Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on May 21, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 75) By JM

----- Voted by readers - STORY OF THE YEAR -----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though, because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Week'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 75th STORY!!! It's another landmark story for me! It follows along with the rest, so if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me at the ddress above. I have received an abundance of mail, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the all 'Justin & Brian' soundtracks (only lyrics). Soundtrack features old and new songs from the BSB, 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin unless noted. They have a purpose, so please don't distribute them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best BSB story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. Also thanks to Zeo for creating 'N Sync Love. It's a great story! And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. So until the next time... please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brian and Justin were frozen in time. Both were on the verge of losing one another of one person, Nick Carter. Their lips were pressed together, but their hearts were no longer beating to the same rhythm. Their reality had been altered, stealing away the innocent that once captivated their love. Brian was the first to pull away and then Justin followed. Brian placed his arms around Justin again and held him. Justin knew that he had to hug Brian back. He had to make Brian feel comfortable again. It was the only way Justin knew that he could keep Brian from walking away. Justin didn't want Brian to walk away. When Brian felt Justin's strong arms grasp onto his back, he let a small sigh quiver his lips. "I'm.. I'm so sorry..." Brian whispered to Justin. "Justin! Brian! Come on over here!" they heard A.J. Justin could hear the faint sound of A.J.'s voice, but the sound of his heart pounded louder. "It's okay Brian, it's okay." Justin whispered back, running his hand over Brian's hair. "Brian, Justin, hello?" A.J. said, tapping Justin on the shoulder. Justin didn't have the time to push A.J. away. His concern was Brian's well-being.

"Hello!" A.J. barked at them. Justin released Brian, but felt Brian hold on tightly. "What is it A.J.?" Justin questioned, keeping Brian's arms around him. "Sorry to interupt this love connection and all, but we need to have a small meeting over by the limos about what we're going to do." A.J. stated. "Is it necessary that me and Brian are there?" Justin questioned. "Very!" A.J. said with strong emphasis. Justin groaned lowly and nodded. "We're coming." Justin informed him. A.J. gave Justin a questioning stare and then looked down at Brian. "Is he okay?" A.J. whispered to Justin while pointing to Brian. Justin was unsure what to tell A.J. Justin shook his head and A.J. understood. "We'll be waiting." A.J. whispered and walked towards the limos.

"Brian... we have to go now." Justin said softly to his clutching lover. "I don't want to go." Brian whimpered. "Listen, I know right now me and you have some things that we need to talk about, but we have other things to worry about besides Nick. So please, for me, just come on." Justin asked sincerly. Brian admired the way that Justin took charge of the situation, but kept his timid side above any other. It was soothing to Brian's heart and emotions. Brian pulled his arms from around Justin's back, but moved them to Justin's hips. He was scared to let go, fearing that Justin may leave him that moment. Brian pulled his body away slowly. He looked into Justin's eyes, trying to find the innocent, young man he fell in love with. Justin's blue eyes still held that look. Brian was surprised. Through the break-up's Brian and Justin have faced, Justin had never looked at Brian so lovingly and so quickly.

"Dont make me have to bring the Jaws of Life over there!" A.J. joked with a loud roar. Justin cracked a semi-smile and urged Brian to let him go. Brian complied with Justin's silent request and Justin moved away. Brian felt the distance in a strong way. Justin reached his pinky out and locked it with Brian's pinky. Brian knew that feel. It was the same way Justin held his hand the first time they had to meet the others in front of the limos as a couple. No one knew then except Kevin how deep Justin and Brian felt for each other. It was still the small touch of Justin's pinky that made Brian reminisce on how sweet and tender their love was then. 'See you there.' Brian heard Justin said in his head. It was a trial period, but one that Brian and Justin survived despite Nick's intervention.

Justin walked with Brian towards the area in which the others stood, holding his pinky tightly with his own. The setting sun gave the sky a fuschia color, adding to the mood of the moment. An unsure mood that was sensed by everyone. "Didn't think you guys would ever get over here." Howie commented, nonchalantly. "Uh... we just needed a few moments." Justin responded shyly. "Three minutes maybe?" Joey laughed, causing Britney and Howie to join in. "It was nothing like that Joey. And for your information, we can't all be as quick as you." Justin snapped back at him. "Geez, Justin, don't bite my head off. Either of them." Joey joked. "Cut it out Joey." Britney immediately stopped him. She had forgotten what Justin had informed her of earlier. "What? Curly can take a joke." Joey laughed, trying to ease his girlfriend's quick lashing. "Yeah, The Baby has always been easy with a joke or two." J.C. helped defend Joey's actions. "Just leave him alone." Britney hissed. "She's right guys." Chris added. "You okay Justin? You look kind of pale?" Lance asked with concern. "I'll be fine, later." Justin assured him. Justin kept a light hold on Brian's pinky with a saddened face.

"We're not here to worry about Justin's problems at the moment, though we should discuss things at another time that are affecting all of us. We're here to figure out the game plan for tomorrow and the following day." Kevin brought everyone back to reality. "Who's staying with who?!" Chris asked, stopping everyone's worries. "I'm staying at my place with J.C." Chris spoke up first to his own question. "Uh, I think I'll be chilling at mi madre's casa." Howie responded. "I'm gonna crash at a hotel." Nikki informed everyone. "Oh no, come stay at our place. I'd hate for you to be the only one at a hotel." Kevin said with a smile. "Well where are we going to go? Amanda and Nikki are staying with Kevin and A.J. and we get left out?" Mandy complained. "No girl, we get the Ritz Carlton and party till three!" Veronica laughed. "I'd take you gals in, but I doubt my mom would let me have fine senioritas like you all in my place." Howie smiled with charm. "Well why not? She already has a scrub like you staying there." Chris teased. "Ah, shut up!" Howie laughed.

"Hey, what about Nick? Anybody know where he's staying?" A.J. asked. "Where is Nick?" Kevin asked, searching around for his friend. Everyone looked around except Brian and Justin. They didn't want to think of where Nick could be at the moment. "Nick said he didn't want to hang around right now. He's in one of the limos. He said he was feeling unwelcomed at the minute. I think he's staying at a hotel tonight since his house is out in Tampa." Howie stated. "A hotel? Well he shouldn't be the only one at a hotel." Britney frowned. She looked toward Lance and J.C. breifly before turning away. "Well there's no more room at the Ritz A.J. And I don't think that Brian and Justin would want him moving in on their place." A.J. said, giving Justin and Brian an odd look. "He can stay with me." A.J. heard a shallow voice speak up. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw Lance. Eyes flocked to Lance with sudden surprise. "It's just tonight and it's no big deal. I just got my new place and I don't mind." Lance answered with a small shrug. J.C. shook his head doubtfully. "He won't try anything." Brian said directly to J.C. J.C. was surprised by Brian's defensiveness. Justin held Brian's finger with the same warmth he did before, despite Brian's most recent words.

"Okay, Joey, Brian, Britney and Justin, you're left." Chris said. "Britney's staying with me at my parents place." Joey quickly said. "Ah, taking the old girlfriend home to meet momma, eh?" Chris smiled and nudged Joey. "Of course Brian and Justin are staying at their place, right?" Kevin said with a questioning expression. "Yes, we are." Justin answered softly. "Now that's that is settled, what do we do about tomorrow?" J.C. asked. "We need a place to meet at." Chris added to J.C.'s words. "How about Brian and Justin's place. It's big enough that we can all chill there and eat breakfast before leaving." Howie suggested without consent of Brian and Justin. Justin gave him a discouraging look, trying to persuade everyone's vote. "I agree, let's go to their place." J.C. nodded. Lance looked at Justin and Brian, noticing their quietness. They weren't close and they weren't showing as much love as he was used to. "Maybe we should go to my place." Lance spoke up. "No, you just got settled there. I'm sure Brian and Justin could handle all of us for just one morning." Joey disagreed. "It's up to you guys." Kevin whispered to them, giving them a difficult choice. Justin thought seriously on his choice. He knew that Brian wouldn't give him a straightforward answer in his state. "It's fine. You guys can come on by before we head for Universal." Justin answered. There was a small cheer and then a hush fell over everyone again.

"Now, the following day is something we must discuss." Kevin insisted. He heard a few muffled groans and gave everyone a serious look. "Our plan leaves a three in the morning, so we have to be at the aiport no later than two. So wherever you sleep or stay that night, make sure you'll have a ride to the airport." Kevin said, referring to his fellow band members. "Okay Father, we'll be sure to be on the airport on time." A.J. teased Kevin. Kevin arched his brow and gave A.J. an aggrivated stare. "Oh and A.J., make sure to go pee before we get there. I don't want the airlines to have to clean the seats again." Kevin joked back. "Ah Kevin, that was just one time!" A.J. played along. "Ya'll are so sick." Amanda giggled. "Ooh, and does sick turn you on..." A.J. smiled devilishly. "No, it turns me off." Amanda laughed harder as she spoke to A.J. "Her loss, eh A.J.?" Howie laughed. "Yeah, don't we all wish we could be like you," Joey teamed with Howie to humiliate A.J. "Shut up minute man." A.J. snapped back with a smile. "Were you clocking me?" Joey questioned. "It's not the quicker the bigger, it's the longer the stronger." A.J. boasted. "Then I guess you're disqualified out of both of those categories." Amanda bursted out with laughter. "What!?" A.J. laughed. He grabbed Amanda and they began a quick war of tickling. Justin admired their sense of humor and affection towards each other. It was funny to watch them battle, but even more romantic to Justin that they lived such a carefree romance.

Before Justin even knew it, Brian's head was resting on his shoulder. Justin smiled and nessled his neck to Brian's head. Justin titled his head and rested it on top of Brian's. "Well there are four limos here and they're ready to leave. So while A.J. and Amanda play kiss and tell, why don't the rest of us get going." Kevin suggested. "What about our stuff?" J.C. asked, looking around for his things. "They are already in the limos. A.J., Amanda, and Howie ride in one limo. Nick, Lance, myself and Nikki will ride in another. J.C., Justin, Brian and Chris in one limo. Danay, Veronica, Mandy, Britney and Joey in the last limo." Kevin explained while pointing out limos. Everyone took notice of where they were to go and headed in the direction Kevin told them to.

J.C. stopped Lance before he went to his limo. He pulled Lance to the side, avoiding stares from other people. The wind blew over J.C.'s face as he looked back into Lance's blue-green eyes. "If this is about Nick, don't worry. He won't be a problem for me. He'll probably stay to himself the whole time." Lance said softly before J.C. could speak. J.C. smiled. "It's not about Nick. I wish that we could be making love tonight in your house, but I think it's best we take this time apart." J.C. responded. "I just wanted to say goodbye." J.C. added. Lance's mouth brightened with a smile and he ran his hand over J.C. lips. Lance leaned forward and placed his lips on J.C.'s. J.C. closed his eyes and slowly began to return the kiss. He placed his hand behind Lance's head and beagn to move his lips in motion with Lance's. Lance's tongue slid into J.C.'s awaiting motuh as their kiss deepened. Lance and J.C. no longer cared who was around to watch them show love towards each other. Their lips kept time with the wind as J.C.'s tongue ran over Lance's. Lance released J.C.'s lips and tenderly licked J.C.'s lips. He pulled away and opened his eyes, staring back at J.C.'s blue eyes. J.C. had a faint smile on his lips, dreaming of what would happen if he and Lance had the night alone, together.

"Hey guys, sorry to call off the fun and all, but we've got some new news." Chris announced. "What's wrong?" Joey asked. "Us guys of N Sync get to stick around with the Backstreet Boys a little longer. We have a photo shoot for some possible album pictures and they'll be featured in the new Rolling Stones magazine too. So if the Backstreet Boys want to stay and get in on the pictures, they can." Chris stated. "I don't know, I'm kind of tired." Kevin said. "Yeah, I think we'll leave too." A.J. said, speaking for Amanda. "Yeah, I'm heading out too. Though I'd love to see what they do for you guys." Howie said. "Are the rest of you staying?" J.C. asked around. "Yeah, I'm staying." Britney nodded. "No, I think we had better go to our hotel and get settled for awhile since we'll be here for a few days." Danay suggested. "Brian?" J.C. questioned, looking right at Brian. "I'll stay." Brian answered softly. "Nick has to stay if he's staying at my place tonight." Lance interupted. "Well someone go get him out of that limo and let's get moving. We don't want to be here all night long." Chris barked out orders in a drawling voice. "Q and House will stay here with us for security. The rest of ya'll go ahead." J.C. said while preparing to walk away. Everyone said their goodbyes and headed their seperate ways.

The guys of 'N Sync and their counterparts were ushered into an office-like area of the school to talk about their final plans for the shoot. "Okay, we have five individual 'elements' or 'places' where you guys can chose from. Each place has been set up in a different room of the school. So you guys have to chose from a cowboy-like scene, an Indian-like scene, a North Pole-like scene, an Executive-like scene and a Victoria Secret's model-like scene." one of the photographers explained. "Ooh, cowboys and Indians." Chris cheered. "Whatever happened to cops and robbers?" Lance joked along. "That was your hotel room last night." Chris teased. Lance blushed a deep rose color and smiled towards J.C. "Well I'll take the Indian one. I want to see what it's going to be like." Chris said. "I want the executive scene." J.C. nodded. "That'll 'suit' you perfectly." Justin laughed. "Well what about you Justin?" Lance asked. "Uh, Victoria Secrets sounds fun." Justin chuckled. "The sex symbol!" J.C. and Joey said in unison. Justin blushed lightly and licked his lips. "I want the cowboy one." Joey said after his laugh. Lance pouted with his 'leftover' scene. "I better not be in Santa suit or anything." Lance groaned. "Oh no, each one of these shoots will actually be a very sexy look for all of you." another photographer assured them. "Good." Britney smiled at Joey. "Let's get moving to wardrobe and make-up so you guys can get set for the shoot. Oh and anything that'll make you pose sexy and what not, please find it." the first photgrapher said with an enduring smile. Their was a small gasp and then an echo of laughter in the room.

In an hour's time, Lance was ready for his scene. His hair was dyed a bright blonde color, almost making his hair look white to the human iris. The bright, white lights of the room gave his whole bdoy an angelic, ivory glow. His eyes were now crystal blue due to the contacts he wore. He wore a pure white, Hugo Boss sweater with matching white slacks. lance wore no shoes to give him an even calmer appeal. The room was covered in mirrors and light blue paint. The floor was a plush, white carpet that gave a polar feel to the room. "Okay Lance, we just need you to get on the carpet and do some poses for us." the photographer said. Lance obliged and laid down on the smooth and fluffy carpeting. He laid on his stomach and felt the smooth carpet between his fingertips. The assistants flashed on the bright lights that caused the room to give off a daazling, white look to it. Lance smiled happily and let the photographer take pictures of him. "Roll around, have fun with it." the photographer suggested while snapping more pictures. Lance obliged once again and began to roll around on the carpet and pose with a sexy smile. he kept his "GQ" persona going as the phtographer got pictures of him sitting on his knees and of him laid on his back. Lance had learned over the years not to be shy for the camera and he wasn't this time around. He placed a finger in his mouth and tried to give the innocent, sex-child look. It was working as everyone watching was marveled by his poses.

Joey joked to Britney as Lance posed. "He must be thinking about J.C." Joey whispered to her. She giggled softly, noticing Nick's appearance in the room. Lance ran his fingers through his hair and spread his legs fully. He placed his feet to the floor and tried to give the photographer a look of exhaustion. The room was chilled to make Lance feel the "polar" touch and Lance knew it. Nick admired Lance's posing with lust. He missed the way that Lance would pose for him and grind with him. It was something that Nick treasured and pleasured from. "Nick.. Nick?" Britney tried to shake Nick's staring. Nick woke suddenly and looked away from Lance. "Yeah." Nick stuttered out to Britney. "Lance's done here. Do you want to go with us to the next shoot?" Britney invited him nervously. Nick nodded and took a final look at Lance. The way the light beamed off his hair and brought all the attention to his crystal eyes captivated Nick. "Yeah, let's go." Nick nodded again. Nick followed Joey and Britney towards the next photo shoot, leaving Lance behind with with unspoken words.

J.C.'s room was set up with a strict style. It was decorated to match that of a 'serious' business man, with a glass desk, chrome colums in the middle and a jet black office chair. J.C. sat at the desk awaiting the workers to finish setting up the lights. They fixed two spotlights outside to give the background a feel of daytime even though it was slowly drifitng to night outside. J.C.'s hair was slicked back easily while he wore a black, Armani suit. He had no trace of lint, dust or any mistake on his suit. He wore light wire-framed glasses to give him an even more GQ look. "Okay J.C., let's begin. No smiling whatsoever at this part." the photographer said as she loaded her camera. J.C. nodded and soon the smile faded from his face. J.C. leaned forward and laid his hands on the top of his desk. The flashes began as leaned his head in different directions and gave different stares towards the camera. "Okay, walk around..." the photographer said as she moved around. J.C. stood from his chair and began to slowly walk around the room, keeping a smile from his face. He had nothing to smile about since Lance was unable to see his shoot. "Stand in front of the desk." the photgrapher waved as she got inches from him on the floor. J.C. stood in front of the desk and placed his hands in his pockets. He gave her his annoyed pose and then followed it with a sexy stare. He licked his lips slowly and then took one hand from his pocket and placed it on the desk. He leaned back on the desk and posed shyly. "That's great!" the photographer cheered him on and took more pictures.

