Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Aug 28, 2000


So Together Written by JM

--- This story occurs before 'Angel's Wings Part 4.' It centers on each member of *NSYNC and their current relationships. This story will reflect some of the events in the next story, 'Angel's Wings Part 5', and also some of the past events in 'Angel's Wings.' I hope you enjoy it! It's only a brief interlude, but I thought I'd add some more elements to the story this way and to reflect on some of the other relationships you haven't been seeing that often. ---

"Flight 211 to Chicago is now boarding." A woman's voice announced over the loud speaker. An airport in Los Angeles was not the place the members of *NSYNC wanted to be at the moment, but they had just completed filming their final shots for their new video, 'Bye Bye Bye Remix.' Now they were ready to board their plane to leave for Mississippi so that they could continue their U.S. tour.

"Damn, it's only nine o'clock here." Joey grumbled as he listened to the first ring in his cellular phone. "Nine here doesn't exactly mean nine in Kentwood, Joe." Lance commented as he pressed numbers into his cell phone. Joey rolled his eyes promptly and walked in the direction of the pay phones.

He didn't feel like discussing time schematics with Lance at the minute. He preferred to share a conversation with his girlfriend, Britney Spears. That was his goal at the minute and the hours did not mean much to him.

"Hello?" A young voice came into the phone, causing Joey to halt in his steps. Joey smiled awkwardly when recognizing the girl's voice. "Hey Jamie Lynn, it's Joey." Joey chimed when speaking to Britney's younger sister. "Hi Joey! Where are you? Are you having fun on tour?" Jamie shot out with a high-pitched voice. Joey giggled quietly, beginning his hike once more as she laughed. "Yeah, it's fun Jamie. I'm in L.A. right now." Joey answered her fleetly. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed by now?" he questioned the younger girl as he trotted through some of the airport occupants. He glanced down at his watch, he had finally decided to calculate the time. "Nope, nope. Momma said I could stay up and watch this movie with her and Britney Jean." Jamie cheered. Joey could feel the happiness that resounded through her petite voice. "Oh, that was nice of your mom. What'cha gals watchin'?" Joey questioned, attempting to mimic their thick country accents.

"Uhm, Steel Mag... Steel Magnails... Steel Maganeeds..." Jamie troubled with pronouncing the title of the movie. "Steel Magnolias?" Joey pondered, trying to hold in laughter at her. "Uh huh! That's the one!" Jamie exclaimed proudly. Joey finally exhaled his laughter, stopping by a wall and leaning his left shoulder on it. He leaned in an incline and relaxed to continue his conversation with Britney's sister.

"So, is Britney crying on all the sad parts?" Joey asked with wonder about his girlfriend. He knew she was a sentimental person, and when she, Brian, Justin, and him watched 'The Green Mile', he could remember vividly her crying like a child. He could also remember himself, Brian and Justin shed a few tears, but that was natural considering the content of the movie. "Yeah, she's crying as always. Momma says she's just a big ole' cry baby, but Momma's in here crying too!" Jamie boasted. Joey fell into an uproaring laughter, drawing eyes on him from different directions. Joey ducked his head down and proceeded to laugh when hearing the information. It was too humorous for Joey to deny. He tried to silence his snickers after hearing Jamie giggling on the other end of the phone. It was, for him, too precious.

"Do you wanna speak to your girlfriend now?" Jamie crooned. Her words brought about a heavy shade of red in Joey's cheeks. He cleared his throat and then sighed longly. "Yes, can I speak to your sister Jamie?" Joey requested in a minute voice. He could sense that Jamie was laughing at him.

"Sure! Britney Jean is still crying though, so hold on." Jamie responded chipperly. Joey agreed inaudibly and allowed the younger girl to leave the phone.

Joey rested his head on the wall while waiting. He glanced around, spotting J.C. glancing out the window of the airport, clutching his cell phone tightly by his side. His eyes viewed Justin sitting with Dre and Lonnie, slowly bobbing his head to a song he listened to via his portable CD player. His eyes then turned on Lance as he talked with someone through his cell phone. Joey's brown eyes searched the immediate area and could see Chris nowhere. 'Must be in the bathroom.' Joey thought as he leaned his head off the wall.

