
By Jacques Knox

Published on Aug 24, 2010



WARNING/DISCLAIMER -- Please Read before Reading Story

This story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts between men and at some point between men and 18 year old boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Although all sex in this story is BB, readers are warned about the dangers of unprotected sex as well as sex with more than one sex partner. Readers are also warned about dangers of bondage, BDSM, etc and are advised to practice it only with someone they trust.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is not so fictional. Although I dramatize it somewhat, the story is about me and my bro. I just have to share it with you because my bro and I are some of the few brothers that have an awesome relationship.

Note: The first few pages are somewhat boring, but I think it's necessary that the readers read them so they know our relationship.


I was busy writing a chapter of G.Y.M.(also posted on Nifty) when my kid bro walked into the room. I only realized he was there when I felt his strong hands messaging my traps. I tilt my head back to look at him and I was awarded with the hottest smile and a kiss.

My bro is awesome... No awesome does not do justice to my kid bro, my kid bro is fucken KICKASS HOT!!!

Our relationship started 23 years ago on my 5th birthday anniversary. I woke up that morning to discover the "rents" were both gone; only the "grand's" were there. Grandma old me that the Stork brought me a birthday gift but could not land at our home – I can't remember the reason – and that my parents went to fetch the gift at some home.

I really took that story seriously, that little man that came home with my parents was mine and I started to lookout for him. Every morning before I left for school I went to his room and kiss him goodbye. When I returned in the afternoon, he was waiting at the gate for me. I would go down on my knees to be at his level, we would hug and kiss and then I will stay there with him – some times for more than half an hour – till he have briefed me on his experiences while I was away.

My first ever fight was to defend my bro. It was just before a school assembly that one of the seniors in the school fucked with my bro. That guy was of the opinion that Squirt, then in grade 1, was a hard ass and need to be taught a lesson. It ended up dad were called to the school. Afterwards he just said to me not to be so violent when I protect Squirt.

Later that same year we moved to another house. The first night in the new house I woke up and Squirt was standing next to my bed.

"J,...J..." He called me J, short for Jacques.

"What's up Ty" His name is Tyler but I call him Ty.

"I'm scared..."

"Nah Man. Big boys are not scared, they're just lonely."

"J... may I sleep with you?"

"Yea Big Boy, hop in." I moved to one side of the bed to make space for my kid bro.

I was just about to fall asleep when he said to me: "You don't sleep in jammies?"

"Big guys don't sleep in jammies. That's why."

For a while he did not reply, maybe he considered his options and then came the question: "Can I also sleep without jammies?"

"Yea Big Boy... you are a big man, go for it."

The next moment he was bare ass like me and that's how we sleep ever since.

The next evening at supper, my Big Boy was ready to made last night`s arrangement a permanent one.

"I want to move in with J. J will you help me to move my stuff to your room?"

Mom was not impressed with this new arrangement. "Definitely not! You two stay in your own rooms."

"But Mom... J said it's OK. J tell Mom it's OK."

Mom stood her ground. "No."

Ty looked at me and I knew I can't let my Big Boy down.

"Yea Mom, it's OK and we will keep the place tidy... And we will make our beds every morning."

"I still think it's not a good idea."

Now I need support from the Big Boss. I look at dad with my expert sad puppy face.

"Honey, they have such a good relationship. I think it's a brilliant idea. And besides they promised to keep the room tidy."

"I don't like this at all. We bought this new 4 bedroom home so each one could have his own room and so that we could have a guest room. We could just ass well stayed where we were in the 3 bedroom house."

In our home mom makes the rules, but the veto right belongs to dad... And trust me that is not to be challenged.

"Honey, you won't understand. It's a guy thing. They can move in together. And from now on we will knock and wait till they give us permission to enter their room. I mean at their age they are entitled to their privacy." Case Closed!

Big Boy, that's my special name for my kid bro, moved that same Friday night in with me and ever since that day we sleep in one bed.

The next morning I woke up with a raging hard cock and Big Boy's hand was holding my cock.

