Bromance with a Coworker

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on May 26, 2013


The usual disclaimer applies - this is a copyrighted work and my not be copied in part or in full without the authors written consent. All persons depicted in this story are over the age of 18.

Bromance with a coworker - 8

I woke up to the very feminine voice of the male flight attendant, announcing that we had begun our decent into Miami. I felt a pleasant pressure on my thigh and looked to see Matt's hand gripping my leg. Poor Matty, such a macho guy, afraid of flying. I rubbed his arm and looked to his face as he stared at the seat ahead of him.

"It's OK stud," I cooed to him, "It'll be over soon." Without moving his head, Matty strained to smile, beads of sweat dotting his forehead.

"Yeah, um whatever," he grumbled, "If God had wanted me to fly I'd have fucking wings." I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

After Matt's outburst and subsequent confession of love for me, we decided we needed to get away from everything. We needed some time alone, just him and me. No Brad, no apartments, no work, nothing. I had a mass of vacation time built up and money in the bank just waiting to be spent, so time off for me was easy. Matty was not as vested as I was, having not even been working a year, and although a full timer had yet to build up more than a few days of vacation time. Although when he requested the days off, his boss seemed more then eager to oblige him.

The plan all sort of fell together the night of his jealous rage. I was finally able to calm him down and get him relaxed. I knew it was not the time to talk, that would only exacerbate the situation. Talk would come later, now, right this minute he needed love, my love.

I lay him on his back, straddling his hips, as I very slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing his chest and tummy as I went. Opening his shirt fully, I pulled it behind him pinning his arms to his sides. I scooted down and could see his enormous cock straining against his jeans, the outline pressed firmly into the fabric. I ran my hand along its length, feeling the heat it gave off as it throbbed against my hand.

I leaned down and rubbed my face on his crotch, his scent filling my head with desire. My tongue began tracing his cock as Matt began to struggle to free his arms. With my teeth, I began to nibble along his shaft, his hips now humping up into my face, forcing his trapped cock to strain even more. Undoing the button on his Levis, I very slowly brought the zipper down, his cock begging to be set free.

I quickly moved to rip his jeans off his legs, his cock springing up yet still hidden by the soft cloth of his boxers a very large wet spot having formed at his cock head. I dove forward, attacking this wetness, tasting his pre-nectar and last dribbles of dried piss contained in the fabric, my tongue pushing against the tip of his cock, milking more juice from his fuck pole.

"Oh you cunt," Matt groaned, "You fucking tease. Suck my God damn cock and make me bust already!" I lifted up, an evil smile on my lips.

"Nope, I am so going to make you squirm stud," as I began to humping my cock against his, the silky fabric of my shorts and the soft cloth of his boxers almost like a slick lube. I stood on the bed over him and began to slowly strip off my t-shirt and shorts, gyrating my hips and body as if I was a professional stripper.

Having freed his arms and almost ripping his shirt to shreds, Matty began caressing my strong legs, his fingers exploring every inch of them. Coming up, his face found my crotch, his tongue dancing around my cock and balls coating me with his saliva, his fingers digging into my crack finding my hole working it open.

I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back, his mouth open I slid my cock into his mouth. As he continued to finger my ass, I began to thrust my cock into his mouth, working it in deeper to his throat. His fingers left my shitter and now firmly gripped my cheeks, pulling me to him, taking more of my cock in his mouth and throat.

"Yeah baby, that's it, suck my cock. Oh fuck yeah, take it all." I watched as he strained with my length, wanting it all in him, but finding it difficult, he gagged. I tried to pull back, tried to make it easier for him but his hands gripped my cheeks harder as he now rammed my cock fully into his mouth, forcing it down his throat, another sever gag forcing air and spit out of his mouth around my shaft. His eyes were watering, his face showing signs of strain, yet he continued to force my cock down his throat, his choking becoming less as his throat opened to the invader.

"Yeah baby that's it, take it slow and easy." His hands left my ass as I felt him begin to pull and tug on my balls. I took his head in my hands and began to fuck his mouth until I was ready to cum.

I pulled my cock out, watching every inch of it slide wet from his mouth, his lips trying to get back around it, wanting to suck my cum from me, but I was so not ready to unload yet. I beat my cock against his face, each hit leaving a wet mark where my cock had slapped him. I was enjoying being the dominant one, being the one in control but still wanting him to fuck me like he always did.

