
By Jacques Knox

Published on Sep 16, 2010



WARNING/DISCLAIMER -- Please Read before Reading Story

This story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts between men and at some point between men and 18 year old boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Although all sex in this story is BB, readers are warned about the dangers of unprotected sex as well as sex with more than one sex partner. Readers are also warned about dangers of bondage, BDSM, etc and are advised to practice it only with someone they trust.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is not so fictional. Although I dramatize it somewhat, the story is about me and my bro. I just have to share it with you because my bro and I are some of the few brothers that have an awesome relationship.

Characters: Jacques, that's me, now 28 years old, body builder and... gay. Tyler, my KICKASS BRO, now 23 years old, a student in his fourth year and... gay.

Cody, 28 years old, body builder, my best friend and gay. Jason, 27 years old, body builder, Cody's boyfriend and obviously gay.

Randy, 19 years old, one of my students. Brent, 19 years old, also one of my students, the one I have a crash on.


About 5pm that afternoon my cell ringed, it was Brent. "You ready for the weekend?"

"Yea, what's the arrangements?"

"We'll pick you and Tyler up at your place, say in half an hour."

"I still have to pack."

"Tyler took care of that. See you in half an hour." Brent ended the call without further chatting.

Fuck I'm pissed off. He avoided me the whole week and I'm totally worked up. Ty also let me down the whole week. For some reason he never j/o with me, we did not even fuck. My nuts were in pain. My brain was working overtime to workout something to get Brent alone this weekend. With all the guys from class there, it's gonna be hard.

Right on time the doorbell ringed.

"Come, Muscle Boy, lets go." Ty took his gym bag and I followed him.

Outside were three cars. In each car were two of the student and two other guys I don't know. When we reached the cars, the guys got out and Brent introduced us.

"Guys, this is Jacques and his bro Tyler." He introduced us, first to the strangers and then told us which student is with which stranger.

Rex, an engineering student and first team quarterback, is with Ryan, also in the first team.

Levi, also an engineering student and body builder, is with Jamie; Jamie is in the first swimming team.

Ted, an architect student and gymnast, is with Chris who is, in the wrestling first team

Dean, a third year medical student and in the wrestling team, is with Alex who is a gymnast.

"Rusty catch, you drive." ... "Jacques, we'll sit in the back of the car." Brent tosses the keys of the car to Rusty.

I was waiting for Brent to start a conversation but after a few minutes driving in silence, I started the conversation. "Who are the other guys?"

"They will help with the punishment."

"How did you get them together?"

"O well, with the help of a few contacts."

"So you don't really know them?"

"No not really. All I know is that Rex and Levi are straight and that Ryan and Jamie are guy. Ryan and Jamie have a crash on Rex and Levi, so I teamed them up. I conned Rex and Levi into it by asking them to help us fuck up gays. Ted and Dean are gay and have a crash on Chris and Alex who are straight jocks. I con them into it by telling them they can help fuck up two cocky straight jocks and have the opportunity to have their way with Chris and Alex."

Its' amazing the contacts these young guys have, not to mention how much they know about each other. But what Brent told me made me nervous. It sounds like they, or maybe Brent on his own, has planned a sex weekend and the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became.

"Are these guys cool? You know it will take only one to blow the whistle and I can wave my dreams as a doctor goodbye."

"They're cool."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because they will be in more trouble -- the straight guys with their girls, and branded as gay for life. The gay guys will say nothing even deny things if needed."

We drove in silence for a few more minutes. The conversation just doesn't get going. "You avoided me the whole week."

Brent did not respond to my statement.

"Brent, I think we must call of this whole thing and go home."


"Because you are uncomfortable with me... You avoided me the whole week ... and you don't chat to me, I mean its hard to have a monologue." I put my hand on his thigh and slowly move it up to his crotch.

Brent put his hand firm on mine and moved my hand away from his crotch. "It was hard for me... But if I didn't it would have been harder. Please wait till we're at the farm then you will know why... I want this weekend to be special for you... a surprise... please Gorgeous"

"What did you just call me?"

"J, I'm in on this... trust me." Big Boy sensed things are getting bad between me and Brent.

"What do you mean Ty?"