"He-Hello?" Britney's whimpering voice came into the phone softly. Joey's heart fluttered when hearing his girlfriend. He smiled politely. "Hey Brit', are you crying?" Joey inquired, trying to disguise the fact that he already knew. Britney sniffled lightly and cleared her throat. "I'm watching Steel Magnolias, Joey." Britney responded in a shaky voice. Joey nibbled on the corner of his lower lip. "Yeah, Jamie Lynn told me sweetie." Joey spoke softly to her. Britney groaned promptly. "That little brat. I bet she made it seem like I was crying up a storm." Britney complained, losing her whimpering voice. Joey snorted at her sudden distaste for her younger sister. "I think it's kind of cute that you cry at chick flix." Joey tittered with her. "Oh, shut up Joey. It's a very uplifting movie. It reminds you that family and friends are what make you happiest." Britney gushed, defending her sentimental side. Joey only laughed more at her. "Okay Brit', I understand. I'm sorry." Joey finally became halfway serious with his girlfriend in an attempt not to anger her.

"So, why did you call me?" Britney finally asked the question that concerned her. Joey arched his eyebrow with discontent. He hated being questioned about his actions. He believed that it was a caring thought of his to contact his girlfriend above anyone else. "Gosh, Brit', can't I call you and just talk to you? Tell you how much I miss you?" Joey wondered with a hint of animosity running through his voice. He picked up a sigh through the phone, an irritated one. "Yes, Joey, you can, but not around midnight. I figured something must be wrong for you to just call me out of the blue like this." Britney replied in a less flattering tone. Joey did not approve of the sound. He refused to permit himself to sigh. "Well, do you miss me?" Joey inquired. He sensed a silence following his inquiry. He was predictable. For some reason, he had to pressure Britney to release her affectionate side with him when they were apart. When they were face-to-face, hugging or kissing, he could easily spring emotions from her heart. Whenever he was on the road or in a different city, she never seemed to admit how much she wanted him near. It troubled Joey immensely. "Honestly?" she leaked out. Joey puckered his lips. 'No, lie to me.' Joey thought sarcastically. "Yes, please, tell me the truth." Joey pleaded in a more sincere way. "Well, I miss you a lot then. It's not the same with me here and you out there. I've wanted to come and see you guys, just to spend a little time with you and possibly, well, you know... but Johnny's kept me so busy. Between shooting the video and doing some television appearances, plus getting ready with the preliminaries for the next album, I haven't been able to sit and just call you. It sucks." Britney admitted without a breath of hesitation. She sighed afterward.

Joey scratched his thick beard and then licked his lips. He was unsure what to say to his girlfriend to calm her in her moment of distress. It was unlike her to divulge so many feelings to him over the phone. "I miss you too, Britney. I know the guys miss spending time with you, especially Justin and Lance. I can't wait until we do our show in Louisiana because then me and you can sit down and just relax. Just take a minute and forget *NSYNC and Britney Spears and concentrate on Joey and Brit'. Wouldn't that be nice?" Joey offered an image that he knew his girlfriend would not refuse. "That's if Johnny lets us have that free time." Britney disagreed quietly. "I don't care what Johnny has to say about it. I'm not going to put you in the backseat while I'm with you." Joey argued in a kind way, defending his relationship to the fullest. He could feel Britney smiling through the phone. "Oh, Joey, you know you'd like to put me in the backseat." Britney giggled, releasing her humorous side to lighten their conversation. Joey smiled wickedly at the thought. "You little Lolita." Joey joked with her, savoring his chance to relax with the girl he had come to love in so many ways.

Chris sat in a corner chair of the airport terminal. His head was down and his body was slumped in the chair. He was miserable because he had spent weeks without seeing his fiancée. Now, on the phone with her, it finally began to sink in how much he needed to be with her and to know that their marriage would be something that completed his life. "Hey Chris, what do you think we should name our son?" Meelah, Chris' fiancée, questioned Chris, hoping to pull him out of the silence he had been giving her. Chris pondered the question, brushing his fingers over his deep brown goatee. He closed his eyes and relished the sound of Meelah's breathing. He missed listening to it at night as she slept near him. "How about you give im his first name and I'll give him a middle name?" Chris suggested, searching for a simplier way out of the questioning. He smiled when listening to Meelah snicker. "You're cheating." she insisted. Chris gleamed happily. "Come on now, Meelah, you know I always cheat." Chris boasted, striving to keep the laughter alive between the two. "Oh, always?" Meelah's voice dropped to a serious tone as she hinting towards another subject. Chris' smile grew pale once more. He let his lips frown and press into a depressed expression. "No, not always, Meelah. I wouldn't cheat on you. I'd have no reason to cheat on you. Despite this crazy life I'm leading and all the time we spend apart, I wouldn't want to be with these other trivial girls. I love you and only you. No one else could make me this happy and no one else could make me this sad when I'm away from them. I'd never cheat on you, I love you." Chris prattled out in a pleading voice.

