Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 7, 2001


Cyberspace Web Dream Written by JM

--- Welcome to an interlude that is apart of the Fan Appreciation Month. The title came from Innosense's "" This story is mainly written from a chat perspective with no real dialogue between people except for the beginning and the end. It has a connection to the story as all questions revolve around the story in some way or another. I want to thank all of the readers that came up with some of these questions (Some of you gave me the same questions! LOL). So log in your username and type in your password and prepare to enter a chat that does exactly what any chat does... gives you answers! ---

"Adam, what's taking so long?" Danielle called out, shaking her friend's shoulders as she stood behind him. Adam scrunched up his nose, rolling his eyes as he continuously typed in his codes to access the site. "Yeah, come on Adam. The chat's gonna start any minute." Carrie complained, reclining back in her chair next to Adam. Adam typed a little louder, his aggravation evident to the two girls. "And I better not miss when JC answers a question. He's my favorite." Carrie gushed, leaning forward to watch as Adam began to log in. Adam giggled quietly. "This coming from the girl that tried to steal my Justin poster?" Adam beamed, turning his eyes from the screen to look at Carrie. Carrie puckered her lips and furrowed her brow. "Yeah, right. I was just trying to scan it to make a background for my computer." Carrie sighed out. Adam shook his head, continuing to laugh at his friend.

"Pay attention." Danielle insisted, yanking her friend's head back in the direction of the computer screen. Adam shrugged out of her grip. He sighed annoyingly and finished typing in his password, quickly moving the mouse until it clicked on the confirmation button. "Besides, Justin's gay. I'd never want him." Carrie boasted. "Yeah, and that's the way I like him. Tall, lean, blonde, sexy, and gay." Adam grinned. Danielle quickly pushed his head, annoyed by his constant babble. "Pay the fuck attention." Danielle insisted. Adam grumbled lowly, focusing his eyes on the screen as he tried to find the right chat room.

Carrie leaned closer, watching the names that appeared in the chat room. "I bet all these girls think they're going to get JC too, but they're so wrong." Carrie said with a shrill confidence running through her voice. "Yeah because JC is so gay." Adam laughed, typing in a question into the question box. "No he's not." Carrie barked, giving Adam a light shove. Adam continued to laugh, reclining in his seat as he awaited the start of the chat. "Adam thinks he knows because of the little site he read stories from. What's it called? Nappy?" Danielle wondered, pinching Adam's shoulder. Adam winced in pain before replying, "It's called Nifty jackass."

"Isn't that the place you read all the stories about *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys being gay?" Carrie asked, a hint of disbelief caught up in her timid voice. Adam nodded proudly, eyeing the window screen as the monirator popped up. "Shut up now, it's about to start." Danielle gripped, leaning closer to the screen to read the words that appeared.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> Hello and welcome to this first official chat with *NSYNC on Cyber Venue. We hope you enjoy the chat.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> All of the guys are here except for Chris.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> He's at home right now because his son is a little underweather, but he's connected to the chat at his house.

<CV_Chris> Yep, I'm here all! Sorry I'm not with the other guys, but I can't leave my kid at home sick.

<CV_Chris> But I'm still here! =)

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> We've got a lot of questions from you guys. Keep sending in your questions and we'll try and get as many of the questions answered as possible.

<CV_Justin> Hey all! Send as many questions as you want! We'll answer them.

<CV_Justin> But Lance is on the phone right now, so I don't know if he can answer them! :)

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> The guys of *NSYNC will try taking turns with the chat, but they are willing to answer what they can.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> Joey and Chris are arguing over who wants to go first.

<CV_Joey> I called it way before he got online!

<CV_Chris> Loser!

What's going to be the first single from the new album?

<CV_Chris> Hey, cool name! We're not sure what will be the first single just yet. We're deciding between two songs, but it's going to be uptempo.

<CV_Joey> It's either going to be this song JC did or a song that we did with Max Martin in Sweden.

<CV_Chris> JC hopes it's his song called "Game Over"!!!

Chris, what's going on with the clothing line? Will your wife and son be apart of advertising?

<CV_Chris> Right now, me and my partner Danielle are working on getting it into more stores. We have the Norstroms line going and we'll probably have lines available in Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta to begin with.

<CV_Chris> We have a woman's line coming up in the summer.

<CV_Chris> I might have Kaleb advertise for a kids clothing line, but that's probably not until 2002.

<CV_Chris> He'll be one years old then, old enough to model! =)

Lance, are you dating that Mandy girl from Innosense?

<CV_Joey> Lance just got off the phone.

<CV_Justin> I told him to hurry up!

<CV_Lance> Sorry about that. LOL. No, I'm not dating Mandy from Innosense.

<CV_Lance> She's my best friend. She's like a sister to me. I could never date her! ;)

Are there any guest appearances on this album like the last album?

<CV_Lance> We don't have any guest appearance just yet, but you never know. We like to surprise the fans.