"He's loving this." Chris whispered to Joey. Joey nodded and placed his arm around Britney. Nick watched with a strong hate. He felt himself wanting to leave, but he needed everyone to believe that he was over Lance and J.C.'s beginning relationship. He wanted everyone to believe that the affair had no affect on him, when it really did. Soon Nick's mind flashed back to when he and J.C. had kissed. The start of their triple kiss in Cancun was initiated by the both of them. They may have been drunk, but the experimentation didn't stop them from furthering their kiss. Nick could still remember the smooth feel of J.C.'s tongue slipping into his mouth. He had yet to tell lance hwat had happened and planned on keeping it that way. He was not out to ruin J.C., but the thought had crossed his mind.

"Good job, Mr. Chasez. That's all we need." the photographer smiled. J.C. sighed and stretched. "I'm so tired!" J.C. yawned and laughed. "Well you did a great job anyways." Britney clapped for him. "Oh yeah, this deserves a standing ovation!" Chris said, clapping loudly. J.C. laughed lowly and massauged his shoulder. "Anybody seen Lance?" J.C. asked. "He just finished his shoot before we came here. He'll probably swing by." Joey stated. "Good." J.C. smiled, avoding a stare from Nick. Nick cursed under his bath before walking out of the room. Britney watched him leave and frowned. She approached J.C. with an angered look. She slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "What!?!" J.C. jumped. "What's wrong with you? Why can't you or Lance have a little emotion for Nick?" Britney barked at him. "What do you mean?" J.C. questioned, trying to change the mood. "You know what I mean Josh. Nick's heart has been broken and all you and Lance can do is flaunt it in his face." Britney hissed. "I'm not flaunting anything. I like Lance and he likes me. And who are you to be acussing me?! I don't see you and Joey trying to keep your relationship a secret when around Justin." J.C. argued. Britney pouted and wrinkled her brow. "It's different with Justin." Britney snarled. "How?" J.C. questioned her belief. "Because Justin loves Brian. He has someone to wipe away his tears." Britney responded bitterly. "Well then Nick needs to find someone to wipe his damn tears because I'm not going to hide my feelings for Lance because of him." J.C. snapped back.

"You just don't get it, do you? Who do you think is really suffering because Lance and Nick aren't together anymore?" Britney asked, trying to get J.C. to think. J.C. was silent. "If Lance wanted to be with Nick, he didn't have to come to me." J.C. said. Britney shook her head at him. "You just don't get it." Britney repeated before turning around. She walked off without revealing anything to J.C.

Chris's room was set up like a staircase. The 'stairs' were made of iron and they glimmered in the light of the room. Little white cnadles ran to the sides of the stairs, glowing with the iron's luster. Chris's braids were decorated with multi-colored feathers and his face was decorated in Indian-like paint. He wore a tan, suade vest with baggy, blue jeans. He wore his red Nike shoes to give him an even more 'urban Indian' appeal. He wore two, beige armbands and his hair was down. Chris smiled as he got on the steps. "Okay, what do I do?" Chris asked around loudly. "Just do whatever you want. We know you'll go crazy for us." the photographer said as he focused his lens on Chris. Chris shrugged and leaped from the steps. He gave everyone a show as danced on the steps and leaped from step to step. "Hey, how about some music?" Chris called out while sitting back on the steps. He began to give the photographer more clam shots and spread his legs. He placed a hand on each knee and stopped smiling. He revealed a more timid side of himself as he moved from pose to pose. He ran his fingers over his hair and then stood in front of the stairs. "He's really into this, isn't he?" Nick asked Joey with a whisper. "He can be calm when he wants to be." Joey laughed. "I heard that!" Chris called out as he sat back down on the steps.

"Okay Chris, you're finished." the photographer announced. Chris leaped from the steps and ran over to where Nick and Joey were. He whispered lightly into Nick's ear and they both began to laugh. "What's so funny?" Joey asked. "Oh, nothing." Nick smiled. "You two better not be planning anything." Joey warned them. "Oh we're not planning anything Roy Rogers." Chris joked. "Joey, you're up!" Britney called into the room. Joey gave Nick and Chris another look and walked away. "I guess he doesn't know that his fly is open." Chris bursted out with laughter. "Yeah, I'm sure Britney's going to love to see that stallion!" Nick laughed with him. They found themselves crying with laughter as they thought of how embarassed Joey would be.

Joey's room was decorated with streamers hanging from everywhere and balloons tiling the floor. He wore his red cowboy hat with a Karl Kani, sleeveless sweater and blue jeans. He considered himself a 'street cowboy' with his new look. The room was sparkling red while the streamers and balloons were black and silver. Britney watched from the side, staring at the few hairs she could see from under his hat. "Does his hair look a bit light to you?" Britney whispered to J.C., failing to notice it before. "Uh, yeah." J.C. nodded, knowing why she thought that. She watched Joey's every move trying to figure out the enigma before her. Joey tipped of his hat and revealed to everyone in the room the new color of his hair. It contrasted boldy with the bright red of the room. His hair was now flaming red fading to a light orange on the sides. "OH MY LORD!!!" Britney screamed out before J.C. threw his hand over her mouth. Joey's head swftly turned in her direction. Britney mumbled a few words out before J.C. smiled towards Joey. "She's just so excited about the new color." J.C. lied to stray Joey's stares. "Oh good, I thought I'd do something different." Joey nodded and got ready for his shots.

Britney elbowed J.C. in the stomach with aggression, causing his hand to fall from her lips as he keeled over in pain. "Ill, what did you have for lunch? Chicken?" Britney groaned as she wiped her lips. "Yeah... and how long have you been taking steroids." J.C. joked while recovering from the shock. "I can't believe you lied to him." Britney hissed at him. "And I can't believe you wouldn't comment on how nice your boyfriend's hair looks." J.C. argued. "I didn't get a chance to say anything to him." Britney whispered. "That's because you were too busy bugging your eyes out at him." J.C. replied softly. Britney crossed her arms and pouted. "Grow up!" J.C. laughed. "You first." Britney grumbled.

Joey carefully placed his hat back on his head and looked towards the camera. "Okay, give us what you got." the young photographer smiled. "I'll give her my best." Britney hissed from the side. "Ah, down tiger." J.C. said while rubbing her shoulders. Joey shrugged and began to make goofy faces for the camera. The photographer moved around Joey as he began to give more serious faces.

"Play around in the room... have fun with it." the photgrapher suggested as she set up for more shots. Joey shrugged again and began to mess around in the balloons, sitting on the floor to throw them up in the air. "He's such a kid." Britney smiled. "And what are you, his mother?" J.C. joked. "I swear J.C., one more word out of you." Britney threatened him with a shaking finger. J.C. backed away and giggled. Joey laid in the middle of the floor, surrrounded by ballons and let the photographer take pictures from above him. He removed his cowboy hat and let the photographer play with different angles. "Are we having fun yet?!" Joey asked everyone in the room as the bright lights beamed on him. Britney laughed, trying to make her prescnece known to her boyfriend again. "I guess she's the only one." Joey laughed. "Wonderful. Thanks Joey." the photographer said. "Anytime." Joey smiled and got to his knees. He grabbed his hat and placed it back on his head. "Did you like it?" Joey asked Britney. Britney bit her lip and nodded. Joey shot her a look of interest and then stood. "You're lying." Joey professed. "No, I'm not." Britney shook her head with little fight. "Yes, you are." Joey insisted. "Whatever." Britney gave in with a smile. "But it's okay." Joey smiled back and gave her a small kiss on the lips. "You're cute like this." Britney said as Joey backed away. "Well then maybe I'll be wearing the cowboy hat tonight?" Joey questioned with a persuasive smile. "Yeah, in your own room." Britney nodded and laughed. Joey pouted with disappointment.

Justin's room was neatly and lavishly decorated with blue. A four posted bed sat in the middle of the room. The bed had sheer, blue curtains surrounding the outside. The posts were silver while the bed was drapped in baby blue linen. The pillows had silk covers on them and in the middle of each pillow was a pile of blue orchids. "They were thinking of Justin when they did this." Lance laughed as he looked around the room. He had found himslef getting closer once again with all of his band mates, yte further from the guys of the Backstreet Boys and even Britney Spears. "I don't know. Maybe we should ask Brian about his taste." Chris whispered, nudging Brian. Brian was too busy watching Justin prepare for his shoot.

Justin was shyly dressed in DKNY pants and wore no shirt. His hair was now strawberry blonde from being in the bright lights and sun all day. It was the first time that Justin hd done a photoshoot with no shirt in a long time. The cool air caused small goosebumps to run over his chest and for his nipples to become erect. Justin sat in the middle of the bed awaiting the photographer to give him direction. "All right Justin, just laid down in the middle of the bed and give us some sexy posing." the male photographer said as he set up right above the bed. Justin nodded and laid back on the bed. He placed his hands over his head and lifted his legs so that his knees were in the air. Justin kept a straight face as he looked into the camera with each shot. Justin rolled to his side and looked up towards the camera. "Good. Move towards one of the pole for the next shots." the photographer said as he moved from the top of the bed. Justin obliged and crawled towards the pole. He grabbed onto the pole and placed a leg on each side of it. He laid his cheek to the pole and gave the photographer and innocent look. "He's good." Chris smiled. "Don't you agree Brian?" Chris once again tried to get some words out of Brian. "He's beautiful." Brian smiled as he admired Justin from the side. The beaming lights created a lighter mood in the dark room.

"Okay, now go to the pillows." the photograhper suggested as he reloaded his camera. Justin moived towards the pillows and saw some assistants move to the bed. One of the assistants grabbed onto the zipper of Justin's jeans and Justin quickly jopped up. "Whoa, what are you doing?!" Justin questioned in a frenzy. "We wanted to make you look even sexier, so we thought you could have your jeans sagging off your body." the photographer quickly answered. "Uhm..." Justin looked over to Brian with concern. Brian shrugged and looked back at him. "Okay, but I can do it myself." Justin assured the assistants. "Their lose." Lance laughed. "More like Brian's." Chris smiled. Justin unzipped his jeans and pulled them down past his boxer-breifs. He wore black Calvin Klein boxer-briefs and laid back against the pillows. He smiled a bit and gave a more appleaing look to the photographer. He ran his fingers through his hair and titled his chin up. Brian's eyes beamed as he watched his treasured lover pose brilliantly.

"Okay... I guess that's a wrap." the photographer said. Justin relaxed on the bed and closed his eyes. "Well clean up here and once you guys get changed, you can head to wherever you've got to go." a P.R. said as he exited the room. "Well I'm real tired, so once I change, I'm out guys." Chris announced. "Okay, tell J.C. I said bye." Justin called to him. Chris walked out of the room after giving Brian and Lance a hug.

"I've gotta go too guys. Real tired, plus, I want to get this thing with Nick over with." Lance announced. "Are you going to talk with him?" Justin asked as he rolled off the bed. "Yeah, I'm going to try." Lance nodded. "Be gentle with him. He's not in his right mind right now." Brian advised. Lance turned his head to Brian in surprise. He was unsure if Brian had forgiven him for the things he had said before. "I'll be careful, thanks." Lance agreed. "I'm real sorry for what I said to you two before..." Justin stopped Lance. "We understand, Lansten. You were under alot of stress from Nick and J.C." Justin assured him. "Yeah, I was." Lance agreed. "That doesn't make me right though." Lance quickly added, looking towards Brian. "It's no big deal Lance. It's not even on our minds." Brian comforted the nervous man. "Are you keeping the hair?" Justin asked as he lightly ran his fingrs over Lance's hair. "I'm thinking about it. I really like it because it's different." Lance answered. "It fits you." Justin complimented. "You too. I like the whole red, almost blonde look." Lance responded. Justin blushed shortly and then looked over at the quiet Brian. "Well I better go. You two take care and for me, please... take some time for yourselves tonight." Lance begged. Justin looked at Brian and then back at Lance. "Bye Lance." Justin said and offered him a hand. Lance took it and pulled Justin into a small hug. "For me." Lance pleaded with a whisper once again into Justin's ear. Justin nodded and let Lance go. They looked at each other and Lance gave Justin one final pleading look. "See ya Brian." Lance said as he ran off.

"Let's get moving. I want to get home so I can eat and go to bed." Justin said while grabbed his backpack from the side. Brian stood still as Justin began to walk off towards the wardrobe room. Justin stopped in his stride and noticed that Brian wasn't walking with him. He looked back and saw Brian holding his position in the room. 'What's wrong with him?' Justin thought to himself as he walked back towards the room. "Brian, can we leave? It's almost ten." Justin questioned Brian. Brian didn't answer. Justin gave a loud groan and marched into the room.

The cold floor made his bare feet shiver but at the moment, he didn't care. "What's wrong?!" Justin questioned Brian without his usual, calm voice. "You're mad at me." Brian whispered. "I'm just a little aggitated because I'm tired." Justin stated. "No, you're angry with me because of this whole situation with Nick." Brian corrected him softly. Justin frowned and swallowed. He was unsure what to say. "No, that's not it..." Brian placed a finger on Justin's lips to stop his lies. "Justin, because I love you I know you. I know when you're angry, but you won't tell me." Brian stated. "But you have to tell me for us to be together." Brian whispered sadly. He removed his finger from Justin's lips and ran the finger across Justin's chin. "Tell me." Brian begged. "I'm not mad at you. I mad at him." Justin answered bitterly. "I'm as much to blame as he is and you know it." Brian defended Nick. Justin felt as if Brian had replaced Lance in defending Nick's 'bad' side. "No you're not Brian. You kissed him, but you said... you said it didn't mean anything. He's acting as if it was fate or love that made it happen. I don't want... I don't want to lose you because of him." Justin whimpered out, holding in his tears.

"I don't think it was fate, but it did happen. I'm sorry it did, but it happened. But you lose me." Brian said. "Stop! Stop defending him!" Justin pouted and crossed his arms. "He's not a God for saken saint Brian." Justin argued. "He's my friend, but you're my heart." Brian tried to comfort Justin. "A heart that lately feels like it was no purpose with you." Justin sobbed without tears. Brian placed his hands on Justin's arms and gripped them with pride. "I can't go on without my heart." Brian assured him. They stayed silent for moments. Justin closed his eyes and let a single tear caress his cheek. "Let's go." Justin said sadly. Brian nodded and waited for Justin to open his eyes. "Please... I don't want to see you cry about this." Brian asked of his lover. He ran a finger over the trail that the tear left. He leaned in and kissed Justin on the cheek and gave him a hug. "Are we drifting apart Brian?" Justin asked, sadly. "I hope not." Brian sighed as he hugged Justin tighter. Justin returned the hug, still holding in his tears.

Brian & Justin (Part 76) By JM

Another hour went by and Brian and Justin finally arrived at their house. Brian was the first to enter their house and look around. "It's been a long time since I've been here." Brian said sa he carried his bags into the main living room. He dropped them by one of the blue couches and looked around. "Who's been taking care of it while we were gone?" Justin asked as he entered the living room. "Leigh Ann." Brian answered without hesitation. Justin's mouth dropped open as he dropped his bags to the floor. "What?!" Justin questioned. "While in California, I asked Leigh Ann to come by and take care of Tyke while I was away. She said she would." Brian answered without reservation. Justin was still in shock by Leigh Ann Wallace being in the same house that Brian and Justin lived in. "If she was here then she couldn't bug us." Brian hinted Justin in on his initial plot. A smile slowly graced Justin's lips. "You're such a worried person." Brian shook his head at Justin before walking out of the living room.

"That reminds me, I have to call her." Brian reminded himself. Justin frowned again and blew it off. He sat down on one of the dark blue couches and relaxed. Justin was shocked when he saw a small, black and white, Japanese spaniel run into the room. Justin sat up and looked at the small dog. "Brian! Did Leigh Ann change Tyke into a spaniel?!" Justin called out to Brian. "No.. silly." Brian laughed as he walked into the room holding Tyke in his arms. Justin did a doubletake before figuring that he had another new roomate in his home. "It's a present, for you." Brian said as he sat down next to Justin. Brian let Tyke go and Tyke hopped into Justin's lap. "That's Tyke." Brian laughed and placed an arm around Justin's shoulders. "So, the spaniel's for me?" Justin asked. Brian nodded and grinned. Justin hugged Brian's chest and smiled. "I thought since I have a dog and so does Chris, Nick and A.J., you should too." Brian responded while Justin pulled away.

Justin looked down and admired the dog. "It's a girl and you can name her whatever you'd like." Brian smiled. Justin thought for a moment and then smiled brightly. "I think we'll call her BJ." Justin suggested with a affectionate glare. "BJ? Like Nick's sister, BJ?" Brian asked, questioning Justin's choice. "No, BJ as in Brian and Justin. BJ Littrell, that's her name." Justin chimmed. Brian gave Justin a small kiss on the cheek and then grabbed the bouncing Tyke. "That's a wonderful name. Just like Justin Littrell." Brian rejoiced. "Ah, I can't wait for that." Justin gleamed. "Me too." Brian smiled and rubbed Justin's thigh. It was a quiet moment for the two, but one they cherished. Nothing on their minds but each other.

