Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 3, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 48) By JM

As soon as Justin and Brian stepped off the bus, they were gereted by a small group of fans. "Oh my God! Can I please get your autograph!" one of the girls screeched. Brian gladly signed her Backstreet Boys CD and smiled at her. "Are you coming to the show tonight?" Brian asked nicely. "Of course! I got the tickets the first hour they went on sale!" the girl giggled. "Oh wow! Is that Nick!" another girl screeched as Nick stepped off the bus. Justin and Brian laughed as another small crowd formed around Nick and Lance. "Excuse me?" a small boy tugged at Justin's shirt. Justin looked down at the boy and smiled. He knelt down in front of the boy. "Hi. What's your name little guy?" Justin asked. "My name's Mikey. Can I get your autriagarph-thingy?" the boy said in a cute, childish tone. "Sure, you can." Justin laughed and happily signed the little boy's CD cover. "Thanks. I really, really like your music." the boy cheered. "Thanks. I'm glad you do." Justin responded. He shook the boy's hand and then stood back up. He watched as Kevin, Joey, Britney, Chris, Howie and A.J. pushed pass the fans with security helping them. "Justin, we've gotta get moving." Brian suggested sa he signed another CD cover. "Okay." Justin frowned. He loved signing autographs for fans. "See you later, kid." Justin flashed a smile as he and Brian pushed through the crowds that were slowly forming around the tour bus. "Wait! Don't leave us!" Nick shouted as he, Aaron, Lance and J.C. tried to catch up with the others.

Everyone walked into the restaurant nonchalauntally. Lance strolled to the front desk, where a young man sat taking reservations. "Excuse me." Lance said. The young man looked up at him and rolled his eyes slightly. "May I help you?" the man said. "Yes, we have a reservation for 12 here." Lance replied. "Hold on and let me check. What's the name of the party?" the man responded rudely. "It should be under Bass, Mr. Lance Bass and company." Lance said kindly. The guy quickly dropped the pen he was holding and stared straight into Lance's face. "You... you mean... you mean Lance Bass. Lance Bass of ' N Sync? you know... the 'I Want You Back' guys?" the guy stuttered out. Lance smiled and nodded. "Holy shit! I'm so, so, sorry Mr. Bass. I didn't meant to be so rude... it's just that, oh wow! I think I'm starstruck." the guy blabbered out. "It's quite all right. I'm sure you guys get stars in here all the time." Lance said. "Yeah, well we've had Hanson, Renee` Russo, Mel Gibson and even Foxy Brown, but never a group that I liked this much!" the guy said enthusiastically. Lance laughed at the guy's excitement. "Listen, I'm here today with the guys of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys. Plus we've got Aaron Carter and Britney Spears, so if you can get our table ready soon, then I'll get everyone one to give you an autograph and we'll get you seats to tonight's show." Lance charmed his way through the situation. "Uhm, oh God! Sure, I'll get the table ready and get you guys seated in five seconds." the guy cheered. "Oh and please try and keep it low profile. We don't want a whole bunch of people staring at us while we eat." Lance said coyly.

Lance walked back over to the guys and laughed. "Geez, could he get anymore happier." Nick laughed. "I thought he was going to piss in his pants." Lance chuckled. "I'm hope he gets us a good table." Kevin said as he looked around. "He probably can. He looked as if he would've kissed Lance's feet if he had asked." Brian laughed. The guy came racing back to everyone and happily took them to their table. "This is one of the best tables in the place. Plus, if you need to go to the bar, it's a hop, skip and a jump away." the waiter laughed. "Well we're not big drinkers." Kevin commented. "Oh, of course not. I know that Nick, Justin, Lance, Britney and Aaron can't even drink yet. But I feel awkward now." the waiter blushed. "It's okay. Sometimes people say crazy things when around stars." Justin did his best to ease the waiter. "Oh my God, did Justin just say something to me? M-E? I think i'm going to lose it!" the waiter smiled. Justin laughed while Brian just watched the waiter flirt. "Okay, here you go people. Here's your menu's and you just tell me what you want to eat." the waiter smiled. "We'll probably need a minute to look over the menu." Joey laughed at the waiter's enthusiasm. "Oh, right. Well I'll be back in five minutes then." the waiter smiled. He quickly walked off as the guys laughed.

"Isn't he just a happy guy." J.C. laughed. "What are you guys ordering?" Kevin asked as he looked over the menu. "I think I want their cheese pizza." Aaron answered. "Nah, I want their mexican pizza platter. It says it has a variety of mild Mexican food mixed with pizza ingridents. Sounds tastey." Nick argued. Brian gave Nick a gagging face and looked over the menu. "Ooh, this lasagna looks good." Joey pointed out to Britney. "Uh huh, but I want the Caeser salad and then the grilled chicken plate." Britney responded. "Yes, that sounds delicous." Kevin agreed. Brian looked over the menu again while he listened to the others argue over their food. "What are you going to have?" Justin asked Brian softly. "I think I'll get the Mexican salad platter. Then I'll get a slice of Aaron's pizza." Brian laughed. "What about you?" Brian asked. "Don't know." Justin shrugged. "Well why don't you share a plate of something with me?" Brian suggested. "Because you have bad tastes in food." Justin laughed.

