Brother 2 Brother

By moc.loa@43namzyW

Published on Jun 7, 2004


Brother 2 Brother By Michael Martell

Chapter 3:

My second visit to New Orleans was not like my first last year. Last year I went after Momma V, my late lover Victor's mother, invited me to come down to experience Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras was an eye opening experience for me. I had been to clubs, carnivals and house parties before but none of them could even hold a candle to the wildness of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Sin City USA. If you have never experienced New Orleans during Mardi Gras then you are missing out and better get to planning on going because I can't describe the experience to you but trust me, those that have been to Mardi Gras know the deal. Ofcourse, when I went last year I had just lost Victor and was really not looking to party down in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I wanted to spend time with Momma V and the rest of the family. Since Victor's death and funeral I had become very close to Victor's family, especially Momma V who was like a mother to me. Plus I needed to get away for a bit. Things between my brother and I had been tense, though they had gotten better, and I just needed a break for a minute. I found being with Momma V and the rest of the family actually brought me closer to Victor and though he was gone he really wasn't. I could see him in Momma V's smile and in her eyes. I could hear him in the sound of his father's voice and then there was Vincent, who resembled Victor physically. There were times it was just uncanny to be around them. The memories of Victor hung around like a ghost, a beautiful ghost, who wanted me to see his world and where he came from. Momma V showed me ever baby picture, school picture and sports picture she had of Victor. It turned out that my first trip to New Orleans proved to be what I needed to begin moving on. I grew closer to Momma V and Vivienne, Victor's sister who was still mourning Victor and had even named her newest baby Victor. Victor, Sr, who I met for the first time at Victor's funeral, wasn't around that much during my first visit and when I did see him he looked at me like I was the reason his son was gone. It still amazed me that Momma V was still married to Victor, Sr. they seemed to be polar opposites plus the fact that, well, he stepped out on Momma V on more than one time but Momma V refused to divorce him. She just didn't believe in doing that. Vincent, Victor's brother, was angry. At first I thought it was because of Victor being murdered by a cop and there was some of that but I got the feeling that he blamed me for Victor's death. That I didn't take care of his brother like he felt I should have. I have to admit that there were times that I actually felt the same way. That it was my fault and that I should have done something more but what could I have done? Momma V had told me that what happened was meant to happen and no one could have stopped it. Do I agree? I don't know.

As I pulled up in the rental car to Momma V's house I found that there was no place to park near the house. I parked down the street and left my luggage inside and walked the five houses up to Momma V's. Momma V lived in a quiet, tree lined neighborhood in a beautiful two story house that she had lived in and raised a family in. There was an immaculate front yard that Mrs. Vidalia DuBois took great care of. I walked to the front door and after ringing the bell several times the front door was opened by Momma V's daughter, Vivienne. When her beautiful brown eyes saw me she erupted into tears and grabbed me into a big hug as she held me tight and cried over my shoulder.

"Oh Shane!" She gulped. "OH you are here. Oh baby!"

It was then that I realized for the first time that she sounded exactly like Momma V.

"Vivvie," I began. "I'm so sorry about what happened..."

She nodded her head and held me again. "I know Shane. Thank you." She escorted me into the house and I was introduced to the DuBois family and friends. I still couldn't believe what had happened. I still couldn't believe that I would be back in New Orleans and attending another DuBois funeral, it was just so unreal to me. As Vivienne personally introduced me to each and every DuBois relative, from aunts, uncles to dozens of cousins, nieces and nephews, and close family friends, my mind could only think of Momma V. I expressed my sorrow as best as I could to people, who were strangers to me and yet because I was considered a part of the family, they treated me like family. I was squeezed between Vivienne's two great aunts, Hattie Mae and Johnnie-Ruth, when Vincent, Victor's brother, entered from the kitchen. He was wearing a black button down shirt with black slacks. I noticed that his hair was now corn rowed and he sported a masculine diamond stud earring in his right ear lobe. He noticed me sitting between his two great aunts. He approached me, stopped, nodded and then left. As I watched him leave I couldn't help but wonder what he was feeling. So much death, so close to home and at so short of a time.

"Poor Vincent," Johnnie-Ruth said, "He ain't taken this well."

