Brians Soulmate

By Juston Drew McCance

Published on Feb 28, 2004


BRIAN'S SOULMATE ~ Chapter Seven:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey guys and gals Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them!

But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,


************************************************ Previously on Brian's Soulmate:

"Okay, mom I love and please pass that on to everybody else for me and I'll try to call you again when I have the time."

"Alright sweetie, I love and I'll pass your love on to everyone even the boys."

"Thanks mom, your the best mother that any son could have asked, no matter what the situation has been; no matter what has happened in my life you have always been there for me, not to mention the choices that I've made about my sexual preference, bye mom."

"I don't know what to say to that Wil, but all I can say is that I will stand by you no matter what the decision is that you make with your lifes decisions, bye Wil."

And now the continuation ********************************

I was just finishing my conversation with my mom, when there was an unsuspecting knock at my door.

"Mom, I'm going to have to let you go; alright it seems that I have a visitor at my door."

"Okay, sweeite I love you, bye."

"I love you to mom, bye."

I hung up my phone from talking with my mom, when who ever it was at my door knocked again.

"Okay I'm coming; I'm coming; just hold your horses would yea."

I opened the door to my apartment, and there stood Brian with an overnight bag of clothes and a banquet of flowers.

"Hi Brian, come on in I was just finishing talking with my mom."

"Oh really, and what does she think about you dating a Backstreet Boy?"

"Nothing cause I made a promise to you that I would not tell anyone about you and I until we both think that it is alright for us to let people know about us."

"And the other reason that you where talking to her, was not to let her worry about you wasn't it?"

"Yeah, she was worried about me, that I might have been in bed or something."

"Well you'll be in bed, but not quite yet. These are for you by the way, I was not sure what kind you liked so I got you something that is more traditional like these beautiful red roses." <K.I.S.S.>

"I really don't know what to say, all I can say is thank you so very much, they are so beautiful Brian." <kiss, kiss, kiss>

"You are very much welcome Will. These are just to show you how much I really do love you with all my heart and soul."

After Brian said that to me I began to blush heavily, especially as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt completely safe in his arms; I pulled back and looked deep into his eyes, and saw nothing but love and compassion in them. That love and compassion was being directed at me.

Brian's Point of View:

After a few hours of cuddling with one another, and once Wil and I had dinner, the two of us chatted and got to know one another until we decided to head off to bed. I then suggested to Wil that he either go take a shower or that he should go and relax in the jacuzzi tube while I did some cleaningup in the kitchen and then I would join him. It not take me long to get the kitchen cleaned, I even put all of the dishes in the dishwasher and started it; after that was done I then headed for the mastersuite were I found Wil relaxing in the tub with his eyes closed. I began to remove all of my clothing as I made my way over to the man of my dreams, my soulmate. I carefully got in the tub next to my love.

"Wil, my love."

"Umm... go away mom, let me sleep a little bit longer."

I then got an idea, that would most defiantely wake-up Wil. I carefully placed myself on Wil's gorgous 10 1/2 inch and yet cut piece of man hood, I began to grined my hard and cut 9 inch piece of man hood into his beautifully sculpted body that looks like it should belong to that of a God from Mount Olympis. Very slowly the eyes of my love begin to open and a smile appears on his beautifully chisled face.

"What a wonderful way to be woken up, especially by the man in which I love with every ounce of my beating heart."

"Well I did have to do something, so that I could wake up my gorgously handsome boyfriend, that is if you really don't mind, the two of us moving on to that stage of the relationship that is; do you!"

"No, not at all, I don't mind if we move on to the next level of our relationship and become boyfriends."

"That's wounderful Wil. I am so glad that you and I are going to be lovers/boyfriends as the case maybe.

"Brian can I tell you something that is truly crazy?"

"Whatever it is Wil, I am never going to turn my back on you no matter what it is you have need to say to me."

"Well there are three things that you should know about me; you already know that I've got cancer."

"Yes, what else could there be for me to know about you than I already do know!"

"Well first off I've had a huge crush on you for a long time, well I guess you could say since 1993."