"Why is your thingy so hard? And it's wet. Did you wee-wee?"

"It's proper name is a penis and it's got an erection and we are circumcised. That's what you call it in a civilized conversation like with the rents and strangers. Guys, when talking to each other, call it a dick or cock and then it's a raging hard on, a boner, stiff, we are cut and... and...and... and no I did not piss, its pre-cum." I gave my big boy his firs Biology and language lesson, everything from erections, j/o, right through to what is the most important information that most guys discover only after one hell of an embarrassment.

"Never let Mom discover cum stains on your undies or the sheets. That will be embarrassing for you. The best place to j/o is the shower, but when you j/o with other guys or here in the room, the best way to get rid of the evidence, is to eat your cum."

"What! That's grouse!!! Have you ever done it?"

"Yea. It's actually hot. And all big guys do it."

"Ok when can I do it?"

"Soon Big Boy, soon."

Life was good to both of us – we received the right genes. We were both good in academics and extremely good at sport. At the age of 16 I was the youngest ever member of both the school's first swim and first football team and so was Big Boy some years later. Halfway trough my 16th year I dropped swimming and start serious body building. Gig Boy was very impressed with my development and start calling me Muscle Boy and that remain his special name for me. Big Boy followed in my footsteps and also took up body building at the age of 16.

During the years that followed Big Boy and I explore all the fun things behind our room's closed door. We knew everything about each other. Every night, almost, we would j/o and even gave each other a helping hand. We even showered together, shaved each other and wash each other. Guys that did not know us would say we are gay lovers. The only things we did not do were deep throat, eat each other's cum and fuck.

We were actually straight boys, we just love each other and did what most straight boys do. We even had girls from time to time – we did not fuck the girls, maybe because both Mom and Dad are very conservative about that and it was drilled into us.

I eventually completed school at the age of 18 and took a gap year in Europe and there I became very open minded.

Since my second year at university, I'm sharing a flat with my current flat mate Cody. He is a body builder like me, as hot as hell and openly gay. His boyfriend, also a body builder, is just as awesome. Jason, Cody's boyfriend, has his own flat but spent more nights here than at his own place.

They usually walk bare ass in the flat, not that I mind at all. Even I do it, I mean it's our place and we definitely have nothing to be ashamed of.

Both Cody and Jason are awesome guys. They have never openly tried to seduce my, but they flirt from time to time especially when I'm bare ass in the bed Saturday mornings. I think it's to "test the waters".

Saturday mornings are special in our place. Cody and Jason will make breakfast and then they will treat me with breakfast in the bed. Many Saturday mornings they have walked into my room and witnessed my raging hard on while I was still asleep. I never made an issue off it. They will wake me with a slap on my bare ass and after I woke up, I will just stay uncovered like that. Why should I deny them some awesome muscle boy with a rock hard dick show?

It's mornings like this that they will pass comments on how they would love to have my ass or give up their asses to feel my cock inside them, to deep throat me or to feel me up.

One Saturday morning Cody asked me if I will allow him to feel me up. Well I nearly said yes, but then Jason made the comment that I am every gay guys wed dream and that the gods placed me on earth to torture gay guys. That's when I decided to let the gods have their way.

With my roomy and his bf I knew that sex is available on a tray – just for the taking when I want it. Many Saturdays after breakfast, I would go home for the weekend, to be with Big Boy. I just have to hold him and let him give me a helping hand, that's how worked up my roomy and his bf made me.

It all changed one Wednesday in my fourth year when they were making out in the flat. Jason asked me if I have ever felt something for a guy and why they never see me with a girl if I'm straight.

Truth is that I'm to busy. As a fourth year medical student and junior lecturer for first year medical students I don't have the time for a serious relationship. Like so many times in the past I craved to be with Big Boy and in the heat of the moment I called him.

"Zap Stud? Awesome to hear your voice man! Whish you here so could hold you in my arms"

"Hey Big Boy! What's up man? Great to hear there is still some one that loves me."

"So why you phone in the middle of the week?"