A silence held them in their conversation. "Chris, baby, I was only kidding with you. I don't think you'd cheat on me or have cheated on me. I have faith in you, really." Meelah spoke out reassuring words that Chris needed to build his self-confidence. He had been denied it for so long and to have someone as important to him as Meelah to encourage him was a necessity. "Oh." Chris whispered with a strong indication of embarrassment.

He lowered his eyes into his lap, feeling stripped of his true confidence.

"I love you too, though." Meelah added to cheer up her fiancé's mood. Chris permitted his grin to gradually return. "Do you really love me? Even as old and useless as I am?" Chris wondered with a halfhearted curiosity. Meelah cleared her throat to speak clearly for Chris. "Christopher, I truly love you. Age ain't nothing but a number and you know that. We could be ten years apart in age and I'd still want to be with you and only you. You make me happy." Meelah contended with fiancé carrying her voice. Her words were enough to bring about a sure-fire smile to Chris' lips. He lifted his chin and let his pride gleam brightly.

"And hopefully we'll be able to have some more brothers and sisters for Kaleb before you turn forty and really become useless." Meelah joked with Chris. Chris giggled mildly until a revelation hit him. He ceased laughter and thought over Meelah's statement. "Kaleb?" he questioned the name. Meelah sighed lovingly through the phone. "Don't you like the name? I think our son should be named Kaleb." Meelah stated with a sense of innocence. Chris pondered the name. It was cute, to him. It wasn't common, but it was pratical. It fit the image Chris had for his first born son. "Kaleb's nice." Chris agreed with a fatherly grin. "What about the middle name, Chris? What do you want to name him?" Meelah inquired with inquisitiveness. Chris had not thought about his end of the bargain. He was still left with a perplex situation. He had never considered naming his children before. He had always thought of marrying a woman that treated him with love and raising children with her, but he had never considered the privellage of actually naming his children. It left him dumbfounded.

Chris scratched the back of his neck and leaned over in his chair. He glanced around the airport terminal, catching J.C. taking a seat next to Justin, Lance wondering around the vending machines, and Joey laughed rudely by one of the walls. There was no sign of inspiration for him to work with.

Creating a middle name for his son was not becoming an easy task for Chris. "Jonathan? No. Michael? No. Donald? No, no. Uhm... Philip? Damn it, no." Chris listed off names. He was frustrated. "Don't rush, Chris. You've got time. It's not like I'm going to give birth in the next five minutes, let alone the next five days or weeks." Meelah said. She was hoping to calm Chris so that his mind could think properly and not under pressure.

"I'm sure Kaleb will be satisfied with whatever name his father gives him.

Actually..." Meelah was not given the opportunity to finish her sentence. "That's it! That's his middle name!" Chris exclaimed, yanking himself up from his seat and jumping up. He turned around to see a few eyes flocking toward him. He shyed backward, despising the attention. It didn't comfort him, but his excitement kept him in a chipper mood. "What? You want our son's middle name to be 'Actually'?" Meelah inquired with disbelief. She heard Chris laugh ridiculously. "No, no, no, his middle name's going to be Ashley." Chris snickered out. "Oh, that's a beautiful middle name, Chris. Kaleb Ashley Kirkpatrick." Meelah chimed, letting the name roll off of her tongue. Something about the way she said it caused Chris' smile to grow in size. "Wow, I never thought this would be so..." Chris couldn't think of a word to describe his feelings at the moment. "Perfect?" Meelah offered a word that seemed to cure all of Chris' contemplating. He was humbled by her. "Yeah, perfect." he agreed solemnly. Just as he wanted life to be at twenty-eight, perfect.