<CV_Justin> We'd like to record at least one duet for the new album, but there are a number of folks we'd like to do a guest spot.

<CV_Justin> But too many people clutters a record. So you might expect one or two guest appearances if any.

<CV_Chris> Unfortunately Busta Rhymes wasn't available this time. =(

Chris - Since you're older, married, and have a son, do you think you'll be leaving the group anytime soon?

<CV_Chris> Yeah... right! LOL. No, I'm not leaving the group until it's through. My wife and my son understand that this is what I love to do. I'm here to stay.

<CV_Justin> Chris is in it with us for the long haul.

<CV_Chris> And I'm not that old!

JC, is it true your relationship is so serious that you might get married?

<CV_Chris> Good question!

<CV_JC> Wow...

<CV_Justin> JC was listening to one of our new songs, it's a ballad about love.

<CV_JC> I wasn't expecting that question. I'm in a serious relationship, yes. And marriage is always possible for me. I've always wanted to get married and settle down a little.

<CV_Chris> He's a sap like that!

Is it true what they say about Justin and Britney really dating and Justin pretending to be married to Brian?

<CV_Justin> No, it is not true.

<CV_JC> Justin and Britney haven't been like that since they were younger on the Mickey Mouse Club. We're like family with her, all except Joey, of course.

<CV_Justin> I wouldn't lie about something as serious as me being married to Brian for the sake of keeping a relationship secret with Britney. I also don't think I'd kiss anyone else to keep a relationship secret. Brian and me are the real deal.

<CV_Chris> And that's the Gospel truth. Sorry, my son's watching Hercules! =)

Is it true you guys are working with Destiny's Child? Did any of you date them?

<CV_JC> Working with them on what?

<CV_Justin> No, we're not working with Destiny's Child on anything. We don't really know the girls well enough, though I have talked to Beyoncé a couple of times and I know the other two girls that aren't with the group... LeToya and LaTavia.

<CV_JC> We wouldn't mind working with the girls because they're pretty talented.

<CV_Lance> And none of us have dated any of the girls.

<CV_Chris> I'm not a fan of Destiny's Child, actually. I prefer 702!

<CV_Justin> People say I dated Beyoncé and I don't know where they got that from!

<CV_JC> They say you've dated a million people Justin and I don't know where you got that from.

Do you guys keep good contact with your friends and family on the road?

<CV_Lance> Always. We talk to either our family or friends once a night on the road. Our cell phone bills are so high! But it's important to stay in contact with the ones you love.

<CV_Chris> Most times, I bring my family on the road with me. Half of the cities we visit, either I have family there or I bring my family there.

<CV_Justin> When I'm on the road and my son isn't with me, I call him from wherever I am right after the show and tell him goodnight and sing him a lullaby. I don't want him to miss his daddy too much!

<CV_Lance> I was lucky on the last tour because my best friend was on the road with me the whole time. So I didn't have too much to complain about.

<CV_JC> And Chris' wife toured most of the time with us too.

Are any of you virgins?

<CV_Justin> Aww man, not this one.

<CV_Chris> You know, since we never really answered this question in the past, I think we should answer it now. We're grown and we're adults now, even Justin. So, no, obviously I'm not. I'm married with a kid.

<CV_Joey> Nope. #_#

<CV_JC> It depends on what you call a virgin because now a days people say you're a virgin if you haven't done certain things.

<CV_Joey> Let's keep it clean JC!

<CV_JC> I'm not.

<CV_Justin> Married with a kid here. Sorry people, I'm not a virgin.

<CV_Lance> I guess not.

<CV_Joey> Lance is always so confused.

<19HundredOceans> Do you guys hate the Backstreet Boys?

<CV_JC> On our good days, we don't hate them.

<CV_Lance> We don't hate the Backstreet Boys at all. They're in this business just like we are and they pretty much go through the same things we do. We have respect for them.

<CV_Joey> We just don't like the fact that sometimes they down us in interviews or make it seem like we're trying to steal their spotlight. We think there is room for both of us.

<CV_Chris> Their new album is alright.

<CV_Justin> We're all friends, so we don't hate them.

<CV_Joey> Justin definitely doesn't hate Brian!

<CV_Justin> But I get tired of being compared to Nick Carter. Come on, we're nothing alike.

<CV_Chris> Try being compared to Kevin all the time and then you can complain. Mullet versus my hair? Please!

<1GalFromAL> Do you guys approve of Britney Spears' sexy image and the way she tends to be too sexy sometimes.. like at the VMA's and her recent videos?

<CV_Chris> Do we approve? We're not her mother.

<CV_Lance> I don't think it's a bad image. I think it's just Britney expressing how sexy she can be and how it can make her feel good. We know Britney and to see her like that is no big deal because we know that after she struts around in all of those revealing outfits, she chills at my house in T-shirt and jeans. So it's not reall a big deal.

<CV_Justin> I think what she wore at the VMA's was fine. There are other artists who walk around showing off a whole lot more than her.

