Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Oct 29, 2006



By Michael Martell



I love the Doubletree Guest Suites. We aren't talkin' no el cheapo pay the hour motel shit. This wasn't motel 6 or some shit like that. This was luxury. I had a two room suite with a full kitchen, a king sized bed, a living room/dining room combination that was as comfortable as home. It had to be comfortable because I was going to be here for a bit. After the shit went down at the party I went straight home and began grabbing what I could, my laptop computer, my video and camera gear, some clothes, personal hygiene items and $2500 in cash that I had stashed away in the top cabinet in my kitchen. Once I had everything I needed I rolled out for the Doubletree. It wouldn't be long before that bitch Brett started running his mouth and soon the police would be looking for me. I should have taken him with me but I would have picked up a kidnapping charge. Right now if the police did show up all they had was enough for questioning but not to charge. But there was no way I was going to let that even happen. My plan was to hold up at the Doubletree for a couple of days. Get my ducks in a row and then head out to Philly. I got a cousin, who is down out there and he has been wanting me to move out and stay with him. Sounded like a good mothafuckin' plan. Fuck this city and all the mothafuckaz in it. I was chillin' the in the Jacuzzi tub, smoking a blunt when my cell phone rang. I checked the caller id and smiled as my cousin's name popped up.

"What's poppin', nigga?" I said, smiling. Teck was the coolest of all my cousins. When we both found out the other was `down' everything was cool. Hell, every now and then we would hook up and get some pressure off. Teck had a damn sexy bubble ass.

"Not much man," Teck said, "so when you think you gonna be headin' up to Philly?"

"In a couple of days, gotta get my shit straight here. Why? You can't wait to see your cuz?" I could hear Teck giggling on the other end. It had been more than five years since we saw each other. We talked on the phone and shit on the regular but no face to face in a while.

"Yeah nigga," Teck said, "'sides I have some cats here you need to meet, Dalz."

Teck went on to tell about some cute pretty boy named Jevon, a sexy, hot in the ass Latino named Louie and a few more cats that he said just couldn't wait to meet Teck's cousin. He had my dick ready for action after we got off the phone. The blunt and talking to Teck had a brotha horny as fuck. I couldn't risk calling one of my usual pieces and I was not about to jack it. I needed to get some action. As I sat in the warm Jacuzzi I remembered the last time I had been here. There was a brotha that worked here that had been checking me out on the slick and sly. I had got his name from the tag he was wearing and now I was trying to remember it so I could call down to the front desk and ask for him. I could picture the mothafucka in my head right now. He was about five foot eleven inches tall and no more than 150 lbs. He was yellow skinned nigga with dreads, gray eyes and a goatee. He looked like he worked out a bit. He had nice lips and his ass was juicy. He looked like he was one of those screaming bottoms, if he was a bottom. He could be a versatile cat, like me, or a top. I doubted if he was a top but he could pull off being vers. What the fuck was his name? I took another toke on my blunt and his name popped into my head. I got out of the tube naked and wet and went to the room phone. I called to the front desk and a girl named Ashanti answered the phone.

"Sup Sista Ashanti," I said, "this is room 221. I'm tryin' to locate my man Thaxton. He working tonight?" If the nigga had been fired or some shit like that I was gonna look stupid.

"Actually, he's about to walk by me now. He's off for the night."

Ah damn, I had to think fast. "Damn, can you put him on the phone. I have got to holla at him." Ashanti told me to hold on and after a few moments Thaxton was on the phone.

"This is Thaxton," he said. He had a sexy voice.

"Sup Thaxton. We may not remember me. But I was here one time and you was checking me out."


