Brothers in Arms

By Danny Adams

Published on May 5, 2011


Brothers In Arms--Chapter 5


We met Al and Greg on our way downstairs and Al asked with a big grin, "Did you two have fun last night?" Stephen just looked at me and we busted out laughing and told them nothing happened and both Al and Greg had disappointed face. "Why do you look so disappointed? It's not that we didn't want to we were just to tired from everything that happened." Stephen said leaning over to plant a kiss on my lips. The other two just looked at each other and in unison shouted, "Gross!!!" and we all busted out in laughter again. Life was going good until we got downstairs and in the living room sat my father talking to Mr. Greyson and not looking very happy. He saw me has we came into the living room. "There is my good son and in tow is the little queer shit I don't even call my son now." my father said with a sick look on his face. "Now Bobby I have explained to you they are my guest here and they will be treated with respect. Chris is a good kid. As a matter of fact they all are good kids." Mr. Greyson said with an apologetic look on his face. My father got up from his chair and walked over to us. He extended his hand and shook Greg's hand then before any of us could react he raised his hand and it came down across my face so hard it left a red hand print from his massive paw like hand. Mr. Greyson ran over to me as the other three jumped between my father and me. I was angry now. I jumped from between everybody and landed on my father taking him by surprise as we hit the ground. My fist were balled up and I was striking him repeatedly any where I could find an open spot. Greg finally got me off of him and Mr. Greyson helped him up off the ground. My father shook him off and he stormed out of the door shouting on his way out, "You'll pay for that you little perverted little fag." With that he slammed the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After my father had left the Greyson's house. We sat down to breakfast and discussed the up coming school year. Al, Stephen and I would be entering our sophomore year and Greg his senior year. We all didn't want to be separated again but knew that we would be just for classes. We planned to have lunch and study all together even though it would be hard on Greg. My big brother didn't want any of us alone after the hell we had been through. He talked on and off about the summer and what had happened no one mentioned my hospital stay and I still did not tell anyone of the figure I saw standing in the corner, it still gave be goose bumps and a few times I woke up and Stephen would be right there just holding me. Stephen and I finished rather quick and helped Mrs. Grayson clear everything and load the dishwasher. Then we bolted upstairs two steps at a time. I was right behind Stephen so I could get the perfect look at his perfect ass. I wanted it so bad but we decided that we would wait until the time was right. He had both been hurt beyond any repair by our fathers to trust anyone that far. We got to our room stripped off each others clothes and went at it. I started by licking and sucking on Stephen's nipples, damn they were perfect. Then I worked my way down slowly to his belly button, which surprisingly had very little hair on it. Last I got to his perfect eight inch cock and wow it looked beautiful. I sucked it and licked it and Stephen just moaned which was funny cause he was trying his hardest not to. Then it was his turn to return the favor he did everything that I did only better. When he put my seven inches in his mouth I almost died. We fell on the bed and got in to a sixty-nine and worked and finally blew our load at the same time each drinking the other until we couldn't go anymore.

We got dressed and went back downstairs with huge grins on our faces. Al and Greg just smiled and said in unison, "Horn dogs." We all busted up laughing again. We laughed more in the last two days then we had our whole lives. We went outside and gathered the stuff from our camp out several nights ago. We started to head back to the house when we heard someone shouting, "I'm go to kill all of you worthless little in-grates especially that faggot son of mine." It was my father and he was drunk again to no ones surprise. He had a shotgun in his hand and held it to pull the trigger he was aiming right at me. All I heard was the gun go off but I didn't feel anything. When I opened my eyes I was standing right where I had been but I was not hit by the blast. When I got my senses back I heard Stephen yelling, "Run Chris get out of here now. Greg has been hit we need an ambulance." I froze again my brother, my big brother had been shot saving my life. My father was no where in sight. Al was running back toward us with Mr. Greyson right on his heels.

"The ambulance is on it's way. Let me take a look. It doesn't look to bad you were probably to far away from the blast to do to much damage." Mr. Greyson try to say in a calm voice but it was shaky and I could see tears starting to run down his face. "The police are on there way too. They are out looking for your father now. Hopefully they catch the son of a bitch. Sorry boys I know that is your father but damn it." Mr. Greyson said with tears streaming down all of our eyes now.

"That man is not my father. As far as I am concerned my father died a year ago. If they don't catch him the next time I see him will be the last time anyone does." I screamed as Stephen grabbed me into a tight bear hug.

"Don't you dare say that. I love you to much to loss you. Hold on Greg I see the perimedics now." Stephen said all of this in a very hushed voice while he was holding me in his arms and rocking back and forth like we were sitting in a rocking chair. He got up slowly as the perimedics got to us. They loaded Greg on to a stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance. Stephen, Al and Mr. Greyson said I could ride in the ambulance and the driver had no problem with that.

