Bridegroom Hunters

Published on Feb 8, 2022


Bridegroom Hunters Chapter 2

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Ted: Michael: Drop you lowers . Craig, you see and sniff Michael's asshole

Craig and Michael (Simultaneously(): WTF!! Why?

Ted: Just do it man

Craig: But why?

Michael,: You told us that Mark likes to swing on your dick and swallow your load. Then why I have to drop my lowers and show my asshole to Craig?

Craig: Yeah. And why I have to see and sniff his asshole? I have absolutely no desire to do that. You told us that you would give us proof then how come we got into this?

Ted: Just do it, man. It is part of the proof that Mark is a fag . Just do it, Mikey. Hey, Craig, you watch and sniff Michael's asshole.

Reluctantly Michael lowered his gym track pants. He was wearing a Jockstrap underneath it.

Michael: Jesus!! What the crazy faggy shit is this?

Crag also reluctantly went down on his knees to maintain his eye level at Michael's ass crack.

Craig: What the actual fuck man!! What now? What I have to do?.

Ted: Just watch his asshole and sniff it.

Craig parted Michael's slightly hairy ass cheeks. He tried to look for Michael's asshole among thick cleft of hair inside Michael's ass crack.

Craig: Gross! I am feeling like a fucking dog!!

Craig: Do not even dare to fart on my face.

Michael: (Laughed) You know that's what I was planning to do.

Ted: Just watch his asshole and sniff

Craig: (in irritated voice): How to find his asshole in this forest of ass hair?

Michael: Well, That is how a man's ass crack should look like, you sissy faggot!

Ted: Now sniff it

Craig made face but went on to sniff Michael's asshole

Craig took on or two whiffs of Michael's asshole then pushed his face away from Michael's ass.

Craig: Yuck! I am not going to do this anymore. His ass stinks

Michael: Hey asshole that is how a man 's asshole should smell like

Ted: continued to push them

Ted: Now put your finger on Michael's asshole and rub it.

Craig got up annoyed.

Craig: I am not doing this shit anymore. It was disgusting enough to sniff and smell his asshole. I am not going to fucking touch it.

Ted sighed

Ted:: Ok then. You drop your sweatpants and show your asshole to Mikey

Craig: What the actual fuck man? You told us that you would show us some proof of Marky being gay. Why the fuck you are making us(Craig and Michael) do this gay shit?

Ted: I am not asking you guys to do gay shit. Just do it, man. Hey, Mikey and you do plenty of cavity search of random criminals in your job on a daily basis. You should not have any problem checking out the asshole of Craig.

Michael: But what is the actual purpose of this shit?

Ted: Just do it, man!

Craig and Michael sighed but ultimately gave in. Craig dropped his sweatpants and spread his legs to give better access to Michael. Just like Michael, he was wearing only a jockstrap under his sweat pants. Michael kneeled down on his knees and parted Craig's ass cheeks. While Craig's ass cheeks were hair-less. His ass crack was pretty hairy. Well, not as hairy as that of Michael but still had plenty of hair.

Michael: And you were telling me that my ass crack was hairy. Have you ever looked at this disgusting forest of hair sprawled across your shithole?

Ted: Now sniff his hole.

Michael first took a couple of small sniffs from outside of Craig's ass cheek then he dived his none inside Craig hairy ass-crack and put right on his hole. And took a few long deep sniffs of Craig's manhole.

Michael: Motherfucke! Just two minutes back you were pretending as if your shithole doesn't stink. It is as gross smelling as mine. Probably more so.

Ted: Just push one finger inside his asshole

Craig: Don't even think about doing it motherfucker! I will break your fingers!!

Ted: Jesus!! I am not asking him to finger bang you. All I am asking him to just try to push his finger inside you hole

Craig: No fucking way!!

Michael held Craig's muscular butt.

Michael: Easy man! Don't be so uptight.

Michael then tried to push his index finger inside Craig hairy hole. But it failed to go inside. Craig had really clenched his hole very tight. Plus his hole was very tight anyway.

Michael: Hmmm. your ass is really virgin. I was under impression that your construction buddies were banging your butt on a regular basis.