<CV_Chris> Sure, sometimes we think she can be a little too sexy, but that's Britney. She has a right to.

<CV_Joey> I think people tend to be hard on her about it and she's not doing anything Madonna didn't do. She's just doing it in 2001 and not in the 80s or early 90s.

What's the name of the new album? Is it called "Pop Stars"?

<CV_Joey> Pop Stars? Isn't that the name of that show on the WB?

<CV_Justin> No way! We would never name the album Pop Stars. We do have a song called "Dirty Pop" that we're thinking of putting on the record.

<CV_JC> We're tossing around names for the record all of the time. We're thinking of naming it Volume just because it has different meanings like the record does. You turn up the volume and we want our fans to crank this record really loud and jam to it. Also, the volume of something means how much is in it and there's a lot of volume or substance in this album.

<CV_Chris> Thank you Dr. Chasez for your analysis of the record. LOL.

<Lala82_16> Is Joey really going to be a daddy? Everyone in *NSYNC is a daddy!

<CV_Chris> Joey???

<CV_Joey> Not that I know of. Maybe there's something Britney hasn't told me lately.

<CV_Chris> Not everyone in *NSYNC is a daddy. Just me and Justin. We're the only ones and I bet we're the only ones for awhile too.

<CV_Joey> I don't want to be a father right now... maybe later on.

Lance, what's going on with the movie?

<CV_Lance> We're working on the new record right now, but after that, I'm going to try and film the movie before we go on tour this summer. But with the album coming out in April and the tour starting early June, I only have May to shoot my scenes for the movie. And then maybe I can return to finish producing the movie after the tour ends.

<CV_Joey> I can do all my scenes in May, but Lance is the lead, so he has a lot to do.

<CV_Lance> If things go right, the movie will be out by Thanksgiving or Christmas.

How many songs will be on the new album?

<CV_JC> Probably about 12 or 14 songs. We're pushing to get 14 on the record, but there's business surrounding that.

<CV_Justin> But if it's only 12 songs, then you better believe they'll be the best 12 of the bunch.

<CV_JC> We've only got about three more songs to record before we'll start deciding which ones will really make the final cut.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> Keep sending us questions! We've still got more time to answer all these wonderful questions. *NSYNC might answer your question next!

Lance do you have any new tattoos?

<CV_Lance> Me? No, I don't have any new tattoos. I'll probably get one before I go on tour... but it's a secret. ;0

<CV_Joey> Justin got a new tattoo right before Christmas that he doesn't want to tell anyone about. :)

<CV_Justin> Thanks Joey.

<CV_Chris> Oh yeah! Justin has a new tattoo. Can I tell them what it is?

<CV_Justin> Uhm, no. It's a special tatoo. :)

Justin, I just wanted to say thank you for finally telling the world about you and Brian. For a long time I was scared to say anything to anyone about my love for this person and you helped me see that if a celebrity could tell billions of people that he's gay, I could tell this person I cared for them. So thank you! You're an inspiration for many teens now.

<CV_Chris> Go Justin! LOL.

<CV_Justin> Thank you. That really made my day.

<CV_Justin> I never expected to become an inspiration after finally telling everyone about me and Brian. We just got tired of the questions and we wanted our house to be at rest.

<CV_Joey> We all felt bad for them because they couldn't tell anyone.

<CV_Justin> But we did it for our son. And I'm glad you finally told the person you like how you feel. Don't ever hide that.

Justin - What did you do for your birthday?

<CV_Chris> Uh oh, censor!

<CV_Joey> Keep it clean Justin! LOL. :)

<CV_Justin> Let's see... I had just got back to Orlando that day. The day before we celebrated Joey's birthday in Tampa with some of the folks from the Super Bowl. On my birthday, I spent the morning with my son at the park and then Brian took us to lunch. Then Brian took me to this really cool spa where he and I hung out...

<CV_Joey> Keep it clean Justin!

<CV_Justin> Then later on I went to my mom's house and spent a little time there. I tucked my baby into bed and then went to a party the guys threw for me.

<CV_Chris> Which Brian and Justin left early!

<CV_Chris> But it was cool because we at least got to sing happy birthday to him and Brian sang this really cool song to Justin.

<CV_Justin> And then I relaxed with Brian the rest of the night.

<CV_Joey> Thank goodness, he kept it clean!

<KiKi_Robs> Chris, what will your wife and son do while you're on tour?

<CV_Chris> I think they're coming to see me on some of the tour dates, but unfortunately, they won't do the whole tour with me. Meelah is going to be finishing up the 702 record in Los Angeles and then she'll be doing some promotions in Las Vegas. But I'll get to see them whenever I get a day off.

<CV_Joey> He's going to be doing a lot of plane time!

<BevHill90210_01> I heard you guys are breaking up after this album so Chris can be a father/husband, Justin can go solo and be with Brian, and because you guys all have solo things to do.

<CV_Lance> That's a really bad rumor.

