Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Apr 6, 2004


BROTHER 2 BROTHER By Michael Martell

CHAPTER TWO: Mohammed Moyenda

My favorite place in my home is not actually within the structure but around it. It's my yard, particularly my backyard. When I was looking at lots to build my home upon It was the size and feel of the yard that I would have that was a major factor for me. I would stand there and visualize where the house would be and where the backyard would be and the feel of it had to be right. When I found the lot that had that right feeling it turned out to be a double corner lot which not only gave me room to build my home but afforded me a glorious sized yard to where I could build a pool, a greenhouse, a flower and vegetable garden and even an area to do my daily Salah, which is muslim prayer. I spent an enormous amount of money on building my home, which many would call a mansion, and I will admit that it is a big place but it is filled with love and though I don't worship nor depend on material things, it is a place that I find comforting to my heart and soul. I created a home where my son could feel comfortable in and provides shelter as well as a space for friends and family to gather. A place where you are at peace and where no one can harm you. I created a home that welcomes all.

I was performing the late afternoon Salah called `Asr. I was in my backyard and in accordance to Muslim teachings I was turned facing Ka'bah Makkah, which for me means facing east. As with muslim custom I had performed my Al Ghusl, which is muslim for the washing of the whole body. It is very important with the muslim belief that the body be cleansed and pure. The holy Qur'an tells us Truly Allah loves those who turn to Him and those who care for cleanliness. Cleanliness of the mind, body and clothes is called Taharah or purification. I was in my prayer garb and began my salah. Preferably Salah is to be offered in jama'at (congregation). The closest mosque to me is fifteen miles away, though I do go there for Ju' mah. It has been difficult at times being a practicing muslim especially after 9/11. It seemed that everyone assumed that all muslims hated Americans forgetting that many Americans were muslims themselves. I had an altercation with a neighbor a week after 9/11 had happened. I was performing Zuhr, which is the early afternoon salah, when my neighbor walked over to my fence that separates my yard from his and peered over and into my yard. He just stood there staring and disturbing me but Allah gave me the strength to maintain my concentration.

"I can't believe you are one of those towel heads that attacked New York City."

Towel head was a crude name for muslims and people of Middle Eastern origin. I am far from being of Middle Eastern origin. I was born and raised in America, Aiken, South Carolina to be exact. My father was a muslim and I became a muslim at a young age. It amazes me how ignorant people can be. It seems that everyone is quick to paint all muslims and followers of Islam with the same bloody brush. No one takes into consideration that just as there are good and bad muslims there are also good and bad jews and Christians. But it seems that we, as muslims and followers of Islam do not have the right to be seen as anything other than terrorists. True muslims believe in life and strive for peace and harmony and the blessings and being one with Allah. Those that would destroy life work in contrast to the teachings of Allah. I, like many, am a Allah/God loving muslim, law abiding, with families, dreams, desires, jobs and debts. Like all Americans I was shocked and saddened and angered at what had happened and the lives that were taken that dread day on September 11. I cried and prayed for everyone that was a victim that day. The passengers, the people in the buildings and on the ground. The families of the victims and even the misguided terrorists, who felt that what they were doing was right.

"Don't you have any pride and love for this country that has given you so much?" my neighbor had demanded.

Pride and love for a country that enslaved my people, stole them from their homes and denied them basic human diginity. Pride and love in a country that murdered my people, sold off families, raped our men and women, denied us equal rights and yet when the country goes to war they call upon those descendants of the enslaved to help them and when it's all over they are still treated poorly and denied the very freedom they were fighting for. But despite all that I do love this country and have pride in it but to a point. My love and pride are not an advertising tool, it's not something that I bring out and show to the world so that they know. I am proud of who and what I am and I don't need material or symbols to announce that. All I have to be is the best person I can and raise my son to do and be the same.