Hattie Mae looked at Johnnie-Ruth like she was crazy. "How in the hell is he supposed to take it, Johnnie-Ruth, he just lost a parent."

"I am well aware of that Hattie Mae!" Johnnie Ruth retorted hotly.

I just knew these two old women were going to come to blows. Thank God Vivienne came and saved my ass.

"I'm sorry, Shane." Vivienne apologized as she lead me away from her two still bickering aunts.

"It's okay, Viv." I answered relieved. "Viv, I still don't understand how all this...I mean one minute I hear it's pneumonia but that it was clearing up and then..."

Vivienne nodded her head in understanding. "It was congestive heart failure."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Shane? Is that my baby Shane?"

I heard the wonderful, fully voice of Vidalia "Momma V" DuBois and as I turned to look at her I could see she was dressed for mourning. She was clad in an all black dress that fit her voluptuous matronly figure very well. Her eyes were filled with love and as she opened wide her arms I flew to her seeking safety and comfort there and then realized that I was there for her, not me.

"Momma V" I said looking into her beautiful and noticing to my surprise that she had aged. "I am so sorry, I just can't believe that..."

"Shush now baby, you shush now." She said as she hugged me tight and close while patting the back of my head.

"Momma V, how are you doing?" I asked her and realized how stupid that question was. Her husband was dead.

"I'm doing okay, but I am much better now that you are here."

I smiled and we hugged again. I loved Momma V more than anyone would ever know.

Victor DuBois, Sr was seventy-three years old when he died of congestive heart failure after a bout with pneumonia. According to the funeral obituary he was the only son of Lester and Emmaline DuBois. It stated that he was survived by his loving wife, Vidalia and two children, Vivienne and Vincent, and pre-deceased by his son Victor DuBois, Jr. It further stated the names of his surviving grandchildren; Vernon, Jr, Vaden, Veronique and Victor DuBois Chevalier but what caught my eye was the following passage. He is also survived by two sons-in-law, Vernon Chevalier, Sr and Shane Jackson. I was stunned, pleased and surprised.

The funeral for Victor DuBois, Sr, was done up in true New Orleans fashion including the Dixie Land band playing the funeral dirge to the burial site and ending with `When The Saints Go Marching In.'. During the service, despite my insistence, I sat up front between Momma V and Vincent as well as with Vivienne and her husband and children. I felt out of place but Vincent had told me it was what Momma V had wanted. After the funeral everyone returned to Momma V's to begin the celebration of the life of Victor DuBois, Sr. There was food, drink, music, dancing and stories about Victor, Sr told by family and friends who knew him well. One of Victor's sisters, Lavenia, told everyone about how Victor went to jail for armed robbery.

"Oh them white folks were stompin' mad," Lavenia said. "Victor was not about to tell them nothin' though. Yep, he knew who stole that white man's money but he said he wasn't gonna tell on another black man who was tryin' to get what was rightfully his."

Aunts Johnnie-Ruth and Hattie-Mae described the reaction of their sister,Vernie-Mae, Vidalia's mother, when her daughter brought home the tall, handsome, with trouble in his eyes Victor DuBois.

"Let me tell you!" Johnnie-Ruth cackled in laughter, "Vernie Mae was fit to be tied."

"OOOH you ain't ever lied!" Hattie Mae chimed in.

"Vidalia!" Johnnie Ruth said trying to sound like Vidalia's late mother, "You have brought trouble into this house and onto this family. Get him out of here and don't ever bring a trouble maker like him back here ever!"

"Lawd she said that," Hattie Mae said, " And then ol' Vic looked at Vernie Mae and said, all bad as you please. Can't nothin' and no one keep me from my Viddie not even you. That was the first time anyone had ever talked back to Vernie and she hated Victor and loved him for that til the day she died."

But it was Momma V who gave the funniest story about Victor, Sr.

"Chile!" Momma V was saying, "There I was screaming in pain giving birth to my baby boy and there is Big Vic all over the poor doctor screaming...'Get it out! Get it out! Watchin' sittin' there like a fool fo' help her!" Momma V was doubled over in laughter as was everyone else and for some reason I could see Victor, Sr, doing all that. "Oh but when the baby came out and he saw the umbilical cord he was like `GODDAMN Viddie! Look at the dick on my boy."

