Brian and Chris

By Joe Deitch

Published on Jan 5, 2000



This story is a work of fiction. The ideas, views, and feeling do not represent those of the celebrities portrayed within the story. If you are underage, or you are uncomfortable with the idea of two men making love, please leave.

This is my first attempt at writing a story. Any thought, suggestions, or anything, please send me an email at

Thanks for reading, Joe

Now onto the story.

Chapter 2:

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Nick practically screamed at Brian.

"What's wrong with you Nick? He is a fan, our fans are what pay for everything that we have." Brian said evenly.

"Do you like him?"Nick whispered.

"Of course not. Nick, you are the only person that I have ever or will ever love. Look, Chris was really embarrassed, I just think that we should be nice to him. I mean it is his birthday."

"Ok, just as long as you know who you really want." Nick said with a smile. Nick just couldn't believe his luck sometimes. He was dating the most generous, kindest, and not to mention hottest person he had ever met.

"Nick, here he is."

As I walked in the room I was visibly tense.

"Yo, how did you like the concert?" AJ asked me.

"It was really good." I said sheepishly.

"Just really good? Not excellent, or the best show that you have ever seen?" Howie asked with a smile on his face. I just looked down and turned red. Of course I said the wrong thing again. Tonight just isn't my night.

"They are just fucking with you, have a seat." Kevin said.

"Thanks." I felt immensely more comfortable.

"Hey where is Jackie?" Kevin asked.

"Right here." Jackie responded as she walked into the room.

"So what are you guys doing now?" She asked no one in particular.

"I am beat. I am just gonna go back to the hotel and rest. Are you gonna come with me Brian?" Nick asked.

"I think I wanna go out. Hey do you guys wanna go to a club?" Brian offered.

"Sure" Everyone said simultaneously.

"Jackie and Chris, you guys are coming right?" Kevin asked.

"Of course, who could pass up the opportunity to spend the night with the hottest 4 people on the face of the earth." Jackie said before I even had a chance to open my mouth. Everyone started laughing at that comment. I think that Kevin even turned a little red. Could something happen here? I decided to play a little match making with Kevin and Jackie.

We all made our way to the limo, before we all got in I realized that me and Jackie still had our car at the arena.

"Um guys, what should me and Jackie do about our car?" I asked everyone.

"Why don't you follow us in the limo." Kevin said.

"Jackie why don't you and Kevin go in your car in case you lose the limo." I said with a little smile on my face. She looked at me and gave me a look that said that she knew exactly what I was trying to do.

"That's fine with me, is that ok with you Jackie?" Kevin said not looking directly at her.

"Sure, no problem." Jackie responded. The rest of us climbed into the limo. I sat next to Brian who was also seated next to Nick. Across from us was AJ and Howie.

The first half of the ride was pretty quiet no one was really said anything, I thought that everyone was just tired. Nicked looked over at me.

"Are you gay?" Nick asked.

"What??" I said, first of all I was startled because it was so quiet, secondly I was shocked because it was so blunt.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to," Brian said "Nick how could you ask that, we barely even know him."

"I was just curious." Nick said with a smug look on his face.

"Look guys, I hope this doesn't affect anything, but yes I am. Does that matter?" I asked.

"Of course not." Brian, Howie, and AJ said all at the same time.

"Good." I replied a lot more relaxed. "At least that is out of the way. Speaking of which, what celebrities are gay?"

"Matt Damon, Ryan Phillippe." AJ said

"Justin Timberlake." Howie said.

"JC from 'N Sync." Nick said with a knowing look.

"I didn't know JC was, how did you find that out?" Brian asked Nick. Nick hunched down a little in his seat.

"That is just what I heard." Nick responded. Brian looked visibly hurt, I knew that it was an awkward moment, so I had to change the subject.

"So guys, are any of you guys in a relationship at the moment?" I asked attempting to change the subject.

"Nope" AJ and Howie said. I looked over at Nick and Brian for a response.

"I am actually dating someone right now." Nick said.

"I am sure that all of the teenage girls will be heart-broken to hear that" I said smiling.

"You have no idea." AJ mumbled under his breath. I barely understood what he said, but before I had a chance to question it, we were at the hotel. The driver told us that we were here. Nick said goodnight to everyone, so we just waited for Jackie and Kevin to arrive. After a few minutes of waiting we started getting nervous. Brian's cell phone rang.

"Hello" Brian said. After a brief pause he said "Ok, we will go on with out you guys, have fun, and Kevin have fun." I turned to Brian with a knowing smile.

"Let me guess my plan worked, so what are Jackie and Kevin doing instead of going to the club with us?" I asked.

"They are going to grab a bite to eat and then get some coffee. I haven't hear him so happy in such a long time." Brian said. After we decided on what club to go to, we were off. When we arrived at the club, we were let out of the limo at the door. We got into the club with no problems, and they didn't make us pay anything. Inside the club I was surprised to not only see men and women dancing together, but also men dancing with men and women dancing with women.

Brian turned to me and saw that I was a little shocked.

"Chris, this is a club were straight, bisexual, and homosexual people go. We decided to come here so you wouldn't be left out." Brian said. I almost melted right then and there. I couldn't believe that Brian was such a sweetie. "So, do you wanna dance?"

"Sure." I replied. I figured that he meant dancing with other people, I was shocked when he took me by the hand and we danced together. After what seemed like an eternity dancing with Brian, it was time for us to leave. We found AJ with some girl, he told us to just go without him, and that he would be just fine. Then we found Howie hooking up with some guy in the corner of the room. We told him that we were leaving, but he just waived us off.

"So I guess it is just us." Brian said looking straight into my eyes. I felt as though I had died and gone to heaven.

We climbed back into the limo, Brian asked me where we were staying and I told him that we were staying at the same hotel that he was staying at. I explained that acting as if we stayed at another hotel was just a ploy to get Kevin and Jackie in the same car.

The ride back to the hotel was very quiet, neither of us knew exactly what to say to the other person. When we arrived at the hotel, Brian walked me to my room.

"Brian, I had a wonderful night, thanks for the best birthday that I have ever had." I said sincerely.

"Sure, anything for a friend. We don't make to many friends in this business, and I do consider you a friend"

I was speechless, Brian, the guy I had fantasized over for years, was calling me a friend. What happened next, I truly wasn't ready for. I leaned over and kiss me. He suddenly jerked back.

"Oh my god, what have I done." Brian said crying, he ran down the hall.

"Brian wait." I screamed after him.

Sorry that there is no sex in this chapter, but I gotta get the story going first. Chapter 3 is coming soon. Please send any comments to All comments are REALLY appreciated.

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