Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 3, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 46) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and forewarn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 46th story!!! (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going). It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They has a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for inspiring me, with his great storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through some of the stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some of the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And finally, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a great writer. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me get through this instalemnt of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brain's eyes fluttered open to the bright light of the day. Brian winked his eyes a couple of time before letting them open fully. He adjusted his eyes to the light, placing his arm over his face. He groaned softly and stretched in the bed. He remembered that he and Justin had went straight to bed the night before, still dealing with the complications of that night. Brian pulled the covers away slowly and rolled out of the bed. He stretched again and looked down at the bed. The spot that once held Justin's body was now empty. Brian looked around in astonishment. He was confussed as to where Justin would be so early in the morning. Brian gazed to the night stand and saw the alarm clock read 6:00 A.M. He rubbed his hands through his hair and wiped his mouth gently. Brian looked towards the balcony and saw the door was open. 'Maybe he's out there?' Brian thought as he walked towards the balcony. Brian walked outside and looked at the dim lit city. The sun was providing the light for the great area of New York. Brian took a deep breath in, sucking in the cool breeze of the morning. He coughed sorely and placed his handson the railing. "It's rather beautiful out here, isn't it?" Justin asked. Brian looked behind him and saw Justin lounging in the chair on the balcony.

Brian nodded and knelt in front of Justin. "I thought you had already left." Brian whispered as he grabbed Justin's warm hands. Justin sat in his Tommy boxers and Brian's large Kentucky sweatshirt. "I wouldn't go anywhere without you. I got a phone call from Kevin, he says we have to get on the bus and head to rehearsals and final wardrobe check at noon. Then we come back here to pack, so we can leave right after the show." Justin responded softly. "You really like this shirt, don't you?" Brian asked as he rubbed over the soft material. "Yeah, I do. It makes me feel safe and I can still smeel your body in it." Justin smiled as he snuggled in the shirt. Brian gently shoved Justin over and sat in the small chair with him. Brian adjusted his body slightly as wrapped his arm around Justin. "It's too cold for you to be out here." Justin whispered, trying to hug Brian's body. "It's too cold for you too." Brian chattered as he held Justin. "I don't want you getting sick, babe. We've made enough trips to the emergency room as it is." Justin replied with a straight face. "Okay, so let's go inside." Brian suggested as he unwraveled himself from around Justin. Justin sighed and stretched out of the chair. Brian stood and grabbed himself. He was cold, but he'd stay outside forever with Justin.

Justin giggled at Brian's shivering body and pushed him inside. "You're such a warm Florida baby." Justin laughed as he closed the door. "Well I'm never warm without you." Brian laughed as he yanked Justin from the door. Brian lifted Justin into the air and twirled him around. "Put me down, Brian." Justin laughed as they spun around. Brian giggled as they fell onto the bed. Justin wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes and rolled ontop of Brian. Brian panted heavily from the quick workout and pulled Jusitn's body further upon himself. "Aren't you glad we get to share hotel rooms all over now?" Justin asked as he ran his hands over Brian's face. "Yes, I am." Brian smiled. Brian ran his hand across Justin's boxers once before pulling Justin off of him. "What? We have time." Justin grumbled as he rolled to his side and looked at Brian. "I'd love to babe, but my body's still sore from the other night." Brian smiled as he looked into Justin's eyes. Justin giggled and then slid off the bed. "I'm sorry Bri, I didn't know that I worked you that hard." Justin laughed as he grabbed his suitcase. "Well, you did. Of course, I enjoyed it." Brian replied. His smile grew even larger as he looked at Justin's body swaying in the room. Justin glanced back at Brian and caught Brian staring at his ass. "Well... I'm going to get dressed and probably go downstiars for something to eat. Do you want me to bring you back anything or are you coming?" Justin asked as he pulled his clothes out.