As I came to the conclusion of my salah I heard the sound of someone jumping into the swimming pool. I made my way towards the house and as I got closer to the pool I saw my son, Jamal and Sonny's son, Kei, swimming and splashing around in the pool. I looked at my watch and frowned. It was apparent that Jamal could not have performed his salah and had time to change and go swimming. It seemed to me that Jamal was going further and further away from Islam. When Jamal was young he knew all the salahs and how to perform the ablutions and the purifications and he was only five years old at that time. But now it seemed that as he has gotten older and the world has become a difficult place, especially if you were a muslim, that he is on the road to leaving Islam and the muslim faith. I would never force my son to do or be anything he chooses not to be nor do anything that he wished not to do. If he truly wishes to leave the faith then I will be his father and support and love him. I know it's tough being a muslim in this day and age now. The fact that I am gay is a bone of contention for many muslims...or would be if many knew, which they don't. So could I fault my son for moving away from it? No. There were times where I wanted to run from it myself but just like I am not like my father, my son is not like me if that is a blessing or a curse, I guess that will be a matter of opinion and the passage of time.

As I watched Jamal swimming I couldn't help but be amazed at how much my son had recovered from his accident from last year, last year was a rough year from everyone but this year would be much better. Jamal had a very long, lean and muscular body and as I watched him in the pool, he moved with a grace that I know he had to inherit from his mother. He had let his hair grow and he was now sporting braids or either cornrows, it depended on his particular mood for the week. Though he had inherited his mother's grace and movements as well as her smile and laugh, from me he inherited my looks and demeanor. Just like me he was pretty slow to anger but when it happened, watch out! He was also devoted to his family and he showed his love for me and told me everyday. I really couldn't believe what my life would be like without my son. Jamal is a good kid, a good son who would be a good father one day as well.

My eyes turned to Sonny's son, Kei. If I didn't know better I would have sworn Sonny spit Kei out himself. Kei was the spitting image of his father even down to the way that he acted, talked and sounded. He had the same handsome, sexy, charming appeal of his father. Like Sonny, Kei was of African American and Polynesian heritage. He was tall like his father, he had a fantastically sexy body. His complexion was a shade lighter than mine and Jamal's kind of a light cream complexion. Kei has this wanton sexuality about himself that you just can feel when you first meet him. He is very comfortable at being gay and sexual. I still remember the first day that I met Kei. He appeared unannounced at my front door with that sexy, naughty boy smile and twinkle in his eye and announced he was looking for his daddy. How could I turn the son of the man that I love away? Kei has been with us ever since and his appearance in our life and home has found me asking and considering questions that I had never even considered before, especially as both Jamal and Kei have become closer and spending more and more time together. I know Jamal is straight, but what if he wasn't? What if Jamal came to me and told me that he was gay, what would I say? What would my reaction be? I couldn't be sure but I knew it wouldn't be like Yohance Moyenda's reaction when I told him but in all honesty my father and I weren't even that close and my telling him was just my way of fucking him slap up. But what would I do if Jamal was gay? I just didn't know and that scared me more than anything.

While and Kei and Jamal swam and played in the pool, Jamal's stereo system was booming their favorite rap artist, a guy called Killa Kevie Kev. I admit to being a rap and hip hop fan and there are artist out there that have talent and a message and then there are those who just are running their damn mouth, disrespecting women and anyone else they can all for the money or talking about killing and gang violence and making money and getting all the bling bling. One rapper they seem to like a lot is a rapper named Infamous, who I think has a few problems of his own. Killa Kevie Kev was not within that Infamous line, in my opinion, but I have to say that he is a very sexual rapper as well as being sexy. I remember coming into the living room, where the big screen TV was on Jamal and Kei's favorite music channel, BET and both boys were asleep. Killa Kevie Kev's video from his latest song called `SWING ON IT' was playing. It had a nice beat and was definitely something that could be danced to. The video had a half naked Kevie Kev, minus a shirt, exposing a devastatingly sexy chest and six pack of abs that made me jealous and baggy jeans slung low on a thick ass. Hey, I may be in love with Sonny and he is a sexy man but nothing wrong with appreciating a beautiful body. In the video he was doing so almost X-rated dance moves with various dancers, male and female, also half naked. It was interesting and it was that song that was thumping on the stereo.