The stories, food, music and drink went on until the wee hours but I just couldn't hang. I made my way up to the room that Momma V had prepared for me. When I walked into the dark room I expected to be alone so when I heard...

"Yo man, don't turn on the light." I was startled.

"Vincent, is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's me." Vincent answered.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

I could hear him sigh. "This use to be my brother's room."

I nodded in the darkness. "Yeah, I know." There was a full moon and it was just a little past midnight. The moonlight bathe the room in it's lunar glow. I could see Vincent sitting on the bed looking down at the floor holding a bottle in his hand. He put the bottle to his lips and took several healthy gulps.

"Vincent, are you okay?" I asked.

"Damn, we use to get in so much trouble." Vincent went on as if I hadn't spoke. He took the bottle to the head again. Vincent was on the way to getting blazed out of his mind. "We use to run mom and pops crazy. We'd be up all night, bouncing on the beds, having water fights, talking and all kinds of shit."

I could hear his voice cracking and it sounded like he was crying.

"Then pop would come in with his big ass belt ready to whup ass!"

"You really miss your father, huh?"

Vincent didn't answer he just took the bottle to the head again.

"That sorry mothafucka!" Vincent mumbled drunkenly as he took another hit from his bottle. "That sonofabitch should have died and Vic should be alive today."

"You can't mean that." I replied.

"Mothafucka! Don't tell me what I fuckin' mean!" Vincent snorted, hostility in his voice, "I know what I fuckin' mean...I know what the fuck I'm talkin' about!"

"I'm sorry," I said tentatively walking towards where he was sitting. I sat next to him on the edge of the bed. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Vincent shook his head, then turned to pat me on the chest. "Nah man, it's my bad...I'm just fucked up." Vincent sat back on the bed and took another gulp of his bottle, which turned out to be Jack Daniels. "Thanks to that mothafucki' father of mine...I'm fucked up." Vincent looked at me again with a question on his face. "Do you know what he use to do to us?"

I shook my head, no.

"That sorry mothafucka beat us." Vincent said. He handed me the Jack Daniels bottle and told me to drink.

I sniffed and then took a hit, coughing from the sharpness of it. "He beat you?" I repeated.

"Nah...he beat, Victor, Viv, and Momma."

I was silent. I could not imagine Momma V or any of them being victims of domestic assault. I took another hit from the bottle. "What?"

"Yeah, he was a mean sonofabitch and he use to beat us like it was nobody's business." Vincent went on as he took the bottle from me and took another pull from it. "And then on top of that shit...he cheated on momma."

Once again I was shocked as I took another drink from the bottle.

"Yeah my brotha! Big Daddy Vic was slingin' the dick. I have two brothers and another sister that I ain't never met."

I was blown away by all this. This was just way too much to believe and hear. I took another drink and by this time I was feeling it as well.

"You think they came to the funeral?" I asked, my speech slurring.

"Hell no! They probably couldn't give a fuck about him no way."

We both fell silent as we sat in Victor's old bedroom drinking Jack Daniels. I could feel the silence like a glove over my face. I could hear Victor breathing heavily or was it me, I couldn't tell. I did know we were both bombed out of our minds.

"I miss him," I said as my thoughts shifted to Victor.

Vincent leaned close to me and wrapped his arm around me. It felt good to be held and comforted. "I know, bruh. I miss him too."

The next thing I knew I was crying like a baby in Vincent's arms. Hard sobs took over my body as the tears flowed and flowed non-stop. Vincent held me as I realized that I would never hear Victor's voice again. Never feel his arms around me, never make love to him again. The entire time Vincent held me close to his chest, rocked me gently like a baby and kept telling me it would be alright. I cried and cried and Vincent rocked and rocked me. Then I felt him kiss me on the top of my head. It felt nice to be in someone's arms who knew what I was feeling and could understand and share it. I hugged him tighter never wanting to let him go and never wanting this to end. I felt him his my forehead next, a little longer than the kiss on the top of my head. His full lips felt nice on my forehead. Soft like satin. They were nice lips made for kissing.