"How about..." Brian was interupted when he heard the telephone ring. "I swear I'm going to request no phone's in our next room." Brian complained as he picked the phone up. "Yes, this is Brian." Brian answered sorely. "Hey Bri, this is Nick." Nick replied with cheer. "Yeah, what's up Nick?" Brian managed to smile. "Well, I'm down here in Lance's room and we all decided that maybe we should go down to the pool area in the hotel and go for some swimming, so time in the sauna and a good workout. You know, stuff like that." Nick said. Brian looked at justin who was still getting his clothes together. "Hold on Nick, I'll ask Justin if he wants to go." Brian said. He covered the reciever with his hand and looked in Justin's direction. "Uhm J, would you like to go with the guys downstairs to the pool?" Brian asked. Justin smiled and replied with a "Yes." Brian smiled back and took his hand away. "Okay Nick, what time should we be down there?" Brian asked. "In about half an hour. We hae to get our stuff together and make sure that no one is using the pool or anywhere around the area." Nick responded happily. "Okay, we'll see ya then." Brian said as he hung up the phone.

Justin sat on the bed next to Brian and rubbed his shoulders. "Ah, I need that." Brian groaned as he began to relax his body. "Well, I'll be sure to get Carrie, our masuese to handle it then. She works miracles." Justin laughed as he slapped Brian's left shoulder. Brian cringed in pain and rolled away from Justin. "I would prefer you to do it." Brian said as he got out of the bed. "Let's just egt dressed and head downstiars." Justin suggested as he grabbed his swimming shorts from his bag. Brian nodded and grabbed his shorts also.

Justin and Brian boarded the elevator, their minds set on swimming and not each other. "So, what did you think of that T.R.L. thing yesterday? It was pretty cool." Brian commented, starting up a light conversation. "Yeah, it was cool. Especially when Britney brought out those plaque's." Justin nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad that you guys are doing so well on the charts." Brian smiled. "No, I was referring to the plaque for 'Just', Brian. I think it deserves to go multi-platuim. You worked hard on that song." Justin said, watching the numbers flash on and off on the elevator. Brian smiled and grabbed Justin, pulling him into his arms. "Well, we both know who inspired that song." Brian whispered as he stared into Justin's eyes. Justin felt Brian's warm breath on his lips, begging to kiss Justin. Justin grinned and gave Brian a light kiss on the lips. "You inspire everything I do Brian." Justin commented as he looked deep into Brian's eyes. Brian grinned and ran his hands over Justin's ass. "Watch it Bri'. Don't start something you won't be able to finish." Justin laughed as Brian's hands gripped his ass. Brian leaned forward and pressed his lips firmly against Justin's, hushing Justin's words. Justin closed his eyes and wrapped his hands around Brian's neck.

Just as their lips began to get into motion, the elevator doors slid open. "Ahem!" A.J. cleared his thoat loudly, trying to egt Brian and Justin's attention. Brian's eyes flew open and he quickly backed off of Justin. Justin looked around and saw A.J., Amanda, Britney and Nick staring at them. Justin blushed and shyly backed away from Brian. "Well, looks like I haven't missed much while I was gone." Amanda giggled as she looked at Brian and Justin. "No, you haven't." A.J. added, looking at Brian and Justin sternly.

"That was a stupid thing to do you two." Nick grumbled as Justin and Brian shyly walked off the elevator. "We know." Brian mummured as he stood with the guys. "Anybody could've seen you." A.J. hissed as they all headed towards the pool area. "Oh, leave them alone. They're in love." Britney teased as she threw an arm around Brian. "So, what are you doing here Amanda?" Justin asked, trying to change the subject. "Well had you and Brian stayed at the benfit last night, you would've found out that your mother brought the girls along with her." A.J. answered for Amanda. "Yeah, the girls and I flew up here with Lynn. We're going to go in the studio tomorrow and work on some remixes." Amanda commented. "Oh, well we're sorry about last night. We just didn't feel like staying." Brian apologized. Nick laughed at Brian's remark. "What's so funny?" Justin asked. "Well I thought you had came back to the hotel to fuck. But Aaron said that you two were so knocked out, you almost fell asleep in the hall." Nick laughed. "Oh shut up, Nick." Justin fussed as they approached the pool.