"Okay, and what is the other thing that I don't know about you?"

"Well the thing is that I have a couple of people that would love nothing more than to meet the man that I have fallen in love with."

"Just a minute and I'll show you just what I mean?"


I watched as Wil got out of the tub, he reached for a towel and dried himself off, pulled on some boxers and headed out towards the living rm. I sat in the tub, while I waited for my man to return with whatever it is that he went to retrieve from the living room. I heard him coming back to the room, so I decided that would remove myself form the jaccuzi tub. I had just removed myself from the tub when I heard an unmistakeable whistle that came from behind me.

" Nice ass, love and not to mention that you also have a gorgous cock with some nice balls between your legs too there babes."

"Thanks, and you are not all that bad yourself love. Did you find what you are looking for?"

"Actually, Brian I did come here and sit on the bed with me okay."


"Brian I want you to know that I am always going to love you no matter what happens correct."


"This is the reason why, Brian I what I wanted to show you."

I took the picture from the hands of Wil and looked at the two adorable little angels that I have ever seen in my whole life. I looked at it more closely and seen that it was of Wil's whole family and these two little angels.

I looked at him for a moment and I was not sure as to what I should say to him, just in case I was wrong; but as soon as I loked into his eyes and saw that he was totally sincere about this I knew that had no worries about what I was feeling for him at this moment. Wil was looking at me waiting for some sort of answer. I took another look at the photograph that he had handed to me, of him and his family, not to mention those two little angels; the only thing that I could not understand was where was their mother?.

"So, am I correct in saying that these your little boys; Wil?"

"Yes, they are Brian. I know how much you love children, and I guess you must be wondering when this all happened, right?"

I can hardly believe that I have been looking for someone like Wil, all my life. I know that everything right here is where I wanted to be just as long as it meant that Wil was going to be with me. I feel so complete with Wil in my arms, espeically when we kiss or even when we look into each others eyes just like we are doing right now at this moment.

"I think that this is going to be the beginning of a wonderful relationship between you and me."

"I am in total agreement with you on that issue Mister Littrel."

"Oh really, Mister McNaughton; so you are in total agreement with me that we are in the beginnings of a wonderful start to a realtionship with each other. You don't think that we are moving into this to quickly for one another."

"No, I don't think that we are Bri; because my feelings for you are as strong for you, as your feelings are for me." <kiss, kiss>

After we finished kissing, I soon fell asleep in the arms of Wil. It was shortly after that I soon felt his breathing slow right down to the point that soon knew that he was in a state of slumber. The next morning I was awakened by the sound of my cellphone ringing in my jeans pocket. Quitely I got out of bed and retrieved my phone from its spot and quickly answered it.


"Brian, where are you?"

"I am over at Wil's place why do you ask that?"

"Cause we are over here at your place and found that you weren't home. We thought that you went out to get some breakfast and that you would be right back."

"Look get the others and bring them over here to Wil's for breakfast, cause you are all going to have to meet him sooner or later anyway considering he is going to be our new PR Manager and well there are someother things that need to be discussed but you are going to find them out later."

"Are you sure that he won't mind having a house full just after him moving here and getting settled in?"

"Look Kevin trust me when I say that he would not mind in having company at this time of the morning, and besides he is going to have to meet the rest of you crazy idiots."

"Who are you calling a crazy idiots cuz?"

"Well considering that he and I are dating and the fact that he got the best looking one out of us all, besides you know very while that you are all just as crazy as I am at any time of the day and you all know it, so don't pull that one on me Kev, cause it is not going to work."

"Alright then we'll be right over cuz, see you in a few minutes."

After I got off the phone with Kevin I began to make my way around the kitchen getting everything together to make breakfast for everyone, after a few minutes there was a knock at the door and I knew that it was Kevin and the guys wanting to be let into the place, not to mention the fact that they wanted to meet Wil, the man that had captured not only my heart but also captured my love. I quitely walked over to the door of Wil's place and opened it let them in.

"Good morning guys, come in and please be quite!"

