Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jun 6, 1999


Brian & Justin (Chapter 81) By JM

---- Voted by readers - BEST STORYLINE & MOST ROMANTIC COUPLE ----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though, because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Week'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 81st STORY!!! It follows along with the rest, so if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me at the address above. I have received an abundance of mail, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the all 'Justin & Brian' soundtracks (only lyrics). Soundtrack features old and new songs from the BSB, 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin unless noted. They have a purpose, so please don't distribute them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best BSB story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. Also thanks to Zeo for creating 'N Sync Love. It's a great story! And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. So until the next time... please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

The nights sky can be comforting to some, but not to Justin Timberlake. It was the same sky that hide the plane that his love flew in. It was the same sky that he had to sleep through alone. Just the sight of Brian saying goodbye gave Justin chills. Now he was going to have to suffer through two more days without Brian.

"Justin, you ready?" Lance asked from behind him. Justin stared out of the airport window, thinking of no one but Brian. "Not yet." Justin replied softly. "Come on buddy, we have a long day before us in the studio and we need as much rest as possible." Lance whispered, suddenly standing right behind Justin. "That's easy for you to say, J.C. will be there when you get to the studio." Justin sighed. "I know it's hard watching Brian leave, but it's not like he's never coming back. It's just two days away." Lance tried to comfort him. "You don't understand Lance. Lately, me and Brian grow further and further apart because of things. Now, just as we're getting close again, he has to leave." Justin stated. "It was that way for Nick and me for a long time Justin. I just hope there's a better outcome for you two." Lance said sincerely and sadly. "I don't know anymore." Justin whimpered. "I know you two will make it. Come on, I'll drop you off at home so you can get some sleep." Lance suggested. Justin nodded and gently placed his hand to the window. "See you soon Bri." Justin whispered and then walked off with Lance.

Justin was unable to get much sleep for the rest of the night. The lose of Brian took a stronger toll on him then he was ready to face. He awoke in Brian's bed with Tyke licking his face playfully. "Ah, it's a monster." Justin joked as he looked at Tyke. Tyke panted happily at Justin. Justin snatched away the sheets and looked around. Justin had finally decided that Brian's room was his favorite room in the house. It always made him feel safe and calm. Justin rolled out of the bed and walked to Brian's closet. He glanced into the walk-in closet before stepping inside. Shoes and suits covered the closet from the floor to the ceiling. Justin grabbed one of Brian's many Kentucky hats from a shelf and placed it on his own head. He grabbed one of Brian's formal shirts and pulled it off the hanger. He took a sniff of the shirt and could still smell Brian's aroma. Justin exhaled with a sigh, thinking of how attractive Brian looked in suits. Justin hung the shirt back up and walked out of the closet.

He was still wearing the hat when he began to dig through Brian's drawers. He was looking for something that meant alot to him. He searched in one final drawer before finding it. It was the Kentucky sweatshirt that Brian always let him wear. Justin pulled the sweatshirt out and slipped it on over his wife beater. Justin now felt comfortable even though he was only walking around in a sweatshirt and a pair of Tommy boxer-briefs.

Justin made his way into the kitchen where he found BJ and Tyke playing. "Hey you two rascals, are you hungry?" he asked them as he opened one of the cabinets. He pulled out a box of doggy treats and poured some into a bowl. He placed the bowl on the floor and grabbed another bowl from the cupboard. He grabbed a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal from the cabinet and some milk from the fridge. He prepped his bowl and took a seat on the counter. He looked down at the dogs eating their food happily.

The phone rang softly and Justin noticed it by his side. Justin shyly picked up the phone and answered. "Hello, this is Justin." Justin said while taking another spoonful of his cereal. "I didn't expect you to be up." he heard from the otherside. "Brian!? Is that you?" Justin asked ecstatically, almost spitting his food out. "Yes, it's me J." Brian responded. "I didn't think you'd call me until later." Justin exclaimed. "Yeah well, I missed you and I didn't want you to worry all day in the studio." Brian responded. Justin smiled at Brian's concern. "Listen, we're out here now at Paramour Mansion for the photo shoot. If you want to call me today or whatever, just page me and I'll call you back." Brian stated. "Okay, I'll do that. How was the flight?" Justin asked, trying to make the conversations last. "It was easy. I sat and talked with Nick most of the time. We just BS'd about different things." Brian answered. "Oh, okay. Well what do you guys have to do tomorrow?" Justin questioned, avoiding the subject of Nick Carter. "We've got some promotion stuff before we leave to meet ya'll in Denver." Brian responded. "Oh, watch TRL tomorrow because they're debuting 'The One'." Brian added. "Brian, Teen People's here! We've gotta get moving for the shoot!" Justin heard Nick yell in the background. "Oh, that's my cue to say goodbye, right?" Justin asked sadly. "Unfortunately, yes. I promise I'll call you back when I get a break." Brian responded. "Okay, I love you." Justin said softly. "I love you too." Brian responded before hanging up. Justin hung up also and placed the phone on the counter.

He leaped off the counter and limped upstairs to his room. He grabbed some clothes for a quick shower before he left for the studio. All the time in the shower he thought about packing a few clothes and heading out to California to see Brian.

The drive to Wright Studios was less difficult for Justin as he buried thoughts he had of going to L.A. just to be with Brian. He concentrated more on the wedding that was coming up. He hadn't made any arrangements for it and it was dwelling on his mind.

He entered Johnny Wright's offices and saw J.C., Lance and Chris already sitting around a large table with Johnny. "Hey ya'll." Justin waved, trying to put on a masquerade for his friends. "Hey Curly, glad you made it." J.C. was the first to answer. "Yeah, we thought you'd be locked up in your room because you were without Brian." Chris teased him. "Actually Brian called this morning and told me that they were doing their photo shoot there with Teen People." Justin bragged. "That's cool." Johnny exclaimed while looking over some papers. "He said to watch TRL for their new video tomorrow." Justin smiled as he took a seat next to J.C. "Really? 'The One' comes on tomorrow?" Lance asked with shock. Justin nodded. "When does our video finally hit MTV?" Chris asked Johnny. "In about three days, I think." Johnny shrugged. "That management for ya." Chris tiffed.

"Listen this is the game plan for today guys..." Johnny said, soon being interrupting Chris. "Wait, where's Joey?" Chris asked. "He'll be soon." Johnny answered. "Okay, you've guys got to sign some pictures and some CDs for fans and also working in the studio. That should take all day." Johnny stated. "Sounds boring." J.C. commented. "It's not always exciting in the music business." Johnny retorted. "Is that it?" Justin questioned. "Pretty much. You should finish two songs by the end of the day." Johnny demanded softly as he stood. "You're leaving?" J.C. asked. "I'm just going into my office and doing some paperwork and then I'm going to check up on Britney in Louisiana." Johnny answered and then exited the room.

Just as he exited, Joey walked in with a smile upon his face. J.C. was the first to look at him curiously. "What are you smiling about?" J.C. asked with an equally larger smile. Lance looked up at him and then Justin and Chris. "Did you get laid or something?" Chris asked. "No, idiot." Joey shook his head. "Did you talk to Britney?" Justin questioned with a small smile. Joey nodded happily. "And did you tell her?" Justin wondered. Joey nodded again. "And did she feel the same way?" Justin gave him a final question for assurance. "Yes, she did!" Joey gleamed. Justin stood with excitement and rushed to Joey. Joey happily hugged Justin with brotherly affection. "That's great Joey!" Justin chimed.

J.C., Lance and Chris looked at each other and then Joey and Justin. "Uh, what's going on?" Chris asked with suspicion. Joey and Justin broke their hug long enough to looked at them. "I told Britney that I loved her last night and she told me that she loved me too." Joey answered, trying to calm down. "Really!?" J.C. asked, now building on the excitement. Joey nodded with enthusiasm. "Wow man, that's wonderful!" J.C. cheered him on. "No, it's thanks to Justin. You said the right things to me yesterday to build up my confidence in love." Joey said sincerely towards Justin. "I just said what I felt." Justin said, trying not to take any credit. "You said what you felt for Brian?" Lance asked. Justin pondered the question. "Yeah, it's the same way I feel about Brian." Justin agreed.

"Chris, we need you in the studio!" an engineer said from the doorway. Chris nodded and stood. "Congrats Joey. Looks like you finally sound something besides a number in your pocket." Chris teased his friend. "Yeah, I wish you'd do the same." Joey snickered. "And the fun begins!" Chris laughed and exited the room.

Everyone else sat at the table, beginning their long task of signing posters, CD's and photos. "I wonder how those pictures from the photo shoot turned out?" Lance pondered to everyone. "I think they'll look nice. It's definitely a new look for us." Joey answered while scribbling his name on a picture. "Brian looked pleased with your pictures, Justin." J.C. slyly commented. Justin blushed and smiled. "When is Brian not happy with Justin?" Lance questioned with a hint of envy. "What do you mean? Me and Brian aren't always happy." Justin retorted. "It sure seems that way." Lance argued kindly. "Trust me, it's not." Justin replied sadly. He marked his signature on a few more pictures before taking a sip from his tea.

"Something wrong?" J.C. asked in a whisper to Justin. "No, not really." Justin answered quietly. "Are you sure? You seem to be acting that way." J.C. questioned. "I'm fine, it's okay. I'm not 'acting' any way." Justin snapped back. "Whoa, what's up J?" Joey asked, looking at his friend with concern. "I just have a lot on my mind, that's all." Justin answered and scribbled his name on another poster. "Well why don't you inform us and maybe we can help you out?" Lance suggested while standing. Justin considered the notion as he looked over some lyrics that were before him. "I'm getting married in less then two months and I haven't set up anything. I don't know where I'm going to get married, who's going to be there, what kind of flowers to get or anything." Justin finally spoke up with a sigh. "Wow, that's alot to think about." Joey nodded. "That's not even the half of it." Justin complained. "Then let us help." J.C. offered. "Yeah, I'd love to be a part of my friend's biggest moment." Joey smiled brightly.

Justin laughed lightly and continued to sign his name to posters. "Come on, you only get this day once." J.C. tried to coax him. "Hopefully," Lance laughed. "No, he'll only do this once, trust me. For Justin, there is nothing after Brian." Joey assured Lance. "Yeah, Justin and Brian belong together," J.C. agreed. "And we don't? Are you saying that we won't make it down the aisle?" Lance questioned bitterly. "What?" J.C. questioned with anger. "You heard me. Just because me and Nick didn't work out, you automatically assume that Brian and Justin were the only couple 'meant' to be?" Lance asked with less anger. "No, I don't assume anything. I do think that Justin is one of my best friends and I know when he's in love. He and Brian are something rare." J.C. responded hatefully. "Yeah, so I've heard. In fact, that's all I have heard. I respect Brian and Justin for showing that much love, but when everyone is just obsessed over it, it sucks." Lance complained childishly.

"You're acting like an asshole..." Joey sung flatly. "Yeah well, when you care for someone like I do for J.C., then you'd feel the same way." Lance argued and took a seat across the table. Justin watched with little interest. "So you care for me now? Two seconds ago, it was about Brian and Justin. Now the tables turn and we're expressing love and not just fucking anymore?" J.C. asked with a bitter smile. "Where the hell is this coming from? It's never been about fucking with me? Even with Nick, I loved him..." Lance confessed before he even realized what he was saying. "You still love him, don't you?" J.C. asked sadly. "I... I... I don't." Lance answered with slight unsureness. J.C. sighed and stood. "Where are you going?" Lance questioned, standing also. "Can I get something to drink without you worrying?" J.C. asked coldly. "It's important that he does care enough to ask." Justin muttered. "Thank you Dr. Timberlake, MD, relationship expert to the stars." J.C. laughed sarcastically. "Why are we even arguing over any of shit? It's not like we're going to break up like..." Lance swiftly stopped himself.

Justin ceased signing photos to look up at Lance. He raised his brow and awaited Lance to finish. "You always know the wrong thing to say, don't you?" Joey questioned with disappointment in Lance. Lance frowned, still not finishing his sentence. "Go ahead Lance, say it. Like Brian and Justin..." Justin coaxed him with anger. "I.. I didn't mean to say that." Lance stuttered out. "It's okay, everyone finds our relationship as a joke." Justin assured him sarcastically. "It's the joke for every relationship. 'If you can make it longer then three days without calling it quits then you've got it better than Justin and Brian do.' Right?" Justin questioned a joke that he believed. "That's not true." J.C. responded while sitting back down. "Isn't it though?" Justin asked, looking around at everyone. "Nope. Not at all. I actually think that you and Brian have it better then any of us will." Joey replied. "Yeah, even if we don't want to admit it sometimes." J.C. agreed, looking right at Lance. Justin shrugged and continued with his pile of photos.

Chris strolled back into the room and took a seat next to Lance. "How'd it go?" Lance asked while passing Chris a stack of CD's. "It went fine. I just had to lay a couple of vocals for now." Chris answered and grabbed a marker from the middle of the table. "So, what are you guys talking about?" Chris asked, looking at everyone's sad faces. "Love." Joey answered and then smiled. "Oh, trouble in paradise around here?" Chris asked, shyly looking towards Justin. "Not for him." J.C. laughed. "Well I've got this survey off the Internet last night. And since I'm the only one left in the group without a steady girlfriend, boyfriend or whatever... I thought I'd ask ya'll the questions." Chris offered while digging through his backpack. He yanked out two sheets of paper with a list of questions on them. "Now I'll just ask ya'll the questions and each one of ya'll answer orally. Wait... that didn't sound right." Chris laughed while looking over the questions. "You're a sick pervert." Justin laughed with him.

"Okay, first question, do you believe you're relationship is ready for marriage or discussion of marriage?" Chris asked, looking towards Joey first. "Nope, not yet. She's still too young." Joey answered plainly. "Uhm, no, I don't think it's ready for that." J.C. answered shyly. Lance gave him an evil stare. "Would you care to elaborate?" Lance asked bitterly. "I just don't think we're ready, that's it. It's a trust thing." J.C. responded coldly. "'Trust'? So now you don't trust me?" Lance asked. "I don't trust me! You don't know some things about me and I feel that when I'm ready to tell you those things, I'm ready to spend my life with you." J.C. answered unpleasantly. Lance fell back in his chair with shock. "Er, Justin, you're up." Chris quickly changed the mood. "I think it's obvious.." J.C. laughed, pointing towards Justin's ring. "Not really." Justin responded to J.C.'s comment. "Well, share..." Chris teased him. "At first, I thought I was ready for marriage. I mean, I love Brian. But now, I feel..." Justin looked around with shyness. Everyone's eyes were on him with suspicion. "I feel that Brian is my everything. I think I'm more than ready for marriage because I know Brian will be right there with me." Justin answered confidently. "No doubts at all?" Lance questioned softly. "Not if Brian's there. I have none." Justin answered him. "Well Lance..." Chris questioned to draw attention away from Justin. Lance looked over at J.C. before answering. "I thought I was. I guess I was wrong." Lance responded carelessly. J.C. rolled his eyes and awaited the next question.

"Have you lost your virginity to the person you love?" Chris asked, bringing tension to the room. "And if so, was it what you thought it would be?" Chris added. Joey gave him a look of innocence. "I'm still a virgin." Joey lied while smiling. "Bullshit! You told me about your first time!" J.C. laughed and took a drink from his Evian water. "Thanks for telling everyone!" Joey laughed along. "We all knew Joey." Chris said with no care. "Well, was it to the person you love?" Lance asked with curiosity. "No, it wasn't. It was just a girl and it was just sex." Joey answered sadly. "What about Britney?" J.C. questioned with more curiosity. "I love her. And to have sex with her would be one thing, but it's not something I'd share with you guys." Joey responded with honesty. "Why not? We're all friends here!" Chris asked, looking at everyone as if he was right. "Because I wouldn't disrespect Britney or Justin like that." Joey replied vaguely. "Justin?" Lance asked, looking at Joey then Justin. "So you're saying if you and Britney fucked last night, you wouldn't tell us?" Chris asked with a devious smile. Joey nodded without a smile. "So ya'll did last night!" J.C. exclaimed. Joey rolled his eyes at him. "That takes a lot to confess." Lance commended him to silence J.C.'s laughter.

"Well how about you J.C.? Who was your first?" Joey asked, trying to turn the tables. "It was Lance." J.C. shrugged without care. "Just like that? Sex and nothing less?" Joey asked, trying to build on the animosity. "No, it was more than just sex." J.C. nagged. "What was it?" Chris asked, adding to the nervousness in the atmosphere. "It was good." J.C. shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "It was good?!" Joey and Chris both asked with loud laughter. J.C. shyly backed away from the conversation. "I could've swore it was more than that?" lance questioned him softly. "How could it be? We agreed not to say a thing about it and then you went off and fucked Nick." J.C. argued. "Hey, I didn't just fuck Nick!" Lance barked. "Oh, then what did you do? Suck him off pretty good?" J.C. questioned, drawing the attention to their argument. "No, for your information, I jacked Nick off at Brian's party. And you know what? Even though Nick didn't think so, when he made love to me, we felt something towards each other. He did it tenderly and gently. He cared where we fucked and he took his time!" Lance yelled at him with anger. "It's not my fault you wanted to fuck where no one could see! If you want, we can fuck right now and let everyone see us!" J.C. yelled back arrogantly. He stood from his chair and began to unzip his jeans.

"Whoa, this is more than I need to see." Chris gagged and backed away from the table. "Well come on Lance... let's see if I can be gentle and caring like that asshole Nick was. You know, then one that yelled Brian's name while ya'll 'made love'." J.C. growled bitterly. "You can be the biggest asshole in the world." Lance whimpered, tears forming in his eyes. "Well it goes both ways Lance baby." J.C. replied harshly and returned to his seat. "Are you two okay? I mean, if you guys are going to stick this out, show a little love." Joey suggested. "Oh it's okay, me and Lance will be fine. Just as soon as he gets over Nick." J.C. answered softly. "Maybe we should skip these questions?" Chris advised. "No, I want to keep going. It gives us a chance to express our true feelings." Lance remarked while wiping the few tears from his eyes.

"It's your turn Justin." Chris shrugged and looked at him. "Yeah, my first time was with the person I love." Justin nodded, still in shock from the past events. "And was it good?" Chris asked shyly. "Yes, my first time was good. I found someone who was gentle and honest with me." Justin answered confidently. "Brian was your first right?" Chris asked. Justin laughed and responded, "Yes, he was my first." "Was it Brian's first time?" Lance asked shyly. "Hey, you don't have to answer if you don't want." Joey tried to assure Justin. "No, it's cool. Yes, it was Brian's first time." Justin responded. "Have you ever regretted fucking... er, making love that night?" J.C. asked, kindly looking to Lance. "No, not at all. I regret not telling Brian my true feelings for him sooner." Justin sighed. "How did that happen? You two making love that night?" J.C. asked with wonder. "I'm not sure, it just did. I mean, we had been flirting and hinting all that week that we liked each other, but it was kind of awkward. I was young and so he was unsure. But when we both realized that it was the physical attraction, but just the way we cared for each other, we finally decided that we wanted to lose our virginity's to each other." Justin responded with unease. "Had you guys you know... made out or anything before that night?" Chris asked, finding himself lost in the answers. "Yeah, a little. It was like, we were ready but then we didn't want to go too fast." Justin nodded. "Well it sure went fast if you fucked after a week of being with him." Lance commented. "Well how long did you and J.C. wait before you guys fucked?" Justin asked with the same arrogance. Lance got the hint of the question and backed away.