Everyone walked inside to see the others waiting on them. "Hey guys." J.C. waved as he looked at them. A.J. grumbled as he walked ovr to Kevin. "He's such a grump." Amanda giggled to Britney. "So I noticed. He sure has changed. When we lived in Orlando, he wasn't so serious." Britney laughed. "Trust me Britney, he's no serious." Brian joined in. "Okay guys. The manager just told us that we have the whole area to ourselves and that if we needed anything to come and see the attendant. Otherwise, he just said be safe and don't go breaking anything. Is that clear?" Kevin said seriously. A loud 'yes' echoed throughout the room. They all laughed and headed for the locker rooms.

"Whatever you do, don't drop the soap!" A.J. laughed as headed for his locker. "You're such an asshole." Howie laughed as he grabbed his towel from the bench. Justin and Brian walked towards the showers to rinse off. "Hey, hold on a minute." J.C. whispered into Lance's ear. Lance stopped and looked at him with confussion. "Follow me." J.C. winked. He dragged Lance into the steam room as the others ehaded into the pool area. Justin and Brian took seperate shower stalls as they rinse off quickly. "Shit! That's cold." they heard Howie yell as he jumped into the pool.

Justin and Brian laughed as they walked into the pool area. They saw everyone already splashing away in the pool. "Come on in guys!" Kevin shouted as he dunked A.J. under the water. "So, are you going first or me?" Brian questioned as he watched the water cascade on the tiles. "You go first." Justin laughed. "Why don't you go first." Brian argued. "Because I think you're going to go in first." Justin pointed behind Brian. Before Brian could turn around, Nick shoved him into the pool. Brian fell in with a loud yell. Justin laughed as the water splashed onto his bare skin. "Next time, you'll just get in instead of arguing over it!" Nick laughed as he watched Brian splash around in the water. "That's showing him Nick." Justin giggled as Brian emerged from the pool. "No, this is showing you!" Chris and Joey laughed as they lifted Justin in the air. "Hey, wait!" Justin screamed as the threw him in the water.

Justin sprung up with a gasp and panted. he shook his hair out and looked around. Everyone laughed at him uncontrolably. Brian tapped Justin on the shoulder and couldn't control his laughing. Justin flashed around and looked at Brian. "What's so funny?" Justin asked. Brian flashed Justin's swimming shorts in front of Justin and burst into laughter. Justin blushed and gasped. He snatched the shorts from Brian and quickly placed them back on. "I've never seen your pants come off so quickly Justin." Brian snickered as he looked at Justin. "And I bet you had a boner the whole time they were off." Justin said in anger. "Oh, don't get mad Justin, babe. It was kinda... cute." Brian laughed. Justin stared at him evily. Brian leaned in a quickly pecked Justin on the cheek. "Feel better?" Brian asked sincerly. "No, but I will now!" Justin shouted as he dunked Brian under the water. Everyone laughed as Brian leaped up in surprise. "Oh, I owe you now." Brian said as he chased Justin through the water. "Hey, I want a game of freeze tag!" A.J. shouted. "Okay, I'm in." Britney said as she swam over to him. "Me too." Amanda smiled as she floated next to A.J. "You in Kevin?" Howie asked as he sat on the side. "Uhm, sure." Kevin shrugged as he sawm over to them. "Well I'm out." Joey said as he swam away. "Why?" Britney questioned. "I want to get into the gym for a workout. I'll be back." Joey answered as he leaped out of the pool.