"Nah, check it out may. I know you down, aight. I got some smoke and a big dick and all we need is you." There was another long pause and I was certain he was going to cuss me out or something. But he was back on the phone accepting the offer. I gave him my room number and he said he was on the way up. I wrapped a towel around my waist and then I went and rolled a couple of blunts and was lighting mine up when there was a knock on the door. I was checking him out throw the peep hole. If it was possible, the nigga got sexier since the last time. I invited him in and when he saw it was me, he smiled. He must not have been to sure who he was dealing with. Probably thought I was some fat mothafucka or some shit like that. We chatted for a second and I offered him a hit on my blunt. We killed the first one and were on the second one. Thaxton was getting comfortable. He had taken his shoes off and his shirt. I was sitting on the couch with just a towel on and it was clear my dick was hard and ready. Thaxton noticed it and smiled as he removed my towel and went to work. Damn, he could suck a dick. As he sucked my dick he got out of the rest of his clothes and he was naked as the day he was born. There was no need to be on the couch when I had a big mothafuckin' bed. So we went in and got into a 69 position. While he sucked my dick I was fingering and licking his ass. Thaxton was moaning as he sucked. I could tell that he was a bottom and that his ass had been well broken in. I was going to have a slice of that yellow cake and then some. I got him bent over doggie style and slipped my dick right into that hot ass. I slammed in all the dick he could handle while he moaned and begged for more. He wanted it harder and I gave it harder. He wanted it rougher and I gave it rougher. I went from givin' it to him doggie style to tossing him on his back, grabbin' his ankles and slamming the dick to him on the bed. I let him ride the dick and then I was hitting it again doggie style. Thaxton was trying to climb the walls to get away but I pulled him back for more. When I exploded in his ass, Thaxton exploded all over the bed. He were exhausted and were laying in the bed covered in sweat and whatever. I went into the bathroom to take a piss and clean up. When I came back Thaxton was removing the sheet that we had nutted on. He didn't have to do that. He smiled at me and I found myself smiling back. Thaxton was a sexy mothafucka. Just looking at him there naked made me want some more.

"I guess I better jet so you can sleep," Thaxton said.

"Hol' up," I said, "you workin' tomorrow?"

"Nope, it's my day off."

"So why you rushin' off? Someone at home waitin' on ya?"


I smiled as I walked towards him, "So why don't you stay with me and let's get in the Jacuzzi and see what happens."

Thaxton smiled and followed me into the bathroom. As the warm water filled the tub I figured what the hell. Nothing like good bye ass before leaving.


When the doctor came out and told us we could see our sons I was happier than I could remember. Sonny and I decided that I would see Jamal and he would see Kei and then we would trade off. The doctors did forewarn us that there maybe some memory loss and that it was a side effect of the Rohypnol. Sonny and I hugged and kissed before we went to see our sons. Eric, Shane, Sean, Dre and Jermaine all insisted on waiting. Detectives Linton and Martinez agreed to give us a few minutes alone with our sons before coming in to ask questions.

Seeing Jamal in that hospital bed was tough and especially with the circumstances. I had plenty of questions but right now all that mattered was that my son was okay. I stood next to his bed. His eyes were closed. I reached out and touched his hand and when I did he flinched awake. He looked at me and for a brief moment he looked as if he didn't recognize me. When he did he smiled at me.

"Hey baby boy," I said to him. He squeezed my hand and then suddenly his eyes filled with tears. I grabbed my son and held him as we cried together. Our sobs filled the room. Jamal started saying `Why? Why? Why?' and I had no answer. I just held my son as it hit me. My son had been raped. Violated. I could not believe that twice in my lifetime the violence and inhumanity of rape had entered my life. First with Sean and now with my own son...sons. It felt like we had tried for eternity when there was a knock on the door. I let my son go and we wiped our faces. Detective Linton walked in. I was glad to see him. He had been helpful to Sean during his ordeal. "Mr. Moyenda," he said, "I would like to ask your son some questions."

"Please Detective, ask what you like," I said. "I will be outside."