The sound of Jamal screaming with laughter turned my attention to the pool. Jamal was swimming away from Kei, who had a firm hold on my son's right foot and I knew what was about to happen. To say my son is super ticklish, like is mother, would be an understatement. Kei began tickling Jamal and my son went crazy. As he laughed and struggled to get free, Kei keep a firm hold and the look of pleasure that was on Kei's face made me wonder. Suddenly, Jamal was free and was making his way out of the swimming pool. Kei was right on his heels but my son had pulled a fake out and as Kei got out of the pool he dove back in and as he did he grabbed Kei's foot and pulled him back in.

"Now let's see how you like it!" Jamal said and he began to give Kei what he had just given him. I said Kei was exactly like his father including being as ticklish as well.

"NOOO! I'm sorry man...pleaseplease..." Kei broke out into wild laughter which filled the air and the back yard. For some reason I decided to make my presence known.

"What's all this?" I asked walking up. Both boys looked up.

"Hey Pop, just getting some revenge." Jamal said. He was still holding Kei's foot and it wasn't lost on me that Kei wasn't trying to get away now that he had the chance. No, I'm being silly.

"Well get revenge later. You guys get out and get ready for dinner." I checked my watch. "Sonny should be home soon."

"Aight Pop," Jamal said.

"Cool Mr. M." Kei replied as well. He had taken to calling me Mr. M and I didn't mind it. I nodded and went into the house. I happened to look back and saw Jamal and Kei climbing out of the pool and my eyes went to the clear bulge in Kei's rather skimpy swim trunks as he climbed out of the pool behind my son. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, it hid most of him pretty well but not by much. I didn't even want to look at Jamal. I just went on about my business telling myself that I was letting my cancerian mind get concerned over nothing.

Sonny called to let me know that he would be home in half and hour. He said that he missed me and had something important to tell me. I missed Sonny too. For the last three months Sonny had been on the road with the XWF (Xtreme Wrestling Federation) while I had been staying close to home taking care of Jamal and getting myself back together mentally. I had to admit I missed being on the raod with all the guys from XWF. I missed wrestling and though I was just on an extended leave from the company, I knew that the longer I waited to return the harder it would be to get back in the flow of things. But after Jamal's accident and then getting custody of him while his mother took care of her situation, I couldn't just go off and be on the road for months at a time and that was on a light schedule, eventually I would have to do the full schedule but right now I needed to make sure that everything is okay with Jamal, he had to come first.

Since Sonny would be home soon, I took a shower and went down to start working on dinner. I heard the TV blasting in the living room and I knew Jamal and Kei were watching music videos on BET. I went into the kitchen and began working on a welcome home dinner for Sonny. Sonny once said there was something sexy about a six foot five inch tall, 275 lbs Muslim in the kitchen cooking like Betty Crocker, Aunt Jemima and Julia Child rolled up into one. I love to cook and it's amazing that I have not blow up into an overweight beast from all the eating and nibbling I do while I cook but I also work out so much that my metabolism burns it right off before it has time to settle for a long stay. I knew I didn't have long and cooking something that would take a while was not what I wanted to do. Besides I wanted to make a meal that could be eaten quickly with very little mess to clean up because Sonny and I had some `coupling' to catch up on. Three months without the one you love and you will know exactly what I mean. So I decided that I would make some Brunswick stew and cornbread. It didn't take me long to do the stew and cornbread. I was just finishing up when I heard someone walk into the kitchen. I turned to see Kei standing there with his father's smile on his face. It made me miss Sonny even more.

"Wassup Kei?" I asked him as I pulled the cornbread out of the oven and began cutting it in slices.

"Nothing Mr. M," Kei replied. "I was just coming in to see what smelled so good and I see it's you."

"I beg your pardon?" I replied.

"I said, I see it's you in here making it smell good. You are a great cook."

I smiled. His father says the same thing. "Thanks. I hope your father likes it."

Kei smiled and nodded. "I'm sure he will." Kei jumped up and sat on one of the kitchen counters. He was wearing a little bit more than he was wearing while he was swimming but not much more. He had on a mesh T-shirt that clung to his tight body and showed off his washboard abs. He had on a pair of shorts and was barefooted. I did note that both he and his father had this thing about going around barefooted, not that it was a problem, they both had sexy feet but it made me wonder if it was a Polynesian thing or something in their family.

"Really love makua, don't you?"

