Brothers in Arms

By Danny Adams

Published on Apr 26, 2011


Brothers In Arms--Chapter 4


They came back into the room just as Officer Rex said that he would be in touch and needed to get going. Just as he left my mom entered the room. She looked like she had been crying but had a sour look on her face when she looked at me as Stephen was holding me and rubbing my back.

"What do you want." I said with a little to much venom in my voice. I still remember she did nothing to stop my father from doing what he did. Greg had helped but all she did was stand there and told us to...all of a sudden I remember she yelled for us to run. I started to cry uncontrollable as she walked closer to my bedside.

She sat down next to me on my bed and held my hand. Stroking my cheek she leaned in closer and kissed me on my forehead. We both had tears in our eyes. Stephen got up and tried to walk away but my mom grabbed him and embraced him and hugged him. When she let go of him she turned to me and spoke in a very shaky voice with tears running down her face, "Daniel, I'm sorry for the way I treated you over the last few months."

I chocked as the words caught in my throat. I tried to speak again and all I could do is cry. Stephen spoke, which I found out over the past forty-eight hours he doesn't do a lot of. He said in a very stern and powerful voice, "Mrs. Michaels, I am Stephen and I am very much in love with your son. Before Chris I didn't think I could ever feel for someone like I do him. The last two days I have grown to love him and I would like for your blessing for us to be boyfriends."

"Well Stephen I must admit when I came here I expected you to be here but I never expected this to happen." my mom said with a little soreness in her voice. "If this is what you boys want then I will tolerate it for now." mom said in a calmer voice.

"Mom why do you hate me so much? Is it because I'm gay? If you are going to be around me then you will do more than tolerate us being together." I said sitting up in my bed a little to fast and getting dizzy as I slumped back in to my bed and again I looked over and saw the figure in the corner again. I screamed out, "What do you want? Why are you here?" When I looked around everyone was staring at me.

"Little brother who are you talking to." Greg said with worry and concern on his face. I tried to sit up again getting dizzy and falling back down to the bed.

I woke up about thirty minutes later holding my head. I looked over and saw my mom talking to Stephen along with Greg and Al. I couldn't make out what they were saying though. I couldn't see the figure in the corner of the room this time. Maybe I was just seeing things.

My mom saw me awake and walked over to me and tried to kiss me on the forehead but I pulled away just as she got close and told her, "Not now I still have some trust issues with you. Why did you let that man you call your husband and my father do this to me and why in the hell did you just stand by and let him beat on Greg like that?" I was shaking again at that time. I just wanted answers.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I didn't know how to deal with it all. That is all I can say." She muttered with tears flowing. "That's what I thought I would hear. Good bye mother." I said trying to control myself from bursting into tears. Stephen came over and stood on the other side of me stroking the top of my head. He looked like an angel with his natural tan, blonde hair,blue eyes and mucular arms which is far better than the pasty white skin, black hair, shitty brown eyes and scrawny arms. He was the perfect wet dream image and he was mine for now.

I slept horribly that night and woke up several times in a cold sweat. Thankfully I had either Stephen, Al or Greg there to hold me as I cried myself back to sleep. The next morning the doctor came in with a social worker to find what would be best for me and Greg to do as far as living arrangements go, neither of us wanted to go back home and neither of us wanted foster care and the risk of being seperated. I sure as hell didn't want to be serperated from my best friend and my loving boyfriend. Jake the social worker said that we would have to go to foster care until we saw the judge for the final verdict on were we would live. By this time I had all the wires and tubes off of me and dressed so I stood and like always I ran out the door followed close behind my Al and Stephen and this time Greg. Also behind us was Jake and he was yelling at us to stop. We rounded the corner to the elevators to see two security guards running at us so I opted to take the stairs. The four of us bursted through the door and the fire alarm sounded. We ran the two flights of stairs two at a time. When we reached the bottom and exited the security had blocked the front door. Al and Stephen grabbed me and Greg charged the guards at the door like he would the front line at a football game. They quickly moved out of the way to avoid getting hit and we ran out into the hot summer day. We made it to Greg'g car without anything else happening. We exited and got onto the highway. We didn't know where to go so we decided to stop at a gas station and use the bathroom and see about getting something to eat.

Fortunely our father didn't cut off Greg's credit card yet. So we loaded up on snacks and drinks and found a near by motel to stay in for the night. Greg thought is would be a good idea to get two rooms so we didn't overcrowd in just one. "Now the rooms with be Chris and Al in one room and Stephen and I in the other." Greg said trying not to bust out laughing. All we could do is laugh at him and I stated in a serious voice as I could get, "So you want my boyfriend all to yourself. I don't think so." Again we all busted out laughing so hard it hurt. Greg said, "Only joking little bro. You two try not to have to much fun now." Stephen punched him in the arm and Greg fained pain. We laughed again.