"Okay, where is the wildest place that you've had sex?" Chris asked the next question. Everyone in the room laughed. "Uh, since me and Britney haven't had sex yet, nowhere." Joey laughed out his answer. "How about you two?" Chris asked, giving the question to Lance and J.C. "Uh, I'd say the tour bus bathroom." J.C. giggled. "No, it was behind the curtains at the Backstreet Boys video shoot." Lance laughed. The room went silent. "We didn't fuck there." J.C. hissed with curiosity. Lance quickly shut his mouth. "You fucked Nick at the video shoot?!" J.C. questioned, feeling hurt. "I mean... it was his birthday and uh..." Lance was finding it hard to find the right words. "Oh, quick fuck for his birthday right? One good cum and then we're done?" J.C. asked with even more pain. "No, it meant something to him." Lance shrugged. "Right, something." J.C. nodded. "I thought you two were going to say the wildest place was the basketball court in Atlanta." Justin tried to shift the mood. "Yeah, that was pretty wild." Lance smiled at J.C. "It was." J.C. agreed. "I think I still have scratches from that day." Lance laughed happily. "Eh, eh, we don't want to know." Joey ended their laughter.

"Well Justin? Have you and Brian fucked anywhere exciting?" Chris asked. "Hmmm, well there's the hospital." Justin answered quickly. "You guys fucked while Brian was in the hospital?" Lance asked wildly. "Which time?" J.C. added. "Uh, everytime except after the earthquake." Justin responded shyly. "Holy cow! Ya'll fuck like rabbits!" Chris snickered. "Did ya'll have sex while you were in the hospital too?" Lance questioned, trying to contain his smile. Justin nodded with little pride. "I have to give it to you two. You sure pick the weirdest and 'sickest' places to fuck." J.C. commended him with a small laugh.

"Okay, okay, okay gents, here's a juicy one. Have you or your lover ever cheated on each other?" Chris asked. The room once again went silent with worry. "Joey?" Chris hit him first. "No, never. I haven't had a reason to cheat on Britney." Joey answered firmly. "Good answer." Chris nodded. "What about Britney?" Chris asked. "She hasn't cheated on me, but when we began dating, she told me that she still cared for Justin and the relationship they had." Joey answered, looking at his friend. Justin was surprised by the revelation. "But once she found out about Brian and Justin, she respected them and let the feelings go." Joey assured him. Justin nodded and looked down to his gold ring with pride.

"How about you, J.C.? Ever cheat on Lance?" Chris asked, unsure himself of J.C.'s response. J.C. stayed silent after hearing Chris. Lance was even further curious by J.C.'s silence. "I have." J.C. answered lowly. Lance was thrown again by J.C.'s answer. "With who?" Joey asked bitterly. Justin felt sorry for J.C. "Nick." J.C. answered Joey's question. Lance felt a lump in his heart when he heard the name. J.C. closed his eyes and kept silent again. "It's not what you guys think. He didn't really cheat on Lance because they weren't together. Nick and Lance were together at the time." Justin defended Lance from their stares. "Well what happened?" Lance asked his lover. "I kissed Nick... well we were on the verge of having sex. At least that's the way I felt." J.C. whispered. "On the verge?" Lance asked. "I was drunk and so was Nick. It happened in Cancun right before me and you had sex." J.C. nodded. "Did you want to fuck him?" Lance asked, feeling the lump grow in his heart. "At the time, I did. I wanted to fuck him to get back at you and him for what you did to me." J.C. whimpered. "But I'd never do that now. I'd never sleep with anyone else while I was with you because I... I love you too much." J.C. cried. Lance was still hurt by the revalation and held his ground.

Justin placed his arm around J.C. and gave J.C. a hug. J.C. grasped onto Justin for support. "It's okay J.C. I know it hurts." Justin whispered to him. J.C. sobbed heavily and held onto Justin. Lance wiped tears from his own eyes and looked at J.C. "I love you just as much J.C." Lance said softly for comfort. J.C. nodded but held his hug with Justin. "That's kind of hard for you to say Lance when you did hurt him while you were with Nick." Justin threw in his two cents. "Yeah, well I guess you and Brian could say the same with Nick huh?" Lance questioned sadly. Justin took his eyes from Lance and looked at J.C. with concern.

"I guess we shouldn't move onto Justin now..." Chris whispered to Joey while staring at his friends with little astonishment. Joey nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Guys, we need Justin and Joey in the studio now." one of the producers peeped his head in to announce and then left again. "Er, you guys okay?" Joey asked while standing. Justin released J.C. as Joey spit out his last word. "I'll be fine. I just need some fresh air." J.C. whimpered out and stood. Justin shook his shirt to rid himself of the tears and stood also. Justin placed an arm on J.C.'s back and helped him out of the office. Joey followed with a mere frown.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 82) By JM

"Are you okay Lance?" Chris asked, placing his hands on the wooden table. "I'm cool." Lance shrugged. Lance coughed heavily and placed his arms on the table. "You look kind of pale." Chris commented. "I'm not feeling too great lately, but I think it's just a bad cold." Lance answered, laying his head in his arms. "It's not because of J.C. and Nick is it?" Chris asked with concern. "No, I'm really sick." Lance answered flatly. "Because if I was tied between two people I love like you were and made such a quick decision on who I loved, I think I would have second thoughts." Chris sputtered out in a quizzical matter. "Are you trying to say I'm thinking twice about being with J.C.?" Lance asked from his laying position. "No, but I think you're saying that." Chris responded. "No, I'm not. Me and Nick didn't have anything. Me and J.C. do." Lance responded lowly. "You talk as if you and Nick could have made it if you gave it a chance." Chris argued politely. Lance ran his hand over his face and tried to come up with the proper words for Chris. "Maybe." Lance shrugged finally. "Maybe? Do you think that you and J.C. really share something deep?" Chris questioned. "He treats me well." Lance responded. "No, do you have something deep?" Chris gave the same question. "I don't know. I think we could if..." Lance coughed again before finishing. "If?" Chris challenged Lance's last word. "If I gave a lot more to him." Lance confessed. "Well, what's stopping you then?" Chris asked with sincerity. Lance didn't answer. "Nick." Chris answered for Lance, which caused Lance to nod slightly.

Joey sat patiently in the studio booth. He looked around as he awaited Justin to enter the studio. The studio walls had pictures of Innosense, 'N Sync, New Kids on the Block, Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys tiling it's walls. Joey admired the pictures of upcoming groups like C-Note, Before Dark and Take 5. 'Lou just doesn't know when to stop, does he?' Joey thought to himself. "Joey, where's Justin at?" he heard Max Martin ask from the production booth. "He had to use the restroom." Joey answered into his microphone for everyone to hear. "That was over fifteen minutes ago!" Max complained with a slight scream. Joey knew the reasons for Max's anger. Max Martin had flown from Sweden just to work with 'N Sync on this day and now Justin was wasting time. "I'll check on him." Joey suggested and removed his headphones. "Hurry up!" Max announced as Joey placed the headphones down. Joey nodded and ran out of the booth.

Joey strolled into the restroom just as he heard a gagging noise. Joey looked around the room and could see that one of the stall doors was slightly closed. He jogged over to the door and could see Justin on his knees over the toilet. "Justin?! Justin, are you okay?!" Joey asked with serious concern. Justin raised his head and then laid back against the side of the stall. Justin let a few tears roll down his cheeks before wiping them away. Joey stepped into the stall and knelt next to Justin. "Hey Curly, what's wrong?" Joey asked nervously. "I... I don't know.." Justin cried. Justin laid his head on Joey's shoulder and tried to regain his strength. "Have you been feeling like this a lot lately?" Joey questioned, trying to figure his friend's problem. "Sometimes." Justin gave a quick response. "It can't still be the flu." Joey pondered. Justin agreed with him with distaste. "Do you want to lay down?" Joey questioned. "No, let's just get in the studio and sing." Justin responded sorely. "No, you can't do that! You were just freakin' throwing up two seconds ago!" Joey argued loudly. Justin grabbed his hear with pain. "Oh, sorry buddy. Come on, I'll take you home." Joey added with care. "No, I'm staying here. The show must go on." Justin answered while standing.

Justin's body shook as he stood but he quickly caught his balance. "There will be no show if you don't get any rest!" Joey barked at him and stood. "Joey, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone this happened." Justin pleaded as he walked to the sink. "But Justin..." he was unable to finish his argument. "Promise me!" Justin begged. "I.. I promise you, Justin. I promise." Joey answered sadly. "Thank you." Justin sighed and washed his face. "Now promise me something." Joey demanded, grabbing Justin's arm. Justin looked at him sharply. "Promise me that tomorrow, me and you are going to the doctors before the show." Joey asked of him. "But Britney's coming back tomorrow, don't you want to spend the day with her?" Justin tried to persuade him otherwise. "I don't care if she comes back tonight. Promise me you'll go so we can find out what's wrong." Joey ordered. Justin nodded and took a deep breath. "I promise you Joey," Justin sighed. "Good. Now, what about Brian?" Joey questioned. Justin never considered Brian's thoughts in the situation. "He doesn't think anything is wrong with me... and I want it to stay that way." Justin answered sternly. "Justin, this isn't something you can hide from him." Joey disagreed. "There may not be anything wrong with me and I don't want to get him worked up over nothing." Justin responded. "Maybe he needs to get worked up so he'll come back here." Joey argued. "Brian needs his time away just as I need to get over this." Justin replied, leaving no room for discussion.

Joey grumbled and then finally left Justin's side. He headed towards the door and pushed it open. He stood in the doorway momentarily and waited for Justin. "Come on before Max has a fit again." Joey sighed out. Justin glinced in the mirror one more time before following Joey out of the door.

As they walked down the hall back towards the main studio, they caught a glimpse of J.C. and Lance standing in a corner. "Well, looks like somebody made up?" Joey whispered to Justin as they passed. Justin nodded and peered at them from the corner of his eye. He was proud that his friends overcame their problems so quickly.

J.C. ran his hands over Lance's face with gentleness. Their lips were apart, but their words were strong. "Never." J.C. whispered while running his hand towards Lance's chin. Lance nodded and smiled kindly. Their eyes danced in the pale hallway light, but their mood was brightened by wondrous thoughts. "I think we should re-live that first time tonight..." Lance whispered, exotically. "I agree." J.C. smiled brightly and moved his hand to Lance's shoulder. "Just me and you. No arguing about Brian... Justin... Nick or anybody..." Lance said softly, trying to keep his voice low. J.C. agreed and leaned forward slowly. Softly and gently, they kissed in the hallway. It was a short lived kiss, but a promising kiss for more at a later time. "Maybe soon, I can slip a ring on your finger like Brian and Justin." J.C. whispered as they broke the kiss. "One day, I know." Lance nodded, reminiscing on the song. Lance's hand grabbed J.C.'s to seal the promise. A promise that J.C. prayed would come to pass.

Justin and Joey sat in the recording studio, just finishing an hour's worth of singing. "I think that's all we have for you guys right now." Max announced into the booth. Joey nodded and looked over at Justin. He could see that Justin was slightly leaning forward, trying to hold his stance. "Are you okay?" Joey asked as he pulled off his headphones. Justin tried to answer, but his body was too weak. He took off his headphones and placed them on the rack. "Uh... I think I'm really sick." Justin finally confessed, ending Joey's battle. "I'm taking you to the hospital, Justin." Joey said softly to him, avoiding a conflict from others. "No, it's okay, just let me lay down for a little while. I'll be fine after a nap." Justin argued. "No you won't." Joey argued quietly. Justin backed away from him and then stumbled towards the exit. 'Why is he acting like this?' Joey questioned as he watched Justin limp out.

Justin entered the office once again, noticing that the room was completely empty. He didn't care at this point. He walked back to his chair and plopped down. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his cell phone. He then pulled out a small piece of paper and read the numbers on the paper. He began to dial with an urgency and then placed the phone to his ear. He listened as several rings went by. 'Where is he!?' Justin thought to himself as another ring chimed in his ear.

"He-hello?! This is Brian's phone, Kevin speaking!" he finally heard someone respond. "Kevin? Kev this is Justin, where's Brian?" Justin asked. "Well... no 'Hello's' or even 'How are you?' Just 'Where Brian?'" Kevin questioned with a laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry Kev. How are you doing? Having fun in L.A.?" Justin asked with an even softer laugh. "Yeah, we're having an okay time here. I forgot how much work photo shoots can be and how boring it is sitting in wardrobe!" Kevin teased, trying to draw Angie's attention. "Is that Justin?" she questioned as she held up another outfit for Kevin to try on. He nodded and returned to the conversation. "Brian's out shooting photos with Nick right now. Uh, could he call you back?" Kevin finally responded to Justin. "Yeah... sure, just tell him I'm at the studio." Justin frowned. "Okay, are you okay? You sound a bit out of it," Kevin stated. "Yeah, I just miss him and you guys." Justin answered sorely. "He misses you too. We haven't been able to get him to smile in any of these pictures today. He just keeps the same frown." Kevin answered. Justin's self-esteem was brought up with that comment.

"Tell Justin that Brian has been going on and on about how much he misses him!" Angie yelled loud enough for Justin to hear. Justin laughed. "Tell Angie I miss him too!" Justin yelled back. "I mean, would ya'll like to talk or should I just relay these messages?" Kevin asked sarcastically. "No, that's okay. I'm running up a phone bill as it is. Just make sure Brian calls me." Justin said. "Okay, I'll do that. And cheer up, we should be back tomorrow if everything goes right." Kevin chimed. Justin grinned and they said their goodbye's.

"You know, he's going to be my cousin one day? When Brian and Justin get married." Kevin commented happily as Angie and him searched for more outfits. "You sound rather happy about that." Angie laughed. "Why not? I like Justin. He's a real nice guy and the perfect guy for Brian. It's hard to have them separated and I feel for him. Justin has never given us a reason to hate him." Kevin explained. "Yeah, Justin is real sweet. Plus he and Brian make a cute couple." Angie nodded.

"Did I hear my name!?" Brian announced as he and Nick entered the wardrobe room. "Your lover boy was just on the phone cuz!" Kevin teased as he grabbed another silk shirt from the racks. "You mean Justin?!" Brian asked, leaping for joy. "What other lover boy do you have?" Kevin asked him with an annoyed face. "Me." Nick laughed loudly. "Only in Nick's dreams!" Brian nudged him. "Hey, those are always the best dreams." Nick smiled deviously. "So that's why the hotel keeps changing your sheets every five minutes?" Brian played along. Nick nodded with appreciation.

"Well... he really wanted to talk to you, so call him back." Kevin interrupted them. Brian snapped back to Kevin, trying to leave his conversation with Nick. "Where is he?" Brian asked, walking over to Angie and Kevin. "He said he was at the studio." Kevin answered briefly. "Okay, I'll call him now." Brian smiled and looked around for his bag. "Wait, you said you'd have lunch with me first!" Nick complained. "But..." Brian couldn't finish before Nick interrupted him. "Justin will be at the studio for a LONG time. We have enough time to go grab something to eat and then you can call him. I promise." Nick begged. Brian thought over his decision while looking at Nick's desperate face. "Yeah, I guess so. Justin will understand." Brian shrugged. Kevin looked at Brian with distrust. "Good, let's go!" Nick cheered and grabbed Brian's arm. He drug him out of the room with Kevin still watching. "Something's going on here and I don't like it." Kevin commented and then returned to his clothing. "You don't think..." Angie stopped herself. "Ang', I hope not." Kevin responded sadly.

Justin took two hours to rest in the office, on one of the small couches. He knew that he wasn't going to be needed for vocals for awhile and he couldn't find the strength to await Brian's call. His sleep was quickly disturbed by noises in the room.

He could hear the faint sound of a phone ringing and people laughing as he raised his head from his sleep. He softly rubbed his eyes. He looked around and saw his phone sitting on the conference table. "Hey J, your phone is ringing!" J.C. hollered as he laughed with Lance and Joey. Justin shook off his exhaustion and sat up on the couch. "Hey Justin, you look like shit man." Chris said with a hint of seriousness. Justin squinted hard and then stood. "I'll get it Curly." Lance quickly halted him and answered the phone. Justin watched as Lance chatted quickly and then pulled the phone from his ear. "It's Brian." Lance whispered as he held out the phone. Justin quickly shook off his sleep and grabbed the phone.

"Brian?" Justin asked softly. "Hey there babe," Brian answered cheerfully. Justin smiled quickly and walked back over to the couch. "How are you?" Brian asked. "I'm okay." Justin shrugged, feeling Joey's stares from across the room. "That's good. How is recording coming?" Brian questioned. "It's going good. We've done about two songs, well we at least laid vocals down for that many songs." Justin responded. "Oh, so you guys are falling behind?" Brian worried. "Nah, we'll finish what we have to today and the rest will be done in about a month." Justin assured him. "Well, okay." Brian shrugged. "How are Tyke and BJ doing?" Brian asked chipperly. "They're fine. I left them at home alone today, but I'm sure Leigh Ann will probably step by to check on Tyke." Justin assured him. "She'll learn to love BJ." Brian tried to assure him back. "I don't care if she does or doesn't love BJ. I love BJ and she loves me and she loves you too." Justin answered. Brian laughed lowly.

"Brian, it's kind of lonely without you here." Justin whispered with a frown. "I know how you feel. It isn't easy trying to sleep without you next to me." Brian agreed. Justin smiled again. "But I'll see you tomorrow." Justin quickly cheered. "Uh, that's what I was calling you about babe." Brian frowned. "What's wrong? Aren't you guys coming home?" Justin asked with fear. "Not tomorrow. See, our label got us to do a video while we're out here. So we're shooting a video all day tomorrow and won't get a chance to leave out of here until tomorrow night." Brian answered sadly. "So I won't see you until tomorrow night?" Justin questioned. "If then. you guys should already be on your way to Lexington by then." Brian answered with even more sadness. Justin felt his heart ache.

Brian listened as Justin sniffled. "I know it's rough. But hey, I'll see you in Louisiana." Brian tried to change the mood. He wasn't successful. Justin felt his stomach grow nauseous again and he loosened his grip on the phone. "When you get to Lexington, give my mom a call. I promised her we would stay with her while we were there." Brian informed Justin. "Okay, I'll do that." Justin agreed. "I hate to say it, but I have to go. I love you Justin." Brian said softly. "I love you too." Justin responded. Before Justin could hang up, he heard Brian call out to him. "Justin... before you go..." Brian tried to speak. "Yes, what is it Brian?" Justin asked with fear.

I lie awake, I drive myself crazy

Drive myself crazy

Thinking of you

Made a mistake when I let you go baby

I drive myself crazy

Wanting you the way that I do

Justin listened as Brian sang to him with pain. Justin let the tear grace his cheek and then smiled. "I llllloooooovvvvveeeee you babe!" Brian shouted. Justin laughed happily. "I love you too, Bri." Justin replied. He hung up the phone and slipped it off of his hands.

"We were gonna tell you when Kevin called us but we didn't want to wake you." J.C. mentioned to him. "We're sorry that he's not coming back yet." Lance added. Justin nodded, but kept the smile upon his face. "I don't think he really misses Brian that much!" Joey laughed as he pointed out Brian's smile. "No, he's just happy to talk to Brian." Lance corrected him. "Well whatever, we're out of here in about an hour. So let's sign that last of these CD's and get out." J.C. suggested as he spun around in his chair.

Justin stood from the small couch, still having a strong sense of nausea in his stomach. He grabbed his seat and sat down quickly. He began to scribble his name once again on the CD's, thinking of Brian as he did so.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 83) BY JM

After a short lived time at home and then a long trip on an airplane, Justin and Joey were sitting in the doctor's office in Denver. It was only ten in the morning, but Joey and Justin were uncontrollably exhausted. The room was palely light by a fluorescent light above them. Justin sat on a lowly elevated, stiff, white bed while Joey sat in a chair next to him. Justin was not at ease with his situation, but he kept reserved for Joey's benefit.

"Where is the doctor at?" Joey asked as he looked around the cold office. Justin was sore that he was sitting in the doctor's office, but he knew that he had to ease Joey's worries. He felt the need to calm the person he considered an older brother. "They're probably busy around here, that's all." Justin tried to hush Joey. "Well we're V.I.P." Joey joked. Justin smiled and sat uncomfortably on the stiff bed.