Lance and J.C. sat in the steam room, their hands fondling each other desperately. "We can't have sex here." Lance panted as J.C.'s lips ran circles over his neck. "Okay, then let's just make out." J.C. suggested as his lips caressed Lance's chin. Sweat poured from their bodies as Lance laid back on the tile. J.C. straddled Lance and began to rub his hands over Lance's chest. Lance groaned as J.C.'s lips touched his neck again. Lance's hands ran furiously to J.C.'s ass, trying his best not to go into J.C.'s shorts. "Oh, we have to stop. Or I'm going to have to fuck you here and now." Lance grunted as J.C.'s teeth scratched his neck. J.C. wouldn't let up. His hands rested gently aganist Lance's chest, sliding so slowly up to Lance's arms. J.C. pinned Lance's arms down and kept his tongue movements on Lance's neck. "Please, stop it J.C." Lance moaned softly. J.C. let Lance's arms go at his lovers pleading request. J.C. backed away slowly and sat up on Lance. "Sorry, I guess I got a little out of control." J.C. panted as he ran his hands across Lance's sweaty chest. "God, it's hot in here." Lance complained as he ran his hands through his sun-bleached hair. "Duh!!! We're in the steam room." J.C. laughed as he stood. "Let's get to the pool before we burn up in here." J.C. suggested as he helped Lance up. They both strolled into the pool area as if nothing happened between the two of them.

Brian sat wide-legged in the corner of the pool with Justin facing him. Their lips met several times as they looked at each other. Brian's arms wrapped themselves around Justin's torso and held tightly. Justin ran his wet fingers through Brian's moist hair, admiring his wonderous eyes. Justin leaned in once again and kissed Brian's soft lips. Brian moaned as Justin pulled away, but awaited the next kiss. Justin smiled at Brian's impatience and kissed him on the forehead. Justin backed off of Brain and quickly dunked under the water. While under, he gave Brian's crotch a light squeeze before popping back up. Justin ran his fingers through his hair, removing the curls that fell on his face and looked at Brian. Brian smiled at Justin awkwardly and looked around. Everyone was still caught up in their wild game of freeze tag. Justin then noticed J.C. and Lance walking towards their end of the pool.

"Hey guys, where've you been?" Justin questioned as he backed further from Brian. "Oh, just checking out the area. This in-door pool is great!" Lance boasted as he hoped in the water. The water quickly removed the beeds of sweat that tangled Lance's chest. J.C. sat on the edge of the pool and let his feet dangle in the water. "Yeah, it's great in here." Brian sighed. "Ah ha!!! Got'cha!" A.J. shouted as he tagged Nick. "Shit! I'm always it!" Nick complained as he emerged from the water. He pulled back his long blonde hair and pouted. "Maybe you should be faster bro'!" Aaron laughed as he and Amanda watched from the pool steps. "Oh be quiet Aaron!" Nick shouted. "Well I'm outta here. I wanna go get a workout before we have to leave." Kevin said. He swam to the steps and stepped out of the pool, shaking the water off his body. "Okay, tell Joey he needs to hurry and get in the pool before we have to go." Britney yelled as Kevin walked into the locker room. "Aye, why don't we join him?" A.J. suggested to Amanda as he got out of the pool. "Okay, but do you think you can keep up with me?" Amanda asked as she stepped out of the water. "Please! I guess you've never been to a Backstreet Boys concert?" A.J. teased as they walked away.

"Hey guys, that hot tub looks like fun." Britney said as she got out of the pool. "Yeah, I'll join you." J.C. said as he ran towards the hot tub. "How about it, you in?" Brian asked shyly to Justin. "Of course. Come on." Justin said as he yanked Brian out of the pool. "Wait up amigos!" Howie yelled as he got out of the pool. "Hey Lance, come on over here. Me and Aaron are about to do some laps in the pool." NIck waved towards Lance. Lance looked back towards J.C. and frowned. "Okay, I'm coming." Lance sighed as he swam over to Nick and Aaron.