"Two reasons... I crave have you here with me, my dick tells me my hand is boring... But hearing your voice while I j/o makes it better... And I want to hear if you don't want to come and visit me. You have school break now and it will be awesome if you can spend the time here with me. I think my roomy would like to meet you. So what you say if I buy you a buss ticket and you can ask Dad to get you to the bus Thursday night and I'll get you here Friday morning. Please man I need you with me."

"Wow man that's awesome... then we can celebrate our birthday on Saturday, just the two of us."

"Cool... there you go... I've just made the online booking and payment... there your confirmation goes. Check and see if you have it."

"Yea... Its here. I'll print it later. Thanx Muscle Boy!!! You're a fucken Kick Ass bro man. I love you and thanx for al the stuff you spoiled me with."

The stuff my bro refers to are a cell phone contract, laptop and internet, plasma screen TV and play station, a gym contract and all the bodybuilding supplements his heart can desire... and to Mom's horror a super bike – 1000cc CBR Fire Blade like mine. The blade was 6 months ago and the agreement was that I'm not responsible for fines. I have a good life and everything I want, so why not spoil my bro, besides he appreciates it.

"Anything for you Big Boy... You are my only love and you know it. You make me proud man! Thanx for being such and awesome bro. So how's your body building doing?" I have seen him 6 months ago.

"Uhhh... I have a surprise for you... you won't recognize me. I'm becoming a challenge for Muscle Boy, but wait till Friday then you can judge. Your judgment is by the way the only one I trust."

"Put on your webcam and show me please man!"

"No... I want you to see it for real. Hey bro, must run now, have to catch some friends."

"K see you stud... and don't j/o till you are here."

"K man, same there ok?"

"Cool, see you Friday. Love you."

I felt much better now that I have Big Boy's visit to look forward to.

The rest of the week I worked like mad. I did 3 week's studies and prepare for all the classes I had to lecture. I want to spend all possible time with Big Boy.

The Friday 10 am I was waiting at the buss stop. When Ty got off the bus, I walk towards him. Fuck what a hot piece of man meat did he became since I last saw him! Like me, (I don't know why but without consulting each other, we will dress the same) he was dressed in running shoes, a number too small Levi's, a sleeveless muscle shirt and a cap. He was perfectly cut. Every individual muscle in his delts were visible and as he moved his arms, they moved like small waves. His biceps – o my fuck! awesome! Not to mention his triceps. Later I measured his arms and it was 18" and that's awesome for a 17, ok 18 year old guy. One could even see his 6 pack like little mountains under his shirt. His pecs were just as well defined but the best off all was those two hard nips pressing against his muscle shirt.

I walked up to him. "Excuse me sir, is there a bodybuilding championship in town?"

He looked at me then said. "I am also lost, but aren't you the defending heavyweight champ?"

"Yea, is it so obvious? But I'm afraid I have serious competition."

"Thanx for the complement sir, but I'm only light heavyweight."

I could not hold it for longer and took Big Boy in my arms and we kiss and almost feel each other up like guy lovers. "Your tat looks awesome Muscle Boy. That blue and red Celtic cross, it's just so cool the untraditional color for a Celtic design"

"Thanx man, glad you love it. I can arrange that the guy that did mine also do one for you while you are here.'

"I know a tat is sort of personal, but would you mind if I let the same one done just like yours, also on my right delt – just like yours."

"Bro you know that's what I would like you to have... I'll arranged it for tomorrow, sort of a birthday gift for you."

"You are the best man!!!"

All the people were staring at us. "People are staring, let's go before some guys beat us up for being gay."

We drove to my place and Ty filled me in on all that's going on back home. When we arrived home I show Ty where we will sleep and helped him to unpack his stuff. Cody and Jason were not home, as usual on a Friday morning.

"Where's your roomy?"

"He is probably shopping –likes to spoil me with break fast Saturday mornings."

"And if he sees us in bed...?"

"So what, he sleeps with his boyfriend."



"What?" Ty had that naughty boy look on his face.

"Did you perhaps consider... or may be... crossed to the other side?"