Soon the door to the small room opened and a woman entered. "Hello all, I'm Dr. Stephens." she said, looking down at a chart in her hands. Joey gave her a doubting look. "And this appointment is for a Justin Timberlake?" she questioned, still not looking at them. "Yes, for him..." Joey tried to get her to look up by being arrogant. "Right." she smiled, but still did not look up from the chart. "Now the nurse says that you were running a fever when she took your temperature?" she commented while writing something down on the papers. "Yes, I think it was around 100?" Justin tried to recall the exact number. "How about 101.4?" Joey corrected him. "Correct." Dr. Stephens chimed. Justin rolled his eyes at Joey and then awaited the doctor's examination.

"Okay, so what's the problem Justin?" Dr. Stephens asked, lifting her head to finally look at him. "Well.. I haven't bee feeling too great lately." Justin responded, running his fingers through his reddish hair. "Obviously or you wouldn't be in the doctor's office." Dr. Stephens joked. "Well he's been having stomach problems lately. Personally I think it's morning sickness." Joey laughed. "Thank you Justin." Dr. Stephens gave Joey a harsh stare. "And how long has this been going on?" she questioned. "For about two weeks, I think." Justin responded shyly. The doctor hummed as she wrote more things down on his chart. "What are the symptoms?" she asked, returning her eyes to him. "I've been nauseated... I've been throwing up alot... my stomach has been aching... I haven't been real hungry lately... and I've had fevers and my body's been really achy at night." Justin sputtered everything out. "Okay." she nodded and then began to write again. "Have you dealt with alot of stress lately?" she asked. Justin looked towards Joey and then back towards Dr. Stephens. "I've had a little bit. Not much." Justin responded finally.

"Okay, well we're gonna run a couple of tests on you and should have the results before you leave out of here." Dr. Stephens smiled. "Tests?" Joey and Justin questioned simultaneously. "Yeah, we're gonna run some blood tests, urine tests and some X-Ray's and stuff." she nodded. "Do you think something's wrong?" Joey asked out of concern. "I'm not sure, but that's why I'm having these tests done." she replied and then scribbled more information on the charts. Justin nodded and then tried to clam his nerves. "Well, if you'll follow me to the lab, we'll get cracking." she chimed and then headed towards the door. Justin stood and then looked towards Joey, who was beginning to stand also. "I'm right here with you buddy. It's okay." Joey whispered for assurance. Justin gave a small nod and then began to follow Dr. Stephens out of the room. Joey trailed behind them, praying with each step he took.

After hours of being poked and examined, Justin finally made it back to the room he originated in. Joey sat in the room with him. Joey watched as Justin laid down on the bed in pain. He was deeply concerned for Justin's health. He only wish that Justin would have told Brian so that Brian could be by his side at this moment. Justin closed his eyes and tried to rest while he awaited the doctor's return.

Another half hour went by without Dr. Stephens returning to the room. Justin was quietly sleeping on the stiff bed while Joey flipped through a magazine patiently. Soon the doctor made her return with a straight face. Joey shook Justin to wake him and then he smiled up at Dr. Stephens. Justin arose from the bed and looked at Dr. Stephens, hoping to read an answer upon her face. "Well the good news is that you're not pregnant." Dr. Stephens spoke with a joke. Joey giggled while Justin kept a straight face. "Unfortunately Justin, something is wrong." Dr. Stephens quickly frowned. "What is it?" Justin asked nervously. "Well from what we got back from tests, you show signs of having Gastritis. But from X-Rays and blood reports, this is a larger case then the regular acute case. you seem to be suffering from a stronger attack then usual patients. Usually it can be a bacterial infection, which that's what we think it is, but you seem to not be fighting it well. So my guess is that you're going to be fighting this for another week or so." Dr. Stephens explained. Justin sighed with sorrow. "Hopefully with rest and medication, you'll get through this with just dealing with the pains. If not, then Justin, we may have to call you back here for an operation that'll stop the inflammation of your mocus in your stomach." Dr. Stephens added.

"This is serious?" Joey asked for Justin. "It could be if too much stress is added or Justin's body just doesn't fight the attacks. But if things go right, then in another week, it'll fade." Dr. Stephens answered his question with little emotion. Justin closed his eyes and held in tears of sadness. "We're going to avoid hospitalizing you for now. Usually we take patients in right away to take away the stress and emotions of family and work. That way we can monitor you and make sure this doesn't turn into an ulcer." she stated while fumbling through a folder. "But you have to promise me you won't let anything upset you. The wrong kind of incident could cause you to create serious pain upon your body." the doctor asked of him. "I'll do my best," Justin responded as a small tear fell down his face. Joey watched as the tear fell like a rain drop over a marble statue. "I know this is rough for a young guy like you to deal with. It's going to be okay." she said sincerely towards him. "From the looks of your ring, you'll have someone there to help you." she added softly. Justin nodded and grasped onto his ring. "Get some rest Justin and stay on a good diet. Your stomach needs time to heal." Dr. Stephens advised before finally leaving the room.

Joey walked in front of Justin and looked at him with a frown. Justin looked up at Joey, tears still forming in his eyes. "What if they have to operate Joey?" Justin whimpered. "They won't have to Curly, trust me. Everything will be okay." Joey assured him. Joey wiped away the tears from his face and pulled him into a hug. "I wish Brian was here." Justin cried onto Joey's shoulder. "I do too J. I wish he was here to be with you." Joey nodded. Justin let the tears fall without inhibition. "Are you going to tell him now?" Joey asked, bringing Justin back to the question that was posed on him the day before. Justin nodded. "When he gets here tonight, I'll tell him." Justin whimpered. Joey ran his hand over Justin's hair and tried to hush him. "He'll be there for you." Joey whispered. "And so will I." Joey added. Justin smiled as another tear slipped from his eyes. "Thanks Phat One." Justin laughed to release the pain. "Anything for my best friend." Joey laughed along with him. Justin and Joey broke their hug and smiled. "Let's get you to the hotel before we have to go on stage tonight." Joey suggested. Justin nodded and got off the bed.

"Shit!" Justin yelled with astonishment. "What? Is it a pain?" Joey questioned with worry. "No, I forgot that my friends are coming to see the show tonight! Damn, what's wrong with me?" Justin responded. Joey sighed with relief. "Well, what's the problem?" Joey asked. "I... I planned on telling them about me and Brian tonight. I planned on Brian being there to back me up." Justin responded sadly. "Well I know he would love to be there to help you out." Joey tried to lighten the predicament. Justin nodded and shrugged. "Oh and April wanted to meet Brian too! She's going to be SO pissed when she finds out that he's not here!" Justin complained. "She'll understand." Joey argued friendly, placing a hand on Justin's shoulder. "I sure hope so." Justin sighed. "Come on before you have a breakdown here in the office." Joey giggled and pulled Justin along. Justin followed him out of the doctor's office, leaving a piece of himself in the room.

Brian fumbled through his wallet as he walked towards Nick's dressing room. 'I wonder what Nick wants? He sounded so damn urgent on the phone.' Brian questioned. The Backstreet Boys were on the set for their next video, 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now' in L.A. Brian had taken most of the morning to check out the set and check out his wardrobe. He was glad when Nigel Dick, the director, finally gave him a long awaited and deserved break.

As Brian reached the door, he found a picture of Justin in his wallet. It was a small picture, but enough to make Brian smile. 'I miss him.' Brian sighed to himself as he admired Justin's glorious smile. 'I love the way you smile.' Brian could hear himself saying to Justin over and over. Brian placed the picture back in his wallet and slipped his wallet in his jeans. He tapped lightly on Nick's door and awaited an answer. "Come in..." he heard Nick respond. Brian turned the knob and pushed the door open.

"So what's up Frack?" Brian asked as he stepped inside. He stopped himself when he realized that the room was completely dark except for a small lamp that sat by a long, light green couch. Brian walked further into the room, towards the light, looking around for Nick. "Nicky? Nick, you in here?" Brian asked as he searched around. "I'm right here." Nick whispered. Brian looked over to the couch and could see that Nick was sprawled across the couch. Brian took a second glance and noticed that Nick was naked on the couch. "What.. wha.. what are you doing?" Brian questioned shyly. Nick stood from the couch and approached Brian. Brian could see Nick's hard member swaying back and forth as he walked. "I'm waiting on you." Nick answered softly. "Is this a joke Nick? Because if it is, I laughed already." Brian stuttered out. "This is no joke Bri. This is for real." Nick whispered as he reached Brian. "What's for real?" Brian asked nervously. "Us. me and you. We're for real." Nick responded as he ran a finger over Brian's lips. "Nick, this shit isn't funny." Brian hissed. "I'm not trying to be funny." Nick smiled.

He ran his finger to Brian's jeans and began to unbutton them. "I want you to make love to me. I want you to take my virginity." Nick whispered as he unzipped Brian's jeans. Brian looked down to his jeans and watched them gracefully fall to his knees. "I'm still a virgin Brian. I never left Lance fuck me, not even once." Nick whispered seductively to Brian. "I want you to take me and make love to me, please." Nick pleaded as his hands grasped Brian's boxers. Brian shook with fear. He was unsure why he hadn't decked Nick by now and left the room. Nick leaned forward and began to kiss Brian's neck. He had figured out Brian's hot spot and was taking advantage of it. Brian placed his hands on Nick's bare shoulders and caressed them gently. "Nick... I... uh.." Brian was unsure of what to say. "I saved myself for you Brian, so please, take me to ecstasy." Nick asked of him again. Nick groped Brian's shirt and then placed his lips on Brian's. Brian was tempted to return the kiss, but he let Nick do all of the work. Nick released Brian's lips and then moved back to his neck. Brian closed his eyes as Nick's tongue ran over his neck.

The second Brian closed his eyes, a face flashed before them. It wasn't Nick's face, but Justin's. He knew that Justin was the only person he thought of when he made love. "No, I can't!" Brian barked at him and gently pushed him away. "I've only made love to Justin and that's the only person I picture while making love." Brian answered coldly. "I don't care... picture me as Justin... pretend I'm him now and lay me down and enter me for the fist time..." Nick begged desperately. Brian ran his right hand over Nick's blonde hair and couldn't see Justin's innocence inside of him. "I don't want to have sex with you. Nick, I don't love you." Brian said gently and with honesty. "You don't have to love me, just fuck me!" Nick responded bitterly and pulled away from Brian. "I love you and that's all that matters to me." Nick said angrily. "But I have to love you for us to have sex." Brian tried to explain. "Who says? Me and Lance fucked without love." Nick argued. "My point exactly." Brian shrugged.

He leaned down and pulled up his jeans. "If you could, you would." Nick tried to plead. "No, I wouldn't. Even if me and Justin broke up, he'll always be my first and my last." Brian shook his head as he spoke. He quickly zipped up his jeans and adjusted his shirt. "But I'm giving my virginity to you... I'm letting you have me." Nick offered again. "Nick, you're not a ass that just anyone can fuck. You're a person and that's what matters to me." Brian stated. "But I love you." Nick whispered. "Did you ever love Lance? Did you ever care for him besides when he was sucking you off or opening his ass for you?" Brian asked bitterly. Nick nodded slowly. "Well, I love Justin every second of the day, even when he's away." Brian smiled.

"Then why did you kiss me?" Nick asked his powerful question. Brian had no answer. "Because somewhere inside of me, I still care for you. But my heart belongs to Justin." Brian responded sadly. "He can have your heart, but I need your body and your mind." Nick replied to his comments. "Without my heart, you just have a hard dick that doesn't cum for you." Brian argued. "But at least it would cum in me." Nick sighed. "Is that what this all about? Fucking me or loving me?" Brian questioned with anger. "Both." Nick answered flatly. Brian stared at him with disgust. "If there's one thing about you Nick that I'd change, it would be to get your brains out of your damn penis." Brian barked and then walked out of the room. Nick let a tear fall over his face as he sat on the couch. 'I wouldn't change anything about you Brian.' Nick thought to himself.

The guys of 'N Sync were still a bit tired from all of their hard work, but exhaustion was never an issue for cancellation. The arena was slowly beginning to grow with fans. Even with the lose of the Backstreet Boys, fans still marched on to see 'N Sync, Britney Spears and Innosense. The guys were unfortunate to be able to spend any time with Britney Spears or Innosense. Their day was spent tying up the loose ends in the new show. There was no exception for excuse. Justin had no time to call Brian, Joey had no time to talk with Britney, J.C. and Lance had no time to even hug each other and Chris had no time to play with his puppy, Busta. Their lives were at the point where time was the only thing that they had on their side.

"Shit, we've got to work on that song before we go on stage." J.C. huffed as he and the others walked backstage from another hour long rehearsal. "No, this is the only break we've gotten all day!" Joey barked at him. "Sorry, but we can't afford to take a break." J.C. disagreed. "And you and Justin got a break this morning anyway." J.C. added with anger. "Yeah, where were you two this morning?" Lance asked as they walked towards their dressing room. Joey and Justin looked towards each other with insecurity. "We had to take care of some matters." Joey responded quickly. "Nothing illegal I hope." Chris joked as they reached their dressing room. Everyone else laughed along with him as they entered.

"Everything is okay, right?" Lance asked out of concern. He fell back onto the small couch in the corner and awaited an answer. "Don't worry." Justin answered securely. "That's my job." Lance reminded him with a smile. Justin smiled back and walked over to the table that held their food. "Looks like we've got messages." Chris commented while flipping through a minute stack of small, yellow papers. "Any from Brian?" Justin asked, grabbing a plate to get some food with. Chris fumbled through the pieces of paper and frowned. "No, sorry." he answered. Justin shrugged and began to add more food to the plate. Joey looked at him with deep concern. "But your mom called." Chris added while handing out everyone's messages. "Oh, she's probably calling to see what I have planned for the wedding." Justin sighed as he received the piece of paper. "Have you decided on anything yet?" J.C. asked him. "Nope." Justin answered less confident. "Then you and Brian had better get on the ball!" Lance chastised him with his messages. Justin agreed with him.

"I think you guys should have a small and simple wedding." Joey suggested. "We want that too." Justin nodded. "You guys know that the only place you can get married is Hawaii right?" Lance questioned Justin. Justin looked at him with confusion. "Hawaii is the only one that will legalize stuff like that." Lance added, his eyes drifting to his messages. Justin was dumbfounded. "Someone hasn't been doing his research." Chris shook his head at Justin. Justin was still in shock. "Well I guess the place is decided now." Joey laughed. "Now, for the other things. What are you going to wear? What is Brian going to wear? Are you going to have flowers? You know etc., etc., etc., etc." J.C. listed everything on his fingers. "And which of us will be your best man?" J.C. said proudly, staring at Justin. Justin looked at him with a funny expression. "And does someone think that he's going to be the best man?" Lance pondered. "No, it's all up to Justin! He should pick someone he has always been a good friend... you know, sorta like a best friend. There through your roughest times!" J.C. dropped obvious hints.

Justin gazed upon all of his friends in the room. 'There through the roughest times...' he could still hear J.C. saying. All of his friends had been there for him during his roughest times. Chris was there for him when Brian and him first confronted Nick. J.C. was there for him when he and Brian dealt with the problems of his family. Joey was there for him more recently with his revelation of his illness. Lance was there to support him in the beginning when everyone opposed Brian and Justin. All of these factors began to persuade his judgment in different directions. "Maybe I'll handle that at another time." Justin suggested to relieve himself of the pressure. Everyone agreed with him and went back to their usual pre-show rituals.

Justin grabbed a cup of hot tea before sitting down next to Lance on the small couch. Lance grabbed a baby carrot from Justin's plate and began to munch on it. "You know, I've been working on my management company and I need a writer for my artists." Lance casually mentioned to Justin. "You mean that 'Free Lance' thing you've got going?" Justin asked while eating a potato chip. "Yeah... well I was thinking that maybe Brian could help me out. Just write a song to start out my acts and then I'll work from there." Lance tried to coax Justin. Justin gave him a small glance and then his eyes drifted over the room. "Well... will you mention it to him for me?" Lance asked sincerely. "Why should I? You have lips... speak to him yourself." Justin complained. "Because you can convince Brian to do anything!" Lance giggled. "No, I can't. Brian lives his own life." Justin responded surely. "Yeah, well I just thought you could just mention it to him and if he agrees, I would appreciate it." Lance shrugged, trying to act like he no longer cared about the subject. Justin gave him a sore look and then sighed. "I'll say something to him about it... but I won't force him into anything!" Justin warned him. "That's all I want you to do." Lance nodded and agreed.

Justin grabbed his cup of tea and sipped on it while Lance stood from the couch. He watched Lance walk over to J.C. and then whisper something into J.C.'s ear. J.C. giggled softly and then nodded. Justin rolled his eyes and then reclined on the couch. He felt Chris nudge his knee, signaling a chance to talk. "Justin, I think you and Brian need some more time alone." Chris whispered while taking a seat on the floor. Justin sat back up straight and then looked towards Chris. "I know it's hard being in two different groups and then trying to find time for yourselves. I just think with you two getting married, you're going to need that space and time. So, uhm, I think you should go to management and tell them that we don't want to tour this summer." Chris suggested. Justin raised his brow at Chris. "But the Backstreet Boys are still going on tour this summer?" Justin replied. "Oh I know that. But if we're not on tour, you can go on tour with Brian. That way you two can be together without doing separate things." Chris explained. Justin was intrigued by the idea. "Wait, no, I can't do that. I'd be away from you guys for a long time." Justin disagreed. "So... we'll survive." Chris replied. "Nah, you guys are the best friends I've ever had. I don't want to leave ya'll for something silly." Justin responded. "It's not silly. It's a chance for you and Brian to be together." Chris argued.

"No. First off management wouldn't let me go. If we're not on tour, we're working on the album or making videos or doing some kind of publicity shit. Number two, if me and Brian did do that, we'd never get a chance alone because I'd always have to wait for him to finish up his promotional stuff. Things would be too hectic for him and me. Number three, you guys are my family and to leave ya'll here isn't what me or Brian want to do. I love Brian, but he loves you guys like friends too. He wouldn't want ya'll sitting on your asses for two months while we're out touring the world." Justin stated. Chris listened to each of Justin's points with small agreeance. "Then what will you two do?" Chris asked. Justin leaned back on the couch again with thought. "Take a week off and then go on with what life gives us." Justin responded softly. "And what if it means separate tours?" Chris gave Justin a valid question. "Then I had better pencil in more trips to the hospital." Justin joked. Chris laughed loudly with him. "Justin, your friends have arrived..." Dax said from the doorway. Justin and Chris both stopped laughing and looked towards the doorway.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 84) By JM

Justin felt like the lump in his throat had grown to the size of a golfball. "They're... they're here... here?" Justin stuttered out his question. "That's what the man said," J.C. answered. "They are backstage right now because they wanted to see you." Dax added. Justin nodded to show he understood. Dax's presence soon faded from the room. "Are you going to go greet them or sit on your ass and wait for the show to start?" J.C. questioned him with leanent authority. Justin rolled his eyes at him and stood. He grabbed his backpack from next to the couch and then began to walk out of the room. "You've got like twenty minutes before we have to hit wardrobe!" Chris called out to him as Justin left the room. Justin waved his hand to let Chris know that he heard him.

Justin slowly approached the backstage area. He passed by several members of the band, waving to each as he walked by. He didn't take a moment to talk, knowing that his friends were awaiting his arrival. He approach brought more tension for him as he could see a small group of fans standing backstage. 'How the hell did they get back here?' Justin wondered as he got closer. "OH my GOD! It's JUSTIN!!!" one of the girls shrieked, blowing Justin's cover. Justin sulked down as he got closer. "Oh Justin, I love you! Would you please sign my CD!!!" one of the girls pleaded. Justin shrugged and grabbed the girls CD. "I need a pen." Justin commented as he fished through his jeans.

"Here's one..." Justin heard as a pen dangled in front of his face. "Thanks." Justin smiled and looked up towards his savior. He saw a familiar face that made him hesitant to grab the pen. Justin's eyes swelled as he looked at the guy. "Don't act like you don't know me Justin Randall Timberlake!" the guy laughed and tried to hand him the pen again. Justin grabbed the pen and quickly scribbled his name on the girls CD jacket. "Thank you so much Justin! Can I get a hug?" she tried to play on Justin's awkwardness. Justin leaned down to give the girl a quick hug and then scooted her away. "I'll see you at the Meet And Great!" he assured her as he got security to usher the crowd away.