Justin and Brian stepped into the hot tub, causing everyone to adjust themselves. Brian leaned back against the side and let the whirl winds of bubbles ease him. Brian placed his arm around Justin and relaxed in the water. "So, like what are you guys doing for the next album? I've heard that ya'll are doing some great work on it." Britney asked Howie. "Well we have a lot of different tracks lined up for the album. "We've got like 20 to look at, but we want mroe to work with. That way we can release B-sides and stuff like that. Or promotional stuff." Howie answered. "Okay, that sounds great. Is 'Just' going to be on the album? Or was that just a promotional single?" Britney questioned. "Uhm, I'm not sure. We have to talk it over with the label and see what they think first." Howie responded. Brian's eyes fluttered open. "What do you mean, 'you don't know'? Of course it's going to be on the album. If it's not, then you may not see Brian Littrell's face gracing the cover of the album." Brian argued. "Look Brian, you know we have to talk everything over with the label first. We can just assume something's going to be on the album." Howie argued back. "Why not?!?! We made a video for it and we released a single. It's going to be on the album!" Brian said with anger. "Well we'll see." Howie replied. "Uhm, it seems like this song means a lot to you Brian. Why?" Britney asked unknowingly. Brian sat back and didn't respond.

Justin watched the whole incident. Justin stood from the hot tub and waved for Britney to join him. They both stepped out of the hot tub and headed towards the side of the pool. "Brian, I'm sure the managers at Jive Records would gladly put 'Just' on the album. It's a great song and it's already certified gold everywhere." J.C. said to comfort Brian. Brian opened his eyes, gave J.C. a quick smile and then closed his eyes again.

Brian & Justin (Part 47) By JM

Justin and Britney sat on the edge of the pool, watching Nick and Lance do their laps. "So, what's up with Brian, Justin? He seems to be a bit pissed over this song. I mean, he acts as if this song is the world to him." Britney asked. "Almost. It means alot to him and me." Justin responded. "Why?" Britney questioned. "Well Brian wrote that song when we we're in the studio. Actually, he wrote it for him and me. That's why it's called 'Just'. 'Just' is for Justin." Justin answered. "Oh." Britney gasped. "Yeah, so he wants it to be on the album. It means alot to us. If you see the lyrics, it reads Justin and Brian. That's the reason Brian really wants it on the album. Plus it's a great song that Viet Renn produced. So, I think it's worthy of being on their next album." Justin nodded. "Okay. Well, then I understand why Brian fights so hard for it. I really like the song." Britney smiled. Justin smiled back. "You go ahead back to the hot tub. I'm going to go get changed and see if I can workout with A.J. and Mandy." Britney suggested. Justin nodded and stood. He helped Britney up and then he went back to the hot tub.

Justin slowly crept back into the water, sitting right next to Brian. Justin leaned next to Brian, but Brian leaned away. "Hey, what's wrong?" Justin asked right away. "I just don't feel like cuddling right now Justin." Brian responded lowly. Justin pouted and moved off of Brian. "So, I heard from Kevin that you guys are going to be shooting another video soon? Just so you can be ready to release it when the album comes out?" J.C. asked Brian and Howie. "Yeah. We'll be doing it while here, in New York. We're having a lay-over in the next city stop, so that's why we're staying here in New York. We're heading out to Kingston to record the video and it's going to be shot in one day's time. I think it's going to be fun." Howie smiled at the thought. "What song are you guys shooting for?" Justin asked. "We're doing 'I'll Be The One'. It's a good up-tempo song. We'll be doing it in this huge club with dancers and everything!" Howie said happily. "Sounds cool." J.C. nodded. "Oh yeah, and we're inviting you guys and Britney and Innosense and Aaron to join us." Howie added. "Okay, well I'm sure the guys of 'N Sync will be more then happy to be in the video." J.C. agreed. "Well, I need to get back in the pool. I need to work on getting my leg better for the concerts." Howie said as he stepped out of the hot tub. "And I think I should go check on Lance. Aaron and Nick have probably drowned him by now." J.C. laughed. He got out of the hot tub and ran towards the pool.

Justin watched Brian as he sat in the hot tub. His thought were further from Brian's comments, but more on how Brian was acting. Justin sighed and began to stand in the hot tub, preparing to leave. Brian opened his eyes and grabbed the bottom of Justin's swim shorts. Justin looked down at Brian with confussion. "Where are you going?" Brian asked softly. "To the pool. You cat like you want to be alone." Justin responded. "I'm sorry babe. I just had alot on my mind, that's all." Brian smiled. Justin sat back in the water, squeezing into Brian's lap. "Well do you want me to take your mind off of it?" Justin asked seductively. "Oh yeah." Brian smiled.

