hand slid down my chest down my stomach over my belly button and directly into the gap of my loose pants and under my boxers, and he grabbed right onto my throbbing cock, then his hand moved up and down my shaft, and when he touched my foreskin he suddenly stopped everything and looked in my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not circumcised." That came out more of a statement then a question.

"No I'm not." Feeling a little self conscience I went on. "That's not a problem is it?"

"No actually, Its pretty wicked, I'm not either, same with Josh, our little brother Tyler isn't circumcised either, but I kinda expected you to be, I mean my mom said there's more cut people then uncut people, so I just figured you were cut."

"Sorry to disappoint you." I said with a smile.

"Oh no, that's defiantly not a disappointment, just and unexpected extra bonus!"

"Boy's!" Hs mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs causing Nic to yank his hand from out of my pants and dart for the door to unlock and open it.

"Yeah mom?"

"I just got off the phone with Brent's mother, get some things packed; she'll be here in less then ten minutes."

"Wicked." Nic yelled. "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome honey, now hurry and get your stuff together; she'll be here any time."

He quickly shut the door and jumped right on me planting his lips on mine.

Breathing heavy he said. "Help me get ready?"


He quickly handed me his book bag and told me to empty it out on his bed, while he rummaged through his drawers to find cloths to wear.

"Pack light, you're not going to need much other then a change for tomorrow, you don't even need P. Jay's , I want to feel all of you close to me tonight, I've been dreaming about this for months now." He turned around slowly and I saw tears in his eyes again.

"You really mean that, I mean have you been thinking about me for months?"

I nodded. "Yes, since the first day I saw you."

A tear rolled down his face. "Me to, that's why I was acting so mean to you for those weeks, I didn't know how to deal with what I was feeling for you, after the first day, I came home that night a jerked off thinking about you." He said blushing.

"Don't worry Nic, nothing to be embarrassed about; I did the same thing that night too." One of his huge grins lit up his face again. "Come on Nic, let's get your shit in the bag and get the hell outta here, K?"


We shoved everything in his bag, by the time we got down stairs my mom was already waiting for us talking to Meg.

We said our goodbye's and we were off.

When we arrived we threw Nic's shit in my room and went down for diner. Mom had cooked sauce all day and had made her meatballs and rigatoni, I loved it when momma made her sauce all day, it was the best. See even though I am fair skinned with blond hair and blue eyes I'm almost all Italian. My father is 50% Italian and 50% English mix (German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh), that's where I get my looks, but mom is 100% real deal Italian, and she looks it too, she 4'10.5" tall 105lbs. with deep brown eyes and brown/auburn hair, the auburn highlights came from my grandfather who had auburn hair being a northern Italian.

Diner was awesome, just like I thought! When we were done I told my mom that Nic and I were going up to my room to watch a few movies and then turn in, she asked why so early and I explained to her what happened that day playing in the snow and said we were beat.

"Nic, did you ever tell your mom about what happened today." I asked as we were making our way up to my room.

"No I forgot, I was so excited about coming over here it just spaced it, but don't worry ill tell mom all about it when I get back tomorrow, if josh don't tell her first."

"OK." I mean who could argue with teenage logic.

When we got in my room I pulled out my beanbag chair from the closet and plopped it down in front of my TV and then grabbed a tape and tossed it in the VCR. I sat down on the chair and told Nic to come sit with me, our two little bodies were just perfect for the chair he snuggled right into my side and threw one leg over mine and then passionately kissed me, we broke apart after the opening previews and settled in to watch the movie.

The entire time we had our hands all over each other. By the middle of the movie it was forgotten, we were both sucking each others mouths, and groping each others hard dicks through our Levi's, Nic grabbed for my button and popped it in one quick motion and pulled and my zipper flew down, he now had his hand rubbing my stiff cock through the fabric of my boxers, the feel of his hand touching me and the fabric touching the exposed part of my head was sending shockwaves through my body. I had to do the same to him, I had to feel his dick, I moved my hand up and unbuttoned him in the same fashion he did me, in one swift motion, and placed my hand on the white fabric of his underwear.

"My god Nic, your bigger then me."

"Well maybe just a little longer but not anywhere near as thick."

"I have to see this thing."

He got up and turned around, then he pushed his pants all the way off and stepped out of them , then he took the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, and then bent over exposing his little pink rosebud as he went to take each sock off, then he slowly turned around.

"Nic you're fucking beautiful man."

What I saw amazed me, he was 12 years old with a hard-on that was about 6.5" long with little black pubic hairs starting to grow around his privates, he wasn't all that thick but it looked perfect, and his foreskin was just long enough so it still covered about 75% of his head, it was perfect. No, scratch that, it was HUGE! Well it looked huge on his little body, good lord, if it was that big now how fucking big was he going to be when he turned 14 or 18 for that matter, DAMN.

"Your turn." He said. "I want to see a show to."

I stood up with out any hesitation and turned the other direction and did exactly the same strip show he gave me. But this time he came up behind me and rubbed his finger over my rosebud when I went to take off my sock, I breathed in a short gasp of air when I felt that, it sent shivers of pleasure through my body, he stopped and backed up, and I turned around.

"Brent you are absolutely gorgeous!" I blushed.

"Lets go over to your bed and get under the covers, I want to get comfortable."

"OK." Was my only response.

We crawled into my bed and were on each other instantly, sucking licking and touching each others faces and mouths. At the same time we both went for the others dick, and started stroking lightly, the feeling was intense. Nic pulled away for a moment and then ended up with his face buried in my neck licking and kidding and working his way down to my chest, he slowly ran his tongue along the ridge of my collar bone working his way to the center of my chest, once there his tongue slid right to my nipple.

"OH GOD." I gasped.

But that wasn't his target, he continued down and ran his tongue over my stomach and into my belly button, he swirled his tongue around in there for a few moments. But the next thing he did shocked the hell out of me, he forcefully pulled the skin of my cock down as far as he could and drove his mouth over the entire 6" of my rock hard cock, I almost came instantly the feeling of him working his tongue over my head send tiny shivers through me, then he pulled the skin all the way back up leaving his tongue inside, and slowly moved his tongue around the ridge. Then he grabbed my balls and pulled down lightly, at that moment I lost it, I shot right into his mouth, at first he was a little shocked and then he seemed to relax and started swallowing everything he could get. When I finished my climax and moved up my body and laid on my chest and kissed me, I could taste myself, and it wasn't all that bad.

"Nic that was the best cum I ever had, got I love you."

"I love you too Brent."

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "Boy's are you alright in there..."

******** Chapter 4 coming up soon!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for my warm welcome to nifty, I still can't believe all the positive response I have gotten from every one!

But keep the e mails coming. I want to know what every one thinks of this, good or bad!

Write me:

Or pop me one on AIM: bkwriter1978

Next: Chapter 4

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