"Well..." the younger man awaited Justin. "Well what? Why the hell didn't you call me!" Justin smiled, pushing him. "Because you wouldn't answer your damn celly cat." the man replied. "Oh, I forgot that it was in my backpack. We've been in rehearsals all day because the Backstreet Boys aren't performing with us tonight." Justin explained. "WHAT!?! The Backstreet Boys won't be here tonight!?" Justin heard a girl shriek from the side. His eyes gazed over to her disappointed face. "I'm sorry April. It was a last minute thing." Justin apologized to her. She pouted even harder. "Jimmy, why didn't you tell me she was right there." Justin chastised the man in a low voice. Jimmy shrugged. "My 'Lil' Sis' couldn't make it?" Justin questioned Jimmy. "Nah, she had stuff to do." Jimmy nodded. "But I made it!" he heard another girl say. Justin smiled brightly and approached the girl. He gave her a strong hug and smiled. "Glad you're here Trace." Justin chimed. "Me too Baby Justin." she replied. "What? 'Baby Justin'? God, I forgot how you two used to have crushes on each other." Jimmy groaned. Justin and Trace both looked at him with disgust. "I didn't have a crush on him!" Trace mocked. "You didn't?" Justin looked back at her with surprise. She smiled at him and backed away. "He was just cute, that's all." Trace replied to both of them. "Yeah, right!" Jimmy laughed.

"Anyway, why aren't the Backstreet Boys coming?" Trace tried to change the subject quickly. "They had more promotional stuff to do out in L.A., plus a video shoot." Justin stated. "But you promised I'd get to meet Brian." April complained loudly. "I know April. I'm sorry." Justin frowned. "Hey, be glad we're here April." Jimmy tried to chastise her. "Let's get off that subject kids. What about you guys? How has the group been doing?" Trace asked, looking right back to Justin. "We're doing fine. Everyone's recovered well since the earthquake." Justin responded. "That's great! I wanted to call you while you were in the hospital, but they wouldn't let me get through to you." Trace explained. "It's okay. I wasn't there long enough to get settled in anyway." Justin assured her.

Trace smiled at him and ran her hands over his curls. "New hair color?" she questioned. Justin was confused by what she asked at first, but then caught on. "Oh yeah, ya'll are used to me having dirty blonde hair." Justin nodded. "Well it's cute." Trace replied. "Uh, do you guys want to stay backstage for the show? It's a better view." Justin offered while looking around. "Cool, sounds great." Jimmy agreed. "I guess that'll make up for not letting me see Brian." April tried to act as if she was still hurt. "Okay, April." Justin giggled. "Let me get you guys some backstage passes and then I'll take ya'll to see the guys," Justin said, still looking around. "We already have passes genius!" Jimmy laughed and then lightly slapped Justin on the back of the head. Justin gave him a disturbed look, then smiled. "Well come on then... you can chill with the guys while I warm up for tonight's show." Justin sighed out. He guided them through the corridors to the dressing room.

Slowly the hour went by and it was time for the show to begin. Justin stood backstage, onlooking the crowd as Innosense took the stage. He watched Amanda like a hawk, noticing little change in her mood. 'I wonder if she's made up with A.J. yet?' Justin thought as he watched on.

"Hello! Earth to Justin!" Jimmy called out. Justin quickly turned to Jimmy with surprise written all over his face. He shook off the astonishment. "What's up?" Justin asked. "Can we get some attention over here?!" Jimmy asked of his friend. Justin quickly realized that he hadn't had a chance to speak with his friends since they had been backstage. "Sure, sorry ya'll. I've had a lot of things on my mind lately." Justin apologized. "Like what? A girl maybe?" Jimmy hinted around, looking at Trace. "Actually, no." Justin answered flatly. Trace quickly slapped Jimmy on the arm. Jimmy backed away, sensing he had chose the wrong words to speak. "Well what's up Justin? You can talk to us." April assured him. Justin smiled at her naiveness. "No, this is something deep." Justin replied gently. "We were never so distant that we couldn't share anything deep. You know that, Justin." Trace replied to silence the awkwardness. Justin nodded, keeping a straight face with her. "So what's the deal?" Jimmy asked impatiently.

Before Justin could get the words out that he wanted to speak, he felt someone tapping his shoulder. Justin looked to his right and saw Lance standing next to him with a puzzling face. "Something wrong Lance?" Justin asked softly. "You've got an interview with BOP magazine." Lance whispered. "Can't it wait?" Justin questioned, trying to point out the obvious to his friend. "Not really. They've waited over twenty minutes to talk to you," Lance responded softly. Justin huffed and then looked back to his friends. He clinched his sweaty hands shut. "I'll have to tell you guys later." Justin stated. "Why?!" April questioned with sure curiosity. "Because I can't explain it in two words." Justin laughed at her excitement. He ran off with Lance, leaving his friends in mystery.

Justin never got that time he needed to speak with his friends before he had to go on stage. With his interview, the group prayer and final sound checks, Justin and his friends were torn for time. Justin's mind was no longer on the show. He made it a rule to himself not to let anything take his mind from his performance. He broke his own rule by abandoning his friends and then thinking of Brian. It was the toughest part for Justin to keep one mind set when his thoughts were on several important things.

As Justin, J.C., Lance, Chris and Joey ran off stage, J.C. grabbed Justin. "Justin, you were a bit off on your notes man. Plus you were all out of your space." J.C. chastised him with a polite tone. "I know J.C., I'm off tonight." Justin agreed. "Well then what's up?" J.C. asked, grabbing his clothes to change into. "My minds just on some things." Justin tried to explained. "Well get them out of your head. They're not important right now. The show is." J.C. quickly snapped. Justin nodded, feeling like a boy listening a lecture from his father. Justin grabbed his clothes and headed into the changing area.

Before he could get onstage, Joey stopped him. "Are you feeling okay?" Joey whispered into Justin's ear, trying to reach out over the sounds of the crowd. "Yeah, I'm feeling fine." Justin responded. "Okay because I don't want anything causing you stress." Joey added. "I'll be okay. Thanks Joey." Justin assured him. "I'm sure you'll be better when you see Brian." Joey smiled. Justin agreed with him and then looked back towards his friends. They were still excited from watching the show. Justin smiled brightly. "They're having a good time." Joey commented as he began to walk back onstage. "I'm glad!" Justin laughed and ran onstage with him.

Just as soon as 'N Sync began 'Sailing', Trace could hear the faint sound of phone ringing. She looked around to Jimmy and April with suspicion. Jimmy shrugged and looked around with Trace. Trace stepped towards Justin's backpack and could hear the faint sound becoming louder as she approached. Trace lifted the bag and began to fish around for the phone. She grasped it and quickly yanked it out. She pressed the 'send' button to answer and with a rush, said, "Hello!" "Uh, I'm sorry... I must have dialed the wrong number. I'm trying to call Justin Timberlake's phone." a young man responded with a small country accent. "Wait, WAIT! This is Justin's phone. This is Trace. He's onstage performing right now." she quickly interrupted him. "Oh, well then maybe he can call me back." the man advised. Before Trace could respond, she saw J.C. and Lance walking backstage. "Just hold on. Who's calling?" Trace asked. "This is Brian." the man responded.

Trace pulled the phone from her ear and awaited patiently for Justin to finally make his way backstage. Justin caught a glimpse of her as he began to walk by with Chris. "Oh Baby Justin! You have a phone call!" she bellowed out to him. Justin stopped his walk with Chris and turned towards her with astonishment. "Who is calling me right now?" Justin questioned as he approached her. "He says his name is Brian..." Trace shrugged. Justin's eyes flew open at the sound of his fiancé's name. He quickly ran over to her and snatched the cellular phone from her hand. Trace huffed with surprise. Justin slid off to the side of the stage and placed the phone to his ear.

"BRIAN!!!" Justin hollered into the phone with excitement. Brian quickly pulled the phone from his ear with a laugh. "Brian, what are you doing calling me at this time?!" Justin asked, still overwhelmed with excitement. "I'm sorry. I forgot that you guys had the concert. It's hard to remember that when I'm not there." Brian responded. "I'm just so glad you called!" Justin swooned. "Well I missed you." Brian replied. "I miss you too." Justin sighed. "Well... you won't have to miss me long. I'll be there around twelve or one o'clock tonight." Brian assured him. "What?! You will?!!" Justin screamed, leaping up and down. "Yep. A.J. left right after the video shoot. He just HAD to see Amanda and try and work on their relationship. He should be there around eight, but me, Kevin and Nick are taking a later flight. Howie's staying here until tomorrow morning so he can finish up working on some songs with Pollyana." Brian stated. Justin's smile was now uncontrollable. "I know that it'll be past your bed time, but do you think you can make it to the airport to come and see me?" Brian questioned with a snicker. "Very funny Bri. I'll see if I can make it over there." Justin laughed. "Good because I really, really, really, REALLY miss you! I want you to be the first person I see when I get off the airplane." Brian exclaimed. "You're sweet." Justin chimed. "I know you've gotta get back on stage and all. So, I'll see you tonight." Brian quickly added. "Yep. I love you." Justin smiled harder. "I love you too, babe." Brian laughed. Justin pushed the 'end' button on his phone and found that his life was even more blessed.

Justin turned around to head for a quick change when he saw April, Trace and Jimmy standing behind him. Each of them had faces of confusion and slight disgust. Justin's smile soon faded. "What's going on Just?" Jimmy was the first to question. "And don't act like there's nothing going on because there is." Trace reprimanded. Justin took a big gulp before trying to speak. "Guys, I wanted to tell you this for a long time, but I just couldn't." Justin started with an apology. "Tell us what?" April asked with a sad expression. "I'm in love with Brian." Justin responded. "Brian who!?" Jimmy asked with exclamation. "Brian Littrell, of the Backstreet Boys." Justin replied softly. "BRIAN!" April screamed at him. "And he loves you!?" Trace added with a appalled face. "Yes, he loves me. We're in love." Justin nodded. Trace turned away from him, small tears in her eyes. "Oh my fucking Lord! I had the biggest CRUSH on him and you go and steal him!" April barked at him. "I didn't steal anybody! We fell in love and we're happy." Justin disagreed. "Oh my fucking Lord!" April repeated. "You see Justin. I haven't heard her curse in years and you say one thing to fuck all of that up." Jimmy chastised him. "I'm sorry if it doesn't make her happy Jimmy, but ya'll have to understand." Justin argued. "Understand?! Understand that my best friend is a fucking fag?!" Jimmy yelled at him. Justin was enraged by the statement.

Before Justin could hit him, Trace did. She threw a fist right at his shoulder, knocking him to the side and then to the floor. "Don't you ever, EVER call him that again you bastard!" Trace hollered at him. "Justin, does this mean?" April asked sadly. "Does it mean what? We're in love and love has no name other than love. It's not gay, it's not straight, It.'s not anything." Justin replied with anger. "Then why the hell are you fucking another man?" Jimmy asked, fearing another hit from Trace. "Because he makes me happy. I mean... I lost my virginity to him and he was there for me when no one was. I'm happy." Justin looked down at Jimmy with pure hatred. "Drugs can make you happy, but you're not fucking them!" Jimmy roared. Justin couldn't stand to hear his voice anymore. Justin pushed by Trace and April and prepared to go back onstage. "You'll never love another, will you?" Trace asked sadly, not turning to look at him for fear of more pain. "I'm sorry Trace if that's what you came here for. Brian's my heart." Justin responded with sorrow. Trace nodded and let the tears flow freely down her cheeks. April leaned down to help Jimmy up and sighed as Justin left. "You're an asshole." she whispered to Jimmy. "Better an asshole then him." Jimmy said in rage. "No, he's a bigger man than you'll ever be, Jimmy." Trace argued.

The rest of the show moved smoothly for 'N Sync. They got a strong response from the crowd, showing that the show could go on without the Backstreet Boys. Justin stepped backstage and only saw Trace awaiting him. Justin sighed and walked over to her. "Hurry up Justin! We've gotta get back to the hotel before the masses get to us." Chris advised as he walked by. Justin nodded and looked at his friend. "April took Jimmy back to the hotel. She says she's sorry for herself and for Jimmy's actions." Trace started. "She can't be sorry for Jimmy. He has to be sorry himself." Justin disagreed. "Well, I'm sorry. Sorry that I'll never get the chance that Brian is getting." Trace whimpered. "Trace, I didn't mean to hurt you. I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn't think that you still liked me." Justin apologized. "Would that have changed things?" Trace questioned. Justin shook his head. "I figured that." Trace tried to hold back her tears. "I don't think Jimmy will ever adjust." Trace sighed. "I don't care if he does or doesn't. He was my dawg for a long time and now, we're done." Justin dismissed the idea. "I know one day I'll get over it and you." Trace laughed. "Maybe that Chris guy is available." Trace joked. "I'll let him know you're interested." Justin laughed along. "Thanks." she smiled.

"What are you going to do now?" Trace boldly asked. "What do you mean?" Justin retorted her questioned. "I mean, what's the next step for you and Brian?" Are you going to tell the world?" Trace asked her questions with sincerity. "From what I've seen of you guys tonight, the world's not ready to know." Justin replied. "But the next step for me and Brian is marriage." Justin answered softly. "Marriage?! Oh now I really feel bad." Trace giggled. Justin smiled. "Well when are you two getting married?" Trace questioned. "On July 4th." Justin answered. "The 4th? That's so romantic!" Trace exclaimed, with tears still settling in her burning eyes. Justin lifted his hand and wiped a tear from each eye. "I suppose I can be awaiting an invitation in the mail, right?" she asked. "Anything for you Trace." Justin nodded. She smiled back at him. She leaned forward and placed her arms around his neck. She gave him a hug, to show her understanding and to say her farewell. "Don't forget us down in O-Town, Baby Justin." Trace sighed. Justin returned the nod, feeling a bit choked up himself. "I'll never forget you guys." Justin assured her. "And I wish you and Brian the best. You deserve it." Trace whimpered. "One day Trace, I know the one for you will come along." Justin whispered into her ear. Trace nodded and let him go. "Tell Chrissy and Amber I said hi." Justin requested. Trace nodded and began to walk away. Justin exhaled lowly and headed towards the dressing room.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 85) By JM

Brian stood up from his seat and opened his overheard compartment. He was thrilled to finally be in Denver and soon he would see the man he missed dearly while he was away. Brian pulled out his backpack from the overhead and slung it over his shoulder with no hesitation. "What's the rush B-Rok? We just landed two minutes ago." Nick questioned his friend. "I want to get off this oversized bird so I can see my fiancé." Brian responded, not looking towards Nick. "Ah, he didn't miss you that much. I bet he's not even here." Nick laughed. Brian walked towards the front of the plane, still ignoring Nick.

The walk towards the gate built for excitement for Brian. He led the way as Nick and Kevin followed slowly. "Man you act like you've been away for twenty years or something!" Nick called out to him, trying to catch up to him.

When Brian finally reached the gates, he searched around for Justin's face. It was a small crowd that surrounded the gate, awaiting their friends and family, but none to await Brian. "There they are!" Brian could hear a familiar voice call out. Brian looked over the crowd to see A.J. and Joey standing to the side of the gate. He looked past them and still, no Justin.

Brian frowned and finally stopped his rush to get out of the gate. Brian slugged over to where A.J. and Joey were, followed by Kevin and then Nick. "Hey, it's good to see ya'll again." Joey cheered when they all stood before him. "Was the flight better then mine?" A.J. questioned, looking towards Kevin for an answer. "That depends. How bad was yours?" Kevin questioned the question. A.J. rolled his eyes at Kevin with a laugh. "Where's Justin?" Nick asked, looking around with a sense of victory. "He couldn't make it due to other circumstances." Joey responded sadly. Brian sighed lowly and adjusted his backpack. "Can we get going?" Brian asked, feeling annoyed by the situation. "Oh yeah, sure." A.J. agreed.

"Well you're rather chippery. Does that mean what I think it means?" Kevin questioned A.J. A.J. scratched his hair and then shook his head. "Nope, it doesn't." A.J. laughed. "You and Amanda aren't back together yet?" Kevin asked with surprise. "No, but I'm on my way. I've been having a deliver send a pink rose up to her room every hour since I've been back. And each rose has a note on it saying I'm sorry." A.J. stated, feeling proud of his accomplishment. "Awww, that is so sweet!" Nick teased him. "Hey, don't get mad because you didn't do that for Lance." A.J. backlashed. "If I wanted to, I would have sent a condom up there for each hour. That way he'd have enough rubber to fuck with my heart again!" Nick retorted with anger. "Whoa, calm down Nickie." Kevin hushed him. "I didn't mean it Nick." A.J. apologized.

Nick avoided both of their comments and paid more attention to Brian's depressed mood. "You okay cutie?" Nick asked, throwing an arm around Brian's shoulder. "Don't mess with me right now, Nick." Brian sighed, trying to lightly push Nick away. "I'm not trying to mess with you. I know you're mad because poor little Justin isn't here, but listen... if you get lonely tonight, my room will always be open. And other things too..." Nick whispered into Brian's ear. "Nick, the only way I would fuck you is if it meant Justin would die if I didn't. And even then, I'd let Justin die and commit suicide so I'd be with him forever. Got it?" Brian snapped at him. "So basically you're saying right now your not horny?" Nick joked. Brian rolled his eyes and tried to push Nick away again. "All I'm saying Brian is I could careless if you pretend that I am Justin, I just want you to give me a chance to show you how real love could be. I want you to see how a real man could make you scream and make you feel like Heaven." Nick said softly. Brian was repulsed by the thoughts Nick was trying to put into his mind. "How do you live with yourself?" Brian questioned, finally pushing Nick fully off of him. Nick sighed and let Brian walk away.

Joey grasped Nick's arm firmly and stopped him. "Leave him alone." Joey hissed. "Excuse me?!" Nick retorted. "You heard me Nick, leave Brian alone. I know what you're up to and I'm warning you." Joey said sternly. "I don't know what you're implying Joey, but I have nothing to do with Brian's depression. Maybe you should talk to your friend Justin and see why he's having Brian suffer. I'm just here to comfort him." Nick responded bitterly. "You're just here to fuck him. I'm not dumb and I'm not blind." Joey barked lowly. "Well then I'm happy for you. I'm Brian's best friend and I'm here for him to depend on." Nick explained plainly. "I bet you are." Joey nodded, giving Nick a disapproving look. Nick snatched away from Joey and tried to catch up with the lonesome Brian.

Brian was the first to grab his bag from baggage claim and then look around. "Where's the limo?" Brian asked, wanting to get out of the airport. Joey quickly whispered something into A.J.'s ear and got a nod from A.J. Joey ran over to Brian and grabbed his arm. "Come on, we'll take our own limo." Joey suggested and dragged Brian with him.

"Our own limo?" Brian questioned Joey's words as they reached the outside. The air had a slight chill in it, causing Brian to shiver. Joey was not affected by the slight drop in temperature. He was only in search of one thing, their limo. A line of limos and cars filled the strip that lead out of the airport. Brian looked around, every limo looked the same to him. No matter how long, how small or how bright they were, they were no comfort zone for him. But his only true fear was what Joey had planned.

Joey looked around and then began to pull Brian along the strip with him. "Joey, maybe we should wait for the others and ride in one limo together?" Brian suggested as he stumbled with Joey. "Nah, they're big boys. They can take care of themselves." Joey assured him. Brian was still astonished about how carefree Joey was being about the situation. It was as if Joey had something planned that would blow Brian's mind.

Joey finally reached their limo and ripped the door open for Brian. "Get in." he ordered Brian with a gentle smile. Brian gave him a doubting smile and then peered in the limo. "What about my bags?" Brian questioned, holding up his one bag and pointing to his backpack. "Just get in Brian." Joey sighed, still holding the door. Brian sighed even louder and stepped inside of the limo.