As we started to enter the room Stephen stopped me he grabbed me in his muscular arms trying not to squeeze to tight and kissed me softly on the lips. He then surprised me by picking me up and carrying me into the room and dropping me in the bed and lay down on top of me. By this time you could tell both of us were rock hard and Stephen started to grind his hard cock into me. It felt so good. We started to undress each other when we heard a knock at the door and Stephen yelled, "Go away. We are busy in here." We heard laughter come from outside so he got up with only his pants on, God I could watch that all day long. It was Al and Greg telling us we needed to get dressed and get to the car so we could go get some real food for dinner.

We loaded up into Greg's convertable with the top down and headed out. We pulled up to a little cafe that we have never eaten at on the other side of town. We had not had a decent meal in over two days so with four hungry teens we chowed down on just about everything they had. When the waitress brought the check Greg grabbed it and whistled, "Thank God dad is covering this with my credit card." Which got a huge laugh out of all of us.

We got back to the motel and all piled into mine and Stephen's room to watch tv and hang out. It felt so good just to sit and be ourselves for once in a long time. Al and Greg sat in the chairs while Stephen and I sat on the bed cuddled up together. Greg kept staring at us. After a while I sat up and asked him in a nervous voice, "What's up Greg? Is something wrong with me and Stephen being this close?" He just stared at us and tears started to roll down his checks. My big tough strong brother that has never cried in front of me since I could remember was sitting in his chair crying. Al, big tuff Al, got up and held him as Stephen and I walked over and we wrapped our arms around both of them. We managed to all end up on the big queen size bed and just held each other and cried.

After we had all stopped crying I asked Greg again, "Big brother what's wrong?"

He looked at me with a tear starting to run down his face. He opened his mouth to speak and croacked out, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never could stop all the hate and shit dad did to you." He got up and slowly walked back to his chair. "I could have fuckin stopped him but all I did was lock myself in the room or leave. Damn it Chris I left you alone with that man and I could have and should have stopped him. Guess I'm not such a good big brother after all." He said with anger and spit in his voice but it wasn't at me it was at himself. He hated himself for not doing more.

I got up and ran to him and hugged him so tight. He sobbed into my arms as I lifted his chin. "Greg you didn't do anything wrong. If you would have tried something then we both would have been abused so bad. It's not your fault. I caused all of this because I'm gay." I admitted it. It was all my fault all the bad shit everyone did to me it was my fault.

I looked at Greg in the eye which was scary because instead of sadness it was anger. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!!! It's not your fault you did nothing wrong!!! You are who you are and nothing or no one can change that!!! Do you understand me!!!" He screamed at me with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you Greg. I thought you felt the same as everybody else for a long time. I am sorry." I said a little quietly.

After everything calmed down it was about eleven o'clock so Greg decided we needed some sleep and he reminded me and Stephen to be good but have fun. After they left Stephen and I picked up were we left off. We grabbed each others shirts and pulled them off exploring the other's upper body. I tweaked his right nipple which brought a moan from his lips which I took the oppurtunity while it was open to invade with my tongue. We wrestled around on the bed for a while just enjoying the kissing and feeling. Next I went for it. I pulled his jeans down and he had was going commando. His cock popped up at full attention and I sucked on it until he couldn't take it any more. He pushed me off and it was my turn. We got into a sixty-nine and proceeded to bring each other to our first orgasm with another guy. He turned and came up behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around me and we fell asleep.

The next morning Greg knocked on the door and Stephen got up to answer it deciding to let me sleep or so he thought. Greg and Al came in and talked with Stephen while I "slept" on. "He's so cute when he is asleep. I never thought I would be that lucky in my life. Guys, I know I don't know you that well but I do love him so much." Stephen said somberly. Both Al and Greg just nodded and grabbed him into a tight hug.

"Hey, I want in on the group hug too." I said as I sat up and the covers falling to the floor.

"God, Chris, dude put on some clothes" Al and Greg said in unison as Stephen just stood there with a big shit eating grin. After I got dressed we went down to the front desk to check out and headed to get something to drink. We planned after breakfast we would head to Al's house and talk with his dad and get some legal advice. We got to the diner that we ate at the night before. We ordered and ate our fill. Greg paid for the food and we left.