Lance steadied himself on one of the drink machines as he thought over his current business situations. All of his affairs seemed to be handling themselves, preventing him from taking time away from *NSYNC. There was no real reason anymore. "Uhm, I think we're going to take Meredith out with us when we go to Europe. I think the guys won't mind her opening for us for a few shows, just to get her exposure. I mean, we do the same thing for Innosense, so I figure we can boost her fame too." Lance remarked while fiddling with the top to his bottled water. He scratched just below his eye, contemplating the idea. It seemed feasible to him, though he had yet to discuss the idea with Johnny Wright or the members of *NSYNC. "Yeah, that'll probably work, though I'm not too sure how open they are to country music in Europe." Bryce Winters, Lance's current boyfriend, offered his own opinion. Lance sighed, never considering that aspect. "Well, it's an open market that I'm sure we can ash in on. It might open a lot of eyes and ears to it." Lance's words were vague. His quick business mind assisted him in developing a simple answer. He lowered his head. His eyes watched feet pass by the small area where the vending machines were located. He did not wonder if anyone watched him as he chatted on his cellular phone. It was an impersonal thing for him, but communication through his cellular phone kept him content on tour.

"And with you doing some PRing for Innosense now, maybe I can get you to come on tour with us when we go to Europe. That way you can help me with the Meredith thing..." Lance was cut short of his words. "Lance," Bryce whined immediately, distracting Lance. Lance's pale green eyes lifted, staring directly at the wall opposite of him. It was a blank, gray wall, nothing special. It kept Lance's focus, though. "I know, I know Bryce. You'll probably be so busy with promoting Innosese that you might not be able to help me with Meredith, but..." Lance was again interrupted. "Lansten, be quiet for a second." Bryce requested in a demanding way. Lance pressed his lips closed. He cleared his throat quietly and waited to see if his boyfriend would speak. His voice sounded grave, as if he needed something or wanted to tell Lance something.

Lance leaned off the soda machine when seeing Joey pass. Joey waved to Lance in an innocent way, smiling bleekly. Lance grinned back, faking it to satisfy Joey's curiosity. "Lance, I don't want to talk about business right now. It's late." Bryce said in a dulled tone. Lance did not appreciate the tone. It hardened his spirit. "Do you want to go to sleep Bryce? You can just say so and I'll get off the phone." Lance replied, trying not to sound hurt. He closed his eyes for a second, feeling a bit hopeless. "No, I don't want to go to sleep." Bryce responded in a softer voice. Lance's eyes blinked open when finally receiving a response. He felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. "Then what do you want Bryce?" Lance wondered. "I want to talk about me and you, and me and you only. I miss my boyfriend and would like to have some good thoughts before I lay down to sleep tonight." Bryce answered him. His sincere voice caressed Lance's heart and gave him undeniable shivers.

Lance felt warm sensations wrap around him. He could feel his love for Bryce hugging his heart and setting it ablaze. He licked his lips and waited for another adorable sigh to cross his lover's lips. "I still can't believe I can officially call you my boyfriend now." Lance whispered, moving to a corner of the area so that he was not heard. He blinked his twinkling eyes. The dim-light of the area reflected his admiration for Bryce. "It is official this time, right Lance? I mean, I know I love you and I can feel that it's different, but... I don't know. I can't believe it's true." Bryce admitted with love. It kept Lance suspended. "I was an ass last time Bryce, I'll admit to it. I truly didn't appreciate what you gave to me, but this time, it's definetely different. Josh and Nick are so far from my mind this time. I'm happy with you and only you," Lance confessed to assure his boyfriend and himself. He smiled following his words. "And it's true baby, it's so true. You're my boyfriend and no one else can have ya." Lance added in his thick country accent. Lance felt his romantic and loving side being revived once more. It was Bryce that seemed to always tangle him up in his heart's words and he couldn't silence them until forced to.

"Now that's what I want to hear." Bryce chimed in. Lance giggled inaudibly. The way his lover could ease his stress was healing for him. "You know what I want to hear baby." Lance cooed, striving to appease his own needs. He pressed the phone closer to his ear so that he could hear Bryce's every word over the sounds of the loud-speaer. "Aaaww, okay, Lance.

