Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 30, 2001


Peaches & Cream Written by JM

--- I guess you could say that this goes along with the storyline, except it won't have too much of an effect later on. It was just me in a spicy kind of mood and I decided to write something a bit steamy. It doesn't involve Brian and Justin though, so I hope not everyone is disappointed! Also if you don't know who Take 5 is, research them a little because they'll have mild relevance in 'Angel's Wings.' I hope you enjoy this but you probably won't if you don't like Take 5 or Nick Carter. Anyway, those of you who like to get into sex stories, this one is for you! ---

Everything was ivory white, drapped in elegance. The room was nothing but splashes of white paint, white silk sheets, white pillows, and ivory white bedposts. Nothing disturbed the peace of the room. Only a soft breeze stirred throughout the room and it moved in silence.

He yawned quietly and rolled in the bed. He was waking up gradually, but with no needed rush. He blinked his blue eyes open, peering around the room from his comfortable position. The sheets were tangled around his lower body, but he knew he was nude. The softness of the silk running against his legs pleased him. He did not want to move from his spot.

He blinked his eyes again and stared up at a man sitting in front of him, naked. The younger man sat indian-style, taking a bite into a smooth, soft peach, the juice slowly dripping down the sides of his mouth. The juice ran seperate trails down his neck, over his chest and meeting at his stomach as it trickled down into his pubes and over his soft cock. "Hi Nick," the young man said, smiling sweetly as he chewed on the juicy peach.

Nick Carter, the man laid in the bed, shifted a little before propping himself up on his elbows. He opened his eyes wider while continuing to stare at the younger man's beautiful face. "Stevie..." Nick whispered, his voice drenched in disbelief. Stevie Sculptore of the group Take 5 smiled widely, his thick pink lips inviting more than a smile. "You've been sleep for a few hours now. I was waiting for you to wake up." Stevie chimed, lowering his peach and leaning toward Nick. Nick raised his brow in surprise while staring into Stevie's smoldering brown eyes. Nick licked his lips, a smile trying to break through his astonishment. He traced his fingers along the silk sheets and felt nothing along them. He was free. There was no wedding ring holding him back, restraining him from going with a new, sudden desire.

"You've been here for hours?" Nick asked, leaning up in Stevie's direction. Stevie nodded, cocking his head to the side with mischief in his expression. Nick raised a hand and placed it on Stevie's cheek, feeling the softness of his chiseled face. Was he real? His skin did not melt away when Nick touched it; he must've been more than a dream. But he was Stevie from Take 5. Nick knew him, but not as well as he would his friends. He only knew him because they both once belonged to the Trans Continental Corporation. They were both pawns of Lou Pearlman at one time. But then again, that's how Nick met the women of Innosense, the men of LFO, and his husband JC Chasez. But wait, was JC his husband? Not here.

"Nick, you get me so hard some times. Remember those parties at Lou's place with me, you, the guys, and Innosense?" Stevie wondered as Nick traced his face with his fingers. Nick nodded, licking his lips again. Suddenly his throat was dry. "I used to stare at your chest, watch the way your cock moved in your shorts. I wanted to cling to you like your shorts did... to suck on you like they did." Stevie whispered seductively. Nick leaned closer and finally let his lips meet Stevie's for a quick kiss. When Nick felt Stevie's plump lips on his, the way he knew how to kiss with power, he became aroused. Who was JC to him now? Nobody.

Stevie pulled back and held the peach up to Nick's lips. He ran the fuzzy fruit over Nick's precious lips. Nick slipped his tongue out and licked at the bitten part, lapping up the juices from the peaches and then tasting Stevie's own sweetness on the peach. "Mmmm, I don't know what I'm doing, but it feels good." Nick moaned, continuing to lick at the peach. Stevie smiled gently and sat up on his knees. "You're doing what we should have done when we met two years ago. You're enjoying a younger guy and you're going to feel real good." Stevie said, crawling toward Nick as Nick began to suck on the delicious peach.

