Broken Hearts Boys

By David Young

Published on Jul 30, 2020


This story involves sex amoung consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love. The story of Broken Hearts Boys came to when I was riding my bike through a collection of mountain bike trails and seen a clearing and thought, what a great place to have sex.

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Chapter 3


I drove home in silence. Sometimes I enjoy the radio but not today. I was too busy worrying about Sean and thinking about Oscar again. Why is it so hard to get this guy out of my head. I arrived home a few minutes later and took the short walk up to my apartment. I put a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster, and made myself a bowl of oatmeal before taking another shower before dressing to get ready for work. I was extremely tired so my mind was not working and my body seemed to just push through the motions of eating then getting dressed and then walking back to the jeep to head into the office. I made it to the office a few minutes after 8:00 am. I was greeted like normal and no one seemed to pick up on the fact I had tons of things on my mind. First I passed Michael one of the senior partners and he said hello and kept walking. Next I passed Susan the office manager. Susan is a really nice woman in her fifties that is like an animal in the fact that she can pick up on anyone's feelings regardless of how hard they were trying to push them back. Susan looked me in my eye and asked what was wrong. I explained to Susan about my night and the status of my brother and my mother. Susan reassured me everything would be okay and stated if I needed anything please don't hesitate to call her. Susan was gone and I moved on to my office.

After sitting down in my chair and turning my computer on I noticed a calendar notification pop up immediately reminding me I had a meeting this morning in the conference room with the senior partners of the law firm to talk about the state of the firm's finances. Nothing was wrong, it was just a meeting we had every quarter to ensure everyone knew what was going on. I grabbed my notepad and walked to the conference room where everyone was already seated and looking over some papers I had emailed a few days ago for talking points of the meeting. The meeting consiste of Michael, Philip and Randy who were our three senior partners and all amazing lawyers who had been in practice for more than fifteen years together.The meeting went well and our finances were all good and everyone decided to continue on with everything as it had been going for months now. After the meeting Philip placed his hand on my shoulder and asked how I was doing. I nodded and said as to be expected after spending my entire night in the ER with my brother. Philips' eyes grew and he said why the ER. I told him what had happened last night and he assured me he was sorry and said if I needed to talk I could always come to him.

Philip was the only openly gay man I knew so I looked into his eyes and said I would actually like to talk to you for a minute if your free. Philip said he was due in court in two hours and pointed me to his office. Once inside the office with the door closed. I asked Phillip, "How did you know you were gay?" Philip stated the answer to that question is not as simple as one would think. Phillip stated he always knew he was different, but it was not until his early twenties before he had ever acted out on his feelings. I told Philip about the events of yesterday on the trail, and he laughed and said I guess this guy got more than he bargained for seeing you naked on your first meeting. I giggled and said yea I guess your right. I told Philip I was not able to get Oscar out of my head and had even given him my number and was actually hoping he would call at some point. Philip suggested I give things a chance and see where they go, and not to overthink the situation because being gay or bisexual in 2020 is very different from being gay in 1980. I left Philips office and walked over to my office and started checking emails and voicemails. The day drug out very slowly since I had so much on my mind. Around 2:00 pm everything was going great at the office and I decided to go ahead and head over to the hospital to check in on Sean.

When I arrived at Sean's room the doctor was talking to my mother and Sean was awake and sitting up in his bed. As it turned out Sean's injuries were not as serious as they originally appeared and he would more than likely be discharged the next day. I have to admit since I was so much older than Sean it was strange to have my mother get pregnant when I was 14 years old, but I always loved my younger brother. We never got to play together like most siblings do, but we were still able to build a close bond throughout the years. I walked past my mother and the doctor and allowed them to finish talking while I walked over and gave Sean a high five and then pulled him in for a hug. Sean stated his head was great but he had been having some pains in his sides and the doctors told him he broke two ribs when he was thrown from the car. It was earlier in the day so I did not run into Oscar while at the hospital this time. I think that is better because while I want to talk to him I don't want to do it while he is at work. I only stayed about an hour so Sean could get some much needed rest and I made the drive back to my apartment.