"Okay, has everyone decided?" the waiter returned with a more calmer attitude. "Yes, I'll start with a garden salad and then I'll have the grilled chicken platter." Kevin spoke first. "Anything tod rink" the waiter asked. "Yeah, I'll take a glass of water." Kevin responded. "Aren't we on a diet?" A.J. laughed. "Well it's been awhile since we've been on tour. I've got to be good about these things." Kevin shot back at A.J. "Who's next?" the waiter asked, trying to control his laughter. "I guess that'll be me. I'm going to have a plate of onion rings and then I'll have a dish of the lasagna." Joey said. "Oh and I'll have a Pepsi." Joey added. "Okay, got'cha. Next?" the waiter said as he jotted down Joey's order. "Can I have a slice of the cheese pizza and a Sprite to drink." Aaron said. "Okay, got you." the waiter smiled. "Well, I'm going to have some hot wings for an appetizer. Then can I have a platter of the Mexican grotto?" Howie said. "Yes, of course you can. Anything to drink?" the waiter asked. "Just a glass of water." Howie added. "Can I ahve the Mexican pizza and a drink of Root Beer." Nick asked. "Sure, got you down Nick." the waiter said. "Okay, I'll guess I'll order. I'll take the club sandwich. And I'll have a glass of water with that." J.C. said in a quick smile.

"Okay, Mr. Chasez. You got it. What about you Mr. Bass?" the waiter questioned. "Just call me Lance. Mr. Bass is my father." Lance laughed. "Okay, you've got it Lance. What'll you have?" the waiter laughed along with Lance. "Okay, I'll the fried chicken and the french fries. Plus I'll Mexican fried rice. And add a Dr. Pepper on there." Lance sputtered out. "Big eater, aren't we?" the waiter joked. "Either that, or he's not planning on eating at all while on tour." J.C. joined in. "Okay you two, you can quit knocking me now." Lance laughed along. As J.C. laughed, he quickly rubbed over Lance's knee with his hand and smiled. Lance coughed slightly as he felt J.C.'s hand. "Okay, I'm going to have have a steak and mashed potato platter. And could you make the steak well done and keep the chives off the potato. I think I'm going to share Howie's appertizer" A.J. said. "What do you want to drink?" the waiter asked politely. "I'll take an iced tea, with no lemon." A.J. responded. "Okay, I'm going to have a Caeser salad with Italian dressing. For the main course, I'll take the grilled chicken platter. And to drink, I'm going to have a Coke." Britney said. "Okay, I got you Miss Spears. And may I say, the grilled chicken is very good." the waiter replied as he wrote down her order. "Well then while you're at it, put me down for a grilled chicken-thingy too." Chris added. "Okay, got you down Chris. Do you want anything to drink?" the waiter asked. "Yes, I'll have an orange juice. Oh and can I get the taco platter too." Chris asked. "Sure, if you can handle it." the waiter giggled. "I'm sure Chris can handle it." Howie boasted.

"Okay, it's your turn Mr. Littrell." the waiter said as he turned in Brian's direction. "Already? Geez, I didn't notice." Brian laughed sarcastically. "Okay, I'm going to have the Mexican salad platter for starters. Then I think me and Mr. Timberlake here are going to share a plate of your Chef spaghetti." Brian smiled. "We are? I didn't know that." Justin shrugged. "Okay and anything to drink?" the waiter asked with a smile. "Yes, I'll have an iced tea also." Brian responded. "Okay and finally, it's your turn Justin." the waiter huffed. "Well I'll take this Italian pasta salad and then like Brian said, we'll share a platter of spaghetti." Justin sighed. "Oh and to drink,c an I have a glass of your Orange Spritz." Justin questioned. "Yes, that's the orange juice with the cream and sprite. Sounds good." the waiter answered. "alright, I've got it all. Your food will be ready in about half an hour and I'll be right back with your drinks." the waiter said as he walked away. "That was alot of food. I hope we have enough time to eat." Lance worried. "It's about 3:30 now. We might be a little late to the venue, but we'll make it." Joey said as he stared down at his watch. "God, I didn't know how much food you guys could eat. Chris and Lance nearly killed me when I heard their orders." Britney giggled. "That's nothing. You should see them at the Hard Rock Cafe`," J.C. joked. Brian slouched in the booth and rubbed closer to Justin. "Don't you wish it was just me and you here." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin nodded and placed his hand on Brian's thigh.