"So, Brian where is this new PR Manager hiding at cause we would love nothing more than to meet him in person before we leave for the meeting?"

"Well if you want to know I believe that he probably still in bed considering the fact that he was tired from his flight yesterday. Just a minute, while I go and see if he is awake and dressed."

I left them to seat themselves in the living room while I disappeared down the hall to the mastersuite to see if my lover was awake and dressed for the days activites. When I arrived to the door I noticed that the door was just somewhat opened, as I approached the door and looked in I saw the most gorgous site that I have ever seen in my life and that was the site of my beloved lover in all of his glory.

"Wil, you have company out in the living room?"

"Whom is it, Bri?"

"It is the rest of the guys, they are here to join us for breakfast before we head over to the office for the meeting and besides it would give them a chance to meet the man whom stole not only my heart and my love as well. I think that it would be a good chance for you to get to know them as well, so what do you say to meeting them."

"I think that it would be a good idea and besides I have been itching to get at Nick and the rest of the guys."

"Okay why don't you go on out and get to know them while I grab a quick shower and get dressed and I'll be right out in a about 15 mins!"

"Alright then my love, I'll see you shortly; I love you Brian! <K.I.S.S.>

Wil's Point of View:

As I waslked out of the bedroom and into the main part of the condo, I could smell scrambuled eggs, bacon and even coffee brewing in the perk. I stood there for a few minutes and took everything that has happened in the tweleve hours and the fact that I was now the PR Manager for the Backstreet Boys, not even considering the fact that I finally found the man of my dreams and that was Brian. I really could not believe my luck. I was brought out of my trance by someone saying hello to me, I turned and looked and here was Nick.

"Goodmorning everyone, my name is William McNaughton, but you can call me Wil. I am 24 yrs old, from Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am also gay and as of this moment very much taken just so you know."

"Goodmorning Wil, they replied in unision."

"Now then let me see if I have everyones names correct. I already know one of the members of your group. You must be JC (I said pointing at Kevin), you've got to be Justin (I said pointing at Nick), you must be Chris (I said pointing at Howie); and you have got to be Joey (I said pointing at AJ).

After I said that I felt four pillows hit me square in the head, that meant war but then again I know that I can always get them back at anytime that I wanted to and besides revenge can always be much sweeter when you have your lover involved as part of the joke also.

"Alright I am sorry for that but I had to make sure that I had you all on your toes first thing in the morning and besides I know who each of you are: Kevin Scott Richardson, Alexander James MacLean, Howard Dourgh, Nicholas Gene Carter, and of course my sexy other half Brian Thomas Littrel, whom at the moment is in the shower and getting ready for the days meetings. I see that someone or somebody made breakfast, which they should have not done, but who am I to complain about something like this when I get food prepared for me in my own kitchen."

"It wsa not a problem for us to do considering the fact that Frick was preparing to make you some anyway, we finished preparing it and made some extra, this way we can eat with you and get to know you before todays' meeting."

"Well again thank you very much for the breakfast you guys and like I said you did not have to do this, you do realize that?"

"Yeah we do and just so you know we did it cause, we wanted to welcome you into the family. Cause as of this moment you are the newest member of this family."

This left Wil totally stund for words cause he never thought that in his wildest dreams would he ever thought that he would have been told that he was going to be apart of the Backstreet Boy Family. Yet they where willing to risk getting to know him in every way possible so that they could make the transition much easier on him than he thought.

It not that long after that, that Brian had made his known to everyone in the room by walking up to Wil, and pulling him into his arms, turning him around and giving him a passionate kiss in the lips in front of the other guys. After a few minutes of kissing Brian and Wil pulled apart and Wil blushed from head to toe as crimson as they should come.

"Alright you guys that is enough of making Wil blush, we'll have time for that later, but right now we need to get out of here and head to the office for meetings."

To Be Continued ...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

JDMcCance Love yah

*********************************************************************** BRIAN'S SOULMATE ~ Chapter Eight:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE. Well, this is a story that involves the guys of Backstreet Boys. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them!

But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of BRIAN'S SOULMATE.