<CV_JC> It's a stupid rumor.

<CV_Justin> We all have our side projects, but we're not breaking up after this record. I'm not going solo. Maybe five years down the line, but not now. I've got too much love for the guys right now. Plus, I can be with Brian whenever. He and I love working in this industry with our groups and we still love each other.

<CV_Joey> And I don't really have anything that would make me leave the group. I can do acting whenever.

<CV_Chris> We're not breaking up. This kind of rumor always comes around when one group can stay together longer than two records. I'm not leaving the group because of my personal life. I can have both.

<CV_JC> You know, we all have our own things. We all have personal lives, people we love and love spending time with. I know we'll all probably be married sooner or later, but that won't affect the group. I can still produce songs, Lance can still manage people and act, Joey can still act, Justin can still be a husband and a father, and Chris can still be a husband, father, and clothing line artist. But *NSYNC is not something we'd give up.

Who keeps their romantic life most private?

<CV_Chris> Lance.

<CV_Joey> I'm going to say Lance and JC.

<CV_Justin> We all do in some way or another. Lance doesn't really tell the public much about his romantic life.

<CV_JC> As far as between us, Justin keeps his romantic life pretty private.

He might show affection, but he really isn't a kiss and tell kind of guy.

<CV_Chris> Yeah, between us, Justin keeps his private life pretty quiet. So does JC.

<CV_Joey> You never know what to expect out of JC's relationships.

<CV_Lance> I don't really like tell the public about who I'm dating or what we do and don't do. I've seen how that can really steal from a relationship. So I'm really quiet about it. I chill at home with that person instead of going to clubs or movies.

<CV_Chris> I don't mind telling the guys about my life, but the public usually finds out some way or another. The fans will find out!

<CV_Justin> I really don't have a problem with fans knowing now. So if fans ask me something privately, I'll tell them. I just don't like telling reporters about my personal life. They get too into it.

JC - Have you ever had someone that you could honestly say is the greatest love of your life?

<CV_JC> I don't know. I can say that I've had two really important people in my life who have been my greatest loves.

<CV_JC> One of them, I've known her for years and we dated a really long time. She's definitely my first love, but I don't know if she's my greatest loves.

<CV_JC> The other one... well I did something wrong and broke that person's heart. But that was one of the best relationships I've had.

You guys are looked at as role models. Do you find it hard to keep your private lives and significant others away from the image the fans have of you?

<CV_Justin> I find it impossibly hard to separate my personal life from what either fans think of me or the media thinks of me.

<CV_JC> Since I keep things pretty quiet, I think I have less trouble dealing with it, but I know that people still look up to me and expect so much of me.

<CV_JC> Therefore, I try to keep things low to avoid that problem.

<CV_Joey> With Britney, I felt a little pressure to be this perfect guy for the fans and to show them I'm not a bad guy or a bad boyfriend.

<CV_Joey> I got a bad reputation for being a flirt, but I was dedicated to Britney.

<CV_Chris> We're all good guys, but sometimes we get labeled as things we are not because of an image that people think they see. I know it's hard for me to keep Kameelah and Kaleb out of the spotlight of things just because of who I am and that's hard. They're also part of my image and now people think I am something that I am not. I'm not some hardcore thug just because I married Meelah. I hope people know that.

<CV_Justin> For me, it's harder to deal with the parents who think I'm a bad guy now that they know I'm with Brian and have a son. They have this image of this young guy being married to an older guy and raising a kid and automatically see bad things.

<CV_Joey> Justin's a good guy and gets a lot of slack for being who he is.

<CV_Justin> It sucks, but I'm happy. People will always have an image of you. :)

JC - What was it like working with Wild Orchid and Innosense?

<CV_JC> It sucked! LOL. I'm joking.

<CV_JC> Actually, it was great working with both groups. I only got to work with Innosense for a day or so to do a remix of one of their songs, but those girls work hard and have great voices. I enjoyed them because they're good friends of mine.

<CV_JC> Working with Wild Orchid was just as fun, especially since they were recording my songs.

<CV_JC> Doing demos for them was weird because I had to sing "boy" and not "girl," but overall, I liked it. We recorded four songs and I think they're all good uptempo songs that the girls can use.

<CV_JC> They sing their asses off!

Chris, how's 702? I heard they broke up.

<CV_Chris> That's the rumor going around lately, but it's not true. They've all just taken a break to work on other things while Meelah raises the baby.

<CV_Chris> They're still together and Meelah talks to at least one of them each day. They're going to start finishing up recording for their album soon.

<CV_Chris> I hope they have their first single about by July!

Will any of you be bringing dates to the Grammy's?

<CV_JC> I might bring a friend, but that all depends.

<CV_Lance> I'll probably bring my mom or Mandy or I might bring my artist Meredith Edwards.

<CV_Joey> I think I'm bringing my sister.

<CV_Chris> Joey's not bringing Britney.