I'll say it sweetie because I love you so much! I love you Jamesy." Bryce giggled out, warmth floating in his voice. Lance sighed appreciatively. He leaned his head back and felt his heart rocking in his chest. "I love you too, baby. Now give me a kiss so I can go hop on this plance when it comes." Lance requested. Bryce followed through and created a kissing noise for his boyfriend. His mission was to soothe Lance and he succeeded promptly. "Bye Jamesy." Bryce gushed, caught up in his own mood of love. Lance smiled. "Bye bye Bryce, baby. Sleep tight." Lance whispered, ending his phone call to the man that kept his smile alive.

J.C. was thankful the door to the bathroom was locked. He couldn't afford for anyone to know who he was talking to and what was occuring between them.

He truly did not desire any of his band mates viewing him at such an awkward time. With his hand firmly planted on the door to one of the stalls and his head bent downward, he talked patinetly with his fiancé, Nick Carter. J.C. received a rush from living on the edge with his lover. Nick had that hold over J.C., one they both enjoyed.

"Are you playing with it yet baby?" Nick's husky voice questioned his fiancé. J.C. curled his upper lip as his left hand toyed with the head of his erect cock. He panted lowly, trying to control the level of his voice. "Yeah Nickie, I'm jerking it." J.C. responded hastily. His fingertips caressed his precum soaked head, petting the heated flesh tenderly. A gasp parted his thick, pink lips. "Mmm, are you picturing me there with you? Can you picture me between your legs, sucking your hard cock right now?" Nick questioned his lover in an erotic way. He wanted to entice sexual urges in his fiancé. It satisfied him as much as it did J.C.

J.C. leaned his head down lower, grabbing his shaft and holding his throbbing member. He was not a virgin to phone sex. He and Nick had shared the ecstasy of phone sex on various occasions. It was something they both enjoyed and did not deny a desire for. The hectic schedule that J.C. led with *NSYNC prevented him from delighting in the pleasure of masturbation and phone sex for a period of time. It made things greatly stressful for J.C. The added sexual tension between Justin and J.C. did not assist him. He was unable to truly reach an orgasm with Justin, yet. Justin always denied J.C. his body. It was one disappointment after another for the young man.

"Mmmm, I can taste your juices baby... ah, they're so sweet. Uh, I want you to cum in my throat baby. Are you wet down there sweetie?" Nick's questions continued to flow in his carnal voice. The sound was bewitching for J.C. He gripped his erect penis a little harder, rubbing every inch of his palm along his penis. His breathing increased fleetly. "Oh yeah, yeah baby... I'm really wet." J.C. moaned, pressing his palm harder on the stall.

He spread his legs to a pentacle and grazed his teeth along his bottom lip. His face drew a new shade of red. He could hear the sounds of his lover jacking off on the other end of the phone, continuously moaning. "Jesus, Nick, ah yeah..." J.C. huffed out, showing his approval to the sounds his fiancé made. This only brought about louder moans from Nick.

J.C. let his jeans and loose boxers lower even more, giving him more room to maneuver with. His balls hung low, gradually tightening up so that they rested against his groin. "Yeah, Josh, I'm licking your balls now, sucking on them. My lips are kissing on your sac and my tongue is licking it up and down, up and down... uh, can you feel my tongue baby? Uhhh, are you hard for me sweetie? Oh say yes... say you want me to suck you off... say my name..." Nick's voice became tight. J.C. could hear the rhythm in which Nick jacked off to become quicker and more desperate. "Oh yes, Nick, I'm so hard baby... suck me off! Suck me into your throat Nickie... oh fuck, yes. Oh Nick... oh Nickie, oh Nickie!" J.C. groaned loudly, his voice raising above the decibel he had planned. Nick was exciting him far too greatly.

J.C. grutned hard, his balls tingling. He was close, but there was moer that he wanted of his lover. He wanted to hear more screams escape from Nick. It was definitely a turn on that J.C. lusted after. "Nick... oh, Nickie, go down a little further. Nick, uh, uh, heh heh... Nick, eat me... oh Nick, please. Please baby, lick my ass... please rim me and let me cum all over you..." J.C. pleaded, diminishing the speed in which he masturbated. He closed his eyes tighter and kept the phone close to his ear. He wanted to hear his fiancé response to his request. It was a craving of his.