"I'm gonna check the messages and then catch a nap. Do you need anything?" Brian asked while dropping Tyke to play on the floor. "No, just write down who calls for me." Justin answered with a yawn. "It's late, don't you think we should go to bed?" Brian asked. "I'm hungry. I'll make myself something to eat and then go to bed." Justin answered. "Okay." Brian shrugged and stood. He took one last look around before moving towards the steps and then all the way upstairs to his room. Justin stood and admired his new puppy. "You're a cutie." Justin smiled as he scratched the puppie's head. The puppie panted and chipperly played with Justin. "You remind me of someone I love. He's just as cute as you." Justin smiled as he wrestled with the dog. "And he's just as playful too." Justin laughed. BJ licked Justin's face with extreme enthusiasm. Justin scratched his head and fondled the dog. He laid back on the carpet and held the dog while thinking of Brian. 'Mr. Justin Littrell... sounds beautiful.' Justin smiled while rubbing his new present.

An hour went by with Justin and Brian on their seperate paths. Brian was sleep in his office, at their home. The dark blue office was well decorated with gold and platnuim records glimmering on the walls and a clear, glass desk in the middle of the room. Brian didn't realize how tired he was while checking his e-mail messages and his phone messages. His head was laid in his arms, which were folded on the desk. The cold air made the desktop even colder to Brian's hands, but his sleep kept him from feeling it. The faint aroma that began to fill the room made Brian's nose twitch. Curiosity was a flaw of Brian's, enough to wake him from his light slumber.

Brian lifted his head slowly, his eyes still fully shut. His nose twitched lightly as his eyes opened. 'Something smells good.' Brian thought as he adjusted his eyes to the light of the room. He lifted his hands to rub his eyes. As he removed his fingers, he blinked his eyes swiftly. He ran his left hand through his hair to try and shake the sleep from his body. Brian pushed back in his chair, causing the chair to roll from behind the desk. He looked at the scattered papers before him, trying to figure out what he was working on. Contracts, wavers, schedules, video concepts, lyrics and other papers filled Brian's desk. Each were of no importance to him at the time. "I wish they wouldn't fax me all of this while I'm gone." Brian complained as he shuffled all of the papers into one pile.

The sweet aroma that had awaken him still held his attention as he stood from his chair. He stumbled from behind the desk and walked out of his office. He closed the door behind himself and trotted down the steps. The scent carried him down the hall and towards the kitchen.

Brian stood in the kitchen doorway, watching Justin cut vegetables at the counter. Justin cut with precision, keeping his concentration locked. He listened as the water bubbled in a large, metal pot on the stove. He could smeel the sizzling scent of the crushed tomatoes brewing next to the pot. The kitchen was filled with the scent and the steam from the pots.

Justin used the small knife to cut the vegetables while humming 'Just'. He hadn't realized that he started humming the song, but didn't stop when he figured it out. He tried to keep his mind from drifting into another world, one that included him and Brian at their wedding. He felt two familiar arms wrap around his waist and then a chin resting on his shoulder. He felt a breath of warm air breeze against his neck before he felt a pair of lips kiss his neck. "I have a boyfriend and if he finds you here, he'll kill me." Justin joked while continuing to chop herbs. "That's okay, I have a boyfriend too." Brian laughed. He kissed Justin on the cheek and then placed his chin back on Justin's shoulder. "So, what are you making?" Brian asked while watching Justin. "Spaghetti." Justin answered lowly. "Smells good." Brian whispered. Justin smiled and gathered up the vegetables and herbs. He placed them into the pot with the tomato sauce and then covered it up with a lid. All the time he was working, Brian kept a lose grip on his waist.

Justin moved back towards the sink and began to wash his hands off. "I never knew you were a great cook." Brian commented as Justin dried his hands. "You never asked." Justin responded while dropping the towel on the counter. "Well, how is your macaroni and cheese skills?" Brian questioned with a brief smile. Justin chuckled and then grabbed Brian's hands. "Just give me the Kraft box and you've got it made." Justin joked while removing Brian's hands from his waist. Brian hesitated and then complied with his lover's request. "So, how much spaghetti are you making?" Brian asked while Justin turned around. "Just enough for me..." Justin chimmed. Brian pouted a bit. "And you." Justin finished his statement with a bright smile. Brian's frown faded and a genuine smile soon replaced it.

"What are we going to do about tomorrow?" Justin asked while stirring the noodles. "What do you mean, 'What are we going to do'?" Brian questioned Justin's question. "I mean, how are we going to have all of them over here tomorrow." Justin re-stated his problem. Brian pondered for a moment. "It's no big deal. We'll just go to Denny's in the morning and grab some food. The house is big enough for all of those fools to come over." Brian stated. Justin glanced over his shoulder to give Brian a doubting look. Brian gave Justin a Jim Carrey smile and then Justin turned his attention back to the noodles. "This isn't about..." Brian halted his words. He knew the name that was about to slip out of his mouth and didn't want to upset Justin. "No, it's not about him." Justin responded bitterly.

Brian watched as BJ ran through the kitchen and up to Justin's leg. She awaited patiently for her owner to look down at her with approval. "Well, she sure has grown fond of you." Brian commented while looking at the puppy. He watched as the puppy stayed perfetly still next to Justin's feet. Justin looked down at BJ and grinned. "She's a cutie." Justin laughed. He grabbed a puppy treat from the counter and dropped it on the floor for BJ. BJ enthusiastically licked it up and ran around the kitchen. "Where's Tyke?" Brian asked, searching the kitchen for his dog. "Last time I checked, he was taking a siesta in your room." Justin answered.

Justin dipped a wooden sppon into the sauce pout and pulled it out. "Come here, babe." Justin waved for Brian to step closer. Brian eagerly did so and stood in front of Justin. "Taste this for me." Justin offered and held the spoon up to Brian's lips. Brian opened his motuh and let Justin stick the tip of the spoon in. Brian licked off a small part of the sauce as Justin withdrew the spoon. Brian swallowed and gave a pleasing moan. "That's delicous!" Brian boasted. Justin giggled and placed the spoon on the counter. Justin looked back at Brian, who still stood next to him. "Come here." Justin asked again, pulling Brian even closer. "You've got some sauce right here." Justin said as he pointed to the corner of Brian's mouth. Justin leaned forward and kissed the spot with the sauce on it. He used his tongue to lick away the excess sauce. As his tongue caressed Brian's lips, Brian opened his mouth.

Justin felt his own lips begin to slide onto Brian's and then they were locked in a kiss. Justin was not expecting Brian to return his kiss, but Brian gladly did. Their mouths moved slowly upon each other, yearning for this moment. It had been hours since they had the chance to kiss freely. Brian's hands ran across Justin's back as he pulled Justin into a deeper and more meaningful kiss. Justin didn't try to pull away, but ran his tongue over Brian's with more care. His hands grasped the small of Brian's back and held him. They could both hear the faint sound of the water bubbling but gave it no care. The one sound that caused Brian to gently lift his lips was the sound of his cell phone. Brian panted lightly and stared into Justin's open eyes. "Answer it." Justin sugested while fading into reality. Brian nodded and released Justin. Justin turned his attention back to his food while Brian ran to answer his phone.

Justin found himself mixing the sauce and spaghetti before Brian made his way back into the living room. "Who was on the phone?" Justin asked while placing spaghetti on two plates. Brian scratched his head and looked at Justin with a wrinkled brow. Justin stared back at him, trying to figure out Brian's funny expression. "That was Nick." Brian finally replied. Justin rolled his eyes and grabbed two forks from a drawer. "He just called to say hi and find out how things were going. He says that Lance is sick again, but he's not volunteering to help Lance this time." Brian explained while Justin grabbed one of the plates from the counter. Brian could tell Justin wasn't listening to him contently. Brian snatched up the other plate and followed Justin to the den.

Justin stood next to the T.V. and grabbed the remote control. He flipped on the television and found Seinfeild on. He placed the remote control on the floor and searched for the right spot to sit. "He wanted to apologize for before and he says he doesn't want to come between us but.." Brian tried to grasp Justin's attention. "But what Brian?!" Justin snapped at him. "But he still loves me as a friend... and a little bit more." Brian stated. Justin placed his plate on one of the couches and began to walk out of the room. "I'm getting something to drink, want anything?" Justin asked bitterly. Brian frowned and said, "Bring me a glass of water please." Justin nodded and left from the room.

"I told Nick that I didn't feel the same way towards him. I told him... I told him I love you and there's nothing in this world that would change that." Brian called out to Justin while Justin was in the kitchen. Justin re-entered the den and handed Brian the water. As he did, he leaned in and gave Brian a small kiss on the lips. "I love you too and nothing's going to change that." Justin whispered. "But how is this going to solve our problem?" Brian questioned. "What problem? As far as I see it, when I'm with you I'm happy. So let's just spend the rest of this evening together without Nick, Leigh Ann, my parents or anyone else to worry about. Just you and me." Justin suggested. "Good idea." Brian replied and smirked.

He sat down on the couch and spread his legs. Justin grabbed his food from the couch and sat between Brian's legs. He placed his drink on the floor and leaned gently against Brian's chest. They both watched Seinfeild and ate their food in peace. Occasionally, Brian would feed Justin some of his food and Justin would do the same for Brian. Brian couldn't stop himself from kissing Justin's neck from time to time either.

After Seinfeild went off and Brian and Justin finished their food, they sat together watching re-runs of Absolutely Fabulous. The British comedy kept them content for a short period. Brian ran his hands up and down Justin's thighs as they watched. Justin had one of his arms drapped on Brian's shoulder and the other was in his own lap. Brian ran his hands to Justin's inner thighs and Justin quickly jumped. "What is it?" Brian asked him with surprise. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and lead it to his crotch. Brian ran his hand over Justin's crotch and could feel the erection that was forming in Justin's boxers. "I'm kind of sensitive on my inner thighs." Justin admitted while resting against Brian. Brian had failed to notice it before, but he had never touched that part of Justin unless they were making love. Brian shrugged and kept his hands on Justin's thighs. "Do you want to go upstairs?" Brian whispered into Justin's ear.

Justin didn't have time to decide when he saw Tyke and BJ scramble into the room. Justin giggled as he saw the two dogs playing with each other on the carpet. Brian continued his massauging, bringing his hands to Justin's crotch again. "Not in front of the dogs Brian." Justin advised. "Why not? I'm sure they know what's going on. Dogs have hormones too." Brian stated while still rubbing Justin's crotch. "So, they don't have to see how humans do it." Justin replied. Brian lifted his hands and let lose a small yawn. "I'm tired anyways. I might as well go to bed." Brian said, nudging Justin to stand. Justin frowned and stood from the couch. Brian followed and stood behind Justin. He and Justin watched as Tyke and BJ laid on the floor to sleep. "Silly dogs." Brian laughed and hugged Justin from the back. "I'm gonna take a shower and then hit the hay babe. Do you want to shower with me?" Brian offered while kissing Justin's neck. "Not tonight." Justin answered softly. "Okay... I'm going upstairs then." Brian responded and gave Justin one final kiss on the neck. Brian released Justin and began his ascent upstairs.

Justin sighed and began to shut off the lights in the den. He grabbed his and Brian's plates and glasses and carried them to the kitchen. He dropped them in the sink and began to wash them. He thought about Brian and what he had said. 'It's okay to cry, Justin. I know I hurt you.' Bria said to Justin before slipping the ring back on Justin's finger. Justin looked down and admired the ring on his finger. The ring had been apart of Justin for so long, it was hard for him tp picture life without.

After Brian's shower, he walked into his room. It was Lynn that caused Brian to make sure he and Justin had seperate rooms. Though she was several blocks away, Brian was raised to respect the choices and requests of adults. He could wait until he had married Justin to share a room with him. He looked at the Jacuzzi that was in his room. It was surrounded by candles that Brian hoped one day to light while he and Justin were in the Jacuzzi together. 'It's hard to imagine I had A.J. living here for ahwile.' Brian laughed to himself. Things had changed so much after Justin moved in. With the tour, they were never home to experience life together. The light blue walls added to the feel that made Brian want Justin in the room with him everynight, but it wasn't possible at the moment.

Brian pulled back the white bedspread on his bed and prepared to get into his bed. He heard a faint knock at his door and walked over to the door with just his boxers on. He pulled the door open partially and saw Justin standing outside. "What's wrong?" Brian asked immediately. "Can't sleep. Mind if I sleep in here with you?" Justin asked shyly. Brian scratched his head and looked back into his room. Brian nodded and pulled the door open fully. He stepped back from the door and let Justin enter. Justin crept in and Brian left the door open. Brian looked at Justin, who stayed in the same position for minutes. "Something wrong?" Brian asked. Justin looked up at him. "It's just that, I've never actually been in your room at night." Justin shrugged. "Now don't get intimidated on me." Brian teased Justin and lifted him.

He carried Justin over to the bed easily and laid him down on the bed. "I hope you don't think I'm here to have sex or anything." Justin quickly spoke up as Brian ran his hand up and down his leg. "No, I don't. But when we are married, I'd like to know I can touch my husband without him thinking about sex." Brian responded. Brian cralwed ontop of Justin and began to kiss him. Justin closed his eyes and let Brian kiss him with no reservations. Brian slid out of his own boxers and tossed them to the side. Justin noticed the bare skin rubbing against his barely covered body. This caused Justin to regain his erection. Brian noticed the hard cock pleading to be released.

Brian released Justin's lips and moved to the side of him. Brian crawled under the covers and looked at Justin with a smile. "That wasn't so bd, was it?" Brian asked. Justin shook his head and smiled abck at Brian. "Good night Justin." Brian whispered and gave Justin a small kiss on the nose. "Night Bri." Justin sighed.

Justin watched as Brian rolled to the otherside and tried to fall asleep. Justin quietly began to remove his wife beater and then his boxers. He kept the clothing in the sheets and then edged closer to Brian. Brian felt Justin's hands on his back and slowly turned around to face Justin again. Before Brian could speak any words, Justin placed his lips on Brian's. Brian placed his arms around Justin's neck and placed his tongue in Justin's mouth. 'What's wrong with me? We can't have sex in my bed.' Brian thought to himself as he felt Justin's tongue roll into his mouth. Justin let Brian's lips go and panted lowly. "I don't think it's best we have sex Justin. I mean, I still haven't been okayed by a medic yet and it wouldn't be right for us to have sex in our house before we're married." Brian advised. "I didn't want to have sex. I just wanted to feel your warm body again." Justin answered with a whisper. He leaned down and stared at Brian's chest. He never took the time to stare at the scar that was left from Brian's heart surgery. The scar was about five inches in length and had a bright red color. Justin ran a finger over the scar and Brian watched. "It doesn't bother you?" Brian questioned. "No, it's apart of you. Anything aspart of you, I love." Justin responded. Justin leaned down and kissed the scar gently. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and hugged him. "I don't know anyone else who would be so kind." Brian whispered. "I guess that's why we're together." Justin boasted.

"That and good sex." Justin joked. Brian lifted Justin and rolled him to the side. "You're a sick puppy." Brian laughed as he ran his hand over Justin's cheek. Justin giggled and laid his head back against the pillow. Brian scooted towards Justin and laid his head on Justin's chest. Justin ran his hands over Brian's hair and held his body. "I love you." Brian said softly. "I love you too." Justin responded.

They both went silent when they heard two whimpers at the door. Justin lifted his head to see Tyke and BJ standing in the doorway to Brian's room. "Speaking of puppies..." Justin chuckled as he saw the dogs at the door. Brian lifted his head with curisoity and bursted into laughter when he saw the dogs. "Okay, okay, come on in you two." Brian said. He patted his leg, giving Tyke the signal to enter. Tyke ran into the room with joy, with BJ following. Both puppies leaped onto the bed and charged their owners. Brian and Justin both laughed with glee as the dogs affectionately licked their faces. Brian broguth Tyke down to a clam as Justin did the sae with BJ. The dogs found comfortable places on the bed and Brian laid his head back down on Justin's chest. Justin pulled the cover of Brian and himself and wrapped his arms around Brian. "Goodnight Bri." Justin whispered again. "How many times are we going to say this?" Brian questioned with a laugh. Justin nudged him and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, love of my life." Brian whispered as Justin and him slowly drifted to sleep.

The night brought on a warm closeness for Brian and Justin. It didn't take long for Justin to realize he was laying alone in the bed. He could feel the prescense of someone over him, causing him to open his eyes. Justin squinted his eyes open and looked directly above himself. Brian stood over him, staring down at him lovingly. "What... what time is it?" Justin questioned while rubbing his eyes. "It's four in the morning." Brian answered softly. "What are you doing up? You're not a morning person." Justin questioned while propping himself up on his elbow. "I had to piss." Brian laughed and gently pushed Justin over. Justin moved from the egde of the bed to make room for Brian.

Brian slid under the sheets and faced Justin with a bright smile. "Brian, don't leave me wondering. I'm tired, so just say whatever smart remark you're going to say." Justin groaned with a hoarse voice. Brian ran his hand under the sheets and grasped Justin's left thigh. "I don't have anything funny to say right now. Just wanted to see if you needed a little special attention?" Brian grinned. Justin caught on quickly to what Brian was getting at. "No, not really." Justin replied, denying Brian what he wanted again. Brian frowned, but kept his hand on Justin's leg. "I figured you did because all night long your dick has been rubbing against my back." Brian chuckled, revealing another smile. "It's nothing compared to you at night. I can't remember how many times I've jacked you off during your sleep just to keep you from getting an erection." Justin teased. "That's not true!" Brian laughed. "You're right, but I've thought about it a couple of times." Justin whispered. "Hmmm... really?" Brian asked while moving his hand to Justin's erect penis. "Come on Bri, not now." Justin pleaded while Brian ran his warm fingers over Justin's meat. "But..." Brian pouted with need. Justin leaned his head back against one of the pillows and gently nibbled his lip. "I want you..." Brian added and released Justin's penis. Justin opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Brian. "I want you to want it too." Brian whispered.