"Can be fun... Don't you think?...... Will you still love me Muscle Boy"

"Only if you take me with you."

"You wanna go?"

"We both stay or we both go."

"I'm with you Bro... what we do is sort of half a step from crossing the line. But when I cross is when you cross... we cross with each other or we stay."


"Deal. So can I fuck around with your roomy?"

"Well it will be fun now you are here. He and his bf give me a hard time. Make me horny and drives me crazy that I just want to be with you when they make out here in the flat." I told Big Boy how they flirt with me and how Cody wanted to feel me up the other day.

"Do they know I'm here?"

"No and they don't know how you look either. So when they walk into our room tomorrow morning and they discover this awesome 18 year old muscle hunk bare ass in the bed with me... Fuck man they gonna cream themselves"

We went to the kitchen and I show Ty where all the stuff is.

"Big Boy, this is your home do what you want, when you want and where you want. Just don't let Cody or his bf see you here and if they do, pretend you are looking for me as if you are one of my students. Here's the bike's key and there's the helmets and leathers. Have to get to the varsity, will be back by 7pm after the first years have done with their test. Then I take you out. On second thought, you can drop me at the varsity – I'll pillion. " We had a long kiss before we left.

That evening after the first year's test, two of the students hang around after the others have left. I did not think much about it because they will normally speak to me after a class.

"Sir..." The one guy starts to ask me a question about the test, but I could sense he is not really interested in the answer – it was simply a question below his intellect, but I give him the answer. When the second guy also asked a stupid question, I new it!

"OK guys, stop the bullshit, out with it, what do you want to know."


"You want to ask me something but you don't know how I will react... so just spit it out man."

"Sir it's sort of private, I mean it's none of our business but we were at the buss stop this morning dropping of a friend when we saw you there and... we just wonder ..."

"If I'm gay?"

"Well sir, that also sir but how long you have been working out sir."

"You two are also working out?"

"Yes, sir"

"In that case we are buddies so stop calling me sir. My name is Jacques. Are you working out for the fun or are you serious?"

`Well up till this morning, till we saw what you are hiding under your clothes and the guy with you, we were fooling around."

"Great, it's now seven years I'm in the gym, and no, he's not my bf, he's my kid bro and he is now one and a half years seriously busy in the gym."

"Fuck man, can't you introduce us, maybe he can give us some pointers."

"What he knows, I taught him. By the way are you two in a relationship?"

"A... well..."

"I'm cool man" Well I am cool about gays so why not tell the two guys.

"Yes, we are boyfriends."

"Ok, you two wanna join us – 8pm at the Water Front. It's on me"


"See you then." Ty was already waiting for me and when I got on the bike I saw the two students were looking at us.

Back home we took a shower, one at a time because I knew if we shared the shower we could just as well cancel the appointment with my students. We went with my bike and when we stop the two students nearly creamed themselves. The only reason I invited them is to showoff my Big Boy - and to see how he really feels about gays. It turned out that he was actually curious, just like me.

Back home, Cody and Jason were still out, like all other Saturdays and I don't expect them back before 2am.

I start to strip for bed, my back to Ty.

"Hey since when are you going commando?"

"Started when I last visited home – did not have clean underwear when I left home and it feels awesome so I just continue."

"Fuck man, why didn't you tell me. I'll start tomorrow."

When I turned around I saw Ty was checking out my hot muscle ass and as I turned he kept looking as my raging hard dick came into view.

"Bro!! Since when did you have that awesome cock and ball ring on? It looks like its permanent. I did not mean to snoop around in your stuff but I saw in your drawer there's some leather cuffs and collars and your bed, well that's sort of bondage. Are you into that stuff?"

