Brian and Joshua

By lulupower

Published on Dec 29, 1999


Brian and Joshua, written by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story involves male-male sex, so if you're not 18, or you are offended by that, don't read it and leave. (Why the hell does straight people offended by male-male sex come here anyway??) I'm not implying that Brian Littrell of Joshua Jackson are gay, and this story is purely fictional, yada, yada, yada

Author's note: Hey everyone! I might as well say "Is there someone?" from the number of e-mails I got...I don't know what it is like where you guys are, but is it THAT expensive to e-mail someone??? anyways, for those few of you that e-mailed me, THANX! I appreciate it. Anyways, no more talking, here's the 4th and the 5th parts.


"Dad?" I said in a shocked tone. "Hmmm yeah... I've been trying to get a hold of you at your appartment yesterday but there was no answer." he said. I sighed. "What do you want?" I said. "Uh...Am I disturbing you? You sound like you're in a rush or something..." he said. "I'm not in a rush, I want to know why you jump into my life 6 months after throwing me out of the family." I said in spite. He sighed, and remained silent for a few seconds. "I'm sorry Josh. I..I just couldn't imagine that I had a gay son. It's like all the dreams I had about you having kids, and a wife and...It was all gone in a second. But you are my son. I had no right to throw you out like that. When I saw you on TV yesterday with Brian I couldn't stand myself. I cried all night... You... you two looked so cute together..." he said with emotion. I had tears in my eyes but I tried to stay calm. "I accept your apologies dad." I said softly. He sighed loudly, and I could tell he was smiling. "How about you come over tomorrow for dinner?" he asked. "I can't. I'm in Kentucky right now, I'm staying with Brian's family for a few days before the tour starts again." I said. "Oh...Well you will come over for Christmas right?" he asked. "Hmm yeah, sure I will." I said. "Be sure to bring that boyfriend of yours so we can meet the man of our son's life." I smiled. I made few talk with my dad, then I hung up and looked at Brian. He had a major puzzled look on his face. "What was that about???" he asked. "It was my dad." I said matter-of-factly. "Yeah, I know. What did he want?" "Well...He wanted to apology for throwing me out of the family. He said that I was his son and that he loved me and..." I stopped talking, overwhelmed with emotion. Brian hugged me tightly. "That's great babe. I'm glad things are fine now." he said in a soothing tone. "Yeah. Oh, he asked us to come over for Christmas. Do you think your mom will mind if you're not there?" I asked. "No, she'll understand. Is it okay if I explain the situation to her?" he said, pulling out of the parking lot. "Yeah, it's fine. Man I can't believe it...I'm so happy!" I said. Brian patted my knee. A few minutes later, we entered his house. "Hey mom!" he shouted. No answer. "Mom?" he shouted again. He frowned. "I wonder where she is..." Then I saw a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. "Here, she left a message: Guys, our guests showed up a little earlier than I thought, so we're gone for a walk. We'll be back aroud 5, Jackie. She even left 3 kisses" I said, smiling. Brian smiled back. "I wonder what we are going to do...We have about an hour left bafore they come back." He said in a sexy tone. My smile grew wider as I followed him to his bedroom. He layed down on his bed and motionned me to join him. I jumped on him and started to undo his shirt. I stopped to look at his muscular chest. "Like what you see?" he asked with a smile. "Love it!" I said, leaning down to kiss him. I started to grind my hips with his, and to unbuckle his pants. I got rid of them in less than a second, then I pulled down his boxers. "Whoa, somebody is a little bit too dressed here" Brian said as I throwed his boxers on the opposite wall. "I'll let you take care of that." I said. He undid my belt, pulled down my pants and my boxers in one quick movement, then he took off my shirt and my socks. "Better now?" I asked. "Wayyyyyyyy better!" He said, then he kissed me. He kissed his way down my neck, then my chest, then he reached his goal, my throbbing cock glistening with a little drop of precum on the tip. When he took it in his mouth I was overwhelmed with pleasure and bliss, and I started to moan and groan. Within five minutes I was cumming in his mouth. Brian didn't let me recover from my orgasm and kissed me again, letting me taste my own cum. Then he motionned me to roll on my stomach. I did so, and I felt the tip of his dick poking in my ass. He pushed a little harder, and soon his balls were resting on my ass cheeks. Then he started to withdraw his cock slowly, and then he pushed it back in, and he started to build a good rythm. A few minutes later, despite the intensity of my previous orgasm, we both came. Brian withdrew his cock from my ass and rolled on my side. I snuggled against him and kissed his chest. "Mmmm, that was great Brian." I said, closing my eyes. "I noticed. I love you Joshua."He said in a low voice. "I love you too." I answered, slowly drifting to sleep. "Joshua, don't fall asleep, my mom, Harold my grandmothers will come back in a few minutes." Brian whispered. I sighed. "How long do we have?" I asked. "About half an hour..." "Half an hour? Man it's still early... why don't we head downstairs and grab a mug of coffee? I'm freezing." I said, snuggling closer to Brian. "Ok, let's go." We let go of each other and got dressed. Brian handed me a cup of mocha coffee. "Thanx baby!" I said with a smile. "Are you still cold?" he asked me with concern. "Yeah, a little." I answered softly. "I'll lit a fire in the living room downstairs, ok?" "Ok." I followed him in the basement, and he lit a fire. We both sat on the carpet in front it, and I snuggled close to Brian. "Mmmm, I could get used to that" I said, taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah, me too. Too bad we can't do that everyday, uh?" he said, smiling. "Yeah...Why don't we put in a hearth in our future house?" I asked. "Futurer house? We never talked about a house..." Brian said with surprise. "Well...we've been together for 3 years, we're gonna get married...I thought it'd be great if you had a house to carry me in when we get married." I said with a slight smile. Brian laughed. "Yeah right, like YOU were going to be the bride...I am going to be carried in a house by you." He said. "Oh is that how it works? You're the oldest so you get to be carried? No, dear, I'm the youngest here, YOU will carry me, period." I said sternly, then smiled. "We sound like an old married couple already" I added. "Anyways, I keep saying that I'm 5 years older than you, so I should decide wether I'm the carried one or not. "Oh come on Brian...No offense but you are a lot heavier than I am..." I said, smiling again. "Oh yeah! I'm what 5'6 and you are 6'1, and I should weight more than you do? No way." Brian said. "You know what? We'll just come home hand-in-hand and everything will be fine. Ok?" "Ok." "GUYS? ARE YOU DOWN THERE???" a voice yelled. "YEAH MOM WE'RE HERE!" Brian shouted back. "ARE YOU NAKED?" another voice said. Brian laughed. "NO GRANDMA, SORRY" "THEN GET YOUR BUTTS HERE, I WANNA MEET YOUR BOYFRIEND!" a third voice shouted. We both laughed,then we ran upstairs. The 3 women were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking tea. The oldest one came by me and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Harold's mother, Brian's grandmother. I'm pleased to meet you Joshua." she said, shaking my hand. "Yeah, me too m'am" I said. Then the other one came by and extended her hand too. "I'm Jackie's mother. Pleased to meet you young man." she said. "Me too m'am." I repeated. Then we all sat at the table and started talking. Brian's mom started to tell us what stupid things Brian did when he was younger. It was very funny, and Brian was redder than red. At about 10, everyone said their goodbyes and Brian and I headed to bed. "So, how did you like my grandmothers?" Brian asked me once we were naked and in bed, his head resting on my chest. "They are great. Very nice." I said with a smile. "Yeah, they are." he said. "Now if you don't mind I'd like to sleep baby. I'm dead tired." I yawned. "Ok." Brian lifted his head and kissed me. "Goodnight Joshua." he whispered. "Goodnight Brian. I love you." I whispered back. "I love you too."