"Okay, I turn you around and spread your tight cheeks. My mouth moves closer and I stick my tongue out, licking your hole. Mmmm... oh yeah, that tastes sweet. Can you feel my tongue running up and down your crack baby? I'm tonguing your hole sweetie, tasting your insides. Oh fuck yeah, I like rimming you... yeah! My tongues inside. Yeah Josh! Fuck, this is so fucking good!" Nick cried out, his breath tattered and short. J.C. felt sweat breaking from his head and from his hand. His hand began to move at a fervent pace. He now wanted satisfaction. "Mmph, Nickie! Lick me! Oh baby, lick me..." J.C. pleaded as precum gushed from the tip of his cock. The clear substance spread over his hand and ran over his shivering cock. "Yeah, shit baby! Mmmm, you taste so good with my tongue up you... cum on me. Oh, shit, nut for me baby!" Nick begged in response. J.C. could feel both were drawing inevitably closer to orgasm.

"Shit, aaaahhh, heh heh! Fuck, fuck, fuck... mmmmm, oh Joshy, yeah! It's cumming... oh it's cumming..." Nick moaned into the phone. J.C. adored the sound of his fiancé ejaculating over the phone. It was arousing. It pulled him closer to the edge of climax. "Aaawww, Nickie, baby, say my name... mmmm, say my name for me... shit..." J.C. breathed out, his body shaking furiously. He could hear Nick's heavy breathing from the other end of the phone. He was still caught up in his own orgasm. He was having trouble doing much of anything outside of moaning. "Josh... mmm, Josh, oh, oh... Josh, oh God, Josh!" Nick groaned for his lover, helping to pull J.C. over the edge. J.C. yanked his eyes open and peer at his penis as it ejaculated fiery, thick, white semen against the door of the stall. His groaned loudly, slumping his body over as the cum volleyed from his dick. His seed spilled from his dick and then landed into a puddle on the bathroom floor, leaving J.C. without control over his breathing.

"Jesus, I love you babe, thanks." Nick whispered, his mind still lostin the nirvana of his orgasm. J.C. gave a half-hearted smile. He licked his lips and opened his eyes fully to look at the puddle of cum that Nick helped him create. He swallowed heavily. "No, thank you sweetie, I needed that." J.C. responded in a shaky voice. He brushed his clean fingers through his hair and sighed longly. "Okay baby, I'm going to go to sleep now, but take care of yourself." Nick informed his fiancé, his voice growing lower. J.C. brightened up some. "Night Nickie." J.C. said, concluding his phone sex and communication with Nick.

Justin sat in the same position he had occupied for the past hour, staring at his cellular phone. His mind was drifting in several areas, contemplating who he should call. He could call his mother and see how she and the girls of Innosense were holding up on their day off. He had the option of calling his father and talking over his visit to Memphis and how he appreciated the time he, Brian, and Angel got to spend with his family. Justin thought of phoning his brother-in-law to catch up on old times and to find out information on Harold's current status with Justin's nanny, Lea. Justin mused over just calling his ex-girlfriend, Britney Spears, and milling over how much he hated himself for the actions he had been taking. The strain of discussing Justin's semi-affair with anyone was too much for Justin at any time. It hurt him to be apart of it, let alone speak of it.

Justin viewed each number as they passed through the memory of his cell phone. With one button he could speed dial any of the numbers that were stored into his phone. First there was his brother-in-law Harold, then his mother Lynn Harless, next his father Randall Timberlake, then his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears. Justin finally clicked a button on his cellular phone and settled on one number.

Justin brought the phone up to his ear, catching a piece of the first ring and then the fullness of the second ring. 'I should hang up.' Justin told himself as he heard the third ring. He lowered his Abercrombie & Fitch hat and slumped into his seat. He sighed when listening to the fourth ring.