Justin lifted the sheets from his body and crawled over to Brian. He crawled ontop of Brian's body and straddled his legs. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian's lips softly. Brian began to return the kiss as he placed a hand behind Justin's head. Brian drew Justin closer with his other hand and Justin savored the moment. His hands moved to Brian's hard penis and began to jack him off with a quick pace. Brian felt Justin's warm hands and let Justin take him to ecstasy. Their kiss deepened as their tongues began their entrance into each other's mouths. Brian felt himself drawing closer and closer to cumming. He felt overwhlemed with pleasure as Justin placed one hand on his chest. Justin began to massauge Brian's right nipple as he pulled up and down on his penis. Brian released Justin's mouth as he tried to pant out to Justin. "Gon... gonna... cum..." Brian panted. Justin rubbed Brian's head in his palm and that brought Brian over the edge. With a low scream, Brian came on Justin's hand. Justin placed his mouth on Brian's to cease Brian's scream and began to kiss Brian again. Brian was too weakened to return the kiss to Justin.

Justin rolled off of Brian after his kiss was finished. Brian placed his arms around Justin and Justin snuggled closer to Brian. "Thank you." Brian whispered as he petted Justin's hair. Justin nodded and pulled BJ closer to his body. "I can't believe you just jacked me off with the dogs sleeping in the bed." Brian stated while looking over at Tyke. "I can't either." Justin laughed lightly and ran his hands over Tyke's head. Brian smiled at Justin affection towards the chihuahua. Brian snuggled his head next to Justin's and tried to sleep. Justin ran a finger over Brian's lips and then fell alseep in his arms.

Brian & Justin (Part 77) By JM

Brian arose first in the morning. He dressed quickly and grabbed his keys from his dresser. Justin awakened from his short slumber while Brian rushed down the steps. Justin looked around the room which was beaming with the sun's early lights. Justin felt BJ licking his face and shyly pushed the dog away. He looked around the room and could tell that Brian had just walked out. He could smell the faint scent of Brian's Safari cologne still in the room. Justin placed his feet on the floor and rubbed his eyes. 'It's too damn early.' Justin thought to himself as he stood. Justin grabbed his boxers from the floor. He held the boxers while he stumbled to Brian's dresser and then pulled Brian's ash gray, Kentucky sweatshirt from one of the drawers. Justin pulled his boxers on and threw Brian's sweatshirt on and tumbled towards the steps.

He watched the hall as he came down the steps. As he reached the bottom step, Brian passed by in a breeze. "Bri." Justin grunted out and Brian stopped. Brian turned around and looked at Justin questionably. "Well hey there sleepy head." Brian chimmed and walked back towards Justin. Justin waved, still not uttering more than the word he had before. "I've gotta go pick up the food from Denny's." Brian explained and gave Justin a quick peck on the lips. Justin didn't bother to return the kiss. Brian jiggled his keys as a sign and then made a dash for the door. Justin waved and listened to the sounds of Brian driving away in his BMW.

Justin scratched his head and made his way into the kitchen. He admired the backyard from the kitchen while trying to collect all of his thoughts. The backyard was extravigant with a large pool surrounded by flowers and a basketball court set up nicely near the pool. Before Justin could take in the full view of the backyard, there was a loud rattling at the door.

'What the!?!' Justin thought as he looked down the hall, towards the door. Justin slowly walked towards the door. As he edged closer, he heard the distinct sound of the doorbell ringing. Justin grasped hold of the doorknob and questioned, "Who is it?" "It's Lance... and Nick." he heard Lance muble out. Justin sighed and pulled the door open. He stared at Lance and Nick as they stood seperate on the front steps. "You guys are early." Justin commented while inviting them in. "We know, but I thought it'd be best if we just got over and it didn't waste any time." Lance responded while stepping inside. Nick followed silently. "Uh... well Brian just left to go get the food and he'll be back later." Justin stated and closed the door behind the former lovers.

"That's fine. We can hang till then." Lance shrugged while looking around the house. Nick stood shyly by the door and said nothing. "You okay Nick?" Justin asked kindly. "Yeah... I'm cool." Nick answered softly. "Brian sure has done this place justice!" Lance called out while admiring the kitchen. Justin smiled and took one final look at Nick. "Have a look around or just chill in the living room if you want. I'll go get us some drinks." Justin said to Nick and followed the echo of Lance's voice to the kitchen. Nick nodded and found his way to the living room.

Justin walked into the kitchen and watched Lance admire the backyard. "Ain't it nice out there." Justin commented while walking to the refrigerator. "Yeah." Lance cooed. Justin pulled a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator and closed it by himself. "It's the perfect house for a loving couple." Lance sighed out as Justin poured three glasses of orange juice. Justin looked up at Lance's quetionabely. "The perfect couple." Lance added while walking around the kitchen. "Something's up, right?" Justin asked while handing Lance a glass of orange juice. Lance nodded and took the glass. "Does this have something to do with J.C. and Nick?" Justin questioned. Lance nodded again while taking a sip of his juice. "What's the deal Lansten? Are ya having second doubts about your choices?" Justin asked with concern. "No, of course not. I'm happy with J.C." Lance boasted. "Then what's the deal amigo? You miss Nick or somethin'?" Justin pondered. Lance leaned against the counter and sighed. "It's not so much that I miss him... it's that I feel for him." Lance responded. He placed his glass on the counter and looked right into Justin's eyes. "You should feel for him. you left the brother hanging kind of high and dry." Justin added. "I know and I feel bad about that. I did love Nick and in my heart, I always will. There's things about Nick that just became too much for me." Lance said. "Tell me about it." Justin laughed and placed his juice on the table behind him.

"I felt like I always had to keep Nick satisfied or I was in constant competition with... with Brian." Lance confessed. Justin frowned. "I know Brian cares for you and all, but don't you ever think there's a part of him that thinks the same way that Nick does?" Lance asked boldly. Before Justin could respond, the doorbell rang again. Justin walked out of the kitchen without responding.

He ran down the hall and watched Nick pass by as he did. "Your OJ is in the kitchen Nick." Justin scrambled out while grabbing the door. He opened the door and saw Amanda, Kevin, Joey and Britney standing outside. "Welcome, all of you." Justin giggled and invited the group inside. "Well thanks for having us." Kevin was the first to speak as he gave Justin a small hug. "Yeah, thanks." Joey smiled as he lightly punched Justin in the arm. "See you still got that Kool Aid in your hair." Justin teased as Joey walked by. "And I still you're still an asshole in the morning." Joey responded. "Can you two be anymore childish?" Britney laughed as she entered. "Depends, can your boyfriend act younger than a newborn?" Justin joked. "Some nights, yes." Britney cheered. "The younger they are, they goofier they get." Amanda grumbled as she walked in. "And I guess that makes you a senior citizen?!" Britney snapped back with a smile. "Girl, I'm old enough to take you over my knee and whip your little tail." Amanda responded with a small laugh. Britney laughed with her and they all gathered in the living room. "Justin, could we put some clothes on?" Britney asked as she looked at him. Justin looked down and noticed he was still wearing Brian's sweatshirt and boxers.

"Saw Lance's Toyota 4-Runner parked outside. Nick and him here?" Joey asked Justin. "Yeah, they're in the kitchen." Justin responded. "And you haven't run in there to break up World War III?" Britney questioned. Justin gave both of them a curious look. "What do you mean?" Justin asked, dumbfounded. "Duh, Lance and Nick are not on the best terms right now. Chris says that J.C. got phone calls every five minutes last night because Lance and Nick were arguing and Lance was upset. He said the arguements had a lot to do with Brian and J.C." Joey responded flatly. Justin was shocked by what Joey said. "Maybe that's why Nick called here last night?" Justin pondered. "Probably. Nick always runs to Brian whenever he can't deal with a major arguement." Kevin stated. Justin bit his lower lip and thought.

"I hope this doesn't upset you or anything." Britney finally spoke up. "No, I'll be cool. Nick's no big deal." Justin assured her. "It would be a big deal to me." Amanda said softly. "That's because you don't trust A.J. with anybody." Britney giggled. "That's not true. I trusted A.J. when he went down to Cancun and he didn't do anything." Amanda snapped back. The room went silent when they heard those words. Amanda looked around with wonder. "Where is A.J.?" Justin asked. "He went to his mom's house to chat with her." Joey answered. "Wait, don't change the subject. Something went down in Cancun, didn't it?" Amanda asked with conviction. No one anwsered her. "Don't play games with my ya'll. I want to know." Amanda demanded. She looked towards Britney, the person who has always told Amanda everything. Britney looked towards the floor and avoided Amanda. "Uhm, why don't you guys go look around while I talk with Amanda." Kevin suggested discreatly. "Yeah, let's go to the backyard." Justin agreed. Justin began to walk out of the room. Everyone followed his lead and left Kevin and Amanda alone in the living room.

Justin guided Joey and Britney into the backyard where Lance and Nick were. Lance sat in a lawn chair ner the pool while Nick tried his luck at shooting hoops. "Hey Justin, who's your new little friend?" Lance asked while pointing to BJ. Justin looked down and saw BJ sitting at his feet. "Oh, that's BJ. Brian got her for me." Justin answered and beant down. He lifted BJ into his arms and held her while Britney and Joey admired the backyard. "You named a dog after my sister?" Nick asked bitterly. "No, idiot. I named her after me and Brian. 'B' for Brian and 'J' for Justin. B-J." Justin explained. "Oh, that's so cute." Britney cooed. She rubbed her hand over BJ's head and smiled. "She's so adorable." Britney gushed while watching Justin handle her. "Yeah, she's a real doll." Joey agreed. Tyke pranced outside and ran straight for Nick with affection in his eyes. "Tyke!!! It's the Tykster!" Nick applauded as Tyke ran circles around him. Nick dropped the basketball and sat down to play with Tyke. "Hmm, I guess someone can love Nick." Joey joked softly. Britney quickly slapped his arm. Joey quickly looked at her with displease but ignored her actions.

With time, Nikki, J.C., Chris and Howie showed up at Brian and Justin's house. The house was filled with everyone waiting for Brian's return. Justin found time to run upstairs and change into some new clothes while his friends waited. "Hey, Justin, can you throw on that Backstreet Boys album?" J.C. suggested while sipping on his water. Justin nodded and walked to his entertainment center. He clicked on his CD player and and pressed play. Soon the sounds of 'Larger Than Life' filled the living room.

Justin walked out of the living room and headed down the hall towards the kitchen where he could hear Kevin, Nikki, Britney and Lance playing a rousing game of Spaids. "No, no, no! Why didn't you play the spaid!" Kevin barked at Britney. "Dude, shoulda picked a better partner." Lance laughed with Nikki. "Oh shut up! So, I didn't throw the frickin' card, what's the big deal?!" Britney hollared back at Kevin. "We're losing Britney! That's the big deal." Kevin huffed. "Too bad!" Britney giggled. "Oh, you airhead!" Kevin sighed and placed his cards on the table. "Hold up, who are you calling airhead?" Britney questioned. "You guys are such sore losers!" Nikki teased, shuffling the cards as she laughed. Justin laughed along with her. "Where's Brian at when I need a descent partner." Kevin mumbled while looking through his hand. "One more smart remark and I might just screw this game up too." Britney warned him. Kevin rolled his eyes and looked back down at his hand.

The phone blared loudly throughout the house, causing Justin to jump with astonishment. Justin strolled towards the phone and grabbed the phone. "Hello, J here." Justin said into the phone. "Justin? Justin, it's mom." Justin heard his mother speak. "Oh, hey mom. How are you?" Justin said "I'm fine Justin. Are you doing okay?" Lynn asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Justin replied while walking out of the noisy kitchen. "Good. Uhm, I know you guys are here in Orlando. I just got off the phone with Jimmy and he says that him and the gang are going to se you in Denver. Did you know that?" his mother questioned him. Justin thought for a moment as he took a seat on the stairs. It dawned on him when he had promised his friends that they could come to one of their concerts. "Oh yeah, I forgot. I did get them tickets and I didn't realize it was for Denver." Justin stumbled out his words. "Well... they don't know about you and Brian, do they?" Lynn asked. "No, they don't." Justin answered. "Are you going to tell them?" Lynn hit Justin with another question. Justin was silent for a few seconds. "Yes, I am." Justin finally said. "Are you sure? This is a big thing for you to tell your friends." Lynn reminded Justin. "I know that, but they're my friends. It's not like I'm ashamed of what me and Brian have." Justin stated. "Okay, I understand." Lynn said, giving a discouraging voice.

Jusitn was interupted when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Nick standing over him. Justin pulled the phone from his ear and looked at Nick. "Where's the little boy's room?" Nick whispered. Justin pointed up the steps, trying to give Nick direction without speaking. Nick nodded and by-passed Justin to get up the steps. Justin put the phone back to his ear. "Did you hear me Justin?" Lynn questioned him. "No, I'm sorry. What did you say?" Justin asked while trying to keep his voice low. "I said have you and Brian discussed any of the details for the wedding? It's two months away and you guys haven't said much about it." Lynn wondered. "No, we haven't talked about anything." Justin sighed out. "Well then, you two should stop by the house tomorrow so we can talk about some things." Lynn suggested. "Can't, Brian's leaving tonight." Justin answered sadly. "What?" Lynn worried. "He's got to go to L.A. for a couple of days and I have studio sessions tomorrow." Justin explained. "Oh, so you'll be at the house by yourself for awhile." Lynn commented. "Yeah, just tomorrow. After that, we're leaving for Denver." Justin said.

"Well, then maybe you can call me tomorrow and me and you can discuss some of the details?" Lynn suggested another solution. Justin leaned against the wall and ran his hand over his face. "I'll see mom. If I'm not too tired tomorrow, I'll call you after I get back from the studio." Justin answered slowly. "Okay, that sounds good. I'll talk to you later sweetie. I have to go into the office and finalize some plans for the girls video shoot." Lynn stated. "Okay, love you." Justin said and hung up the phone.

Justin closed his eyes and laid his head against the wall and placed the phone on the steps. He listened to the sounds of lively conversations, 'The One', the game of Spaids and dogs barking. It was a small stress in his life, but enough for him to want to leave everything behind in a flash.

Justin felt a warm hand grasp his hand and he looked up. Brian smiled down at Justin while still holding onto his hand. "You're back." Justin smiled finally at Brian. "Yeah, sorry it took so long. I can see we've got a full house though." Brian replied softly. "Yeah, we do." Justin nodded. Brian tugged on Justin's hand, tryong to get him to stand. Justin complied with Brian's gesture and stood to his feet. He stepped down the steps and stood with Brian at the bottom.

They stood in an endless silence staring at each other. "Hey B-Rok, you're back!" Nick cheered as he stampered down the steps. Justin looked away from Brian when he heard the voice and looked towards the kitchen. "Hey Frack, what's up." Brian waved towards his friend. "Nothing much. Just glad you're here. Can't really talk with anyone else here but you." Nick responded with glee. Brian gave him an uneasy look. "Could we talk for a little bit, you know, alone?" Nick asked with loving eyes. Brian looked towards Justin and then said, "No, not now Nick." Justin snapped his head in Brian's direction with shock. "It's okay. I was gonna grab something to eat anyways." Justin assured him. "Well then, I'll join you." Brian smiled. Nick gave Brian an angered expression. "Then when do you think we can talk?" Nick questioned bitterly. "Later." Brian responded, finally gazing at Nick. "Unless there was something important that we just had to discuss." Brian added, giving Nick a disturbed look. "No, my words... and love can wait." Nick mumbled softly and walked away. Brian returned his attention to his fiancé. "Come here, I want you to hear something." Brian said. Justin nodded and followed Brian into the living room.

Once again, the living was the main room for Brian and Justin's guests. The room was filled with the sounds of the Backstreet Boys album while everyone conversated and listened. Justin found an empty couch and took a seat on it while Brian walked over to the entertainment center. Brian stopped the music, causing everyone in the room but Justin to complain. "What's the deal Rok?" Howie asked from the floor. "I wanted Lance, Justin and Amanda to hear this song." Brian said while flipping to the right number on Millennium.

Just as Brian found the number, A.J. made his entrance into the house. "What's up ya'll? Are we leaving soon?" A.J. asked in a raspy voice. The moment he entered the living room, Amanda stood to her feet. She approached A.J. with a gentle smile on her face. "Hey baby, did you miss me?" A.J. smiled abck at her as they met face-to-face. "Not as much as you didn't miss me in Mexico." Amanda commented. "Huh?" A.J. pondered. Before A.J. could question her again, Amanda raised her right hand and punched A.J. right in the jaw. A.J. fell back in shock and a loud gasp echoed throughout the room. "What the fuck did you do that for?" A.J. asked while grasping his jaw in pain. "That's for Mexico, you asshole! You can take all of those damn girls you kissed because I don't want you anymore. Me and you are through, A.J." Amanda yelled at him with both of her fists ready. Britney quickly rushed over to Amanda and pulled her away from A.J. "Amanda, wait..." A.J. tried to explain. "Fuck you A.J. McLean!" Amanda screamed at him as Britney and Joey drug her into the kitchen.