Before Brian could get comfortable, Joey slammed the door behind him. "Hey..." Brian tried to call out. "Don't worry about me." Joey laughed as he tapped on the tinted window. "You can thank me later!" Joey yelled and tapped on the side of the limo. With that, the driver began to pull off from the curb.

Brian was still confused by the situation. He placed his bag on the floor of the limo and looked forward. When he looked forward, he saw a pair of blue eyes and a sincere smile. "Justin!?" Brian screamed out as he recognized the features of his face. "I missed you." Justin whispered to him. Brian leaped from his seat into Justin's and hugged him tightly. Justin laughed and returned the hug. "I thought you didn't come!" Brian screamed and hugged Justin at the same time. "I told A.J. and Joey to make you think that. I wouldn't miss the chance to see you." Justin giggled. Brian released Justin and looked at his face. Justin could see a tear forming in Brian's eye. Justin lifted his finger and carefully wiped it away. "No tears, remember?" Justin smiled. Brian nodded and leaned forward. He placed a hand on Justin's chin and then pressed his lips to Justin's. Justin closed his eyes and begin to kiss Brian softly. He placed both of his hands on Brian's back and let the kiss continue with care.

Brian pulled away first, leaving Justin's lips pouting for more. "Do you know how much I've missed you?" Brian asked Justin softly. Justin nodded. "I've missed you just as much as you've missed me." Justin responded happily. "I want you to tell me all about your experiences in L.A." Justin smiled and wrapped his arms around Brian. Brian leaned back and held Justin as Justin held him. Brian thought about what happened at the video shoot and quickly threw it from his head. "I don't want to talk about work. I just want to talk about Brian and Justin." Brian answered. Justin giggled softly. "My favorite topic." Justin added. "Mine too, babe." Brian agreed.

"So, what do we have to discuss besides how bad I want to fuck you right now?" Brian questioned with a whisper. "Well... how about marriage?" Justin suggested with a smaller smile. "Sounds good to me." Brian nodded. Justin ran a hand over Brian's face, caressing his cheek. "I know where we're going to get married." Justin whispered. "Too late! I already picked the place since it falls in line with two things." Brian laughed. Justin gave him an odd look. "We're getting married in Hawaii." Brian finally divulged his idea. "What a coincidence? That's where I planned on us getting married." Justin laughed without surprise. "Well smart ass, don't you wanna know why?" Brian asked with a snicker. Justin nodded like an excited child. "Well I was flipping through books and magazines in California and guess who said they're favorite spot to vacation is?" Brian questioned him. Justin laughed loudly at the question. "Good answer. Bob, do we have a prize for him?" Brian joked. "Yes, I do love Hawaii if that's what you'tr trying to get to." Justin replied, trying to lower his laughter. "Can you imagine what it'll be like making love in the sands of Hawaii?" Brian asked with a subtle voice. "That wouldn't be fun! Sand all on your ass, water running on you, crabs walking by as we fuck!" Justin teased. "Can you make everything sound so bad?!" Brian laughed.

Justin sighed with joy and laid his head on Brian's. "I also wanted to go to Hawaii because I've always wanted to take my family there." Brian added. "That'll be nice. Me, you, Harold, your dad and your mom all in one hotel room." Justin teased. "Five minutes! We've been together for five minutes and already you've got jokes?" Brian chuckled. "You just seem to bring the best out of me." Justin laughed along. Brian smiled with pleasure and snuggled towards Justin. "You bring out the best in me too." Brian cheered. "Plus I know how to get you hard, right?" Justin asked, running his hand over Brian's leg. "That too." Brian giggled. "Well that's the last thing we need to think about now." Justin sighed. Brian placed a hand on Justin's leg and let it lay. "As long as I can hold you at night, fucking isn't even on my mind." Brian said with sincerity. "Liar." Justin smiled. "I'm not lying. I like making love when we feel like it. Not just fucking for the thrill of making each other sweat!" Brian stated.

Justin kissed Brian softly on the cheek and then snuggled their heads together again. "That's something I didn't realize." Justin commented. "What?" Brian asked while rubbing his other hand over Justin's button-down shirt. "We share the same things. God didn't just threw us together and it worked. We were meant for each other. Unlike Lance and J.C. who faught to be together and can't seem to stay that way." Justin responded softly. "How are those two?" Brian quietly asked, trying to keep the mood. "They're okay. They have their up's and down's like we did, but they just make it so much harder to keep the peace." Justin answered. "That's too bad. Lance gave up a nice guy for J.C." Brian shrugged. "He gained another one in J.C." Justin added. "True, J.C. does deserve someone who will love him for the good man that he is." Brian agreed.

"What? Are you falling for J.C. behind my back?" Justin joked. "Oh yeah, I heard that he gives great head so I figured fuck Justin, I can get great head!" Brian laughed. "Huh? So what you're saying is I give bad head?" Justin asked, letting go of Brian. "No, it was a joke." Brian stopped him, trying to hold on. "No, you said that J.C. gives great head and that's why you'd leave me." Justin pulled back. "It was a J-O-K-E!" Brian repeated. "So what? Do you want me to work on my technique? Well let's go, me and you right now!" Justin suggested, raising his hands. "Look Justin, you give better head than Monica Lewensky! Everytime your lips touch my cock I feel like cumming! All I ever want from you is head until my dick falls off, okay?!" Brian threw out to satisfy Justin. "So are you saying that I'm only qualified to be an intern who sucks your cock whenever you'd like? Or are you saying you'd like to experiment with cigars?" Justin asked with a smile. "Maybe a little of both." Brian laughed histerically. "You're a nasty pervert!" Justin tried to contain his laughter. "But I'm your pervert." Brian chimed. "Yes, you are." Justin nodded and hugged Brian.

Before Brian and Justin could enjoy another moment alone, the phone inside the limo rang. Brian huffed and removed his ehad from next to Justin's. He reached over and grabbed the phone. He leaned back against the next seat and stared back at Justin. "Hello?" he questioned while smiling at Justin. "Brian, I know you two are so busy butt naked right now, but I wanted to let you know that since we didn't expect ya'll back so soon, we didn't reserve you guys room. So the deal is, Kevin's gonna stay with me, Nick is gonna stay with Chris, A.J.'s gonna stay with J.C. and you get to stick with Justin." Joey stated. Brian's smile grew. "So, it's just gonna be me and Justin on a king sized bed?" Brian asked loudly. "No, I think we gotta Justin a single?" Joey joked. "The better to snuggle at night." Brian laughed. "Ah, not the mushy stuff again! Have fun." Joey giggled. Brian gave one finaly hooray and placed the phone down.

"You know, you're rather sexy from over here." Brian whispered and crawled back to his seat with Justin. "Really? Because you're sexy from over there." Justin laughed lowly as Brian slid ontop of him. "Can I have a kiss?" Brian asked with sincerity. "I'd never say no." Justin whispered back. Brian grinned and leaned forward. Justin closed his eyes and was soon rewarded by Brian's soft, pink lips pressed on his own. Justin's dreams were slowly coming true just by the touch of Brian's gentle lips. He no longer felt lonely as Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's back. They drove to the hotel in peace.

The limo reached the back entrance to the hotel and Brian and Justin awaited the security to clear their arrival. Justin was almost sleep in Brian's arms as they sat in the back of the limo. Brian had his hands lightly placed on Justin's chest while Justin's head laid back against Brian's collar bone. Brian shook Justin lightly to wake him as he heard a security guard opening the door. Justin winked his eyes quickly and then lifted his body from Brian's. "Okay guys, it's safe for ya'll to come upstairs now." the guard informed them. Brian nodded and helped Justin wake up. He grabbed Justin's hand and crawled out of the limo, pulling Justin along the way. "Thanks Marc." Brian nodded in his direction and walked Justin towards the back door. Brian placed a piece of gum in his mouth and began to chew it as they reached the door.

They walked in with ease and looked around the halls. "Do you have the key?" Brian questioned softly. Justin nodded sheepishly. "I slept there alone last night, so I guess I should?" Justin said sarcasitcally. Brian smiled proudly and squeezed Justin's hand. Brian held onto Justin's hand and guided him in a different direction from the evelators. "Where are you going? The elevators are back that way." Justin remarked, pointing behind them. "Let's go somewhere else first." Brian suggested, looking around every turn for anyone.

When Brian finally reached the destination he wanted to be at, Justin was shocked. He looked around to the sounds of a quiet, hotel kitchen. "Hello!" Brian bellowed out. He heard some pots falling and the sounds of busy chefs. They were soon greeted by a bellhop. "I'm sorry, but guests are not allowed in the kitchen." the bellhop informed them with strictness. "Well maybe you can make an exception for us this one time." Brian gave him adoring eyes and smiled. "And why would I do that?" the bellhop questioned. "Because this is Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync. You know, the famed group that just performed to a sold out show tonight?" Brian laughed lavishly. Justin laughed with him. The bellhop took a second glance and then his mouth fell open. "Dear Lord, forgive me. I am so sorry Mr. Timberlake. Sure, anything for 'N Sync." the bellhop nodded like a beckoning servant. "Well whatever this kind gentlemen here wants, please get and put it on my bill." Justin sighed, giving Brian control. Brian grinned deviously at the bellhop.

"All I need is a carton of vanilla ice cream, please." Brian requested kindly. "A carton sir? I can have our chef get both of you a nice bowl filled with ice cream, nuts, chocolate, syrup and every topping you could think of..." Brian quickly interupted the bellhop. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, with all of the trimmings and all served to you by belly dancers and half-clothed men. I know how the story goes. I know that you guys like to make everything all 5th Avenue and all, but can we just have a carton of cream?" Brian went on. The bellhop looked at him arrogantly. "If that's what you request, then I shall get it for you." the bellhop hissed lowly and walked off. "Oh and two spoons please!" Brian called out. Justin giggled lightly about Brian's behavior. "Do you think he knows who you are?" Justin asked softly. "Nah, otherwise he would have been kissing my feet right now." Brian chuckled. "Belly dancers and half-naked men, Bri? Was that necessary?" Justin questioned Brian's remarks. "Yep." Brian nodded. "Well I like the part about the half-naked men." Justin nudged him with a hint. "Well then, call me Aladdin and I'll be your half-naked man." Brian smiled back. "Ooh, I'd like that." Justin laughed.

The bellhop soon returned, handing Brian the carton of ice cream and two, silver spoons. "Thank you." Brian nodded in the bellhop's direction and then looked towards Justin. The bellhop walked away with a bothered expression. Justin watched Brian casually chew his gum with no guilt. "Ice cream?" he finally asked. "The perfect breakup food." Brian responded lightly. "Bre... breakup?" Justin questioned nervously. "Oh, no! Not us. I just thought we'd chill since we've been awa from each other for three days. It's a 'get-to-know each' other again snack." Brian tried to explain. Justin tangled his face at the sound of Brian's idea. "Just come on." Brian huffed and snatched Justin's hand in his own.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 86) By JM

Brian dragged Justin down the hall and to the back elevators. They stepped inside and Justin pressed the number for their floor. Brian placed his arms around Justin's waist, still holding onto the carton and spoons. He rested his head on Justin's shoulder and Justin sighed with happiness. It had been awhile since he had felt the joy of Brian resting his chin on Justin's shoulder. He felt Brian's chin moving from left to right as Brian chewed his gum. "How much did you miss me?" Brian whispered into his ear. "You'll never know how much." Justin responded softly. "How's Tyke?" Brian questioned to change the subject. "Tyke and BJ are fine. Luckily I convinced hotel management to let me take them stay in my room. I promised that they'd stay in the room until the time that I left." Justin responded as the elevator doors opened. "Good." Brian sighed and made Justin walk with his arms still tightly wrapped around Justin's waist.

Justin struggled to pull Brian's arms off as they waddled down the hall. Brian finally released Justin and caught up with him. They walked side-by-side with Justin leading the way. When they reached the door, Justin turned and looked at Brian. "Don't get mad at me if it's messy." Justin whispered. "Look, I'm just glad that they got my bags to the right room." Brian shrugged. Justin ran a hand over Brian's cheeks and leaned forward quickly. Brian smiled and closed his eyes. Justin and Brian's lips touched with care, Justin making the first move to further the kiss. Brian parted his lips and slipped his tongue over Justin's. Justin leaned back against the door as Brian forced his lips further on Justin's. Justin caressed his tongue against Brian's while pulling at Brian's shirt with his sweaty hands.

"Brian and Justin are at it again!" they both heard someone call out as they kissed. Brian slowly released Justin's lips and slipped his tongue back into his own mouth. He dropped his head sorely and looked towards the voice he heard moments before. Kevin smiled artfully at them. "Glad you two didn't lose an ounce of time making up." Kevin laughed as he approached them. Brian felt something was missing from his mouth. He looked up at the smiling Justin who seemed to being chewing on some gum. "Did you?" Brian asked with a grin. Justin nodded happily. Brian laughed lightly and gave Justin another small kiss on the lips.

"Hello! I'm still here!" Kevin once again attempted to get their attention. "What do you want cuz?" Brian questioned while moving his head away from Justin's. "Just wanted to make sure you guys have taken the time to make final preparations on your wedding." Kevin responded with a small smile. "I don't think we even made first preparations." Brian giggled. Kevin quickly raised his brow and slapped Brian's arm. "I can't believe you two! Time is ticking and you haven't even begun planning your wedding?" Kevin chastised them. "Uh, we're trying to..." Brian gave Kevin subtle hints. "Fucking is the last thing you need to do!" Kevin bellowed, causing both Brian and Justin to blush with shame. "Here." Kevin sighed and slapped a folder to Brian's chest. Brian grabbed the folder and looked at it with curiousity. "I figured ya'll were falling behind so I went and got all of this info off the internet for you two." Kevin stated, smiling. Brian quickly skimmed over all the ad's, articles and information Kevin had stuffed into the folder. "You did this for us?" Brian asked loudly. "It even has great vacation spots in Hawaii," Kevin added. Justin was surprised that even Kevin knew about their ideal wedding spot. Brian quickly hugged Kevin with excitement. "Thanks so much Kev." Brian cheered.

Justin turned away from the two and jiggled open the door to his room. He pushed the door open and was greeted by Tyke. Justin lightly kicked Tyke back and stepped into the room without Brian. He listened as Kevin and Brian continued their conversation. Justin grabbed Brian's collar and yanked him towards the room. "Thanks alot Kevin. This means a lot to us. Now me and Brian are going to look over everything... alone, thanks." Justin chimed and glanced towards Kevin. "Okay..." before Kevin could finish, Justin closed the door in his face.

"What was all of that about?" Brian asked and stumbled across a few articles of clothing that were scattered across the dark room. "You get to see Kevin every single day. Now, it's Brian and Justin's time." Justin responded, flicking on a desk lamp. "I like the sound of that. Sounds like a morning talk show or something." Brian joked and flopped on the bed. Justin watched Tyke leap onto the bed where Brian was and playfully lick Brian.

Justin began to pick up some of the clothing in the room while Brian played with his dog. "Hey, I thought it was our time." Brian complained as he pushed Tyke off the bed carefully. Justin threw the clothes in a stack by his bag and walked over to the bed. He sat down on the bed and kicked off his shoes. He scooted back on the bed and brought his legs up. He looked into Brian's crystal blue eyes and could see the mystery that always surrounded Brian's care.

Brian opened the carton of ice cream and placed one of the spoons on the side. He dipped the other spoon into the ice cream and pulled it back out. He opened his mouth and slowly sucked the ice cream from the spoon. "Do you think we'll be ready by July?" Brian asked his fiancé while rumaging the ice cream in his mouth. Justin shrugged carelessly. Brian dipped the spoon back into the ice cream while still looking at Justin. He guided the spoon up to Justin's mouth. Justin opened his mouth and let Brian slide the spoon in. Brian flipped opened the folder as he slipped the spoon out of Justin's mouth. "Who's going to be your best man?" Justin asked Brian with curiosity. Brian looked up with surprise. "Uh... I don't know." Brian answered truthfully. Justin nodded and looked down towards the folder. "What about you?" Brian questioned back. "I think I know who." Justin responded. "Well..." Brian tried to get an answer from him. "I'm not telling." Justin laughed. "You have to!" Brian fussed with frusturation. "I'm not going to make it easier on you." Justin smiled and looked up to Brian. Brian pouted and shoved another scoop in his own mouth.

Brian flipped past advertisements for Hawaii and got to a section for flowers and tuxes. He studied each tuxedo and each flower. "I've got it!" Brian jumped up with excitement. Justin jumped in surprise. "We're going to have navy blue tuxedos." Brian stated. "And just for you... they have baby blue orchids." Brian smiled with accomplishment. Justin smiled back. Justin bent over to the folder and kissed Brian gently against the lips. "I love you." he whispered as he backed away. "I love you too." Brian responded and dipped the spoon back into the ice cream. "What about invitations?" Brian asked while feeding Justin another scoop of ice cream. Justin pondered on the question while eating the ice cream.

Brian lifted all of the papers and looked at down. He saw an evelope attached to the folder. He pulled the envelope off the folder and opened it up. He pulled out a small note and an invitation. The note read:

'Just for you two, an invitation done by me...

Love Kevin'

Brian looked at the inviation with surprise. It was beautifully done with a baby blue and white background. Kevin had already picked out the perfect invitation, saving Brian and Justin the hassle. Brian passed the invitation to Justin to look over. Justin read it over and looked at the perfectly done work. "It's perfect." Justin commented. "No, you're perfect." Brian grinned and gave Justin a small kiss. Justin enjoyed Brian's moments of affection.

Justin snatched the spoon from Brian and placed it into the ice cream. He lifted a scoop and brought it to Brian's lips. Brian parted them and let Justin slide the spoon in. "Now comes the hard part, who do we invite?" Brian mumbled out with the ice cream in his mouth. Justin laughed hysterically at Brian. "Let's not worry about that now." Justin suggested. Brian agreed without hesitation.

Justin closed up the folder and placed it on the desk next to the bed. Brian lifted the carton of ice cream from the bed and placed it next to the folder. Justin cralwed over to Brian and laid next to him. Brian laid back on the bed and then turned to Justin. "We have to talk about something," Justin said softly. "Can it wait?" Brian requested. Justin bit his lower lip with fear. Brian kissed the tip of Justin's nose lightly and then ran his fingres through Justin's auburn hair. "I just want us to relax," Brian added. "But Brian, this is something that we should talk about." Justin pleaded. "Okay, I'll make a deal with you. If you take tonight and just relax with me with nothing on your mind, then we'll take the whole night tomorrow to talk about our little problem. Deal?" Brian offered. Justin thought over his choices. He gave a small nod. Brian looked into Justin's fearing eyes with concern. "Don't worry, I know everything will be fine." Brian assured Justin. Justin nodded and shut the fear out of his mind.

Brian turned towards the desk and grabbed the remote control. Justin fluffed up a pillow and rested his head on it. Brian switched on the T.V. and began flipping through the channels. He found himself stopping on MTV for a rerun of Total Request Live.

"Well that puts Britney Spear's video for 'Sometimes' at number two. Now as you know, we retired the Backstreet Boys' video for 'Just' about a week ago and we promised you that you'd get a chance to see their new video. Well right now, we're going to world premiere the video from the Backstreet Boys." Carson cheered. "Now this is the second single from their album 'Millennium' which is due in stores next week. The title of the song is 'The One' and it's directed by Nigel Dick. If you watch, you can see members of pop group 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Aaron Carter and even Innosense. Now all of these acts are on tour with the Backstreet Boys, which might I say is the biggest selling touring this year and maybe even this decade." Carson stated. Brian quickly turned up the volume on the T.V. as Justin looked on with him. "So here it is, an MTV World Premiere video from the Backstreet Boys with 'The One'." Carson added.

Brian watched as a blue screen flashed before the T.V., stating the World Premiere video. 'I'll be the one to hold you...' appeared on the black screen in white letters and then soon faded. Soon Brian and Justin could hear the sounds of 'I'll be the one...' across a black screen.