"Hello? Justin, babe?" Brian Littrell's voice finally rang into the phone. Justin straightened up in his chair automatically and a surprising smile tugged at his lips. "Justin? Oh God, please don't have hung up..." Brian's voice pleaded into the phone. "No, Bri, I'm here. Sorry about that. You okay? Were you sleep?" Justin answered him fleetly, hoping his husband would not hang up the phone. He haerd a sigh of relief come from Brian. "No, no, I should be though. Angel's stomach didn't settle well with his dinner and he threw it up. So we had to take a shower. I was changing Angel's diaper when the phone rang and I couldn't find it anywhere." Brian breathed out with contentment running through his country accent. Justin nibbled the corner of his lower lip, smiling innocently. "I'm sorry babe. You can go back to Angel and I'll call ya'll tomorrow." Justin suggested. He toyed with the tail of his shirt with optimism coursing through his eyes. "No, I want to talk to you baby. You're not interrupting anything. In fact, here, say something..." Brian pleaded.

Justin could hear the phone being moved around and transferred to someone else. He listened closely to the background noises to figure out what was occuring in the room. "Daddy?" Angel's voice questioned the phone, seeking out a response from his father. Justin's smiled brightened to a new intensity as he heard his son's voice. He leaned forward in the seek and blocked out all of sounds in the airport. "Hey baby boy. It's Daddy, Bastian. You okay?" Justin prattled in a loving tone. He grinned uncontrollably. "Tell Daddy you miss him Timber. Tell him." Brian encouraged his son in the backdrop. Justin giggled sweetly. "Dada, a kiss... me no kiss, Da me cold." Angel babbled out. Justin laughed loosely at his son. "You want Daddy to give you a goodnight kiss?" Justin asked with a genuine smirk. "Uh huh. Dada, a kiss Da... a see Pooh, me no keys and uh buh." Angel continued his baby talk with his father. Justin licked his lips, trying to comprehend every word Angel said. "Tell Daddy that Dad loves him." Brian whispered loud enough for Justin to hear. Justin's eyes twinkled. "Tell him." Brian cheered Angel on. "Uh, Daddy, Da ove Dada." Angel pressured himself to speak as his father wanted. Justin sat back in his chair, his heart melting as he heard his son attempt to speak to him. "Aaaww, tell Dad I love him too and I love you too Bastian." Justin cooed, blushing lightly. He felt the eyes of Dre and Lonnie turning on him and he ducked his head. He felt the laughter tugging on his stomach. His son truly was adorable to him.

"Isn't he the cutest?" Brian finally returned to the phone, allowing his son to rest and play with his toys for a moment. "Yes, babe, he's cute, but I think you're trying to be cuter." Justin boasted. He could hear Brian chuckle mildly. "Who? Me? How could you guess?" Brian snickered. Justin scrunched his nose with a smile, his small dimples flaring. "Well, Brian Littrell, you don't have to try. I think you're absolutely, positively, undeniably the cutest boy I know." Justin chimed, striving to compliment and embarrass his husband simultaneously. It worked. "Aaww, Justin, you're say just the cutest things." Brian crooned. Justin laughed amicably. He leaned his head back, glancing up at the ceiling. He was earnestly happy when speaking with Brian.

Brian yawned softly into the phone, causing Justin to raise his brow. He had not consider the fact that it was going on a little past one o'clock in the morning in Orlando. Brian had to have been worn out from a day of taking care of their son and Justin had not calculated the amount of sleep Brian would need to handle the next day. "You sound pretty tired Brian, maybe I should get off the phone?" Justin advised, frowning a little at the idea. "No, Justin, no. I want to talk with you Curly. I miss talking to you." Brian beseeched. Justin scratched under his chin where hair began to grow. He twitched his nose, contemplating whether or not to give his husband the rest he required. "Please, Curly, baby..." Brian petitioned. Justin sighed carelessly. "Aight Rocky, but only for a few more minutes. You know you'll have to be up bright and early tomorrow for Bastian." Justin compromised with his husband. "Thanks babe." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin felt his heart flutter again.

It was something about Brian's smooth country accent that kept him afloat and kept him smiling. "Just imagine what it'd be like if I never gave you that first kiss. We might not have this little baby boy right now." Brian remarked, bringing up a romantic memory that was etched into Justin's life. Justin thought over that night, vividly remembering the warmth of Atlanta and the heat of Brian's kiss. It was too memorable to let go of. "I can still taste your kiss from that night Brian." Justin said softly, brushing a finger over his lips. He ran the finger down his chin as the tip of his tongue brushed his red lips. "And the night after that, and after that, and after that..." Justin continued with a heavy heart. If he had not kissed Brian that night, he might have kissed J.C. later on in his life. He might have become J.C.'s boyfriend and he might have become another string in J.C.'s web of endless boyfriends. He might have been unhappy with his love life like he was now that he had kissed and made out with J.C. That one kiss with Brian changed his life for the better. Now Justin did not know what to do.