Contact me at

Thanks a lot,


************************************************ Previously on Brian's Soulmate:

"Alright I am sorry for that but I had to make sure that I had you all on your toes first thing in the morning and besides I know who each of you are: Kevin Scott Richardson, Alexander James MacLean, Howard Dourgh, Nicholas Gene Carter, and of course my sexy other half Brian Thomas Littrel, whom at the moment is in the shower and getting ready for the days meetings. I see that someone or somebody made breakfast, which they should have not done, but who am I to complain about something like this when I get food prepared for me in my own kitchen."

"It was not a problem for us to do considering the fact that Frick was preparing to make you some anyway, we finished preparing it and made some extra, this way we can eat with you and get to know you before todays' meeting."

"Well again thank you very much for the breakfast you guys and like I said you did not have to do this, you do realize that?"

"Yeah we do and just so you know we did it cause, we wanted to welcome you into the family. Cause as of this moment you are the newest member of this family."

This left Wil totally stund for words cause he never thought that in his wildest dreams would he ever thought that he would have been told that he was going to be apart of the Backstreet Boy Family. Yet they where willing to risk getting to know him in every way possible so that they could make the transition much easier on him than he thought.

It not that long after that, that Brian had made his known to everyone in the room by walking up to Wil, and pulling him into his arms, turning him around and giving him a passionate kiss in the lips in front of the other guys. After a few minutes of kissing Brian and Wil pulled apart and Wil blushed from head to toe as crimson as they should come.

"Alright you guys that is enough of making Wil blush, we'll have time for that later, but right now we need to get out of here and head to the office for meetings."

And now the continuation ********************************

Wil's Point of View:

As we were leaving the place for meetings at the office, Brian said that they had a surprise for me down in the parking garage. I looked at him then I looked at the guys as not to sure as to what to expect to be getting for a surprise. We walked to the elevator and went down to the parking gargage level and that was when Kevin handed me a blind fold and told me to put it on. I quickly put it on, and waited for the elevator to get to our stop. When we did I was led out of the elevator by to sets of hands and as soon as we stepped off the elevator, we quickly stopped after about fifteen feet away from it.

I felt a hand come up behind me and quickly remove my blind fold and that was when I set my eyes on the one thing that would allow me to get around Orlando, when ever I needed to go somewhere, the guys led me over to my new set of wheels. There I stood infront of a Silver Jeep Liberty, with crome wheels, air conditioning, cd player/radio. I was totally stund at the gift. I quickly turned to Brian and from the way he looked at me, it was like as if he was going to run for it cause all he saw was a blank stare back at him, which quickly turned into a big fat smile, I ran over to him and gave him a passionate kiss that made him not only breathless but also made him blush heavily.

"I take it that you love the gift then, by the way that you made my cus blush and breathless, which may I add is a good thing cause when my cus is happy then we are happy that he has found someone that he can share his life with and that just so happens to be you Wil. I believe that I speak for the rest of us when we say THANK YOU for coming into Brian's Life."

"Brian, why don't you go with the other guys, so that I can have a chat with Kevin here okay!"

"Alright, I guess that I could travel with the guys over to the office, it's just that I wanted to travel with you in your new set of wheels!"

"Listen sweetie I just want to talk with Kevin, so that he knows about the twins and the fact that I have cancer. I also want to let him know that I love you with amount of sincereity that we have for each other. Cause that is what I feel for you Mr. Brian Thomas Littrel."

"Guess that is alright then just as long as you don't start plotting against me. Cause if you are then you are going to regret ever setting your gorgous blue eyes on me Mr. William Andrew McNaughton(K.I.S.S).

"I can not make any promises on that subject at all sweetie. But, then again I will try my best not to start plotting anything against you (K.I.S.S).

I walked over towards Kevin, who had a look of complete reassurance plastered on his face. I turned to look at Brian getting into Nick's Durango, he wavied at me, he blew a kiss in my direction which made me blush more than I ever had in my inter life time. I looked at Kevin and saw that he had some sort of an idea as to what I was going to say to him. I walked around to my side of my Jeep and got in, Kevin quickly followed and got in on his side, putting on his seat belt I started my new set of wheels for the first time. I turned to Kevin and smiled as much as I could before I pulled out of the garage. I followed the directions that Kevin gave me so that I could get to the office without any problems.

