Brian and Joshua

By lulupower

Published on Dec 26, 1999


Brian and Joshua, written by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story involves 2 guys having sex, so if you're not 18 of if you are offended by that don't read that stuff. As usual, I'm not implying that Joshua Jackson or Brian Littrell are gay, and don't e-mail me thinking that I'm Joshua Jackson, I'm not. I'm just writing the story from his point of view.

Author's note: Hey everyone, here's the 3rd part! (I don't have anything to say, weird huh?) Oh by the way, sorry for the delay, I had my finals and I had to study...


"Hey guys..." he said in a shy tone. "Hmmm Bri, I just got home and mom told me about the engadgement. Congratulations little bro!" Brian let go of me, and hugged his older brother. I heard a sniffle; Harold had tears in his eyes. "I'm very proud of you Bri. I'm glad you found the right guy." he said. "I hope you find the right guy soon too..." Brian answered. I raised my eyebrows. Harold was gay too? Brian looked at me. "Yeah, he's gay too...Mom and dad doesn't know though. When they know they'll ask thmselves what they've done wrong." he laughed. "Yeah, I'm planning on telling them soon." Harold said with pride. "Cool Harold, well now, excuse my rudeness but I want to spend a little time with my boyfriend here if you don't mind." Brian said with a little grin. Harold smiled too and nudged Brian in the ribs. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do...Goodnight Bri, goodnight Joshua." "Goodnight Harold" we said in unisson. He closed the door behind him. Brian threw his arms back around my neck. "Now where were we?" he asked. "Here, I think" I said, kissing him more lightly. Then I yawned. You try to yawn and kiss at the same time... Brian bursted out laughing. "Are you tired babe?" he asked. "Yeah, I think I am." He released me, and then we went to bed. Brian looked at me and smiled. "I love you Joshua." He said in a low tone. I smiled. "I love you too Brian." I snuggled up to Brian and closed my eyes. The next morning, the smell of freshly baked pancakes woke me up. Brian was still asleep beside me. I softly kissed his neck and whispered "Brian, time to get up..." He didn't make a move. I kissed him again, gently biting his earlobe. He stirred, but didn't wake up, so I kissed my way down to his chest and his belly. He was still asleep. So I climbed up on him and, kissing his neck, I grabbed his cock softly and started to jack him off. His eyes remained shut but he moaned, showing he was awake. I went on with the little jack off session a little while longer, until he silently came between us. "Nice way to wake up babe...thanks." I kissed him on the lips. "My pleasure Bri" I smiled. We kissed again, and then Brian got up. "Mmmmm, I smell pancakes!"he said happily. "Yeah, I think your mom is cooking for us. Shall we head downstairs?" I asked. "Uh, no, let her wait, we wanna grab a shower, don't we?" He said, his eyes pleading me to say yes. I laughed, and nodded. Then I got up. "I don't want my mom to know that we're gonna shower together." He peered outside. "No one in sight. Hurry up!" he whispered. We tiptoed to the bathroom, and when I reached the door to close it, we heard "Hurry up in the shower guys, the pancakes are almost ready." Brian blushed and closed the door. I was almost rolling on the floor laughing. "Man we really can't hide ourselves!" I said. Brian looked at me and smiled. "I don't know what you've done to them but my mom really isn't normal. Usually she'd freak when I just talk about the fact that maybe someday in my life I'd have sex, and now she let me take a shower with you. I don't understand." he said, stripping. I smiled and stripped too. "I'm SO adorable, they can't resist me..." Brian gave me a weird look and turned on the shower. "Yeah right." He said. "What was that supposed to mean Brian Thomas Littrell?" I said, playfully slapping his ass. "Oh man you're so going to get some!" He said. "I hope so..."I said in an erotic voice stepping in the shower. Brian blushed and joined me. I started to kiss his neck, then his shoulders, then his chest. "We...we can't do