I raised my head slightly to allow him to kiss my forehead again, which he did ever so softly. He then kissed the bridge of my nose, then the tip of my nose and then finally he kissed my lips. It was a soft, gentle kiss that was like a whisper in the wind of a summer night. My hand snaked up behind his back and pulled him towards me to increase the pressure and the power of the kiss. As his lips pressed to mine I kissed him back, slowly opening my mouth to allow his tongue to snake inside as our lips danced together. I wrapped my hands around his hard body and pulled him on top of me. We kissed like we had never kissed anyone before and as I felt Vincent's dick grow hard in his pants I thought to myself that it felt so damn good to feel a hard dick against my body again. It didn't cross my mind that it was with Victor's brother nor did it cross my mind that up until now, I would have sworn he was straight but ofcourse we had been drinking and perhaps this was the effect of too much Jack Daniels taken to the head. But right then and there I didn't care. I just wanted to feel another man touching my body, claiming my body, screaming my name and making me feel good and forget the pain. As we kissed we began removing our clothes. Our shirts were first to go until we were bare-chested, our nipples touching against each other. Our hard muscled chest heaving with each breath as we still kissed and began caressing each other's body. The kisses grew in heat and fever as we came out of our pants and underwear. Our bodies were naked and hot and ready to be taken. Wild lust and desire had taken us both over and now all we wanted and needed was each other. I wrapped my arms and legs around him wanting to feel him.

"Oh...Oh...Yes...Yes!" I moaned as I felt his hands squeeze my ass and a stray finger began teasing my ass. Like a hungry calf on an udder I clamped my lips on the nipples of his chest and began sucking and licking.

"Ahhhhh...FUCK SHIT!" Vincent responded as he bucked against my lip manipulations on his nipples, which were now hard nublets. His body was covered in sweat and it felt good against my body. I was losing my mind and I didn't care.

I rolled Vincent onto his back and went from sucking and licking his chest and nipples to licking a trail down to hard, tight stomach. But I didn't stop there, I moved on down and let my hand take a tight hold to his thicky meaty dick. I held it firmly as Vincent panted and begged for me to go on and do it. I slowly smiled as I began to slowly jack his dick.

" that that!" Vincent muttered and groaned. He was loving it. He was loving it all. His eyes began to roll back in his head and my gentle stroking went to wild stroking, hard and strong. His hips bucked, his legs jerked. He squirmed and wiggled and whimpered but he could never get away. His dick seemed to grow thicker in the palm of my hand.

I then opened my mouth and without any warning I devoured his dick. As my hot mouth covered his pulsating, uncut dick, Vincent sat straight up and howled like a wounded dog. That was a good way to get Mommy V running in here but she never showed up.

"DAMNITMAN! SUCK THAT SHIT! SUCK IT!" Vincent panted urging me on and on and on.

"Suck it! Suck it!" Vincent kept saying and I kept on sucking. It was wild up there in the bedroom. I was in the bed with my lover's brother and it was very nice. As I sucked his dick, Vincent face fucked me trying to choke me with all his dick. I began tickling his nuts with my fingers and he went bezerk.

"YeahYeahYeahYeah!" He muttered. Then suddenly he pulled his dick out with a luscious pop sounded. He then rolled me over on my stomach.

"I'm gonna get that...I'm gonna hit that!" Vincent commanded. There was a pause and then the sounded of something being torn. Then I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart and a lubricated, latex covered dick entered me. It was painful at first but the pain quickly became pleasure as Vincent worked his magic on my ass. My face was all but buried in the pillow.

"DAMN! FUCK! Baby that's some good ass!" Vincent groaned and moaned.

"Oh yeah...OH GOD...FUCK ME! DO IT!" I said as I threw my ass at him, backing it up and trying to get all that he had to give. Vincent tried to keep up with me as I bucked, rocked and rolled. He thrusted and jammed and rammed into my ass.

"OOOOH...SSSSSSSSHIT!" Vincent hissed out loud. We caught a rhythm and we were both heading to the same destination. To the point of no return. I could feel Vincent trying to make it last but he was losing that battle.

"Ahhhh Shit...Ahhh Shit....I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum..."

"Give it to me. GIVE IT TO ME!" I moaned out.

Vincent let out a howl from deep inside as he exploded in me, his hot cum ripping into the condom but I could feel the warmth and it sent me over the top as I came all over the bed.

We collapsed on each other, spent and drained and as we drifted off to sleep I had one thought. What have I done.

Next: Chapter 4

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