A.J. looked around the room and saw all eyes were on him. "Who told her?!" A.J. yelled at everyone in the room. "Bone, just chill a minute." Howie suggested while standing. "Was it you? Did you fucking tell her what happened?!" A.J. hollared at him. "Dude, no way! I wouldn't betray your trust like that." Howie assured him. "Then who was it D?" A.J. asked, still searching the room. "A.J'e, I think you should just chill for a sec' like Howie said until Britney and Joey can calm Amanda down." Brian spoke up. A.J. shook his head in shame and trhew his glasses at the wall. "Whoever told her what happened, fuck you. You just messed up the best thing that has ever happened to me." A.J. said as he took a seat on the floor. Kevin looked towards the ground, feeling a heavy guilt on his mind.

"Uh Brian, what's this song us wanted me to hear?" Lance said, trying to change the mood in the room. Lance sat happily in J.C.'s lap, while J.C.'s arms were wrapped around his stomach. The sight pleased both J.C. and Lance while it disgusted Nick. "Yeah, right. Let;s just listen to the song. For those who don't know, this was written by myself, Nick and A.J. about people... well the people we care for." Brian stated while pressing play.

When the melody began, A.J. placed his head in his hands, thinking of why he wrote the song. Brian adjusted the volume so that the whole house could clearly hear the words to the song. Brian sat on the couch with Justin. Justin laid his back on Brian's side and felt Brian wrap an arm around him. Justin pulled his feet to his butt and his knees closer to his body. He laid his head on Brian's shoulder and listened. Nick also listened thinking, of Lance as A.J.'s verse began.

The story started out special

From chapter one of our fairy tale

Until we took a turn in our direction

As the boat began to sail

And each moment I treasured

You seemed to think of as a second in a day

Girl, why did I let my emotions

Control what I did and what I said

The first verse rang so true to A.J. and Amanda's relationship, A.J. couldn't help but shed a small tear. He wiped it away quickly, trying to prevent anyone from noticing his pain.

And baby, if I could change the moment

Change the road I have chosen

Then maybe you and me could be

And the story would have a happy ending

But now I'm lost in this desert

Taking the chance that I deserve

While my life may seem so cold

I have to walk this lone road

The chorus gave everyone in the room a feeling of loneliness. It dug inside of each of them, bringing forth feelings that they had once had towards a loved one. Nick rested his head against the loveseat he was on to hear his own voice on the song.

Oh, I never imagined so much pain

In my novel filled with jealousy and love

You were my star and I was your sun

But I couldn't keep my hand on your heart

I can't define just what you gave to me

Everyday I get on my knees and pray

Maybe one day you'll take me back into your arms

And I can change everything I said

Lance took J.C.'s arms from around his waist and stood. J.C. looked at him with surprise. Lance did not look back at J.C. He walked out of the room after hearing Nick's verse. Something inside of him was touched by Nick's words, but he didn't want anyone else to see his expression. He had to deal with his feelings alone. Nick watched his former lover leave and a small tear slipped down the side of his cheek. 'Lord, I don't know who I love more...' Nick said to himself as he glanced over at Brian.

Brian held onto Justin tightly as the chorus began again. He wanted Justin to be prepared for the words that Brian was going to sing. Justin was in heaven with Brian's arms around him, yet he wondered how deep Brian's verse would be compared to A.J.'s and Nick's.

Oh, my best friend will never understand

How you changed my every smile (every smile)

Even though I now walk this road alone

There was a time when you were right by my side

I have no chariots to give to you

I can't grab the stars from up in the sky

All that I have to give is my loving heart

And the rest of my life

Justin was shaken by the saddened tone that Brian brought forth. The verse was about Brian and Justin's relationship. It dealt with the rocky road that they faced in the past and one that they battled to stay away from. Brian kissed Justin's head and listened to Howie sing.

On the lonely road

I still walk alone

Without you there by my side

No wonder at night I cry

The song continued, but Justin didn't hear the words. His mind was still captivated by the words that Brian spoke. He closed his eyes and could soon feel the pain that Brian experienced during their break-up.

When the song faded, the room was filled with silence. No words were said, but the emotion was felt. "Wow, that song was... it was deep." Chris spoke for everyone. "What did you think?" Brian asked Justin with a whisper. "I... I didn't know.. I didn't know Brian." Justin whispered back. "It's okay," Brian assured him.

"We should get going guys." J.C. announced while standing. He stretched slowly and then looked at everyone who still sat in awe. "Come on guys, we want to be able to have plenty of time there." J.C. said quickly. "Yeah, you're right." Chris agreed and stood. "Who's cars are we taking?" Kevin asked while getting up. Nikki walked into the room followed by Britney. "Let's just take four cars. We'll double up with everyone." Kevin suggested. "Who wants to drive?" Howie asked. "I'll drive." Brian volunteered. "I will too." Joey offered. "I can drive also." Kevin nodded. "I might as well drive too." Howie shrugged.

"Okay, whoever's riding with who, get to their cars and let's get going." Kevin announced so that everyone could hear him. He walked out of the house and headed for his Toyota 4-Runner. Nikki and Amanda soon followed. "Kevin, could you drop me off at Veronica's hotel. I don't think I want to go to Universal Studios." Amanda said sadly. Kevin looked at hurt with concern. "If that's what you want..." Kevin replied, trying to discourage her. "No, that's not what she wants." Nikki interjected. "Girl, you're going to Universal. Who cares what A.J. did, that doesn't mean your life is over." Nikki said towards her friend. "Nik', I don't think you get it. I just don't want to be around him period." Amanda sobbed. "Then don't hang with him. Hang with me and Britney." Nikki exclaimed. Kevin cleared his throat loudly. Nikki turned and looked at him. She smiled and then turned her attention back to Amanda. "And Kevin too." she giggled. Amanda thought over her choices and tried to come to a final decision. "Come on, when are you going to have a day of fun again?" Nikki said, nudging Amanda. Amanda sighed and nodded. "Good!" Nikki shouted and gave Amanda a small hug. Amanda smiled with Nikki.

Brian and Justin stepped outside to the swift and breezy air. Brian's arms were losely wrapped around Justin's, Brian standing behind Justin. Justin's hands were resting on Brian's arms, putting him in a position that made it seem as if he was pulling Brian's arms away from his neck. Justin and Brian waddled over to Brian's BMW, staying the same position that they stood in.

Amanda and Nikki watched them walk and sighed loudly. "Now why can't I have something like that?" Amanda complained. "Because they live in a fairy tale world. Haven't you noticed? Justin-rella and Prince Brian." Nikki joked. "Yeah, well where's my Fairy Godmother at?" Amanda huffed. Nikki shrugged and gave a small laugh. "Well we could always make them feel silly." Nikki suggested. Amanda looked at Nikki funny and replied, "How?" Nikki gave her a knowing look and then Amanda caught on. They both placed their hands around their mouth to give the full effect. "Brian and Justin, sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G... first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Nick in a baby carriage!!!" Amanda and Nikki shouted out. Brian and Justin both blushed heavily and tried to avoid stares from their friends. Kevin bursted into laughter with Nikki and Amanda as they watched them.

"That was cute you two, but can we get going?" Howie complained as he, Lance and J.C. approached his Corvette. "Oh, boo on Howie!" Amanda shouted at him. Howie cracked a smile and unlocked the doors to his car. J.C. opened the door for Lance, causing a smile to form over Lance's face. Lance gave J.C.'s a small peck on the cheek. "Oh no, I'm not taking these lovebirds with me." Howie complained as he got in. "Hush little moccasin." Lance giggled as he got in the car. "I'm going to take my car anyway." J.C. smiled and walked over to his Jeep. Lance stared at him with surprise.

"I've got shotgun!" Chris yelled out as he ran towards Joey's Acura. "Hey, I get shotgun!" Britney yelled at him and chased him to the car. "Nope, I called it. No re-arranges and no exhanges!" Chris mocked her. "I'm gonna re-arrange you if you don't give me that seat!" Britney hollered as she began to tickle Chris. Britney and Chris battled with each other for minutes as Joey stepped into his car. "I'm gonna leave ya'll!" Joey yelled at them as he started his car.

"Hey, aren't we forgetting some people?!" Kevin questioned. Just as he said that, a red Jaguar pulled up next to the front gates of the house. A small honk from the horn drew everyone's attention to the car and the woman that stepped out. "Hello!" the woman bellowed out as she tapped at the gate. "No way!" Chris bellowed back. "How the hell did she get here?!" Howie questioned with an angeed face. "Is this a joke?" Kevin questioned, looking towards Brian and Justin. "If it is, it's not fucking funny." Justin complained. "Dude, somebody's gonna get it." A.J. laughed as he approached Brian's car. "Hello!" the woman bellowed again. "Shouldn't somebody answer her?" Nikki questioned as she looked around. "Not if their smart." Britney laughed from inside Kevin's car. Brian sighed and began his walk towards the gate.

As soon as Brian reached the gate, he put on a flase smile and opened the gate. "Hello." Brian said happily. "It's about time. I thought you'd neve get her.' the woman said as she entered. She stopped in front of Brian and gave him a big hug. Brian sighed lowly and wrapped his arms around her back to hug her. "Missed you." she said with a smile. "Missed you too, Leigh Ann." Brian finally whispered so that Justin couldn't hear him. "So, when do we leave?" Leigh Ann questioned as she let go of Brian. "Excuse me?" Brian questioned as he looked in her eyes. "When do we leave for Universal. I got a hold of your P.R. and he gave me the low down since you didn't last night." she huffed. "So I figured if I made it over here early enough, I could be with you guys today. You know, strictly for press stuff so that you and Justin wouldn't get into any trouble." Leigh Ann lied plainly. "That's okay Leigh Ann, I think ema dn Justin will risk it today." Brian assured her. Leigh Ann pouted and then looked over Brian to see Justin sitting by his car. "Well uh, then let me just go anyways. I cleared my whole schedule today and it would be nice to spend some time around the boys again." Leigh Ann lied again. Brian looked at her with unsureness. Brian looked back at his waiting friends, seeing a sea of disturbed faces. "Well... okay." Brian nodded finally. Leigh Ann leaped with joy and gave Brian a daring kiss on the cheek. Justin snatched open the door to Brian's BMW and stepped in, slamming the door behind himself.

"Who am I riding with?!" Leigh Ann asked, looking back at everyone. "Yourself. You can drive and take Nick with you." Kevin answered, volunteering his friend. Nick shrugged as always and walked up to where Leigh Ann and Brian stood. "Okay, sounds good to me. Come on Nickey." Leigh Ann cheered with a chipper smile. "Oh, you go ahead and get the car started. I have to chat with Bri for a minute." Nick smiled. Leigh Ann nodded and ran towards her Jaguar.

"What is it Nick?" Brian asked quickly, sensing Nick's need for conversation. "Brian, we never uh... we never talked about that kiss we had." Nick said shyly. Brian quickly looked right at Nick. "Uh, look at the time. We had better get moving." Brian stuttered as he looked down at his watch. Nick grabbed Brian's arm swiftly, stopping Brian from leaving. "No, we have to talk about this." Nick insisted. Brian didn't respond. "Brian, I love you." Nick whispered. Brian shook his head with disbelief written on his face. "You couldn't love me. Not more then five seconds before we... before we kissed, you admitted your love for Lance. I was just there for the rebound." Brian disagreed. "Really?! Than why the hell do I lie awake at night thinking of you and not Lance? Why is it that when I fuck Lance, I wish it was you making love to me? Why is it that when you left me at the bar, I cired?" Nick questioned Brian. "I don't know Nick. Maybe it's because you were drunk and you just don't know what to do without Lance?" Brian suggested. "Brian, I can admit that I had feelings for Lance, but they were meer flurries compared to the blizzard I walk through thinking about you. Lance was the best lover I had, but the only lover I had. With you, it's more than sex. From you, I can see myself happy." Nick insisted. He gripped Brian's arm harder. "Justin is just a boy. I could be the man of your life." Nick whispered seductively.

"But Justin is the BOY that I love. I'm sorry Nick, but you're a good friend. And maybe you see it as more, but I don't. The minute I proposed to Justin, I promised myself that there was no one else that could make me happier. I can't just go and find anybody to fall in love with. Justin is the man of my dreams. He's the one that keeps me awake at night. He's the one I think of when I make love to him. And when he leaves, I feel empty." Brian argued. He was proud of himself for finally speaking the words he couldn't before. Nick was blown by Brian's words. "There will never be another person I love more than him." Brian said as his final words. Nick felt a few tears fill his eyes. "Then why did you kiss me? To lead me on?" Nick questioned with anger and hurt. "No, never Frack. I'd never lead you on. I... I don't know why I kissed you. I do know that I was vulnerable and so were you at the moment. It happened, but it was still wrong." Brian stated. "Sometimes wrong things bring good outcomes." Nick tried to persuade once again. "I know and that's why I'm still with Justin. He looked past the bad things." Brian responded sincerly. Nick released Brian's arm and frowned. "Like I said, I'm not giving up that easily. There was something more in that kiss then you're willing to admit. I've known you for seven years Brian and I know, when you kiss someone, you mean it." Nick said with a hint of warning in his tone. He turned and walked towards Leigh Ann's car.

Brian shook his head in disbelief. 'And I'll never give up on Justin.' Brian said to himself. Brian ran back towards his car and jumped inside. He looked at Justin who sat with an obvious angered expression. Brian placed his hand on Justin's thigh and then started the car. "Are you two going to argue? Cause if so, I could always just ride with Joey." A.J. said in a more chipper mood. "No, we're not going to argue. This is my last day with Justin for awhile and I'm not going to make it a bad day." Brian answered as he pulled out of the driveway, his hand still resting gently on Justin's thigh. "So, it's a happy day then? Justin?" A.J. questioned from the backseat. Justin nodded and looked out the blue-tinted window to his right. A.J. smiled and relaxed as Brian drove smoothly towards Universal Studios.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 78) By JM

Everyone arrived at Universal Studios with no further complications. They met up with a small security group at the side of the large amusement park. "So, everything has been assured that we won't get harrassed too much or anything?" Kevin asked one of the managers. "Yes sir. We have security on hand if things get too out of control. But no one knows you're here except security and us in management. So, you have a good chance of being left alone." the manager assured Kevin and the others. "Then can we party?!" Chris questioned with excitement. "Hey, that's my line." A.J. joked. "Yes, but everyone stay within a group of at least four so we don't have too many problems." Kevin warned everyone. "Yes Daddy!" they all said in unison, soon followed by laughter. Kevin blushed. Soon, everyone walked into Universal Studios with ease.

"So what do we ride first?" A.J. asked as he looked around. "Hold up guys. First let me hand each of you your passes to Universal Escape and then we need to decide on a time to meet and go home." Kevin stopped them with a low bark. Everyone snatched their pass from Kevin and then smiled. "How about we meet at nine?" Nick suggested. "Nah, how about eight? I need time to go eat afterwards and chill before we leave." A.J. argued friendly. "Eight sounds good. It'll give me time to stop by my parents house later." J.C. agreed. "Okay, then I can head to Marguritaville or a club." Howie smiled evily. "Yeah, eight's good because I need some time alone." Brian nodded, hugging onto Justin. Leigh Ann gave Brian a brutal frown. "Don't you mean, 'we' and not 'I'?" Britney said sarcastically. "No, I'm flying solo tonight Brit'," Brian laughed. "Okay, eight it is then." Kevin decided for everyone. They all nodded and began to move their seperate ways.

Brian and Justin ended up with A.J. and Chris while Nick and Leigh Ann followed from behind. "Hey, let's go get on the Twister." A.J. suggested as they approached the forming lines for the ride. "Yeah, that sounds good." Brian nodded. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and dragged him towards the line. Leigh Ann and Nick both developed angered looks and ran towards them. "Don't forget about us!" Leigh Ann shouted as they reached the small group. "Forget abot you? Oh, how could we?" Chris said sarcastically. Justin laughed lowly and snuggled towards Brian nonchalantly. Brian placed his left hand on Justin's hip while putting his right hand on one of the poles on the inside of the line. "Gimme this!" Justin laughed as he snatched Brian's blue, Kentucky Wildcats hat off. "Hey, I don't want everyone to see my hat hair." Brian complained. "Too late." Justin laughed again and placed the hat backwards on his own head. "Well then, give me these." Brian giggled as he took off Justin's sunglasses. Brian put them on and then smiled at Justin. "Asshole." Justin laughed. "Mine or your's?" Brian offered sarcastically. Justin elbowed him as they moved forward in the line.

As they moved into the first stage of the Twister ride, Leigh Ann grasped onto Brian's arm with fear. "Oh Brian, I'm so scared. Will you hold my hand?" she asked as they slowly moved into the corridor for the second part of the ride. Brian frowned and looked towards Justin. Justin was too busy watching the screens as Helen Huntt explained the visual effects behind the movie. Brian grabbed her hand and she squeezed on tightly, consealing a small smile. "Come kiddies!" Chris cheered as they began to enter the final stage of the ride. Justin looked back and saw Leigh Ann resting her head on Brian's shoulder. "Come on!" Chris barked again and pulled on Justin's arm.

Justin tumbled with Chris into the large room that was seperated by two sets of railing. In front of them was a scene set up to resemble that of the Twister movie. The large group of people in the room listened to the sounds of thunder and watched as false rain fell in front of them. "Oh, this is gonna be tight." A.J. whispered to Chris as they watched lightining flash. Justin stood next to Chris, leaving a wedge between him and Brian as Brian still held Leigh Ann's hand for comfort.

