Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Feb 22, 2006



By Michael Martell

CHAPTER 18: Sean and Shane

Things just have a way of happening and for no good reason. Since that incident between myself and Matthew I had made myself pretty scarce when ever Matt came to the house. Sean and I had talked about letting the other know when the other had company, which was something that made so much sense that neither of us didn't understand why we never thought of it before, I wish we had then maybe this would not have happened. I thought my being scarce was pretty subtle and natural but one day Sean confronted me about it.

"Don't you like Matthew?" Sean had asked.

"Yeah...I mean, he's okay. Why?" I asked.

Sean chewed his bottom lip, it's a shared habit that we both had. When something is on our mind or we are concerned or nervous about something we chew on our bottom lip.

"It just seems that every time Matthew comes over you leave."

"I figure that you would be thankful to have the privacy." I replied, which was not all the truth but it was logical.

"I am but it seems like...well, some times we just sit and talk and I would like for my brother to get to know the man I am falling in love with."

That got me. Sean was falling in love? There was no way, no way I was going to tell Sean what happened. Yes, it was a mistake but what he didn't know would not hurt him and I would never hurt my brother. Sean had been through so much and now he was exploring love again. I hugged him and told him how happy I was for him and that was when he hit me with the idea of Matthew have dinner with him and I. My mind went through every possible reason why not but I couldn't duck and dodge forever and the more I did the more suspicious he become. So I agreed.

The night of the dinner was the longest of my life. When Matthew arrived Sean asked me to answer the door, the one thing I didn't want to do. When I opened the door Matthew was there and he looked and smelled great. He smiled, briefly.

"Sup Shane," he said. Thanks to my new goatee, which Sean didn't have, we could be easily told apart. He walked into the house and asked where Sean was. When I told him that he was still getting dressed for dinner Matt said something that surprised me, "Good, because we need to talk."

"Talk? About what?" Matt knew I was being evasive on purpose and he wasn't playing that.

"About what happened between us."

"What happened," I said checking to make sure Sean couldn't over hear us, "was a mistake. You thought I was Sean and I...I... was having a sexy dream and...look the bottom line is that we never tell Sean what happened between us."

"True but I don't like lying to Sean." Matt said.

"Do you want to break his heart because you will if you tell him." I declared, "he is in love with you."

Matt blinked, "What?"

"He's in love with you and you and I both know that is a big deal, especially after all he has been through."

"And so is the truth." Matt said.

"Are you crazy Matt, do you honestly want to tell Sean something like that?"

"I don't want lies between us." Matt said.

I shook my head. I could admire what he was saying but my brother had been through hard times and this was about his happiness and I was going to make sure he was happy. I looked at Matt and shook my head. "I appreciate what you are saying but my position is the same. We don't tell him, period." Before Matt could protest more Sean appeared smiling and happy. It had been so long since I saw that smile nor that happiness from my brother and I was going to protect that and that he would never, ever, ever know. We all talked and drank wine, it was nice and comfortable but the tension between Matt and I was there. I could tell he wanted to tell Sean so badly but I was not going to let that happen. Sean had made a homemade dinner, chicken, ribs, greens, creamed potatos, cornbread. It was a great meal but it was hard for me to eat with Matt at the table. Sean seemed very wrapped up in Matt and that was good, he just had to remember that Sean loved him and that was all that matter.

Dinner ended just as my cellphone rang, thank goodness for that. I excused myself and went off to my room to talk.