When the music started, the video flashed onto the screen. Leigh Ann ran across the screen with A.J. slowly following her. All of the dancers and extras moved in slow motion as the chase continued. Brian quickly flashed across with screen with a smile. Soon, the screen flipped to A.J. sitting at the bar with Justin and Brian sitting next to him. A.J. watched again as Leigh Ann pushed by the crowd. A.J. sung as he sat at the bar wearing all white.

I guess you were lost when I met you

Still there were tears in your eyes

So out of trust and I knew

No more than mysteries and lies

The screen did several splits shots before drifitng to Brian sitting on the huge staircase in the club. Brian's eyes were filled with pain, yet he watched as dancers flocked around him.

There you were, wild and free

Reachin' out like you needed me

A helping hand to make it right

I am holding you all through the night

The video once again switched, this time to A.J. and Nick dancing with dancers on the large white stage. They danced in synch with the music as the chorus hummed throughout the video. The lyrics flashed at the bottom of the screen in digitalized form to give the video an even more futuristic look.

The shot next moved to a shot of Nick sitting at the bar with Lance. Nick watched Leigh Ann pass by as his verse started.

To hold you

And make sure that you'll be alright

Cause my faith is gone

And I want to

Take you from darkness to light

The camera flashed a scene of Innosense with kevin and Justin on the teps before dorpping to a shot of Howie in the party room. Brian stepped in front of the camera and with the trained eye, you could see him pointing up towards Justin with love in his eyes. Then the camera moved to A.J. and Brian dancing on the stage without dancers while signing their verses together.

There you were, wild and free

Reachin' out like you needed me

A helping hand to make it right

I am holding you all through the night

The lyrics appeared at the bottom of the screen again as all of the Backstreet Boys danced on the white stage. Spotlights ran over the whole club with excitement and drama.

I'll be the one (I'll be the one)

Who will make all your sorrows undone

I'll be the light (I'll be the light)

When you feel like there's nowhere to run

I'll be the one...

The scene ended with a flash as the camera showed a large screen with Nick's face on it.

To hold you

And make sure that you'll be alright

Then the shot shifted to Brian and Justin talking at the bar before Brian started the bridge. The whole time, his eyes drifted from Leigh Ann to Justin.

You need me like I need you

We can share our dreams comin' true

I can show you what true love means

Just take my hand, baby please

The screen changed, leaving a quick glimpse of Brian grabbing Justin's hand. Then it quickly shifted to one of A.J. and Kevin sitting in the party room as Leigh Ann quits her fearless running. Both Kevin and A.J. approach her with lust in their eyes.

I'll be the one

I'll be the light

Where you can run

To make it alright

I'll be the one

I'll be the light

Where you can run

The shot was soon shattered by Howie punching the screen. The special effects created a stronger mood as one of Britney and Joey on the large screen was placed on T.V. The shots went through quick changes from Brian to Kevin to Howie to A.J. and then to Nick.

The video soon began to end with a bang and confetti and balloons falling from the ceiling. The shot ran over the large crowd in the club, showing everyone waving towards the camera.

Brian looked closely to the T.v. to see two people kissing in the crowd as the video ended. "Was that us?" Brian questioned as he squinted at the T.V. Justin was still in awe by the visual effects of the video. "That was amazing." Justin replied. Brian laid back, thinking the world may have caught him kissing Justin Timberlake. Justin clicked the T.V. off and looked at Brian.

He grazed his hand over Brian's hair, trying to draw Brian's attention. Brian tilted his head back to look up at Justin. Justin brushed the hair back from Brian's head and leaned down slowly. He touched his lips to Brian's with concern. Brian lifted his head to return the kiss with gentileness. Justin kept his lips parted from Brian's slightly, to make the kiss more sincere then erotic. Brian savored that oppurtunity, to hold Justin's lips with care and not need.

Justin released Brian's lips to look at him with love. He just wanted to take a second to admire Brian's beauty. Brian propped himself up on his elbows and glanced up to Justin. "I'm sleepy Bri. I think I had better call it a night." Justin suggested. Brian nodded with kindness.

Brian leaned in Justin's direction and placed his left hand behind Justin's neck. He pulled Justin to him and placed his lips on Justin's. Justin closed his eyes again and let Brian have control. Brian eased Justin back on the bed with care. He carefully sat on top of Justin, holding his lips on Justin's. Brian gave Justin small kisses as he unbuttoned Justin's plaid shirt. Justin placed his hands over his own head and returned the kisses. Brian undid the last button slowly. He pulled open Justin's shirt, running his hands over Justin's still clothed chest. Justin helped Brian slip the shirt off and then leaned back. Brian placed his hands at the bottom of Justin's wife beater. He then bent back down and began to suck on Justin's neck as he undid Justin's jeans. Justin moaned softly as Brian suckled the nape of his neck. Brian could feel the skin being sucked into his mouth with his tongue flicking over the tender flesh.

Justin lifted his arms again for Brian to remove the tank top. As Brian lifted the white shirt, he threw it to the side. Justin could feel the air of the room quickly attract to his young body. Brian slid Justin's jeans down and rolled them up after pulling them fully off. He moved back to Justin's face and gave Justin one last kiss on the lips. "Goodnight Justin. I love you." Brian whispered. Justin was in heaven, just being touched by Brian again. "Goodnight Bri, I.. I love you too." Justin responded softly. Justin hugged Brian briefly before letting Brian go.

Brian rolled from Justin and stumbled off of the bed. Justin pulled the covers over his own body and snuggled to his pillow. Brain scrambled through his suitcase and pulled out his kit. He looked over to Justin who was slowly falling in and out of sleep. 'Poor kid. He looks so unhappy by himself. I had better hurry so he feels comfortable.' Brian thought to himself and rushed into the bathroom.

Within twenty minutes, Brian had managed to brush his teeth, catch a quick shower and shave breifly. He emerged from the shower in his plaid boxers and looked over to the sleeping Justin again. Justin was still in the same position as he was before, except he looked even more uncomfortable. Brian reached into his bag and pulled out a black book and then a highlighter.

He crept back to the bed, catching a glimpse of BJ sleep at the foot of the bed while Tyke slept in a pile of Justin's clothes. Brian carefully sat on the bed and then pulled his legs onto it. He opened his book and flip to a chapter.

Even though Justin was in the room, Brian needed his quiet time. It was something he cherished when he stopped sharing a room with Nick. A chance to think and meditate on all that he did. At this moment, Brian needed the time to read his Bible. He was a religous man of all standards. He nevre asked Justin about his beliefs, but he knew that God did not put the two together for anything. There was a reason behind everything, so he believed. As a high school student, Brian was grounded i the church. Before even joining the Backstreet Boys, he had plans of going to college to become a youth minister. Now, he was surrouned by fame but still had belief in what he was raised with.

He felt Justin snuggle to his hip and he looked over to Justin. Justin winked his eyes open and looked up to Brian. "What are you doing?" Justin asked, sheepishly lifting his head. "Just reading." Brian resonded, looking back to his Bible. He highlighted a pssage and continued reading. "What are you reading?" Justin asked with little interest. Brian lifted the book from his lap for Justin to see. "The Bible?" Justin questioned with shock. "Why not?" Brian asked back. "There's nothing wrong with it... I just didn't expect you to be reading it at this time of night." Justin responded, sitting up in the bed.

Brian placed the book back in his lap and dropped the highlighter to the middle of the book. "And what is your view on it?" Brian questioned. "View on what?" Justin asked in confusion. "On God, Justin. I never asked how you felt about Him." Brian responded. "Oh, I believe strongly in God. I always have. I was raised that way and I've stayed that way." Justin answered. "So, it's not just something you go along with?" Brian questioned. "No, of course not! I have a strong faith. Baptist raised and if anything, I'm the one member on 'N Sync that always keeps my faith in Him." Justin retorted. He began to liven with the more he talked to Brian. Brian smiled and kissed Justin's forehead lightly. "Same with me. I was raised a Baptist and like you, I'm the strongest believer out of the group." Brian stated. Justin giggled and laid his arm across Brian's lap. "So I can tell from your Thank You's." Justin added. Brian laughed with him.

Brian closed the book and placed it on the desk. He clicked out the light casually. "Let's get some sleep babe." Brian suggested. Justin nodded. Brian pulled Justin's body to his own and let Justin lay his head on Brian's chest. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's hair and said, "Did you ever think how blessed we really are?" Justin gave a faint sound to show he agreed with Brian. "While in California Justin... I realized even more how much I'd hate to be without you." Brian whispered. "And.. well Nick made a move on me while I was there. He actually... Justin he tried to sleep with me." Brian whispered with fear. He looked down and with surprise, could see that Justin was fast asleep. Justin had not heard the words that Brian had just spoke. Brian sighed and placed his hand on Justin's shoulder to hug him. "I love you... always." Brian whispered with sadness into Justin's ear. Justin snuggled to Brian in his sleep and sighed as if he understood. Brian just smiled. "My innocent, cute, little 'Just'." Brian giggled. He laid his head back and tried to sleep without worries of Nick's attempts in California.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 87) By JM

Brian found himself awakening early. His body had not yet adjusted to the slight time change, but he was trying. He lifted his left hand from his chest and rubbed it over his face. His mind was not fully awake, but he did realize that his right arm was wrapped around Justin's shoulders. He figured that he and Justin had switched positions during the night because Justin's left arm was drapped over his chest while his right arm was resting between Brian's open legs. Brian yawned sloppily and then scooted up. He looked over to Justin's innocent face with pride. Justin slept softly on Brian's shoulder. Justin nuzzled carefully to Brian's shoulder and sighed again. Brian knew that Justin was still sleep. Brian thought of the many times that he had awaken during the night to Justin's face right next to his. It seemed like Justin and Brian couldn't find themseles seperated during the night. Somehow they always ended up next to each other.

Brian took his left hand and lightly ran it over Justin's cheek. He laid the hand on Justin's cheek with care. Brian scooted closer to Justin's face and kissed Justin lightly on the lips. Justin stayed sleep, dreaming of Brian's lips touching his own. Brian pulled back to see if he had stirred his dreaming lover. Justin's lips were puckered slightly while he stayed sleep. Brian tried to hold in his laugh. He leaned in again and placed his lips back to Justin's. He kissed Justin's lips with a little more pressure, rubbing his lips over Justin's. He tried to cause Justin to open his mouth with no avail. Brian slithered his tongue out during his own kiss, running the tip of the edge of Justin's lips. Brian's eyes were closed when he felt a hand rub over his cheek. Brian cheered in his head and felt two lips begin to close on his. Brian increased the pressure of the kiss as he felt the hand moving back and forth over his cheek. He pulled his right arm up, pulling Justin's head closer to his own. He could feel muffled moans in their kiss, indicating that Justin was awake and alert.

Brian finally backed off Justin's adoring lips and pulled his head back. When his eyes opened, he saw Justin's ocean-like eyes staring back at him. Justin was hesitant to speak, feeling that he might spoil the moment. Brian looked back, feeling the same awakward moment. "Narf?" Brian tried to lighten the mood. Justin the sound of the word caused Justin to beak into laughter. Brian laughed with him. "Whatever happened to 'Good Morning'?" Justin questioned, still trying to quit his laughter. "I forgot it." Brian tried to shrug while laughing. "Get off me!" Justin giggled, pushing Brian back. Justin began to crawl out of the bed before feeling Brian grab the back of his right thigh. Justin stopped with a surge and looked over his shoulder to Brian. "Where are you going?" Brian asked with his puppy dog eyes. "I have to take a shower and then get changed. We can't all take the day off like you." Justin replied. Brian frowned to give an even sadder effect. Justin felt the guilt overwhelm him. "I just wanted to spend some time with you." Brian whimpered out. Justin flipped back around and crawled back to Brian. He wrapped his arms around Brian's body and laid back.

He cradled Brian while humming the sounds of 'The One'. The sun crept in through the curtains while the room had a brisk cool hovering over them. "Remember when I said I had to talk to you about something last night?" Justin asked of Brian. Brian nodded. Justin began to run his hand over Brian's hair as he spoke. "Well, something's wrong Brian." Justin sighed. "What is it babe?" Brian responded with a question. Just as the words formed on Justin's lips, a knock echoed through the room.

Justin grumbled and pulled the sheets back from their warm bodies. Brian grasped his arm with concern. "Is everything okay?" Brian questioned. Justin looked back at Brian with no response. He gently pulled away from Brian and stomped onto the floor. He walked to the door with annoyance in his eyes.

Justin yanked opened the door and saw J.C. smiling at him on the other side. "Yes J.C.?" Justin questioned, not showing a sign of a smile. "Guess what I have planned for you today?" J.C. questioned, still beaming Justin with a smile. "What?" Justin asked with a sigh. "Today, me and Lance agreed that it should be a day for just couples. A a chance to for us to get and try and enjoy ourselves." J.C. responded, his smile growing. Justin leaned against the door and shot J.C. a look of serious confusion. "Just be downstairs in thrity minutes. We reserved the recreation area just for us." J.C. stated. Justin still didn't know what to say. He felt two arms wrap around his waist and then he sensed the heat of Brian's face next to his. "Just a day for me and Justin?" Brian spoke up. "Well yeah... if you don't mind Lance, me, Joey, Britney and... well we're trying to get A.J. and Amanda to go too." J.C. nodded. "But me and Justin could just chill alone if we wanted?" Brian asked. "Well I mean, if you guys want to stay up here that's fine." J.C. agreed. "Then we'll be there in thirty minutes." Brian answered for himself and Justin. "Great! I'll see you two downstairs!" J.C. cheered and waved goodbye.

Brian closed the door and released Justin. He walked back towards the bed and plopped down. "Why did you say we'd do this?" Justin questioned Brian with slight anger. Brian scratched his head briefly and then grabbed Tyke from the floor. "Is there a problem with it?" Brian reorted. Justin groaned and stomped over to his bag. "Justin I don't want to argue over this, so if there's a probelm then I'll go tell J.C. we're not going." Brian said plainly. Justin turned and looked at him with despair. "I just wanted to be with you today," Justin sobbed without tears. "And I want to be with you. But you know, these guys have been your friends longer than I have. They've been there through thick and thin." Brian explained. "I know that and I love them for it." Justin replied. "So don't blame me if they want to share you. I mean, I'd feel the same if Nick didn't share some time with me too." Brian stated. Justin nodded and looked towards the floor. "How can I say I love you without making you cry?" Brian questioned, standing from the bed. Justin couldn't find the heart to look up at Brian. He felt Brian's graps his shoulder for comfort. "As much as I'd like to have you all to myself, I can't." Brian whispered. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's hips and hugged him. "You're too good to me." Justin whispered sadly. "And you're jsut what I need." Brian responded. "Now let's get moving before J.C. and Lance call the fire department on us." Brian laughed to change the mood. "Why would they do that?" Justin asked, lauhging lowly. "Because I'm hot for you!" Brian chuckled, ending the hug.

Justin grabbed the rest of his clothes and ran into the bathroom. He shut the door quickly and turned on the water for his shower. Justin was relieved to be in the bathroom, away from Brian's looks. He leaned back against the door and slid down. He was feeling light-headed and his stomach was once again naseous. He didn't want Brian to see him in such a state until he told Brian what was wrong. Justin grasped his head and tried to shake off the sick feelings that were stirring inside of him. 'Gotta be strong for Bri.' Justin said to himself as he stood from the floor. He yanked off his boxers and then stepped into the shower with pain.

Brian awaited ten minutes before he saw the bathroom door open. He saw Justin emerge from the bathroom, naked and dripping wet. Brian's eyes flew open at the sight of his perfectly shaped Adonis. Justin grazed his hands over his dripping curls and tilted his head back. "Have you seen my Tigi?" Justin asked with his eyes closed as he shook his hair out. He received no response from Brian. "Brian, do you hear me?" Justin questioned. "I hear you Just." he heard a response from right in front of him. Justin opened his eyes and saw Brian standing before him, just as naked as he was. Brian lifted his hand and ran it between Justin's nipples. He admired Justin's drenched body in awe. "Brian... what are you doing?" Justin questioned softly. "Waht does it look like?" Brian responded, placing both of his hands on Justin's chest. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin's left pec. He rubbed his lips over the muscle with lust. Justin let a small moan slip from his lips.

Brian lifted his head and invited Justin to lay on the floor. Justin reluctantly got down on the floor and laid back. Brian crawled ontop of him and laid on him. Brian placed his hands on Justin's face and then let their lips touch. Justin eagerly kissed Brian with the same lust Brian had built. Justin tilted his head back and felt Brian's tongue slithering into his mouth. He greeted Brian's tongue with his own. Justin lifted his shivering hands to Brian's back and he began to massauge Brian's dry flesh.

Brian released Justin's lips and stared down at him with care. "I love you." Brian whispered, running his hand over Justin's head. Justin smiled as Brian pushed his hair back. "I'll always love you." Brian added with seriousness dawning his face. Brian rubbed his finger over Justin's eyes to make sure there were no tears. "I wanna marry you." Brian said softly, rubbing his cheek next to Justin's. Justin was slowly drifting into a zone he never felt with Brian. A comfort zone that made Justin want to live inside of Brian's heart. "And even if Nick is in our lives forever, he'll never mean more to me than you." Brian knew these words were important to Justin. Justin didn't take any seconds thinking of what Brian said. He took it completely to his heart. "Don't say anymore..." Justin whispered. Brian lifted his head and looked down at Justin, his crystal blue eyes creating tears of happiness. "As long as you love me..." Justin carefully sung out to Brian. "Then I won't worry about anything else." Justin added. He removed his hands from Brian's back and placed them on the floor. Brian closed his eyes and let the small tear run down his cheek and then slide off and fall on Justin's chest. "You'll always be my B-Rok." Justin assured him.

Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair one last time before placing them both on the floor. He felt a lump in his throat, but he by-passed his fear. "Don't leave me." Justin requested lowly. Brian shook his head and sniffled. "I'm not leaving you, Just." Brian responded. Brian pushed his body up so that he was hovering over Justin in a push-up position. Justin placed his hands under Brian and then formed a small sheath around Brian's penis with his hands. Brian looked down at Justin with concern. Justin nodded, giving Brian an okay. Brian slowly came down, causing his penis to rub across Justin's ten fingers. As Brian reached Justin's chest with his own, he gave Justin a small kiss. Brian pushed back up and repeated his movements. Justin closed his eyes and awaited for each time that Brian's lips would touch his own. Justin's cock became erect and rubbed against Brian's thighs everytime he came down again. With twenty more push-up's, Brian was on the verge of cumming between Justin's hands. Brian panted and moaned while trying to keep his concentration on his "workout". Brian moved for five more push-up's before falling on Justin. Just the touch of Justin's hands caused him to cum. His body convulged as he came in Justin's hands. Justin found himself cumming also between Brian's thighs. Brian moaned softly in Justin's ear as his penis spurted out the last drops of his thick juice. Justin tilted his head back and bit his lip. He tried to hold in the noise that he knew was dying to be released.

Brian rubbbed his hand over Justin's left cheek as his lips kissed Justin's right cheek. His lips moved up and down over Justin's cheek with greatfullness. Justin turned his head in Brian's direction and soon felt Brian's pink lips touching his own. Brian's lips kissed Justin with a crave. Justin returned the kiss with a more subtle touch. Justin pushed Brian back gently and smiled. "I think it's time we got dressed." Justin suggested. Brian sighed with disappointment. He kissed Justin one final time and rolled off of him.