<CV_Lance> Meredith's single is out in stores and her album comes out a week after our new album comes out.

<CV_Joey> Yeah, Britney will be in Sweden recording her new album and she wouldn't go with me anyway. =0(

<CV_Justin> I want to bring Brian, but he says the guys probably won't attend the Grammy's even though they scheduled to get that day off from touring. I'll try to get Brian to go with me. :)

<CV_Chris> I'll bring Meelah if I can get a babysitter. Any volunteers?! LOL.

<CV_Lance> And don't forget Innosense's new single is "Rain Rain"

<CV_Justin> Shut up Lance!

What was Justin's wedding like? Congratulations Justin! I hope you're happy!

<CV_Chris> It was nothing compared to mine!

<CV_Joey> LOL. Justin's wedding was really nice. It was really beautiful. Plus he got us some vacation time in Hawaii and that was nice.

<CV_Justin> Uhm, I don't know how to answer this question, LOL!!! Thanks!

<CV_JC> It was really beautiful and really special. It was on the beach. Nikki from Innosense sang at the wedding and Kevin read a poem and afterward, the reception was great.

<CV_Lance> I have to say it was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to. Everything went really good and I think I got choked up when Brian and Justin did their vows. LOL

<CV_Chris> Yeah, it was a nice wedding. It was nice to just have close family and friends witness it.

<CV_Justin> But security was tight and no one could really know what was going on. No one was to know we were getting married or were even there for anything like that.

<CV_JC> Justin's little brother was the ring bearer.

<CV_Chris> And my little sister was the flower girl.

Lance, what's the happiest moment in your life and what do you regret the most in your life?

<CV_Chris> Wow, now that's deep!!!

<CV_Lance> Uh... wow. That's a hard one.

<CV_Lance> I'll say my happiest moment was probably this past Christmas. I had a lot of fun with someone and my family. It was really great!

<CV_Lance> The moment I regret is something that happened in Hawaii a year or so ago. I kind of ended a relationship and I don't think I should've. :o(

<KiKi_Robs> JOEY, are you getting MARRIED?

<CV_Joey> No, I'm not getting married. No plans for that for awhile too.

<CV_Chris> And for those who keeping asking, yes, Joey and Britney broke up.

<CV_Joey> Yeah, we're not together anymore. And she'd be the only person I'd consider marrying, so you know how that goes.

<CV_Joey> Otherwise the tabloids lie about me getting some girl pregnant and me planning to marry her. I was with Britney and Britney only.

Chris are you thinking of having another child? Same goes to Justin.

<CV_Chris> Maybe. It depends. Not right now though. :)

<CV_Justin> Yeah, I am considering getting another baby. I'm considering it a lot. You never know. I love being a father.

<CV_Chris> Yeah, me and Justin are total losers. We always talk about our kids first steps and what they did that day and when they finally say "Daddy." Of course my son hasn't said it yet, but he will soon.

<CV_Justin> Kaleb and Angel get along really well even though Angel is a year older than Kaleb. They play all the time with AJ from the Backstreet Boys' daughter.

<CopyKat_NG> Just, is it true you'll be touring with the Backstreet Boys when they go on tour?

<CV_Justin> What do you mean am I going on tour? As in opening up for them?

<CV_Chris> I think the question is will you be out there with them while they tour the US goofball.

<CV_Justin> Oh...

<CV_Justin> Actually, most of my time will go to recording the new *NSYNC record and promotions. Plus spending time with my son.

<CV_Justin> But I can't stay away from Brian that long! :0) So I'll probably go see him on several stops on the tour. So you might see me around the venues, but you've gotta look hard!

Chris, since you're considered the most hyper of the five... what has changed about your "activities" now that you're married with a kid?

<CV_JC> He's not such a pain in the rear end now. :)


<CV_Chris> Well, I don't party as much, I don't spend as much time away from home either. I always wanted a family and someone to come home to, so I have no real complaints. I've just slowed things down and really enjoyed my family.

<CV_Joey> He's so grown up!

<CV_Chris> But I'm still the crazy one, trust me!

What do you usually do when you're working in the studio?

<CV_Joey> Usually... record. LOL

<CV_Chris> It depends. I goof around a lot, I know that. I get bored when I'm not recording. But I bring my Playstation 2 to the studio and we play on that or watch TV.

<CV_Justin> Usually, if JC or one of us is producing the song, then we're so into what's going on in the recording studio that we don't take a break. I know if I wrote the song, I sit in the production booth and listen to the way each person is singing the song and see if that's the way I had it played out in my mind.

<CV_Joey> But usually Justin's on the phone with Brian. He's a loser!

<CV_Lance> Lately, I've been laying down vocals and then going into another studio with like Joey or Justin and have them help me with some songs I've been writing.

<CV_Chris> We're planning on recording a song Lance wrote called "After Everyone."

<CV_Justin> I helped him write part of it.

<CV_Lance> It's a real personal song about a relationship I had. It's about how a person can move onto several other people, but after each one of them, that person's thoughts go write back to his first love.