I watched Shane leave the room when his cell phone rang at first I thought that was odd but I figured that he wanted Matthew and I to have sometime alone together. I actually was getting the feeling that Shane wanted to be anywhere else but here. It dawned on me that here I was happy and he was alone. Victor was dead and it seemed to me that there was no one else in his life. I wished he could find someone as great as Matthew, he had no idea what he was missing. We went into the living room where I turned on the radio and we sat together on the couch. Just as Alicia Keyes began singing her latest hit I was looking into Matthew's handsome face and before long I was kissing those sexy lips of his. It didn't take him long to respond and as he did I felt myself getting wrapped up and swept away. My body was on fire for him, my dick was throbbing, my nipples were hard, my mouth was wet, my ass twitched...I had to have this man that I had fallen in love with. I reclined back on the sofa and pulled Matthew on top of me. I pulled off my shirt and then his and we kissed as our naked chests touched and gyrated against us. Our body heat was driving me crazy, his cologne, his scent, his essence had me climbing the wall. Someone on the radio was singing about loving someone down and I wanted that to be me. My shoes and socks came off and so did his. My pants and underwear came off and so did his. We were both hard dicked and ready. I didn't care that we were in the living room, I didn't care that Shane could walk in on us. I just wanted to have Matt inside me, making love to me. I reached down and felt his dick, which was moist with precum, Matthew was ready for action and so was I. He sucked my nipples and when he did I yelped and moaned. He did that so damn well. He sucked them and then moved down my body kissing a trail down my stomach. I gasped as he touched my dick with his lips and then gripped it with his strong hands. He then spread my legs a part and began licking and eating my ass. OOOOH, that always drives me wild. A brotha that could really, really eat ass and lick it down could have me forever and I would want to be with Matthew forever with tongue and lip action like he gave and the way he treated me. He exchanged his tongue for his finger as he penetrated my ass with it and began moving it in and out and wiggling it inside of me. I was pulling on the sofa cushions, arching my back wanting him to get all he could but I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted him to put his dick in me and pound me down. I didn't have to wait or ask much longer because I felt him slip his dick inside me and I wrapped my legs around him as he thrusted in and out, in and out. We were covered in sweat and I wasn't even listening to the radio any more, our love making was drowning that out. I forgot where we were and I all I cared about was the right then and there and then and there was Matthew Siad Muhammad taking me to love land. He turned my body over so that I was in the doggie position and he slammed his dick deep inside me while I moaned and groaned and hollered into the sofa cushion. It felt so good. OOOOOOH SO DAMN GOOD! I didn't want Matthew to stop. I didn't want it to end. I wanted him to keep going and going and going just like that pink Energizer rabbit. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it.

In my room I was on the phone with Vincent. We had not spoken since I left New Orleans and I have to admit that I had been thinking about him since then. I didn't like how we left things between us and we never had a chance to talk things out and get right.

"What up, yo?" Vincent said.

"Nothing Vincent. Was just having dinner with my brother and his friend."

"Oh really. Should I let you go?"

"No, it's okay. Besides they need some time together." I replied.

"Yeah, aight." Vincent paused a bit, "Momma says Hi. She say she misses you."

I smiled as I could hear Momma V's voice saying those words to me. I missed Momma V, I missed her like crazy. "You tell her that I will call her and that I miss her too." There was another pause.

"I guess you were still mad at me when you left." Vincent said.

"What makes you say that?"

"You left and didn't even say good bye to me and you never called me."

"Oh no, I waited on you Vincent. You never came back and I couldn't wait. I had to go."

"No you didn't. You could have stayed." Vincent said. I could have stayed but it would not have been wise.

"Vincent let's not go there."

"Aight, aight." Vincent gave up, or so I thought, "I guess we will never see you again."

"Why you saying that?"

"Cause it's true. I realized something when you were down here."

"What?" I asked, curious.

"You loved my brother but you are afraid that you will fall in love with me."

I didn't know what to say at first. I loved his brother but being afraid to fall in love with Vincent? "What?"

"It's okay, I can deal with that." Vincent said, magnamously. Oh hell he wasn't getting away with that.

"What makes you think I'm afraid of loving you?" I demanded. I could hear him smiling over the phone.

"You there and I'm here." He replied simply.

"And you are crazy, Vincent. I'm not afraid of loving you nor any other man for that matter. But I can't be with you Vincent."

"Why not? Because you were with my brother?"

"Exactly, Vincent. No matter how right it felt..." I stopped but not soon enough. Vincent was on it like a hungry man on a biscuit.

"It felt right. I told you."

"That doesn't mean that it's right for us," I said quickly. "Vincent, I loved your brother with all my heart and soul."

"You saying you can't feel that for me?" Vincent asked.

"No I'm not saying that."