I walked into my apartment and went straight to my bedroom to get rid of my work clothes. My normal apartment attire was boxer briefs and a white cotton shirt. I prefer the boxer briefs because they offer a little extra support for the boys. I tried wearing boxers one time and I kept feeling like my balls were falling out the leg holes. Which is odd because I don't like extremely large nuts. After getting undressed I walked back into the living room and took a seat on my couch and was about to turn on the Television when the phone rang. It was Oscar, calling to see how I was doing. I told him about going to the hospital and seeing Sean and that now I was at the house about to turn on the TV. We talked on the phone for about 20 minutes, he asked where I lived and I asked where he lived. Turns out we only live about 10 minutes away from each other. Oscar told me he was off work tonight and without thinking it through I said hey you should come over, I am about to order some take out. Without any hesitation Oscar agreed and said if I called in the order he would drop by and pick it up. As it turns out we both love Chinese food and we both enjoyed a small place called Mr. Lees, which is a restaurant just around the corner from my apartment. Oscar ordered General Tso's chicken and I ordered some Sweet and Sour Chicken.

About 20 minutes later Oscar knocked on my door and I let him in. Thankfully I had decided to put some shorts on before he arrived. We sat at the kitchen table in my small kitchen and talked while eating our food. Oscar asked about my wounds, my day at work and everything else that came to mind. I apologize for our first meeting being one where my dick was in his face. Oscar said "I would be lying if I said it was not a nice dick." Therefor confirming my susupicsions that he is gay. Oscar said I am sorry that may have been too blunt, I said no apology needed and then for the next few minutes we talked about his past relationships and my failed marriage, my sexcapades when I was younger and the fact that for the past few years I had sworn off relationships all together. Oscar giggled and said you just have not found the right person to connect with, and I replied because you have huh? Oscar said touché and we both giggled. While talking Oscar and I were sitting on the couch and only about 3 feet apart. Oscar was staring at me like there was no one else in the world and it made me feel wanted, desired and even needed. Slowly we both inched forward until our lips met and for the first time in years I had kissed another man, and it felt amazing.

Our kiss lasted almost a minute and we both pulled away at the same time and Oscar stood and said I think I should be getting home, it's getting late and you need to get to bed. I smiled and said no please stay for a little longer, I am really enjoying getting to know you better. Thirty minutes later or so Oscar noticed I was nodding off and stood up and asked if we could see each other again soon. I said absolutely, that would be fun. Once Oscar had exited my apartment and the door was locked I sunk to the floor against the door and just thought about the kiss we shared. I sat on the floor for a few minutes just thinking about our evening together. My phone buzzed on the coffee table and I stood and walked over to see who could be texting me this late. It was Oscar, the text read "I hope I didn't scare you off, I had a lot of fun tonight, and thanks for the amazing kiss." I replied, you didn't scare me off, but you have given me some things to think about. I will see you soon, text me tomorrow. I continued walking and went into my bedroom. I laid on my back for about ten minutes and was not able to get Oscar and our first kiss off of my mind. Without even thinking my hand moved to my cock and I gripped my growing erection. I let go of my cock and slowly pulled my underwear off and began stroking myself and thinking about Oscar.

I found myself wondering what Oscar would look like with no clothes on, he was obviously buff based on the fact that his biceps bulged out of the arms of his shirts and he obviously was well endowed bass off of the day in the woods when he was tenting his biking shorts. I began stroking myself harder and faster and could hear the sound of my balls hitting the patch of skin between my balls and my ass, plop, plop, plop. The sound always turned me on and made masturbating that much funner. I could feel my testicules tightening and drawing closer to my hand as I hit the base of my cock and I could feel I was getting really close to cumming. I shot one, two and then three ropes of cum from my cock and the orgasm felt like it lasted a lifetime. The tingling in my toes lasted so long it was almost painful. I shot cum clear up to my face, a splatter even landed on my right cheek. I haven't had many orgasms quite like that one. I kept a towel in the nightstand next to my bed, but there was so much cum the towel was not going to cover it tonight. I opted to take a shower instead. I made my shower quick because yes, when Oscar left he was right, it was getting late and I needed to get to bed, so I wouldn't be tired for work in the morning.

I knew when I ever went under I would sleep like a baby. Jacking off before going to sleep always acted like an amazing sleeping aid. When I got back to my bed I opted to sleep naked for the first time in probably a year. I just liked the way the sheets felt on my naked body this time. Normally I don't really care to sleep naked, because I feel exposed and vulnerable, but tonight after hanging out with Oscar and an amazing jack off and orgasm I wanted to feel that way tonight. It only took me a few minutes to fall asleep and what a great night's rest it would be.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight to my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 4

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