Nick sunk his teeth into the peach as Stevie pushed him back on the bed. Stevie ran his fingers through Nick's soft blonde hair and inclined in his direction. Nick took a chunk out of the peach and began to chew on it as Stevie pulled it away from his face. The eighteen-year-old locked his lips onto Nick's chin and sucked up the juices that fell from Nick's lips. His tongue traced over Nick's chin, feeling the bristles of Nick's incoming goatee run over the surface of his tongue. He dropped the peach onto the bed and carried his hand up to Nick's face.

Nick swallowed the remains of the peach in his mouth and began to moan as Stevie's other hand pinched at his nipples. "Heh heh... oh man, yeah that's it..." Nick panted out. He saw Stevie's hand dangling over his face and he smiled. He grabbed Stevie's wrist and brought the hand down to his lips, his tongue immediately flicking out to lick up the juices dripping all over Stevie's fingers.

Stevie groaned against Nick's body as his lips moved down to Nick's neck. The way Nick's tongue and mouth suckled his fingers aroused him even greater. His erect penis brushed against the sheets as he tried to pull closer to Nick. His own hands groped Nick's sticky chest, the juices of the peach already drying against Nick's skin. He sucked relentlessly on Nick's neck while adjusting his body until he was laying on top of Nick. He brushed his feet against the sheets, pushing them back so that he could feel his lower body against Nick's.

"Mmph, oh man, is that your dick?" Nick groaned in a husky voice. He pulled Stevie's fingers from his mouth and glanced down at him. Stevie raised his brow and lifted his body some. Nick peered between their bodies to see the penis that jabbed his stomach. It was lengthy and beautiful. Surrounded in a forrest of dark brown pubic hairs was Stevie's long cock. His balls were pulled up against his body and his legs were spread. Nick licked his lips with lust streaking his eyes. "Is there something wrong with my penis?" Stevie asked, running a hand over Nick's fuzzy cheek. Nick finally looked up at Stevie and smiled wickedly. "Not at all. I just can't wait to taste it." Nick replied cheekily. He leaned up and clamped his lips over Stevie's. He tongued apart Stevie's lips as he kissed him, his tongue racing into the other's man mouth to taste him. He could taste the nectary flavor of Stevie's body on his tongue and it soothed him.

Stevie pulled back as the sheets finally crumpled at Nick's feet. Nick skid his feet from under the protection of the cloth and spread his legs, allowing Stevie's lower body to fall between them. Stevie pulled his lips away from Nick's with a breathless smile. "Oh, uh God, you're not so bad yourself Nick," Stevie moaned, grinding his cock against Nick's throbbing member. Nick grinned before releasing a loud groan. The feeling of Stevie's dick running against his sent shivers throughout his body. "It's kind of big." Stevie whispered, his lips centimeters from Nick's. Nick curled his upper lip and rushed his hands down Stevie's back. He gripped Stevie's ass and yanked him up, causing Stevie to belt out a groan as his body smashed into Nick's. "I know... and it's aching for you to touch it." Nick hissed out, closing his eyes as he began to jab his penis against Stevie's backside. His large, low hanging balls bounced as he ground their bodies together. There was a fever in his movements and Stevie could feel it as he kissed across Nick's face. "Oh man, my dick is going to cream soon if we don't do something." Stevie gasped, grabbing onto the sides of Nick's face as Nick continued to grope Stevie's ass.

No where inside of Nick's mind or body did he feel this was wrong. Caressing the younger man was more than arousing, it was like having an orgasm each time they touched. Nick thought he couldn't handle it, but somehow, for some reason, he could. The sweat that beaded at his brow did not bother him. He enjoyed feeling wet while making out with his new lover.

The pre-cum that was sliding over his stomach as he grinded against Stevie added to his pleasure. He imagined tasting that cum, letting it slide slowly down his throat like honey. "Oh, mmmmm, yeah!" Nick finally cried out, his head turning so that he could capture Stevie's mouth.

They kissed again as they rolled on the bed, Nick pinning the younger man against the sheets as he shoved his tongue as far as it could go into Stevie's mouth. When Stevie licked at the bottom of his tongue, he smiled in the kiss, holding Stevie's mouth as he massaged their tongues together.