The thunder roared even louder as the show began. A.J. and Chris pointed out the miniature tornado as they got a small glimpse of it through the flash of lightining. The wind rage from all sides of them, causing the falling rain to sprinkle upon them. Leigh Ann screeched as she saw the flying sparks from the scene. Brian grasped onto her for further comfort as the whole crowd gasped a the sight of the tornado. A.J. laughed as he saw the flase cow fly into the air. "Got Milk!?" Chris joked as the cow flew away. The rafters from above began to shake, causing even Nick to grasp onto the railing. Justin jumped as the gasline exploded, causing a fire to beak lose in front of them. "Whoa, that's phat!" Chris said in a fearless tone. A.J. looked around as machines began to slide across the floor in front of them. Chris still stood strong watching the scene with awe. Without warning, the floor from under them dropped, causing everyone to scream with fear.

The ride ended with that last stunt, causing everyone to clap with glee. A.J. looked around and then saw Chris shaking on the ground. "What happened Chris? Got a little scared when the itty bitty floor fell?" A.J. teased. "Oh shut up!" Chris hollered at him as he stood. "Hey, I won't tell anyone you pissed in your pants!" A.J. called out as he pointed to a spot where the water had soaked his pants. "I'm gonna kill you A.J.!" Chris yelled out as he chased him out of the room. Justin laughed as he watched them run out. "Come on," Brian whispered as he placed an arm around Justin's shoulder. Justin pulled the arm away and began to walk follow A.J. and Chris out of the room. Brian's mouth dropped open as Justin walked out without him. "Come on B-Rok." Nick said as he tugged on Brian's shirt. Brian nodded and walkedwith Nick out of the room, followed by Leigh Ann.

Their exit led into the Twister Store. Brian looked around for something small to buy while Nick and Leigh Ann waited on him. He glanced under his shoulder and saw them. "Uh, could you two go find something else to do besides wait on me every five seconds?" Brian asked as he admired a shirt. Nick pouted while Leigh Ann stood her ground. "Sure, I think I'm going to grab something to eat." Nick agreed, knowing he could reach Brian with his sadness. "Okay, have fun." Brian cheered him away. Brian looked at Leigh Ann with slight annoyance.

"Now that Nick's gone, maybe you and me could have some time alone?" Leigh Ann suggested with a seductive grin. "Now why would he want to do that when he could spend time alone with me?" Leigh Ann heard a familiar voice ask. She gazed over to Brian's side and saw Justin standing there with a smile. Brian smiled back and Leigh Ann and placed an arm around Justin's hips. "I'll talk to you later Leigh Ann." Brian grinned and walked off with Justin. Leigh Ann clenched her fists in anger and watched them walk happily away.

"Thanks for saving me." Brian whispered to Justin as they walked out into the public. "I didn't save you, I wanted to spend time with you without Nick or Leigh Ann around." Justin responded. "Well that sounds nice to me." Brian cheered and held Justin's hand. "Where's Chris and A.J.?" Brian asked as the two walked down one of the boulevards. "A.J. was caught by a fan and promised to ride E.T. with her if she promised not to saying anything about him being here. Chris went with J.C., Nikki, Kevin and Lance to watch the 'Wild Wild West Show'." Justin replied. Brian shrugged as they approached 'Earthquake', the ride.

Justin looked around and saw Amanda, Britney, Howie and Joey heading into the line. "Hey, wait up!" Brian called out to them and dragged Justin towards the ride. They caught up with their friends and began a light conversation as they entered the first stage of the ride.

When the ride weas finished, everyone walked out with a loud cheer. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and once again began to walk away from his friends. "Hey, where are ya'll going? Remember Kevin said to stay in groups." Joey called out to them. "We're in a group, me and Justin." Brian answered without turning back. Justin shrugged towards the friends that he was slowly leaving behind and began to keep pace with Brian.

Brian and Justin walked with Justin to a disclosed area by the Jaws ride. When out of sight, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and just held him. Brian rested his head on Justin's shoulder as Justin returned the hug. "I'm gonna miss you." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin closed his eyes as he heard Brian speak. "I'm gonna miss you too. It's only for two days or so," Justin added softly. "I know, but who's going to keep me warm at night? Or give me a kiss in the morning?" Brian asked, snuggling his head to Justin's neck. "Well, Nick'll be there. I'm sure he won't mind." Justin joked shamelessly. "That's not funny Just. I'd be happier if it was you instead of Nick going." Brian sighed. "If I could get the time away, I'd be there with you." Justin assured him. Brian ran his hands up and down on Justin's back and lossened his hug. "We have today." Justin whispered and kissed Brian's cheek. "You know just how to make me smile." Brian said and took his arms from around Justin's back. Justin laughed lightly and let go of Brian. "Wanna make out in the back of my BMW?" Brian asked with a laugh. "Tempting, but no." Justin laughed with him.

Brian leaned forward to give Justin a kiss, but was stopped when he heard the sound of Justin's cell phone. Brian cursed under his breath and watched as Justin pulled the phone from his pocket. "Hello!" Justin called into the phone and turned away from the pouting Brian. "Hey Justin. What's happening?" he heard a female voice question. "April? Is that you?" Justin questioned. "Yes, sweetheart. It's April. What's going on J baby?" April asked happily. "Uh... nothing much. What's going on with ya'll?" Justin questioned shyly. "Nothing much here. We're just getting ready to go to Denver to see you. Your mom says you're here in O-Town. How come you ain't stopped by?" April questioned her friend. "Sorry, we've been busy and stuff." Justin apologized. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and began to lightly kiss his neck. Justin giggled softly as Brian licked and kissed his neck. "Well how about we stop by your place tonight? What's the address?" April suggested. "Er, no, not tonight. I'm gonna be REAL tired and won't be able to entertain ya'll like always." Justin answered, still giggling. "Stop." Justin said, pushing Brian away with a small smile. "Stop what? Something wrong?" April questioned. "Oh, no, I wasn't talking to you." Justin apologized again.

"Did you get me passes to meet Brian of the Backstreet Boys!?" April questioned with histeria. Justin chocked on his own spit as he heard the name from his friend. Brian looked at him with concern. "Brian?" Justin questioned, looking towards Brian. "Yes, you said you could get me passes." April reminded him with despertation. Justin thought for a moment. 'I'll see what I can do to get you passes to see him. I'm sure I can do it.' Justin remembered saying to her before. "Yeah, I got the passes. I'll make sure to introduce you personally to Brian when we see you." Justin assured her. Brian looked at Justin questionably. "Okay, I've gotta go April. Tell Jimmy and Trace I said hi." Justin rushed out his words. Before April could finish her sentence, Justin hung up his cell phone.

"What was that all about?" Brian questioned Justin. Justin stared at the floor and then put his cell phone back in his pocket. "I'll tell you later. Right now, it's you and me." Justin whispered and placed a finger on Brian's lips. "And me." they heard. Brian and Justin turned around and saw Leigh Ann smiling at them.

"I thought I'd never find you two. Everyone has been looking for you." Leigh Ann said, acting as if she was worried. "You know, I'm surprised you haven't won an Oscar yet." Justin said sarcastically. Brian cracked a small smile, trying not to laugh. "And I'm surprised that Brian hasn't dumped you yet." Leigh Ann chimmed. Justin flashed his left hand in front of her, showing off his ring with a deadly smile. "Ooh, Brian, it's so much cheaper looking than the one you gave me." Leigh Ann laughed. Justin's eyes flew open. "That's funny, because the one I gave you, I never saw myself." Brian snapped and walked Justin out of the area. Leigh Ann screamed loudly as they walked off.

Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck, standing behind him and walked him into the main area. He didn't care who saw them as long as no one had recognized them. They had sucessfully spent two and a half hours in the park without anyone noticing them. "Hey, wanna play some games?" Justin asked. "Ooh, what kind of games?" Brian questioned with a giant smiled. "The kind that require money asshole." Justin replied. "Ah, I like those games. Do you want to be a the cop or the prostitue this time?" Brian laughed. Justin elbowed him in the side and then walked him to one of the games. "Come on sir, take your shot at winning one of these lovely stuffed animals. Just throw a quater and land it on one of the plates." a man offered from one of the booths. Brian reached down into his pocket and pulled out a dollar. he and Justin walked over to the booth. Brian handed the operator a dollar and the operator gave him four quaters. Justin stood back and watched Brian take his shot at the game. He missed the first two with poor aim and concentrated on the third throw. Once again he missed, causing him to become angered with the game. Brian concentrated for one last throw. As the quater flipped in the air, Brian waited patiently. It landed on the edge of the plate, almost falling off. Brian leaped in the air with joy. Justin laughed loudly. "Congrats man, you get one of these lovely stuffed aliens!" the operator announced, handing Brian a green alien. Brian smiled brightly and walked away from the game. Justin clapped softly. He then watched Brian walk away. Justin followed in pursuit.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Justin asked as he caught up to Brian. "Yes, I am." Brian said and stopped. He grabbed Justin from the back of the head gently and pulled him into a kiss. It was a breif kiss, but a powerful one. Justin opened his eyes and saw Brian begin to walk again. "Oops, forgot something else," Brian said as he stopped. He grabbed Justin's hand and they began to walk together. "That's better." Brian smiled as they walked. Justin laughed and snuggled close to his lover. "Here, this is for you." Brian said as he handed Justin the stuff alien. Justin grinned and clutched onto the alien. "Thank you, babe." Justin replied. "Anytime." Brian responded. "Hey love birds!" they heard J.C. call out. Justin and Brian played dumb and looked all around. J.C. smirked and ran over to them. "Come on, we're going on the 'Back To The Future' ride." J.C. announced to them. "Who is 'we'?" Brian asked coyly. "Let's see, me, Britney, A.J. and Joey." J.C. listed on his hand. "We need two more people." J.C. added. "Well where's your little boyfriend?" Brian asked. "Actually, he's in the 'I Love Lucy' shop with Nikki." J.C. answered. "Okay, we'll go." Justin answered for Brian. They all ushered towards the line and within in an hour they made it inside the large building.

They were pulled into a room with a model car that represented the car from the movie. Brian and Justin grabbed seats in the back of the car next to A.J. As the ride started, Brian placed a hand on Justin's thigh. Justin turned his head towards Brian and before his eyes even met Brian's, Brian's lips were firmly pressed against Justin. Justin was shocked by the kiss. It was unexpecting, but gladly welcomed. Justin slowly began to move his lips on Brian's. Brian placed a hand behind Justin's head to deepen the kiss. Justin ran a hand over Brian's defined cheek as he felt Brian's tongue slip into his mouth. The car jerked and moved around, but Brian and Justin kept their hands on each other for support. Brian was tempted to rip Justin's clothes off but understood how wrong it would be. He felt Justin's hand run over his crotch area and squeeze lightly. He was craving for Justin's tongue. As soon as Brian was on the verge of moving his own hand, he felt a flash near his face. Brian stopped moving his lips, but kept them pressed on Justin's. He opened his eyes slowly. He peered out of the corner of his eye and saw Joey holding up a camera. "Now that's a souvenir to bring home." Joey laughed as the ride ended. Justin opened his eyes and pulled away from Brian. "Okay, people hpe you enjoyed the ride. Now make room for others!" the operator barked to them. They all pulled out of the car with a rush and made their way out of the building.

"Where to next chaps?" A.J. asked as they walked down the large steps from the building. "To the Terminator Shows." J.C. answered. "No, to get something to eat." Britney demanded. "Yeah, I'm famished." Joey agreed. "Okay, then we hit Terminator." J.C. insisted. "Nah, I want to go to Universal Escape." Justin argued. "Universal Escape? Why?" J.C. questioned. "Duh, because it's the new thing here." Justin answered bitterly. "Well whatever, I'm going to Terminator after we grab a snack." J.C. retorted. "That's cool." Justin shrugged.

They all walked to a nearby stand for funnel cakes and hamburgers. "Yes, can I have a funnel cake with apples and whip cream?" Britney requested. Within minutes she grabbed her large plate of food. Brian looked over the list of toppings and broke out into laughter. Justin looked at him wearily. Brian pointed out two things on the list: strawberries and whip cream. Justin gasped. "Yes, can I have a funnel cake with strawberries and extra whipped cream." Brian requested. Justin like Britney, within minutes he paid and had his food. He signaled for Justin to follow to the nearby steps.

Brian sat on the steps and Justin sat between his legs. Justin held the plate and they both ate the funnel cake together. Brian teared a peice from the dough and dipped in the whipped cream. He held it in front of Justin's face and Justin gladly opened his mouth. Brian gently placed the food in Justin's mouth and Justin closed his mouth before Brian could his finger out. Justin licked and sucked on the finger before releasing it. Brian smiled widely. Justin smiled back as he chewed on the food. "Could you two be any more adorable?" Britney asked as she sipped from Joey's soda. "Yep." Brian teased. "Hey, let's get going to Escape before we have to go." Joey suggested. J.C. walked out in a fit and Justin frowned. "Boy, he can be real moody." Britney commented. "I'm gonna go with J.C. ya'll so he isn't lonely." A.J. announced as he ran after J.C. Joey, Britney, Brian and Justin stood and headed towards Universal Escape.

Four hours flew by at Universal Escape as the four made their way towards the parking lot. "Can you believe that we didn't have a flock of fans following us everywhere today?" Britney said, ecstatic. They were all standing on the escalator, headed towards the parking lot. "Yeah, it feels like the management paid people off not to bother us." Joey agreed. "What do ya'll think?" Britney asked, turning her head towards Brian and Justin. She was surprised to see both of them locked in a deep kiss. "Ugh, you two need to get a room!" Britney babbled out. Brian and Justin couldn't hear her words, still caressing each other. "They think the whole world is their room." Joey whispered to her. "Well, why don't we make the whole world our room?" Brirntye questioned him. "Because we haven't even made it as far as a hotel room yet." Joey complained. "Well I'm saving myself." Britney replied. "For who?! Giligan?" Joey asked with a slight angered tone. "No, you're little brother." Britney answered snobishly. "Oh, well I'll be sure to tell Steven that." Joey mocked. "You're a big teddy bear when you want to be, you know?" Britney commented and laughed at her boyfriend's anger. "Cheerleader!" Joey teased. "Smart ass!" Britney smirked. "Uh oh, did Britney just use profanity?!" Joey joked. "Oh no, please spank me baby." Britney said seductively. "Stop teasing me!" Joey pleaded with her. Britney laughed, feeling in control.

Brian & Justin (Part 79) By JM

When they reached the bottom of the escalator, Joey and Britney pulled Brian and Justin apart. "You can't drive with your lips together." Britney giggled as she pulled Brian in one direction and Joey pulled Justin in the other. "Maybe you should ride with me?" Joey suggested. "No, we're cool. It's just that... I won't see Brian for a few days and I'm going to miss him." Justin said as he and Joey walked in the parking lot. "That's understandable. Love is love and there's no way to deny it." Joey agreed. "So you get it?" Justin questioned. "Of course I get it. I know what it's like to be in love." Joey responded loudly. "You? Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr., are we in love with Miss Spears?" Justin questioned his friend with a smile. "Don't take it the wrong way Curly. I mean, I know she's your ex-girlfriend and all." Joey stuttered out. "Oh no, I have nothing to do with this. Britney is her own girl and wel... I don't think we have to worry about me and girlfriends anymore." Justin teased. Joey smiled brightly. "Did you tell her?" Justin asked. Joey shook his head as they reached Joey's Acura. "Why not?" Justin asked as he leaned on the hood of the car.

"I'm waiting for the right place and moment." Joey answered. "And when's that?" Justin questioned. "Tonight. I was going to take her out to Lake Eola and tell her." Joey answered. Justin gave him an odd look. "Isn't that the same place you lost your..." Joey quickly hushed him. "Yes, it is! It's still a romantic place though." Joey stated. "Joey, we're friends and all, but please don't say you're taking Britney out their for that reason." Justin pleaded. "Oh no! I wouldn't dare unless... well unless she thought it was right." Joey comforted Justin. "Good, because even though me and Britney were a long time ago, even then, I knew this girl was waiting for something special." Justin warned him ina friendly voice. "And you were too. Don't forget Justin, you just love your virginity almost a year ago. We all know Brian was your first." Joey reminded him.

"And I'm not something special?" Joey questioned awkwardly. "For her, yes, but she thinks that she's still looking. That's what's wrong with Britney. Sometimes things are right in front of her and she never goes after them." Justin explained. "Were you that something special she overlooked?" Joey wondered. "No, I wasn't. She was a good friend, but I saw nothing in our relationship." Justin answered. He took a seat on the hood of Joey's car and Joey joined him. "Was Brian that something special?" Joey questioned as if he was a curious young child. Justin nodded. "He was more than just something special?" Justin smiled. "That's what I wish I had my first time. Someone that meant the world to me." Joey frowned. Justin looked at him curiously. "I mean... sex was just sex for me then. With you, I can tell it meant a lot more." Joey sighed while rubbing his temples. "Yes, it was. It was a bit unexpecting actually." Justin shrugged. "You never came that close to sex before, eh?" Joey asked. "No. Not even making out. Brian was truely my first in every category but kissing." Justin assured him. "Wow, do you ever talk to him about any of these things?" Joey hit him with another question. "Sometimes. I mean, this is kind of hard to talk over wit the person you're going to marry." Justin said shyly. "Justin, out of all of us, I didn't think you'd be the first to get married. Maybe Lance and maybe J.C., but not you." Joey commented. "I know, I didn't either." Justin sighed, looking down at his ring.

