Brutal Trucker Sex

By moc.loa@009lohnaD

Published on Mar 28, 2006


Note to Readers: I've been asked by more than a few horny readers what part of the story is factual and what part is fictional. Until now I will tell you that it has all been "embellished reality". That is, the events are all real but I may have enhanced some of the dialog to give the readers a sense of what I think the brutal truckers were thinking and feeling at the time. In reality most of the time the truckers just grunted slurs and commands as they let their natural passions run amok. But that wouldn't be as much fun for the readers. This chapter is a bit of a departure for me. In this chapter I veer from reality a bit based on a threat made by one of the horned-up truckers. I think you'll understand this departure when it comes. This story is my imagination about what would have happened if the bastard had lived up to that threat. I apologize in advance if my writing in the fantasy section is poor. Without the inspiration of the really hot experiences I am left to my own humble imagination. By the end of this chapter we are back to reality. Enjoy and write if you have questions or comments.

I was led naked and marked through the offices in the front of the complex and into a large open warehouse with 50-foot ceilings, forklifts and containers as far as the eye could see. The workers sure noticed me and cajoled me with whistles and catcalls. There was a door at the back of the warehouse marked; "TRUCKER'S LOUNGE". I was roughly shoved into a darkened room that was obviously where tired truckers rested up from the road and waited while their rigs were emptied or filled for their next run. There were 6 cots lining one wall, a sink and toilet in the corner, a table for snacks and a sofa and chairs around an 8mm projector showing a straight sadomasochistic stag film for the trucker's amusement. In the current scene a woman was taking three guys at once, one in every hole with cum running from every orifice and lots more hard cocks waiting their turn to unload. She was clearly not enjoying herself, fighting to get away, bruised and red. This was the first time I'd seen an underground XXX rape movie. Her screams and cries were horrifying but the truckers were being turned on by her pain, I was really scared but my cock was harder then ever.

There were about 15 guys enjoying the film. Their lewd comments were really frightening like, "I love it when they fight, gives my hard cock a better fuck when they struggle, hey Freightliner?" or "Shit the fucking bitch deserves it", "I'd fill that cunt up so it would overflowed" and even "Betcha Doublewide over there would stretch that cunt out so far no one else could enjoy it, hey Double?" and other comments. As I was thrown onto the floor, bare-assed naked with CUNT and TRUCKER'S PUSSY clearly written on me the truckers all stopped and started laughing and pointing, thinking this was the funniest thing. A very muscular Black guy (who I later found out was Doublewide) built like a fire plug stood up and approached me and while looking at Mr. Spignotti asked, "Is this the faggot you want us to put through the paces, Sir?" Mr. Spignotti just smiled saying, "Have at him boys, he's all yours. Let's find out what this faggot is good for, hey men" to cheers from the horny truckers in the room. "I'm told the bastard says the rougher the better" Mr. Spignotti continued, "so make it a night he won't soon forget."

Freightliner spat out, "Fuck this faggot will be shitting trucker cum for weeks by the time we're through, don't you worry none, Boss". Mr. Spignotti took a seat in the corner to watch the festivities and judge if I was up to the challenge of working at Spignotti and Sons Distribution Warehouse of Jersey City, NJ.

I was thrown onto my back on the table with my legs hanging over one side and my head hanging over the other. George sauntered over to me and roughly put my legs over his shoulders and positioned his hard cock at the opening of my butt hole.

My arms were held firmly to the table by 4 sets of calloused trucker hands and my legs were firmly anchored by George's muscular, hairy chest and belly. One of the men tried to hand George a tub of lube and he just laughed saying, "Fuck this shit man, the rougher the better, remember? This faggot loves to take it dry, don't you sweetie pie?"

I didn't answer fast enough and Kincaid backhanded me shouting, "I asked you a question, Bitch, DO YOU LIKE IT DRY?" I started sobbing, "Please, Sir, no that will tear me up. I don't think I could take it, Mr. Kincaid, please". There was laughter all around as George answered "Of course you'll take it, baby. There's no question about that is there men?" George smiled a wicked smile as he said, "Hey DW, go get the tub of No-Slip from the warehouse, will you? I'm gonna make this pussy scream and moan all night" to laughter and applause from the truckers surrounding us. "I like a little traction when I fuck, but god knows this pussy is already tighter then a virgin's butt hole."

Doublewide came back carrying a 50-gallon barrel of floor powder; the kind you put on wet and greasy spills to prevent slipping. Kincaid tore off the lid, reached in and took a full hand full of the course white powder, covering his hard, thick cock and then smearing the remains all over my tight butt hole. I was forced by the gang of truckers to look at Kincaid's cock. It was horrifying to see it covered in white powder. It looked like a weapon, all white, dry and stubbly with the course grains covering his whole monster from the head to the balls. Then George did something that really caused me a lot of pain, he started packing the powder deep into my upturned hole using his fingers, each shove in was excruciating and the withdrawals felt like they tore my inner lining of my butt hole to shreds. I was crying in pain and George and the sadistic truckers loved every scream and agony. There was one guy, a skinny white guy with cold dead eyes (I later discovered his name was Blackmore) who kept asking me how it felt, to describe the feelings, did that hurt more then this? The guy was a real sadist and his hard cock told me more about him then his questions. The others were equally sadistic but they were more interested in the sexual action they anticipated.