"Brent is in despair... wait till we are at the farm and everything will become clear... Promise you J" If Ty gives me his word then it is unquestionable and I accept it unconditionally, that's how close we are.

"Ok, I'll wait... If I ..." Brent did not give me a chance to complete my sentence.

"Come here G, I want to kiss you... make up for lost time." Brent went down on me with the hottest kiss... o well the second hottest kiss... and after a few minutes I had to push him off me to get some adequate oxygen back into my body.

"Fuck man, you gonna kill me, WOW!!!"

"Well we both needed that... I was starting to loose it and just had to feel your strong body in my arms G"

"MMMMMMM G? What's the G standing for Brent?..... J... since when is that hot boy calling you G? Must be something serious going on between you."

"Hey Tyler, pay attention to your boy Rusty and don't be so nosy. I'll take care of your Bro... I've promised you, and besides I don't want to be fucked up by you, as you have promised me you will do"

"Come oooonnnnn Brent... out with it, What's the G standing for... You have us all curious now man." For the first time Rusty is taking part in the conversation.

"Hey you two, concentrate on the road and leave Brent alone." I have just recalled that Brent called me Gorgeous earlier... G stand for Gorgeous... how sweet!

Brent looked at me. "You figured it out, G?"

"G for Gorgeous... so sweet man, I love it!" I almost wisper it to Brent.

"OOOOO... That's nice! ... Yea man that's cool to call my Bro that...Fucking hot, dude, total score!"

"You two did it again! Fuck!"

"What did they do?" Rusty was now totally in the dark.

"Can I tell him?" Brent doesn't know if he could share Ty and my secret with Rusty.

"Ty, Brent suspects our way of communication. You cool with him telling Rusty?"

"He'll find out sooner or later... So I'm cool."

"Tell him Brent."

Brent told Rusty about me and Ty. Rusty listen him out before he responded. "I thought you made a joke in class. So you guys can actually do that?"

For the remainder of the trip Brent told us how he first came to realize that we have the ability to communicate telepathically. Luckily he was not freaked out by it and had no problem with it that Ty will most of the time knows what's going on between us.

We arrived at the farm an hour before sunset. Brent got the key from its hiding place and unlocked the house. The students unpacked the car and put our stuff in the different rooms. I could see that this was pre-arranged and well organized -- each student with, shall we say, his guardian for the weekend in a separate room. After they have done, the students joined us outside.

It was Brent that announced the arrangements for the weekend. "Guys, your attention please. The reason why you are here is to assist in our punishment." Brent filled the other guys in on what they have done, how I saved their asses and that they have come up with the idea to be punished.

"For the entire weekend we are your servants and you may demand any service from us, even to provide you with ... uuuuhhhhh ... erotic pleasure" Brent was interrupted by comments from the straight guys.

"This is fucken gay!! I'm not for this bullshit... fuck this whole business!!" Rex was totally upset about the whole thing.

"Yea, we're not fucken fags!! We're out of here... this is ridiculous!!" Levi was just as upset as Rex.

I realized I have to do something quick to save the weekend. "Wait guys, give the man a chance to say what he wants."

"We are not fags Jacques!" Rex was not at all impressed.

"No-one said you're a fag. Why not enjoy the service of a boy for the weekend... there's nothing gay about that. Brent proceed, let us hear your proposals."

Brent step up to me and when he reached me, he kneeled in front of me. "Sir, will you please honor this boy to accept his services to please you?"

I put my hand on his head and started to play with his hear. "Yes I will. What about the other boys?"

Brent stood up and went to stand in front of the other boys, all facing us. When Brent started to take his shirt of, the other students followed his example.

"This is fucken crazy! I'm not taking part in this shit!" Again it was Rex who started to make objections.

I took my shirt off and so did Ty, Ted and Dean.

"Rex, looking at you and Levi, I can tell you guys definitely doesn't have anything to be ashamed of... Unless..." I know something about psychology... Just hint in the direction that a well built guy is ashamed of his body... And that his package may not be so well endowed as that of the other guys around, and he will proof you wrong.

"I have nothing to be ashamed of!!" Rex reacted as I thought he would.

"It's ok Rex... we understand... no pressure man." I put a little more pressure on him.