that...Oh Joshua...We can't do that here" He moaned, throwind his head back as I gently bit his left nipple. I gave his balls a squeeze, and he started to play with my hairs. Then I stopped. Brian groaned in frustration. "Why are you stopping?" He asked. "We can't do that here"I said, smiling and grabbibg the soap. "I'll have my revenge Joshua. Just wait..." he said. We finished showering, then toweled ourself, and headed back to Brian's room to get dressed. Brian turned his back to me to look in his closet. He dropped his towel, and I found myself staring at his fine, round ass. He didn't move, but said "Take a picture, it lasts longer" in a monotone, grabbing some boxers and put them on. I laughed, and got dressed too. A few minutes later, we headed downstairs. "It was about time guys!" His mom said, placing a plate full of pancakes on the table. "Here, enjoy." she said, smiling. We thanked her and sat down. Brian said a quick prayer, and then he jumped on the food. I laughed. "What?" he asked, his mouth filled with food. "You did eat yesterday, didn't you?" He looked puzzled. "Yeah, why?" "Because it looks like you haven't eaten for weeks." I said. His mom laughed. "He's always like that when he comes home. I think he misses my cooking. " She whispered. I laughed, and Brian nodded. "Mom you don't know how I miss your cooking. Can you imagine that 80% of the time I'm stuck to eat McDonalds or some Joshua's cooking? Ewwww..." He said. I smiled. "Don't listen to him Jackie, he's lying. He just loves my cooking. I'm so good in heating great dishes, like frozen spaghetti, or frozen chicken, or frozen rice..." I laughed, soon joined by Brian and Jackie. When we were done with the pancakes and the dishes, Jackie excused herself. "I have some laundry to do in the basement." She said. Brian pulled me in a tight embrace and kissed me square on the lips. "I love you Joshua." he said with a grin. "And I LOVE your frozen chicken" he laughed. I slapped his ass and laughed too. "That was mean! I know you'd die for a piece of my cooking." "Yeah...I'd die for some sausage a la Joshua..." he said sexily. I sighed. "Didn't you have enough this morning?" I said laughing. "I never get enough of you baby." he said kissing me again. I smiled. "Wanna go shopping?" He asked all of the sudden. "Oh, not again? We shopped for hours on monday!" I said. "Yeah but Christmas is coming soon...I have to buy gifts for everyone..." he said pleadingly. I sighed and gave up. "Okay...but we have to be back here soon. I'm not in the mood to get mobbed all afternoon." I said. "Cool!" he said happily. "MOM? CAN I BORROW YOUR CAR? JOSHUA AND I ARE GOING TO THE MALL AND WE NEED A RIDE..." he yelled. "OK, BUT BE BACK AT 4 BECAUSE MAMAW AND ENA ARE COMING OVER TO SEE YOU TONIGHT." Jackie yelled back. "THANX MOM!" He grabbed his coat, handed me mine, grabbed the keys and we headed to the mall. He parked the car not too far, and grabbed my hand as soon as he could. Instinctively, I let go of it when we reached the door. "What's the matter?" Brian asked with a hurt look on his face. "Oh, sorry..." I said, taking back his hand in mine. He smiled and walked slowly towards Abercrombie & fitch (again...) "What do you want in that store? You bought for over 200$ last time!" I said. "Well I want a shirt or something for AJ." he answered. "What are you planning to buy for the other guys?" I asked. "Hmm probably a watch for Kevin, CD's for Nick and a book for Howie. And I already bought gifts for mom, dad and Harold. So I only have 5 gifts to buy." "5?" I said, puzzled. "Yeah, well I have to buy my boyfriend a gift..." he said with a smile. "Oh Brian you know you don't have to. Only having you is..." "Enough for you? I don't wanna hear that one. I am going to buy you something for Christmas wether you want it or not." he said sternly. "And you," he asked "What are you going to buy?" "Hmmm, I don't know. I only have your gift to buy so it's no big deal." I said. Brian gave my hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry that you and your parents aren't in good terms..." he said. "Yeah well tehy don't want a gay son, so it's their loss, cause