Once George had covered his monster cock with the course powder and had packed my hole with more he announced, "Hold the fucker down men, he's gonna put up a fight because this is gonna tear his cunt to shreds". At that point Kincaid started pushing his dry cock into my dry hole and the agony was unbearable. He put his powdered cock head at my hole and pressed with all his might, sweat beads forming on his brow. Nothing budged so he pushed some more and more until finally my hole opened and the real pain began as the head of his cock tore at the inside on my hole. I screamed and sobbed, asking the men around us, "You fucking bastards, how can you just sit there and let this sadist do this to me? Help me please, help!" Freightliner twisted my head a round and looked me squarely in the eyes saying in a saccharine sweet voice, "But sweetheart, we're not just sitting here, we're holding you down, stroking our meat and waiting own turn at your pussy, aren't we boys? You're ours tonight bitch and every one of us is going to feel what Kincaid is feeling now, even if we have to go through that whole fucking tank of No-Slip", to laughter and agreement all around.

I was scared shitless but my cock gave a jerk and got even harder at the thought, hoping against hope no one noticed. Kincaid noticed however and gave me a knowing look and an evil smile. Then he grabbed my head and looked me strait in the eyes saying, "I want to see the pain in your eyes, cunt. Don't break eye contact or you'll regret it." I started screaming without breaking eye-contact; asking for help, pleading with anyone to stop the bastard but every one of those fuckers loved it all, my abuse, humiliation and my pain. George's cock was so dry, all he could do was apply heavy pressure and twist his cock from side to side to squirm and step the monstrous pole in. My pussy walls were clutching the sides of his cock like super glue and it took a good 20 minutes of complete agony to complete the first stroke of his trucker rape of my hole. At one point I felt faint from the pain. When I broke eye contact with Kincaid the fucker backhanded me to snap me back to attention and the agony I was enduring.

Finally I could feel Kincaid's balls resting on my upturned butt and his hairy muscled belly pressing down on my young peach fuzz covered cheeks and there was applause and cheers from the room. George stopped them short saying, "He ain't half done yet, boys. Going out is ten times worse then going in but while I'm in, let me try something." He put his two fingers together and made squeezing motion and I knew he was going to squeeze my tits making my pussy spasm uncontrollably along his dry embedded cock. Slowly he brought his fingers to my left tit and I could tell he was enjoying himself as I begged for him not to do it. Smiling he squeezed my left tit hard and the spasms began, I screamed in agony as my own pussy betrayed myself causing me pain. But this pain was more internal, more intense and self-inflicted which made it all the more degrading and humiliating. I was thrusting my hips up involuntarily; dry humping Kincaid's cock with his balls resting squarely on my upturned cheeks. George loved the power and control he had over me, that his two fingers could cause me so much pain and agony, him so much pleasure and turn me into a trucker cock hungry whore made his day. The men around us loved it too, cheering George on, holding me down firmer and taunting me at the same time. Through it all I never lost eye-contact with Kincaid again, afraid to anger the brute anymore then he already was.

George then pretended to notice for the first time that my cock was hard and he said to those around us, "Lookie here men, this little bitch is loving it. Shit git a trucker's hard cock in this bitch's tail and it's happy as a pig in shit, ain't you Espy?" There was that degrading nickname again. He grabbed my hard cock and started stroking it and the agonizing spasms started all over again. George threw his head back, closed his eyes just enjoying the message my pussy was giving his cock. It was like he was playing some kind of instrument, trying to get the most amount of pain for me and the most pleasure for himself. The two were virtually the same in his and the other's eyes. George then announced, "Fuck, you guys should feel what this horny pain pig is doing to my cock right now. Fucking trying to milk it dry, hey bitch?" as he turned his attention back to me.

"Hold tight boys, I'm pulling out", as I felt the worst pain in my life. Kincaid's cock felt like it was pulling me inside out and I knew by the look in his eyes that he understood and loved that fact. My fuck tube was gripping his cock and every inch removed was like a knife tearing me up inside. The withdrawal stroke took another 20 minutes of agony and I was a babbling, pleading sweat covered mess by the time George's cock was entirely out except for the head. The men around us were going crazy and everyone had raging hardons as they anticipated their turn at my body. Slowly Kincaid sunk in again and out and back in, gradually picking up in speed and intensity as the brutal sadistic dry fuck began in earnest.

I was keeping total eye contact with the brutal sadistic trucker that was fucking me, so as not to make him any angrier then he was. I was completely surprised when I felt a large, calloused hand cup my head from above and insert two thick dirty fingers into my nostrils and twist my head painfully backwards so that I was looking upside down and my head was hanging completely off the table. At the same time I heard Madd Dog's lust filled voice saying, "Fuck this shit, I can't wait no longer. I got to get me some fuck time in too". The purple head of Madd Dog's cock filled my mouth to the maximum so that my lips were stretched painfully just to cover it. With my head bent back like that, George's cock flying in and out of my ass and my arms still firmly held by the waiting truckers I knew my throat was open for complete violation and there was nothing I could do about it. "You're not using this hole are you bud?" Madd Dog asked Kincaid. George replied, "Shit no fucker. I've only got one cock and this bitch has two holes. Enjoy man." To more cheers and jeers from the others.

This is a good place to end installment #5. Like it so far?

Next: Chapter 6

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