Rex and Levi basically tear their shirts off. "See we have nothing to be ashamed off"

Now it was time to complement them. "Awesome man!!! Ty check their biceps -- you are what ... 17 inch?"

"17 and a half, and you?" Rex and Levi both flexed their guns.


"Well why don't you show us your quads? Are they also so impressive?" Rex was now more interested in my physique than in the services of the boys.

"Uhhhh..., I don't know man... rather not." I don't want to shock them -- me going commando and with a cock and ball ring -- they might interpret that as totally gay.

"I thought so... just big above the belt... we call it a bar counter build." All the boys started to enjoy the scene between Rex and me. The only guys knowing that I will kick ass around here are Ty, Brent and Rusty.

Ty was the one that saw the gap to get Rex and Levi undressed. "My bro's quads are awesome, but he is not the kind of guy that will showoff."

"Well I don't think he is as good as you say, if he is so awesome, let him proof it." Levi also took the bait.

"I told you he is not a showoff. But if you insist, then let's have the proof. If J drops his pants, then you also have to do it... if J beats you two, then we all stay bare ass for the weekend, if either of you beets him, he becomes your boy to serve you for the weekend with the other boys. The measuring tape will be the judge"

"Ty, no, you can't do that."

Rex and Levi interpreted me as to imply that I know I will loose, and they went for the kill. What I actually implied was that Ty was unfair to let Rex and Levi bet on something that he already knew the outcome of while they did not.

"We take the bet, unless you are a pissy Jacques." Rex was now storming blindly into the trap.

"Ok guys, you sure you want to proceed with the bet?" I gave them a last chance to back out, but that only made them more determined.

"Strip Jacques!!!" Levi was following Rex blindly into the trap.

Facing them I unbuckled my belt and then I unbutton my jeans. With a sort of a show I hooked my thumbs in my jeans and slowly pushed them down, wiggled my legs till the jeans were around my ankles, then I stepped out of my jeans.

"O my fuck!!" Rex and Levi said in unison. They kept staring at my cock and ball ring and after a while they start scanning the rest of my body.

"Now your turn to strip Guys... or are you not up to it." Ty started to put pressure on them.

"It's ok guys... " Rex and Levi did not allow me to finish and while I was still speaking they stripped bare ass.

Although it was obvious that they were not a match for me, Ty asked them if we should measure to see who the winner is. They admitted that they have lost.

The guys were making comments about my muscles and obviously my cock and ball ring. Ty was the next to strip and he also caused a mini riot amongst the guys. It was only the students -- our servants for the weekend - that still had to strip.

"Brent, are we supposed to be the only ones to be nude this weekend?" I asked him while all the students were still staring open mouthed at me and Ty.

"Strip boys!" Brent took control over his buddies.

There was almost chaos when we saw that all the boys had their cock and balls in caged.

Brent came to me and like earlier, kneeled before he said: "Sir will you please unlock our cock and balls?"

"Where're the keys?"

"I gave it to you sir... last week at your place."

"O fuck! I did not bring it along! Why didn't you tell me what the keys were for?" I was really under the impression that the keys were at home.

The boys moaned and groaned, it was understandable, I mean young guys without blowing their nuts for a week -- that's torture at its worst!

The boys really became worried and they made all sorts of plans to get the cages off their tackle. Rex to my surprise started to play with his dick until it was rock hard.

"OAUUHHH how nice to wank, such a pity you guys will have to watch while we blow our nuts." Rex was very outgoing for a straight jock.

Ty was the second guy to make fun of the students, followed by the rest of us.

After a while Ty said to me: "J, is it that bundle of keys that were on your desk?"

"Yea, that's the keys."

"O. I put them in the gym bag; I'll go and get them." It was as if Ty threw them a lifebuoy.

Ty returned with the keys and handed it to me. All the boys were now gathering around me in anticipation.

"What?" I played stupid.

"Please unlock us sir." Brent was the spokes person.


"Please Sir, we are desperate. Please unlock us."

"And how do I know what key fits what lock?"

"They are all engraved sir, with the initials of each guy on the key that will unlock his cage." Brent thought of everything -- full score for my boy.