"I hope Timber gets to one day feel the way I do now." Brian remarked in a loving way. Justin strayed his thoughts from J.C. to concentrate on his marriage and what kept him happy. "What's that Brian?" Justin questioned him. "I hope he gets to be head over heels like I am right now. I hope he can become an adult and find something as special as you to keep him happy, whether it's man or woman. I just hope he can appreciate how important someone like you can be to me." Brian answered Justin in his most heartfelt voice. Justin felt choked up by Brian's expressions of devotion. He felt guilty for his actions of the past weeks and for not truly appreciating what he had in Brian. "And I hope one day he can look us in the eyes and tell us how happy he was that we were his parents." Brian added with an indication of tears running through his voice. Justin closed his own eyes praying not to shed any tears. "One day, Rocky, I think he will say that. And then one day, I want to tell him all the stories of how his Dad made me the man I am and kept my hope alive through everything. I want to tell him that his Dad is the best father that has ever graced this planet." Justin gushed with tears creeking into his eyes. The tears were a symbol of his love and his crime.

Brian giggled peacefully. "Okay, I'm gonna say it." Brian boasted, shaking Justin from his emotional state. Justin arched his eyebrow with curiosity. He let a single tear slip down his cheek. He clasped his hands together and sighed. "Say what?" he asked curiously. "I love you Curly!" Brian sung into the phone, sending both Justin and Brian into a small fit of snickering. Justin brushed away the tear and felt his cheeks fluster with redness. "I love you too Rocky." Justin whispered, slumping into the chair.

"Now make Bastian give you a kiss on the nose for me and get some rest," Justin requested, smiling brightly. Brian giggled again. He sighed and then brought his son closer to the phone. "And tell my baby boy that I love him and want to see him soon." Justin added. "I'll do that babe." Brian agreed solemnly. Justin cocked his head to the side, his grin never fading.

"Goodnight Rocky." Justin whispered, making a smooching noise for Brian to ease him. "Night Curly." Brian replied, smiling through the phone.

Justin laid his head back and sighed. He lost the smile automatically. Without Brian on the phone, he had no reason to truly smile. There wasn't anything to be happy about. He only wanted to return home to Brian and Angel and confess his wrongs to Brian so that he correct his marriage.

Soon, warmth sat next to Justin, stirring him from his position. He glanced to his right and could see J.C. sitting nhext to him, looking down on him with affection in his pure blue eyes. "What's wrong? Miss me?" J.C. asked, grazing his hand over Justin's thigh. Justin turned his eyes down on J.C.'s hand, watching it trail upward toward his crotch. Justin shivered at the touch. He curled his upper lip and drew his leg away from J.C. "No, Josh, I wasn't thinking about you. I was thinking about my husband and how much I miss him." Justin replied sharply, standing from his chair. He stretched a little, never glancing back to J.C. He slipped his headphones onto his ears and drownd out the sound of J.C. calling for him. He only wanted to think of how happy Brian could make him in his weakest moments. He allowed a song to convey his emotions to Brian, something simple and true.

Can't stop missin' you

All I wanna be is kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' we were

(So) So together baby

Can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

And forever we will be

So together, you and I (Hey)

--- Well, can I not incorporate every kind of sex into my stories? Come on now: regular sex, phone sex, cyber sex... I'm on a roll! HA HA! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little interlude. It was all about love with a little lust and I even squeezed Innosense in there. I rule! Well, not really. I won one award at the Boy Band Awards. And I started caring when? Don't ask me, I just got an e-mail telling me that I won one award. Oh joy, I'm leaping up and down. I'm sorry I even created the awards because I don't think a bunch of readers can judge how good you are. I think if you're happy with what you write and you can say to yuorself that you'd read your story more than once, then that means you've earned the real awards. On amother note, I'm halfway done with the next story and it should hopefully be out by early next week. I'm re-tooling some parts, so bare with me. Okay? Thanks! Keep reading peoples... ---

Next: Chapter 64: Angels Wings 5

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