We got to the hospital, the same one I was in just a few days ago. They got Greg into a room and told me I would have to wait in the waiting area. When I got to the waiting room Stephen ran to me and just wrapped me in his big strong arms and did not let go. Al came over to us and wrapped his arms around the two of us then came Mr. and Mrs. Greyson to finish off the group hug. We stood there just hugging and crying. Everyone told me Greg would be ok but I did not think it was possible.

The doctor came out after about an hour and asked for the family. I stepped forward and told the doctor I was his brother. The doctor said, "Well son since you are the only family here then you have an important decision to make", I hate when grown ups still talk to you like a kid when you know what is going on, "You need to decide who can see your brother and who will not. I can only let family members see him but I know that not everyone here is family." the doctor said in a very calm and monotone voice.

"Well sir, everyone here is family as far as I am concerned and they care more about my brother than my own family so they can and will see him." I said in a very serious and grown up voice.

"Very well if you say so young man I have no problem with that I just wanted you to be aware of what our policy is. Now on to the matter at hand. We removed four pellets from your brother's abdominal area. It looks like who ever shot him was using a high power pellet gun with very weak ammo. Your brother will be just fine but I want to keep him for a few days and make sure that we got all of the pellets out." the doctor said with a small smile on his face seeing the reach that I had to the news.

As soon as I saw Greg laying there in the hospital bed I broke down and started to cry again, God I do a lot of crying now. I ran up to him and he had a big grin on his face. "Hey little brother, dry your eyes. I'm fine just sore that's all. I can't leave you yet. What would you do without me to protect you." Greg said trying to laugh but winced in pain instead. I kept on crying as he hugged me. "Stephen, take care of Chris while I'm recovering for a few days." He said looking at Stephen with a stern face. Stephen just shook his head with a big smile.

I dried my eyes and told Greg that I would not leave his side until he got home and I knew he was alright. He told me I was being as bad as a mother hen. We all broke into laughter again. He stayed for most of the day until my stomach started to protested that it was hunger. We left the hospital and went home for a quick meal and I wanted to go back to see Greg but everybody thought that it was best if he rest and not have anyone to disturb him. I started to protest but Stephen grabbed me and took me up to our room to lay down and take a nap. I was to worried about Greg to rest. So Stephen just held me while I cried he rubbed my back until I fell asleep.

I had the strangest dream at that moment. I was walking in total darkness and I looked up and saw Greg sitting on a bench lighted only by a street light and I saw the figure I saw when I was in the hospital. I yelled out to Greg and started running but I could not get anywhere and nothing came out when I yelled. The figure spoke and said, "Everything would be alright besides it is not your time or Greg's time. I will be watching you boys." I woke with a start and Stephen was staring at me with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong babe?" Stephen said in a soothing voice. He had a concerned and worried look on his face.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"About a half hour. What's wrong? You just started thrashing around and the next thing I hear you say is ok and you woke up." Stephen said in a worried voice.

I proceeded to tell him about my dream and crying. I knew who the strange figure was. I had seen pictures of him in the attic in a box my mom had marked family photos. The figure was my dead uncle but that was impossible. How could I have seen him standing in the hospital and had a dream about him with a very distinguishing voice I could not mistake for anyone else? I had to have answers. I got up and told Stephen I needed to go to my house and talk with my mother. He insisted that he go with me just in case my father was there. We went into Al's room and he was asleep on his bed. He looked like he had been crying and fell asleep from it. Stephen and I layed down in the bed next to him, one of us on either side of him. I decided we could go to my house later. We layed there and soon we fell asleep with our arms on Al and touching each other.

Al woke startled with both of us there. He just sat up on his bed and Stephen and I sat next to him, still one on either side of him. We put our arms around his neck and I told him, "You are still my best friend and nothing is going to change that."

"You are my best friend to now and I agree with Chris nothing is going to come between that. I promise." Stephen said in a reassuring voice and big smile.

"Thanks guys but you need your time alone and I have no one to hold on to like you do each other." Al said in a sad voice that broke my heart.

"Well buddy as soon as school starts we are going to find you a really hot girl and you can forget about all that." I said with a big grin on my face.