Stevie panted fiercely, his hands grabbing at Nick's shoulders. Nick felt a sharp pain in his muscles as Stevie dug his fingers into Nick, pleading for escape. Nick pulled back and let the younger man catch his breath as his own swollen lips trickled down Stevie's neck and onto his chest. Stevie cooed loudly as Nick nipped at his pink nipples, using his teeth to tug them erect. "Oh fuck, Nicky, you're going to make me cum..." Stevie panted. Nick smiled again, lifting his head from Stevie's chest. "I know sexy." he grinned. Stevie smiled back, licking his thick lips. "But I want you to touch me... down there." Stevie pleaded. Nick lowered his eyes and stared at Stevie's bouncing penis. It needed attention. "I'll do more than touch you Stevie." Nick grinned, running his hands down Stevie's sculpted body.

Stevie gasped loudly as Nick's hands reached his lower body. The large hands gropped his balls, tugging, rolling and massaging them until Stevie moaned again, pleading for a release. "Nick! Ohhh, mmm, please..." Stevie groaned, thrusting his hips upward as a sign to Nick. Nick continued to grin, his hand snaking upward and taking hold of Stevie's dick. Stevie nibbled on his lower lip, holding back a loud groan as Nick masturbated him on the bed. He gripped onto the sheets and closed his eyes, the feeling unbareable.

Nick's rough, manly hands played with the tip of Stevie's cock, collecting the clear pre-cum and spreading it across Stevie's dick. He watched the fluid glide across his lover's penis, lubricating it and making it simpler for his hands to masturbate the youthful man. "Shit... heh heh, man, heh heh, Nick... play with the head, yeah, and my balls." Stevie crooned, thrusting his hips with each stroke from Nick's hands. Nick parted his lips and moaned as he watched Stevie's dick bounce in his hands. He massaged the head with his thumb, pressing down on the slit and rubbing the fluid across the deep red head. His other hand rolled Stevie's hairy balls in his palm, pulling more moans from Stevie.

Stevie spread his legs further and panted endlessly. He thrased his head around as his balls pulled up closer to his body. His ejaculation was drawing near and Stevie was not prepared for the pleasure Nick was providing him with. "Nicky, oh man... Nick, I'm gonna cum soon... I'm gonna..." Stevie had to catch himself as the pressure began to build inside of his penis. He closed his eyes tighter and began to pull up the soft sheets. His toes curled and his body rocked with Nick's hand, his orgasm slowly building.

Nick lowered his head in hast and finally took his prize into his mouth. He suckled the head of Stevie's aching penis, his tongue lapping at the throbbing head. His pinkish lips cradled the head between his lips while one of his hands jacked off the rest of Stevie's dick. He opened his throat and slipped further down the cock, taking it deep in his mouth and letting his nose meet with Stevie's kinky, curly patch of pubic hair.

A cloak of warmth fell over his naked body as his head bobbed up and down on Stevie's cock. He was feeling alive and free. His body ached to be touched, but he placed that ache aside to pleasure another man. Just to hear the moans, the echoing sound of his name in a room that seemed to have no real walls. He loved it. He desired it.

"Uhm, uh, uh, ah, ahhh, Nick... oh God... Nick!" Stevie panted with desperate breaths. Nick continued to suck vigorously on Stevie's penis, longing for Stevie to liberate his sperm and his spirit. Stevie forced himself to place a hand behind Nick's head and hold it there, Nick's tongue still twirling around Stevie's dick. "Fuck... Nick! Oh, yeah, I'm... I'm..." Stevie couldn't get his words out before his dick ejaculated into Nick's mouth. The cum washed over Nick's mouth in large spurts, the first few shots racing toward Nick's throat while the lost drops dribbled over his tongue and into his mouth. Stevie pulled up the sheets with one hand while the other laced its fingers through Nick's blonde hair. His pants were ragged, his chest moving in quick leaps. His body was ablaze, shaking violently as the last drops of his sperm slipped into Nick's mouth. His heart raced and his mind was in a pristine state of nirvana.