Who usually gets home sick first when you're on tour?


<CV_Chris> Justin!!!

<CV_JC> Probably Justin, but it all depends on what the circumstances are.

<CV_Chris> Hands down, without a doubt, it is Justin. He is such a little cry baby sometimes... joking!!! No, but he tends to miss being with Brian and his son, that's all.

<CV_Lance> He gets a little homesick just because Brian can't always be there. We understand.

<CV_Justin> I'm not always sad though. =( It's weird when you're in love.

<CV_Joey> We all get home sick though. Like JC said, it depends on the circumstances.

JC, are you producing for anyone else right now?

<CV_Chris> He's producing for us!

<CV_JC> Actually, right now I'm just working on the *NSYNC record. After that, I have plans to work with several other artists. My main priority when the *NSYNC record is done is working with Innosense on thier new album.

I'm scheduled to produce two or three songs for them.

<CV_Lance> I'm trying to get him to work with some of my artists.

<CV_Chris> Didn't they ask you to work with Britney?

<CV_JC> Yeah...

<CV_Justin> JC's going to be producing for Barney and Friends next. Ha ha ha!

<MCJLo_Pro> I know you guys are a little more mature now and don't really party, but do you guys ever get out and go to the club or go to parties?

<CV_Joey> I still go to clubs!

<CV_Chris> Yeah, Joey's not mature yet. We're working on him.

<CV_Lance> I still go to parties when we're invited. LOL. I like going to parties, but not really the industry parties.

<CV_Joey> I can get Lance to go to the clubs with me somtimes and Justin too.

<CV_Justin> I club when there is a group of us. It's funner that way. I like clubs better than those ritzy parties they throw.

<CV_JC> I'm probably the only one besides Chris that doesn't party that much anymore.

<CV_JC> And Justin too. He stays at home a lot more now.

<CV_Justin> I went to a cool club in Las Vegas where I got to see my friend Amanda perform. I liked being there.

Are any of you working on Britney Spears' new record?

<CV_Justin> No, not really. Britney's trying to do her own thing with her new record, but I'm sure her fans will love it. She has asked me to sit down and write a song with her, but I don't know if it'll happen with her schedule.

<CV_JC> The label asked me to write a song and produce it for her, but Britney's style is so unique that I don't want to touch it. I might mess it up! ^_^

<CV_Joey> She's working with Max Martin, Diane Warren, Rodney Jerkins, Eric Foster White... the basics. I think she's changing it up and working with Guy Roche, Timbaland, and even Glen Ballard.

<CV_Justin> No *NSYNC this time around kiddies.

Justin, are you sure you're married???

<CV_Chris> LOL. Is that the million dollar question?

<CV_Joey> Yeah, that's the one.

<CV_Justin> Uhm, there's a ring on my left finger. And I've got a marriage certificate. Plus, I had a wedding and I even went on a honeymoon. So I think so.

<CV_Justin> Yes, I'm really married and I'm sure of it! I'm Justin Littrell.

Are you guys touring this summer? Who will open for you? I LOVE YOU LANCE!!!

<CV_Justin> Cool, a Vegas girl LOL

<CV_JC> Yes, we're going to be touring this summer, but we don't know who is going to open for us. We usually start deciding that a month or two before the tour starts.

<CV_Chris> Lance, she said she loves you!

<CV_Joey> We'd like to give new people a chance to open for us.

<CV_Lance> Thanks. Love you too.

<CV_Justin> Yeah, like 3LW or Dream. Maybe we could get Destiny's Child or maybe even Backstreet Boys... LOL! Just kidding.

<CV_Chris> I think my son and Justin's son should open for us. They sing real good and their dancing surpasses ours.

<CV_Justin> He's kidding too!

<CV_Justin> It'd be cool if Tamia opened for us. "There's a stranger in my house..."

<CV_Chris> Shaddup Justin!

<CV_JC> I'd like to have Wild Orchid open for us or maybe Innosense again. Someone like Shaggy would be cool too.


Joey - What did you get Britney for Valentine's Day?

<CV_Joey> I didn't get to give her her stuff until after Valentine's Day... but I got her roses, a diamond bracelet, and a diary that I wrote our best moments in.

<CV_JC> Aaaww! How cute!

<CV_Joey> Yeah, thanks. :)

<ChrisChick_1981> What's in your CD player right now?

<CV_Chris> A little bit of Busta Rhymes, a little Limp Bizkit, a little bit of DJ Clue. Oh and some new 702 stuff.

<CV_JC> Our stuff. I've been listening to some mixes.

<CV_Joey> I'm really into Jennier Lopez record... and I like Nelly's album, Pink's album, and Mya's record. I like any and everything out there.

<CV_Lance> My artist Meredith Edwards, Innosense, our new stuff, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill... a lot of country music.