"Nope... it's your guardian's privilege to do that... He can decide to unlock you if he thinks you served him well."

I took the keys of the key ring and called out the initials on the keys. When a boy stepped forward I told him to go to his guardian where after I handed the key to his guardian.

After I had all the boys with their guardians, I said to Brent: "I'll start with a nice full body massage."

Rex and Levi followed me and we lay side by side, enjoying our boy's attention.

Ted, Dean, Ty, Rusty, Brent and I took it slow. We don't want to rush the other guys or upset them. Our strategy was to let them wander slowly into the paradise of gay lust -- and it worked!

Later the evening the boys made us a barbeque and we had a couple of beers. At one point Brent and his buddies set up a sort of mobile shower on the lawn where all twelve of us could shower simultaneously.

Now that's one of the things Ty and I love -- shower under the stars with the breeze over your body and your balls -- fuck that's life at its best!!! WOW!!!

Our boys washed us... mmmmmm... and they played with their masters. After the shower we went to bed -- not to sleep...

Right through the night one could hear how guys made love, sometimes it was hard when a guy took dick for the first time.

I took it slow with Brent, not to go into detail -- but eventually - yea I fuck him good and I made him beg me to give it hard to him. Brent thought he is a bottom, but I insisted that he fucked me and he actually discovered that he prefers to top, not that it will be a problem for me -- I love it both ways.

The next morning, as the guys awaked they went for a shower -- our garden shower was the only one as we have decided that we would live like Tarzan for the duration of our stay.

The guardians were hanging around the house while the boys made breakfast. At some point Rex came to chat to me. It started of with gym -- what else? -- and eventually the events of the previous night.

"So you slept ok Rex?" Stupid question from me. Rex and Ryan's room was next to Brent's and mine and I knew Rex was led into paradise.

"The hour or so that I slept was ok..."

"As long as you enjoyed the time you was awake."

"Yea, that was awesome... I missed so much over the years..."

"You can make it up."

"You... are gay... Jacques?"

"No... I'm straight... but I do gay stuff... so it probably makes me gay."

"Last night was my first time." ... Rex looked a bid self-conscious ... "and yours?"

I look at Rex for a while to decide if I could trust him. I was still busy figuring out what to do when I felt Ty's hands on my traps and he started to massage my shoulders and upper back.

"He's cool J... you can tell him."

"Tell me what?"

"Ty and I are very close. Since we were very young, we sleep in one bed, doing things together, discovering things, j/o together, gave each other a helping hand, washing each other -- we basically lived like gay lovers all our lives. It was only last week that we first blow each other and ... Yea, we fucked for the first time in our lives ... we fucked each other."

Rex just looked at me without any expression and after a long time, he looked at Ty.

"I hope I didn't shock you... that you wont think less of us now that you know."

"No Jacques, it's wonderful... I mean that you two have each other to live a sexually fulfilled live without fear that there maybe hidden agendas... I mean... You can do what you want without guilt or fear for rejection... you don't know how lucky you are."

"It's ok Rex... what you say stays between us." I could sense something bothers Rex... maybe a feeling of guilt because he had his first sex with a guy -- and that is something unacceptable in terms of the moral standards he was raised according to.

"Thanx Jacques... give me some time to work through my feelings, then I'll take you up on your offer."


After breakfast we went for a swim in the ocean. I wanted to work on my tan and after a while I left the other guys to enjoy their swimming. Rex followed me and we had a very deep chat about his feelings. During that time we became very closed buddies. Today Rex is after Ty the closest person to me.

About high noon we returned to the house and the hot sex started all over. This time all the guys had sex openly. Brent however had planned something for me. Luckily he had discussed it with Ty who told him that I will only participate in it if Ty is in control.

Brent was on a recliner with me, feeling me up and kissing me. When he had me real horny and at the point where a guy normally looses common sense, he said to me: "G, will you allow me to see you in bondage?"

"We don't have bondage gear here"

"Ty brought some along."

"Tell him to bring it here." I new Ty would lookout for me while Brent had his way with me.

Ty went to fetch the cuffs and collars and when he handed it to Brent, all the guys rearranged themselves to play with their partners while watching a live bondage show -- one where a hot muscle boy will be under control of a younger guy.

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