"Long story bro. When I was in Europe, I worked in a gay leather club as a barman and what I saw there just can't get out of my mind. So three months ago I came across this leather shop and I just could not resist buying a set of leather cuffs and a collar. When I left the shop, I saw that other set with the studs and the bed with the steel tubing headboard and rings to attach the cuffs. So I bought it and the guy at the shop gave me the two 2 gauge stainless steel cock and ball rings. That evening I was so horney and decided to try the ring on. At that time my nuts were shrink because I just completed a steroid cycle. The diameter of the ring was still too small and I nearly passed out of the pain when I forced the first nut through. I could not get it off and I decided one ringed nut will look stupid so I forced the other one through as well. I passed out off the pain and when I came around my nuts were swollen and there was no way I could get it off. So I decided to wait till the swelling subsided but in that time my nuts regained their original size – so now I'm permanently ringed. Luckily we both have low hangers and so there are no problems with blood restriction. Some times I wear it with my cock sticking through like now and some times just as a ball ring."

"Wow man that's hot! And the other ring?"

"Yours Big Man."

"Fuck Muscle Boy... will you ring me please?"

"Cool. But it will be pain full with your big nuts. Are you sure? I have some local anesthetic I can inject you, but your nuts can get damaged."

"Bro you're the doctor... You know how to take care of my nuts, but I want to feel the pain when you do it... it's part of the experience. But first put on that collar and cuffs. I want to see how horny you look in it. Fuck man!! My own muscle stud, collar and cuffed like a fuck slave."

"What do you know about that shit?"

"DUHHHH... Internet – sites..."

"So you are really curious? How far will you go?"

"With you, all the way. With other guys, Nha never.

"Will you blow me tomorrow morning when Cody and Jason come into the room?"

"Yea, that will be hot."

"Ok... Go get the cuffs and collar. I'll prepare the local anesthetic. I'll give it to you after I've ringed you... no need to be in pain the whole night."

While Ty got the leather cuffs and collars, I noted his awesome tan with no tan lines. I also tan in the nude – it's just great to do it and it looks much better if a muscle guy don't have a tan line.

"I see you tan in the nude. Where do you do that? At home?"

"Yea, but it's a problem... I don't get much time because either Mom or Dad is always around."

"Dad's cool with it, just Mom that you must lookout for. She will freak out if she knows you skinny dip or tan in the nude."

"How do you know Dad's cool with it?"

"In my final year in school we got off early one day so I went home and decided to take a skinny dip. I was laying on my back with a raging hard on and so what better thing to do than to j/o. After I blew my nuts and, as we do, ate my cum, Dad called me over to him. He was laying in that private area in the garden – also taking a nude tan. It was somewhat embarrassing. He then said to me there's nothing wrong with it to j/o, skinny dip or to tan in the nude. We are all guys and why can't we lay together and chat. After a while he turned on his back and he also had a raging hard on. He cover his dick head with sun screen then handed me some sun screen and told me to cover my dick head – telling me to take special care not to get sun burn on my dick head. We chat about for an hour and I realized then that he is not stupid. He knows what we are up to in the room."

"Dad's a cool guy. You think he and his bro also played around like us?"

"Dad was also our age once and you know he is open-minded."

I put the syringe on the bedside table, turned around and went down on my knees. My feet were together, my knees spread wide to present my dick and balls to Ty. My ass was just off my heels to put strain on my quads to show off their definition. I flex my abb muscles, push my pelvis forward, put my hands behind my head and flex my pex, delts and biceps. Lastly I bend my head to look down.

"Sir, your boy is ready for you."

"Good Boy. Look up. Look what you made me do."

I look up and saw Ty was dripping pre-cum. I look him in the eyes and said: "Thank you for honoring me Sir."

We both start to laugh. "Hold out your hands Muscle Boy, I want to cuff them."

Ty fitted the cuffs around my wrists and lock the leather collar around my neck. "Put your hands behind your neck J. I want to see how you look restrained."

Ty attached my wrists to the collar and told me to get up. Slowly he started to explore my muscular body till he reached my cock. "FUCK FUCK FUCK Bro. You are so hot man! It takes all my willpower not to fuck your hot ass. I can see why that boyfriend of your roomy says the gods placed you on earth to torture the gay guys."

"Will you really fuck me if you get the chance, Ty?"

"If you let me, I will." Ty un-clip the cuffs from the slave collar around my neck.