"Makua?" I asked, I had no idea what makua was. Kei giggled.

"Makua is Hawaiian for father." He explained.

It sounded nice. I never knew how beautiful the Hawaiian language was.

"Yes, I do love your father, very much." I said answering his question.

Kei smiled as he brought both his feet up on my kitchen counter and then folded his feet and legs under him to sit in a lotus position (Indian style, as we also called it). As he sat there I couldn't help but notice that he wasn't wearing any underwear. His shorts were not as tight as they appeared, they were rather loose and sitting up there I could glimpse what he had. If he noticed me looking he didn't care.

"Kei, you want to get off the counter please." I said.

"Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Kei said and I found myself wondering if he did or didn't. "So I guess you and makua are going to retire after dinner to..." Kei made a gesture with the finger of his right hand and his left hand where he made a hole with his thumb and index finger and stuck the right finger into the hole.

"That is none of your business," I replied, maybe a bit too hard. But the idea of discussing my sex life with my lover's son just didn't appeal to me."

Kei smiled. "I understand Mr. M."

"Kei, you don't have to call me Mr. M." I said, I didn't like the sound of Mr. M, it made me sound and feel old.

"Well, what can I call you?"

"Well, Mohammed is fine. My friends, including your father call me Mo-Mo."

He seemed to be considering something. "Mo-Mo? Hmmm...Mo-Mo...that does sound sexy...Mo-Mo...Oh...Oh...Mo-Mo!" Kei laughed but there was something about how he had said that made me feel like he wasn't just being funny.

"Mohammed will be fine." I said.

Kei frowned. "But I like Mo-Mo."

"Fine, then you can call me Mo-Mo without the Oh...Oh." I added.

Kei's expression turned serious. "My father is a lucky man to have you, Mo-Mo and I also want to thank you for letting me stay here."

"Kei, it's okay. It's great having you here and I have to say that I am lucky to have your father in my life." Suddenly Kei hugged me. His arms wrapped around me like snakes as he squeezed and held me tight. I hugged him back in as much as a fatherly way that I could but he was not hugging me in a platonic fashion. As he held me I could feel a bulge growing on him and he ever so slightly grinded his hips and dick into mine. My body began to betray me as I could feel my own dick start to come to life.

"HEY KEI!" Jamal shouted from the living room, "YOUR GONNA MISS INFAMOUS' VIDEO!"

Kei let me go and headed out shouting back. "I'm coming," And he then turned and looked back at me and smiled before leaving. I smiled back, though it was just an automatic response. I poured myself a glass of ice water and returned to making dinner.

"What's cooking good looking?"

I had my back to the kitchen door and when I heard Sonny's voice I stood still, hoping and praying that it wasn't a dream and that when I turned around he would be standing there. I turned slowly around and I broke out into a wide ass smile. I couldn't move, all I could do was stand there and look at him. It had been three months since I had seen him, well not counting on TV but live and in person. There he was all six and a half feet of him. He did look different though. His usually short hair was longer and he sported a goatee and it was apparent that he'd been getting some sun and he hadn't missed a work out. His body was as fine as every. The sun he must have gotten had lightly tanned his light almond complexion. I had forgotten how attractive he was but I never forgot how much I loved him and how much I missed him.

"So, do I get a hug or what?" Sonny asked opening his arms wide. I didn't need to be asked twice and I was in his arms like a shot and as we embraced, his huge arms wrapping around me felt oh so good. We then kissed, it started off slow but soon it was a fire. The fire of two lovers who missed each other and wanted nothing more than to be together in each other's arms. We would have made love right there in the kitchen had Jamal and Kei not walked in.

"OOOH They are kissing!" Kei joked.

"I'm gonna tell Sonny on you." Jamal joined in laughing.

Sonny and I stopped kissing but we remained in each other's arms as we looked at our sons.

"Don't you two have something better to be doing?" I demanded.

"More fun than this?" Kei answered. "Ummm...No."

"Well, find something." I replied back. Sonny squeezed me and smiled.

"I thought we were going to eat when Sonny got home?" Jamal said.

Sonny looked into my eyes. "I am a little hungry. That plane food is nasty as shit."