It was tuesday November 24th in the afternoon. We were at the airport, and Brian and the guys were leaving for three weeks. We were in a secluded area, with no one around, so we could hug and kiss each other. I was in Brian's arms, crying softly. He had tears in his eyes too, but I knew he was trying to be the strong one. "I'm gonna miss you Brian...I miss you already." I said, sniffling. "I'm gonna miss you too babe. You will call me everyday, right?" he asked. "Yeah I will." I said, inhaling deeply his scent. "I have to go now Josh." "I don't want you to leave Bri..." I cried. "Shhhh, don't cry baby. I'm gonna call you when the plane lands, ok?" ha said in a soothing tone. "Ok. Take care of you, ok? I don't want to see you sick in three weeks. And don't go clubbing too much. And be careful." I said, wiping my tears. "You sound like my mom!" Brian laughed. "Well that goes for you too. Don't leave the oven on all night. Don't run in the stairs. Don't stay up too late. And don't microwave popcorn twice cuz it'll burn." He said. "Yes dad. Oh, one more request." "What is it?" "Don't check out cute guys!" I laughed with tears in my eyes. "No one is as cute as you are Joshua. I have to leave now. I love you!" He shouted, running towards the gate and blowing me kisses."I love you too..." I whispered. I sighed and walked to the exit. Later that day, I was going to warm up some chicken when the phone rang. I reached for it. "Hello?" I said. "Hey there Baby." The voice said. "Brian! Your plane has landed?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm at the hotel right now, we're going to eat in a few." he said. "What time is it in Frankfurt?" "It's..." He was looking at the clock I guess. "...noon. I was just calling to let you know I was still alive" He laughed. "I have to go, the guys are waiting for me in the lobby." He said. "Ok, well tell them I say hi!" I said. "I can't do that, I told Kevin I had forgotten my wallet, but in fact I was coming to call you..." He admitted. I laughed. "Ok then. Have fun baby. I love you." "I love you too. Bye!" He hung up. I placed the phone on the counter and breathed slowly to prevent me from crying. These 3 weeks were going to be so long...That night I finally fell asleep at about 3 in the morning, after hours of crying and thinking about Brian. The next morning I woke up around 9. I headed to the bathroom, took a shower and shaved. "I wonder what Brian is doing..." I said to myself.