Stevie took a final deep breath when his moist, sagging cock came into contact with the air. He spread his legs and stretched as Nick crawled up his body. He batted his eyes open and stared at Nick as he hovered over him. He smiled gently and raised his hand, petting Nick's cheek with admiration. "Well, is he off your mind now?" Stevie wondered, almost reading all of Nick's thoughts without Nick speaking a word. Nick arched one of his blonde eyebrows before nodding. He lowered his face closer to Stevie's with a tender grin.

Stevie could see reminents of his seed on Nick's lips and he smirked. "Wait lover," Stevie requested, holding Nick back with a hand. Nick shot Stevie a frustrated look, still remaining silent. Stevie reached to the side and pulled up the peach, bringing it to his mouth. He took a large bite of it and carelessly dropped it to the bed. He grabbed Nick's face and held it for a few seconds before pulling him down and into a kiss.

Their lips danced erotically, tongues exchanging homes to taste the other in a way only they could find solace in. Moans penetrated through the cloudy air as Nick ran his tongue over Stevie's, sharing Stevie's cum while snatching up pieces of the fruit. It was erotic. Stevie grinded his body upward, forcing Nick to retaliate with strongs hands and manly thrusts. Stevie wrapped his arms around Nick's neck, his fingers tangling themselves in Nick's blonde locks while his legs wrapped around Nick's lower half, holding him in an unescapable position.

"Mmmph... mmmm, you taste so damn good." Nick panted, his lips swollen but still dangerously close to Stevie's. Stevie placed a final peck on Nick's lips before unwrapping his legs from around him. "Peaches and cream Nicky." Stevie whispered, sliding his hands down Nick's neck and over his back. Nick licked his lips, collecting the last drops of Stevie's taste. "Your nut and a piece of a peach?" Nick asked, his thumbs rubbing Stevie's waist. Stevie nodded with pride. "Well you made it so creamy then." Nick giggled, his erect cock nestled between Stevie's legs. Stevie pushed his legs together, placing friction on Nick's cock. Nick groaned softly, ducking his head as his young lover attempted to please him.

One of Stevie's hands slipped down Nick's body and clutched his dick, his thumb running over the tip while the rest of his fingers massaged the mid-section. Nick gasped out, a loud croon running over his lips. Stevie smiled innocently before kissing Nick's lips softly.

The kiss was short as Stevie began to suck on Nick's lower lip, his teeth grazing over the supple flesh. In a charming way, Stevie licked across Nick's bottom lip before his lips travelled lower, sucking on Nick's chin and then his neck. His hand continued to masturbate Nick, pulling low, drawn out moans from Nick. When was the last time someone just jacked him off to please him? Nothing grand, just hand-to-dick contact, the kind that drove Nick wild.

It had been too long according to the heedless moans escaping Nick's body.

He panted hard as his lover circled his neck with delicate kisses before drifting a little lower to kiss on his collarbone. "Don't stop, please, don't stop this..." Nick pleaded through clenched teeth. The want in Nick's cries only caused Stevie to speed up his stroking, taking Nick higher and higher into his cloud of ecstasy. Oh, the air smelt, tasted, felt good. Everything about it pulled Nick into a frenzy. "Stevie! Heh, yeah, oh my... heh, yeah baby." Nick bellowed, rolling his head from side to side. It was the first time Stevie heard the older man call his name and he enjoyed it. He wanted more. He wanted it to be louder and meaningful. He wanted Nick.

Stevie thumbed the tip of Nick's dick, sliding the oozing pre-cum over the deep red head while letting another hand grope Nick's balls. Nick arched his back immediately, gasping for air. He dug his feet into the sheets as Stevie covered him in silky kisses. "I need you to say my name Nicky... say it loud." Stevie requested, his lips draping kisses over Nick's chest. He found one of the pinkish nipples and nibbled on it, causing goosebumps to run up Nick's arms. Nick gripped the sheets between his fingers and sucked in air, searching for an excuse not to ejaculate on Stevie's hands. "Stevie... mmmm, baby, yes! Oh Stevie! Stevie! Ste-vie..." Nick moaned repeatedly, his hips beginning to rock with Stevie's hands. Stevie gulped quickly before tracing his tongue over Nick's erect nipple, wetting it. He blew gently over it, the air arousing Nick unbelievably.