"Thank you sir,"

I hugged Jamal and told him that I would be outside if he needed me. Jamal told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved him. I walked outside of the room and thanked Allah for the blessing of my son and then I did something that I thought I would never had done. I prayed for Dalziel, the man who did this. He would need the prayer. It was written to forgive your enemy and the trespasser and transgressor of your family and home was indeed divine. It was the will of Allah. And though earlier I wanted nothing more than to kill Dalziel. I knew it would change nothing. The situation would remain the same and would remain unchanged. I had just completed my prayer when Sonny walked over to me. I could tell that he had been crying too.

"How is Kei?" I asked.

Sonny shook his head, sadly and when he spoke his voice cracked, "H...He...he's a mess right now. He's scared and confused. He's frightened. Detective Martinez is talking to him now. How is Jamal?"

"About the same as Kei. Linton is talking to him now." I told him. I gave Sonny a hug and we held each other tight. If we had more tears to shed we would have but we were cried out.

"I don't undertstand this, Mohammed," Sonny said as we held each other. "why would that son of a bitch do this our boys?"

"I don't know. But when the police bring him to justice we will find out." I said. Sonny stepped away from me.

"Damn what the police do. Let me get my hands on him. That bastard raped my son. He raped your son...our sons."

Yes, he did rape our sons. "That is true, Sonny. But we have to help our sons get through this. We have to help them survive this."

Sonny looked at me. I could tell that was not what he wanted to hear. He wanted revenge. So did I but right now revenge was doing nothing for us. The situation was what it was and we had to deal with it.


While Sonny and Mohammed were with their sons, we were all waiting on how they were doing. We also kind of got caught up to speed on what had been going on with everyone. Things with Sean and Matthew were going very well. I was happy that he had found someone and that he was moving beyond the rape. Though now it was back in our faces again. Shane seemed to be okay. He said everything went well in New Orleans. I got the feeling that there was something else that he wasn't telling me. But I wasn't going to push. Dre's situation was something else too. I think he wants to be back with Julien Linton. They weren't together and Dre was having big fun. I was about to find out how big.

"Hey E, can I talk to you for a second about something?" Dre asked me. I agreed and we walked away from the others to talk.

"What's going on, Dre?" I asked him.

"E-man," Dre began, "I kicked it will Dalziel,"

"What do you mean you kicked it with Dalziel?" I asked.

Dre looked around as if anyone else was listening. "We hooked up."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I looked at Dre as if I never knew him. "Dre! Why in the hell would you do that? I mean, you know what he did to Brett."

"Man, I wasn't worried about that. Hell, he was cool. We blazed a bit and then we did the damn thing." Dre said in defense of his actions.

"Did he say anything about going after Jamal and Kei?" I asked.

"Hell no and if he did I would have put that on blast." Dre assured me. Then it hit me.

"Dre, you been to his house."


"You can tell the police where he lives. They can go get him." I said.

"Hold up man." Dre said, "first, he may not even be there. I mean I would be getting out of dodge if it was me. Second..."

"Damnit Dre," I snapped, "this is Mo-Mo and Sonny. Their sons have been raped and you know where the police can find the bastard and you are keeping your mouth shut? Why?"

Dre looked down at his feet, "Look man. I don't want everyone to know about me and Dalziel."

I shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You know Dre, you need to handle that shit. You need to go and tell Julien what you know." That's when it hit me. "You were with Dalziel while you were seeing Julien. You cheated on Julien with Dalziel."

"C'mon man..." Dre said.

"You know something Dre. You are something else." I turned and walked away from Dre. It was then that I noticed Jermaine was on his cell phone talking to someone. He was away from the others. I wondered who he was talking to. And my blood began to boil. He was probably talking to some other piece of ass he fucked. He was probably making plans to hook up. Damn it! And I was about to open up the possibility of us working things out. As I walked towards him I could hear him talking and when I got closer to him I heard him say, "I love you baby boy." That stopped my heart. My blood ran cold. He closed his flip phone and looked startled when he turned around and saw me standing there.