Justin closed his eyes and began to kiss Brian's lips. Brian ran his across Justin's erect nipples and pinched them lightly. Justin moaned through the kiss and pushed Brian back. Brian leaned against the edge of the hot tub as Justin mounted him. Justin rubbed his hands through Brian's wet hair and then moved them to Brian's neck. Brian grabbed a hold of Jusitn's shorts and pulled them down slowly. Justin gasped, but Brian kept his lips tightly locked to Justin's. Justin groaned lightly and kept his arms wrapped around Brian's neck. Brian's hands ran against the tender flesh of Justin's ass. Justin let Brian's lips go and licked them softly. Justin's mouth ran slowly towards Brian's neck. Justin began to suck slowly on Brian's neck, tasting the sweat the traced it. Brian grunted quietly and placed a finger on the hole to Justin's ass. Brian's fingers were dripping wet from the hot tub water and one finger gently slipped into Justin's ass. Justin sighed as Brian's finger began to work in and out of Justin's ass. Brian slipped a second fingre in Justin and began to grind Justin's ass with his fingrs. Justin kept a tight grip on Brian's neck, occasionally nibbling on the wet skin. Brian ran his other hand to the front of Justin's shorts and helped pulled them down even more. Brian grasped Justin's rock hard penis and began to jack it innocently. Justin ran his hands over Brian's chest, feeling his athletic pecks and erect nipples. Brian moaned in Justin's ear and kept his fingers on Justin's penis and in his ass. Soon Jsutin couldn't hold back anymore and came in Brian's hand. Justin's ass spasmed, grasping Brian's fingers. Justin removed his lips from Brian's neck and panted heavily.

Brian removed his hands and pulled Justin's shorts up. Justin laid back against the edge of the hot tub and smiled. "Glad I could make you feel better." Justin panted, keeping his eyes shut. "Hey guys!!! We have to get going! We're heading to the arena, then we're going to grab soething to eat!" Kevin shouted as he entered the pool area. Brian grumbled and stood from the water. "Come on Justin. We've gotta go." Brian coaxed. Justin opened his eyes lazily and stood. "Okay, let's go." Justin smiled. They both hopped out of the tub and headed towards the locker room.

Everyone laughed and shouted as they headed back up towards their rooms. "I can't believe you nearly drowned!" Aaron laughed at Nick as they approached their room. "Well if you hadn't pushed me in when I was talking to Lance, I wouldn't have!" Nick laughed back. "Okay, so you and the guys will be in Texas in about two weeks?" Amanda questioned A.J. "I think so. I had better check with ol' Scoop Lance." A.J. laughed. "Hey, what if the music stopped during the video and we all just broke out dancing." Howie suggested to the director as they spoke on his cell phone. "And how about we do a strip scene." A.J. teased from the side. "How about you shut the fuck up." Howie whispered as he took the phone away from his ear. A.J. laughed at Howie's anger and walked on to his room. "So, from the stadium, we're just leaving?" Britney asked. "Yeah, that's how management wants it. It cuts down on the time we spend afterwards. It also keeps us out of trouble." Joey explained to Britney.

Brian listened to everyone's conversation as he and Justin walked towards their room. "So Britney, when is your bext video coming out?" Justin asked. "Oh, it should be out next week. It's for the song 'Sometimes'. I really like that song." Britney responded happily. "Oh, I need to get to a studio and work with you. I'm thinking of this great duet 'N Sync and Britney could do." J.C. boasted. "Well I'd love to work with you guys. Actually, my management suggested that I get with you guys and collaborate on something. A remix or something. And since you guys are working on your next album, that would work out just perfectly." Britney responded quickly. "Cool! We could get in the studio sometime in the next couple of weeks. Like when we have a day off from touring. That way I can work on getting that song done with Kevin." J.C. nodded. "You and Kevin are working on a song?" Lance questioned. "Oh yeah. We decided it'd be great if we worked together on something." J.C. answered Lance politely. "Hey, are we going to grab something to eat soon? I'm starved!" Nick complained as he re-emerged from his and Aaron's room. "Well, we can do soundcheck and everything last I supposed. I don't think it would take us that long to do wardrobe and stuff like that. We'd just have to go to the arena by five because Britney and Aaron need time to warmup and stuff like that." Lance said. "Good, because I'm starved." A.J. said huskily, rubbing his stomach. "Well I have to get back to our hotel. See ya A.J." Amanda said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Bye, babe." A.J. smiled. "Oh and Justin, please do call Lynn. I'm sure that she's worried to death about you right now." Amanda pleaded. "I'll call her Mandy. Don't worry about it." Justin said.