Nick breathed unevenly as he felt Stevie's lips trail up his body again. Stevie edged his lips over Nick's shoulder, kissing at the tattoos etched into Nick's skin. Stevie found the artwork enchanting. He licked his tongue out and began to redraw the artwork, the tip of his tongue brushing over the dry black ink. "Stevie!" Nick grunted, his balls pulling up tightly against his lower body. Stevie grazed Nick's shoulder with his teeth before raising his head to look into his lover's eyes.

Nick's blue eyes were glazed with lust and desire. He needed release. It was his oxygen and he was slowly being deprived of it. Stevie smiled gently. "Okay baby." he nodded, using one leg to spread Nick's legs further apart while his lips reached out for Nick's. Nick willingly accepted a kiss from Stevie as Stevie massaged his member with feverish hands. Nick panted hard against Stevie's lips, pulling back and digging his head into the pillow. Stevie tasted his lover with his tongue and led his lips to Nick's ear. He kissed the lobe and grinned. "Cum Nicky... cum so hard..." Stevie whispered, urging Nick. Nick nodded, his breaths shorter.

Nick's aching cock jumped once and then again. It was a sign to Nick. He braced himself, arching his back once more while gripping the sheets tightly. "Oh Stevie!" he groaned loudly, finally allowing himself to orgasm, his cum spilling endlessly over his stomach, Stevie's hands, and his bouncing balls. Stevie continued to kiss Nick's earlobe as he felt the hot liquid coating his hands. He eased his lover into a state of bliss as he came, hoping Nick could handle the pleasure of the orgasm.

Nick released the sheets from his aching fingers and let his hands stretch outward, grabbing onto Stevie's buttocks and holding them as the last drops of his semen dripped out of his deflating penis. "Mmm, mmmm, mmmm..." Nick hummed, kissing the top of Stevie's head. He sighed pleasently, pulling Stevie's body on top of his. He did not care if his sperm covered their lower bodies. All he wanted was to embrace Stevie, to hold him so he could share the moment.

"Was it all you dreamed it to be Nicky?" Stevie wondered, kissing along Nick's cheek while cupping Nick's chin. Nick batted his eyes open, his energy endless. "More than that, Stevie." Nick whispered, rolling Stevie over until he was on his back. Nick pushed himself up, laying his hands on either side of Stevie's head. He smiled down at him, the angelic glow covering Stevie's body leaving him breathless. "But this can't be a dream Stevie. Being with you... it's too real. It's too good. It feels like someone actually..." Nick stopped himself. He didn't want to say it; not here and not now. Not with this young man under him, adoring him the way he had wanted to be adored. "It feels like someone actually loves you." Stevie finished his words, laying a hand on Nick's shoulder and massaging the cool skin. Nick nodded shyly, afraid to admit the truth to himself.

Nick dropped his hands to Stevie's thighs and spread his legs apart, a cocky grin on his face. "I don't know if I should say this right now." Nick said softly, his body lowering. Stevie cringed as Nick lifted his strong legs and spread them a little further. Nick's hands ran up and down Stevie's thighs, his fingers curling through the downy-soft hair covering Stevie's legs. "Nick, please don't." Stevie pleaded. He ran a hand over Nick's dishelved hair, his eyes begging Nick to silence himself. Nick sighed and nodded. It wasn't the time for that. He couldn't afford to get sappy.

Nick lowered his head to a prize he desired. Stevie's ass was inviting in this position. His hole was puckered and waiting, calling to Nick. Nick smirked before licking the waiting hole. His tongue brushed against the skin and it immediately shivered, Stevie's body shuddering. Stevie moaned immediately, his hands reaching out for something to grab. Nick permitted his lover to plant his hands on either side of his head as he slowly began to rim him. Nick's tongue caressed the outside of Stevie's ass, painting a pattern that was pleasing.