"And Brian? He looks like the married type, but geez, it seems like yesterday we all found out about you two." Joey laughed. Justin laughed and said, "Yeah, when you weren't too in favor of us." Joey nodded. "I didn't want you hurt. Plus it was hard to get used to. I mean, I just didn't how confused you two were then. Now I can see that you two have matured greatly in your relationship. You've got something special there, little buddy." Joey smiled. "Something very special." Joey whispered. Justin smiled and heard Joey's phone blare. Joey hopped off his hood and pulled the cell phone from inside his car. "Hello?" Joey said questionably. "Joey? This is Diane Bass. Lance's mom." he heard an older female say. "Hello Mrs. Bass. How are you?" Joey smiled. Justin looked at him with suspicion. "I'm fine. Do you know where Lance is? I've been trying to get a hold of him for a half hour now and it seems he turned off his cell phone." Diane responded. "Oh, well we're here at Universal and I know he's here somewhere. Just give me a minute and I'll find him." Joey said to her. Joey pulled the phone from his ear and looked at Justin with surprise. "Where is he?" Joey whispered to Justin. Justin shrugged, unsure himself.

Justin looked around and could see J.C.'s car. Something was different about the car, but Justin couldn't tell at first. Justin took a second look and could see that every window in sight was fogged. Justin stared even harder to see that the car was slightly rocking back and forth. Justin huffed and got Joey's attention. Justin pointed towards J.C.'s car and Joey got the hint. "I'll go get him." Justin sighed and leaped off the hood of the car. Joey mouthed the words 'Thanks' and went back to his conversation with Lance's mother.

Justin tip-toed over to the car and tried to peer inside. The fog was too strong for him to see inside the vehicle, but he could hear the moans from both of his friends. "Uh... uh, uh, yes yes... yes yes... oh God.. mmmm, Lance baby... almost there..." J.C. moaned. Justin was disgusted by the sound of the two having sex. "Ah... ah ah, uh, J.C.... ooh, yes..." Lance cooed. Justin was repulsed by the sounds and finally decided to speak up.

He banged on the window to J.C.'s Jeep. A few seconds past before he saw a hand wipe away the fog from the window and roll it down. "What is it?!?" Justin heard J.C. roar and then peek his head up. "Sorry to bother you J.C., but Lance's mother is on the phone." Justin hissed. Lance quickly hoped up, causing J.C. to fall back in the seat. "My mom?!" Lance screamed out. "Yep, Mrs. Bass." Justin answered with a small smile. J.C. cursed under his breath and then threw Lance his boxers. "She doesn't... she doesn't know what I was doing... does she?" Lance questioned as he tried to slip his boxers on. "I don't know, what were ya'll doing?" Justin questioned slyly. "Looking for my car keys." J.C. answered lowly. "Really?! Hmm, did you check the car door? I heard once you put the 'keys' in the 'door', it's hard to take them out before you've 'released' the 'oil' inside." Justin teased. "Shut the fuck up." J.C. grinned. Lance tried to throw all of his clothes on in a rush before hopping out of the car. "She's on the phone with Joey." Justin pointed out. Lance caught glimpse of Joey and quickly ran over to him without any shoes on.

"You could have waited two more minutes." J.C. complained in a whisper. "Sorry, but the sound of you two fucking was making me nauseous." Justin smiled. "Oh, and like the sound of you and Brian is appealing to us." J.C. retorted. "You've never heard me and Brian have sex before." Justin said, disgusted. "Haven't we? I think everyone on this tour has heard you two at least once fucking in your room." J.C. assured him. "Well, isn't that just a little too bad. At least when didn't have to hide to fuck." Justin said deviously. "Low blow Justin." J.C. barked. "Oh, is that what Lance was doing on his knees?" Justin questioned with sarcasm. "Cut it out!" J.C. hollered at him.

Before Justin could hit J.C. with another sarcastic remark, his cell phone rang. "Uh oh, not another one of your customers? What's the number again? 1-900-4-J-U-S-T-I-N?" J.C. teased. Justin gave him the middle finger and answered his phone. "This is Justin." Justin smiled. "Oh my Lord!!! Is it really Justin!!!" he heard a male voice scream into the phone. "Uh yeah this is Justin. Who is this?" Justin asked, thrown by the voice. "I'm a huge fan!!! Is it true that you're in love with Brian Littrell?!" the voice questioned. Justin almost dropped the phone when he heard that. "Excuse me?! What?!" Justin questioned, trying to play dumb. "You know, Brian of the Backstreet Boys? I heard he loves you alot." the voice cheered. Justin looked around and saw Brian leaning on his BMW. brian was on his cell phone, smiling at Justin. "He loves me eh? Well I love him deeply." Justin smiled as he began to walk towards Brian. "Wow, I heard he loves you more! I heard he wants to marry you and make love to you in every room in the house you two share togther." Brian responded. "Wow, he never told me that. I wonder if he knew how I wanted to make love to him in every room in the house and in his car too." Justin joked. "Wow, that's special! I'm sure he wouldn't mind the latter." Brian laughed. "It's just too bad I can't tell him this. Oh well." Justin snickered and hung up his phone.

"I'm sure he'd like to hear someday." Brian whispered to Justin as Justin stood in front of him. "Really?! Because I don't think he'll ever find out." Justin grinned and then playfully punched Brian in the arm. Brian frowned and then wrapped his arms around Justin. "We only have a few more hours together." Brian whimpered. "Then let's go home and spend them together." Justin suggested. Brian nodded. He heard Leigh Ann calling to him and kissed Justin quickly on the lips.

He turned and saw Leigh Ann run up to them, breathing hard. "Do you need me to come over and watch Tyke for you while you're gone?" Leigh Ann asked, trying to make conversation. "Yeah, sure. After Justin leaves tomorrow." Brian answered. "Well I'm not watching that mutt of a dog for Justin. So don't ask." Leigh Ann snapped. "That's fine Leigh Ann. I was planning on taking her and Tyke with us on tour anyway." Justin replied. Brian looked at him with a sudden surprise. "You were?" Brian questioned. "Yes, I was." Justin turned his head in Brian's direction as he spoke. "So I guess we won't need your services anymore Leigh Ann?" Justin smiled as he questioned her. "Well I'm sure Brian still needs someone to watch over the house and get the mail and stuff like that." Leigh Ann stumbled out. "Sure Leigh Ann. Stop by once a week for the next three weeks." Brian answered. "Only three weeks?" Leigh Ann asked with a frown. "Yeah, that's how much longer we have left on this tour." Brian nodded. "Oh, well then I'll get to see you at home more often?" Leigh Ann worried. "Maybe. Depends on whether me and Justin decide to stay home during our down time. After all, we're getting married in two months." Brian replied with a small smile. "Oh... okay. Well that's okay because you know, I've been talking with Harold lately and he seems rather nice. So maybe I'll go visit him for awhile." Leigh Ann added. "What..." Brian's mouth was quickly covreed by Justin's hand. "We have to go now Leigh Ann. See ya!" Justin smiled and waved her off.

Leigh Ann gave Justin an evil stare and then walked away. Justin held his hand on his mouth for a few minutes. "Now when I remove my hand, promise me you'll forget everything Leigh Ann just said." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian gave a small nod. Justin smiled and removed his hand from Brian's lips. "What's wrong with you?!" Brian hollered at Justin. Justin quickly threw his hand back on Brian's mouth. "You promised!" Justin reminded him. Brian sighed and nodded again. Justin lifted his hand but held it close to Brian's mouth for precaution. "Let's just go home." Brian whispered. "Great idea." Justin agreed and kissed Brian on the cheek. They both got into Brian's BMW, waving to their friends as they left Universal Studios.

Brian & Justin (Part 80) By JM

The sun had set, leaving the sky a dark purple color. The wind had not breathed it's breath for hours and Florida was in a state of mild heat. Brian and Justin walked into their house holding hands. Brian didn't stop in the living room as usual or wave to his dogs. He just walked Justin to the backyard so that they could spend their last few hours together. Tyke and BJ followed them outside chipperly. Brian stopped in front of the pool and pulled Justin in front of him. The pool was lited from the inside and it was heated. "It's beautiful out here." Justin commented as Brian went to his usual position, arms around Justin's waist and chin on his shoulder. "You're beautiful." Brian whispered. Justin looked down at the pool and laughed. "What's so funny?" Brian asked as he slowly kissed Justin's neck. "Just thinking of the time I lost my pants last time I went swimming." Justin laughed. Brian joined him in laughing. "It was rather funny." Brian agreed.

"It'd be even nicer if you lost your pants right now." Brian whispered. "You're just so damn horny today, aren't you?" Justin giggled. "What can I say? You turn me on baby." Brian smiled. "Well that goes both ways." Justin added. "What if we both lost our clothes?" Brian suggested. "Out here? In front of the dogs?" Justin asked, looking over to Tyke and BJ. "They won't see us if we're in the pool," Brian said softly. "You mean skinny dip?" Justin questioned his lover. Brian nodded and began to rub his hands over Justin's clothes. "That would be a very bad thing to do, Bri." Justin warned him. "Hmm, how does the song go? Bad, bad, bad, bad, boy? You make me feel so good..." Brian began to sing. "Okay, stop!" Justin giggled. Brian released Justin and walked to the side of him. He sat down on the ground and began to remove his Nike's. Justin looked down at him with curiosity. "What are you doing silly?" Justin saked with a small laugh. "You said okay." Brian laughed along and tore off his socks. Justin stopped laughing and looked at him wide-eyed. "Brian, I didn't mean 'okay'." Justin said, trying to stop him. "Too late, Just." Brian smiled as he stood. He pulled off his shirt and threw it at Tyke. Soon his shorts followed and then his boxers. Brian piled all of his clothes on the the patio and then walked over to the pool. Justin casually admired the dimples on Brian's ass before Brian dove into the pool. The water splashed up and Justin jumped back.

Brian arose from the water and laughed. "Ooh, it's so warm in here!" Brian smiled as he pulled his hair back. "No, I'm not going skinny dipping! That's crazy!" Justin laughed. Brian smirked and began to swim around in the water. "Ever notice how small your dick gets in the water?" Brian questioned while staring at Justin. Justin crossed his arms and stared at Brian. "Well mine's gotten bigger just looking at you." Brian chimmed. "You're sick!" Justin yelled at him. "Well then come cure me doctor." Brian joked. Justin stood his ground. "Okay, but I'm leaving soon. I asked you one favor and you turned me down. I won't forget this while I'm away." Brian frowned. Justin looked at him Brian staring back with puppy dog eyes. "Fine! You pervert!" Justin finally gave in.

Justin lifted his shirt and pulled it off. Brian smiled flirtatiously and awaited the rest of Justin's clothes to fall off. Justin kicked off his shoes and then slid his socks off. Justin stood there looking at Brian while rubbing his fingres through his curls. The hazey sky gave his strawberry blonde hair a new attraction to Brian's eyes. "Have I told you how good you look with that new color?" Brian asked while Justin began to pull down his plaid shorts. "Not today." Justin smiled as the shorts fell to his ankles. Brian looked down and saw Justin's ash gray, Calvin Klein breifs. "Ooh, are we wearing underwear instead of boxers today?" Brian questioned with a grin. "Oh yeah, I didn't feel comfortable wearing boxers today. So I went traditional." Justin shrugged and placed his hands on the waist of his underwear. "Hmmm, it'd be nice if you felt like wearing nothing." Brian laughed. "What do you think I'm doing idiot?" Justin questioned and pulled down his underwear.

He stepped out of his Calvin Klein's and his boxers and shuffled them to the side. "Happy now?" Justin asked sarcastically. Brian looked down and saw Justin's penis slowly beginning to rise. "Not until you're in ehre with me, hugging and kissing me!" Brian snickered. Justin walked to the side of the pool and took a seat on the edge. His legs dangled in the warm water. "Coming in?" Brian asked. Justin nodded shyly. "Look, I've seen you naked plenty of times, so what's the problem?" Brian questioned. Justin slid into the pool with even less worries. "What if my mom showed up here right now and saw us like this?" Justin questioned wqhile slowly moving towards Brian. "Ugh, that's something I didn't want to picture!" Brian yelled, making a gagging face. Justin laughed and stopped moving.

Brian swam over to him and pulled him into a strong hug. "You're so sexy when you're wet." Brian whisepred and kissed Justin's ear. "Hmm, you're so hard when you're sarcastic." Justin laughed and ran his hand over Brian's cock under the water. "Now who's the pervert?" Brian questioned with a laugh. "I learned from the master." Justin giggled. Brian let go of Justin and looked at him. "So you think you're a Jedi Knight now Skywalker? Do you think you can handle the master's light saber?" Brian asked, maocking that of Darth Vader. "Isn't this the part where you say, 'Luke I am your father?'" Justin questioned with a big grin. Brian placed his hands on Justin's hips and whispered, "No, this is the part where I say I want to kiss you." Justin was thrown back by the voice. It was the same tone Brian had used that night they had come close to lose their virginities to each other. It almost scared Justin but he was soon comforted by Brian's soft, wet lips.

Justin returned the kiss gently, runing his lips over Brian's. Brian pulled Justin's body closer and placed both hands on Justin's ass. Justin lifted his right leg slightly, letting Brian run his hand over it. Brian slipped his tongue into Justin's mouth as he moved his hand back and forth on Justin's leg. Justin sucked on Brian's tongue as the kiss became an emotional moment for the both of them. Brian placed his hand behind Justin's neck and tilted Justin's head back. He placed his lips hard on Justin's and moved his tongue back and forth into Justin's mouth again. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's back and tried to hold his moans.

After what seemed like hours to them, Brian released Justin's lips, but held his leg. Justin panted hard and ran his fingers over Brian's chest. "What do we do?" Brian asked as he looked into Justin's eyes. Justin took a big gulp and then frowned. "Nothing. We can't do anything." Justin sighed. Brian nodded. They were still under a vow to each other, until Brian's healt had improved fully, they would obey the doctor's orders and not have sexual intercourse. "I guess this makes our wedding night even more worth while." Brian tried to lighten the mood. "We won't have to wait that long." Justin assured him. "Well, let's practice that kiss then, shall we?" Brian suggested. He leaned in and Justin once again accepted his kiss. Brian kissed Justin with a light and gentle touch.

Justin was at ease with this less agressive kiss. He took his time to learn every curve and dent of Brian's mouth with his tongue. Brian placed his hands on the edge of Justin's neck. He felt linked to Justin with this kiss. He pulled away slowly and took a minute to smile at Justin. "Now that was a kiss." Brian giggled and hugged Justin. Justin nodded and returned the hug. "I'm gonna swim a lap, care to join me?" Brian offered. "Nah, that's okay. I'm just gonna chill on the side for a minute." Justin turned him down easily. Brian shrugged and began to swim around in the pool. Justin swimmed to the edge of the pool and got out on the edge. He sat down and watched his lover swim the pool with enthusiasm. "This is perfect therapy for me," Brian mentioned to Justin on one of the laps. Justin just smiled at Brian. "God, thank you so for him..." Justin whispered a soft prayer as Brian swam by. The sound of the water was soothing to Justin as was the feel of the breeze on his naked body.

Justin's smile faded as Brian swam up to him. He didn't want Brian to catch onto his happiness. Brian swam to his legs and stood. Brian knelt down and gently kissed Justin's left knee. He placed his hands between Justin's legs as he stood erect. "I owe you my life Justin Randall Timberlake." Brian whispered. Justin gave him an adoring look. "You've saved my life five times." Brian said softly, running his hands over Justin's thighs. "Five times?" Justin asked, unsure. "You saved me when Nick crashed your car, you saved me when I was knocked out during the earthquake, you saved me by giving me your blood in the hospital...." Brian began to choke on his words, getting ewmotional as he reminisced on the sorrowful times. "You saved me when I was about to egt hit by a car and Justin, you saved me when you told me that you would marry me." Brian sobbed out. He quickly wiped away the few tears that ran down his face. "But jus your smile is enough for me to love you." Brian tried to laugh to hush his tears. Justin leaned down and wiped the remaining tears from Brian's face. "Brian Thomas Littrell, you save my life everyday I wake up to your face in the morning." Justin whispered to him. Brian laughed lowly, still trying to shake his emotional side. "Well, if I didn't wake up to you, I think I wouldn't wake up at all." Brian said seriously. Justin kissed Brian on the lips lightly and then sat straight.

"So, which ankle was it that you twisted during the earthquake?" Brian questioned. Before Justin could answer, Brian hushed him. "Wait, let me figure it out." Brian answered for him. He lifted both of Justin's legs from the water and examined both. He grabbed Justin's right ankle instantly. "How did you know?" Justin asked with shock. "I just know." Brian shrugged. Brian began to massage the ankle with care. He turned Justin's leg slightly and admired the tattoo on Justin's ankle. The tatoo was the flame from N Sync's CD cover. It wasn't big, but enough to be noticed. "This is why you always wear socks, right?" Brian asked, knowing the truth. Justin nodded. Brian ran his fingers over the tattoo and then returned his hands to massaging Justin's ankle and foot. "Why did you get the tattoo?" Brian asked while looking to Justin's eyes. "It was a whim. We went platnium in Canada and just decided to get tattoos for fun." Justin answered. Brian listened with interest.

"What about you?" Justin asked as the sensations of Brian's hands finally got to him. "What do you mean, 'what about you'?" Brian retorted, unsure. "Don't play silly with me, Bri. I've seen the tattoo on your shoulder." Justin responded with curiosity. Brian laughed lowly and concentrated on Justin's leg. "I think A.J. convinced me to do it." Brian tried to cover up for himself. "And I think you're lying." Justin smiled. "Why would I lie to you?" Brian asked, still trying to hide his smile. "Because you're cute like that," Justin answered. Brian bent down and kissed Justin's foot. "I've always wondered how you stayed so cute." Brian whispered as his lips kissed their way up to Justin's right knee. "Don't try and change the subject." Justin laughed, slowly pulling his leg away. "What are you talking about?" Brian laughed, still avoiding Justin.