"I'll tell the others we're leaving to get something to eat soon. Make sure that everyone's in this hall in about twenty minutes so we can head out to the bus." Lance said sternly. An 'Okay' was echoed throughout the hall. "Well ya'll know where I want to go!" J.C. shouted as he went in his room. "I swear if we go to another Hard Rock Cafe`, I'm going to shoot myself in the foot." Joey laughed. Britney giggled along with him as they went into Joey's room. Brian led Justin towards their room, stopping right at the door. Brian pulled out his key and opened the door. Just as Justin was going to walk in the room, Brian stopped him. "What?" Justin asked. Brian quickly grabbed Justin from his knees and his back and held him in a carrying position. "What are you doing?!?" Justin giggled as Brian held him. "If we're going to get married, we have to practice this." Brian laughed as he carried Justin over the threshold. Justin was too filled with laughter to say anything. Brian got inside and carried Justin to their bed. He gently laid Justin on the bed and sat next to him. Brian tried to contain himself, but he couldn't help but make funny faces at Justin. "Geez, you're heavy. I feel like my back's gone out." Brian complained in humor. "Oh, be quiet. I told you, you needed to take it easy." Justin laughed.

"Come on, grab your things so we can get on the bus. I'm hungry, plus I don't want to sit around here all day long." Brian said as he patted Justin's thigh. "Okay, okay, okay. Let me grab something and we'll go." Justin sighed as he got off the bed. Justin ran to their mini-fridge and pulled out a bottled water. Justin grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom. Brian changed in the middle of the room and then waited upon Justin. Justin emerged from the bathroom, decked out in a baby blue Paracusso shirt and a pair of Levi's jeans. Brian stood in a pair of Tommy Hillfiger overalls and a Kentucky hat. Brian smiled at Justin and grabbed his CD player. "Come on, let's go already!" Nick banged from outside the door. Justin sighed while Brian laughed. "We're coming egghead!" Brian yelled. "Well hurry up B-Rok!" Nick shouted back. Justin grabbed his Kangol hat and slipped it on. "Okay, I'm ready." Justin said as he and Brian walked towards the door. They walked outside to see evryone heading towards the elevator with security. "You almost got left!" A.J. yelled as he ran past them. Brian shrugged and grabbed Justin's arm.

They quickly caught up with the crowd. "Okay people, we have about two hours to eat our food. So let's make 'em good." Kevin announced as the elevator headed down. "Don't you love it when they put you on a time clock for these things." Joey joked. "Where are we going?" Nick asked. "Well I want Chinese." J.C. argued. "I'm in the mood for something spicey." Howie added. "No, we need to get pizza!" Aaron interjected quickly. "We're going to a place called the Ground Round. They have a wide selection of different foods for you guys to eat." Lance told everyone. "Let's go peeps. We're out the back, towards the bus." one of the security guards announced as they rushed out of the elevators. In a mad dash, everyone walked and piled onto the bus, doing their best to make room for others. As evryone got comfortable, the security got off the bus and headed towards their limo. The bus driver closed the doors and pulled away from the hotel, headed towards the restaurant.