Almost as if he read my mind, Matt overpowered me and soon had me under him. I submitted to his will, letting him do with me as he pleased. He quickly lubed his cock and had my legs spread wide.

"OH Jimmy, I am so going to fuck you for teasing me like that," as he pushed his cock into my ass, ripping me open as he slid in fully, holding my legs apart almost to the point of breaking me. His hips were thrusting his cock in me like a pile driver, my hands on his ass, feeling his muscles flexing with each thrust, his balls quickly drawing up tight, sweat dripping off him onto my body and face.

I licked sweat from his neck, its salty taste causing my cock to throb between us. Matty was breathing hard, panting like a wild dog in the throes of mating. His saliva coating my face more with each breath, long drools of it hanging from his lips, I quickly swirled my tongue to lick them from him.

"Oh fuck baby," he groaned, "I'm gonna nut." His teeth biting my tongue, sucking me into a wet sloppy kiss, his hips making short thrusts, his cock deep in my ass, he groaned into my mouth. I could feel his cock throbbing as he began to cum. I swear I could see it as moving as he continued to fuck his hot load deep inside me. Matty was slick with sweat, as was I, which made it impossible for me to hold him in me. He withdrew, his cock still shooting his seed, he quickly moved, grabbing my hair and shoved his cock in my mouth.

"Now suck me," he demanded as his cock filled my mouth with his sweet cum as I suck the head of his cock. After he'd finished he began kissing me. His tongue exploring my mouth, licking from me any trace of his load. My cock throbbed against his ass, my pre-cum a lube, allowing my cock to slide freely in his crack.

I humped his crack as we continued to make out, his moans of pleasure quickly bringing me to orgasm, my cum flooding out of my cock coating his ass and then running down his balls back onto me.

Later as we held each other, it was decided that we needed time alone. After talking about different places to go, we saw an ad on the TV about a cruise. That was it. That's what we were going to do. We didn't even wait, I made the call right then from the bed, still naked and covered in sweat and cum.

Now just two weeks later, here we were flying into Miami the day before we were to set sail. We found our hotel near the port and settled in. Sleep was just not going to happen; we were both too excited for that. Sex, it seemed was not going to work either. Oh, we tried, trust me we tried, but our minds were only thinking of the cruise. Sleep did actually over take us, Matty's arms holding me to him as we slept.

When the wakeup call came, we were like two little boys about to go to Disney World for the very first time. We dressed quickly, babbling back and forth almost incoherently. Stuffing ourselves with pre-packaged Danish and sucking down really bad hotel lobby coffee, we loaded our bags in the cab and headed to the ship.

Boarding was easy and soon we were standing in the main atrium. We were struck with the size of the place, and must have looked absolutely lost and like a couple of idiots with our mouths open and wide eyes gazing.

"Hi there," came this energetic young voice, "Welcome aboard the Ecstasy!" Standing there was a festively dressed young man about our age, the shiny nametag pinned to his bright tropical shirt proclaimed his name to be Patrick, Assistant Cruise Director. "They say size doesn't matter," his arms gesturing to the size and grandeur of this several storied glass and neon area, "but I say it does!" I took a second to fully take in our slightly flamboyant new friend, his body trim and well-proportioned, strong legs extending out of tailored dark blue shorts. Light brown hair neatly cut and styled, brown eyes sparkling in the ambient light. "So, is this your first time cruising?" Still a bit awe struck, Matt and I merely nodded, Patrick's boisterous laugh almost filling the noisy room. "Well that's fantastic," he proclaimed, "I guarantee it will not be your last. Come on with me and let's get you settled in, may I see your tickets please?"

We handed him our tickets and after looking at them and checking his tablet, he gestured for us to follow him to an area manned by other festively dressed workers. Speaking to a middle-aged man dressed in a white naval uniform,

"Lieutenant Santos, may I introduce James and Matthew." The Lieutenant smiled warmly and shook our hands welcoming us on board. "Sir it seems my friends here are on their first cruise and I would like to make it an awesome trip for them." Patrick showed his tablet to the Lieutenant, and after making a few adjustments the Lieutenant smiled and said that would be just fine, and to make the arrangements. Turning back to us, Patrick smiled.

"Oh man you guys are going to love this," a slight chuckle in his voice. Again, he tapped his tablet a few times and then gesturing again to follow him, he led us to one of the glass elevators. "OK, so you were booked in one of our regular staterooms, BUT.... Because I like you guys and since this is your first cruise," a broad smile formed on his lips, "the lieutenant and I have upgraded you to a junior suite." He continued to tell us of all the ships features and things to do while on board as he took us up to our room.