We got up and headed downstairs and I told Al about the dream and my uncle. He agreed that I was not going to my house alone and he and Stephen were going with me. So we head to my house. As soon as we got there we knew something was going on the police had put a squad car out front just in case my father came back. We walked up to the front door and it flew open and my mom grabbed me and hugged me with tears running down her face. Then to everyones surprise she grabbed Stephen and hugged him too. "Boys I am so sorry about everything that has happened to you. You are still my son no matter if you like girls, boys or neither. I love you Daniel so much that I can't stand to see what your father has done to you and your brother. I sent Alexis to your aunts house so that you could move back in here just as soon as they catch your father. I have talked with a lawyer and am filing for a divorce just as soon as I can. You have a trust fund that you can use if you choose not to come back right now." My mom said as she stood there crying and holding all three of us.

I didn't know what to think. This is the woman that gave birth to me and then for the past year ignored my existants. "Mom I love you too but for now I can't come home not until I know you have changed for the better. Until I see that you can truly accept me and Stephen as boyfriends and see that I love him I can't be here." I said with tears running down my face.

"I know hunny. I want to show you that I have changed and I can accept you and Stephen for who you are but it will take time to adjust to it and I understand your discussion and accept that. Would you boys like to come in for a bit and have a snack before you go, please." My mom said in a shaky voice drying what tears were left. We accepted and went in. We went to the living room while my mom went to get the snacks. Stepehen sat down and I purposely sat in his lap. Al sat next to us and when my mom came back in she just smiled at us and said we looked sweet. That was a start for her and I gently slide off of Stephen's lap and sat between him and Al. My mom suggested that I at least give Stephen a kiss for holding my skinny ass on his legs. We all laugh at my mom's sense of humor and it felt good for a change. Maybe she did want to accept us but I wasn't ready to come running back home.

When we were done with our visit, which lasted a good two hours, we decided to walk home instead of calling Al's dad. We did call to see if we could stop and get some ice cream first and said yes but not to fill up because we would have dinner soon then we were going back to the hospital. I explained what happened with my mom and you could actually hear him smile on the phone and he told me that he was proud of me for standing my ground and had even more respect for me now than he did before.

We started out and got about a block and noticed we were being followed by Jack and his goon squad. I had forgot all about him with everything else going on. We walked faster and they kept up. Jack and his friends caught up with us. This was not going to be pretty for any of us. We were out numbered four to three. Jack grabbed me by my neck and I instantly kicked him straight in the nuts and he fell to the pavement. We took our chance and started to run with his friends helping him up he yelled for them to get us. We ran as fast as we could but they were football players and soon caught up with us. Jack pushed me against a brick wall that was close by and put his hands around my neck. "I should choke the life out of your faggot ass right now squirt. He made a dangerous mistake." Jack said as he sneered at me.

Just then I heard Stephen cry out, "Get your damn hands off my boyfriend you asshole!!!!" Just then Jack's body went limp and he fell to the pavement and I looked up and saw Stephen standing over him with clenched fist. "Nobody hurts my friends especially my boyfriend and my best friend." he said in a husky voice that didn't sound like him at all. Al grabbed the two goons that had him and slammed their heads together.

"Thankfully I'm on your side. Remind me not to piss you off." I said with a big smile and rubbing my neck.

"You never have to worry about that I would never hurt you and I am going to make sure no one else does either." Stephen said putting his hand on my neck and rubbing the soreness out. We walked the next few blocks back to our house, damn that sounds strange to say. We got home and told the Greyson's what happened and Mr. Greyson wanted to call the cops but I talked him out of doing that. We had dinner at a small cafe just close to the hospital so we could just walk over and see Greg.

Greg was awake and we told him what happened and he tried to get out of bed. "When I get out of here I am so going to track his ass down and cripple him if not worse." Greg said through clenched teeth. Then he noticed the disapproving look on Mr. Greyson's face. "Sorry sir I just got angry about what he did. Please forgive my language." Greg add solemnly.

"Don't worry about it. I know you kids talk like that. I just ask that you please not use it in front of Mrs. Greyson." Mr. Greyson said. We all agreed to it and visited some more. The nurse came in and said that Greg should be discharged some time tomorrow after the doctor makes his rounds in the morning. I then asked everyone if I could have a moment with Greg by myself. Everyone was nice and agreed. Stephen whispered in my ear and told me to tell him about my dream and I told him I had planned on it. He rubbed my back and headed out the door with Al putting his arm around him. After everyone was gone I told Greg about my dream and about our mom. I told him I had gone over to get answers about our uncle that died and forgot when mom started talking about working on accepting me and Stephen for who we were. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Well everyone, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I have writing it. I would like to thank Aaron again for proofing for me and inspiring me in writing this story it really could not have happened with out him. Thank you my brother in arms. To everyone that has emailed thank you very much and for those that have kept in touch and told me some of there life stories I hope I can touch and help with the words I write.

As always to everyone hugs,


Next: Chapter 6

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