He crawled over to Justin's bag and pulled out a rag. He took the rag and quickly wiped the cum from his inner thighs. He threw the rag over to Justin for him to clean up with. Brian stood, keeping the silence. Justin tossed the rag to his bag and then stood also. He walked over to Brian and stood behind him. He wrapped his arms around Brian's waist, grasping his stomach. Justin kissed Brian's left shoulder with care. Brian smiled and ran his right hand over Justin's cheek. "I think I want to get a tattoo." Justin whispered to Brian. "You already have one." Brian giggled at Justin's suggestion. "No, I want another one. I want to get it on the back of my shoulder." Justin responded, ending his kissing. "Of what?" Brian questioned, still unsure about Justin's idea. "Of your name." Justin responded. "What!?" Brian jumped, ripping Justin's hands from his body. Justin looked at him with pain. "I love you and I just..." Brian placed a finger to Justin's lips. "It's not necessarry." Brian stated. "I already have something that will always remind me of you." Brian explained. He held up his hand to show Justin the engagement ring he wore on his left hand. The gold glimmered in the light as Brian waved it around. Justin nodded and discarded the thought of the tattoo.

J.C., Lance, Britney, Joey and A.J. waited patiently in the lobby to see if Brian, Justin or Amanda would show up. "Look guys, we've waited long enough. I'll just go back upstairs and chill while ya'll go ahead." A.J. suggested, gazing down at his watch with disappointment. "No, you're going with us and so is she." Britney replied, emphasizing Amanda's importance.

With that, Justin appeared in the lobby. "Where's Brian!?" J.C. questioned with concern. "Chill Joshua, he's coming. He just had to stop by and chat with someone." Justin replied, giving J.C. subtle signs. Justin grabbed a seat next to Lance. "What's wrong Paco?" Justin asked with laughter. Lance frowned to Justin's joke. "What's up Lansten?" Justin asked seriously. "I feel like shit." Lance responded in a nasal tone. "You're sick?" Justin questioned. "Don't I look it?" Lance tried to joke without a laugh. Justin smiled brightly. "I'm so sorry Poo-Fu." Justin replied. "Thanks." Lance sniffled. "Are you going to be okay?" Justin wondered, placing an arm around Lance's shoulders. "I'll be cool. I just didn't want J.C. to feel left out or anything. So I'm kicking it today until J.C. runs me ragged." Lance replied, still trying to laugh. "He may end up running you to the hospital if you're not careful." Justin warned him. "No, I'm not that sick." Lance answered. "So where's your little boy toy? Up late last night?" Lance questioned, finally managing to laugh. "No, we went straight to bed you little freak." Justin laughed. "But Brian's chatting with a certain someone right now." Justin replied. "I hope not Nick." Lance said in a hoarse voice. Justin flashed Lance a frown when he heard the name. "Never." Justin replied. "Still a little insecure about him eh?" Lance questioned. Justin refused to answer the question. "J.C.'s the same way." Lance nodded with a smile. "J.C. has nothing to worry about." Justin said softly. "And you do?" Lance wondered. Justin silenced himself, thinking of what Brian told him an hour before.

"Do you know how jealous I am of you and Brian?" Lance spoke up for him. "I'd give the world to have what you two have." Lance added. Justin blushed lightly. "He loves you just so much, it even scares me." Lance laughed. "He loves me." Justin whispered. "And I can tell by the way you look at him that you'd never give him up." Lance chuckled. Justin nodded. "And I think one day you'll see that even when he hurts you, he doesn't want to." Lance sighed, pointing up. Justin looked up to see Brian approaching with Amanda next to him.

Justin removed his arm from Lance's shoulder and stood. "You owe me," Brian whispered as he passed A.J. A.J. smiled as he saw Amanda walk up to him. "I think we need to talk." Amanda suggested. A.J. nodded humbly. Brian smiled as he stopped in front of Justin. "Is everything okay?" Justin questioned. Brian nodded and ran a hand over Justin's cheek. "Not in public." J.C. hissed towards Brian. Brian quickly dropped the hand and frowned. Justin looked bitterly at J.C. "It's for your own good." Lance whispered as he stood. "Let's get down to the rec' area." J.C. suggested. Everyone agreed and followed him to the back of the hotel.

Two hours slipped by with Justin and Brian playing doubles with J.C. and Britney. A.J. and Amanda found themselves in a seclusive spot talking with each other. Lance sat in the shade, trying to fight his illness. Joey was swimming in the nearby pool alone.

Brian ran towards the ball and swung his racket with all of his might. With ease, the ball sailed past J.C., winning the game for Brian and Justin. J.C. yelled out as Britney just tried to catch her breath. "Yeah baby!" Brian screamed with joy. His victory was well deserved. He wiped the sweat from his head and looked over towards Justin. Justin was kneeling on the court with one knee touching while the other was up. His head was looking down and his hands were tightly wrapped around his racket. "You okay Just?" Brian asked while spinning his racket. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a little tired." Justin responded, lying as best he could. "Good game Brian." Britney panted out as she walked by him. "You too Britney," Brian cheered. "What she said." J.C. pouted as he walked past. "Don't get all bent out of shape J.C.!" Brian laughed. J.C. turned around and stuck up his middle finge towrds Brian before leaving the court. "Ooh, bad boy!" Brian laughed louder. J.C. kept his stead-fast pace to where Lance sat.

Britney grabbed a small towel from the table and then walked over towards the pool. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Britney asked as she saw Joey approaching with another lap. "Yep." Joey answered while swimming. Joey stood in the water and looked up at his girlfriend with pride. "You should join me." Joey suggested as he pulled his drenched hair back. "No, that's okay." Britney giggled. She placed her racket on the side and flicked off her Keds. She took a seat on the edge of the pool and dipped her feet into the sun crystal water. "What's up with Justin?" Britney questioned while toweling off her face. "Did you know you look cute when you're sweating?" Joey tried to change the subject. Britney sensed his awkwardness. "Okay Joey, spill it." Britney remarked. "Spill what?" Joey asked, looking around as if he was innocent of all charges. "Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr., don't play games with me." Britney demanded. 'Quit playin' games with my heart...' Joey began to sing to avoid the subject. Britney quickly snatched up her racket and held it up in a threatening position. "Are you going to hit me with that?" Joey questioned her motives. "You're damn skippy." Britney responded sharply. "Well then, maybe I should just speak up eh?" Joey proposed. "Maybe you should." Britney said with a calmer tone, lowering her racket. "But it doesn't mean I'm gonna." Joey laughed. Britney quickly raised the racket again and Joey made a quick leap back under the water. Britney sighed loudly and dropped her racket. "You're a pain sometimes!" Britney hollered at him. "But I still love you!" Joey called back to her as he swam to the other end. "Yeah, I love you too." Britney smiled.

"Do ya'll want anything to eat?" J.C. called out from the pool fence. Britney glanced over her shoulder to him. "Yeah, get me a chicken sandwich and a glass of iced tea!" Britney hollered back. "What about Joey?" J.C. questioned. "Get him a hamburger I guess." Britney shrugged, responding for her boyfriend. J.C. nodded and ran off.

Justin stood straight under the beating, hot sun. He watched as Brian ran over to him with a smile. "Ready for your tennis lesson?" Brian asked as he dropped his own racket. Justin nodded. Brian looked over to Lance who stood ready to start the ball machine. Brian winked his way and then got behind Justin. "Okay, now your form has to be perfect." Brian whispered, lifting Justin's back hand. Brian placed his arms with Justin's so he could align Justin. Lance pressed the automatic button on the machine and set it to a low speed. The balls began to shoot from the machine at a smooth pace. Brian guided Justin in his swings, hitting each ball as it flew by. "Good." Brian whispered to Justin, lowering his hands to Justin's hips. "Now make sure to have the right standing position." Brian advised as he held Justin's hips. He moved Justin's body as the balls began to pick up pace. Justin swung with percison and hit each ball. "Relax your shoulders a bit." Brian suggested, placing his arms back up with Justin's. Justin nodded and awaited the next ball.

The next ball clicked out of the machine as the others did. He pulled back and felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He lurched forward slightly and missed the next ball. Justin squinted his eyes tightly and tried to hold back his screams. "Are you okay?" Brian asked quickly. "Yeah, I think I just hurt my shoulder." Justin lied, still feeling winded by his stomach pain. Brian placed his hands around Justin's stomach and lifted him. He carried Justin to the side and they both sat on the tennis court.

Lance switched off the machine and ran over to them with concern. "Is everything okay?" Lance asked, feeling out of breath. Lance knelt down to examine his friend. "Yeah, I just got a sharp pain in my stomach." Justin nodded. He manuevered his shoulder around as if the pain was there. "It must be from the earthquake." Justin wrote it off quickly. "Maybe." Lance agreed. Brian was less convinced by Justin's words. "Well let's take a break." Brian finally agreed. Brian placed his hands on Justin's knees and stared at him. "Ugh, here you two go again." Lance complained as he stood. He walked away with a small smile upon his face.

Brian brought Justin's knees together and then rested his chin on them. Justin was propped up by his hands. "Just a little tired?" Brian questioned. Justin nodded, small drop of sweat trickling down his face. Brian just kept his eyes on Justin's face with nothing to say. "You know you need a Kodak camera." Justin teased. "I prefer the real thing." Brian smiled. "You can be real attractive when you're being sarcastic." Justin laughed lightly. "You're gorgeous all of the time." Brian responded lowly. Justin blushed again. "Did you know I carry a picture of you everywhere I go?" Brian asked. Justin shook his head. Brian removed his hands and chin from Justin's knees and dug down into his khaki shorts. He pulled out his wallet and then grabbed the picture he had of Justin. He handed Justin the picture with pride. Justin looked at the picture and a smile overcame his face. "I don't have a picture of you to carry around." Justin complained. "I'll get you one." Brian answered. "Promise." Justin demanded. "I promise you." Brian whispered. Brian pulled out another picture for Justin to admire. Justin looked at the picture of him and Brian. It was a picture they had taken with the photographer at Lance's party. "We look..." Justin's words were interupted by Brian's. "So much in love." Brian finished Justin's sentence. Justin nodded. Justin handed Brian back both pictures. "This was all I had to keep me smiling in L.A." Brian informed Justin. "Well, I had your clothes." Justin laughed. Brian looked at him with confusion written on his face. "Inside joke." Justin giggled. Brian raised his brow at Justin. "Come and get your grub!" Brian and Justin heard J.C. call out to them. Justin gave Brian an appealing look and then stood. Brian followed and they both walked out the tennis court.

Justin sat in a long lounge chair with Brian facing him. Justin was feeding Brian a few grapes while Brian massaged his leg. Lance sat in the chair next to him trying to fight his flu. J.C. sat next to him, holding onto Lance's hand for comfort while eating his salad. Britney sat poolside with Joey eating. Amanda was laying out in the sun nearby watching Britney and Joey converse.

Brian munched on another grape when A.J. walked up to them. "Read 'em and weap!" A.J. hissed as he threw a copy of the Globe on the table next to Brian and Justin. Justin and Brian both looked at A.J. as if he was crazy. Brian snatched the magazine from the table and looked at the cover. "Oh, Carmen Elektra has fathered Bill Clinton's baby!" Brian laughed. "Not that asshole. Look at the bottom." A.J. sighed. "Oh shit! The secret love lives of the Backstreet Boys!" Brian jumped. "Yeah, that part. Now flip to page 47 for the real deal." A.J. complained. Brian quickly fumbled through the pages and got to the article. "Oh my..." Brian gasped. "Did you read the part about A.J. and Amanda going through an abusive relationship in which I gave her a black eye?" A.J. said with pure anger. "Or how about the part where Nick molested one of our fans?" A.J. added. "What the hell!?" Brian yelled. "Oh yeah, you're looking at the part where it says that you and Justin are an item." A.J. nodded. "Excuse me?" Justin questioned him. "That's right, it has in there that you and Brian are more than just friends. The article says that you two not only share hotel rooms, but hotel beds." A.J. explained. "No fucking way!" J.C. barked. "With pictures." A.J. added. Brian looked at the picture of Brian and Justin, at a club in Cancun, talking. "Secret lovers... the two will never part." A.J. recites verbatim.

"We're screwed." Justin whimpered. Brian shook his head and then grasped the paper in anger. "No you're not." Lance argued. "No one believes the tabloids and since you've shown no sign to the public that you guys are anything more than good friends, there is no way this is going to go further than the shopping lines at Publix." Lance explained. "Those shopping lines go a long way." J.C. argued. "We'll be fine." Brian disagreed, throwing the paper to the side. "I mean it said that me and Justin were more than friends, but it never said any truth about any of us. Who would believe that Nickie would molest anyone?" Brian furthered his argument. "But it is true Brian. You and Justin are much more than friends." J.C. reminded him. "But the world doesn't know that." Brian warned him.

"As long as I don't have cops bangin' on my hotel room tonight saying I hit Amanda, then I'm cool." A.J. said with less anger. "Now that's something I'd never believe." Amanda said as she walked by. "I mean it'd have to be me who was abusive towards him." Amanda tried to joke. "Does that mean you two have worked things out?" Lance asked her. "We're in negotiations." Amanda teased. "You'll always be my Panda." A.J. said softly towards her. "Oh, that's sweet!" J.C. snickered.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 88) By JM

Brian looked over to Justin who was still unnerved by the article. "Can I have another grape?" Brian requested to ease Justin's worries. Justin looked back at Brian with a straight face. "Is that a no?" Brian questioned. Justin smiled and then leaned forward. he placed a grape between his lips and then moved closer to Brian. Brian stuck his tongue out and then kissed Justin. He used his tongue to maneuver the grape from Justin's lips. Brian chewed the grape while trying to kiss Justin. Justin kept his lips pressing back and forth on Brian's lips. "Ahem!" J.C. quickly cleared his throat. Brian and Justin ignored him and kept their kiss going. Brian felt two arms wrap around his chest and then Justin felt a hand grab on his shirt. Soon the two were pulled apart by J.C. and A.J. "You two can make out later on and all. But we've gotta get upstairs now." A.J. stated while pulling Brian back. Brian laughed sorely and then gave up his attempt to get back to Justin.

A.J.'s phone rang loudly from the table. Amanda quickly snatched it up before A.J. could. "Hello!" Amanda yelled into the phone. Brian stood from the lounge chair and striahgtened his clothes out. "Brian, it's Nick," Amanda smiled and handed Brian the phone. "Why is he calling me phone then?" A.J. questioned. "Because Brian's phone is upstairs." Justin responded. Brian clicked off A.J.'s phone and handed it to A.J. Brian took a seat again with Justin. "Uhm, you don't mind if I go to a club with Nick tonight, do you?" Brian asked of Justin. "It's your life." Justin replied, feeling a bit angered by the question. "No, it's our life. Do you mind?" Brian asked again. Justin sat back in the chair with a frown. "No, I don't mind." Justin finally answered. "Are you sure?" Brian wanted to be sure himself. "Yes." Justin nodded. Brian leaped forward and gave Justin a quick kiss. "I love you." Brian whispered. Justin giggled and ran his hand over Brian's cheek. "Don't have too much fun." Justin replied. "Not without you." Brian laughed.

Brian stood from the chair and began to leave. "You're just leaving him behind?" Lance called out to Brian. Brian turned around and then ran back over to Justin. He placed his lips on Justin's again and slipped his tongue into Justin's mouth. Their kiss lasted for minutes before Brian released Justin's lips. "I love you." Brian whispered again. "I love you too." Justin replied. Brian smiled and ran off.

"You're very brave." J.C. warned Justin. "No, I'm trusting." Justin replied. "Well me and Amanda have to get moving." A.J. informed everyone. "We do?" Amanda asked him. A.J. turned towards her. "Yes because we're going to dinner." A.J. responded. "Oh, we are?" Amanda smiled. A.J. grabbed her hand and walked off with her.

"I had better get upstairs." Lance suggested, standing. "I'll walk you." J.C. added. Lance leaned forward and kissed J.C. on the cheek. "It's not necessary." Lance told him. "Tonight?" J.C. gave Lance a familiar question. "We'll see." Lance winked at him. J.C. made a bold move and kissed Lance on the lips. When he moved away, a smile circled Lance's lips. Lance waved goodbye and then began to walk towards the hotel.

"What about those two?" Justin asked, pointing towards Joey and Britney. J.C. looked over towards them. Britney was laying on a lounge chair while Joey's back laid on her stomach. Britney was massaging Joey's shoulders with care while Joey sippoed on a Lemonade. "Leave them alone. They'll be fine." J.C. decided. Justin agreed as he looked at the happy couple.

"What are you going to do?" J.C. asked, gazing towards Justin. "Uh, I'll probably just go to dinner alone and then go to bed early." Justin answered. "You know we're driving in the bus to Lexington, right?" J.C. asked. Justin nodded. Justin nodded. "That's why I'm going to bed early." Justin added. "Let's go to dinner." J.C. suggested. "You mean me, you and Lance?" Justin questioned. "No, just me and you." J.C. replied. Justin looked at him with a strange gaze. "I've always thought of you as my best friend. So I thought maybe you and me could just have dinner and talk about some things," J.C. stated. "Some things?" Justin question J.C.'s suggestion. "Justin, you're getting married soon. I'd like to know that I can spend some time with you before you and Brian committ your lives to each other." J.C. joked. "Okay, let's do it then." Justin agreed. "Good." J.C. smiled back.

The night came scarce. Justin and J.C. walked into the floor in which their rooms were. they were smiling and they were happy. "So you two have a guest list?" J.C. asked as they reached J.C.'s room. "No, not yet." Justin replied sadly. "What about best men?" J.C. asked, dropping the subtle hint. "No, we haven't decided that either." Justin laughed, sensing J.C.'s need to be his best man. "It's not that hard." J.C. joked. "Yeah, right!" Justin smiled. J.C. peeked his head into his room to see if A.J. and Amanda had returned. The room was dark and empty. "Good, they're not back." J.C. cheered.

"Are you staying in your room or Lance's room?" Justin asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." J.C. teased. "I just wanna know which room to expect the loud screaming and moaning from." Justin giggled. "Your room!" J.C. laughed and lightly punched Justin in the arm. "I doubt it." Justin shook his head. "Yeah right J. You and Brian fuck like rabbits!" J.C. laughed. "No we don't," Justin disagreed. "Oh come on. We have a bet in the groups that you and Brian go through the most box of condoms in a month." J.C. teased him. "Ah, we don't use condoms that often asshole." Justin giggled. "I forgot, you guys only fuck each other." J.C. sneered. Justin nodded. "Yeah well, at one time I couldn't say the same." J.C. joked on his own problems. "But now you can. And you and Lance fuck like dogs! All the noise you two make!" Justin said loudly. "Oh really?" J.C. asked. "How many bed sprins have ya'll broken now?" Justin joked with revenge. "Less than you and Brian." J.C. responded. "That's because we had a headstart." Justin laughed.

"How you lost your virginity before me and Lance could, I'll never know." J.C. laughed. "Don't feel bad. Kevin's still a virgin." Justin informed him. "He's the only one left." Justin added. "No, he's not." J.C. replied. "Huh?" Justin questioned. "Lance told me that he never fucked Nick. Nick fucked him." J.C. responded. "You mean Nick's still a virgin!?" Justin gasped. J.C. quickly covered Justin's mouth. "Don't tell anyone." J.C. warned him. Justin nodded. J.C. slowly removed his hand from Justin's mouth.

"Can you believe that there is six years between you and Brian, yet ya'll act like you two were born on the same day and the same year." J.C. pondered. "It's the prozac." Justin snickered. "No, but really. it's hard for me to believe. As many girls all over the world you could have fucked just one night, you saved yourself. And then you and Brian get it before the rest of us except for A.J., Joey and Chris." J.C. couldn't believe. "What about Howie?" Justin questioned. "Try Cancun." J.C. laughed. "Serious?" Justin asked. J.C. nodded. "Well I guess I didn't want a one night stand." Justin replied. "And how did you know it wasn't going to be like that with Brian?" J.C. wondered. "I trusted him." Justin answered. "And so... I mean you two didn't commit to each other for like three days after that first night." J.C. set good points. "Yeh, but we felt like we were already a couple. At least I did. He didn't sleep with anyone else, he didn't touch anyone else. He just stook by my side." Justin answered. "But he did kiss Nick." J.C. reminded Justin. Justin hated to think that before Brian made love to that night he had kissed Nick. "Brian was unsure I think. Nick's been his best friend for a long time and even before me and Brian kissed for the first time, I thought Nick and him were fucking." Justin stated. "I can't imagine that. Nick's so agressive and Brian doesn't like that." J.C. assured Justin. "You're so gentle and innocent. Plus you're rather modest." J.C. complimented him. "Well how the hell did Lance fall for Nick then?! You two are total opposites." Justin worried. "Sex is a powerful thing Justin." J.C. answered plainly. "Yeah and with Nick, it's the only thing." Justin added.