"You are the only one I will ever allow to do that."


I know Ty wants to know if I will allow him to fuck me and that his question actually refers to me allowing him to fuck me, but I want that moment to be a surprise for him. Actually his big birthday present tomorrow.

"Having my strong arms helplessly restrained like you just had them. Cum let me cuff you. I also wanna see how hot you look."

Ty hold his arms out to me and I attached the cuffs to his wrists and the collar around his neck.

"Turn around Big Boy and put your arms behind your back."

I cuffed Ty's hands behind his back and started to feel him up. He was so hot I just could not resist to finger fuck his hot ass.

"Fuck J!! Don't stop please man. O my FUCK that feels good man. YEA DEEPER please man..."

"Will you let me fuck you Bro?"

"YEA please go for it. I want you in me. Fuck me hard, breed my ass!!!"

"Go lay on the bed... On your back."

Ty made himself comfortable on the bed in expectation of losing his virgin to his big Muscle Boy bro. I straddled him, un-cuffed his arms and re-cuffed them to the rings on the bed's headboard.

"Let's get you ringed Big Boy."

"Aren't you gonna fuck me? And why do you cuff me to the bed if you gonna ring me?"

"First want to ring you Big Boy and to prevent you from stopping me when I ring you. It's going to be hell, you sure I must proceed? Just remember, once I have started I'm not going to stop, no matter what."

"Do it!! And don't stop' no matter what I do. Ok?"

I lean over to the bedside table and took the small dildo I have placed there with the ring.

"Take this in your mouth and bite on it, it will give you something to concentrate on when the pain gets to much."

"Was that thing in your ass?"


"MMMMMMMM... nice."

"You're a horny little fuck, you know that?"

"Only like my big Bro."

We both laugh and I took the ring and pull as much as possible of Ty's scrotum through the ring.

I work his one nut to the ring and I could feel it's much larger than the inner diameter of the ring.

"Here we go!" I use some force and press on his nut to force it through the ring. With one sudden application of force, his nut popped through.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH..." Ty gave a scream that could wake the dead and then he passed out.

I feel his nut for damage – luckily there was none, and then I did the other one while he was still out.

Both nuts went through without damage, but they will never get back again. Like me, my kid bro is now permanently ringed. I put his dick also through while he is soft.

After a while Ty regained consciousness and I un-cuff him from the bed.

"No damage to your nuts Bro and there is enough space so no blood restriction. How's the pain?"

"Never again. Fuck it's sore man. Feels as if you hit my nuts with a hammer. Never gain!"

"Cool, there will be no second time. Let me see if it's not to tight when you are hard." I start giving Ty a hand and within minutes he blow his nuts. Every thing was ok. I licked his cum from his abbs and swallowed half off it and the other half he licked from my mouth while we kissed.

"You never did this before." Ty said to me with a smile.

"You were never so hot before." We kissed for a while before Ty went down on my dick and started to deep throat me..

"You never did that before." I said in turn.

"Right now you are too hot to resist Muscle Boy, and I have to practice not to make a fool of myself tomorrow morning when your roomy walks in here."

Ty rewarded me with my first blow job. Fuck if I just knew how hot it is, I would have started it long ago. After I have blown my nuts in his mouth, he also shared my cum with me. The bond between us was now stronger than ever.

We fall asleep with the leather cuffs and collars still on us. The next morning I woke up, hearing Cody and Jason making breakfast.

"Ty, Ty wake up."

"I'm awake. Spread your legs so I can start doing you. I want you to be near when they walk in and then while they are still surprised, you must blow your load."

"Awesome man. When they walk into the room, don't stop, continue as if you are a cocky little dick slut. Just turn your eyes onto them. When I blow my nuts, keep some in your mouth, and feed my like last night, while we kiss. The whole time we must feel each other up. When we're done, you come and sit next to me and keep on feeling me up. Pretend you are my fuck boy."

"Whish we could rather fuck."

"Patience young Man, patience!"

"So you ok that we fuck?"

"Get down on my dick slut boy!" I laughed.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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