Patrick opened the door for us and we were taken back by the sight. It even had a balcony with chairs! Patrick handed us our keys explaining it would take a short while for our luggage to be brought to us from our other room, then shaking our hands and telling us of the bon voyage parties that were soon to take place, reminded us of his name and that if we had any trouble, how to contact him.

I stood in dreamy awe of this spectacular room and slid the door to the balcony open to allow the warm Florida breeze to flow past me. Matty snuggled up behind me his arms snaking around me as his lips began kissing my neck.

"We got a little time before the parties, wanna mess around?" I answered him by sliding his hands down to my crotch so he could feel the erection in my board shorts.

"What does that tell you?" We were both soon naked and making love; the failure of the night before evident as both of us were soon cuming. We barely had time to whip the comforter over us when a knock at the door and a heavily accented voice announced "Porter". The door opened and a darkly tanned young man entered with our luggage. Although very professional, we did catch him eyeing us, as we lay tangled in the bedding. After setting our luggage down he paused, his attention towards the balcony. I quickly realized a tip was in order and without thinking, uncovered and stood up to retrieve my wallet. The Porters eyes quickly scanning my naked body and then doing the same to Matt, his eyes growing large seeing Matty's extra-large cock, which was still semi hard.

"Here you go," I said as I handed him a five, "Um sorry, you sort of caught us..."

"Thanks you sir, do not worry sir, thank you very much." After another long look at my naked body and a second glance at my lover, he nodded and backed out of the room, his eyes never leaving my body.

"I think he liked what he saw more than the money," Matt laughed. "Would have been better if he'd come a few minutes sooner and seen me fucking your hot ass." He tugged me onto the bed and began kissing me. A long blast of the ships horn, nearly scaring us to death, announced that it was time to depart. We cleaned up and were about to head out when yet another knock at the door, made us pause.

"Cabin steward", another friendly voice called out. We opened the door to find a very attractive young man standing in a white coat, his nametag stating his name was Tao. In his hands was a tray with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He set this down and introduced himself to us, stating he was our personal steward and anything we needed we just needed to ask. He briefly explained that there was a lifeboat drill about to take place and how to find our assigned station and that this was mandatory. He also explained where and when we were to go for our dinner giving us a paper with things to do and maps of the ship.

We headed to our lifeboat drill, and happily this was just a short walk from our cabin. It seems we were up on the Veranda deck, which is near the top of the ship. By the time the drill was over, the parties had begun. Matty slid his arm around my waist, which surprised me since we were in public, but no one seemed to notice.

"We got plenty of time to party, how about we go back to our room and drink champagne?" We headed back to find Tao, fixing up our room. He was a friendly guy who was full of information. Leaving us, Matty and I opened the champagne and stepped out onto the balcony, drinking our bubbly just in time to watch as the ship pulled away from the docks heading out to sea.

Soon rumbling tummies told us it was time for dinner. Walking to our stated dining room, I commented to Matt about the diversity of the others sailing with us. A nice mix of couples, straight and gay, differing ages, Families with kids and groups of friends, everyone getting along and having a good time. We arrived at our dining room and a tuxedo dressed middle aged man greeted us and after scanning our Id cards, had us wait while he adjusted seating plans, quickly changing where we were to sit. We were taken to a table with four other couples, two gay and two straight.

Dinner was excellent, the company fun and the conversation lively. We didn't know then just how much time we would actually be spending with these people, and how the cruise line knew to sit us together still baffles me. As it turned out, two of the couples were on our deck and one couple Rhett and Paul actually had the cabin next to ours.

We left our dinner companions to go exploring, finding a multitude of bars and eats as we did. We ended back in the atrium with its shops and roving entertainment then walking to the back of the ship where we found a lover's look out, as many couples were embraced either making out or just watching the swirling waters as the ship sailed on into the night.

We found a spot and I leaned back on the rail, Matty moving to hold me in his strong arms. I watched his eyes dart from side to side as I leaned in to kiss him. He made a slight hesitation move but seeing as no one seemed to notice or even care, he leaned into my kiss, his eyes still darting side to side. My hands to his neck made him focus only on me as we embraced each other, my hands sliding down to his ass. I could feel Matty's cock swelling against me, and breaking our kiss suggested we head back to the room.