"Mmmm, Nicky... yes.." Stevie groaned as Nick began to prod at his hole with his tongue, poking for penetration. Stevie hissed quietly as Nick broke through, his tongue dipping into the hole. Nick worked his tongue on the outside, leaving damp kisses across Stevie's cheeks. He lapped at the hole with a swet tongue, hoping to pull out more desperate moans from Stevie.

"Nick! Nick! Baby, please, stop!" Stevie called out abruptly, causing Nick's head to snap up. His swollen lips pouted and his brow furrowed as he looked at the worried expression swallowing Stevie's face. "What's wrong? Am I doing something wrong, Stevie? Am I hurting you?" Nick asked briskly, his hands leaving Stevie's legs to reach out for his lover.

Stevie shivered, a new cold air shifting through the room. Lazy grays began to replace ivory whites as everything seemed to be changing. "Nick, hold me." Stevie pleaded, a fearful expression taunting him. Nick crawled up Stevie's body and pulled him into his arms, holding him close to his chest as he watched things shift. Paint peeled and dripped from the walls like water splashed on priceless artwork. "Stevie, what's going on man?" Nick asked, fear straining against his voice. Stevie kissed Nick's cheek before sighing. "You're waking up Nicky." Stevie responded, cuddling closer to Nick. Nick frowned deeply as Stevie nuzzled into his neck. "But I don't want to. It's too early. I'm not ready to wake up." Nick called out, gripping onto Stevie's body, praying the young man wouldn't disappear.

Stevie knew there was no use in weeping. It was pointless. He merely pressed his lips to Nick's one last time, wrapping his arms around Nick's neck. "Stevie, I don't want you to go away." Nick whispered, depression clouding his voice. Stevie smiled sweelty as things began to go dim. "I'll be back Nicky. Trust me, I'll be back. And when you see me, go for what you want. Don't live in fear." Stevie declared, brushing the back of his hand over Nick's cheek. Nick's eyes began to glaze over with tears. "But..." he whimpered out. Stevie was fading. "No, don't think like that. Dreams can exist in reality." Stevie assured him. He smiled for Nick once more as images leaked away and he was no more.

Nick's body lurched with a shudder and his eyes ripped open. He gasped before breathing easily. "I thought that would wake you up, baby." JC's voice crept into Nick's ear. Nick could feel a hand moving beneath the sheets of their bed, jerking on his erect cock as a stiff penis jabbed at his backside. Nick glanced over his shoulder at his husband, a wicked smile on JC's thick lips. "What?" Nick coughed out. JC pressed his body into Nick's gropping him freely as he attempted to slide between Nick's cheeks. "I'm so horny sweetheart. Can we please make love?" JC pleaded. Nick squinted his blue eyes at JC and arched an eyebrow. He wasn't dreaming anymore. The cool hands running over his body did not belong to Stevie and the feeling wasn't quite the same. "Please, Nick." JC begged, kissing along Nick's shoulder.

Nick sighed and turned his head. He glanced at the clock. 4:00 AM. Damn, it was early and JC wanted to have sex. "Okay Josh. Go 'head." Nick finally agreed, accepting his reality. He felt JC inch inside of him and he gasped for air. Reality wasn't quite as good as he wanted it to be, but it was his life. He was with his husband and yet, his dreams were what he wanted right now. It didn't matter. As long as JC made love to him tenderly, dreams were nothing but a flavor in Nick's mouth. And they tasted just like peaches and cream.


--- I hoped you liked this little interlude. It shows you a softer side of Nick. It does however play into the story and you'll see that. Look for the next chapter of Angel's Wings to be out soon, very soon. Also, it would seem I'm in the Bisexual section of Nifty now. Hmmm, quite interesting. It's because I have 'heterosexual elements' in my story. Doesn't matter to me. I'm not one to categorize the story or define it by its couples. So I can accept where I'm put. Thanks for reading and send me our thoughts! ---

Next: Chapter 73: Angels Wings 10

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