"So be it, dinner will be served once everyone washes their hands and get ready." Kei and Jamal were gone in a shot. Sonny turned to me.

"I missed you so much," He said folding me into a deep, tight passionate hug. "And I love you so very much."

I closed my eyes, sighed and then exhaled. "I missed you too and I love you."

We kissed again and I knew that I had never felt love like this before.

We had dinner at the dinner table, a rarity to say the least. Sonny talked about the tour and caught up with what was going on with Kei and Jamal. I watched and listened to the conversations. If you didn't know it, you would swear that Sonny had two sons. Jamal and Sonny had gotten close, which was important to me. Dinner was great and the conversation was fine but I wanted Sonny to myself. We had three months of loving to catch up on. Everyone had finished eating and seemed to enjoy the Brunswick stew and cornbread.

"That was a great meal," Sonny said as he reached across the table and took my hand. My dick sprang to like just from that simple touch. Hey, It had been three months since I had been with him. I wanted him so bad right now.

"Thanks, I'm glad you liked it." Sonny was looking at me with that look I knew all too well. That look that said, in the word's of Marvin Gaye, `Let's Get it on!' And I wanted to get it on, badly. The next thing I knew Kei and Jamal were getting up and clearing the table. "Hey guys I can do that." I said, surprised.

"We have it," Jamal said.

"Besides," Kei added, "I think you have better things to do besides washing dishes."

Kei was right. Sonny and I rose from the table and holding hands we headed up the staircase to where our bedroom was located. We entered the room that we shared and there was no need for any words or expressions of how much we missed and loved each other. We went to each other and began kissing each other like lovers do when they haven't seen each other for a long time. I sighed and moaned as I felt Sonny's soft lips against mine. I had forgotten just how soft and sexy his lips were. How when he kissed me, how he would gently nibble on my lower lip. How he wrapped his arms around me and pressed me closer to him while his hands kneaded my back. I forgot how great his body felt in my arms, how hard his body was against mine. Sonny nibbled and sucked on my bottom lip, which he loved. Sonny always said that he loved my lips, which are very full, especially my bottom lip. I felt my dick roaring to life and ready to bust loose. Sonny pressed his lower body closer, rubbing his own clothes covered erection against mine.

"OOOH," Sonny sighed in my ear. "Your dick feels so good."

There were no need for words to respond to that. I just grinded my hips making it clear that his dick felt good to me too.

"Mohammed," Sonny said as he began kissing me again, "I love you so much and I have missed you."

"Ohhh baby...I love you too and I have missed you like you wouldn't believe."

"So me how much, baby." Sonny said as he began removing my shirt.

I smiled as I began removing his. With each piece of clothes we removed we would kiss that exposed area. His tongue on my nipples drove me crazy. My lips on his tummy made him moan. Soon we were naked as the day we were born and standing in the middle of the bedroom magnificently naked, our bodies hot with our passion and love, our lips devouring the others. Sometime during all this I had turned on the radio and as the slow groovin' R&B and Soul station, WWYZ, The Wiz 96, played Mary J. Blige, we fell upon the bed kissing and caressing and touching each other as if it was the first time. My lips moved to Sonny's neck and up to his ear lobes.

"Ahhhhh...yes, baby, yes..." Sonny moaned as I hit one of the hot spots on his body. My hands moved down his body stopping on his six pack of abs and I lightly tickled them and his tummy rippled and jerked. "OOOh shit...damn!" Sonny giggled. I knew his body like I knew the back of my own hand. I knew that the little bit of chest hair he had went down to his tummy and tapered off into his pubic area. I knew that his hot spots were behind his ears, his tummy, ofcourse, and when I caress the palm of his hands he goes crazy. He loves to have his back rubbed when we make love and he has this cute little birth mark on his back, on his right shoulder blade and that when I kiss and tongue that spot he starts to shake and vibrate. He has the same knowledge about my body. He knows that the back of my neck and nipples are my hottest spots and he knows that if he massages my pinky toe it gets me hot just like he knows that if he sucks my pinky toe I would have an orgasm like no other.

I rolled Sonny onto his stomach and spread his ass cheeks and after licking around his firm, hard, ass cheeks I allowed my tongue to work around and into his tight hole.