We got to Al's house and Al went inside to talk to his dad. When he came out he had a scared face and motioned for us to come in. Greg, Stephen and I got out and went inside. Al's dad was in his study and we went in. Mr. Greyson motioned all of us to sit down. Stephen and I sat on seperate sides of the room. Mr. Greyson got up from his desk and grabbed me and hugged me so tight I thought I was about to bust from the pressure. He then walked both of us over and sat me in Stephen's lap. He looked at us and smiled and said in a proud voice, "That's better I think the two love birds should sit together." "Now for the matter of all of you running out of the hospital yesterday and not even giving anybody a phone call." He said in a stern voice looking at all of us. He looked at me and I had tears starting to run down my face and his expression softened a little. "Stephen I can see that you love Chris and Chris you are as close to my son as Al is. Greg you are the oldest here and should have taken better charge and care of the situation. Stephen take care of Chris. He has been hurt enough. If I knew what the situation was at your house boys I would have gotten involved sooner." Mr. Greyson said somberly. "We have some work to do now. Boys promise me you won't run away again. I will hold you to it. Don't let me down." Mr. Greyson said in a stern voice again. All three of us just nodded our head. He spoke softly this time, "Boys Mrs. Greyson and I have talked it over and I think it would be best for all of you to stay here. Chris and Greg I have spoken with your father and he said he didn't care if you came back home or not but your mother on the other hand wants you home with her and well Alexis is still defiant about both of you as well. I know that hurts and I am sorry that I have to be the one to give this news. As for you Stephen I haven't talked to your father and no one appears to be at your house. I can't in good concoince send you back there at your age although I have no doubt you can take care of yourself. I am extending to all of you boys to live here temperally if you so chose."

We all looked at each other and at Al who had a huge grin on his face. I spoke for the group, "Mr. Greyson I know you have our best interest at heart and care for me and Greg as your own sons and Stephen is the love of my life. I want to say yes but I just don't know if they will still try to seperate us knowing that Stephen and I are boyfriends." I almost cried at that last sentence as I realized I had somebody that knew what I was going through and all that I feel. How can I be so luck to find somebody so special and I have my big brother and best friend too. We are becoming brothers in arms after all. We are banded together to make sure nothing happens to the other. We graciously accepted the offer after a little debate with me being the only one opposed to it. Stephen eventually talked me into it by saying nothing would happen to me while he was around. With that we all sat down to lunch and started our new life together. Hopefully we can make it.

We got settled in with Al and his family. Al kept his room, Greg got a large room all to himself, and Stephen and I got to have a room together which surprised all of us. Mr. Greyson said, "Boys I know I can't keep you two apart because if I put you in seperate rooms then you would just end up sneaking between the two in the middle of the night. As long as you are careful and make sure the door is shut and protect each other I don't have a problem." All four of us stood there with our mouths open and eyes wide as we heard him say this in a calm voice. "Close your mouths or you will catch flies." Mr. Greyson said as he was laughing so hard going back down stairs after showing us our rooms.

That night Stephen and I just layed in our big plush bed and cuddled until sleep over came us. The next morning however I woke with my morning wood standing straight up. Stephen woke at about the same time. I love watching that boy sleep. He leaned down and popped the head of my cock into is mouth which got an audible reply from me I didn't even know I could make. "If you don't stop that then I may end up using your mouth as the urinal." I said as I pushed him off. "You are a total sick-o you know that." He said trying to hold back a laugh. "Look who you are calling a sick-o, perv." I said as we both busted out laughing. We got up and went to our own private bathroom and took a leak standing right next to each other with our arms wrapped around the others waist.

We met Al and Greg on our way downstairs and Al asked with a big grin, "Did you two have fun last night?" Stephen just looked at me and we busted out laughing and told them nothing happened and both Al and Greg had disappointed face. "Why do you look so disappointed? It's not that we didn't want to we were just to tired from everything that happened." Stephen said leaning over to plant a kiss on my lips. The other two just looked at each other and in unison shouted, "Gross!!!" and we all busted out in laughter again. Life was going good until we got downstairs and in the living room sat my father talking to Mr. Greyson and not looking very happy. He saw me has we came into the living room. "There is my good son and in tow is the little queer shit I don't even call my son now." my father said with a sick look on his face. "Now Bobby I have explained to you they are my guest here and they will be treated with respect. Chris is a good kid. As a matter of fact they all are good kids." Mr. Greyson said with an apologetic look on his face. My father got up from his chair and walked over to us. He extended his hand and shook Greg's hand then before any of us could react he raised his hand and it came down across my face so hard it left a red hand print from his massive paw like hand. Mr. Greyson ran over to me as the other three jumped between my father and me. I was angry now. I jumped from between everybody and landed on my father taking him by surprise as we hit the ground. My fist were balled up and I was striking him repeatedly any where I could find an open spot. Greg finally got me off of him and Mr. Greyson helped him up off the ground. My father shook him off and he stormed out of the door shouting on his way out, "You'll pay for that you little perverted little fag." With that he slammed the door.

Well everybody I know this chapter is kind of short but I am working through some things right now hope to get better at this writing thing. As always I want to thank Aaron for helping me with the story and the incites have helped a lot he keeps me going even if I think I can't. Thanks a lot. He is my brother in arms. To everyone that has written thank you so much and I hope I don't disappoint all of you.

As always hugs to all,


Next: Chapter 5

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