"Was it a one night stand for you and Lance?" Justin asked. "I felt that way. I fucked him, he fucked me and that was it. We didn't talk about it or try and make it pleasureable. I mean, it was the best sex I've ever had, but it was sensual. We moved it too quickly." J.C. responded. "It was your first time." Justin assured him. "Okay sex therapist. But I know it was totally different for you and Brian." J.C. disagreed. "Maybe it's because me and Brian had kissed and whatever before we even had sex. We connected first." Justin shrugged.

"Well if I could do it again, I wouldn't lose my virginity in the locker room and I wouldn't fuck Lance on a basketball court." J.C. sighed. "Well then, set up something to make it just like the first time. Take Lance to a different hotel, get some candles, a nice room and make love to him like you'd want to that first time." Justin suggested. J.C. thought over Justin's suggestion. "Has Brian ever done that for you?" J.C. asked. Justin nodded. "More than once huh?" J.C. laughed. Justin nodded again. "It sounds romantic." J.C. sighed, leaning against his door. "It'll bring you both back to where you belong. In a loving relationship." Justin added. "I think I will do that." J.C. finally decided. "Take your time." Justin advised. "I will." J.C. smiled back.

"Okay, I'm off to bed J.C. Take care." Justin yawned out. "You too Curly. Don't make too much noise tonight." J.C. giggled. "Yes Daddy. Same goes to you." Justin laughed. J.C. stepped into his room and closed the door.

Justin fumbled through his pockets for his key. He grasped it and walked towards his room. Justin as he reached the door, he heard the elevator doors open and two loud laughters echo through the hall. Justin gazed down to the elevator and saw Nick and Brian stumbling down the hall. Justin watched them with anger. Both of them were drunk and they failed to realize it themselves.

"Do you wanna come into my room? Chris is out." Nick asked with a laugh. "Sure." Brian shrugged. Nick grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him down towards his room. Justin cleared his throat loudly as Nick and Brian reached the door. Nick and Chris's room was right across the hall from Brian and Justin's room. Brian looked up and saw Justin. Justin stood with his arms crossed and his face was full of anger. "Oh hey there Justin!" Brian yelled out. Nick looked up to Justin and then smiled. "What do you two think you're doing?" Justin questioned. "I'm just going into Nick's room." Brian answered. "Yeah, he's coming into my room." Nick said from behind Brian. Nick stuck his tongue out and ran it next to Brian's ear, without touching it, to create more anger in Justin's body. "No, he's not." Justin hissed. "You're not Brian's father or mother Justin. He can go wherever he fucking chooses to." Nick argued with a slur. "I said he's not going in your room." Justin repeated. Brian looked at Justin with shock. "Justin go to bed." Brian sighed. "Not without you." Justin argued. "Well then you'll be standing there for awhile." Nick snickered.

"I'm just going into Nick's room to talk for awhile Justin." Brian stated, his druken movements signaling to Justin the worst. "That's not what Nick wants." Justin warned him. "And how do you know!?" Brian yelled at him. "Because he's Nick." Justin barked. Nick grapsed his crotch and then smiled at Justin. "Don't talk about my friends like that. They can't all be like J.C. and Lance!" Brian argued. "Brian, you're drunk and acting like an idiot." Justin sighed. "You see Brian? If he loved you, he'd trust you enough to let you come and talk with me for awhile." Nick butted in. "You don't want to 'talk' Nick." Justin grumbled. "And if I did want to fuck Brian? Are you going to stop him? Are you going to control everything he does?" Nick barked. "Are you?" Brian asked with a frown. "Justin, I love you." Brian whispered. "Then don't go in there with him." Justin responded without a smile.

"I'm going in Nick's room Justin. Get over it." Brian finally gave up. Justin approached Brian. Nick leaned forward and began to kiss Brian's neck. "Come on Bri... let's go and talk." Nick whispered as he kissed Brian's neck. Brian closed his eyes and felt a moan grasp his lips. "Brian... don't." Justin pleaded. Brian opened his eyes and stared at Justin with hate. "You are so bent on making me do what you want, aren't you? Always trying to make me see it your way. I thought you said you trusted me?! If you can't trust me to be with my friends, then I can't deal with this shit." Brian yelled at him. Justin didn't move his ground. "I'm going." Brian repeated. "Don't say that." Justin warned him. "Don't fucking tell me what to say Justin." Brian hissed.

Nick stepped into his room and beckoned for Brian to follow. "Goodbye." Brian whispered. "Brian..." Justin pleaded with tears in his eyes. Before he could finish his words, Brian quickly spun back. As he did, his arm raised up, his hands balling into a fist. Brian arm came back at Justin and with a flash, his fist slapped into Justin's mouth. Justin stumbled back in shock. Brian swung his arm lazily and looked at him. Tears streamed down Justin's face. Justin lifted his head and brought a hand up to his lip. Justin touched his lower lip lightly and looked at his fingers. Blood was mixed with saliva on the tips of his fingers. Brian was still in shock from what he had just done. He didn't know what to say to Justin. "Goodbye." Brian repeated and stepped into Nick's room. Justin's hand trembled as he cried.

Justin didn't know where to go or what to do. He found himself crying as he walked down the hall. He stood outside of the room 908 with tears still cascading down his cheeks. He whimpered as the door swung open. Britney stopped as she saw who was standing outside. "Justin?" she questioned as she looked into his face. "Justin, what's wrong?" Britney asked with fear. Justin couldn't answer her. Britney looked and could see Justin's lip was bleeding. "Joey!" she called out as she brought Justin into the room. "What is it Britney..." Joey stopped himself as he saw Justin. "Something's wrong." Britney gushed as she brought Justin over to Joey. "Just? What's up?" Joey asked. Justin quickly threw his arms around Joey and cried. Joey pulled Justin into a hug and held him. "What's wrong?" Joey asked with serious concern. "His lip is bleeding." Britney informed Joey. "How did it happen Justin?" Joey asked as he held him. Justin didn't respond. He just continued to cry.

Britney pulled her hair up into a ponytail and tried to think of what to do. "Go to your room Brit." Joey advised. "Do you need me for anything?" was all that she could ask. "No, I'll take care of Justin. I'll just let him stay here." Joey responded softly. "Okay, uhm, call me in the morning." Britney requested. Joey nodded, still hugging Justin. Britney leaned up and gave Joey a quick kis on the cheek. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the hotel room.

Joey hushed Justin and looked down at him. He released Justin and grabbed his hand. Joey walked Justin over to the bed and sat Justin down. Joey walked into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. "What happened?" he asked as he returned to the room. Justin didn't want to answer. "Did he hit you?" Joey asked as he wiped the blood from Justin's lip. Justin's lip trembled. "Was it over Nick?" Joey questioned. Justin nodded. Joey applied some cream to Justin's lip and then let Justin rest his head on his shoulder. "Don't hurt him." Justin pleaded with fear. "I won't touch him Justin. I'm not going to say anything to him." Joey said with a calm tone. "But you two are through." Joey added. Justin let another tear run down his face. "He was drunk." Justin tried to plea. "I don't care if he was high off LSD, he had no right to hit you." Joey argued. "I'm so scared Joey because... I.. I love... him so much..." Justin sobbed. Joey ran his hand over Justin's head for comfort. "I know you do Curly. I know when he's sobered up, he'll say the same. But I can't let you cry like this or go through this much pain because of Brian or that bastard Nick." Joey whispered.

Justin sniffled and raised his head. He looked down at his ring and knew that he couldn't take it off. Joey watched Justin. "Just get some sleep and then you'll be able to take it off in the morning." Joey suggested. "No, I don't want to end it." Justin whimpered. "Justin, when he hit you, he ended it." Joey stated. Justin couldn't nod this time. He knew in his heart that Brian cared too much for him. Joey stood from the bed and walked over to the chair in the corner. "Get some rest Justin." Joey whispered. Justin nodded and crawled back onto the bed. Justin grabbed the pillow and within minutes, he was sleeping in Joey's bed.

Brian sat in Nick's room with Nick in his lap. Nick was completely naked while Brian still had all of his clothing on. Nick was kissing Brian's neck and Brian's eyes were wide open. He could only think of what he had just done to Justin. It was a haunting picture that controlled his mind. All of the times he stood by Justin and all of the times he hurt Justin were clouding his judgement.

"How does it feel?" Nick whispered into his ear. "Get off me." Brian whispered back. "Huh?" Nick asked. "Get off of me!" Brian barked, pushing Nick back. Nick fell to the floor with a thump. "Brian, what's wrong?" Nick asked with concern. "I can't do this. I don't love you." Brian shook his head as he spoke. "I.. love Justin.. and I just hurt him..." Brian whimpered, feeling tears form in his eyes. Brian stepped over Nick and walked out of the room. "Brian.." Nick whimpered as he laid on the floor.

Brian walked across the hall to his room and banged on it. "Justin!" he called out as his fist hit the door. He received no response. Brian placed his ear to the door and could only hear the sounds of Tyke and BJ at the door. 'He's not in there.' Brian thought to himself.

Brian walked down the hall and looked at each room. 'Maybe he's with J.C.?' Brian thought. Brian ran down the hall to J.C.'s room and pounded on the door. The door opened slightly and A.J. peeked his head out. "A.J., where's J.C.?" Brian asked frantically. "Uhm, in Lance's room." A.J. answered shyly. "A.J., will you come on." Brian heard Amanda call out. Brian was becoming frusturated. "Have you seen Justin?" Brian asked. "No, I haven't." A.J. replied. "Check Joey's room because we saw Britney going to her room on our way here." A.J. suggested and then closed the door.

Brian ran to Joey's room and pounded on the door with tears still burning his eyes. "Joey!" Brian called out as he awaited a response. The door swung open and Joey stepped outside. Joey closed the door behind himself quietly. "What is it Brian?" Joey asked with a disturbed face. "Have you seen Justin?" Brian asked with short breath. "Yeah, he's in there." Joey nodded. "I have to speak with him." Brian begged. "No, he's not going to talk to you." Joey responded. Brian looked at him with utter disappointment. "Please Joey, I have to!" Brian pleaded. "No Brian." Joey responded again. "You've hurt him too much this time Brian." Joey stated. "But I'm..." Joey finished Brian's words. "You're sorry. And you always are." Joey added. Joey was shaking his head at Brian with complete disappointment.

They stood in silence. "I'm sorry Brian. I like you, but not enough to let you kill everything Justin is." Joey spoke up. "I.. I didn't mean to hit him." Brian cried. "Brian, look at yourself. You smell as if you've been to Mardi Gras. You chose Nick over Justin again and you expect me to understand? You still don't know what you have in Justin, do you?" Joey barked at him lowly. "He's not your shoulder everytime you need to apologize. He's your fiancé." Joey chastised him. Brian agreed. "Joey, I can't change what I've done and maybe I apologize too many times, but if there's one thing I know it's how much I love him. That's something you'll never understand." Brian explained. "Of course I'll never understand because if I was Justin, I would have left you the first time. But even now he cares for you." Joey argued.

"Something's seriously wrong with Justin, Brian. You need to ask him about it because the way you're acting, Justin may be in worse shape because of you. I don't want to see you fuck up a good thing, Brian." Joey spoke to him with care. "Justin's a friend that I love dearly. And I know between you two, the love is ten times more powerful." Joey added. "What can I do?" Brian asked. "Leave him alone." Joey answered. "I don't want to leave him." Brian sobbed. Joey gave Brian a small hug. "I know you don't want to... but Brian this is serious. You hit Justin." Joey stated. "I love him so much, it's hurting me." Brian cried, still hugging Joey. "That's the same thing he said. Right now though, he needs to sleep. He needs to get it out of his system. You need to go to bed and get sober. Then you need to promise him that you won't ever touch him again. You have to promise that Nick is never going to come between you two again and you have to promise that you won't touch another drop of alcohol again." Joey demanded. He released Brian and then looked at him. Brian wiped the tears away. "I will." Brian whispered. "Good." Joey smiled.

"Now, come here for a minute." Joey said, grabbing Brian's arm. Joey opened the door to his room and peered inside. There was no sign of Justin in the room. He pulled Brian inside and walked Brian back to the bedroom. Joey looked inside and saw that Justin was still fast asleep. Joey guided Brian inside with a smile. "Go ahead." Joey softly ushered Brian over to the bed. Brian smiled lightly and walked over to the bed.

Brian looked down at the sleeping Justin. Justin's face was just as gentle as it always was. Brian leaned down quietly and gave Justin a small kiss on the cheek. "I love you." Brian whispered and backed away. Brian walked back over to Joey. "He'll see you in the morning." Joey informed Brian. Brian nodded and walked out of the room.

Justin arose from Joey's bed, his head throbbing. He looked around the room and could see that Joey was in the other room. Justin walked into the room and saw Joey reading a magazine. "Did you sleep good?" Joey asked, not lifting his head from the magazine. "Yeah." Justin nodded and scratched his back. "Go down to your room and get some clothes to change into. Then we'll go grab some grub." Joey advised. Justin stretched sorely.

Justin felt himself all of the sudden get sick and he rushed into Joey's bathroom. Without even thinking, Justin was vomitting in the toliet. Joey stepped into the bathroom and looked down at Justin. "This is serious." Joey whispered. Justin nodded and looked up. He was crying lightly as he stood. Justin quickly wiped the tears away and stepped to the sink. "When are you going to tell Brian?" Joey asked Justin as Justin washed his face. "What does it matter to him?" Justin questioned as he wiped his face. "Alot." Joey answered. Justin ran his wet fingers over his curls and then looked into the mirror. "You still love him." Joey smiled as he stepped away from the mirror. Justin couldn't argue with him. He did still love Brian.

Justin walked down the hall to his room barefooted. He was still in his boxers and T-shirt. Justin came closer to the room and saw a figure sitting on the floor outside of the room. Justin stopped to find out who it was. Justin sighed as he realized it was Brian. Justin hesitated going any further. He saw Brian lift his head. Justin knew he had no choice but to face the music.

Justin walked to the door and began to open the door with his key. "I'm sorry." he heard Brian whisper. Justin ginored him and pushed the door open. He left the door open, expecting Brian to follow. Justin grabbed his bag and then looked at BJ. "Come on BJ." Justin called for his puppy to follow. BJ happily ran after Justin.

Justin stepped back into the hall and saw Brian still sitting outside of the room. Justin threw his bag on the floor and knelt down to where Brian was. Brian looked up, his face was a shade lighter and his eyes were stricken with red. "I've been up all night thinking." Brian said. "And what conclusions did you come to?" Justin asked. "That nothing is this world could mean more to me than you." Brian answered. "That's nice to know." Justin sighed. "No, I know you want more than that. But Justin, that's all I can say." Brian said softly. "Fine." Justin shrugged. "Justin, it's not fine. I know you don't want us to breakup, but it's not right. What I did was wrong." Brian tried to make Justin realize. "I should have never laid a hand on you." Brian apologized. "And I should have listened to you. I know that but last night I was too drunk to know." Brian added. Justin looked at the ground to avoid Brian. "I know we've had a lot of bumps in the road, but Justin I can't let you suffer anymore." Brian sighed. Justin looked up at him with pain. "I don't want to..." Justin sniffled. "I don't either. So I'm asking you for another chance. I'm asking you to help me make it right this time." Brian pleaded. "Help me to love you without hurting you." Brian finally confessed. Justin didn't know how to answer him.

Justin scooted forward and hugged Brian. Brian rested his head on Justin's shoulder and let a few tears fall. "No, I can't expect you to understand this easily." Brian pushed Justin back lightly. "But Brian I do understand." Justin whispered. Justin rubbed away the tears from Brian's face. "I don't want you to cry because of me anymore.." Brian fussed with tears. Justin placed a finger on Brian's lips. "I won't... I promise you I won't." Justin whimpered. "No, I promise you that I will do EVERYTHING I can to make you happy." Brian cried. "Just stay with me." Justin begged. "I don't want to let you go." Brian nodded. Justin and Brian hugged again.

Brian let Justin go and tried to laugh off his pain. "We didn't breakup did we?" Brian asked. "No, we didn't." Justin laughed with him. "Okay, that was for the record." Brian smiled.

"Brian..." Justin started out his sentence. "Tell me what's wrong Justin. I need to know." Brian pleaded. "Brian, I have Gastritis and I have have to get surgery." Justin answered. Brian was stumped. "The doctor said I shouldn't have it this long and that it may be causing problems with my stomach." Justin added. This revalation answered many questions for Brian. Brian hugged Justin tightly. "I'm sorry babe." Brian whispered. "She said that if... if I had too much stress that it may affect it even worse." Justin whimpered. "Shh.. it's okay." Brian assured him. "I'm with you now." Brian whispered. Justin nodded and let Brian go.

Brian leaned forward and kissed Justin. Justin returned the kiss and then quickly pulled away. "Ouch, that hurts." Justin giggled as he lightly touched the cut on his lip. Brian frowned. "That would be my fault." Brian said. "I think we had better check that ring I got you." Justin smiled. Justin laid in Brian's arms, Brian still leaning against the wall. "How will we know if you need surgery?" Brian asked. "I go back after the last show of the tour." Justin responded. Brian sighed lowly. "I want you to be okay." Brian whispered. "I do too." Justin nodded. Brian ran his hand over Justin's strawberry blonde hair. Justin scartched his ear. They were happy just laying in the hallway trying to re-capture the love they had.


*** Sorry for the late delivery! I'll be out of school afer this week, so I can get alot of things done! Gotta get that out first... otherwise, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm about two more segments away from starting Chapter 100. I think I have the title and the storyline that helped me. Now, I still need an artist! But that looks impossible as of now. For the record, like Brian said, Brian and Justin did not breakup! Just so everyone knows. Also, another awards is coming up in July/August. It will be handled by the Vascardi's and not me this time around. But be sure to vote/nominate! And thanks to everyone who came out for the Fan Forum!!! I appreciate it soooooo much! We had a lot of fun and I got to know a lot of people. We are having forums every weekend now just for authors and readers to chat. So besure to get on ICQ!! ***

** Okay, I do realize that it's hard to find a place to legally get married for Brian and Justin. I am nor sure if it is legal in Hawaii, but since this story is fictional, I'm using it anyway. So please, just go along with it. Also, that invitation that was mentioned, I have made it up. You can check it out on my new website for the stories!!! Yeah!! The address is: it out and tell me what you think! You will be able to find all of the pictures, stories, lyrics and evreything else there from now on. But you'll still find the stories on Nifty. **

**** Now for the Public Service Announcement: Abuse is a serious thing in today's soceity. In this recent story, I touched lightly on the subject, but I didn't want to ruin Brian and Justin's relationship by making it more than that. Abuse is something nevre to be taken lightly. Some people aren't like Brian and Justin, so don't think because you're in a abusive relationship that you can resolve it like they did. If someone hits you more than once, then that's one too many times. An accident can happen the first time, but after that, it's gone too far. Please, if you are in abusive relationship, try and find a way out. Now I can't be of help because I'm not a counselour, but do seek professional help. That is all I ask of you. And if you are a friend, don't let the abuse continue. Please help that person. Thanks. And I do realize that I spoke of religion in this instalement and to some, that's wrong, but to me it's my life. Please don't take offense by it, but religion is a major part of Brian and Justin's real lives, so I placed it in here. try and understand if I have offended you. ****

  • Special thanks to Leprechaun! He helped me greatly with this by encouraging me! So read his series and tell him thanks! God Bless. *

Next: Chapter 35: Brian and Justin 89 94

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