"Lawwwwwd!" Sonny gasped as I went to work. I knew he loved to have his ass eaten and I was more than happy to oblige him. He slapped the pillow as he buried his face into the pillow. I could hear him scream with pleasure as he started humping the bed. With my big hand I `popped' his ass, which I knew would set him off.

"OH DADDY!" Sonny moaned out. I popped it again. POP!' He wiggled and squirmed. I popped it two more times. pop!' `pop!' "RRRRRGGGGH!" Sonny growled lustfully. "Do it it again big daddy!"

I began spanking his ass again and again and with each slap it got harder and harder. Sonny wiggled, moaned and yelled with each smack and whack.

"OH GOD..." Sonny moaned. "Yes...oh...ah...oooh...don't...wooo...stop!"


"OW! OH YES!" Sonny yelped out. I kept smacking his ass until his ass was hot. I knew his almond beige ass was getting red without seeing it. It was time for one more big one and it had to be a good one. I reached back and smacked his ass as hard as I could and when it hit it sounded like a gun going off.

"DAMNIT!" Sonny wailed as he buried his face into the pillow. I hit it again and for good measure one more time. With each smack Sonny would moan and yell. Reaching into the bedside table I pulled out a jar of cocoa butter and applied a liberal amount on his hot ass. Sonny cooed and whimpered as the coolness of the cocoa butter eased the heat and sting from my spanking. It was soothing on his raw ass. I massaged the cocoa butter into his muscled ass while he moaned and wiggled. I enjoyed the feel of his ass in my hands and the sounds of his moans were driving me crazy. I applied some more between his ass crack and as I worked it in I allowed my finger to work in and around his hole.

"Oh...Oh...oh...oh..." Sonny moaned as he realized what was going on. I continued working my index finger into his hot ass. Into his tight, hot ass. I continued to work my finger in and out of his ass and with each in and out motion Sonny would moan and grind his body into the bed. He spread his legs wider with each insertion of my finger. I replaced my index finger with my middle finger and Sonny raised his ass up in the air, allowing me better access to his ass.

"Awww...yeah...Ohhh yeah daddy!" Sonny moaned as he worked his ass. As I pumped my finger in and out of his ass my dick was twitching wildly. It wanted to be where my finger was. I pulled out a Magnum condom as Sonny rolled onto his back. I made sure that his ass was nice and lubed up with the cocoa butter. He spread his legs wide and held them up in the air allowing me perfect access to his ass. Slowly, steadily and gently I put my dick into his lubed up and on fire ass. His ass was so tight that I thought I was going to come right then.

"OOOOOH...UHHHN!" Sonny moaned as I entered him. I could feel his ass closing around my dick. "OH SHIT...OH SHIT...AHHH! Mo...Ohhh...Mo...Yessss! Yesss...ooooh daddy! Ooooh baby!"

The sounds of Sonny's sexy noises were driving me crazy. I began fucking his ass, pumping slowly but with each stroke I went faster and faster. Sonny wrapped his long, powerful legs around my waist as I drove my dick deep into him. Sweat drenched our bodies as we made love, as we fucked like we'd never see each other again.

"Work that ass!" I told him as he did. "Yeah! Yeah! Whose ASS is THIS!"

"It's your ass!" Sonny answered back.

"WHOSE ASS IS THIS?" I said louder.


"YOU DAMN RIGHT!" I said back as I gripped his ankles and pulled them over and back to his head while I plunged in deeper and deeper. It felt so good, so damn good...OH TOO DAMN GOOD! I didn't want to come. I wanted it to last longer. I wanted it to last forever but neither one of us could hold on any more.


I was right with him. I could feel the orgasm about to take me over. I was going to explode and I knew that I would die when that happened and it was the best way to go.

Our moans and shouts reached a crescendo that filled the room. It was so loud I just knew that everyone in the world could hear us.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Sonny let out a loud and low moan as his dick spit out hot cum all over his chest and stomach.

I began speaking in tongues as I erupted inside of Sonny's ass. My body shaked and shuttered. Jerked and trembled. I collapsed gently upon Sonny and kissed the sweat from his forehead and face and his lips.