Craig moved away from Michael's grip and pulled up his sweatpants.

Craig: Fuck off asshole! I am not a fag like you. Maybe you like to swing your ass on the dicks of your cop buddies But I don't swing like that way. And BTW you are the one who was hanging out with that fag Casey.

Michael also got up and turned toward Ted

Michael: What was the point of all this fucking shit? Where is the proof that Mark is a fag? Not that I don't believe you. But where is the proof? And Craig, I do not hang out with Casey. I had a day off on that particular day and I was alone and having some burger at GrandPa Burger joint. then Casey also came there. He asked me if he could join me. What was I supposed to do? Refuse him just because he is a fag??

Mark:(angrily): Why you guys always using these homophobic slurs against Casey? He may be not our friend anymore but we were friends for years during our elementary school days. So he deserves our respect even though you guys do not want to hang out with him. And he is not gay!! No matter how much you guys accuse him of being one. He is a happily married man. None of you guys are married. So chances of you guys being gay are more than that of Casey.

Ted: Aww So much pain for your girlfriend. It is so touching that your heart sill ache for your high school girlfriend.

Mark: Fuck You! He is not my girlfriend. I barely talk to him . And I did not talk to him a lot even during our high school days

Ted: [Raised his eye-brow).: Really. Are you sure? Since now we are discussing your sexuality so why not bring up your highschool gay love story with Casey which you had been hiding from us for a long time?

Mark: What high school gay love story?

Ted: You really don't remember what happened during prom night of our sophomore year in high school or you just pretending it?

Mark's face went pale while Craig and Michael were looking at each other with a puzzled look.



We will finish our flashback but in present-day Craig was going to Ted's gym to inquire him about Mark. Craig was still really worried about Mark despite assurance from Michael. He had some very reasonable doubts in his mind that something really wrong had happened to Mark. But unfortunately, Michael was not interested. He was simply dismissing Craig's worry as a baseless paranoia.

Ted was not picking his phone. He was still in the gym providing training to his clients. Ted always kept his phone on the silent mode or switched-off whenever he was giving personal training to his client in the gym

Craig did, not want to disturb Ted. So he decided to make the best of his time. He went to an eatery for a quick dinner then after that he went to a nearby bar to have few drinks.

in the bar, Craig met a really sexy chick who seemed to be really into him. They were having a really nice conversation and Craig thought that he would get lucky that night and would get laid. He had not fucked a sexy chick like her(Natasha) in quite a while. He almost forgot about Ted/Mark But unfortunately for him, one of the female friends of Natasha came out and asked her to call it a night. Natasha reluctantly left with her female friend leaving Craig high and dry and horny. At that time only he realized that it was almost 11 PM and Ted's gym was about to close.

He quickly left the bar and reached Ted's gym

Ted's gym was closed but lights were still in the front room. That meant Ted was still cleaning or arranging the equipment before finally closing and going to shower and sleep.

Craig had keys to Gym's front door. They(all four) had keys to each other places. He opened the door and went inside and called Ted's name but did not get any response so he went towards the shower area.

There he saw Ted standing buck naked near shower while Casey was pleading with him

Casey: Please Teddy. i rarely ask you for anything but tonight is my birthday. Tonight I want it to celebrate it with you. To be with you. To have a romantic night with you. Let's go for a nice movie and nice late night dinner

Ted(barked) It is already 11 PM at this time all movie theaters will be soon getting closed. Besides, I don't want to go to the movie tonight.

Ted: Please Teddy, You told me you loved me and if you really loved me then you should spend this birthday night with me.

Craig heard from the outside room and left puzzled. He was there to ask Ted about Mark but here a new drama was unfolding in front of his eyes.

Craig(to himself): Wait! What the hell is going on? Casey is saying that Ted loves him? WTF??

To be continued


What was exact nature of relationship between Mark and Casey? Were they really a couple as Ted was insinuating?

And what was the deal between Ted and Casey? Why did Casey say that Ted loved him?

Was Mark really missing Or was Craig just being parotid?

See in Part3.

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