In the meantime, in Frankfurt... It was 3 in the afternoon and Brian was sick tired of rehearsals. He missed Joshua and all he could think of was him. "Ok, you guys are done." Fatima yelled over the music. Brian sighed in relief, and everyone else cheered. Nick came over to Brian. "You ok Rok? You look tired as hell." he said, putting his hand on Brian's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine Nick." He said, sighing again. "You miss Joshua, don't you?" Nick asked as they walked to their dressing room. Brian closed the door behind him and looked at Nick. He had tears in his eyes. "I don't know if I can make it Nick. I miss him too much, I'm dying here..." He said, the tears falling freely on his cheeks. Nick hugged him. "Why don't you call him? You'll feel way better after it, and you'll be able to get through the day." Nick suggested. "Yeah, well he's probably still sleeping, so I'll wait a little while" Brian said while Nick released him. "Do you want to do something with me tonight? We have the evening free, so we could catch a movie and eat popcorn know...hang out..." Nick said shyly. "Yeah, sure, why not." Brian answered, stripping down to his boxers, then throwing on some clean clothes. Nick did the same, then they joined the other guys in the bus that leaded them to the hotel.

Back at Brian and Joshua's... About half an hour later, I had eaten, and done the dishes. I had nothing left to do. I knew Brian was supposed to be in rehearsals until about 11, so I couldn't call him yet. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels and on NBC ther was a commercial of the press conference we had, saying it would play a few minutes later, so I decided to watch that. My eyes were filled up with tears, but I had a smile on my face, as I watched us saying that we were in love with each other. I saw Brian looking at me with loving eyes, and I couldn't take it, I broke down crying. At the same moment the phone rang. I wiped my tears and picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Good morning sunshine!" The voice said. "Brian!" I shouted with joy. "Did I wake you up? You sound weird." Brian asked, worried. "No, I was actually watching the press conference, and I..." I didn't finish my sentence. "You were crying?" "Yeah..." I admitted. "oh...So it's as bas as here at home?" he asked. "What do you mean?" "I have been crying a lot too. I miss you Joshua I just can't stand it."he said with emotion. "I miss you so much too! I can't wait for you to come back Brian." I said, my eyes filling up with tears again. "I know." We remained silent for a few seconds, then Brian sniffled. "Stop crying Bri, it'll be ok. Trust me, ok?" I said, trying to be strong. "Ok." "So, what are you going to do tonight? You have a free evening, right?" I asked "Yeah, we do. I'm gonna spend the evening with Nick in his hotel room. We're gonna watch a movie and eat popcorn and's gonna be rather cool, considering the fact that you're not going to be there..." He said. I knew he was smiling. "Yeah, well...I'm essential!" I laughed. "Yeah. And you, what are you going to do tonight?" "Well I'll probably play with myself or something like that..." I said, smiling. " little pervert!" He laughed. "No, I will just hang around here, you know, doing nothing. I will probably finish to read the script of a movie I recieved and listen to one of your CD." I said. "Ok." Brian said. "Uh, Bri? Can I wear your Kentucky sweater? It still smells like you..." I asked in a shy tone. He laughed. "Yeah, of course." Then I heard some music. "What's that Bri?" I asked. "It's a song I listened yesterday in the plane. I listened to only that song. 7 hours long..." he said. "What is it?" I asked. Instead of telling me what it was, he started to sing along.