"I love you Sionne," I said looking in his eyes as I used his given name.

"I love you too, Mohammed," Sonny replied breathlessly.

Minutes later we were sharing a shower together which resulted in us making love in the shower not once but twice. When we finally got out of the shower we went back went back to bed naked and kissing and holding each other.

"I missed you so much." Sonny said as he snuggled against my chest.

"Not half as much as I missed you." I answered.

Sonny looked up into my face and smiled. "So does that mean you are ready to go back to XWF?"


Sonny giggled. "C'mon, Mo-Mo. Are you ready to come back?"

I had to admit that I missed being on the road and being with the guys and especially being on the road again with Sonny. But There was Kei and Jamal to think about.

"What are you worried about," Sonny had said when I brought that up. "They are old enough to be here alone for a few days." Sonny said.

"A few days?" I replied. "Try a few weeks."

"Mo-Mo," Sonny pulled himself up in a seated position in the bed. "We can make arrangements but they are old enough to handle being here alone. We can get someone to stay here with them if it will make you feel better."

"Sonny, you know I want to get back on the road and get back in the action but we have a family here to consider."

"Mohammed, you can't put your career on hold forever." Sonny pointed out.

"I can. I have made a great living in pro football and wrestling and I used and invested my money wisely so I won't have any problems with money."

"So you are saying you don't miss it?"

"Are you kidding, It drives me crazy seeing you doing what I want to do. But we have to consider the boys."

"Okay well, I am home for a minute but I have to tell you that Miller wants you back but he isn't going to wait forever."

I sat up. "What are you talking about?"

"Mo, I'm not saying this to upset you but he has some new talent coming in and there is this brother calling himself Jesse T! He's got the size, the look and he's young. Actually he could be a younger version of you."


"So? So, Miller is hot to have this guy on the roster and if he gets him it could be the end for you with XWF." Sonny pointed out. I had seen that happen before. A wrestler is out hurt or something over an extended period of time and the next thing that wrestler knew he had been replaced. I don't begrudge a man for making it in this business, especially a black man but I wasn't going to let anyone just spring over me and take my spot that I worked hard for. Maybe it was time to get back into the swing of things. Jamal and Kei were old enough to be here alone and if they had some responsible adult checking in on them it would be so bad.

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" I asked getting tired and just wanting to be in his arms and him in mine.

Sonny smiled, "Ofcourse. Good night."

"Good night." I said as I kissed him one more long and hot time. We wrapped our arms around each other and were soon off to sleep.

The sounds of snoring woke him. His eyes had to adjust to the darkness of the room and the glare of the still on TV. He blinked and rubbed his eyes as he tried to check the time. It was just after midnight. They had fallen asleep watching TV. He pulled himself up and stretched his body which was a bit sore from sleeping on the sofa. He needed to get in his own bed. That was when he heard the snoring again. He had thought it was the sound of his own snoring that had woken him but it wasn't. They both needed to go to bed. He was about to wake him up when he noticed that the shirt he was wearing was off. He hadn't remembered seeing him take off his shirt. He found himself admiring the sleeping form. Not that he had ever seen his chest naked before but this was the first time he was able to look at his chest without anyone being around. He had a nice looking body. A gorgeous body. The work outs were paying off. He didn't have a bad body either. He let his eyes glide over the rest of the sleeping body and that's when he noticed the bulge of his dick in his jeans. He stood there staring at the magnificent body in total awe of the beauty and sexiness of the sleeping form. The next thing he knew he was reaching out with tentative fingers and touched the chest of the sleeping form of his friend. It felt warm and hard and yet soft. He moved his hand carefully across the chest, trying not to wake him. He let his fingers glide across the nipples which started getting erect and hard and he noticed the twitching and movement of the dick. He continued as he enjoyed the feel and touch and let his fingers touched the nipples again and tweak them a bit. There was a sigh and a snort that made him jump back five feet. He checked to see if he was still asleep and being satisfied that he was he walked back over and this time roughly shook him and woke him up.

"C'mon," He said, "It's past midnight, it's time to go to bed."

With that Jamal and Kei headed up to their separate bedrooms.

To be continued.

Chapter Three coming soon!

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Next: Chapter 3

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