"So what are you saying?" Vincent asked. I closed my eyes, I just was not feeling his right now.

"Vincent, what I'm saying is that right now when ever I look at you I see Victor and when I remember what we hurts, I get lonely feelings for you would not be for you but for Victor." There was a long pause. A very, very long pause, "Vincent?"

"I'm here. Well, I guess that's it. Holla." And with that he just hung up the phone. I laid on my bed shaking my head. Why me? Why me? There was something about Vincent and his damn brother Victor that made them irresistible to me. As I laid on my bed my mind thought of Vincent and that fateful night when we made love. My GOD! It was hot. As I reviewed it in my mind, my dick got rock hard and before long I was touching myself. I stopped myself. That was what got me in the jam I'm in now. I needed sex, no doubt about it. I needed sex and I needed to stay away from Vincent. I glanced over at the photo album Momma V had given me and looked through it at the pictures of Victor. I couldn't help smile when I saw his pictures. It hurt to see him knowing he was gone but he wasn't really he was there with me. As I turned the page I stopped at a picture I hadn't noticed. It was a picture with both Victor and Vincent in it. They were at the beach and they were both shirtless and looking terribly sexy. I could not help staring at the picture of them. Damn, I was getting too horny. I closed the album and out it away. I headed out to rejoin Matt and Sean and got a big surprise when I walked in our living room. There was Sean ass up and face buried in the same sofia that Matt and I had our accidental hook up and right behind him was Matt fucking his brains out. They were moaning and groaning and it looked and sounded so sexy and I was so fucking horny. Before I knew it I had my dick in my hand and was jacking it for all it was worth. Neither Sean nor Matt could see me, which was good. There was something nasty about jacking your dick while your twin brother gets it good from his boyfriend. I couldn't help myself as I stood there watching them and stroking myself. I just had to bust one good nut and then I would be okay. As I stroked I found myself staring at Matt. He was a good looking brother. Very good looking and I remembered how his body felt on me. I remembered what his mouth felt like on me. Not only was I horny but I was getting jealous as hell. I stroked my dick faster and faster trying to get that nut out of me while my brother and Matthew continued on the sofa. Matt was moving so fast I knew he was about nut but I didn't want him to. I wanted him to wait for me.

"Ah Ah Ah I'm cumming." Matt said

"Yes Matt, Yes..." I whispered to myself as I felt myself ready to pop.

"OOOH Yeah Matthew...Yeah...Give it to me," Sean was moaning, his face still buried in the sofa.

"Ah...Oh...Oh..." I whispered as I jacked my dick so hard I was afraid that Matt would hear me.

"Oh yeah baby, Oh yeah baby, Oh, God, OH GOD!" Matt let out a growl as he erupted in Sean's ass and I busted right behind him. I made sure to catch my nut in my hand. It would not be cool if they found it all over the floor. I tipped into the bathroom to clean myself off and as I did I looked in the mirror. What was looking back at me was a brother who needed to get laid. There was too much going on, Vincent, Victor and now Matt. I was horny as hell and even though I had just busted a nut I wanted more. I had to get out of the house. I opened the bathroom door just as Matt, half naked and still with a hard dick was about to open the door. We stood there for what seemed like a long awkward moment. He looked not just sexy but sensual. The heady scent of fresh sex and his cologne was working on me. He was there with his shirt off, his nipples hard, his dick still bulging, barefooted and sexy. We looked into each others eyes and something came over us. I took a step backwards into the bathroom and he took a step in. I watched as my hand reached up and touched one of his nipples lightly. He closed his eyes and sighed. His dick twitched. I watched as my other hand did the same to the other nipple while my brain screamed out, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? And what was I doing? What were we doing? Just seconds ago he was making love to my brother and now here we were in the bathroom and I was touching him intimately and loving every minute of it.

"Matthew, hurry up with that towel." Sean's voice broke whatever had come over us and we jumped back as if we had been hit by 1 million volts of electricity. I handed Matthew a towel and he retreated towards the living room I went back to my room feeling horny, confused and disgusted.

[To Be Continued]

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Next: Chapter 19

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