I would give up everything

Before I'd separate

Myself from you

After so much suffering

I finally found unvarnished truth

I was all by myself

For the longest time

So cold inside

And the hurt from the heartache

Would not subside

I felt like dying

Until you saved my life

I recognised the song and smiled. Brian continued to sing.

Thank God I found you

I was lost without you

My every wish and every dream

Somehow became reality

When you brought the sunlight

Completed my whole life

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude

My baby I'm so thankful

I found you

I will give you everything

There's nothing in this world

I wouldn't do

To insure your happiness

I cherish every part of you

'Cause without you beside me

I can't survive

Don't want to try

You're keeping me warm

Each and every night

I'll be alright

Because I need you in my life

I started to sing with Brian.

Thank God I found you

I was lost without you

My every wish and every dream

Somehow became reality

When you brought the sunlight

Completed my whole life

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude

'Cause baby I'm so thankful

I found you

I stopped singing, first because I didn't knew the words, and because I was too overwhelmed with emotions to talk.

See I was so desolate

Before you came to me

Looking back I guess

It shows that we were

Destined to shine

After the rain, to appreciate

The gift of what we have

And I'd go through it all over again

To be able to feel this way

Brian stopped. I was crying, and he was too. "I love you Brian." I said. "I love you too Josh. I miss you..." He said. I heard him sniffle, then there was a strange noise. "What was that Brian?" I asked. "There's someone at the door. Hold on." He put down the phone, and I could hear him walk, then open the door. I heard him talking, and I recognised Nick's voice. Brian picked up the phone. "I'm back. Uh, listen Josh, Nick wants to go site seeing a little. Do you mind if I call you back later? It'll be at about uh...6 in your time." He said. "No, I don't mind. I'm gonna do some cleaning in here, and maybe I'll go for a little walk around here." I said. "Ok, well enjoy yourself baby. I love you." He said. "I can't wait to see you Joshua!" I heard Nick yell in the background. Brian and I laughed. "Yeah, tell him I do too." I said.Brian told him. "Well, I have to go babe. C-ya later." he said. "Yeah. I love you Bri." I said. "I love you too. Bye." He hung up. I sighed, and placed the phone back on the table. As I told Brian, I started to clean the living room (there were socks and old dirty dishes everywhere...yuck!)and I put on the 3rd Bsb cd. When the perfect fan finished, I was done. I sighed loudly and decided to go for that walk I told Brian about. I took my cell phone with me, in case Brian called, and went out.

IN THE MEANTINME, IN FRANKFURT... "Hmm, Nick, I'm tired, why don't we head back to the hotel?" Brian whined. "Yeah, so you can call your dear Joshua?" Nick smiled. Brian blushed and smiled shyly. "Hey, it's ok man. I miss Mandy too." Nick said. "Yeah, but you don't call her every 2 hours because you miss her too much." Brian said. "Brian, you don't know half of it. We're not roomate anymore, so you don't know that I call her everynight, and we talk for about 3 hours, and I call her first thing in the morning, then we talk for about 2 hours. So I'm as bad as you are!" Nick laughed. "Five hours a day? Man you are hopeless." Brian laughed also. "Yeah well what can I say? I'm in love!" Nick said with dreamy eyes. "Yeah, I can tell. You've grown up a lot since you met her. Do you think that she's the one?" Brian asked. "I think she is. I mean I've had lots of girlfriends before, and everytime I thought that I was in love. Now I can tall that it was just flings. Mandy's different. I really love her. We...we even made love." Nick admitted shyly. "Really? Man that's great!" Brian said, hugging Nick. By then they were about to enter the hotel. "Hmm Bri, you have sex with Joshua right?" Nick asked as they called the elevator. "Yeah. We've been together for 3 years so we have sex pretty often if you wanna know..." Brian laughed. Nick laughed too, but soon stopped. "Bri, am I normal? I mean I'm not planning on getting married soon with Mandy but I feel like it's right for us to have sex. Is it?" Nick asked. "If you both think that it's right, then it is. You waited what, a year?" "Yeah, a year and 2 months." Nick answered. "Well I think that you dod the right thing Nick. She was ready too right?" Brian asked. "Yeah, you know that I'd never do that to someone. Anyway it was my firt time too, so it wasn't hard for me to wait. And I love her enough that even if she had told me that she wanted to wait for me to leave the Backstreet boys, something I'd never do, I would have waited. It's not that I didn't have desire for her, it's just that it wasn't essential." Nick said wisely. "Wow, you sure have grown a lot Nicky. I am proud of you." Brian said, pinching Nick's ass as he always did. Nick laughed. "You really are proud of me?" he asked with a little voice, as they entered Brian's room. "Yeah, of course I am. I've always been. You're like my little bro!" Brian said. "Oh, Bri you don't know how you make me happy. I always wanted you to be proud of me, since the first day I met you. You are a model for me and..." he hugged Brian tightly. "I love you Bri. I mean, not like you love Joshua or like I love Mandy but I love you Bri." he said. "I understand Nick. I love you too." Brian said. They released each others and smiled. "Umm, Nick, don't you have to call Mandy before we start the movie? I'm gonna call Joshua." Brian said. "Yeah. I'll meet you here in uh...2 hours so we can watch that movie?" Nick asked. "Yeah, 2 hours is ok. You can rent the movie on my bill, and choose it too." Brian said. "Thanx Bri. 'Later!"