I don't care anymore." I sighed. "Don't say that Joshua. They are your parents and you..." he was cut off by a 6-8 years old shy little girl. "Excuse me sir...Are you Brian of the Backstreet Boys?" she asked with a little voice. "Yeah, that's me. What's your name?" he asked, kneeling beside her. "Ashley. Can I have your autograph?" she asked, blushing. "Of course!" Brian said happily. The little girl handed him a pen and a piece of paper. Brian wrote "To Ashley, with love, Brian Littrellxxx" and gave the little girl a kiss on the cheek. Ashley whispered something in Brian's ear. Brian laughed and nodded. Then he whispered back something to the little girl, who looked amazed for a few seconds, then smiled. "Thank you for the autograph sir." The little Ashley said. "You can call me Brian. And it was a pleasure for me to talk to you." Brian answered. The little girl ran away screaming "Mom! Mom! It was Brian!!!" Brian and I laughed. "What did the girl whisper in your ear?" I asked curiously. "She asked me if you were my boyfriend." he said, smiling. "And what did YOU whisper to her?" "That we were going to get married." he said, smiling even more. I smiled back. "You are wonderful with kids Brian. I can't wait for us to have kids too." I sighed. Brian patted me on the back. "Don't worry babe, we'll have some one day. But for now, why don't you go grab a cup of coffee?" he said with a smile. "Awww, you're going to get my gift! Well let's meet at Timothy's in half an hour so I can get YOUR gift too..." I said, grinning. Brian nodded, looked at his watch and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "See you later Josh." he said. "Yeah. Bye!" I answered. We walked in opposites directions and I started to wonder what I would buy. I knew he loved perfumes, and he had lots of them, but he only wore "Safari" from Ralph Lauren, so I decided that I should buy something else. " Ok let's see..." I said to myself. I sat on a bench and I thought for a moment. Then I had an idea. I got up and walked towards the jewelery store. When I reached the door, I saw Brian with a girl, talking over a counter, looking at some jewels. I smiled, went to the store just in front of that one and waited for Brian to come out. When he finally did, I almost ran to the store and bought what I wanted, since I had had more time to think about what I wanted. It was a gold bracelet with a tiny charm in the form of a J. I walked as fast as I could towards the Timothy's and joined Brian at a table. "Sorry if I'm late babe, I had a little problem going on." I said. Then I ordered a coffee too. "What was your problem?" Brian asked kindly. "Well I'm not gonna tell you before Christmas." I said with a smile. "Why?" Brian whined. I lauhed at his childish manners. "Because, and don't try to whine or cry or yell, I'm not gonna tell anything" I said sternly. Brian pouted. "And don't pout. It doesn't fit you well..." I laughed. He stuck out his tongue, but laughed " I saidtoo. Then we heard another laugh. I turned my head to see where it was from: there were two guys pointing at us, laughing out loud. I looked at Brian, and he gave me a weird look. "Are they pointing at us?" he whispered. I nodded. He got up and walked towards them. They laughed even harder. "What's with the laugh guys?" The guys looked at him like he was a bug or something and the tallest one said "Well you are the faggot from the Backstreet boys, sitting in a restaurant with you cute boyfriend. It's funny isn't it?" he said sarcastically. Brian was in shock. "What?" he said. "You heard me you little faggot. Now get out of my view." the other one said. Brian shot them a killer look and walked away. He grabbed his things on the table and motionned me to come with him. I stood up and walked away with him. Once in the car, Brian sighed. I put my hand on his to comfort him, but then my cell phone rang. I reached for it and pressed the send button. "Hello, Joshua's speaking..."I said. "Hi Joshua." the voice said. "Dad?"


So, what did you guys think? Please e-mail me at c-ya later!

Next: Chapter 4: Brian and Joshua 4 5

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