"Um...I think that there are somethings that you should know about me, okay!"

"Alright, other than the fact that I know you love my cousin very much, what else could there be that I would need to know about you, Wil?"

"Well other than that I think that you should know that I have two little boys and they are named Andrew and Sebastian McNaughton, they are the pride and joy of my life, because I am the only thing besides my own family that is in their lives at the moment. This put a look of confussion on Kevin's face when he heard that Wil had two little boys. Just so you know yes Brian knows about both of them, cause I told him last night about them. This put Kevin's mind at ease once he heard what Wil told him. I also want you to know that have bonemaro cancer and yes Kevin, Brian knows about this two, so don't worry about it at the moment."

Kevin and Wil had a nice little chat all the way to the office for the meetings and with every word that came out of Wil's lips made Kevin realize just how much Wil loved his cousin very much with every onuce of his heart and soul.

It was about 30 hr later that Kevin and Wil were pulling into the underground parking lot of "The Firm", as they did Wil was given his parking pass for him to get in and out of the parking garage at all times, he placed it in his pocket and pulled into the first spot that he had seen. He turned off the Jeep and Kevin and Wil got out and headed towards the elevator where the rest of the guys where waiting for them.

"So Wil do you like your new set of wheels that you got to travel around here in Orlando, not to mention the fact that you are going to be able to go anywhere that you want to go."

"Actually Nick I am glad that I have these new wheels, so that I can get around. So to tell you the truth yeah I glad to have been my wheels."

We went up the floor where the meeting was going to be held and where my new office was going to be located not to mention a few other people that would be working on the Backstreet Boys managing staff. I excited and yet I was also very neverous about meeting my new boss. Brian and the guys, I'm guessing picked up on this cause once we hit our stop, Brian grabbed me by the hand and led me into the vacant office that was going to be mine and he closed the door while the rest of the guys went straight to the Gregory's Office where the meeting was going to be held.

"Are you going to be okay Wil, babe?"

"Yeah, I'm going to be just fine I am just a little nervous about this meeting that is all, because I am not sure what to except from this meeting."

"Well there was nothing for you to worry about, because I know that you are going to do just fine in there; do you know why?

"No, I don't know why!"

"The reason that I know that you are going to do just fine is because I know that Greg is going to really love you very much, no matter what you think of the present situation, okay now then lets get in there before Greg sends out the hunting party!"

Brian and I left my office and headed over to Greg's for the meeting, when we walked we where greeted with Greg's warm welcoming hello; we took our seats and the meeting began. We started the meeting off by talking about the up coming tour, promotional things, photo shoots and many other things that the guys would have to do on this tour to promote their new album.

I looked at Greg and cleared my throat so that I would have his attention; "I hate to say this Greg but, I do need to go and get my office in order, so that it does look somewhat presentable."

"Yeah that is fine Wil! Umm... I will have this remainder of the information sent to you as soon as I some other details come in for the tour. I'll send them over to you or I'll bring to you myself, okay!"

I headed out of Greg's Office and made my way over to mine, I was starting to get things put away when I heard an unexcepted knock at the door, I thought that it was Brian coming to wisk me away for lunch; cause I as began to walk back to what I was doing, I felt someone grab me from behind, when I was slugged by some guys fist which made making connection with my face. The next thing that I knew was, I was falling backwards and hitting the floor pretty hard. The guy straddled me and began to beat on my face with is fists, when he was satisifed with his handy work, he got up; I put my hand up to my face, pulling it back I saw blood coming frommy lip and my nose. I tried to get up but the guy decided that he would start to kick me instead, making contact with my ribs a few times. The next thing that I remember was blacking out from this man beating.

To Be Continued ...

I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or ideas as to how I could improve the stories that are going to be apart of this series.

Love yah JDMcCance

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