BACK TO JOSHUA... Driiing...Driiing...Drii "Hello?" I said. I couldn't find my cell phone in my bag. "Hey baby. Am I disturbing you?" Brian asked me. "Yeah, I was almost cumming" I joked. Brian made gagging noises. We laughed. "So, how was your site seeing with Nick?" I asked, heading back home. "It was great. We talked a lot about serious stuff. It was cool." He said. "Can I ask you what kind of serious stuff you were talking about?" I asked. "Well nick told me that he had sex for the first time." Brian said. "With Mandy?" "Yeah. He's totally in love with her. It's so cute to hear him talk about her...And he asked me if having sex before even planning to get married was right. I couldn't really tell him that it was wrong, if you know what I mean..." he laughed. I laughed too. Then I stopped. "Brian, I miss you. I...I feel like I'm not complete here." I felt the tears coming to my eyes, as I jiggled with the key to enter our appartment. "I feel that way too baby." Brian sighed. "Do you believe in the soulmate things, you know that everyone is just half something, and that there is another half meant just for you somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah, I do." Brian said. Do you think we are soulmates?" "I know we are. Otherwise, why would I love you that much?" he said. "Yeah, you're probably right. Well then why are we separated? If we're soulmates, we're supposed to be together forever. Not apart." I cried softly. "Joshua, God has some strange wills. There is always a reason for everything He does for us. Maybe it's to make our love stronger, maybe it's to see if we're able to stay away from each other and not do some stupid things like cheating on each other...I don't know." Brian said. "Yeah. Well what I know is that I miss you so much that I'm gonna tell the crew of Dawson's creek that I'm leaving and I'm gonna join you on tour." I said. "No, Joshua don't do that. As much as I'd love to have you here with me, I know you'd regret it. You love acting and you'd be miserable without it. Don't do that." Brian pleaded me. "Brian I can't go on like that. If I'd be miserable without acting, right now I'm miserable without you." I pointed out. "Baby, we've been apart before now, why are you taking it so hard this time?" Brian asked. "I don't know. The other times I could visit you every week, but not now. And we were not engaged. and... Ah, hold on, the real phone is ringing." I said. I put down my cell phone on the table and picked up the real phone. "Hello, Joshua's speaking." "Hi Joshua, it's Kevin from dawson's creek. Listen, Katie Holmes is very sick. She has a bad case of the flu and she can't come to the shootings this week. So because it's Christmas soon, we're gonna be delaying the start of the shoots to January 3rd." he said. "What about the season season premiere on january 2nd?" I asked. "Well it's gonna be delayed too. Your contracts says that you can't work during holidays, so we'll just have to do with it. Is everything ok with you?" he asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. Hmm, see ya later Kevin." I said. "Yeah, 'later Joshua." I hung up in a hurry and ran to my cell phone. "Brian? You still there?" I asked. "Yeah, of course I am." he answered. "Wait for me, I'm taking the first plane to Frankfurt." I said happily. "What? Why?" He asked with fear. "Katie is sick, she has the flu. So the shootings will start on January 3rd!" I said. "Really? Oh baby that's wonderful!" Brian said with joy. "Listen, I'm gonna call the airport and take you a plane ticket for tomorrow morning, so you have time to pack your stuff." He said. "Ok. Thanx baby, you're a real sweetheart." I said. "Yeah, I know. I'll call you in a few minutes to tell you at what time your plane leaves, ok?" "Ok. I love you Brian." I said lovingly. "I love you too baby. 'later!" he said, hanging up. I was practically jumping in the living room. I was going to see Brian!


So, what did you guys think? Please e-mail me for comments, questions, or anything you wanna talk about :P C-ya!

Next: Chapter 5

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