Love was in the air that night as quite a few couples peeled off and seemed to be heading to their rooms. Back up on our deck I stopped a cocktail server and requested he bring some beer to our room, and after swiping my Id, he scurried off.

"Well I guess we need to wait for him to come back," Matt stated pulling his shirt off.

"You can wait, but I sure as hell ain't," and I striped and knelt in front of my sexy bro. I teased him by taking my time untying the cord on his shorts, giving his swollen cock inside light kisses. Working his shorts down his cock sprung up. I began slowly licking his shaft, ignoring the head for now. Swirling my tongue as far as I could around it, then ducking lower and starting on his balls, which were heavy with cum. I was busy sucking his balls when there was a knock on the door.

"Room service, I have your drinks." I looked up at Matt from where I was his balls and shaft soaked with my spit, shined in the rooms light; his hair tussled by the ocean breeze blowing in from the balcony. I was very surprised when Matt stepped to the door and opened it just a bit.

"Oh shit dude you're fast. Um yeah come on in, let me get something on real quick." Matt left the door ajar and walked past me, his hand to my shoulder as if saying stay there, matt grabbing his shorts and holding them in front of his crotch fumbling in the pockets. The door opened quickly and then shut behind me and I turned from my kneeling position to see the same young man who took my order walking in with our beers on a tray.

He stopped next to me, his eyes taking in all there was to see; me on my knees naked, Matty messing in his shorts pockets giving him quick glimpses of his spit soaked cock. It was obvious what he had just walked in on and the swelling in his crotch, not more than a foot from my face telling me he liked everything he saw. I did not hide the fact I was looking at his crotch and licked my lips when he saw me looking. I turned slightly to more face him, his crotch swelling even more as I did. Matt finally found some cash and handed him a tip. He seemed to fumble with the beers as if not sure where to put them, his body turning now to face me, still on my knees. Matty stepped up, his cock sliding over my lips, a moan escaping from my open mouth as it did.

"Do you want my friend here to help you with your, um, problem," Matt asked in a husky tone.

"We are not allowed to interact with guests in that way." The waiter stated, his cock clearly tenting in his shorts, his eyes now fully looking down at me, my mouth mere inches from the tip of his covers hard-on.

"Oh that sucks dude," Matt said shaking his head. "My stud here gives great head, too bad you're gonna miss out." The waiter continued to stand there looking from Matt to me. "Come on dude, just whip it out. My boy here will suck you off fast and easy. Can't have you going back to work like that can we?" Matt took the boys tray. I watched as he shyly began to undo his white webbed belt and began to open his shorts.

He was wearing no underwear, and his dark skinned cock was soon in my face. I wasted no time and began sucking his cut cock, taking all five inches without trouble. His hands trembled as they touched my head, his hips bucking his cock back and forth, his shorts falling to the floor. I knew he had to get back to work quickly, but couldn't resist taking a turn on Matty's huge cock letting this boy see me swallow the entire length, his eyes as big as saucers as he watched. I sucked Matty back and forth a few times then went back to the boy, who was very ready to cum. He moaned in some language as his cock erupted in my mouth, his hips wildly fucking his cock in and out as he did.

I sucked him dry, making sure I got all of his salty seed. He pulled his softening cock from my mouth with a sucking pop and quickly redressed. Grabbing his tray, he told us his name was Kavi and he always worked this deck and to ask for him next time we need drinks. He turned to leave but stopped and spun around seeing me already sucking on Matty's cock.

"Please, say nothing to anyone about this OK?" His voice was nervous, his eyes suddenly worried.

"No worries bud, it's our secret," Matt told him grabbing my head and fucking my mouth. Kavi smiled his young sweet smile and left us after taking one last long look.

I continued to suck Matt's cock, enjoying every inch as he slid it in and out of my mouth until with one final thrust he began to cum.

Author's note:

There is chapter eight! I hope you are all still enjoying the story! Be sure to check out my web site - Lots of information about the release date for my book and other exciting things. If you'd like to meet me, I'll be attending PRIDE in Santa Cruz CA on June 2, 2013 - In San Francisco CA June 29 + 30, 2013 and in San Jose CA August 17 + 18, 2013. Come meet up with me and get a coupon for a "pride discount" on the eBook Bark at the Moon - Coming of the One. I will also have a limited number of printed versions available for sale as well. Hope to see you there!

Don't forget to send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying the series! I promise to reply to any and all who write!

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Wolf hugs and howls!

Jimmy "Little Wolf"

Next: Chapter 9

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