<CV_Justin> I'm rockin' to the new O-Town record!!! Yeah, right! ;)

<CV_Justin> I like the new Jay-Z record, No Doubt, some of Brian's work, our new stuff, Lil' Kim's record, Britney's record... some Etta James, Janet Jackson, Billy Holiday, Luther Vandross. Whatever I'm in the mood for.

Justin, will you and Brian be recording a full album together? Maybe call it the Littrells or Angel.

<CV_Justin> Actually, no, I don't think we will. We might duet together again, I don't know... maybe for a soundtrack. But not a full album. I don't have the free time, neither does he.

<CV_Chris> Plus it'd be so corny!

<CV_Justin> LOL. What would we sing about? Our love? LOL.

<CV_Justin> But seriously, I LOVE working with my husband. He's a very taleneted writer and a rather good producer too.

JC since you worked with the Backstreet Boys, does that mean *NSYNC will be touring with the Backstreet Boys again?

<CV_JC> No, probably not. Though, it was fun working with the Backstreet Boys. Something a little new to work with.

<CV_JC> But there are no tours planned.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> I bet a lot of fans would love to see a tour again. It was really successful last time.

<CV_Chris> Well, uhm, I don't know. Maybe five years from now when we're all going downhill and we need money.

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> We have time for one more question before the guys have to go.

Justin - What's the greatest sacrafice you've given to Brian and your son, Angel?

<CV_Chris> Ooh, could the questions be anymore juicier!!!

<CV_Justin> Sacrafice? I think any and everything I do for them isn't a sacrafice but something I'd willingly do to have them.

<CV_Justin> The greatest sacrafice would probably be one of my close friends. He didn't understand how much I love Brian and my son and it became a conflict for us. I wish we were better friends, but not the way he's acted in the past.

<CV_Justin> To have Brian and my son, I'd pretty much sacrafice a lot of things. :)

<CV_*NSYNC_Manager> That's all the guys have time for now... thanks for all of the questions! Thank you to *NSYNC too!

<CV_Lance> Thanks everyone!

<CV_Joey> Lance has got to get back on his phone now! He is such a loser.

<CV_Chris> This chat was fun, but now I've got to go take care of my son. THANK YOU FANS!!! We love you!

<CV_JC> You peeps rock! Thanks for the chat.

<CV_Justin> Pace and hair grease ya'll! I love ya'll! Got to go see my babies now. I'll tell them you said "What's up!" LOL. :)

<CV_Lance> Get the new album when it comes out!


<CV_JC> End transmission. Ya'll have had enough.

"I told you!" Adam boasted, laughing wildly as he exited the chat. He pointed toward Carrie while continuing to laugh, his eyes shut tightly as the laughter overtook him. "Told me what? He is so not gay. Didn't you see him talking about his first girlfriend and his first love." Carrie hissed back, folding her arms in disappointment. Adam rolled his eyes immediately, clicking off the screen. "It's a cover up. He's getting blow jobs from dudes and telling everyone else about that girl from Innosense." Adam boasted, spinning around in his chair. "Whatever." Carrie huffed, crossing her arms while shaking her hips arrogantly.

"Who cares? They could all be gay and I'd still want to marry each and every one of them." Danielle brooded, stepping away from the two. "The forever dreamer." Adam crooned, reclining in his seat. "And the endless asshole." Danielle boasted back before exiting the room quietly.

"You don't really think he's gay, do you?" Carrie asked quietly, unfolding her arms and staring directly into Adam's eyes, her own eyes filled with hope and cocnern. Adam groaned loudly before throwing his hands into the air, turning back to the computer while Carrie sighed faithlessly.

Justin stood outside of the Wright Compound, his eyes focused on the purplish sky with a lonesome expression holding his face. "What are ya thinking about?" Joey asked, leaning on Justin and Brian's BMW M Roadster with a questionable expression. "Brian. The chat. My son. *NSYNC. You and Britney. Brian." Justin replied shortly, sighing loudly. He reluctantly lowered his eyes to look at Joey, nibbling on his lower lip nervously. "Brian." he said again, a little softer. Joey nodded, drapping an arm around Justin's shoulders. "What's wrong? Has he been acting funny again?" Joey wondered. Justin shook his head immediately, glancing back up to the sky. He crossed his arms and twisted his lips. "We're just starting to get things back to where we feel totally comfortable around each other again and now he's about to go on tour... for almost two and a half months." Justin replied, his eyes still locked on the moving dark clouds in the sky. "Worried he might lost some of that warmth?" Joey wondered. "No, worried he might do like I did and almost sleep with someone else." Justin responded low and shamefully. "Justin, you don't think Brian would cheat on you." Joey hissed, slipping his arm from around his friend. Justin's silence worried him. "Do you?" he questioned with a harder voice. Justin just chewed on his lower lip, squinting his eyes.