Justin finally gave in and slipped into the water. Justin grabbed Brian's left arm and pulled it in plain view. "I'm talking about this," Justin said and pointed out Brian's tattoo. "Okay, I just got it because I thought I'd be bad for once." Brian finally explained. "It's nothing to be ashamed of," Justin assured him. Justin admired the tattoo of a cross, surrounded by rocks at it's base. "It suits you." Justin added. "And for the million dollar question and a chance for a new car, How?" Brian questioned. "Because you're a religous guy, just like me, and it shows your strong faith in God." Justin answered. Brian smiled and grabbed Justin around the waist. "Would you settle for a million dollar kiss." Brian asked with a small giggle. "I'd settle for a one dollar kiss if it came from you." Justin whispered. "Oh, if my friends could hear us, they'd be throwing up their beakfast," Brian laughed. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin. Justin accepted the kiss with an open mouth and an open heart. Their kiss was made short by Brian. "It's getting pretty late and I have laundry to do and other work before I leave." Brian sighed. "I wish we could spend one last night together." Justin whispered. "How about another kiss?" Brian suggested as he ran a fingr over Justin's lips. He used that same finger to lift Justin's chin to give him another small kiss on the lips.

Brian and Justin gathered their clothes u in a matter of seconds when they emerged from the pool. "I'm gonna get a shower and then get to my work." Brian announced to Justin sa he walked upstairs. "Okay, I'm gonna catch a few Z's on the couch." Justin called to him. Justin slipped his underwear back on and then laid one of the couches in the living room. He soon heard a familiar pair of feet and then BJ leaped onto the couch with him. "Hey puppy!" Justin cheered as she happily licked his face. "Oh, thank you. I'm gonna get some rest now, but you can sleep here with me." Justin smiled and pet BJ's head. BJ leaped from the couch and ran away. "Fine! I didn't want you here anyway!" Justin laughed and rested his head on the pillows. He didn't realize how tired he was, for within seconds, he was sound asleep.

'Do you Nickolas Gene Carter take Brian Thomas Littrell to be your loving and adoring husband till death do you part?'

'With all of my heart, I do.'

'And do you Brian Thomas Littrell take Nickolas Gene Carter to be your loving and adoring husband till death do you part?

'With everything I have, Nick, I promise, I do.'

'Then I pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell. Brian, you make kiss Nick...'

"BRIAN, NO!!!!!" Justin screamed in a cold sweat. His head lifted immediately with sweat dripping from his forhead. Tears were forming in his eyes as he still saw flashes of his dream. He panted heavily while he tried to move the rest of his body. He felt numb from his waist and down. Justin closed his eyes tightly and let the few tears roll freely.

Soon, he was greeted by Brian as Brian quickly ran to the couch. "Justin... Justin, what's wrong?" Brian asked with concern. Justin couldnt' find the words to answer. "Justin, please tell me what's wrong." Brian pleaded as he shook Justin. Justin opened his eyes and Brian stared into the crimson lines that began to form in his eyes. "Don't... don't leave me." Justin begged as the tears began to form in his eyes again. "Leave you? I'm not leaving you." Brian assured him with a small hug. "Yes you are. You're leaving and going to L.A. with Nick. You're leaving me!" Justin cried. He pushed Brian away and scooted back on the couch.

Brian was confused. "I'll only be gone for a few days," Brian tried to talk to him. "Brian, I had that dream... I had that dream again... the one where you... you... you..." Justin just couldn't finish his words. Brian scooted to him and wrapped his arms around Justin's folded knees. "No, Justin, it's just a dream. I wouldn't leave you for him. Never!" Brian tried again. "This ring on my finger means I'll love you forever." Brian added. Justin opened his arms and Brian drew into the hug. "Never." Brian whispered again as he hugged Justin. Justin's body still shivered with fear. "Promise, when you're away, you'll think of me." Justin asked of him. "Every second." Brian answered. Justin rested his head against Brian's head and tried to hold his tears back. Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair for comfort. "It was just a dream babe. I'd never leave you." Brian repeated. Justin nodded while still holding Brian tight.

Brian released Justin, causing Justin to let go of the hug. "Come with me. I've got mroe work to do, but I don't want to leave you alone." Brian said in a small country accent. Justin nodded and tried to collect himself. "I.. I love you Brian." Justin sniffled. "I love you too Justin." Brian said and kissed Justin on the lips briefly. It was enough for Justin to know that no matter what Brian did, he'd always love Justin.

Brian stood from the couch and held his hand out for Justin. Justin grabbed the hand and stood up on the couch. Brian laughed for a few seconds and then turned around. "Come on," Brian offered, patting his own back. Justin looked at him funny, then laughed at what Brian was getting to. "I haven't done this in years!" Justin laughed lightly and gently got onto Brian's back. "Me too." Brian answered as he adjusted to Justin's weight on his back. Brian grabbed onto Justin's leg and made his final attempt for support. "Oh, you're gonna have to lose some pouds before our honeymoon. I can't afford to carry you over the threshold and beak my back before we make love." Brian laughed as he gave Justin a piggy-back ride up the steps. "Well you know where half of my weight is." Justin teased. "Oh yeah, in your fat ass!" Brian giggled as they finally made it to the top of the steps. Brian let Justin down easily and then grabbed Justin's hand. Brian looked at Justin and was thrilled to see a smile on his face.

Brian led Justin into Brian's office which was filled with the sounds of some of 'N Sync's new material. "Chris slipped me this tape while we were at Universal." Brian commented as he led Justin to the desk. Brian sat down in the desk and patted to his left thigh. It was a sign for Justin to sit. Justin heeded the sign and gently took a seat on Brian's leg. "I've just gotta look over these video concepts and then some new schedules and then we can get out of here." Brian stated while grabbeg some papers from his desk. Justin sat pateinely. He looked down at the desk and then began to fiddle with some of the papers. He found a paper that said 'Millennium Thank You's' at the top and could read Brian's hand writing all over the paper. Justin began to read the thank you's Brian had written for the album. Justin skimmed through the thank you's until he got to the bottom where he paid strict attention.

'To The Firm -- Michael, Jeff and others, thanks for being Firm! Together we have a winning team. I love you baby and all of your family too, "also as well."

Love, Me

Justin re-read the last line with surprise.

'I love you baby....'

Justin read past that part to get to the very bottom of the paper and was surprised even further.

'P.S. baby, you're the world and you know why I wrote 'Just'!'

Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's chest and watched Justin read the thank you. "Who's baby?" Justin asked shyly. "You're my baby! You'll always be MY baby!" Brian answered with a smile. "You actually put me in your thank you's?" Justin asked with even more shock. "Of coruse! I always thank God for what He has given me and He gave me the most special thing on this earth besides my family and that's you." Brian answered proudly. Justin was touched by Brian's statement. "You're my baby too!" Justin said, trying not to get mushy with Brian. "Well then would you mind if I sucked your pacifier?" Brian joked. "Oh, you're such a pervert!" Justin shouted and pushed Brian back. Brian shrugged and looked over the rest of his papers. Justin bobbed his head to the music that filled the room.

I bought a ticket to the world

But now I've come back again

Why do I find it hard to write the next line

Oh I want the truth to be said

"Are you guys copycats or what? We already did 'True'." Brian commented while shifting to the next page of his papers. "No, you guys did 'Set Adrift On A Memory's Bliss', we did 'True' the original version." Justin corrected him. Brian mocked him as he listened. "You had some nice songs in the beginning of the tape. I liked 'That's When I'll Stop Loving You' and 'Fade Away'." Brian said while finally placing his papers on the desk.

He lifted Justin and Justin stood to help him. "Where to now?" Justin asked as he leaned back against the desk. "To Never Never Land..." Brian whispered and pushed Justin back on the desk. Justin looked up at Brian with worry. "I want to make love to you before I go." Brian said softly and ran his hand against Justin's cheek. "No, we can't." Justin tried to stop him. Brian grabbed the waistband of Justin's underwear and pulled them down slowly. "But I want to so bad..." Brian whispered as Justin's underwear hit his ankles.

A tear slithered down Brian's cheek as he admired Justin's body. "I want to..." Brian repeated with a whisper. Brian laid down on Justin lightly and let Justin hug him. "I want to too. I really do." Justin comforted him. Brian laid his head on Justin's chest and let Justin spread his legs. "So make love to me." Justin whispered as he began to tug on Brian's shirt. "We can't... we can't." Brian said as he lifted his head. "Why? Because the doctor said? Brian, my body is your's. Take me." Justin begged. "I can't." Brian repeated as he began to lift his shirt. He didn't know what was happening to either of them, but soon Justin's hands were running over his bare chest. "It feels right Brian... just make love to me." Justin whimpered as his fingers grazed ovre Brian's scar. Brian nodded, but yet he knew it was still wrong. "Please..." Justin begged even further as he began to unbuttoned Brian's jeans. "I can't..." Brian gave him the same answer as Brian's jeans fell to his ankles. Justin lifted his body slightly, pulling his legs up. He gave Brian full access to his hole with no regrets. "No!" Brian barked and moved away from Justin.

He sat down in his chair and placed his head in his hands. He stayed silent as the tears rolled from his blue eyes. Justin let a few tears form in his eyes and then he sat up on the desk. He sniffled as he pulled his Calvin Klein's up. He moved from behind the desk and walked out of the office.

Justin walked to his room with sorrow. He flicked the lights on and then moved to the middle of the room. 'What the hell is wrong with you Justin Timberlake? Trying to get Brian to make love to you to ease your fears!' Justin shouted at himself in his head. Justin took a seat on his bed and then laid back. 'He doesn't deserve this suffering and temptation!' Justin blamed himself.

Justin heard his door closed, feeling the breeze from the door run over his body. The lights were quickly flicked out and a body approached him. "Brian... what are you..." Brian quickly hushed Justin. Brian laid ontop of Justin and Justin noticed Brian was completely naked. "Brian..." before Justin could finished, Brian placed a finger to Justin's lips. "Don't say anything. Just let me make love to you..." Brian said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Justin nodded and closed his eyes as Brian drew down his underwear.

Justin felt Brian's lips caress his as Brian lifted Justin's legs. Brian held onto Justin's legs as he began to enter the unprepared hole. Justin cried out with pain, but Brian eased up on him. It was their first dry-fuck and Justin wasn't prepared for so much strength from Brian's throbbing penis. Justin whimpered as Brian continued his effort to enter Justin. "I love you..." Brian whispered to ease Justin's pain. Brian ran a hand over Justin's hair and kissed his cheek with each attempt to enter Justin. Justin relaxed enough for Brian to slide in further. Brian let out a moan as he entered Justin's body. Justin clenched onto the sheets of his bed as Brian began to hump him. Brian's cock eased in and out of Justin with gentleness. "I loe you..." Brian whispered again before kissing Justin. Justin held Brian's lips onto his own as they kissed. Justin's hands let go of the sheets and placed them onto Brian's back. Brian released Justin's lips and panted heavily. "Oh Justin.. I'm going to miss you..." Brian whimpered as he moved faster in Justin. Justin still couldnt' find any words to express his love, just screams of passion.

Brian used all of his weight to roll Justin on top of him. Brian laid back and gasped Justin's hips. He moved Justin up and down on his cock as Justin laid on his chest. Justin began to kiss Brian's nipples and then ran his hand over Brian's scar. He moved his lips to Brian's left shoulder and kissed Brian's tattoo as he held in his moans. "Please... oh baby please... please tell me you love me... uh Justin, please..." Brian pleaded with moans. Justin heaved with weariness. "I do... I do love you..." Justin whispered as Brian got closer to cumming. "Brian... hmmm, Brian... I love you so much..." Justin's voice rose and fell with the intensity fo their love making. Brian couldn't say anymore words as he came inside of Justin's ass. Justin savored the feel of Brian's warm cum as Brian breathed heavily.

Brian gasped as he tried to recover slowly from his orgasm. "You mean the world." Brian whispered as he hugged Justin. He slipped out of Justin, but still kept hugging him. "You didn't have to..." Justin said softly as he lifted his head. "I wanted to. I needed to make love to you before I left." Brian responded. Justin nodded. "And now I need to piss before I go." Brian giggled, spoiling their romantic moment. Justin sighed and rolled off of Brian. "Go take a shower so we can get ready to leave for the airport." Brian called to him as he ran out of Justin's room.

Justin stood from the bed and followed Brian into the bathroom. He turned on the shower water and stepped in as Brian used the restroom. "I called Lance while you were sleep and he said he'll give you a ride back from the airport." Brian commented to Justin as Justin washed up. "Okay!" Justin called from the shower, trying to yell over the loud streams.

In an hour, Brian and Justin were standing in the airport with the rest of the guys from the Backstreet Boys and Lance. "I hope you guys have fun away." Lance sighed as he looked at all of them. "Don't have too much fun without us!" Kevin laughed. "I won't. I'll be too busy in the studio and at home trying to get ready to leave again." Lance responded. "Well, at least you don't have me to hold you up." Nick sighed. "You never held me up Nick, trust me." Lance smiled at him. Nick looked over towards Brian and Justin. Lance could feel the jealousy burning within Nick.

Brian and Justin sat in a corner of the gate terminal, trying to spend their last minutes alone. "I hate goodbye's like these." Brian whispered. "I do too. It's too sad." Justin agreed. "At least you know I'm coming back." Brian assured him. Justin was happy that the airport was empty so that he and Brian could show their feelings for each other openly. "Call me tomorrow." Brian reminded him, trying to lighten the mood. "I promise." Justin replied. "Brian! We've gotta go!" A.J. yelled to him. Brian stood and then Justin followed. "Come here." Brian waved. Justin walked to him and gave him a hug. Brian held the hug, trying to delay his departing. "Stay away from Nick, will you?" Justin asked. "I'll try to end this while I'm away." Brian responded. "Why does it feel like we're never going to see each other again?" Justin questioned lowly. "Because we both know that we're going to be together in the end." Brian answered. "Less then two months to our wedding Justin. I know it'll be fine." Brian reminded him as he let go of Justin.

They stood in a dead silence. "Kiss me." Justin finally asked. Brian nodded and leaned forward. He lightly pressed his lips to Justin before he felt Justin pull the kiss further. Brian's tongue slipped into Justin's mouth while he placed a hand behind Justin's head. Justin moved his lips back and forth with Brian's, parting them for Brian's tongue. Brian took a final run through Justin's strawberry blonde hair and then released Justin's lips. Justin's motuh laid open as Brian backed away. Brian watched as a small tear ran down Justin's cheek. "No, don't cry Justin." Brian begged as he wiped the tear away. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to miss you." Justin answered, opening his eyes. "I'll miss you just as much." Brian insisted. He held Justin's hand and then picked up his backpack with the other.

Brian and Justin walked hand-in-hand to the boarding gates. Brian handed the flight attendant his ticket. Brian waved to Lance and smiled before grabbing his ticket back. He looked at Justin and saw another tear run down his face. "Justin, I'm not going anywhere if you cry." Brian pouted. "Then maybe I should cry harder." Justin chuckeled. "No, don't cry at all." Brian disagreed. He kissed Justin again lightly on the lips and let go of Justin's hand, except for Justin's pinky. Justin laughed lightly as he realized what Brian was going. "Just like the first time we said goodbye..." Brian whispered. Justin nodded as Brian released his finger. Brian kissed his pinky and then pressed it to Justin's lips. "I love you babe." Brian said and turned to walk to the plane. "Have fun," Justin whispered as Brian walked to the plane. "I love you..." Justin whispered and turned his back from the gates.


*** At last, I'm done for awhile!!! Yeah!!! Okay, this is the biggest favor I have to ask of all the readers: Do not send me e-mail anymore asking when the next story will be done. I realize sometimes it takes me awhile to finish, but that's supposed to be understandable. I can't just throw together a story and make it bad! So understand that. I realize it's hard to wait, but it's always worth it! Trust me. So please, no more of those e-mails. Also, I have finished lyrics to MY Backstreet Boys 'Millennium' CD and MY N Sync 'Another Step' CD. So send in your requests! Still looking for that artist by the way. Also, please go get the BSB new album because it's well worth it. Brought me to tears, so I know it'll have some of you guys and girls bawlin' for days!!! See ya... ***

** On a special note: I do realize that I have alot of readers. I get enough mail to know that. And some readers don't even write me. What I also realize is my story must be popular enough to be copied! And I hate that! I don't think of myself as the worlds best author, but I do think I am an improving author who has captured a sense of love. So I am no longer asking, I am telling people, do not copy my series. DO NOT STEAL FROM MY HARD WORK!!! It's not right at all. The few that have already know who they are and I have contacted you about it. Some people may not believe this, but I read alot of the stories that come through the 'Boy Band' section, so I'm bound to catch you if you do. Please, don't copy anyone's work. It's stupid and pointless. It's not going to make readers like your material, because they come back and tell us, the original authors. I would not be a great author if I had copied my inspiration, 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. You have to create your own great series. I'm the original writer who placed the BSB and 'N Sync in stories, so I would appreciate if you got something new. That's all I have to say on the subject... **

Next: Chapter 34: Brian and Justin 81 88

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