"And who was that?" I snapped.

"What's wrong?" Jermaine asked, surprised by my fire.

"You. And all the cheating motherfuckers out there." Dre's cheating on Julien with Dalziel. Brett cheated on Mo-Mo with Dalziel and Dalziel raped Jamal and Kei. Jermaine cheated on me and he was still cheating.

"Eric," Jermaine said, "you need to calm down,"

"Why? So you can explain who that was on the phone? You are fucking amazing. You follow me all over. You beg for forgiveness and then right here under my nose you are calling another nigga and telling him that you love him. Well you know something Jermaine? Fuck you. That's right...FUCK YOU!"

Jermaine waited until I was done before he spoke, "Are you finished?"

"What do you have to say? Yes, I'm finished." I said, hotly. I watched as he flipped back open his phone. Pressed a few buttons and then showed me the number he dialed. I felt like a fool. He was calling his son, Jermaine, jr. I started to apologize but he stopped me.

"You don't have to apologize." Jermaine said as he put his phone away, "I guess this is what happens when someone cheats. It effects everything and everyone. I want you to know that I want us back. I know it's going to be hard but I want us back."

"You don't know how hard it's going to be." I said, "you cheated on me. You broke my heart and I honestly don't know if we can ever..." Jermaine grabbed my arms. Not hard, not with any menace nor malice. I wasn't scared.

"Eric," Jermaine said, his face was inches from mine, "I will do whatever it takes to get you back. Whatever it takes."

As I looked in his eyes, I knew that he meant what he said. But was he ready for it? Was I ready for it?

-JULIEN & DRE- I left the room of Jamal Moyenda and looked over my notes. This was not going to be an easy case. Jamal nor Kei remembered who did what. Neither one could remember if Dalziel actually raped them. Neither one could say if Dalziel slipped them the Rohypnol. There was nothing making Dalziel a rapist. Hell, there was nothing making him the one who slipped them the "roofies".

"This is a fucking dead end," Carlos said.

"I know. We know those boys were raped but this man may not be the one who did it. The doctors have collected the DNA but if what the witness said is true, there were multiple attackers and we may not be able to tie this guy into any of this. Plus we don't even know where he lives." I was getting frustrated. We needed to talk to this Dalziel person. We needed to know what he knew. We also needed to re-interview the witness, who was right now sedated. We walked out to the lobby to see the fathers and their friends waiting for us. This was the part I hated. I would have to tell these people that we didn't have much to go on. But that we would catch the person or persons who did this. We would get to the bottom of this. I explained to them that once the DNA from the rape kit was analyzed we would be able to progress forward. But that having an idea about where this person was would help out a lot. I left my card with them and my partner and I left. We were heading to the car when I heard someone call my name. I recognized the voice and was not surprised to see Dre walking waving at me. I told Carlos that I would be right back. I walked over to Dre. We had not talked since our, whatever it was ended.

"What's going on?" I asked him. Dre looked like he had something on his mind.

"Do you think you will be able to get this guy?" Dre asked.

"Honestly, if the DNA doesn't come up a match to him we may not have anything. We can't even say conclusively that he even slipped them the drugs." I told him. Dre did have something on his mind. And what was on his mind was connected with this case. After a moment of silence I asked him what was on his mind.

"I know where he lives," Dre said.

I pulled out my notepad and a pen, "Where does he live?" I wrote down the address and thanked Dre for the information. I still got the feeling he had something on his mind. "Is there something else?"

"," and with that Dre went back inside. I went back to my partner and explained to him that he had an address for our man and we were off.

To Be Continued

[A Word from the Author: I want to thank you all for being patient. From breaking my right wrist and the complications that followed. Then working and real life stuff I had not been able to keep a regular update. Many of you have written to me wanting to know when the next chapter was coming. Well, it's here and there will be more. I hope you enjoy it. As always I love hearing from you so send me an email at and also visit

Next: Chapter 21

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