Joey groaned lowly, slapping Justin's arm lightly. "Don't you doubt him, J, do you hear me? Don't you get it in your head that just because you were confused and you were alone on tour and you fucked up that one time that he's going to do the same." Joey insisted. Justin licked his lips quickly, his throat a little dry with fear. "I trust him, Joe. I trust my baby beyond belief, but I know the feelings. I know the ache. I know what it's like to sleep without his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. Without that, you get an itch and it's hard not to scratch." Justin replied, his voice still low. "Brian won't scratch." Joey assured Justin, rubbing his arm carefully. His words were so true and so undeniable that Justin had to lift his eyes again and sigh a little happier.

"But you did, Joey. It's so hard for me to keep this faith going in all of us when I know that it's just so easy to let go of what you have. I never thought that would happen to you and Britney, but it did." Justin said, his voice soft and cautious. Joey scratched his beard and nodded, turning his eyes away from Justin. "You know, Chris said the same thing about JC and Lance. He never thought they'd break up. I never thought that you and Brian would actually separate until it happened. It can happen, but sometimes, it doesn't have to." Joey responded. Justin nodded once more, fooling with the hem of his shirt.

"You don't hate me for what happened between me and Britney, do you?" Joey asked, tilting his head to look at Justin. "No. I couldn't hate you Joey, not for that. I've been there, I've done that. I'm hurt because she's like a sister to me and to see her cry like she did made me mad, but I have faith that God will work things out for the better." Justin replied confidently.

Joey pressed his lips together, humming while glancing up to the sky. "Do you miss her?" Justin asked, his voice still stretched out with softness. Joey nodded. How could he not? "One way or another, things are going to work out Joey." Justin assured his friend. "I know. Either we'll be together or we'll be friends, but I'll let her decide what's right." Joey agreed, lowering his brow while trying to smile. "If me and my baby worked things out, I'm sure you and her will come to a good resolution." Justin smiled, nudging his friend. Joey finally pressed out the smile and nodded again.

With glowing, tepid blue eyes, JC watched Joey and Justin laugh together and talk casually. He leaned against his own car, sighing endlessly while watching the two. "You miss that, don't you?" Lance asked, his low voice startling JC little. JC nodded helplessly, pulling his eyes away from them.

He couldn't have that anymore. He could no longer laugh and smile with Justin in the way he wanted. But there was no one to blame but himself.

JC turned his eyes on Lance, curious with the way Lance held a small smile for him. "Did you mean it?" JC asked, slipping his hands into his pockets. Lance arched an eyebrow, his beaming green eyes squinting. "Did I mean what?" Lance wondered, scratching the back of his head. JC smiled lightly, a smooth cockiness flickering in his eyes. "Did you mean that you regretted ending our relationship in Hawaii?" JC finally asked, licking his lips. "You ended our relationship when you had sex with Nick." Lance reminded him, his voice cold. JC ssighed, letting his chin lower. "I know that Lance, but..." JC cut himself off, not wanting to go there again. There wasn't anything left there for him.

He felt Lance's nimble fingers on his chin, lifting it and catching his eyes. "Yeah, I regret hurting you the way I did in Hawaii and I won't deny that I hated ending our relationship, at any and every point that I did." Lance whispered to JC, dropping his fingers to JC's collarbone. JC smoothed open his thick lips, words hoping to escape and rescue his heart.

"Did you mean it when you said that I was one of the best relationships you've ever had?" Lance asked, brushing cool fingertips over the skin on JC's neck. "Without a doubt," JC sighed out. He let his own hand lift and rest on Lance's hip, the way it used to when they were together, the way it used to when they were in love.

"Josh, I'm not in love with you anymore, not like then. I have Bryce." Lance said quietly, lightly pushing JC's hand from his hip while withdrawing his own hand from JC's neck. "And I have Nick." JC replied, taking a small step back. "Do you?" Lance questioned him, batting his soft lashes sincerely. "I hope so." JC whispered back. "I hope so too Josh because I don't want to be happy while you suffer. To me, it's just not right." Lance stated, patting JC's shoulder before walking past him, leaving JC to stand and ponder. "I won't ever be alone James. You'll always be right there in the corner of my heart." JC whispered, taking a look at the sky and trying to decide how his heart could decide where it belonged.


--- Well, those last paragraphs with the guys was impromptu. I didn't plan on writing any dialogue or interaction between them, but I sort of felt it was necessary. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed that portion of fan appreciation. I'm so VERY sorry that the Brian birthday story hasn't come out yet and neither has the fan appreciation story. I have the fan story pretty much mapped out thanks to the help of several readers! But I can't find the time to write anymore. There's problems with employees at my job and since I'm a shift manager, I have to work to make up for the ones that won't work. So I worked close to 100 hours in two weeks the past few weeks.

But I'm writing whenever I'm not too tired to write. So bare with me, please. Sorry I haven't responded to e-mail either, I don't find time to, but I have everyone's letter saved and will get to them soon enough. Write to me about this story, okay? I'll try and reply! Thanks for reading!!! ---

Next: Chapter 78: Angels Wings 13

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