Within 45 minutes, all of the guys food was sitting at the table. "Hey, let me get one of those fries." Nick said as he snatched a fry from A.J.'s plate. "Next time you do that, you're going to need Lance to help you get back on the bus." A.J. barked as he pointed his knife at Nick. "Ooh, I'm scared." Nick laughed as he ate the fry. Justin ate his salad quietly as the others conversated. "So, Aaron's opening first and then I go out on stage. I'm glad I put in all that rehearsal before leaving Orlando." Britney said as she munched on her salad. As Nick's attention was averted, Aaron took the oppurtunity to splash some hot sauce on Nick's pizza. "Hey Nick, are you going to finish that pizza?" Aaron questioned, trying to hold his laugh in. "Yeah I'm going to finish it. And you ain't getting none of it." Nick snarled at Aaron. Nick grabbed his fork and took a big bite of his pizza. He chewed directly in Aaron's veiw, teasing him. Aaron burst with laughter as he watched his brother chew. Nick looked at him with confussion. "What's wrong with you two?" Kevin asked as he drank his water. "Nothing." Aaron giggled. Nick finally began to taste the extreme fire of the hot sauce. Nick's eyes buldged with pain and he quickly took a sip of his Root Beer. He almost cried with pain, feeling the hot sauce slid down his throat. Aaron couldn't control his outburts of laughter as he watched Nick have a fit. "I think our friend Aaron here got a little too happy with the hot sauce." Joey laughed as he looked at Nick.

Nick wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at Aaron with intense anger in his eyes. "Ah hah, Nick, hold yourslef in." Brian said as he grabbed Nick's shoulders. "You had just better pray Aaron that mom gets to you before I do tonight." Nick hissed at Aaron. Justin giggled slightly and tried to eat his food to keep from laughing. Lance cell phone rang just as he was about to talk to Nick. "Hello?" Lance answered. He chatted with MTV execs for a moment before taking the phone from his ear. "Look, MTV wants to interview us before we go on stage tonight. So we have to get to the arena soon." Lance said. Joey sighed as J.C. looked at Lance with lust. "Uhm, sure, we can do it." J.C. said as he rubbed Lance's thigh harder. Lance raised his brow quickly at J.C. and got back on the phone. "An interview?" Justin questioned. "Don't feel so bad about it. MTV's doing some kinda feature on us tomorrow at the video shoot." Brian whispered to Justin. "Hey, elt me get one of those hot wings Howie." J.C. pointed out to Howie. Howie gladly passed the plate in J.C.'s direction. J.C. grabbed a hot wing from the platter and began to eat it. His face turned bright red as he tasted how hot the wings were. "You may want to drink some water with that." Howie laughed. J.C. nodded, doing his best to smile. his face was contorted viscously as he bit the wing again. "That waiter was right when he said this grilled chicken was good." Kevin commented. Britney nodded while Chris shoved his face with his taco platter. "This Orange Spritz is good." Justin grinned as he took another sip. "Let me taste it." Brian said as he grabbed the glass. He took a sip and swished the juice around in his mouth. "Mmm, that's good. Of course, it'd taste better like this." Brian said. He grabbed the back of Justin's head and gently kissed him on the lips. Everyone looked at him as if they were crazy. But then they realized no one was watching them.

Everyone finished their meals and left the resturaunt. They boarded the bus and headed back to the hotel. "We've got like ten to twenty minutes to pack all of our stuff up and get on the bus. So make it snappy guys." Kevin told everyone. They all ran off the bus and into the hotel, going straight to their rooms. Brian and Justin packed in a rush, not even taking the time to talk to each other. "When we get to Kingston, where do we go?" Justin finally broke the silence. "Well we're supposed to go to a hotel near the club, but I'm not sure. Since we're only going to be their for a day, who knows if we'll even stay in a hotel." Brian shrugged. They grabbed their bags and headed for the bus. Everyone piled onto the bus and ehaded to the venue.

As the bus pulled in the parking lot, the guys could hear the fans already screeching from outside. "They always seem to get here before us." J.C. pointed out as the guys stepped off the bus. "Come on guys, let's get inside and warm up." Justin suggested as they walked through the corridors. They came upon a large hall filled with stylists, management, P.R.'s, security, band members and other personel. "Hey, there's mom!" Aaron pointed out. He ran over to Jane Carter and gave her a big hug. "I'll be right back." Nick said softly to Lance as he strolled over to see his mother. lance nodded and turned his attention to J.C. He smiled at J.C. and J.C. smiled back. Justin and Brian watched as the poeple crowded the hallway with workers running everywhere. "Okay guys, we need three of you in make-up, three in wardrobe, the rest in soundcheck." one of the managers barked out orders. "Well I'll go to make-up and take Chris and Joey with me." Kevin said. "All right, me, Aaron, and Howie will do wardrobe." Lance said. "The rest of us will head to soundcheck." J.C. said. Joey gladly ran towards the stage with Britney not too far behind. "Nick, we've gotta go to soundcheck!" A.J. announced as he walked towards the stage. "Okay!" Nick hollored back. "Hey, I'll see you there in a minute. I just have to go and say hi to Nick's mom." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin nodded and followed A.J. to the stage.

Next: Chapter 23

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