A.J. sat quietly in the booth on the bus, looking out the window as the bus drove smoothly towards their destination. "Hey A.J. You okay?" Justin asked as he sat next to A.J. "Yeah, I'm cool. I'm just a little tired." A.J. said, placing his sunglasses over his eyes. "Okay." Justin shrugged. He took a sip of his water and looked over towards Lance and Nick. They sat silent in the seat opposite of Justin and A.J. "So, how are you guys going to shoot that whole video in one day?" Justin questioned, trying to liven people up. "From what I hear, it's not really going to take that long. At least the video shoot. I know hair and make-up will take the longest probably." Nick answered. "What's the concept of the video?" Justin asked. "It's about a girl in a club who falls for each of us." Nick sighed. "It goes along with the song because she's lost in this BIG club with people and she's looking for a friend to help her get through her hard times." A.J. added. "Oh, she's going to fall for all of you?" Justin questioned with a hint of worry. "Yes Justin. She's going to fall for Brian! And Lord knows, they might even kiss." Nick teased Justin. Justin rolled his eyes in anger and pouted. "Brian sings the bridge to the song and if you listen, he says 'Reaching out like you needed me/A helping hand/To make it right'." A.J. explained to Justin. "I'm not mad about it. It's just a video." Justin lied. "I think it's going to be real cool. From what I hear, there's a whole bunch of lights and smoke that's going to fill the club. I like the concept." Lance said. Justin shot him a look of curiousness and then looked away.

Brian walked into the kitchen/lounge area and looked at the guys talking. He knelt slightly next to the table and placed his hand on Justin's. "Do you like the idea we had for the video. I came up some of it. I just got finished talking to the director on the phone." Brian smiled. Justin pulled his hand away from Brian's and paid closer attention to the others. Lance glanced at them, sensing Justin's obvious anger. "What did I do?" Brian whispered, feeling confussed. "So, is this girl going to be seen throughout the whole video?" Justin asked. "Who knows! All i know is Brian and A.J. are sitting at the bar in the beginning and she's running through the club. They're supposed to be there to help her find her way or something. I just know I have to sing my ad-libs and that's it." Nick shrugged. Justin didn't feel like listening anymore. "Is that why you're mad?" Brian asked Justin. Justin didn't answer. "Hey guys, can I have a minute with Justin?" Brian asked. "That's fine with me. I have to go talk with J.C. about something." Lance said. "Why is it that everytime I turn around, you and J.C. are talking?" Nick asked. Lance's face flushed bright red, while Justin's eyes flew open. "I don't know? Maybe it's because we're such good friends, that we can just talk about anything." Lance stuttered out. Justin knew he was lying, but he let it go. "Oh and do I ever come up in these conversations?" Nick said with interest. "Of course. You're on my mind all the time." Lance smiled and kissed Nick. "Well, let's say me and you go talk some things over." Nick snickered devilishly as he grabbed Lance's hand. Lance shrugged and they both got out of the booth. Justin moved out of the way so that A.J. could get out and walk to the lounge.

Brian slid in the booth and looked at Justin. "Do you want to know what I talked over with the director?" Brian asked. Justin shrugged and looked out the window. "Well, since you asked so nicely." Brian said sarcastically. "I said to him that I want you to be at the bar with me. Actually, I asked if me and you could have several scenes together. He had no real problem with it, as long as I kept my mind on the video." Brian smiled. Justin nodded and took a sip of his water again. "Oh, quit it. You know you're happy." Brian teased Justin. brian began to tickle Justin, causing Justin to spit the water out of his mouth. "Quit, quit Brian!" Justin laughed as Brian tickled him. They jerked forward a bit as the bus came to a stop. "Oops, we're here." Brian smiled. He could tell because he heard a small roar of fans outside. "It seems no matter where you go, the fans always follow." Brian sighed. "But if they didn't, what fun would this be?" Justin asked. Brian smiled and pulled Justin in for a quick kiss. "Come on ya'll, let's get off the bus and inside before we get mobbed." Lance yelled as he walked to the front of the bus. "Is he always this take-charge?" Brian asked. "No, J.C.'s usually worse when we're going to the studio." Justin laughed. Brian and Justin squeezed out of the booth and headed off the bus.

Next: Chapter 22

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